September 2014 - Northside Church

September 2014
There’s a Place for You at Northside Church
to KNOW the Love of God, to GROW as a Disciple of Jesus Christ,
and to GO into the World to Serve Others.
Ministerial Musings
Dr. Gil Watson, Senior Pastor
Where did the summer
go? Here it is September
and some schools have
been in session since
August. The Church’s
programs are in overdrive
and there is a flurry of
We are trying to
Bridge the Gaps in our
ministries. There is a
9-member Committee,
which includes me, Rev. Grubbs, Rev. Boothe, Rev.
Driskill, Nick Houston, Rand Eberhard, William
Newkirk, Allen Morrison, and Jim Horesco. An
expert in discovering how we can be a better team is
coming to meet with us for the next 6 weeks. After
we have concluded our sessions, we will pass on to the
rest of the Directors and Staff what we have learned,
gather information from them, and try to bridge all
our gaps.
consider coming to mine. I teach on Wednesday
mornings at 10:30am and on Thursday
evenings at 7:30pm. We have lots of members
from other churches who are part of our
study. These classes are open to all ages and are
co-ed. My Friday morning Bible Study is a Men’s Bible
Study and begins at 7:15am and concludes at 8:15am.
There are many other Bible Studies and classes offered.
So find your place.
Finally, we will be searching for a permanent Worship
Leader for the Contemporary Service that meets in
the Faith & Arts Center, since Joshua Smith is leaving
to return to Melbourne, FL.
Yes, a lot is happening at Northside, and we want you
to be part of it.
Remember, there is always a place for you!
I need your help. You may have thought of a ministry
that needs to begin or needs to be met. Please contact
anyone on the Committee with your suggestions.
I think we have a wonderful and dynamic staff. I
am proud of all of them, and our efforts to put our
mission statement into practice (There is a place for
you to KNOW the love of God; GROW as a disciple
of Jesus Christ, and GO into the world to serve
others). As a team we are all working together to make
our ministries exemplify the love of Jesus Christ.
I am excited that my Bible Studies begin in September
also. This fall we are going to look at the Four Gospels
and compare their messages, the similarities, and
their differences. If you are looking for a Bible Study,
There are still a few openings for Dr. Gil’s
Holy Land trip from March 1-13, 2015.
If you are interested, please call Ellen
Griewahn at 678.298.5042 for further details.
Cover Photo: Dr. Gil Watson, Senior Pastor of Northside Church, delivers his sermon in the Faith & Arts Center.
If you miss a sermon, catch up by watching sermon videos online at Photo by
church member, Bob Hughes.
September 2014
General Church........ 4
Contemporary.......... 5
Drama ...................... 6
Children ................... 7
MAP.......................... 8
Music ........................ 10
Sports & Rec ............ 11
Students ................... 12
Travels........................ 13
Women..................... 14
Young Adults............ 15
Sermons ................... 16
This month’s question:
Whose shoulders
are you
standing on?
Rev. Catherine said…
Rev. Geoff said…
In life, we can all look back and see people who have
invested themselves in our lives. For me the starkest
example of this comes in the form of a ministry
journey I am a part of. The men of Winder First
Methodist Church are the shoulders I stand on. The
work they did to become who they are and then the
investment they made in my life to make me who
I am makes them my “shoulder to stand on.” My
passion for the ministry to men has been bred out of
my relationship with those wonderful gentlemen.
Given much, giving back,
Having always been short in physical stature, I’ve gained
a heightened affinity for viewing the world from a higher
altitude whether jumping out of plane, peering out of high-rise
windows, or literally standing on someone’s shoulders. Two of
the shortest women I know (both barely 5 foot tall) provide
the strongest base, highest ideals, and humblest shoulders. My
grandmothers, Orlena Thornton and Mary Boothe, were giants
of the faith not because of their stature, yet, because of their
consistent dedication to love me, my family, our neighbors,
and God. While actively involved in the local congregation and
ministries of the church in the world, they took responsibility
for being the faith leaders of our family not because of an
expertise in spiritual formation, giftedness in interpreting the
Bible, nor abundance of time—they led because they believed
that the greatest spiritual giants in a child’s life are a child’s
parents and grandparents. Their shoulders helped form my
faith and now support my commitment to stand alongside
parents - so parents may become spiritual giants in the eyes of
their children.
Because of love,
Reflection Questions:
Who do you name as your “shoulders”? Are you living out a life that would allow others to name
you as the “shoulders” of faith in their lives? We invite you to consider these questions.
Please submit your questions for Rev. Catherine and Rev. Geoff to answer in an upcoming newsletter to Stacey
Connell at [email protected].
These last two years have been a
wonderful learning experience in
ministry here at Northside UMC.
I’m extremely thankful for the time
I’ve had here, but I will be resigning as
the Director of Contemporary Worship.
Many of you know that my father has had a rough
road following the discovery of and surgery for
pancreatic cancer, and through this process my
wife and I have felt called to be home again. God
has opened a
door for us to
Farewell Reception
move back to
September 7, After 9:45am service
Refreshments will be served outside in the turnaround
area near the Prayer Chapel.
Melbourne, FL, where both our families live and
we own a house. I will be answering a call in my
life to be the new Worship Pastor at East Coast
Church, a non-denominational church start. I
have appreciated the prayers and support here
more than you know, and have enjoyed working
with the wonderful Northside staff, worshipping
with you and getting to know you. I am both
grateful for the opportunities I have had, and also
hopeful for what God has in store for us. I wish
you all at Northside the best as you continue to
know, grow and go to serve Christ.
Joshua Smith
James Johnson - Adult Discipleship Director
Dr. Gil’s Book Study: “Comparing the 4 Gospels”
•  Classes begins September 10
•  Wednesdays from 10:30 to 11:30am in the Chapel
•  Thursdays from 7:30 to 8:30pm in the Chapel
•  Fridays from 7:15-8:15am (Men Only) in the Board Room
Nancy MacDonald: “Jesus and the Gospels”
•  Class begins August 25
•  Mondays from 9:30 to11:30am in Room 365
Jerry Landers: “Fast Track Disciple 1”
•  Classes begins September 10
•  Wednesdays from 6:30 to 8:00pm in Room 362
Rev. Geoffrey Grubbs: “Major United Methodist Beliefs”
•  Book by Mack B. Stokes
•  Classes begins September 10
•  Wednesdays from 6:30 to 7:30pm in the Chapel
•  Sundays from 11am to 12:00pm in the Chapel (Teachers will vary if Rev. Grubbs is preaching in services)
I am excited about my expanded role as the Pastor
of Children’s Ministries here at Northside Church.
I look forward to the upcoming year and all the ways
our children will “KNOW ‘Jesus loves
me’, GROW with God, and GO share
God’s love.”
Rev. Taylor Driskill
Sunday Mornings
•  Preschoolers will explore “God loves me,”
based on Joshua 1:9 which says, “God is with
you wherever you go.” (discoveryZone3.4 at
8:30am & 11am and ImpactZones at 9:45am)
•  Elementary students will learn about “Responsibility—
showing you can be trusted with what’s expected of you,”
based on Luke 16:10, which says, “whoever can be trusted
with very little can also be trusted with very much.”
(ImpactZones at 9:45am and K25PowerZone at 11:00am)
High Impact Bowling
Sunday, September 14, 2:00-4:00pm;
Brunswick Bowling, Delk Rd, Marietta
All 4th and 5th graders are invited to join us for an
afternoon of bowling at Brunswick Bowl on Delk Rd.
Bring canned goods to take a “strike against hunger.”
Cost is $12 per child and registration is online. Please
register by Monday, September 8.
Throughout the Week
Parents help your children continue
to GROW by downloading monthly
family resources on our website.
Mission Moments:
United Methodist
Children’s Home
Wednesday nights
5:00-6:30PM; Fellowship Hall
Children three years and older are invited to join us for
mission art projects and fellowship games when they
are not in choir. Nursery is provided for children birth
through 2 years old on the 1st floor.
Sunday Mornings during
Large Group Worship
Rooms 35 and 53
We are excited to be adding a new piece to our Large
Group Worship. Each Sunday, we will highlight a
mission opportunity that children and families can be
involved in through their prayer, presence, gifts, service
and witness. We look forward to sharing opportunities
to serve The United Methodist Children’s Home with
you and your families.
Trinity Soup Kitchen
We are so thankful that 35 people joined us for
our family-friendly mission opportunity at Trinity
Soup Kitchen. Children and adults ministered to
226 people by sharing meals, conversation and
hospitality. We hope you and your family will join
us next time!
Thank you!
for transforming 18
homes for families
during map 2014
Adult Volunteers
& Sponsors
Chloe & John Abram
Betty Ann & Larry Abblitt
Anne Addison
Stephen Ahnrud
Vicki & Mark Ahnrud
Ashley & Andrew Aiken
Jeff Allen
Rahel Alemu
Anne & John Ames
Leigh Ann & Tim Ayres
Cathy Barshay
Ellenda & Milton Bell
Michael Bell
Amelia Bennett
Jenny Bethel
Pam & Denny Betz
Beth & Joel Bickerstaff
Barton Black
David Black
Jennifer Black
Nell & Rip Black
Leslie Bolden
Rev. Catherine Boothe
Lisa Bradham
Elizabeth & Jim Brewer
Meghan Brodie
Marla-Deen Brooks
Nancy Brooks
Jennifer & Tyler Burns
Gus Bussey
Connie & Merrell Calhoun
Tol Candler
Trayce & Jeff Carr
Julie Catherman
Chris Cavanagh
Mary Chatham
Charles Cobb
Jennifer Cochran
Jerry Coker
Joy & Philip Coleman
Catherine Collier
Ann & Jack Cookston
Sharon Cooper
Anne Cox
Julie & Mike D’Emilio
Joseph Daniel
Cathy & Tye Darland
Marilyn Davis
Wheatley Davis
Blake Davis
Laura & Chris Deisley
Will Deisley
Courtney & Bill Dickey
Claire Dickey
Diane & Jimmy Dickey
Edward Dickey
Kristin & Rob Donnell
Betsy & Al Dorminy
Laurie Dorough
Ann & Jim Edwards
Stephanie & Michael Emry
Ken Erdoes
Sabre Esler
Jared Evans
Lori Ewing
Liza Farley
Sabrina Farley
Rachel Farmer
Arden & Brad Feiman
Allison Ferguson
Peggy & James Ferguson
Lang Fiveash
Kathryn Floyd
Martha & Bob Forrest
Marie & Brad Foster
David Foshee
Linda & Adam Fuller
Mary Grace Gallagher
Peggy & Kevin Gallagher
Genesis Sunday School Class
Anthony Giardino
Elizabeth & Will Glasgow
Jennifer & Edward Godfrey
Jennifer Gordon
Kim Grady
Rev. Geoff Grubbs
Kelly Guest
Tina & Mike Hallmark
Jane & Derek Hardesty
Alva Harper
Judy Harrison
Chandler Haydon
Marshall Hazlehurst
Babette & Bill Henagan
Charles Henagan
Aimee Henderson
Taylor Heys
Kristi Highsmith
Barbara Hill
Amy Hine
Frankie & Billy Hobbs
Dabney & Sam Hollis
Lara & Sam Holmes
Jane & Tom Hoover
Dede & Jackson Houk
Kate Houston
Michael Howard
Angie & William Hoyt
Joan Hubbard
Merritt Huber
Jennifer Huntz
Angie Irby
Abby & John Irby
Tommy Irick
Maribeth & Woody Jameson
Keith Jolly
Della & Carlton Jones
Lindsey Jones
Gregg Joy
Beth & Bruce Kempe
Kirk Kempe
Linda & Bill Kirkman
Winnie Klein
Beverly & Joe Kyle
Jerry Landers
Cheryl Lassiter
Caroline & Boyd Leake
Alison LeBreton
Lance Linsell
Lee & Carl Llewellyn
Kay & Steve Lore
Elizabeth & Scott Lyon
Charlotte Maguire
Lynn Mahan
Lindsay & Andy Marks
Melissa Marsh
Shelley Marshall
Katie Mauldin
Michele McKinnis
Wendy McLeod
Anne & Paul Miller
Denise Miller
Bradford Mills
Rick Minear
Ginger & Dan Molloy
Leah & Bo Moore
Chris Moorman
Kent Morgan
Melindia Morgan
Susan Morgan
Charles Nelson
Marian NeSmith
Angie & Lyle Newkirk
Claudia & Richard North
Richie North
Deepa Paramesh
Kim & Spencer Patton
Laura-Hill Patton
Jack Peard
Susan & Lee Percy
Sally Perley
John Pond
Ellen & Jack Prestia
Andrea Pritchett
Dannie and Toby Propst
Nancy Quintrell
Brian Raley
Cecelia & David Ratcliffe
Wade Reck
Mary Elizabeth Reese
Skip & Gretchen Reese
Cynthia Reid
Heather Richardson
Sara Richburg
Jane & John Ridall
Lauren Robb
Betty & Hill Robertson
Sue Rodman
Cathy & Art Rollins
Alex Roush
Chris Rowen
Mary Rushing
Gertra Thomason
Jenna Scanling
Kim Schouest
June Seiler
Jo Sheetz
Stephany & Tom Sherman
Carolyn Shiverick
Caroline & David Smith
Cathy & Paul Smith
Darryl Smith
Helen Smith
Julie Smith
Julie Snyder
Dick Spain
William Spratt
Maggie Staton
Ann & Cary Sullivan
Laura & John Sumlin
Linda Lou Sumlin
Lynn & Dodge Sumlin
Mike Tallent
Mavis Thompson
Amy & Tom Tidwell
Jane Tolleson
Sally & Frank Toye
Sarah Toye
Stephanie Trail
Lea & Peter Tranakos
Diana & Bryan Treadway
Laura & Jimmy Trimble
Tripp Trimble
Millie Tucker
United Methodist Women
Vacation Bible School
Semmes Van Brocklin
Sara Ann Vaughan
Amy Walker
Betty Wallace
Melissa Warmack
Laura & Gene Warren
Glenn Warren Jr.
Dr. Gil Watson
Rob Wellon
Bruce Wennerholm
Larke Wheeler
Carolyn White
Susan & Tom Wilby
Jane and Paul Wilgus
Annie Williamson
Mike Willis
Cathy Wilson
Debi & Stan Wilson
Sissy & Bill Wilson
Jeannie Wright
Shari Wright
Jean & Mark Young
Paul Zantzinger
Corporate Sponsors
Alex Roush Architects, Inc.
Arrow Waste
Atlanta Gear and Axle
Capital Cadillac Buick GMC
Carole Parks Catering
Carolina Lumber & Supply Co.
Chick-fil-a (Howell Mill)
Colonial Bakery/Sara Lee
Costco (Cumberland Mall)
Crystal Cubes Ice
Ed Voyles Automotive Group
Ferrero USA/Nutella
Fresh Market (Roswell Rd.)
Gabriel’s Bakery
Henri’s Bakery
Home Depot
Jason’s Deli
Kona Ice
Krystal Restaurants
Maggiano’s (Peachtree St.)
McDonald’s (Northside Dr.)
Milton Bell Photography
Moe’s (Peachtree Rd.)
NAI Brannen Goddard
Nancy G’s
Peachtree Presbyterian Church
Publix (Howell Mill)
Sanchez Painting
Shane’s Rib Shack
Sherwin Williams
Sport Clips (Tide and Tiger, LLC)
Springer Mountain Farms
Starbucks (Peachtree Battle)
Vacation Bible School
The Westminster Schools
Whole Foods (West Paces)
Willy’s Mexicana Grill
NUMC Students
Abi Abegaz
Betty Abegaz
Amelia Ahn
Madeline Arenth
Rebecca Barshay
John Bell
Charlie Bennett
Kate Bethel
Elizabeth Beveridge
Sanders Black
Asa Bolden
Alex Bradham
James Brewer
T-Bo Brooks
Kate Brooks
Smith Brooks
Joey Calcagno
Will Carr
JT Carr
Andrew Clarida
Caroline Clark
Alex Clark
Max Coffin
Ella Collier
Thomas Collins
Emilie Corsini
Catey Cox
Emma D’Emilio
William Dickey
James Dickey
Graham Dixon
Andrew Eith
Kirby Ellis
Jonathan Ellis
Casey Erdoes
Grant Esler
Sam Ferguson
Allison Fiveash
Harrison Fiveash
William Floyd
William Foshee
Austin Fuller
Jackson Fuller
Ella Glasgow
Stuart Gordon
Lanier Gordon
Julia Grady
Maggie Green
Mary Briton Green
Charlie Greene
Jadah Greenidge
Caroline Hall
Virginia Hall
Patrick Hannan
Hannah Haverty
Carter Haydon
Maddie Hazelhurst
Charlotte Hedgepeth
Warren Hedgepeth
Caroline Heller
Darby Henagan
Sparks Highsmith
Suzanne Hollis
Cammie Holmes
Davis Houk
Leighton Howard
Mary Carol Huntz
Stuart Ingram
Hannah Ruth Jameson
Mashall Johnson
Haydon Jolly
Carolin Jones
Alex Kaye
Charlie Kaye
Grace Kelecki
Scott Kuhlke
Ballard Leake
Kat LeBreton
Nathalie LeBreton
Laddy Linginfelter
Turner Linginfelter
Ryan Llewellyn
Carson Llewellyn
Charles Lunsford
George Lyon
Ced Maisonnevue
Reagan Marshall
Griffin Marshall
Leah Mautner
John McLeod
Maggie McSwain
Walker Metzger
Mary Chapman Miller
Kate Miller
Allie Smith Miller
Caroline Miller
Madison Minear
Molly Mitchell
Tucker Molloy
Dixon Molloy
Tripp Moore
Lillie Moore
Will Moorman
Marilyn Morgan
Caroline Moulton
Jack Neill
Mary Beth Newkirk
Catherine Olsen
Janie Palmer
Graham Palmer
Jena Paramesh
Riley Patton
Smith Patton
Madison Patton
Jack Patton
Aaron Payne
Grant Percy
Cat Prestia
Jessica Pritchard
Sam Pritchard
Kristen Rafuse
Lucie Raley
Miller Reid
John Richardson
Avery Rodts
Carson Rodts
Tom Rowen
Suzanne Schouest
Will Seiler
Michael Serzan
Megha Shah
Gray Shiverick
Jimbo Smith
Emma Smith
Anna Smith
Julie Smith
Gwendy Smith
Everett Smulders
Teddy Snyder
Natalie Spingler
Robert Spratlin
John Staton
Hailey Staton
Davis Steiner
Ella Stewart
Emily Sumlin
Chat Sumlin
Chris Tidwell
Caroline Tidwell
Monty Toye
Nicholas Tranakos
Farley Tranakos
Bennett Treadway
Sarah Treadway
Kate Trimble
William Turton
Fritz Van Winkle
Beau Vance
Sally Vaughan
Cate Wilby
Michael Willis
Taylor Willis
Lizzie Wright
Kitty Wright
Summer Interns
Evelyn Ahnrud
Jack Houk
Annie Kempe
Ali Palmer
Caroline Percy
Craig Rollins
Campbell Toye
We offer a heartfelt
thanks to our Northside
Church staff for all their
help this year!
Much appreciation,
William Newkirk
& Linda Joy
Instrumental Groups
»» Grades 3-5
»» Begins September 10; 5-5:45pm (Wednesdays)
»» Meets in Bell Room
Adult Choirs
The Adult Choirs are starting a new season of beautiful
music and would love for you to be a part.
Sanctuary Choir
»» Begins September 10; 6:30-7:25pm (Wednesdays)
»» Meets in Bell Room
This bell choir ministers throughout the year in traditional
worship services with bell peels, bell trees, processionals,
hymn accompaniment, and solo pieces.
»» Begins Sunday, September 7; Practices at 8:00am
»» Sings for 8:30am service
»» Begins Wednesday, September 3;
Practices 7:30-9:00pm
»» Sings for the 11:00am service
Orchestra plays for the 8:30 & 11:00am traditional
worship services once a month. Orchestra is open to all
interested players.
Chancel Choir
Youth Choirs
Northside’s Youth Choirs focus on building relationships
with one another and with Christ. Come find your place
with us on Sundays beginning September 7!
“Together For Good”
»» Grades 9-12
»» 5:15-5:45pm (Sundays)
Youth choir
»» Grades 6-12
»» 5:45-6:30pm (Sundays)
Children’s Choirs
Have fun singing with friends!
Northside’s Children’s Choirs are designed to help children
experience the joy of music and learn that “Jesus loves
them, no matter what!” All choirs begin September 10
and rehearse on Wednesdays. Visit our website to register.
Please be aware of our new schedule:
»» Age 3 (by September 1) - 4 years, 4:45-5:15pm
»» Age 5 (by September 1) - 1st Grade, 5:15-5:45pm
»» Grades 2-5, 5:45-6:35pm
»» Begins September 21; 7:30am (Sundays)
Rehearsals beginning in September!
»» Begins September 21, 3:30-5:00pm (Once a month)
»» Meets in Choir Room
Festival Choir is open to anyone who would like to
participate in the annual Festival of Carols. This ensemble
is a short-term commitment, one rehearsal a month,
allowing you to share your talents and meet new friends!
If you are interested in joining or have any questions,
please contact Ann Edwards at 678.298.5031 or
[email protected].
Visit our website for additional information about
our ensembles and events. Contact Melissa Godbee,
[email protected] or 678.298.5040, with
any questions!
It’s Hoops Time!
Winter 2014-2015 Youth Basketball Online Registration
begins this month for boys and girls ages 5 to 15.
•  Northside Members and Confirmed
Coaches: September 25, 2014
•  Returning Players and Siblings:
September 29, 2014
•  Open to Public: October 1, 2014
•  November 11: 5-6 Girls, 7-8 Girls
and 11-12 Boys and Girls (5-6 Girls
Draft Immediately following)
•  November 12: 13-15 Boys and Girls
(Draft Immediately following)
•  November 16: 5-6 Boys, 7-8 Boys
and 9-10 Boys and Girls
•  November 11: 5-6 Girls
•  November 17: 5-6 Boys, 7-8 and
9-10 Boys and Girls
•  November 19: 11-12 Boys and Girls
Monday, November 17 at 6:00pm
in the Faith & Arts Center
December 17 – 21, 2014
•  November 23 – 29
•  December 22 – January 4, 2015
If you are interested in coaching
or working as a scorekeeper,
contact Clayton Schmitt at
[email protected].
December 1, 2014
Lil’ Hoopsters Developmental Basketball
•  Age 4
•  Saturday Mornings, beginning January 10, 2015
•  $125/6 weeks
Winter Break Basketball Rising Stars Camp
•  Age 5-13
•  Dates: December 22 – 23, 2014
•  Times: Monday and Tuesday 8:30am-3:00pm
•  Individual or Both Day Options: One day $75, Both days $140.
Here are your classrooms!
“We are so excited for
another school year!”
•  6th: Room 365
•  7th: Room 362
•  8th: Room 364
•  9th and 10th: Room 308
•  11th and 12th: Room 303
September 7 marks Kick-off Sunday!
All grade specific Sunday School
Parents, you can still register for
classes will meet again in their
Confirmation! Register on our website.
designated classrooms from
Don’t forget to attend the mandatory
9:45 to 10:45am throughout
student and parent meeting in the
the school year.
Fellowship Hall on September 7 from
9:45 to 10:45am. Contact Anne Kramer at
[email protected] if you have any
7 // Romans & Christians • 6:30-8pm
Romans and Christians
Methodist Youth Fellowship (MYF) will kickoff on
September 7 with Romans and Christians. Students
will take on the role of early Christians attempting to
avoid persecution from the Roman soldiers, played by
our adult volunteers. We will wrap up the evening with
a huge party in a makeshift heaven. Bring a friend because
this is our most popular event with over 120 students
attending last year!
•  Meet in the Fellowship Hall at 6:30pm.
12 & 13 // Tour Stop
27 // Stone Mountain • 6-11pm
3-5 // High School Fall Retreat
18 // Corn Maze • 4-10pm
26 // Costume Party • 6:30-8pm
•  Bring $5 for dinner (provided by The Varsity food truck & Kona
•  Pick-up in the turn around at 8:00pm.
Our regular MYF program will
start on September 14 and continue
throughout the school year. We meet
in the Fellowship Hall 6:30-7:30pm.
Bring $5 for dinner. MYF consists
of dinner, games, a short lesson, and
small groups. Don’t miss out!
Tour Stop
Join us September 12 and 13 as we
prepare for the Methodist Youth
Conference in 2015 by attending
Tour Stop. This is a weekend preview
of the main event in summer of
2015. There will be music, a speaker,
and a service project on Saturday,
September 13. For more details
[email protected]!
9 // Operation Christmas Child • 6:30-8pm
22 & 23 // Winter M.A.P.
30 // Ice Skating • 6:30-8:30pm
Stone Mountain
All students are invited
to come with us to Stone
September 27. Meet at the
church at 6:00pm with $5 for
dinner. Make sure to bring a blanket
to watch the Laser Show! Pick-up at
the church at 11pm.
Attention High School!
We are taking our first ever High School
Fall Retreat! Join us for two days of
rafting, disk golf, and paint-ball at the
White Water Express camp near the
Ocoee River in Tennessee.
•  October 3 -5
•  $150
•  Register online by September 18
7 // Christmas Shopping • 6:30-8pm
14 // Christmas Party • 6:30-8pm
Travels with Northside is a travel, fellowship and outreach ministry of
Northside Church, serving adults of all ages in our church community.
Join us as we see some great and memorable sights, experience the
magnificence of God’s creation and make new friends along the way!
For more information contact Anne Howard at 678.298.5033,
Option 2 or [email protected].
Atlanta Motor Speedway
Tour & Noah’s Ark Animal Sanctuary
Thursday, September 25 (8:30am – 5:00pm)
Cost: $35, Plus Lunch
Strap on your seatbelts as we visit Petty Garden, Victory
Lane, garage areas and take two laps around the track in
the Speedway van! We will eat lunch at Buckners Family
Restaurant nearby and then tour a 250-acre rehabilitation
center which cares for more than 1500 animals of all shapes
and sizes strictly through donations. We will visit a Bear, a
Lion and a Tiger that are best friends and live in the same
habitat. We may even take some wish list items needed for
the animals. Make sure to wear comfortable walking shoes
for this trip.
Fall Leaf Trip Along the North Georgia
Farm Trail
Thursday, October 23 (8:30am – 5:00pm)
Cost: $50, Lunch Included
Come along with us as we explore the beautiful Georgia
Mountain Parkway in the historic high country. We will
travel to Ellijay for a visit to a local winery, Blue Ridge for
shopping, and Mercier Orchards for apples, fried apple
pies and produce.
Mannheim Steamroller Christmas Music
Show at the Fox Theatre
Saturday, November 22 (12:30pm – 6:00pm)
$68, Includes Transportation
Join us for the 30th Anniversary of this Christmas tour!
Don’t miss this wonderful orchestra that has sold over 40
million CDs worldwide. You will hear many traditional
Christmas songs and some newer ones. This show will be
in Atlanta for one day only!
participation began to assume equal importance with the
biblical teaching. The Banquet table extended as two more
important bases were added to its foundation: worship
through music, and an emphasis on prayer. The present
Banquet table is firmly established on these four sturdy
legs: teaching, discussion, worship, and prayer.
Banquet Bible Study
This year, the Banquet Bible Study
celebrates twenty years of feasting on the
Word of God and fellowshipping with down-to-earth
women. Banquet began in 1994, primarily from the efforts
of Gretchen Middleton, a Northside regular who hungered
for a serious study of God’s Word alongside other women.
Although Gretchen eventually moved from Atlanta, the
Banquet table she set continues to entice other “hungry”
women of all ages and faith backgrounds.
Banquet’s table was built on solid Bible teaching offered
by dedicated teachers, including Valerie Goodwin, Jeanie
Cook, Beth Corbitt, Betty Harrison, Connie Calhoun,
Jean Young, Anne Landers, and Marilyn Davis. Banquet’s
table acquired a double pedestal of support as small group
Changes continue to occur around the Banquet table—new
faces, video teaching, more contemporary worship style,
and bolder prayers. Last spring, Jeanie Cook, Banquet’s
spiritual mentor since the very beginning, passed the
mentoring torch onto Caroline Smith and Bev Suever. This
powerful duo will bring something fresh to the Banquet
table as they take over leadership this fall.
However, most significant are the changes in the
participating women themselves, as God’s Word nurtures
and inwardly transforms. The invitation to join us either
Tuesday evenings or Wednesday mornings is extended
to all women in the community—Come to the Banquet
where “your soul will delight in the richest of fare.”
Register for Banquet and for all Women’s Ministry fall
studies by visiting our website.
He has taken me to the banquet hall,
and his banner over me is love.
Song of Solomon 2:4
Photo by Susan Spratt
Beginning September 14
In such a fast-paced world, it’s difficult to find even
half an hour to invest in a better life. Why not take “30
Minutes” to stop and focus on God’s plan and purpose for
your life? You are invited to join us on Sunday mornings
for “30 Minutes”…a NEW class in the Fellowship Hall.
In “30 Minutes” we’ll take time for a lesson and fellowship
together. Todd Baker will present lessons on a variety of topics
focused on helping you enjoy the abundant life that Jesus spoke
of in John 10:10…“I came that you might have life in all its fullness.”
Join us on Sunday, September 14 in the Fellowship Hall
from 10:00 to 10:30am! Adults of all ages are welcome.
Dinner Groups
Dinner groups are designed to help you meet new friends
who are your age and in a similar life situation. Each
group meets at least once a month for dinner and
conversation. Currently we have groups meeting in the
following life situations and age groups:
•  Married with kids (early-mid 30’s)
•  Married with/without kids (early-mid 30’s)
•  Married with/without kids (mid-late 20’s)
•  Newly Married (mid-late 20’s)
•  Dating/Engaged Couples (early-mid 20’s)
•  Single Ladies (early-mid 20’s)
•  Single Ladies (mid-late 20’s)
Interested? Contact Todd Baker at
[email protected]
2799 Northside Drive NW
Atlanta, Georgia 30305
Communion Sunday
“How Do We Praise Him?”
Psalm 148:1-6, Dr. Gil Watson, Preaching
3rd Grade Bible Presentation (9:45 & 11:00am)
“Everybody Ought To Know…”
Romans 14:10-12, Dr. Gil Watson, Preaching
“God’s Word, Your Voice”
Psalm 105:1-3, Rev. Geoff Grubbs, Preaching
“Go Tell the Next Generation”
Psalm 78:1-4, Dr. Gil Watson, Preaching