12th PSYCHOSOCIAL ONCOLOGY NEW ZEALAND CONFERENCE ‘The big “C”: Communication’ Friday 21 November 2014 8:00am Registration desk opens 9:00am Opening ceremony and Powhiri: Avenue Room Welcome Address by Hazel Neser, PONZ President 9:30am A Consumer Perspective: Avenue Room 9:40am Keynote address, Avenue Room: Professor Phyllis Butow 10:40am Morning tea: Fergusson Room 11:00am 11:30am 12:00pm Stream One: Avenue Room “Talking about Grief & Bereavement” : Addressing professional grief in an Acute Oncology Hospital Justin Gulliver Spirituality: navigating liminal space Sande Ramage Advance Care Planning – Conversations that Count Susy Transom Stream Two: Steeple Room Cancer Stories Of New Zealand / He Kahui Korero Taumahatanga O Te Mate Pukupuku: Key Findings Joanne Doherty & Tira Albert Compassionate Listening: a means to connect and communicate in order to rediscover the art of nursing practice. Peter Kimble Mauri Ora - Kia oho- Kia Mataara (being alive, awake) Stephanie Turner 12.30pm Lunch Communicating with traditional men 1:30pm 2:00pm 2:30pm Heather Heron Speirs Communication tensions experienced by men awaiting a prostate biopsy Dot Brown I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel. Maya Angelou Corrianne Simpson and Margaret Alve 3.00pm Afternoon Tea: Fergusson Room 3:20pm A Consumer Perspective: Avenue Room 3:30pm If grief is normal why do we need guidelines? Bridget Marshall, Sande Ramage, Simon Allan, Lee Hefford, Maria Berrett, Kate MacKenzie, Graham Black Self-management support intervention during cancer treatment: A phase I/II intervention trial study Inga O’Brien, Diana Sarfati, Louise Signal, Janine Bycroft Writing reader-focused information: Tips for developing resources people want to read Sarah Stacy-Baynes The Role of the Radiation Therapist in Establishing a Psychosocial Care Package for Patients receiving Radiation Treatment for Breast Cancer within Wellington Radiation Therapy department Jennifer Drew and Kelly Lloyd A panacea for all seasons? A randomised controlled trial comparing mindfulness to relaxation in chemotherapy patients. Lisa M. Reynolds, Ian P. Bissett, David Porter, Nathan S. Consedine 4:00pm 4:30pm 5:30pm7.00pm What doctors have up their sleeves: Creating hope for oncology patients Catherine Hughes Hereditary Diffuse Gastric Cancer: Genetic Counselling in Aotearoa New Zealand Alison McEwen, Christopher Butler, Samantha Wake, Mary-Anne Young Exploring Health Literacy needs of NZ refugees and migrants with cancer Bee Teng Lim and Helen Moriarty Cancer Society Drop-in Sessions: a component of the Cancer Support Services Virginia Lee Drinks & Quiz, Hotel Coachman Saturday 22 November 2014 8:00am Registration desk opens & PONZ AGM (breakfast: Fergusson Room) 9:00am PONZ Outstanding Service Award: Avenue Room 9:05am A Consumer Perspective: Avenue Room 9:15am Keynote address, Avenue Room: Dr George Laking 10:15am Morning tea: Fergusson Room 10:40am 11:10am 11:40am Stream One: Steeple Room Stream Two: Avenue Room Changes in psychosocial functioning in Communication with self and others radiation oncology patients: risk Fiona Hewerdine factors, screening and intervention Michelle Davey and Kathryn Taylor A Qualitative Study Exploring Factors Communication is easy isn’t it? Impacting the Therapeutic Outcome Gay Dungey and Experiences of Clients using a Psycho-Oncology Service Colette Nixon Supportive Care Project: An opportunity to communicate about a model of communication Sue Wragg 12:40pm Lunch 1:40pm Panel Discussion: Avenue Room 2:40pm Presentation of Doug Sexton Award: Avenue Room 2:45pm-3:00pm Conference close and Poroporaki: Avenue Room
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