Home Search Collections Journals About Contact us My IOPscience Realizations of SUq(2) Algebra in Terms of q-Deformed Multimode Boson Oscillators This content has been downloaded from IOPscience. Please scroll down to see the full text. 2014 J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 537 012010 (http://iopscience.iop.org/1742-6596/537/1/012010) View the table of contents for this issue, or go to the journal homepage for more Download details: IP Address: This content was downloaded on 04/02/2015 at 23:31 Please note that terms and conditions apply. IWTCP1 & NCTP38 Journal of Physics: Conference Series 537 (2014) 012010 IOP Publishing doi:10.1088/1742-6596/537/1/012010 Realizations of SUq (2) Algebra in Terms of q-Deformed Multimode Boson Oscillators Luu Thi Kim Thanh and Man Van Ngu Hanoi Pedagogical University No. 2, Xuan Hoa, Phuc Yen, Vinh Phuc, Vietnam E-mail: [email protected] Abstract. We consider some version of q-deformed multimode boson oscillators. The realization of SUq (2) algebra in terms of q-deformed multimode boson oscillators which involves q-interference between oscillators of different modes and the realization of SUq (2) algebra in terms of q- deformed multimode boson oscillators in which each oscillator mode has its own defomation parameter are constracted. 1. Introduction Quantum groups and quantum algebras have been shown to arise in many problems of current physical and mathematical interest. Much effort is now being devoted to the cosntruction of their representations and recently many realizations have been usefully devised using q-deformations of boson and fermion operators [1, 2, 3]. On the other hand, quantum groups are a subject of great activity at present and although their direct physical interpretation is still lacking, it is of particular importance to study the posible physical implicatios of these deformation. These structures which first emerged in connection with the quantum inverse scattering theory [4], the quantum Yang – Baxter equation .... The algebras may be described as a deformation, depending on one or more parameters of the ordenary Lie algebras [5]. In this paper, we introduction some versions of q-deformed multimode boson oscillators. The realization of SUq (2) algebra in terms of q-deformed multimode boson oscillators which involves q-interference between oscillators of different modes and the realization of SUq (2) algebra in terms of q-deformed multimode boson oscillators in which each oscillator mode has its own defomation parameter are constracted. 2. The Realizations of SUq (2) Algebra in Terms of q-Deformed Multimode Boson Oscillators which Involves q–Interference between Oscillators of Different Modes In the classical case, the SU (2) generators satisfy the commutation relations [J0 , J− ] = −J− , [J0 , J+ ] = J+ , [J+ , J− ] = 2J0 . (1) Realization of SU (2) algebra in terms of the (ordinary) boson operators as follows Content from this work may be used under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 licence. Any further distribution of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the title of the work, journal citation and DOI. Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd 1 IWTCP1 & NCTP38 Journal of Physics: Conference Series 537 (2014) 012010 IOP Publishing doi:10.1088/1742-6596/537/1/012010 J+ = a†1 a2 , J− = a†2 a1 , J0 = 21 (N1 − N2 ) . (2) In this work, we consider a version of deformation which involves some q-interference between oscillators of diferent modes. The creation and annihilation oscillator operators obeying bosonic commutation relations ai a†j − qa†j ai = δij q N , (3) [ai , aj ] = 0, (i 6= j) (4) where the deformation parameter q being real, and N is the total oscillator number operators, N = h[Ni , aji] = Ni , a†j = k P Ni , i=1 −δij aj , δij a†j . (5) Now the oscillators of different mode enter the theory not quite independently but with some qinterference, which results from the presence of the factor q N in the r. h. s. of 3. Equation 3 gives m m m−1 ai a†i = q m a†i ai + q m−1 m a†i qN . (6) The q-oscillator algebra 3 can be realised in the Fock space spanned by the orthonormalised eigenstates of the oscillator number operators |n1 , n2 , ..., nk i = − √q n(n−1) 4 n1 !n2 !...nk n1 n2 nk a†1 a†2 ... a†k |0i ! (7) and in this space the following relations hold: a†i ai = q N −1 Ni , ai a†i = q N (Ni + 1), (8) and hence k P i=1 k P i=1 a†i ai = q N −1 N, (9) ai a†i = q N (N + k), where k is the number of modes. The realisation of Lie algebra in terms of (ordinary) bosons are useful not only as a convenient mathematical tool, but also because of their applications in physics. In the case of quantum algebras it turns out that boson realizations are possible in terms the q-deformed boson operators already introduced above. In the case of SUq (2) algebra for two mode oscillator eqs. 3 and 4 read: 2 IWTCP1 & NCTP38 Journal of Physics: Conference Series 537 (2014) 012010 IOP Publishing doi:10.1088/1742-6596/537/1/012010 ai a†i − qa†i ai = q N , (i = 1, 2) a1 a†2 = qa†2 a1 , a1 a2 = a2 a1 . (10) The realisation of SUq (2) algebra besed on the q-oscillator algebra 10 can be performed in the Fock space spanned by the orthonormalized of Ni defined as √ |j, mi = −j j− 1 q ( 2) (j+m)!(j−m)! j+m j−m a†1 a†2 |0i , (11) and the generators can be mapped onto q deformed bosons as follows J+ = q 1−N a†1 a2 , J− = q 1−N a†2 a1 , J0 = 21 (N1 − N2 ) . (12) In fact, using 10, we can check that these generators satisfy the algebras 1. 3. The Realizations of SUq (2) Algebra in Terms of q-Deformed Multimode Boson Oscillators in which each Oscillator Mode Has Its Own Deformation Parameter Now, we consider a version of q-deformed multimode boson oscillators in which each oscillator mode has its own deformation parameter of form: ai a†j − qi qj a†j ai = δij qi2N , qj−1 ai aj − qi−1 ai aj = 0, [N, ai ] = −ai , (13) (14) (15) where N is the total oscillator number operators, N = h[Ni , aji] = Ni , a†j = k P Ni , i=1 −δij aj , δij a†j . (16) The basic of the Fock space is defined by repeated action of the creation operators on the vacuum state: |n1 , n2 , ..., nk i = 1 n1 !n2 !...nk ! P n (n −1) nj − i 2i k −ni √ Q i=1 qi j>i a†1 n1 n2 nk a†2 ... a†k |0i , (17) where k is the number of the modes. In this space the following relations hold: 2(N −1) a†i ai = qi Ni , ai a†i = qi2N (Ni + 1) . (18) In particular, for two mode oscillator equations 13 and 14 read: ai a†i − qi2 a†i = qi2N , (i = 1, 2) 3 (19) IWTCP1 & NCTP38 Journal of Physics: Conference Series 537 (2014) 012010 IOP Publishing doi:10.1088/1742-6596/537/1/012010 a1 a†2 = q1 q2 a†2 a1 (20) q2−1 a1 a2 = q1−1 a2 a1 . (21) The realisation of SUq (2) algebra based on the qdeformed boson oscillator can be performed in the Fock spase spanned by the orthonormalized eigenstates of Ni defined as |jmi = h i (j+m)(j+m−1) − (j+m)(j−m)+ 2 1 √ q (j+m)!(j−m)! 1 j+m j−m a†1 a†2 |0i −[(j−m)(j−m−1)] 2 q2 (22) with the identification J+ = q11−N q21−N a†1 a2 , 1−N † J− = q11−N h q2 a2 a1 , i 2(1−N ) † 2(1−N ) † J0 = 12 q1 a 1 a 1 − q2 a2 a2 (23) Using algebra 20, we can check that these generators satisfy the algebras 13. 4. Conclusions In this paper we have constructed generators of of SUq (2) algebra in terms of q-deformed multimode boson oscillators which involves q- interference between oscillators of different modes (2.11) and in terms of q- deformed multimode boson oscillators in which each oscillator mode has its own deformation parameter (3.9). These realisations of SUq (2) algebra in terms of q- deformed multimode boson oscillators have subsequently found applications in the SUq (2) rotator model, as for example, rotational spectra of diatomic molecules. Acknowledgment The authors would like to thank Prof. Dao Vong Duc for helpful discussions. References [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] R. J. Finkelstein, Lett. in Math. Phys. 34, (1996), 169. R. N. Mohapatra, Phys. Lett. B 242 (1990), 407. Y. Yang, and Z. Yu, Mod. Phys. Lett. A 8 (1993), 3025. O.W. Greenberg, Phys. Rev. Lett. 64, 705. D. Bonatsos and A. Klein, Nucl. Phys. A 469 (1987), 253. 4
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