Z O N E S Dragon Dovetail Dovetail Little Turtle River Beynon Cantley Bootleg Little Dragon Mercutio Little J oe Tent Niv en Bennett Seine River No. 23A Handle Seine River Price Partridge Crop Twinling Big Bend Warner Harvey Burton Lerome Little Mc Cauley Whalen Pipe Ryan 34 Fiv e Mile Kasak okwog Cirrus Dinner Darby 11 Caribus Abbess Jim Chase Smudge Soho Frederickson Park er Callaghan 35 32 Quetic o Riv er + $ Lindgren Captain Tom Omeme 86 Bullmoose 85 Bill Wright Redhorse River Vie Wisa Moose Creek Threemile Wolseley Lac La Croix Namakan R iv er ! Blue 87 Jack Your Wildgoose Eyelet Orion Ceph Boulder Fair Clair 38 Yeh 80 Little Pine Trail 77 Allan 40 Shaw Gratton Bass Pulling Dahlin Iron Argo Elk 10 Paulene Hurn Milt Ted Mc Intyre Little Newt 72 Newt Cub Bart Robinson Crooked Craig Greer Wilson 47 South Nest 67 East 48 Basswood Goodier Burk e Valley Poacher 65 63 62 That Man Meadows Sunday Bock Rom Louisa Sheridan Ward 61 Jack s Emerald Beaver Fire Locations ` ^ Elevation Bemar Safe - No Restrictions Wolf Closed to all use due to high risk Other Man 57 L1 - P roceed with caution, no overnight camping. Saganaga Slate Fran L2 - P addle or portage only with on-site guidance from park staff Lilypad Jasper Bit Gamp Magie 66 Bell 49Glac ier No Man Anchor 68 Blackstone Dumas Jeff 53 Edge Fauquier Star Arp Little F alls 54 Joliat 50 Rod Noon Ross Wet Mc Ewen Mc Ewen Creek Turn Closure Zones Twinhous e Saganagons Poulin Dettbarn First Nation Reserve Bitchu Smally Ossian 51 Kenny Dack Silence Summer Isabella Mc Naught Reid Cullen Drake Swartman Sultry 46 Shade Otter Home Island 52 Deacon Anubis Agnes Yum Yum Grey 69 Dell 24 25 Mc Niece 45 Shan Wals he 70 Basswood River 26 Woodside Kahshahpiwi Side 20 Hurlburt Ptolemy Point Kett Munro Bird Joyc e 44 Tuck Round Payne Trant Marj Sarah Fluker Mack 23 Dis tric t Keefer Armin Cecil Devine Kawnipi Murdoch Superior National Forest Wy e 21 Cairn Sark Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness Redfox Wawiag River Lemay Keewatin Quetico Provincial Park Powell 22 Kawnipi Williams Community Lakes Clay Quinn 19 ! Belaire Mc Kenz ie Kahshahpiwi Creek 8 Entry Station Rivers 6 7 Tario Metacryst 18 Veron Tuck River 43 Ferguson Heronshaw Pierna 27 9 + $ Lindsay Cutty Gamblemater Burt Cone 71 Crooked 17 Suzanette 42 ^For 8 Roland Middle Roland 73 Little Roland Bottle Cranberry 75 Camel Zephira International Boundary 4 Alice Baird 41 Brent 74 Darkwater Aches on Otton Vac hon Cushing Eag 5 Cache Montgomery Keats Mc Dougall 16 Canadian National Railway Cache River Delahey Wicks teed Pond Mc Aree Hoare Wink William Fern Chatterton Cutty Creek Nan Roulston Conmee Loon Fred Primary Roads Rawn Art Shelley 78 Minn 15 Berniece Poohbah Andrews That Darkwater River Lac La Croix 28 Hoffman Tanner 76 Russell Highways Buckingham Kendall Creasy Maligne River 11 Bisk Antoine Moxness Tubman Sturgeon 39 Maligne River Beg Bud Pickerel River 29 Portages Baptis m Howard Lakes Gahn Walsh 1 Sawmill Olifaunt 31 Tilly 3 Burnts ide Jean Creek Bentpine Creek March Bentpine 79 Brewer 30 Lonely Bentpine Snow Pig Neguagon Lake No. 25D +Lac La Cr oix $ Little J ean Albert Red Pine Pelee Viger Deer Thomps on Bee Badwater Bearpelt Creek Namakan R iv er Little Eva Brown 81 West Cub Bearpelt Ox Jean Lynx Sly Quetic o Riv er 37 Draper 2 Legend Laughren Little Trout Trousers 14 Ram Conk Robin Walter Fortes Pickerel River Pickerel Twin Lakes Halliday Windigoostigwan + $ Doré North Quinn Cain French Gillnet Maria Jess e Dawson Mink Tr ail Marion Flood River 12 Elizabeth 36 82 Crys tal Win Malone Lakin Nym River Stanton 13 Canal Mc Alpine Hamburg Bea verh ou se 84 Beaverhouse Jump Little Brown 33 83 Quetic o Nym Batchewaung Oriana Mahon Como Quetico Brulé Windigoostigwan Eva Niobe Nic kleby Kemuel Flood Narrow Cole Kirk Nydia Niobe Ontario Baril Elbow Aramis ² £ ³ ¤ Lark Surprise Pipestone River Plateau Bewag Bittern Perley Roads ide + $ Perc h Mc Quat Harnett Queer Rock ! Chub Sapawe Atikokan Mooney Day Marr Stript Mc Caulay Factor Namakan R iv er 622 ¤ £ Milk Banning Seine River Gehl Crooked Pine Miranda Garrett Flora Steep Rock Stepin Calm Seine River Mc Pherson Quetico Nevison Long Muddy Big Joe Thu nder Bay District Holmes Moosetrack M A P Fort Fra nces District C L O S U R E 55 Cache Saganaga Bay + $ Map Updated July 4, 2014 John B . Ridley Research Library Quetico Park Swamp 56 Ottertrack Mc Laren 58 This Man Amik Plough 0 2.25 4.5 59 1:250,000 MinkMarten Fis her 60 Knife 9 km ± Carp Crawford 64 Pra irie Por ta ge + $ Polaris U.S.A. Published April, 2014 ©2014, Queen's Printer for Ontario. This map is illustrative only. Do not rely on it as being a precise indic ator of routes, locations of features, nor as a guide to navigation. Projection: UTM Zone 15 Datum: North American Datum 1983 Base Derived from: NRVIS (Natural Resources Values Information Sy stem) Minnesota data courtesy - MN DNR Produced by: Ontario Parks
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