CISB 15 Microcomputer Applications Syllabus - Fall 2014 - Section 22815 - Tue / Thu 8:00 am – 10:15 am Course Name : Section : Time: CISB 15 - Microcomputer Applications ( 3.5 units) 22815 Mon / Wed Lecture: 8:00 am – 9:20 am Lab: 9:21 am – 10:15 am Duration: August 25, 2014 – December 14, 2014 (16 weeks) Pre-requisites: None Classroom : Bldg 17 - Room 11A Professor : Rich Patterson Email : [email protected] Office: Bldg 18A – Office #1 (Trailer building just south of Bldg. 26D) Voice Mail: (909) 274-5168 (My Mt. SAC office number) Student Portal: Instructor Home Page: My Office Hours: Mon Wed Your personal ID Code: 12:00 noon – 3:00 pm (Bldg 18A – Office #1) 1:30 pm – 2:30 pm (Bldg 18A – Office #1) ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ (last 5 digits of your Student ID) Course Description: As a student in this course, you will learn the most important topics of Microsoft Office 2013. No prior computer experience is assumed. First you will become familiar with essential computing concepts and Windows 7 or Windows 8 file management. Then, you will learn the basics of browsers and e-mail. The first application unit covers Microsoft Word 2013, followed by a unit on Microsoft Excel 2013. You will then learn to integrate the features of Microsoft Word and Excel. Next, you will learn to create, build, and maintain a Microsoft Access 2013 database. The last application we will cover is Microsoft PowerPoint 2013, where you will create, apply and modify a presentation. Finally, you will learn how to integrate Access with Word, Excel and PowerPoint. Course Objectives: 1. Manage storage devices, organize files, and run programs using an operating system 2. Locate information on the web and manage e-mail program 3. Create and edit documents with a word processor 4. Utilize spreadsheet software for appropriate business applications 5. Create files, update files and generate reports using database management software 6. Design slide presentations with presentation software 7. Integrate software to accomplish business tasks Student Learning Outcomes: Students completing CISB 15 – Microcomputer Applications will: 1. be able to effectively use formulas and functions in worksheets. 2. be able to use Microsoft Word to create professional documents needed to create a computer security report. 3. understand the importance of continuing their education in computer literacy. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Professor Rich Patterson Created 5/29/2014 Fall 2014 Syllabus-Fall 2014 - Section 22815 Tue / Thu Updated 8/18/2014 CISB15 - Microcomputer Applications Page 1 of 10 CISB 15 Microcomputer Applications Syllabus - Fall 2014 - Section 22815 - Tue / Thu 8:00 am – 10:15 am Required Text: Microsoft Office 2013 New Perspectives - First Course ISBN-13: 978-1-285-16764-0 Publisher: Cengage Learning ( © 2014 ) Authors: Shaffer / Carey / Parsons / Oja / Finnegan / Pinard / Ageloff / Ruffolo / Romer / Adamski / Scollard / Desjardins / Zimmerman / Zimmerman Required Materials: - Textbook Blue Print Card - Flash Drive Mt. SAC ID - 3 or 4 Scantrons #882 Teaching Methods: Lectures: Important material from the text and outside sources will be covered in class. Students should plan to take careful notes as not all material can be found in the texts or readings. Discussion is encouraged as is student-procured outside material relevant to topics being covered. Labs: After the lecture portion of each class, there will be time for students to practice what they learn during the lecture, with the help of the instructor. Actual lab activities/assignments will be completed during each lab session and graded. Assignments: End of chapter homework assignments will be given weekly to reinforce material in the text. Quizzes: Occasional announced and unannounced quizzes will be given to help ensure students stay up with assigned material. Exams: Four exams will be given. The exams will be closed book/notes and will test assigned readings and material discussed in class. Review sheets will be provided prior to the exam day. Participation: Student participation will be graded by the level of class participation and attendance. Computer Lab Hours and Use: You will be given assignments that will require the use of your home computer or our BDCL lab: Business Division Computer Lab (BDCL) - Bldg 17, Room #5. This is an open computer lab. There will be no scheduled class time in the lab. A brochure with lab hours for the fall semester is available and will be/was handed out to you during the first class meeting. If you are going to use the computer lab, and want to print, you will need to purchase a print card from the Bursar’s Office for a nominal fee. (Ask at the lab check-in desk for more information) ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Professor Rich Patterson Created 5/29/2014 Fall 2014 Syllabus-Fall 2014 - Section 22815 Tue / Thu Updated 8/18/2014 CISB15 - Microcomputer Applications Page 2 of 10 CISB 15 Microcomputer Applications Syllabus - Fall 2014 - Section 22815 - Tue / Thu 8:00 am – 10:15 am Attendance Policy: You are highly encouraged to attend EVERY class meeting! Please be punctual. Students coming into class late are a great disruption to the class. Because of the instructional nature of the class meetings, it becomes critical that you attend class (and be on time) in order to gain important lecture and hands-on guidance. If you must miss a class, it is your responsibility to get missed information. If you will be unable to attend class for an extended period (more than 1 class), you should advise me of the nature of the absence and state whether you intend to continue in the class. If you miss more than 3 classes throughout the semester, you may be dropped for excessive absences. You will also be dropped if you are not an active student, which includes participating in classroom activities and discussions and completing and turning in homework assignments. I will take roll at the start of every class session. Dropping this course: IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to drop or add classes -- not your instructor's! Failure to do so will result in a failing grade and/or an obligation of fees to the college. Important Add / Drop Dates: Last day to add a class Friday, Last day to drop with a refund: Friday, Last day to drop without a “W”: Sunday, Last day to drop with a “W”: Friday, September 5, September 5, September 7, October 31, 2014 2014 2014 2014 For more information about dropping classes, see your 2014 – 2015 College Catalog. Integrity of Effort : Plagiarism and cheating are serious offenses and will be punished by failure on exam, paper or project; failure in course; and or expulsion from the college. Every student is required do his/her own work. Every assignment submitted must include a signed statement that the assignment is solely the work of the person submitting it. Even on the first occasion, anyone who copies another person's assignment, or part of a assignment, and submits it as his/her own work will receive a 0 (zero) grade on that assignment. Anyone who allows their work to be copied will receive a 0 (zero) grade on that assignment. Additionally, anyone engaging in copying or plagiarism will be referred to the proper authorities at the discretion of the instructor. Classroom Rules: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Please, no cell phones are to ring during class! (There are exceptions, please see me.) Please no texting during class. It is a distraction to those around you. There is to be NO printing of homework assignments on the networked classroom printer. Please do not surf the WEB during class unless it is part of the class exercise we are working on. No food and/or drinks allowed on desks in classrooms where there are computers. At the end of each class, please take your CDs and Flash Drives with you. Please exit out of any applications that are still running on your computer. Please pick up any trash left in the classroom. Make it neat and ready for the next class. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Professor Rich Patterson Created 5/29/2014 Fall 2014 Syllabus-Fall 2014 - Section 22815 Tue / Thu Updated 8/18/2014 CISB15 - Microcomputer Applications Page 3 of 10 CISB 15 Microcomputer Applications Syllabus - Fall 2014 - Section 22815 - Tue / Thu 8:00 am – 10:15 am Sending Your Instructor an E-Mail : My Mt. SAC email account is [email protected]. If you send me an e-mail, you must use your Mt. SAC student e-mail account. Also, when sending me a Mt. SAC e-mail, please use this text in the subject line of your email: CISB 15 – CRN 22815 – Your Name Quizzes: There are a couple planned quizzes. I reserve the right to give a quiz in class at any time! These quizzes will not be announced ahead of time. The purpose of a quiz is to assess how you are progressing with your reading of the textbook and understanding the material presented in the textbook and the in-class presentations. No Scantron will be needed for the quizzes! Quizzes cannot be made up. Exams: We will have an Exam after each group of Tutorials in this course: Word, Excel and Access (3 in all). Questions on the exam are in Multiple Choice, True/False, and Fill-In (short answer) format. On each exam there is also a Hands-On portion. There will be no make-up for exams unless I am notified prior to the date of the exam and a make-up date is set at that time. Tentative Exam Dates: Word Exam Excel Exam Access Exam Final Exam Date - Thursday, Tuesday, Tuesday, Tuesday, September October November December 18th, 2014 14th, 2014 18th, 2014 9th, 2014 (7:30 am) A grade of "zero" may be assigned for the final if a student does not take the final exam. For more information and schedule of Final exams, go to this PDF file, Page 30: Assignments: All assignments will be due at the beginning of the class period on the day they are due. At any time other than that, they are considered late. All assignments are to be developed using a computer Word Processor. The due date for each assignment is on the Syllabus Schedule and the Website’s Course Schedule. All assignments will be collected at the beginning of the class when it is due. Late assignments will lose ten (10) points per day that they are late. Late assignments must be turned in at the next class session. No assignments will be accepted after that date. Please keep all assignments returned to you until after the course is finished in case there is any discrepancy in the grade with what the instructor has recorded. Incompletes: Every once in a while, a student will receive an “Incomplete” on an assignment. The student is encouraged to see the instructor concerning what needs to be completed on the assignment and then resubmit the assignment at the next class meeting. If it is not turned in at the next class meeting, a zero will be assigned to that assignment. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Professor Rich Patterson Created 5/29/2014 Fall 2014 Syllabus-Fall 2014 - Section 22815 Tue / Thu Updated 8/18/2014 CISB15 - Microcomputer Applications Page 4 of 10 CISB 15 Microcomputer Applications Syllabus - Fall 2014 - Section 22815 - Tue / Thu 8:00 am – 10:15 am Need for Assistance: If any student has any condition, such as a physical or learning disability, which will make it difficult for you to carry out the work as I have outlined it, or which will require academic accommodations, please notify me as soon as possible. Those who believe they have a disability but have not registered with DSPS can see me for additional information about the DSPS program. Or, you can contact DSPS yourself on the first floor of the Student Services Building. ( ) Key Important Dates to Remember: Monday Aug 25th - Fall 2014 Semester Begins Monday Friday Friday Friday Sunday Thursday Sep 1st Sep 5th Sep 5th Sep 5th Sep 7th Sep 18th - Monday Tuesday Friday Oct 6th Oct 14th Oct 31st - Last day to petition for Fall Semester graduation - Excel Exam for Section 22815 – Tutorials EXL1 – EXL4 - Last day to drop with a “W for CISB 15 Section 22815 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Friday Tuesday Thu - Fri Nov 3rd Nov 11th th Nov 12 Nov 14th th Nov 18 Nov 27th- 28th International Student Application Due for 2015 Spring Semester Holiday – Veteran’s Day. No Classes. Campus is closed Registration begins for 2015 Winter Intersession Registration begins for 2014 Winter Intersession Credit and Continuing Ed Access Exam for Section 22815 – Tutorials ACC1 – ACC4 Holiday – Thanksgiving Recess. No Classes. Campus is closed Friday Mon – Sun Tuesday Sunday Monday Dec 5th Dec 8th–14th Dec 9th Dec 14th Dec 15th Last day to petition for Winter Intersession graduation Final Exams – (See exam schedule in Fall 2014 Schedule of classes, page 30) Final Exam for CISB 15 – Section 22815 – (7:30 am – 10:00 am) 2014 Fall Semester Ends 2015 Winter Recess Begins (December 15th – January 2) - Holiday – Labor Day. No Classes. Campus is closed Last day to add a 16 week class for 2014 Fall Semester Last day to change residency for 2014 Fall Semester Last day to drop with a refund for CISB 15 Section 22815 Last day to drop without a “W” for CISB 15 Section 22815 Word Exam for Section 22815 – Tutorials WRD1 – WRD4 CIS Certificates: You can earn a CIS Certificate in areas such as networking, network security, database, programming, Web development, operating systems, and more. Certificates can be obtained much easier and quicker than a degree because certificates only require you to pass a few related computer classes. To view all the CIS Certificates and the classes required for each, refer to this certificate list: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Professor Rich Patterson Created 5/29/2014 Fall 2014 Syllabus-Fall 2014 - Section 22815 Tue / Thu Updated 8/18/2014 CISB15 - Microcomputer Applications Page 5 of 10 CISB 15 Microcomputer Applications Syllabus - Fall 2014 - Section 22815 - Tue / Thu 8:00 am – 10:15 am (Tentative number of Quizzes and Assignments) Basis for determining semester grades: Homework assignments: Lab activities/Assignments Quizzes: Exams (4) (including Final): Total 40% 10% 10% 40% 100% 90.0 80.0 70.0 60.0 below 100.0 89.9 79.9 69.9 60.0 =A =B =C =D =F Semester Grade - Self-Record Points Earned Exams Quizzes Assignments Homework: Lab: Assignments Homework: Lab: Word 00 Excel Access Final Total 01 ECC MYF WRD1 WRD2 ACC1 ACC2 ACC3 ACC4 WRD3 WRD4 EXL1 EXL2 EXL3 EXL4 Quiz Total: Assignments Total: Exams Total: (3) Final Exam: Course Total Points: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Professor Rich Patterson Created 5/29/2014 Fall 2014 Syllabus-Fall 2014 - Section 22815 Tue / Thu Updated 8/18/2014 CISB15 - Microcomputer Applications Page 6 of 10 CISB 15 Microcomputer Applications Syllabus - Fall 2014 - Section 22815 - Tue / Thu 8:00 am – 10:15 am Course Outline / Assignments Module 1 – Introduction Tutorial ECC – Essential Computer Concepts Tutorial FM – File Management - Managing Your Files ECC MYF Module 2 – Microsoft WORD 2013 Tutorial WRD1 – Creating and Editing a Document Tutorial WRD2 – Navigating and Formatting a Document Tutorial WRD3 – Creating Tables and a Multipage Report Tutorial WRD4 – Enhancing Page Layout and Design WRD1 WRD2 WRD3 WRD4 Module 3 – Microsoft EXCEL 2013 Tutorial EXL1 – Getting Started with Excel Tutorial EXL2 – Formatting Workbook Text and Data Tutorial EXL3 – Calculating Data with Formulas and Functions Tutorial EXL4 – Analyzing and Charting Financial Data Module 4 – Integration Tutorial INT1 – Tutorial INT2 – Tutorial INT3 – Assignments EXL1 EXL2 EXL3 EXL4 Integrating Microsoft Word and Excel Integrating Microsoft Word, Excel, and Access Integrating Microsoft Word, Excel, Access, and PowerPoint Module 5 – Microsoft ACCESS 2013 Tutorial ACC1 – Creating a Database Tutorial ACC2 – Building a Database & Defining Table Relationships Tutorial ACC3 – Maintaining and Querying a Database Tutorial ACC4 – Creating Forms and Reports ACC1 ACC2 ACC3 ACC4 Module 6 – PowerPoint 2013 Tutorial PPT1 – Creating a Presentation Tutorial PPT2 – Adding Media and Special Effects Module 7 – Information Assurance Tutorial SEC – Information and System Security ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Professor Rich Patterson Created 5/29/2014 Fall 2014 Syllabus-Fall 2014 - Section 22815 Tue / Thu Updated 8/18/2014 CISB15 - Microcomputer Applications Page 7 of 10 CISB 15 Microcomputer Applications Syllabus - Fall 2014 - Section 22815 - Tue / Thu 8:00 am – 10:15 am Week Date Tue - Aug 26 Have this Tutorial Read for this day Welcome 1 Thu - Aug 28 ECC Tue – Sep 2 MYF Thu - Sep 4 Quiz #1 on Managing Your Files 2 WRD1 Tue - Sep 9 WRD2 Thu – Sep 11 WRD3 Tue - Sep 16 WRD4 3 4 Thu - Sep 18 Word Exam WRD1-WRD4 Tue - Sep 23 EXL1 Thu – Sep 25 EXL2 Tue – Sep 30 EXL3 Thu - Oct 2 EXL3 5 6 Tasks and Topics to be covered Welcome and Introduction to the course Review of the Syllabus Review of Course Website / Course Procedures Take Quiz #00 Lecture: ECC - Essential Computer Concepts Assign: ECC Assignment Lecture: MYF - Managing Your Files Assign: MYF Assignment Lab: MYFL Quiz #01 – Covers Managing Your Files Lecture: WRD1 - Creating and Editing a Document Assign: WRD1 Lab: WRD1L Last Day to turn in ECC assignment Return and Review Quiz #01 Lecture: WRD2 - Navigating and Formatting a Document Assign: WRD2 Lab: WRD2L Last day to turn in MYF assignment Lecture: WRD3 - Creating Tables and a Multipage Report Assign: WRD3 Lab: WRD3L Last day to turn in WRD1 assignment Lecture: WRD4 - Enhancing Page Layout and Design Assign: WRD4 Lab: WRD4L Last day to turn in WRD2 assignment WORD Exam: Covers WRD1 – WRD4 Bring a Scantron #882 Bring #2 pencils and a good eraser Last day to turn in WRD3 assignment Return and Review WORD Exam Lecture: Getting Started with Excel Assign: EXL1 Lab: EXL1L Last day to turn in WRD4 assignment Lecture1: EXL2 - Formatting Workbook Text and Data Assign: EXL2 Lab: EXL2L Lecture2: EXL3 - Calculating Data with Formulas and Functions Lab: EXL3L Lecture2: EXL3 - Calculating Data with Formulas and Functions Assign: EXL3 Lab: EXL3L What is Due ECC MYF WRD1 WRD2 WRD3 WRD4 EXL1 EXL2 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Professor Rich Patterson Created 5/29/2014 Fall 2014 Syllabus-Fall 2014 - Section 22815 Tue / Thu Updated 8/18/2014 CISB15 - Microcomputer Applications Page 8 of 10 CISB 15 Microcomputer Applications Syllabus - Fall 2014 - Section 22815 - Tue / Thu 8:00 am – 10:15 am Week 7 Date Have this Tutorial Read for this day Tue - Oct 7 EXL4 Thu - Oct 9 INT1 Tue - Oct 14 EXCEL Exam EXL1-EXL4 Thu - Oct 16 ACC1 Tue - Oct 21 ACC1 Thu - Oct 23 ACC2 Tue – Oct 28 ACC2 Thu – Oct 30 ACC3 Tue – Nov 4 ACC3 Thu – Nov 6 ACC4 8 9 10 11 Tasks and Topics to be covered Last day to turn in EXL2 assignment Lecture: EXL4 - Analyzing and Charting Financial Data Assign: EXL4 Lab: EXL4L Lecture: INT1 - Integrating Word and Excel Last day to turn in EXL3 assignment EXCEL Exam: Covers EXL1 – EXL2 Bring a Scantron #882 Bring #2 pencils and a good eraser Last day to turn in EXL4 assignment Return and review Excel Exam Lecture1: ACC1 – Creating a Database Lab: ACC1L Lecture2: ACC1 – Creating a Database Assign: ACC1 Lab: ACC1L Lecture1: ACC2 – Building a Database and Defining Table Relationships Lab: ACC2L Lecture2: ACC2 – Building a Database and Defining Table Relationships Assign: ACC2 Lab: ACC2L Last day to turn in ACC1 assignment Lecture1: ACC3 - Maintaining and Querying a Database Lab: ACC3L Lecture2: ACC3 - Maintaining and Querying a Database Assign: ACC3 Lab: ACC3L Last day to turn in ACC2 assignment Lecture1: ACC4 - Creating Forms and Reports Lab: ACC4L Holiday: 12 13 Tue - Nov 11 Holiday Thu - Nov 13 INT2 Tue - Nov 18 Access Exam ACC1-ACC4 Thu - Nov 20 PPT1 What is Due EXL3 EXL4 ACC1 ACC2 No Classes Campus is closed Lecture: INT2 - Integrating Word, Excel, & Access Last day to turn in ACC3 assignment Access Exam: Covers EXL1 -- EXL 4 Bring a Scantron #882 Bring #2 pencils and a good eraser ACC3 ACC4 Return and review Access Exam Last day to turn in ACC4 assignment Lecture: PPT1 - Creating a Presentation ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Professor Rich Patterson Created 5/29/2014 Fall 2014 Syllabus-Fall 2014 - Section 22815 Tue / Thu Updated 8/18/2014 CISB15 - Microcomputer Applications Page 9 of 10 CISB 15 Microcomputer Applications Syllabus - Fall 2014 - Section 22815 - Tue / Thu 8:00 am – 10:15 am Week Date Have this Tutorial Read for this day Tue - Nov 25 PPT2 Tasks and Topics to be covered Lecture: PPT2 - Adding Media and Special Effects Holiday: 14 Thu – Nov 27 Holiday Tue - Dec 2 INT3 15 SEC Thu - Dec 4 Review 16 Tue - Dec 9 Final Exam What is Due No Classes Campus is closed Lecture: INT3 – Integrating Word, Excel, Access & PowerPoint Lecture: Information Security and Assurance Review for Final Exam Final Exam 7:30 am – 10:00 am Bldg 17 – Room 11A ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Professor Rich Patterson Created 5/29/2014 Fall 2014 Syllabus-Fall 2014 - Section 22815 Tue / Thu Updated 8/18/2014 CISB15 - Microcomputer Applications Page 10 of 10
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