8/20/2014 sql_cheatsheet.html Oracle Relational SQL Cheatsheet. Types CHAR(n) CHARACTER(n) Creating and Deleting Tables NCLOB CREATE TABLE Fixed length string of character n. <table name> CREATE TABLE part (<column definition (part_number CHAR(4), part_name Character string of maximum length n, but list>, VARCHAR(25), of varying size. (<column name>)); PRIMARY_KEY(part_number)); Integers. Numbers of precision p, with s digits after CREATE TABLE the decimal point. CREATE TABLE department <table name> (department_number CHAR(4) Date information. ( <colum_definition CONSTRAINT prim_dept PRIMARY_KEY Time information. [ <constraint > ], .. department_name VARCHAR2(10)); ); Binary Large Object. DROP TABLE Character binary large object. Delete table from database. <table_name>; National character sets. BFILE Read only external file. VARCHAR2(n) NUMBER NUMBER(p,s) DATE TIME BLOB CLOB RAW/LONG RAW to_char(x) to_number(x) to_date(x) to_multi_byte() to_single_byte() chartorowid(x) rowidtochar(x) Changing Tables. ALTER TABLE<table_name> Binary data, used for import and export. ADD(CONSTRAINT <constriant_name> Conversions PRIMARY_KEY (<column_names>)); Creates a primar key constraint fo column. Converts it's argument to the appropiate type. ALTER TABLE employee ADD (department_num VARCHAR(12)); Converts between single & multi byte international strings. ALTER TABLE <table_name> ADD(<colmn_definition>); Converts character strings to ROWID's & back. Creates a foreign key constraint fo column, mapping hextoraw(x) Converts between hex and RAW binary ALTER TABLE <table_name> a column on anot rawtohex(x) format (see types). ADD (CONSTRAINT <constraint_name> table. Optional FOREIGN_KEY(<colum_name>) Operators DELETE CASCAD REFERENECES Usual comparisons. != & <> & ^= are all maintains =,>,<,>=,<=,!=,<> foriegn_table_name(<foreign_column_name>) negative equality tests. integrity by delet [ON DELETE CASCADE]); rows in table whe AND OR NOT Boolean operations. row in foreign ta SELECT emp_id, name, dept_no FROM is deleted. BETWEEN epmployee WHEREemp_id BEWTEEN1 AND ALTER TABLE 4; Relax constraint. DISABLE CONSTRAINT name; SELECT emp_id, name, dept_no FROM IN ALTER_TABLE Delete constraint epmployee WHERE emp_id IN (1,2,3,4); forever. Regexp match. % = n characters, _ = 1 DROP CONSTRAINT<constraint_name>; LIKE character, \ escapes. Modifying and deleting rows Constraints NULL/NOT NULL Allow/don't allow missing values. INSERT INTO<table_name> (<colum_name, ..>) VALUES (<value, ..>); [CONSTRAINT <constraint For candidate keys name> UNIQUE (<column_name>,..)] alternatives to primary key. PRIMARY KEY [CONSTRAINT <constraint_name> CHECK (condition)]; FOREIGN KEY UPDATE <table_name> This is the key field for lookup. SET <column> = <value>, .. WHERE Verification/validation. <condition>; This is an index to another table. Single Valued Functions lpad(<string>,<width>, Pad a string to the right or left http://www.yagc.ndo.co.uk/cheatsheets/sql_cheatsheet.html DELETE FROM <table_name> [WHERE <conditon>] INSERT INTO employee (employee_number, employee_name, salary) VALUES ('7092', 'FORD', 175,66); UPDATE wine_list SET note = ''Ideal as an aperitif' WHERE wine_name = 'Ch.HautRian'; DELETE FROM members WHERE name LIKE 'Sharon%'; Querying with Select. 1/2 8/20/2014 sql_cheatsheet.html [<char>]); rpad(<string>, <width>,[<char>]); lower(<string>); uppper(<string>); initcap(<string>); with the given width with the given char. Uppercase, lowercase, or inital upcase the string. length(<string>); Returns length, in chars of the string. substr(<string>,<start>, <end>); Returns a substring from start index, to end index. abs(<number>) sign(<number>) Absolute value and sign number. ceil(<number>) floor(<number>) Ceiling and floor: Highest and lowest integer with smallest difference from float. mod(<number0>, <number1>) round(<number0>, <number1>) trunc(<number0>, <<number1>) Project and Join. SELECT <columns> FROM <table> WHERE <criterion>; Sorting. SELECT .<clauses> ORDER BY <column [DESC|ASC],..>; Remainder of x / y; Round x to y decimal places. Truncate x to y decimal places Grouping. SELECT <select_clauses> GROUP BY <column [DESC|ASC]..> sqrt(<number>) Square root. HAVING <criterion>; greatest(<experession>,..) Largest and smallest from a list of least(<expression>,...) dates, numbers or strings. vsize(<expression>) sysdate() add_months(<date>, <integer>) last_day(<date>) The storage size in bytes for x. SELECT dept, AVG(salary) FROM emp GROUP BY dept HAVING avg(salary)>80000 ORDER BY avg(salary DESC; SELECT Column concatenation formatting. firstname||','||lastnam SELECT <column>||<string>||<column> Add given number of month to full_name <column_alias>... ...; dates; FROM team; Current system date Return the last day of the month. months_between(<date0>, Return the number of months <date1>) betwwen two dates/ On the fly calculations. SELECT <expression> FROM DUAL; new_time(<date>, <current_timezone>, <other_timezone>) Convert date from one timezone to another. nvl(<column>,<value>) Substitute <value> for NULL in the column. soundex(x) SELECT emp_table.emp_id, emp_table.dept_no, dept_table.description FROM employee_db.emp_ta employee_db.dept_ta WHERE emp_table.dept_no = dept_table.dept_no; SELECT * FROM emp ORDER BY empid DESC; or SELECT empid, lastname FROM emp ORDER BY 2; Column aliasing. SELECT <column> AS <alias_column>..; Return soundex string for fuzzy matching. Subqueries. SELECT ... For every instance of <value> in decode(<column>,<value>, WHERE column = (<subquery>);, column return the matching <return>,<value>, <return> value. A bit like a <return>...) case/switch. SELECT 7 * 9 FROM DUAL; SELECT name, NVL(spouse,'unmarrie AS spouse FROM emp_db,emp_table; SELECT empid, dept, salary FROM emp WHERE dept = ( SELECT dept FROM emp WHERE empid = 78483); Group functions. avg() stddev() variance() sum(x) count(x) max(x) min(x) http://www.yagc.ndo.co.uk/cheatsheets/sql_cheatsheet.html Average of all numbers in column. Standard deviation f all numbers in column. Variance of all numbers in column. Sum total of all numbers in the column. Toal number of items in a culumn. Maximum value found in a column. Minimum value found in column. 2/2
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