ECE 302: Probabilistic Methods in Electrical and Computer Engineering Fall 2014 / Section 1 Instructor: Prof. Stanley H. Chan Mid Term 1 Solution Name: Solution PUID: By signing your name below, you certify that you have neither given nor received unauthorized aid on this exam. Signature: Problem 1. (20 points) (a) (10 points) Events A1 and A2 are disjoint. It is given that P(A2 ) = 2P(A1 ) and P(A1 ∪ A2 ) = 1 − 2P(A2 ). Find P(A1 ). Solution: Let p = P(A1 ). Note that P(A1 ) + P(A2 ) + P((A1 ∪ A2 )c ) = P(Ω) = 1. Thus, we have p + 2p + 4p = 1, and so p = 1/7. (b) (10 points) Events A3 and A4 are independent, and P(A3 ) = P(A4 ) = 3/4. Find P(A3 ∪ A4 ). Solution: Independence means P(A3 ∩ A4 ) = P(A3 )P(A4 ). Therefore, P(A3 ∪ A4 ) = P(A3 ) + P(A4 ) − P(A3 ∩ A4 ) = 3/4 + 3/4 − 9/16 = 15/16. Problem 2. (40 points) Let X be a random variable with PMF P(X = k) = pX (k) = c/3k for k = 1, 2, . . .. (a) (5 points) Determine the value of c. Solution: Use the fact that P∞ k=1 pX (k) = 1. This implies ∞ ∞ X c cX 1 = 3k 3 3k k=1 k=0 c 1 c = = . 3 1 − 1/3 2 So c = 2. (b) (15 points) Find E[X]. Solution: First, you need to the following results: ∞ X k=0 1 r = 1−r k and ∞ X krk−1 = k=1 1 (1 − r)2 and show that ∞ X krk = k=1 r . (1 − r)2 Then, E[X] = c k ∞ 1 X 1 3 3 = . k =2 3 2 (1 − 13 )2 k=1 (c) (20 points) Suppose Y = |X − 2|. Determine the PMF of Y and E[Y ]. Solution: The PMF of Y is c k=0 32 , c c pY (k) = 31 + 33 , k=1 c , k = 2, 3, . . . 3k+2 X ! ∞ 1 1 1 1 E[Y ] = c (0) + (1) + 3 + k 32 31 3 3k+2 k=2 ! k ∞ 1 1 1X 1 =2 0+ + + k 3 27 9 3 k=2 !! k ∞ 1 1 1 X 1 1 =2 0+ + + k − 3 27 9 3 3 k=1 1 1 1 3 1 5 =2 0+ + + − = . 3 27 9 4 3 6 2 Problem 3. (40 points) Consider the following communication channel. A source transmits a string of binary symbols through a noisy communication channel. Each symbol is 0 or 1 with probability p and 1 − p, respectively, and is received incorrectly with probability ε0 and ε1 , respectively. Errors in different symbols transmissions are independent. 1 − ε0 0 0 ε0 ε1 1 1 − ε1 1 Denote S as the source and R as the receiver. (a) (8 points) What is the probability that a symbol is correctly received? Solution: Correctly receive means that {R = 1 ∩ S = 1} or {R = 0 ∩ S = 0}. So, by conditional probability, we have P(correct) = P(R = 1 | S = 1)P(S = 1) + P(R = 0 | S = 0)P(S = 0) = (1 − ε1 )(1 − p) + (1 − ε0 )p. (b) (8 points) Given that a string 1011 is sent, what is the probability that the string is correctly received? Solution: The result follows from independence. P(R = 1011 | S = 1011) = P(R = 1 | S = 1)3 P(R = 0 | S = 0) = (1 − ε1 )3 (1 − ε0 ). (c) (8 points) In an effort to improve reliability, each symbol is transmitted three times and the received string is decoded by majority rule. In other words, a 0 (or 1) is transmitted as 000 (or 111, respectively), and it is decoded at the receiver as a 0 (or 1) if and only if the received three-symbol string contains at least two 0s (or 1s, respectively). What is the probability that the symbol is correctly decoded, given that we send a 0? Solution: All possible choices of received signal that will be decoded as “0” are 000, 001, 010, 100. Therefore, P(R = {000, 001, 010, 100} | S = 0) = P(R = 000 | S = 0) + P(R = 001 | S = 0) + P(R = 010 | S = 0) + P(R = 100 | S = 0) = (1 − ε0 )3 + 3(1 − ε0 )2 ε0 . 3 (d) (8 points) Suppose that the scheme of part (c) is used. What is the probability that a 0 was sent given that the string 101 was received? Solution: This is the Bayes’ theorem and the Law of total probability. P(R = 101 | S = 0)P(S = 0) P(R = 101 | S = 0)P(S = 0) + P(R = 101 | S = 1)P(S = 1) (1 − ε0 )ε20 p = . (1 − ε0 )ε20 p + (1 − ε1 )2 ε1 (1 − p) P(S = 0 | R = 101) = (e) (8 points) Suppose the scheme of part (c) is used, and given that a 0 was sent. For what value of ε0 is there an improvement in the probability of correct decoding? Solution: We want P(R = {000, 001, 010, 100} | S = 0) > P(R = 0 | S = 0). This implies that (1 − ε0 )3 + 3(1 − ε0 )2 ε0 > 1 − ε0 With some calculations we can show that the inequality implies that 0 < ε0 < 12 . 4
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