REPUBLIC OF RWANDA KIGALI CITY GASABO DISTRICT PROCUREMENT PLAN 2014-2015 1 2 1 Goods Goods Supply of construction materials for ECD Kigabiro IDP Village Goods Goods Goods Goods Supply of ECD materials for 3 sectors Goods Supply of food and other materials for TIG Camps, Semester 2 6 7 8 Planed bid opening date Planed provisional notification date Planed contract Recruitment of signing date the supervising firm Planed contract Management start date Contract closure date 9 10 11 13 14 12 1/8/2014 31/08/2014 30/8/2014 20/9/2014 20/09/2014 23/10/2014 MINEDUC/GLOB NCB AL FUND 26/07/2014 1/8/2014 31/08/2014 11/9/2014 20/09/2014 20/09/2014 20/11/2014 Supply of office consummable materials for Semester 1 Gasabo District NCB 29/07/2014 1/8/2014 31/08/2014 5/9/2014 15/09/2014 15/09/2014 15/10/2014 Supply of office consummable materials for Semester 2 Gasabo District NCB 20/02/2015 29/02/2015 30/03/2015 9/4/2015 15/04/2015 15/04/2015 15/05/2015 Supply of food and other materials for TIG Camps, Semester 1 Gasabo District NCB 26/07/2014 1/8/2014 31/08/2014 11/9/2014 23/09/2014 23/09/2014 23/10/2014 Gasabo District NCB 20/02/2015 29/02/2015 30/03/2015 9/4/2015 15/04/2015 15/04/2015 15/05/2015 Gasabo District NCB 20/02/2015 29/02/2015 30/03/2015 9/4/2015 15/04/2015 15/04/2015 15/05/2015 Gasabo District NCB 29/07/2014 1/8/2014 31/08/2014 11/9/2014 23/09/2014 23/09/2014 23/09/2015 Gasabo District NCB 29/07/2014 1/8/2014 31/08/2014 11/9/2014 23/09/2014 23/09/2014 23/10/2014 Gasabo District NCB 29/07/2014 1/8/2014 31/08/2014 11/9/2014 23/09/2014 23/09/2014 23/10/2014 Supply of V.U.P Materials and other equipments LODA NCB 28/07/2014 1/8/2014 31/08/2014 6/9/2014 20/09/2014 20/09/2014 20/11/2014 NCB 28/07/2014 1/8/2014 31/08/2014 11/9/2014 20/09/2014 20/09/2014 20/11/2014 MINICOM/ Gasabo NCB District 29/07/2014 31/8/2014 30/9/2014 11/10/2014 20/10/2014 20/10/2014 25/12/2014 Goods 27/07/2014 Goods NCB Goods LODA Supply of Uniforms for DASSO Goods Goods Goods 20/11/2014 Supply of security equipments service 20/09/2014 7 20/9/2014 8 31/8/2014 9 31/08/2014 10 1/8/2014 Supply of fuel for District vehicles and motocycles Technical study on the development activities of historic site and clarify their tourism services; in Bumbogo and Rutunga -Gikomero Sectors 12 5 Planed publication date 29/07/2014 Supply of construction materials for poor hauseholders ,Gasabo District 13 Planed tender document preparation date NCB 11 6 5 4 2 3 Supply of construction materials for classrooms and toilets for 9&12 MINEDUC YBE 14 Tendering method TYPE Source of fund 3 No Title of Tender Supply of cows for poor families in Gasabo Distric( cows for Girinka MINAGRI Program) Page 1 service service service service Maintenance of ICT equipments and upgredes of softwareas well as required antivuruses service service service service service service service service service Supervision of Construction works of administrative office of Gasabo District service service service service Renting of camera used in recrutment of District Staff 32 service Cleaning service of asphalt roads and transport of duster 33 service service Renting of motocycle for transport of 12 YBE Engineer service Technical study of construction works(extension) of Kibagabaga Hospital Gasabo District NCB 18/12/2014 20/12/2014 20/1/2015 26/01/2015 Reparation and maintenance of District vehicles, motocycles and generators Gasabo District NCB 29/07/2014 1/8/2014 2/9/2014 20/10/2014 Gasabo District NCB 29/07/2014 1/8/2014 31/08/2014 11/9/2014 23/09/2014 23/09/2014 23/09/2015 Supervision of construction works of Agakiriro in Gikomero Sector LODA NCB 29/07/2014 1/8/2014 31/08/2014 11/9/2014 23/09/2014 23/09/2014 23/02/2015 Gasabo District NCB 29/07/2014 1/8/2014 31/08/2014 11/9/2014 23/09/2014 23/09/2014 23/06/2015 Technical study of construction works of Gikomero-RutungaKajevuba marrum road rehabilitation LODA NCB 29/07/2014 1/8/2014 31/08/2014 11/9/2014 23/09/2014 23/09/2014 23/11/2015 Supervision of Construction works of Gikomero-Rutunga-Kajevuba LODA marrum road/Phase I NCB 18/12/2014 20/12/2014 20/1/2015 26/01/2015 7/2/2015 7/2/2015 7/6/2015 Technical study of construction works of water channel on UTEXRWA road Gasabo District NCB 29/07/2014 1/8/2014 31/08/2014 11/9/2014 20/09/2014 20/09/2014 20/12/2014 Privatisation of markets fees collection in Gasabo District Gasabo District NCB 13/10/2014 15/11/2014 15/12/2014 20/12/2014 1/1/2015 1/1/2015 1/1/2016 Privatisation of quarry fees collection in Gasabo District Gasabo District NCB 13/10/2014 15/11/2014 15/12/2014 20/12/2014 1/1/2015 1/1/2015 1/1/2016 Privatisation of Public cleaning service fees collection Gasabo District NCB 15/12/2014 16/12/2014 16/01/2014 23/02/2014 3/3/2015 3/3/2015 3/3/2016 Privatisation of recovery of the land lease fees collection Gasabo District NCB 20/11/2014 22/11/2014 22/12/2014 10/1/2014 15/01/2015 15/01/2015 15/04/2015 Production of local development physical plans and demarcation of roads in different sites Gasabo District NCB 13/10/2014 15/11/2014 15/12/2014 20/12/2014 1/1/2015 1/1/2015 1/5/2015 Gasabo District NCB 29/07/2014 1/8/2014 31/08/2014 11/9/2014 20/09/2014 20/09/2014 20/09/2015 Property valuation service Gasabo District NCB 15/12/2014 16/12/2014 16/01/2014 23/02/2014 3/3/2015 3/3/2015 3/3/2016 27/10/2014 7/2/2015 27/10/2014 7/2/2016 27/11/2015 15/12/2014 16/12/2014 16/01/2014 23/02/2014 3/3/2015 3/3/2015 3/3/2016 Catering and refreshment for meetings (Restaurant) Gasabo District NCB 13/10/2014 15/11/2014 15/12/2014 20/12/2014 1/1/2015 1/1/2015 1/1/2016 Gasabo District NCB 15/12/2014 16/12/2014 16/01/2014 23/02/2014 3/4/2015 3/4/2015 3/4/2016 MINEDUC RT 6/8/2014 8/8/2014 10/8/2014 10/8/2014 10/2/2015 Hiring of the consultancy company to update the system used for Land Bureau documents filing and Scanning Gasabo District NCB 22/12/2014 10/1/2014 15/01/2015 15/01/2015 15/04/2015 LODA NCB 13/10/2014 1/11/2014 1/12/2014 1/12/2014 1/1/2015 Gasabo District NCB 13/10/2014 15/11/2014 15/12/2014 20/12/2014 1/1/2015 1/1/2015 1/3/2015 Hiring of the consultancy company to elaborate the strategic planning Gasabo District documents (EDPRS 2, DDP 2, Monograph and District potentialities) NCB 20/11/2014 22/11/2014 22/12/2014 10/1/2014 15/01/2015 15/01/2015 15/04/2015 service service NCB 35 Gasabo District Technical study of construction works of administrative offices of the sectors (,Kimironko, Kinyinya and Jabana) 37 7/2/2015 Catering sevices and accomodation for meetings (HOTEL) 36 34 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 Cleaning service of Gasabo District office 2/8/2014 3/8/2014 20/11/2014 22/11/2014 8/9/2014 12/9/2014 Page 2 service service service LODA NCB 13/10/2014 15/11/2014 15/12/2014 20/12/2014 1/1/2015 1/1/2015 1/5/2015 Supervision of construction works of Ruhanga Memorial extension Gasabo District NCB 26/07/2014 1/8/2014 31/08/2014 11/9/2014 23/09/2014 23/09/2014 23/05/2015 Providing the legal services to Gasabo District Gasabo District NCB 25/07/2014 1/8/2014 31/08/2014 11/9/2014 23/09/2014 23/09/2014 23/10/2014 Gasabo District NCB 29/07/2014 1/8/2014 31/08/2014 11/9/2014 23/09/2014 23/09/2014 23/10/2014 Gasabo District NCB 29/07/2014 1/8/2014 31/08/2014 11/9/2014 23/09/2014 23/09/2014 23/10/2015 Gasabo District NCB 20/11/2014 22/11/2014 22/12/2014 10/1/2014 15/01/2015 15/01/2015 15/04/2015 Gasabo District NCB 29/07/2014 1/8/2014 31/08/2014 11/9/2014 23/09/2014 23/09/2014 23/10/2014 LODA NCB 18/12/2014 20/12/2014 20/1/2015 26/01/2015 7/2/2015 7/2/2015 7/6/2015 Gasabo District RQ 6/9/2014 8/9/2014 10/9/2014 10/9/2014 10/9/2015 Gasabo District NCB 29/07/2014 1/8/2014 31/08/2014 11/9/2014 23/09/2014 23/09/2014 23/11/2014 Gasabo District NCB 29/07/2014 1/8/2014 31/08/2014 11/9/2014 23/09/2014 23/09/2014 23/11/2014 LODA/PW NCB 13/8/2014 15/08/2014 15/09/2014 20/10/2014 1/11/2014 1/11/2014 1/12/2014 11/8/2014 15/08/2014 15/08/2014 15/08/2014 15/08/2014 15/05/2015 11/8/2014 15/08/2014 15/08/2014 15/08/2014 15/08/2014 15/05/2015 11/8/2014 15/08/2014 15/08/2014 15/08/2014 15/08/2014 15/05/2015 11/8/2014 15/08/2014 15/08/2014 15/08/2014 15/08/2014 15/05/2015 11/8/2014 15/08/2014 15/08/2014 15/08/2014 15/08/2014 15/05/2015 1/1/2015 1/5/2015 1/1/2015 1/3/2015 15/08/2014 15/08/2014 15/08/2014 15/05/2015 service 38 39 40 41 Production of physical plan, demarcation of plots and roads of Musave site in Bumbogo Sector service service 44 service Service of advertisment (News Paper) 45 service Supervision of of construction works(extension) of Kibagabaga Hospital 46 service Renting hall for exams in recrutment of Staff service service Technical study of constructionworks of conference hall of Gisozi and Gatsata Sector, Technical study of construction works of Rubingo Selling Point in Jali Sector, Phase I LODA/PW Community Approach works works works works works works 55 54 53 52 51 Construction works of Rubingo Selling Point phase I in Jali Sector 56 2/9/2014 3/9/2014 Technical study and supervision of construction works of Kamahwa Bridge works 49 50 service 42 43 Car wash of District vehucules 48 Decoration services and renting tents and other equipments used in different ceremonies 47 supervision of teracing roads in Musave site in Bumbogo Sector LODA/PW Construction works of Gasanze Selling Point phase II in Nduba Sector Community Approach LODA/PW Construction and rehabilitation of 14 km of marrum roads/PW in Rutunga Sector Community Approach LODA/PW Construction and rehabilitation of 17 km of marrum roads/PW in Nduba Sector Community Approach LODA/PW Construction and rehabilitation of 15 km of marrum roads/PW in Rusororo Sector Community Approach 13/10/2014 15/11/2014 15/12/2014 20/12/2014 1/1/2015 construction works of Kamahwa Bridge LODA/PW Construction and rehabilitation of 18 km of marrum roads/PW in Jali Sector 11/8/2014 15/08/2014 Community Approach Page 3 works works works works Construction works of Ruhanga Memorial extension work works Construction works of Agakiriro in Gikomero Sector 61 62 63 64 65 14/10/2014 20/10/2014 30/10/2014 30/10/2014 30/10/2014 30/12/2014 1/8/2014 31/08/2014 11/9/2014 23/09/2014 23/09/2014 23/09/2014 23/05/2015 29/07/2014 1/8/2014 31/08/2014 11/9/2014 23/09/2014 23/09/2014 23/09/2014 23/05/2015 NCB 18/12/2014 20/12/2014 20/1/2015 26/01/2015 7/2/2015 7/2/2015 7/2/2015 7/6/2015 LODA NCB 29/07/2014 1/8/2014 31/08/2014 11/9/2014 23/09/2014 23/09/2014 23/09/2014 23/02/2015 teracing roads in Musave site in Bumbogo Sector LODA NCB 18/12/2014 20/12/2014 20/1/2015 26/01/2015 7/2/2015 7/2/2015 7/2/2015 7/6/2015 works works works 59 57 58 Construction works of administrative office of Gasabo District, Phase Gasabo District I 60 Construction works of Kamahwa Bridge in Remera Sector Gasabo District 12/9/2014 14/09/2014 Management of forestry and agroforestry resources, Plantation RNRA NCB 25/08/2014 27/8/2014 30/09/2014 11/10/2014 23/10/2014 23/10/2014 23/10/2015 construction works(extension) of Kibagabaga Hospital LODA NCB 18/12/2014 20/12/2014 20/1/2015 26/01/2015 7/2/2015 7/2/2015 7/2/2015 7/6/2015 Rehabilitation works of administrative office of Gasabo District, Gasabo District NCB 29/07/2014 1/8/2014 31/08/2014 11/9/2014 23/09/2014 23/09/2014 23/09/2014 23/02/2015 NCB NCB 29/07/2014 Gasabo District NCB Construction works of Gikomero-Rutunga-Kajevuba marrum road rehabilitation LODA TOTAL Page 4
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