CHAPTER 7 GEL GROWTH AND CHARACTERIZATION OF DIPOTASSIUM TARTRATE SINGLE CRYSTALS 7.1 Introduction Crystals of dipotassium tartrate find several practical applications in science and technology because of their interesting physical properties such as dielectric, ferroelectric, Piezo-electric and non-linear optical properties. Materials with quadratic nonlinear optical (NLO) properties are currently attracting considerable interest among researchers. Optoelectronics has stimulated search of highly nonlinear crystals for efficient signal processing. The NLO materials play an important role in second harmonic generation, frequency mixing, electro-optic modulation, optical stability, etc. Nonlinear optics (NLO) is at the forefront of current research because of its importance for the emerging technologies, in areas such as telecommunications, signal processing and optical interconnections. Among various optical non-linear materials dipotassium tartrate (K2C4H4O6) has significant importance because of its high optical non-linearity (Shen 2003; Ji-Ping Huang et al. 2007; Frits Zernike et al.2006). Growth and characterization of various metallic tartrate crystals and mixed tartrate crystals have been reported by Henisch et al.1965 and Patel et al.1982. Several authors have reported mixed tartrate crystals, for example, mixed strontium-calcium tartrate [Firdous et al.2009; Sahaya Shajan et al.2004; Suresh Kumar et al.2010] and manganese-iron levo tartrate (Quasim et al 2009). Crystal growth and characterization such as Laser Raman and Infrared spectra of solution grown dipotassium tartrate has been done already (Srivastava et al.1982). To the best of the present authors knowledge, there is no report of gel growth and characterization of dipotassium tartrate. Hence, gel growth of dipotassium tartrate 105 by single diffusion method and characterization such as FTIR, Powder XRD, magnetic properties and thermal analysis have been made for the first time. 7.1.1 Symmetry classification of Phonon modes The eight formula unit cell of dipotassium tartrate belongs to C23 (F2≡C2) space group. The dynamics of the dipotassium tartrate crystal containing 140 atoms per unit cell can be described in terms of 420 phonon branches under the unit cell approximation. The branches arise from different normal modes of C4H4O6 2- , K+ and H2O and their total number count 336, 48 and 36, respectively. The chain of carbon atoms is almost planar. The planes of two CO2 groups are inclined at nearly 60˚ to this plane. C2 symmetry is therefore assumed for the tartrate ion in aqueous solution. The site symmetries of K+, C4H4O6 2- and H2O have not been established from the x-ray crystallographic data previously available on this system. On the basis of the study made by Srivastava et al, it is considered that the C4H4O6 2- ion and the H2O molecule in this crystal occupy sites of C1 symmetry. The correlation between different symmetry species of relevant molecular and crystal point groups leads to the following classification for 420 modes of dipotassium tartrate. Internal : Γ 294 (C4H4O6 2-) = 147A + 147B External: Γ 42 (C4H4O6 2-) = 21A +21B Γ48 K+ = 24A+24B Internal: Γ12 H2O = 6A+6B External: Γ24 H2O = 12A+12B Total : Γ420 (DKT) = 210A+210B Although the site symmetry of K+, C4H4O6 2- and H2O are not known, the possible symmetry species of the phonons in DKT crystal can still be analysed. This task is much simplified by the fact that only C1 and C2 site symmetries are possible under C23 space group. The correlation between the molecular and the 106 factor group species through C1 as well as C2 symmetry is given in Table 7.1 which also summarises the symmetry classification of phonons in DKT crystal. Table 7.1 Symmetry classification of phonon modes in the K2C4H4O6 crystal Correlations taking C1 site symmetry Group Modesa Molecular Site Factor species species group n x mb Correlations taking C2 site symmetry Site Factor group species species n x mb species C4H4O6 2- γs A A A+B 4x6 A A 8x6 (C2) γs B A A+B 4 x6 B B 8x6 2 x γns A A A+B 4 x 15 A A 8 x 15 B A A+B 4 x 15 B B 8 x 15 H2O γ1, γ2,TZ A1 A A+B 2x3 A A 4x3 (C2γ) Rz A2 A A+B 2x1 A A 4x1 Tx,Ry B1 A A+B 2x2 B B 4x2 γ3,Ty,Rx B2 A A+B 2x3 B B 4x3 Tb A A+B 8x1 A A 16 x 1 Ta, Tc A A+B 8x2 B B 16 x 2 K+ nxFactor group species= Number of phonons from one particular vibration in a rown x m x Factor group species = Number of phonons from all vibrations on the rowa under this column, γs represents six skeletal internal modes, i.e. two γcc (A), γcc (B), δsccc(A), δaccc(B) and CC twist (A),three liberations corresponding to Rb(A),Ra(B) and Rc(B), three translator lattice modes corresponding to Tb(A),Ta(B) and Tc(B) of C4H4O6 2- ion. γns represents30 nonskeletal internal modes; however, these can be grouped into 15 pairs of identical oscillators from pairs of identical groups such as CH,OH,etc. In COO.CH (OH)-CH(OH)COO2- ion. Thus, effectively there are 15 types of different modes, each having an in-phase (A) and an out-of-phase (B) combination of two identical oscillations in identical groups. n x m = {number of crystallographically distinguishable ions/molecules} x {number of different modes of molecular species as indicated in column 3}. 107 7.2 Experimental method of crystal growth Single diffusion gel growth technique was employed to grow the crystals. The crystallization apparatus were glass tube of 25mm diameter and 140mm length. The AR grade chemicals were used to grow the crystals. The gel was prepared by mixing 0.75M levo-tartrate acid solution with sodium meta silicate (Na2SiO3 9H2O) solution of relative density 1.06g/cm3 in such a manner that pH of the mixture could be obtained as 4.5. This mixture was transferred into several glass test tubes to set into gel. The following solutions were poured gently on the set gels: Supernatant solutions: I 1M, 5ml KCl + 1M, 5ml KNO3 II 1.5M, 5ml KCl + 1.5M, 5ml KNO3 III 2M, 5ml KCl + 2M, 5ml KNO3 Fig 7.1 Crystals of dipotassium tartrate grown from gel 108 The following reaction was expected to occur and the crystals were grown in gels: C4H6O6 + KCl + KNO3 → K2C4H4O6 + HCl + HNO3 The growth was completed within a month and transparent, monoclinic structured diopotassium tartrate crystals were grown. The grown crystals were shown in Fig 7.1. The various parameters which affect the formation of crystal are described in Table 7.2. Table 7.2 Factors determining the growth process of crystals S.No. Gel density Gel pH Gel setting time Concentration of the reactants Results 1 1.04 4.0 72hrs U.R: 1M, 5ml KNO3 + 1M, 5ml KCl LR: 0.5 M, C4H6O6 Transparent crystals of dimensions 8mm x 5mm x 4mm were obtained 2 1.05 4.5 48hrs U.R: 1.5M, 5ml KNO3 + 1.5M, 5ml KCl LR: 1.0 M, C4H6O6 Transparent crystals of dimensions 12mm x 7mm x 5mm were obtained 3 1.06 5.0 24hrs U.R: 2M, 5ml KNO3 + 2M, 5ml KCl LR: 1.5 M, C4H6O6 Transparent crystals of dimensions 18mm x 8mm x 6mm were obtained U.R: Upper reactant L.R: Lower reactan 7.3. Results and discussion 7.3.1 Fourier Transform Infrared spectroscopy The FTIR spectrum of dipotassium tartrate crystals are shown in Fig 7.2. The observed bands with intensity and their vibrational assignments are given in Table 7.3. Several authors have reported the vibrational spectra of metal tartrate crystals (Shiva Shankar et al.2009; Parekh et al. 2009); Joshi 2006 et al.2006). 109 Fig 7.2 FTIR spectrum of dipotassium tartrate crystals The peak observed at 3318.29 cm-1 is due to OH stretching mode. The band at 2975.85 cm-1 is attributed to CH stretching mode of tartaric acid. The bands at 1784.48 cm-1 and 1572.62cm-1 that are unaffected by deuteration seem to be associated with γa CO and the band around 1415.93cm-1 is due to γsCO. The absorption peaks at 1069.99 cm-1 is attributed to γ C(OH). The two sharp peaks at 903.80 cm-1 and 878.64 cm-1 are due to γCC mode of vibrations. The band at 842.61 cm-1 is due to δ COO. The absorption peaks around 789.60 cm-1, 680.21 cm-1 and 616.64 cm-1 are attributed to τ COO mode of vibrations. The absorption below 500 cm-1 is attributed to Metal-oxygen stretching. 110 Table 7.3 FTIR spectrum assignments for dipotassium tartrate crystals Absorptions in wavenumber (cm-1) Assignments 3318.29 OH stretching 2975.85 CH stretching 1784.48 γa CO 1572.62 γa CO 1415.93 γsCO 1069.99 γ C(OH) 903.80 γCC 878.64 γCC 842.61 616.64 δ COO τ COO τ COO τ COO Below 500 Metal-oxygen stretching 789.60 680.21 7.3.2 Powder X-ray diffraction studies The X-ray diffraction of the grown dipotassium tartrate crystals was studied using X-ray diffractometer at room temperature. The XRD patterns of dipotassium tartrate are shown in Fig 7.3. The corresponding Indexed XRD data are presented in Table 7.4. The data observed from Powder X-ray diffraction is well correlated with the data available in the JCPDS file (file no. 23-0551). Hence, the grown crystals are having monoclinic structure and the crystal structure data are found from unit cell software program. The inter-axial angles of dipotassium tartrate crystals are α = β = 90˚; γ = 106˚ and its unit cell dimensions are a = 9.8845 Å; b = 7.4420 Å; c = 8.8480 Å. 111 Fig 7.3 Powder XRD spectrum of dipotassium tartrate crystals Table 7.4 Indexed XRD data for dipotassium tartrate hkl 2θ (°) I/Io 102 022 121 310 212 041 303 23.07 24.70 27.89 31.23 34.35 36.65 37.92 32 92 95 40 100 68 42 7.3.3 Magnetic properties The K2C4H4O6 crystals are finely ground, crushed and the resulting powders were packed in a Gouy tube of known magnetic susceptibility. The readings of Gouy balance was recorded when the values became steady. These values are given in Table 7.5. The magnetic susceptibility of the samples are found out by 112 using the equation mg = χ H2,where ‘m’ is the mass of the substance; ‘A’ is the area of cross section of the glass tube; ‘H’ is the magnetic field between the pole- pieces and ‘χ’ magnetic susceptibility of the substance. A graph is drawn between ‘m’ and ‘H2’ and the slope gives A χ /2g. Hence the susceptibility ‘ ’ is calculated. This is shown in Figure 4. The slope is found out at from the graph. The magnetic moment ‘µ’ of K2C4H4O6 crystals are found out by using the formula µ = 2.828 (χ x T )1/2 BM, where ‘T’ is the room temperature in terms of Kelvin. The susceptibility and magnetic moment of the dipotassium tartrate crystals are found out to be 36.12 x 10-6 e.m.u. and 2.94 BM respectively. Table 7.5 Change in mass with respect to applied magnetic field for dipotassium tartrate crystals Name of the crystal K2C4H4O6 Magnetic field in Kilogauss 1 2 3 4 5 Mass in Kilograms 0.0730 0.0725 0.0721 0.0717 0.0713 Fig 7.4 Graph between ‘m’ and ‘H2’ for dipotassium tartrate crystals 113 7.3.4 Thermal analysis The TGA curve for dipotassium tartrate is shown in Fig 7.5. There is only one major stage of decomposition starting from 257˚C and continues upto 304˚C. The weight loss is about 58.94%. Comparing the observed and calculated percentage wight losses suggests chemical formula for the given crystal to be K2C4H4O6 and there is no evidence for water content in the crystal. Fig 7.5 TGA curve for dipotassium tartrate crystal Fig 7.6 DSC trace for dipotassium tartrate crystals 114 DSC is a thermoanalytical technique in which the difference in the amount of heat required to increase the temperature of a sample and reference is measured as a function of temperature. Both the sample and reference are maintained at nearly the same temperature throughout the experiment. The result of a DSC experiment is a curve of heat flux versus temperature. These curves may be exothermic or endothermic used to calculate enthalpies of transition. The DSC analysis was done between 40˚C and 500˚C at a heating rate of 20˚C min-1 in nitrogen atmosphere. The DSC trace for dipotassium tartrate crystals are shown in Fig 7.6. The endothermic peak at 285.40˚C confirms decomposition of crystal under investigation. Table 7.6 TGA result for dipotassium tartrate crystals Weight Loss% Name of the crystal Temperature range (˚C) Observed Calculated Dipotassium tartrate 257 to 304 58.94 59.69 7.3.5 Reaction K2C4H4O6 K2O Anti bacterial sensitivity test Antimicrobial activities of the synthesized dipotassium tartrate crystals of different sizes were determined using Gram-negative bacteria (E. coli ) and Grampositive bacteria (S. aureus) following a doped Kirby Bauer disc diffusion method. In brief, the bacteria were cultured in Müller–Hinton broth at 35°C ± 2°C on an orbital shaking incubator (Remi, India) at 160 rpm. Nutrient agar plates are prepared and it’s allowed for solidification. The test organisms ( E.coli, S.aureus) swabbed over the agar plates. The different concentration of samples is placed in a agar plates followed by disk diffusion method. The plates are kept for incubation at 37°C for 24 hours the zone of inhibition was measured. The anti-microbial 115 activity of dipotassium tartrate crystals in terms of E.coli and % Staphyloccoccus aureus is shown in Fig 7.7. Fig 7.7 Antimicrobial activity of dipotassium tartrate crystals 7.4 Conclusion Single crystal of dipotassium tartrate are successfully using gel medium. FTIR spectroscopy suggests the presence of OH stretching, γ CO asymmetric and symmetric modes, γ CC, δ COO and τ COO modes of vibration along with metal oxygen stretching at the end. Powder XRD analysis confirms that the unit cell volume of dipotassium tartrate crystals to be 657.273 Å3. The magnetic susceptibility and magnetic moment of the crystals are found out to be 36.12 x 10-6 e.m.u. and 2.94 BM respectively. Thermal analysis of the crystal showed that there is no water of hydration. The endothermic peak at 285.40˚C confirms the major stage of decomposition of the sample. The antimicrobial activities of dipotassium tartrate crystals have been confirmed through the results obtained from the graph. 116
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