PAULINE LATHAM OBE MP Working hard for Mid Derbyshire 11 HOUSE OF COMMONS LONDON SWIA OAA Mr julian Townsend Executive Director (Operations) Development Management The Community Planning Team Amber Valley Borough Council Town Hall Ripley Derbyshire DES 3BT Friday, 5th September 2014 Our ref: PL/SHB AMBER VALLEY CORE STRATEGY CONSULTATION STREET (AVBC/200S/00SO), AVBC/2013/0007), BULLSMOOR/CHERRY HOUSE FARM (ABVC/2011/0016 & POTTERYFARM, BELPER(AVBC/200S/0230) I would like to make representation highlighted BELPER DEVELOPMENTS, DERWENT in relation to the above proposed development areas in the recently revised Amber Valley Core Strategy. large number of my constituents copies of the correspondence regarding this matter and consequently that I have received. Planning Inspector at the appropriate I have been contacted by a I am attaching I will be sending the originals to the time. You will see from the enclosures the concerns that residents have, however, in addition to these I would like to highlight other issues that have been raised in relation to the 'soundness' of the Core Strategy. These are summarised below: Derwent Valley Mills World Heritage Site, Tourism and Wildlife The proposed development of 450 houses is wholly within the Derwent Valley Mills World Heritage Site buffer zone which, if approved, would set a precedent for future developments historic within the DVMWHS buffer zone. This contradicts environment as expressed in Planning Policy Statement planning for the 5 and Local Plan Policy EN29. Il l!] Mrs Pauline Latham OBE MP - Parliamentary Office - Tel: 02072197110 Constituency Office - The Old Station, Station Road, Spondon, Derby DE2l 7NE Tel: 01332676679 I!l ... Email: The proposed (housing) development and therefore against development would would not be against in the countryside The Pottery Farm site was originally published in 2011. This would o o be within the existing built framework Local Plan Policies H3 and HS and also Policy EN1. considered The key constraints in the Options for Housing at that time were: be in the DVMWHS buffer zone and the impact that this would have on the Outstanding Universal Value of the World Heritage Site. The significant that impact Growth development could have on the surrounding highway network. The Pottery proposed Farm development in constraints 2011 and in relation the proposed the Pottery it has been is now considered in scale from that the to the impact on the surrounding Bullsmoor whole than the one originally would of its World Heritage site and this will proposed that could highway and Cherry House Farm developments Farm development These developments reduced originally address network. any However, are contiguous in fact be a larger with development as a in 2011. reduce the unique characteristics Status, ie the industrial setting within of Belper that is a part a green landscape, its "arrested urbanisation". o This runs against which Core Strategy 6.4 Safeguarding Key Amber Valley Assets, ". .include the Derwent Valley Mills World Heritage Site and its defined buffer zone'. The Hill Top Farm (a piece of land contiguous applied for planning permission for to the new proposed 70 homes. The planning strategic was turned sites) down, appealed and dismissed. o The Inspector's report on the appeal noted that " . .incremental loss of the surviving landscape setting will undermine one of the significant physical attributes of one of the World Heritage Site's key values... ': It should be noted that parts of the Pottery Farm site are visible Farm and Dalley Farm, which DVMWHS Management are listed within Crossroads the area on the Plan. The site is also visible from, Spencer Road, Marsh Lane, Crich Lane, a large area of Whitemoor, to the roads that directly from the viewpoint as key properties from the Windmill back onto it. It impacts of about half of the town. area, Farnah Green, in addition on the stated unique characteristic This runs against Core Strategy 10.4, Policy E4, which states that "Development proposals that will have an unacceptable impact on landscape character (and) visual amenity. ... will not be permitted." These developments Council sites would the Core Strategy's Objective directly Strategic contradict Objectives, three of Amber Valley Borough namely: 7 "To protect and enhance the environmental quality and tocsl distinctiveness of spaces and places in the Borough in relation to landscapes and heritage, including, but not limited to, the Derwent Valley Mills World Heritage Site and the Special Landscape Area. " o o Parts of the Pottery Farm site are visible Farm, which are listed Management Plan. The whole of these Site Buffer Zone. Key Amber as key properties sites sit within Assets, which within the Derwent This is also mentioned Valley from Crossroads the Farm and Dalley area on the Valley Mills World in Core Strategy DVMWHS Heritage 6.4 : Safeguarding ".Jnctude the Derwent Valley Mills World Heritage Site and its defined buffer zone' Objective 8 "Toprotect, maintain, restore, enhance and create areas of nature conservation and woodland in the environment, with a focus upon enhancing wildlife corridors and networks of habitats, preventing further fragmentation and extending the connectivity of habitats. " o The whole of these sites are currently o Most of the fields have boundaries o The space is crossed o Through wildlife Objective its corridor by longstanding by several natural uninterrupted Greenfield. and woodland. springs. connection and a continuous hedgerow habitat to the Belper Parks, it provides network. 9 "To ensure that a network of easily accessible and high quality open spaces, parks, recreational areas, green infrastructure and cultural facilities is maintained and enhanced in the Borough. " a This o space is recreational used by a high Children o Dog walkers. o Walkers and runners. Horse Riders. o Cyclists. o Visitors o The whole not of these only and associated with falls there sites sit within show thriving area relating the is an area first This is a critical of to Belper's site medieval settlement. Valley it is also ridge Records and as a Mills World Heritage Pottery Medieval and furrow dating Farm an area back of historical that to could 12th and up to Sandbed Park and Manor, which be 13th Lane as a fell within a larger Frith. issue for the town's and visitors the Derwent DVMWH the area of Bullsmoor area known as Duffield SS5, which groups facility. within Belper's century tourism user to Belper Site Buffer Zone, a cultural importance different going to and from Belper School and Pottery School. o area of area and green infrastructure: o This number to the town. economy, which It runs directly is increasingly against dependent Core Strategy 6.11 on Policy The strategy for regeneration in 8e/per is to promote it as a states that" tourist attraction." Flooding Coppice has Brook has the highest become more regular since Whitemoor Lane etc towards for surface water rainfall, this sites on the other they include risk rating the side of Kilbourne regarding development previously Rd would causes around of John effect and flooding Q'Gaunts and at times The proposed this effect drainage Pottery Agency system) letter of heavy development many times and even if they would not be able Farm/Bullsmoor/Cherry Please also refer to Mr Large's Way, have acted as a slow soak away flooding. multiply SuDS ponds (sustainable springs. the Environment have a different Brook to cope due to the fact that the hillside is full of natural expanding and concrete the Coppice in proposals from Heage. Land would but tarmac overwhelms flood enclosed dated House Farm 21 st August this matter. Sewage The existing capacity proposed sewage and surface due to the development to a potential new housing would health hazard. water system that potentially must already has already been cause an overload be working built over beyond recent its original years. on the sewage drains The and lead Highways, Schools and Public Services The Core Strategy fails to address roads, which would be severely at Bullsmoor /Cherry If adopted, • negatively these two sites would Kilbourne impacted issues within by either Belper, of the proposed specifically strategic sites House Farm and Pottery Farm. the roads, emptying • the road infrastructure add a total of 450 houses, onto Belper's Roads, at completely so an estimated inappropriate 900 vehicles to locations: Road on either side of Pottery Infant School. Kilbourne Road onto the roundabout that is within 100 metres of the entrance to Belper Senior School. • Kilbourne Road via Sand bed Lane, the junction • Via Parks Road, which empties is on the brow of a blind hill. onto Bargate Road past the main children's area for the Parks Estate and then where congested, of which or back onto Sandbed - Gibfield recreation Lane into town which Lane (see above) past another is horribly children's recreation area. • This is going to negatively • Openwoodgate • Nottingham • Park's Estate, Holbrook • Holbrook • Kilbourne impact and Whitemoor the whole of West and South Belper: estates via John O'Gaunts Way and Over Lane. and Spencer Roads directly. and Bargate, via Sand bed Lane, Parks Road and Bargate Road. via Killis Lane. damage Road has seen and subsidence a huge increase to the road. in traffic which has caused The Water Board is currently structural looking into this as repairs are required. • Vehicle access into the centre of Belper is already difficult and there is gross lack of parking. • All traffic heading out of the town centre to the A38 • The local schools are full space and facilities • The medical available I would on school centres detailing Kilbourne no spaces available and due to limited are already over-subscribed. There is currently no NHS dentist in Belper at present. information surgery with sites are unable to expand. like to also refer you to the enclosed also has included a vet's to capacity letter from Mr P J Spencer that the roads have been a cause for concern information in 2007 Road leading whereby he submitted but it was not approved into Belper. an application dated 24th August since 1998. to change due to the fact that Mr Spencer his house into it was on the busy Proposed Numbers <Information exceed Amber Valley's Proposed Requirements and Derby HMA provided by a resident) Amber Valley Build .v. Own Need Amber Valley Derby South otal Derbys -'----,......Stated '11 - '28 Need --% of Total Need 7395 16388 9605 22% 49% 29% Stated' 11 - '28 Capacity 8586 10987 12341 31914 Outstanding + 119 1 - 540 1 + 2 73 6 1- 14 74 0 0 10987 12341 Need (Capacity-Need) Proposed Increase Proposed 1+ 1474 Capacity 10060 Proportionate (each Option + area takes Outstanding a % of 22% of + the1474=324 49% of + 1474=722 33388 - 1+ 1474 29% 33388 +-------i of 1474=428 +1474 Need based on its Own Need) • Overbuilding: Amber Valley is already planning to build 1,191 homes more than it needs to support the total need for the Derby HMA. • If Amber Valley is to pick up a proportionate stated need, it would only be 324 homes. the need for additional additional allocation based on its own This figure is probably achievable without strategic housing land. Actual Numbers Added Amber Valley Need --17395 Planned Extra Capacity 1+1 191 Proposed Increase Total 1474 1-+0-0-6-0----------------------< 1 Completed, ~--------------- committed, 8395 allocated and proposed Outstanding Additional requirement 1(10060 - 8395) Strategic Sites r 1665 12860 Over-allocation in additiona'j'2860 - 1665) 1195 (42%) strategic sites Why do the additional seems most unlikely than 40%. strategic sites add 1195 (42%) more houses than actual need? It that strategic sites will under-deliver on expected capacity by more A further local resident has also produced a set of figures which show the total in Belper has risen from 16,960 in 1991 to 23,417 today. However, the population Valley had risen by 3.652 population people. This means that of Amber 64 per cent of the increase in the Borough. Inward and Outward Migration to Belper I would like to refer you to the contents of the enclosed letter from Or Andrew Francis dated 17th July indicating migration has increased. This theory challenges Brownfield Belper has taken population that inward migration to Belper has decreased whereas outward the need for such large developments. Sites Consideration should be given in the first e.g. Butterly Engineering and American instance to possible alternative brownfield sites Adventure. Public Meeting There was not sufficient relation to the proposed opportunity for members of the public to make comments changes to the Core Strategy at the AVBC meeting in as many people were not allowed access. In conclusion developments therefore, I would on Bullsmoor/Cherry like to strongly Yours sincerely, OO-..vJ:....o brownfield to appear for the oral part of the examination. could please keep me informed Lo.1~ PAULlNE LATHAM OBE MP that the proposed House Farm and Pottery Farm in Belper are not included in the amended AVBC Core Strategy and that alternative I would be willing recommend regarding sites are found. I would be grateful all matters in relation to these developments. if you
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