Sri Venkateswara College Screening of Candidates for the appointment of Assistant Professor Department: Biochemistry Category: OBC Teaching/ Post PhD 20 S No Application Number 1 BCH‐OBC‐165 Santosh Kr Yadav 38 3 ‐ 41 MSc, BSc Degree 2 BCH‐OBC‐164 Diwakar Kumar 55 8 8 71 3 BCH‐OBC‐163 Nidhi Singh 55 6 ‐ 61 Publication (ISBN) 4 BCH‐OBC‐162 Satvinder Singh 45 22 5 72 5 BCH‐OBC‐161 Chanchal Kumar 45 5 ‐ 50 Teaching Proof 6 BCH‐OBC‐159 LA Ramchandra Prasad 25 6 ‐ 31 7 BCH‐OBC‐158 Sarika Yadav 55 8 ‐ 63 PhD Degree 8 BCH‐OBC‐156 Santosh Kr Yadav 45 25 1 71 9 BCH‐OBC‐154 Renu Yadav 38 ‐ ‐ 38 10 BCH‐OBC‐153 Md Nasim Mansoori 45 18 6 69 11 BCH‐OBC‐152 Rakesh Roshan 35 ‐ ‐ 35 12 BCH‐OBC‐117 S Chakkarawarti 45 25 18 88 Publication (ISBN), Teaching and PDF proof 13 BCH‐OBC‐120 Sudhanshu Shekhar 49 20 1 70 14 BCH‐OBC‐147 Ramashish Kumar 35 8 ‐ 43 15 BCH‐OBC‐148 Ashok Saini 55 6 2 63 16 BCH‐OBC‐149 Akhilendra Kr Maurya 35 ‐ ‐ 35 17 BCH‐OBC‐151 Tushar Ranjan 38 ‐ ‐ 38 Name of the Candidate Acdemic Research Qualifications Publication 55 25 Total Remarks (to be submitted) Points 100 Sri Venkateswara College Screening of Candidates for the appointment of Assistant Professor Department: Biochemistry Category: OBC S No Application Number Name of the Candidate Academic Qualifications 55 Research Publication 25 Teaching/ Post PhD 20 Total Points 100 Remarks (to be submitted) 18 BCH‐OBC‐140 Somesh Singh 52 25 ‐ 77 19 BCH‐OBC‐141 Jitender Kr Nag 35 12 ‐ 47 Publication (ISBN) 20 BCH‐OBC‐142 Neeraj Kumar 55 20 17 92 21 BCH‐OBC‐143 Rahul Kumar 38 20 ‐ 58 22 BCH‐OBC‐144 Deepak Kr Rathore 42 23 20 85 Publication (ISBN) 23 BCH‐OBC‐145 Ravi Shankar Pr. Yadav 25 ‐ 5 30 24 BCH‐OBC‐130 Sharda Kumari 38 24 ‐ 62 25 BCH‐OBC‐129 Amir Kumar Singh 35 3 ‐ 38 26 BCH‐OBC‐126 Sheetanshu Gupta 52 6 4 62 27 BCH‐OBC‐125 Duvvi Naveen Babu 45 ‐ 9 54 28 BCH‐OBC‐80 Puja Devi 38 3 20 61 29 BCH‐OBC‐65 Vishal Kumar Soni 52 25 ‐ 77 Publication (ISBN) 30 BCH‐OBC‐63 Vaibhav Kumar 38 ‐ ‐ 38 31 BCH‐OBC‐62 Naveen Kumar 52 8 1 61 Publication (ISBN) 32 BCH‐OBC‐001 Rajeev Singh 55 16 12 83 Publication (ISBN) 33 BCH‐OBC‐002 Sheema Bai 35 11 ‐ 46 34 BCH‐OBC‐003 Manish Kr Pal 28 3 ‐ 31 Sri Venkateswara College Screening of Candidates for the appointment of Assistant Professor Department: Biochemistry Category: OBC Academic Qualifications 55 Research Publication 25 Teaching/ Post PhD 20 Total Points 100 Rajesh Kr Singh 52 25 1 78 BCH‐OBC‐006 Dablu Lal Gupta 38 ‐ ‐ 38 37 BCH‐OBC‐04 Shanti Pal Gangwar 48 18 ‐ 66 MPhil. Degree 38 BCH‐OBC‐059 Pramod Kumar 55 25 10 90 39 BCH‐OBC‐060 Pankaj Yadav 45 19 ‐ 64 40 BCH‐OBC‐064 Surender Jangra 35 11 ‐ 46 41 BCH‐OBC‐075 Shashikala Verma 38 3 ‐ 41 42 BCH‐OBC‐077 Saurabh Misra 32 11 ‐ 43 43 BCH‐OBC‐079 Rashmi Verma 35 ‐ ‐ 35 44 BCH‐OBC‐081 Sandeep Yadav 45 25 ‐ 70 45 BCH‐OBC‐082 Saheem Ahmad 45 25 16 86 46 BCH‐OBC‐083 Subhash C Prajapati 35 5 ‐ 40 47 BCH‐OBC‐084 Vineet Kumar 52 3 18 73 48 BCH‐OBC‐085 Kamal Krishna Singh 28 11 ‐ 39 49 BCH‐OBC‐087 Amit Verma 55 25 5 85 50 BCH‐OBC‐088 Sampath Kumar 42 14 20 76 S No Application Number 35 BCH‐OBC‐005 36 Name of the Candidate Remarks (to be submitted) Sri Venkateswara College Screening of Candidates for the appointment of Assistant Professor Department: Biochemistry Category: OBC Academic Qualifications 55 Research Publication 25 Teaching/ Post PhD 20 Total Points 100 Pratibha Gupta 52 10 ‐ 62 BCH‐OBC‐097 Sunil Kumar Yadav 38 ‐ 2 40 53 BCH‐OBC‐098 Rohit Verma 38 ‐ ‐ 38 54 BCH‐OBC‐099 Rakesh Yadav 35 25 8 68 55 BCH‐OBC‐100 Vinoth Kumar 41 10 12 63 56 BCH‐OBC‐101 Garima Rathi 35 ‐ ‐ 35 57 BCH‐OBC‐103 Tapati Bhanja Dey 42 25 9 76 58 BCH‐OBC‐102 Om Prakash Singh 45 21 9 75 59 BCH‐OBC‐104 Birender Kr Yadav 42 25 1 68 60 BCH‐OBC‐105 Mohammed Arif 38 ‐ ‐ 38 61 BCH‐OBC‐106 Kumar Sandeep 48 ‐ ‐ 48 62 BCH‐OBC‐116 Sanjay Kumar 42 25 5 72 63 BCH‐OBC‐114 Parameet Kumar 49 25 13 87 64 BCH‐OBC‐036 Pushpa Yadav 55 ‐ 12 67 Teaching proof 65 BCH‐OBC‐035 Mohd Wahid 52 3 ‐ 55 66 BCH‐OBC‐037 Vinay Kumar 38 25 ‐ 63 S No Application Number 51 BCH‐OBC‐090 52 Name of the Candidate Remarks (to be submitted) Sri Venkateswara College Screening of Candidates for the appointment of Assistant Professor Department: Biochemistry Category: OBC Academic Research Qualifications Publication 55 25 Teaching/ Post PhD 20 Total Points 100 24 ‐ 76 55 25 12 92 Teaching Proof Kavita Singh 55 3 ‐ 58 BCH‐OBC‐110 Gampa Ramakrishnaiah 52 25 20 97 Teaching Proof 71 BCH‐OBC‐091 Vivek Dogra 35 13 ‐ 48 72 BCH‐OBC‐092 Gulab Khan Rohila 55 17 20 92 73 BCH‐OBC‐093 Abhinav Kumar 55 25 ‐ 80 Publication (ISBN) 74 BCH‐OBC‐094 Saif Hameed 55 25 9 89 75 BCH‐OBC‐095 Deshmukh Kunal P 35 3 16 54 Publication (ISBN) 76 BCH‐OBC‐111 Raju Kumar Mandal 51 25 4 84 PDF proof 77 BCH‐OBC‐121 Manoj Kumar Patel 35 25 ‐ 60 78 BCH‐OBC‐123 Pankaj Prabhakar 38 5 ‐ 43 79 BCH‐OBC‐101 Diptipratik Pani 38 ‐ ‐ 38 80 BCH‐OBC‐134 Manoj Kumar 48 23 ‐ 71 81 BCH‐OBC‐136 Rinki Minakshi 52 8 4 64 Publication (ISBN) 82 BCH‐OBC‐021 Suman Kumari 38 ‐ ‐ 38 S No Application Number 67 BCH‐OBC‐107 Surender K Sharawat 52 68 BCH‐OBC‐108 Rituraj Niranjan 69 BCH‐OBC‐109 70 Name of the Candidate Remarks (to be submitted) Sri Venkateswara College Screening of Candidates for the appointment of Assistant Professor Department: Biochemistry Category: OBC Academic Qualifications 55 Research Publication 25 Teaching/ Post PhD 20 Total Points 100 Tankesh Kumar 35 20 ‐ 55 BCH‐OBC‐025 Priyanka Sen 55 25 10 90 85 BCH‐OBC‐026 Yogendra Singh 32 25 5 62 86 BCH‐OBC‐027 Rajesh Choudhary 38 5 ‐ 43 87 BCH‐OBC‐028 Rajesh Ghangal 38 25 4 67 88 BCH‐OBC‐039 Sanjay Kumar Gupta 42 25 4 71 PDF proof 89 BCH‐OBC‐040 Shashi Bhushan Kumar 35 6 2 43 90 BCH‐OBC‐041 Pooja Verma 38 15 8 61 91 BCH‐OBC‐042 Guravaiah Medaboina 45 25 12 82 92 BCH‐OBC‐043 Ravinder Kr Saini 38 ‐ ‐ 38 93 BCH‐OBC‐044 Neebha Kumari 35 ‐ ‐ 35 Publication (ISBN), Teaching/PDF proof 94 BCH‐OBC‐014 Naveen Bharat 45 13 8 66 95 BCH‐OBC‐015 Poonam 35 ‐ 12 47 Teaching proof 96 BCH‐OBC‐016 Rahul Gupta 38 ‐ ‐ 38 97 BCH‐OBC‐017 Akash Saini 55 5 ‐ 60 98 BCH‐OBC‐018 Deepak Kr Jangir 45 25 1 71 Biotechnology S No Application Number 83 BCH‐OBC‐022 84 Name of the Candidate Remarks (to be submitted) Sri Venkateswara College Screening of Candidates for the appointment of Assistant Professor Department: Biochemistry Category: OBC Application Number Name of the Candidate Academic Qualifications 55 Research Publication 25 Teaching/ Post PhD 20 Total Points 100 S No 99 BCH‐OBC‐019 Prashant Kumar 55 25 5 85 100 BCH‐OBC‐020 Suresh Kumar 35 25 12 72 101 BCH‐OBC‐029 Archana Gupta 45 ‐ 4 49 Publication (ISBN) 102 BCH‐OBC‐032 Sunil Kumar 35 13 13 61 Publication (ISBN) 103 BCH‐OBC‐033 45 25 20 90 104 BCH‐OBC‐034 Satyanarayan Botcha 45 22 8 75 105 BCH‐OBC‐011 Mrunmayi Kr Giri 38 6 ‐ 44 Publication (ISBN) 106 BCH‐OBC‐012 Ravindra V Polisetty 45 21 4 70 Publication (ISBN) 107 BCH‐OBC‐013 Nagendra Singh 55 25 20 100 108 BCH‐OBC‐067 Sr Tofaijjen Hossain 42 24 ‐ 66 109 BCH‐OBC‐070 Neera Yadav 38 17 ‐ 55 110 BCH‐OBC‐071 Surender Kr Prajapati 45 25 14 84 111 BCH‐OBC‐072 Chandradeo Narayan 38 15 ‐ 53 Publication (ISBN) 112 BCH‐OBC‐073 Hari Prakash Verma 32 3 ‐ 35 113 BCH‐OBC‐074 Dhananjay Kumar 38 6 ‐ 44 114 BCH‐OBC‐132 Rashmi Kumariya 35 11 ‐ 46 V Perumal Babu Rekha Remarks (to be submitted) Sri Venkateswara College Screening of Candidates for the appointment of Assistant Professor Department: Biochemistry Category: OBC Research Publication 25 Teaching/ Post PhD 20 Total Points 100 S No 115 BCH‐OBC‐137 Deepak Kumar Saini 42 ‐ ‐ 42 116 BCH‐OBC‐138 Manasa Maelavarapu 35 ‐ ‐ 35 117 BCH‐OBC‐170 Anju Kumari 35 3 ‐ 38 118 BCH‐OBC‐171 Manmeet Rawat 45 22 2 69 119 BCH‐OBC‐135 Priyanka Maurya 41 19 9 69 120 C.BCH‐OBC‐10 B Sivaprasad 42 25 4 71 121 C.BCH‐OBC‐12 Mashook Ali 38 11 12 61 Publication (ISBN) 122 C.BCH‐OBC‐13 Rambir 49 19 ‐ 68 123 C.BCH‐OBC‐14 Amit Pal 45 14 ‐ 59 124 C.BCH‐OBC‐15 Santosh 38 ‐ ‐ 38 125 C.BCH‐OBC‐16 Thiru Venkatakumar 45 18 2 65 126 C.BCH‐OBC‐17 Vinay Kumar 52 25 1 78 127 C.BCH‐OBC‐18 Swaranlata Panchal 16 5 20 41 Teaching Proof 128 C.BCH‐OBC‐19 P B Raghavendra 45 22 10 77 129 BCH‐OBC‐349 Sanket Singh Ponia 38 11 ‐ 49 130 Baleshwar Sharma 32 9 ‐ 41 Name of the Candidate Academic Qualifications 55 Application Number Remarks (to be submitted) BCH‐OBC‐342 Sri Venkateswara College Screening of Candidates for the appointment of Assistant Professor Department: Biochemistry Category: OBC Academic Qualifications 55 Research Publication 25 Teaching/ Post PhD 20 Total Points 100 Gautam Kumar 38 ‐ ‐ 38 C.BCH‐OBC‐10 Chitrangada Yadav 28 ‐ ‐ 28 133 C.BCH‐OBC‐13 Gampa Ramakrishnaiah 52 25 13 90 134 C.BCH‐OBC‐14 Mahima Arya 28 ‐ ‐ 28 135 C.BCH‐OBC‐15 Sunita Yadav 35 ‐ ‐ 35 136 C.BCH‐OBC‐16 Sushil Kumar 45 25 8 78 137 C.BCH‐OBC‐17 Anita Kumari Garsa 35 14 ‐ 49 138 C.BCH‐OBC‐18 G Sivagami 45 25 ‐ 70 139 C.BCH‐OBC‐20 Bablu Prasad 35 25 ‐ 60 140 BCH‐OBC‐135B Priyanka Maurya 41 19 9 69 141 BCH‐OBC‐135C Grace Fatima 55 11 ‐ 66 142 Johnson Samuel All documents due S No Application Number 131 BCH‐OBC‐350 132 Name of the Candidate Remarks (to be submitted)
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