The importance of biotechnology to deal with climate change: Case studies on biotechnology for droughttolerant and high-sugar yield of sugarcane Bambang Sugiharto Center for Development of Advanced Science and Technology (CDAST) University of Jember Jl. Kalimantan No 37 Kampus Tegalboto, Jember 68121 INDONESIA Tel/Fax : +62-331-321825, Email: [email protected] Outline Presentation : Introduction of sugarcane and climate change Development of Agrobacterium-mediated transformation in sugarcane Drought-tolerant sugarcane with a gene encoding for choline dehydrogenes (CDH) Creation of high-sugar production for sugarcane using genes encoding proteins for sucrose synthesis and translocation INTRODUCTION Back ground 1. Sugarcane is main plant for sugar production and its sugar production was decreased 2. Sugarcane is C4 plant that well adapted in tropical climate 3. Its has high efficiencies of photosynthetic rate, water up take and nitrogen assimilation 4. Its growth and biomass production very high Climate Changes – Potential Loss in Sugarcane Productivity Flooding Temperature increased Drought Stress Formation of adventives root (Begum et al, 2013) Climate changes FOOD SECURITY Increased population THE BENEFITS OF SUGARCANE Processing of 100 ton Sugar sugarcane produce : 1. 10 ton sucrose 2. 4 ton molasses 3. 3 ton filter mud Paper-plates 4. 30 ton bagasse 5. 1500 kWh electricity Bagasse Bio-ethanol Sugarc ane Sugar wax Molasses Limitation of Sugarcane Breeding : Poor flowering in recent sugarcane cultivars Difficulties in cross pollination among sugarcane cultivars LIght The pollen is quickly dried and can not be use for hybridization Sugarcane seed is very small and difficult to germinate Dark Seed Seedling DEVELOPMENT OF Agrobacterium-MEDIATED TRANSFORMATION METHOD FOR SUGARCANE Particle bombardment Agrobacterium-mediated Outline of Agrobacetrium-mediated transformation in sugarcane Agrobacterium infection Cocultivation for 3 days + Acetosyringone Explants : 28oC for 30 min EC and SC shoot tips in vitro plants multiple shoots GUS assay Selection medium LBA4404 GUS assay and PCR analysis Micropopagation putative transformant Regeneration (selection medium) Transient gus expression using various sugarcane explants Explants Transient gus expr. callus spindle leaf in vitro plants Explant callus : Selection and regeneration of the infected callus • Infected calli were inoculated on selection medium containing appropriate antibiotics. Untransformed calli were brown and died. • Resistant calli regenerated shoots into plantlet on the selection medium. • After 5 successive cycles on the selective and rooting medium putative transformants were obtained. • Problems : somaclonal variation Explant : sugarcane meristematic leaf tissues (spindle leaf) isolated from field grown sugarcane Co-cultivation Callus induction Regeneration Isolated meristematic leaf tissues (spindle leaf) were cocultivated with Agrobacterium, then incubated in callus induction and regeneration media containing selection antibiotic. Problem: Agrobacterium overgrowth Explant : Base segments of in vitro sugarcane for transformation Axillary buds were isolated from apical portion of sugarcane stalk and inoculated on appropriate medium to develop in vitro plants. Shoots propagation Shoots rooting Base segments Detection of gus gene in transgenic sugarcane PCR analysis Southern Blot analysis All sugarcane explants can produced transgenic sugarcane. PCR and Southern Blot analysis showed the presence of inserted gus gene in genome DNA isolated from leaf of the transgenic sugarcane. In vitro sugarcane can grow and develop faster than other explants, but meristematic leaf tissue produced more transgenic sugarcane Study on drought stress in sugarcane Protein profile separated by 2D electrophoresis that extracted from sugarcane leaf grown under normal condition (A) and without watering for 8 days (B). Inset is the protein SoDip22 that increased during water stress Regulatory manner of SoDip22 gene expression in sugarcane leaf Accumulation pattern of the transcript for SoDip22 gene (A) and the polypeptide (B) during drought stress (0 – 8 days). The effect of PEG6000 (0.9 MPA) (C) and administration of various hormone (D) on the transcript for SoDip22. DEVELOPMENT OF DROUGHT-TOLERANT SUGARCANE USING GENE ENCODING FOR CHOLINE DEHYDROGENASE (betA) Synthesis of glicine betaine (GB) from choline in bacteria Synthesis of choline and GB in plants. Not all plants synthesize GB. Bacteria Plants Choline dehydrogenase (CDH) Choline monooxygenase (CMO) Betaine aldehyde dehydrogenase (BADH) Compatible solute (osmoprotectant) Gene encoding for choline dehydrogenase (CDH) (betA) was cloned from Rhizobium meliloti by Ajinomoto Company Japan Agrobacterium-mediated transformation was performed by PT. Perkebunan Nusantara XI (Persero) in collaboration with Jember University SacI XbaI LB PNOS NPT II TNOS E1E2 P35S betA TNOS P35S HPT T35S RB pMLH2113-betA Explant callus Screening Regeneration Aclimatization GREEN HOUSE TRIALS : Growth respond of drought-tolerant sugarcane during water stress Sugarcane Cultivars Lenght of water stress (days) Wilting Permanent Wilting Dried NXI-3T 12 > 30 > 30 NXI-4T 19 > 36 > 36 NXI-5T 14 > 30 > 30 BL579-NT (Control) 6 19 19 PSJT 941 (non GM drought tolerant cane) 19 > 36 > 36 Drought responds for 8 days after stop watering, from the left GM cane 3T, Drought stress was treated to sugarcane by stop watering 4T, 5T, control cane (BL) Root profile of wild type (left) and GM cane (right) Root profile of cane of GM cane 4T (left), drought tolerant cane PSJT (midle), and control cane (right) Source : PTPN XI Detection and expression of betA gene in GM sugarcane planted in green house trials 1T 4T 6T NT betA Detection of inserted gene by Southern Blot Analysis showed single inserted betA gene in GM sugarcane event 6T, 1T, and 4T, but no in control (K) sugarcane CaMV PCR analysis to detect inserted gene in the GM sugarcane 1T, 4T, 6T and control (NT) with a pair of primer for betA gene (upper) and CaMV (lower) Data:03061017.D01 Method:03061017.M01 Chrom:03061017.C01 Atten:6 mAbs Ch=1 Betain in sugarcane juice 60 Betain Standard 40 5.322 5.324 40 20 5 0 min 2 4 9.529 0 10 4.598 2.289 10.825 9.662 10.408 7.877 0 7.042 6.068 5.726 20 0 Source: PTPN XI Data:07061011.D01 Method:07061011.M01 Chrom:07061011.C01 Atten:6 mAbs 60 2.375 The presence of glycine betain in GM sugarcane juice detected by HPLC with Inertsil ODS3 4.6Ø x 250 mm column Ch=1 6 8 10 min Growth and sugar yield of GM sugarcane in confined field trial Variety Germin Number ation of tillers (%) 57 68 GMsugarcane Non GM- 60 sugarcane Main field road 65 Number Biomass Sugar of stalk (ton/Ha) content (%) 62 54.0 8.47 Sugar yield (ton/Ha) 4.59 Betain content (ppm) 457,37 64 4.06 Not detected 51.7 7.83 Adjacent field with different planting period Source: PTPN XI Risk assessment of drought-tolerant GM sugarcane PT. Perkebunan Nusantara XI, Surabaya (PP 21 / 2005) Environmental safety assessment : There is no evidence for gene flow to other organism. No possible cross breeding among Saccharum species. No potential to be an invasive weed or weedness Certificate No : B-7945/MENLH/08/2011 Food safety assessment : Sugar is refined products resulted from purification process There is no toxicity and no allergen, easily digested in gastric and intestinal fluid. Certificate No: HK. / 2012. Field visits of Deputy Ministry of Agriculture CARBON ASSIMILATION AND SUCROSE SYNTHESIS IN PLANTS Exported Study on activity of carbon assimilating and sucrose metabolizing enzymes in leafs of Saccharum species. Lines Ni9 NiF8 NCo310 PEPC NADP -ME 1.68 1.08 1.47 1.11 1.14 0.98 SPS Sucrose 37.74 38.70 25.77 77.50 84.44 55.90 Molokai Babakan Bois R 1.67 1.75 1.29 0.8 0.72 1.16 31.53 28.45 23.50 59.20 52.70 51.10 28NG IN84 1.45 1.99 0.92 0.90 24.51 21.94 52.70 55.82 SES186 JW94 2.10 1.71 0.90 1.24 20.51 15.69 46.00 39.10 Ni9 NiF8 Bois NCo Mol Bbkn 28NG IN84 SES JW94 Levels of LSU-Rubisco protein in leafs of Saccharum species PEPC : phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase NADP-ME: NADP malic enzyme SPS : sucrose-phosphate synthase Rubisco : ribulose-1,5-biphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase The enzyme activities are expressed as unit/mg protein Sucrose contents (μg Suc/g FW) Induction of SPS activity during drought stress in sugarcane Dry season is the best condition for harvesting sugarcane SPS activity (μg Suc/min/prot) ABA induced SPS levels 1 Day SPS levels Water stress (days) 2 Days Cloning gene for sucrose-phosphate synthase Cloning and expression analysis of genes for sucrosephosphate synthase from sugarcane Relative levels of mRNAs SoSPS1 10 8 6 4 2 0 0 12 SoSPS2 24 48 Time after illumination (h) Comparison of the amino acid sequences deduced from cDNAs for SPS from sugarcane. Box sequences I, II, III are functionally important regions. Dotted Ser residues are the regulatory phosphorylation sites. Detection of transcripts of SoSPS1 and SoSPS2 in different organ of sugarcane Sugiharto et al (1997) [Plant Cell Physiology 38(8):961-965] Overexpression of SoSPS1 gene : Increasing of sweetness (Brix) and SPS protein contents in trangenic tomato Clones Plant Flowering Fruit Height (cm) time (week) number Fruit Sweetness weight (g) (Brix) Clone -2 122 8.33 6.33 26.38 7.33 Clone-3 119 7.33 7 20.85 8 Clone-4 118 7 5.33 17.12 8 Clone-5 120.67 9 15.33 21.04 8 Wild type 115.67 11.33 5.33 16.33 6.33 WT 2.1 Transgenic tomato 2.2 3.1 3.3 4.1 5.4 5.5 Western Blot Analysis with antibody against SPS Overexpression of SoSPS1 gene increased SPS activity and sucrose content in leaves of transgenic sugarcane SPS activities in leafs (µg suc/min/mg prot) Western blot analysis of the protein leafs WT 3 4 5 6 20 7 16.7 15 11.7 13.1 11.4 8.7 10 5 0 WT G4 G5 G6 G7 Galur tebu Sucrose content in leafs (µg suc / g FW) 6 4.9 5 4.3 4 3 3.8 4.2 2.4 2 1 0 Kontrol Galur 4 Galur 5 Galur 6 Galur 7 Increases of sucrose accumulation in stem of transgenic sugarcane (mg sucrose/g FW) Galur 4 Galur 5 Galur 6 Galur 7 kontrol 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Internodes number (from young to mature) The increases of sucrose contents in stem were not as high as the increase in sugarcane leaves. The path of sucrose translocation by sucrose transporter proteins (SUT) from source to sink tissue in apoplastic loader (Sauer, 2007) Sucrose synthesis in leaves by SPS Sucrose exported to sink tissue by SUT Sucrose accumulation in stem Cloning of the cDNA encoding sucrose transporter (SoSUT1) Phylogenetic tree of the SUC/SUT family Over-expression of SoSUT1 gene in sugarcane and the effect on translocation and accumulation of sucrose Comparison the transcripts for SoSUT1 (upper) and protein contents (lower) in leaf of transgenic sugarcane Pattern of sucrose contents in the leaf (upper) and stalk of 7 months transgenic sugarcane (lower) DOUBLE OVEREXPRESSION OF THE GENES FOR SoSPS1 AND SoSUT1 IN TOMATO AND SUGARCANE RB LB nptII T SoSPS1 T SpR Rep pNos pRiceUbiq pUbi-SoSPS1 ColE1 ori St LB RB hptII T SoSUT1 KanR pACT-SoSUT1 ColE1 ori T Rep PNos pRiceActin Sta Construction of SoSPS1 and SoSUT1 genes into different vector and antibiotic resistant Double-overexpression of the genes encoding for sugarcane SPS1 and SUT1 protein in transgenic tomato 135 Plant Height 135 Tinggi Tanaman (cm) 130 130 128 128 130 125 125 127 Number of fruit 125 125 124 122 120 120 115 110 Klon Tomat Kontrol SPS Weight per fruit SUT SPS-SUT Total production of fruits Double overexpression of the genes encoding for SPS1 and SUT1 proteins in sugarcane A B Positive PCR analysis for insertion of SoSUT1 gene (upper) and SoSPS1 gene (lower) transgenic sugarcane C D E In vitro selection of putative transgenic sugarcane in the media containing double antibiotic hygromicine and kanamicine Characterization of the transgenic sugarcane with double overexpression of SoSUT1 and SoSPS1 genes Increases of SPS1 activity and SUT1 contents in the transgenic sugarcane Activities of SPS in leaf of wild type (WT) and transformant sugarcane. Total soluble protein was extracted from the sugarcane leaf and used for the enzyme activity. The SPS activity was measured by the amount of suc per prot per min with spectrophotometer wt 32a 31c 26ba 26bb 33aa 212bd 26bc 31b 212bc 32b 33ab 212bd 212ba 32c wt Level of SUT1 protein in leaf of wild type and transformant sugarcane. Total insoluble protein was extracted from the sugarcane leaf with a extraction buffer contining 2% SDS and used for Western Blot analysis using specific antibody against sugarcane SUT1 protein Sucrose Content in Sugarcane Leaf (% of Fresh Weight) 1,40 1,20 1,00 0,80 0,60 0,40 0,20 0,00 26ba 26bb 26bc 212ba212bc212bd 31a 31b 31c 32a 32b 32c 33aa 33ab wt Sucrose Content in Sugarcane Stalk (% of Fresh Weight) Sugarcane Lines 9,0 8,0 7,0 6,0 5,0 ruas 3 4,0 ruas 8 3,0 2,0 1,0 0,0 Sugarcane Lines SUCROSE IS AN OSMOPROTECTANT HIGHER SUCROSE LEAD TO ENHANCE DROUGHT TOLERANCE CONCLUSION : 1. Development of sugarcane biotechnology is needed to improve sugarcane cultivars 2. Drought-tolerant sugarcane cultivars were developed to increase sugarcane productivity in water limited environments 3. Genetic manipulation of sucrose metabolism resulted in a higher sucrose productivity of sugarcane. THANKS YOU VERY MUCH These works supported by Ministry of Education and Culture; Ministry of Research and Technology, PT. Perkebunan Nusantara XI
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