JUDY KWIK 34 King Street East, Suite 600 ǀ Toronto, ON M5C 2X8 ǀ 416 348 9917 ǀ [email protected] ASSOCIATE Judy Kwik has over 30 years of experience in the regulatory and environmental aspects of the energy sector. Judy participates in Ontario Energy Board (OEB), Ontario Power Authority and Ontario Government stakeholder consultations on behalf of clients. She regularly intervenes in regulatory proceedings on behalf of clients and provides services ranging from strategy and policy development to project management. Part of her career was spent at the OEB where she led the development of the OEB’s first regulatory framework for the electricity local distribution companies and coordinated the OEB’s Electricity Retail Market Readiness plan. Judy also worked with Ontario Hydro’s regulatory function developing regulatory strategy, policy and guidelines for the electricity distribution sector. Prior to working in economic regulation she spent many years as a researcher on the environmental aspects of electricity generation. PROFESSIONAL OVERVIE W Elenchus Research Associates Inc. Associate Elenchus Research Associates Inc. Senior Consultant, Responsible for Energy Policy and Regulation 2014 - Present 2003 - 2014 Prepared comments on behalf of the PWU on the Ontario Energy Board’s draft CDM guidelines. Participation in the OEB’s 2011 consultation on a renewed regulatory framework for the electricity distributors on behalf of the PWU. Managed PWU’s participation in Ontario Power Generation’s 2011-2012 Payment Amounts proceeding. Managed PWU’s participation in Hydro One Network Inc.’s 2011-2012 transmission rate proceeding. Managed PWU’s participation in Hydro One Network Inc.’s 2010-2011 distribution rate proceeding. Coordinated the PWU’s participation in the Ontario Power Authority’s 2011 consultation on IPSP II. Coordinated the PWU’s participation in the Ontario Government’s 2010 consultation on Ontario’s Long Term Energy Plan Preparation of submissions on Carbon Cap-and-Trade on behalf of the Power Workers’ Union (“PWU”) Participation on the OEB’s Working Group on 3rd Generation Incentive Regulation for the electricity distributors on behalf of the PWU Participation on behalf of the PWU in OEB proceedings on Distribution and Transmission Code Amendments Participation on behalf of the in the proceeding on the Ontario Power Authority 2006 Fees Participation on behalf of the PWU in the proceeding on the IESO’s 2006 Fees Participation on behalf of the PWU in the proceeding on the IESO’s 2005 Fees Participation on behalf of the PWU on the OEB’s 2006 Distribution Rates (2006 Rate Handbook) working group and in the proceeding Participation on behalf of the PWU on the OEB’s Cost Allocation Review Technical Advisory Team Involved in the development of a Cost of Power Model for a client Prepared the PWU’s comments on the OEB’s proposed amendments on Distribution System Code (DSC) Chapter 3 Participation on behalf of the PWU in the Great Lakes Power Limited 2005 Transmission Rates proceeding Participation on behalf of the PWU in the proceeding on the Hamilton Hydro Application for Licence Amendment Participation on behalf of the PWU in the Hydro One 2006 Distribution Rates proceeding and in Hydro One Distribution’s Stakeholder Consultation process Participation on behalf of the PWU in the Board initiated 2005 hearing on Hydro One Transmission Pooled Rates Participation on behalf of the PWU on the IESO Standing Committee (2005) Prepared input on behalf of the PWU to the Ministry of Energy’s request for comment on a proposal for an Ontario Regulation on Net Billing Prepared comments on behalf of the PWU to Smart Metering - Ministry Consultation on Technical Requirements Participation in an OEB stakeholder workshop on the Natural Gas Forum Electricity Interface and on-going monitoring of this initiative. Provided input to the PWU’s submission to the OPA on the Ontario Power Authority Procurement Process Prepared the PWU’s submission for the Ontario Power Authority and OEB Standard Offer Consultations Provided input and coordinated the PWU’s submission to the OPA’s 2005 consultation on the Future Supply Mix for Ontario. Participated on behalf of the PWU on the OEB’s Technical Advisory Team on Filing Requirements for Transmission Infrastructure Judy Kwik, Elenchus 2 Prepared comments on behalf of the PWU to the OEB in its consultation on the Regulated Price Plan Prepared comments on behalf of the PWU to the OEB on the 2005 Revised Transmission Code Support to the PWU in its intervention in the proceeding on the 2003 Canadian Cable Television Association application for Orders to amend the licences of electricity distributors Provided input to the PWU’s submission on Government’s 2004 Stakeholdering on Transmission and Distribution in Ontario On behalf of the PWU participated in the OEB’s Smart Metering Policy Working Group Prepared the PWU’s submission to the OEB’s 2004 Consultation on Further Efficiencies in the Electricity Distribution Sector Prepared the PWU’s input to the OEB’s 2004 consultation on the Minister’s Directive on Demand-Side Management and Demand Response Participating on behalf of the PWU on the OEB’s on-going Electricity Distribution Service Quality Working Group Co-authored the Power Workers’ Union’s submission to the OEB Chair’s Consultation on the OEB’s Future Strategy with John Todd, President, Elenchus Research Associates Prepared articles for the Alberta Electricity Update on the electricity market in Ontario Part of team that prepared Report on Stand-Alone System Supply Costs for Enbridge Gas Distribution (EGD), Ontario Energy Savings Income Fund and Superior Energy, filed as evidence in EGD’s 2004 rate case. Conducted telephone survey to obtain information on regulatory experiences of U.S. natural gas distribution companies on behalf of a Canadian natural gas distribution company. Econalysis Consulting Services Senior Consultant 2001 - 2003 Input into the OEB’s Requirements of Electricity Monitoring Code. Client support in the hearing on Hydro One Networks Inc.’s low voltage rates (OEB). Client support in the hearing on Ontario Power Generation Inc.’s application on Bruce Decontrol (OEB). Efficiency study for distribution utilities. Input into client’s submission on the Minister’s Review of the Ontario Energy Board’s Mandate. Input into client’s submission to Minister on issue of privatization of Hydro One. Input into the review on the OEB’s Gas Distribution Access Rule. Client support in review of Terasen Inc.’s (former BC Gas) 2003 rates (BCUC) Client support in review of Terasen Inc.’s (former BC Gas) unbundling application (BCUC) Client support in review of Terasen Inc.’s (former BC Gas) 2004-2008 PBR application (BCUC) Client support on Enbridge Gas Distribution 2002 and 2003 rate applications (OEB) Represent client on the Enbridge Gas Distribution DSM Consultative Committee Represent Client on the Union Gas Limited DSM Consultative Committee. Represent Client on the Enbridge Gas Distribution 2001 DSM Audit Sub-committee. Judy Kwik, Elenchus 3 Retail o Advice and support to leading energy retailer on regulatory matters. Ontario Energy Board Research and Policy Analyst Led the Ontario Energy Board’s efforts in developing a performance-based regulatory framework for electricity distributors through stakeholder task forces, regional workshops, and Board proceedings. Coordinated four separate PBR stakeholder task forces that included a total of 83 representatives from gas and electricity utilities, customer representative groups, special interest groups, and the Ministry of Energy, Science, and Technology. Held OEB workshops and seminars for stakeholders. Prepared OEB’s rate policy and guideline documents, including first production of the Electricity Distribution Rate Handbook. Prepared the OEB’s input to the MEST for the drafting of Bill 35. Provided ongoing advice and briefing to Ontario Energy Board members and the MEST on regulatory policy, industry restructuring, and other stakeholder issues. Initiated the Electricity Market Readiness Task Force and led the development of the OEB’s Market Readiness Plan. Advised the Chair and General Manager on retail market readiness issues discussed at the Market Opening Steering Committee. Ontario Hydro Senior Regulatory Policy Analyst 1990 - 1997 Developed rate regulatory strategy, policy and guidelines, and communicated them to the municipal electric utilities. Led study on performance-based regulation for electricity distribution companies. Collaborated with electric utility and Municipal Electric Association staff in introducing new regulatory policy and guidelines. Coordinated Ontario Hydro Energy Services’ participation at the Ontario Energy Board hearings. Provided regulatory advice and resolution on electric utility financial issues. Performed financial evaluation of, and made recommendations on approvals of electric utility applications for rate adjustments, capital programs and borrowing. Kept up intelligence on regulatory developments in Canada and the U.S. Biologist, Research Division 1998 - 2001 1976 - 1990 Designed and coordinated multi-disciplinary research programs on the environmental effects of generating stations. Conducted research into the feasibility of freshwater prawn aquaculture using waste heat discharge. Judy Kwik, Elenchus 4 Analyzed and synthesized results of inter-disciplinary environmental studies in order to make recommendations on practices at generating stations. Ensured that study objectives addressed concerns identified jointly by Ministry of the Environment and Ontario Hydro staff. ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENTS Masters of Science, Biology Department, University of Waterloo Bachelors of Science (Honours), Biology Department, University of Waterloo Judy Kwik, Elenchus 5
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