H Annual Report 2013 • 2014 One Kids Place Children’s Treatment Centre (OKP) is a regional integrated multi-service agency providing community based rehabilitation, specialized clinic services and related support services for children and youth (from birth to 18 years) with communication, developmental and physical disabilities and their families. VISION The Children’s Treatment Centre will be a Centre of Excellence where the child’s goals toward independence are the shared focus for all services and supports. MISSION To provide community-based rehabilitation and related support services for children, and youth (up to the age of 19) and their families living in the Districts of Muskoka, Nipissing and Parry Sound. VA L U E S Child and Family- Centred, Strengthens- Based, Life Long Goals, High Quality, Active Participation, Respect for Diversity, Identifiable and Accessible, Coordinated, Continuity. One Kids Place is a proud member of the Ontario Association of Children’s Rehabilitation Services (OACRS). H B OAR D OF D IR E C TOR S A PR I L 1, 2013 - M ARCH 31, 2014 Bill Riley, Chair District of Nipissing Judy Manitowabi, Secretary/Treasurer District of Nipissing Len Yauk District of Parry Sound Mary Lou Rainville, Vice-Chair District of Nipissing Sara Filkin District of Muskoka Tammy Morison District of Parry Sound Jan Clarke, 2nd Vice-Chair District of Parry Sound Donna Denny District of Muskoka Mark Lucenti District of Nipissing Judy Sharpe, Executive Director The Board of Directors makes decisions based on what is best for children, youth and families and governs with the guiding principle of “For our Kids”/” Pour nos enfants”, which reminds us of why we are here, what we do, and who we serve. H REPORT FROM THE CHAIR AND EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR O N E K I D S P L A C E - Y O U R C H I L D R E N ’ S T R E AT M E N T C E N T R E A N D LEAD AGENCY FOR: Nipissing-Timiskaming Preschool Speech and Language Services Muskoka Parry Sound Preschool Speech and Language Services Rural/remote health services through ISNC funding envelope Northeast Regional Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA)-based Services and Supports Program AND Provider of Saturday and Summer Programs in partnership with NADY (Nipissing Association for Disabled Youth) Provider of School Therapy Services in Nipissing/Parry Sound (through the NE CCAC) Hub for Special Needs Services through the Nipissing Best Start Program and active and committed partner in Muskoka, Parry Sound and Timiskaming Best Start Networks Community Screening Clinics through the Ontario Infant Hearing Program Provider of Social Work services through the Blind/Low Vision Program Provider of paediatric in-patient rehabilitation services for North Bay Regional Health Centre Proud to host the North Bay Paediatric Group (5 paediatricians) in North Bay Proud to host the Learning Disabilities Association in North Bay Proud to host the local chapter of Autism Ontario Proud partner of the Northern Ontario School of Medicine One Kids Place and community partners continue to demonstrate a passion for their work and true leadership maximizing the potential of each and every child and youth within the context of their family and community. We are very proud to provide you with some examples of how our OKP families, staff/Board and community partners have demonstrated true leadership in the following spheres of our collective work: I N N O VAT I V E P R O G R A M S A N D S E R V I C E S Using technology to extend services to rural areas: •The North East Infant Hearing Program includes some remote areas of our province. Speech Language Pathologists at One Kids Place have been providing intervention for families in Attawapiskat using the Ontario Telemedicine Network. The families attend sessions at their local hospital and the therapists are able to coach and provide intervention via videoconference. This also provides opportunities to link with other specialized services in state of the art facilities such as CHEO. •“ The More Than Words Hanen Program” helped parents promote communication and social skills in children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. This was a 12 week course for parents who participated from 2 distinct locations (North Bay and Kirkland Lake) through the Ontario Telemedicine Network that involved group teaching and individual videotaped sessions. The parents were connected through video conference and engaged in shared learning with the support and teaching of a Speech Language Pathologist at each site. This is leading edge work that has significant applications for extending a number of clinical services through technology. “More Than Words has been a great program. My daughter was a baby (although she was almost 2 ½ when we started the program) with no more than 5 words when we started the program. She is now a preschooler with easily 50 plus words! I definitely attribute her successes and progress to the skill set that More Than Words has given me to take home to her. And although I am very grateful for the speech improvement, the peer support and the workers that walked us through all this since starting the program, More Than Words has given me a much greater gift. It has taken away my overwhelming sense of helplessness that I have carried since I received my daughter’s diagnosis. Now I see that I can help her and I can make her life better. She is a different little girl and I truly feel that that is largely due to the More Than Words program.” Kendra Lacarte, More Than Words Winter/Spring 2014 Partnering with Education to increase student success: •OKP and the Near North District School Board are focussing their resources to develop a Transition to School Program – the first of its kind - to occur at OKP beginning May 2014. This program brings together a teacher and rehabilitation therapists to work with a small group of children in a ‘classroom like’ environment at OKP to assist children with special needs to develop strategies and new skills to help them be successful in an elementary school setting. KNOWLEDGE EXCHANGE Participating in research to extend best practice: •Our Pre-School Speech and Language (PSL) programs have implemented the Focus on the Outcomes of Communication Under Six (FOCUS) tool as part of the provincial Outcome Measurement Strategy, along with other PSL programs across the province. This is a standardized tool used by parents to measure their child’s communication skills. The PSL programs have also been introduced to the Motor Speech Service Delivery Pathway as recommended by the Motor Speech Research Study. This allows our therapists to use up to date research and implement best practice in assessment and treatment of young children to help ensure each child is reaching their full potential. •The Augmentative Alternative Communication (AAC) team was pleased to be one of the presenters at the Ontario Association of Children’s Rehabilitation Services (OACRS) conference in November 2013 on the topic of “iPads and AAC: How do I choose the right app?” Their presentation included a framework to determine communicative independence levels in children with complex communication needs and matching the AAC apps to the child’s communication level. “I love working at One Kids Place; the heart and the brain are connected in this place” Alicia Garcia, Speech and Language Pathologist C A PA C I T Y B U I L D I N G W I T H I N FA M I L I E S A N D T H E S Y S T E M Building capacity in the child care sector through education and learning: •The Occupational Therapist and Physiotherapist in Muskoka Parry Sound developed 2 curricula for fine motor development and gross motor development. These were successfully delivered throughout these Districts thus extending our program reach this past year to deliver the curricula in early childhood settings in the District of Nipissing. •Early Literacy Project completed in the District of Parry Sound in partnership with the Best start Network. OKP took the lead on accessing the funding from the pre-school speech and Language program at MCYS directed at training local SLP’s and ECE’s in the Hanen ABC & Beyond workshop designed to each others about early literacy opportunities for children in early learning settings. This train the trainer workshop resulted in building the capacity through local workshops to the ECE’s working in daycare, Early Years and FDK settings. Training included 3 training workshops including one with the ECE’s working with the aboriginal population. Working with First Nations communities to build capacity in our families: The ABC & Beyond Early Literacy workshop was offered by OKP in partnership with the Best Start initiative to aboriginal communities in Parry Sound. In February 2013 the first course was completed focusing on ‘Turning Book Sharing into a Conversation’ and ‘Making New Words Speak’ . Participants included Early Educators from Wasauksing First Nation and from Moose Deer Point. We look forward to a follow-up session in the fall 2014. One Kids Place continues to touch the lives of over 10,000 children and youth – this is only made possible through the passion, commitment and true leadership that is demonstrated each and every day. For that we are forever grateful! Respectfully submitted, Judy Sharpe, Executive Director Bill Riley, Board Chair H S TAT I S T I C A L H I G H L I G H T S (APRIL 1, 2013 TO MARCH 31, 2014) ONE KIDS PLACE CHILDREN’S TREATMENT CENTRE SERVED 2,819 CHILDREN AND YOUTH Together with our partners, the following number of children, youth, and their families have been served from April 1, 2013 to March 31, 2014 • One Kids Place Children’s Treatment Centre: 2,819 children and youth served • Early Years Drop-In Program: Average 55 children in attendance three times per week • Paediatricians: 7,000 to 10,000 patients per year • Nipissing Association for Disabled Youth: 130 families served * By providing 33 additional community partners with space for social/ recreational/clinical and professional development programs, One Kids Place supported 13,721 visits to the Centre outside its regular programming. H FINANCIAL REPORT 2013/14 PROGRAM FUNDING S TAT E M E N T O F F I N A N C I A L P O S I T I O N A S AT M A R C H 3 1 , 2 0 1 4 ASSETS Current assets Land Building, net of accumulated depreciation Equipment, net Leasehold improvements, net Software, net Total Assets (Unaudited) $1,190,138 1, 514,162 11,102,740 629,359 4,283 37,726 $14,478,408 $756,204 75,000 12,042,398 1,503,510 101,296 $14,478,408 S TAT E M E N T O F O P E R AT I O N S FOR THE YEAR ENDED MARCH 31, 2014 Revenues (Unaudited) MCYS - One Kids Place $5,455,682 NECCAC - School Health Support Services 478,040 DSSABs/municipalities218,891 Amortization of grants and donations 551,654 Recoveries and other 546,001 Total OKP Revenue $7,250,268 Expenses Salaries & benefits Supplies & other Building & grounds Capital depreciation Professional/Referred out services Maintenance & minor equipment Total OKP Expenses Excess (deficiency) of revenues over expenses Less: Owing to MCYS and PSDSSAB Excess (deficiency) of revenues over expenses $5,034,361 639,807 414,176 551,654 448,585 79,121 $7,167,704 $82,564 7,523 $75,041 OKP Core 4.70% Applied Behaviour Analysis 6.27% Nip-Tim Preschool Speech 7.06% Integrated Services for Northern Children 7.61% MPS Preschool Speech 10.84% LIABILITIES & NET ASSETS Current liabilities Note payable - NOHFC Deferred capital contributions Net assets, Investment in capital assets Net assets, Unrestricted Total Liabilities and Net Assets 2.61% 49.75% 11.16% School Therapy Services Other DSSABs This financial summary is derived from the annual audited financial statements which were reported on by the organization’s auditing firm, BDO Dunwoody LLP, in their report dated June 3, 2014. A complete set of audited financial statements are available upon request from One Kids Place. U N I Q U E LY S P O N S O R E D P R O G R A M S Revenues (Unaudited) Muskoka Parry Sound Preschool Speech Nipissing Timiskaming Preschool Speech Integrated Services for Northern Children Developmental Services Applied Behaviour Analysis French Workshops for Teachers School Therapy Services Nipissing Association for Disabled Youth Volunteer Program Fundraising/Loan Equipment Parry Sound DSSAB Nipissing DSSAB Total Uniquely Sponsored Revenues $539,759 832,032 581,467 20,321 852,304 18,000 479,258 91,200 61,993 171,178 20,758 178,671 $3,846,941 Expenses Muskoka Parry Sound Preschool Speech Nipissing Timiskaming Preschool Speech Integrated Services for Northern Children Developmental Services Applied Behaviour Analysis French Workshops for Teachers School Therapy Services Nipissing Association for Disabled Youth Volunteer Program Fundraising/Loan Equipment Parry Sound DSSAB Nipissing DSSAB Total Uniquely Sponsored Expenses Excess (deficiency) of revenues over expenses Less: Owing to MCYS and PSDSSAB Excess (deficiency) of revenues over expenses $539,759 828,106 581,467 20,321 852,304 14,427 479,258 91,200 61,993 96,137 20,734 178,671 $3,764,377 $82,564 7,523 $75,041 On behalf of the children, youth and families we serve, the Board and staff of One Kids Place would like to express their sincere thanks and gratitude to the following donors for their generous gifts and pledges received between April 1, 2013 and March 31, 2014. $1 - $99.99 Allan & Ella Cunningham Darlene Bellaire Michael & Carol-Ann Chirico Roger & June Beauchesne Roger & Beverly Bean Barbara Gavan George & Denise McLellan Mike & Patti Callahan Clarion Resort Pinewood Park Terry & Mary Talentino Carrie Bell William Good & Jill Faber Pierre & Mary Seguin Curves International Wal-Mart Canada Katie Laporte Albert & Martha Attema Treena Palangio Danielle Becker Friendship Force of Connecticut Kerry Caruso Chas & Kimberely Eveson Cinda & Kevin Addison Dr. Shawn & Ann Ferguson Eric & Joy Magill Linda Karam Frank & Carole Felice Ed Roche Dr. David & Carol Dellandrea Louise Moyer Darlene Laferriere & David McKenney Susan Georgieff Ford Morland Spectra Energy - Union Gas Louise Reilly-Moore Donald & Margaret Peterson Thomas Chatfield Guy & Joan Ouellette Amanda Humphrey Lynne Vokes-Leduc Elenore Grozelle Bart & Colleen Hutson Janice Morland Michael & Caroline Stetch Pauline Rochefort Ernest & Mary Levis Brian & Caroline Duval Lawrence & Heather Klein Stephen & Kim Sajatovic Ria Poulin-Snell Gail Oattes Dr. Ted Chase Nestor & Jill Prisco Roger & Sandra Marleau Howard & Kathrine Eckler JJ Hutson Sylvia Taus Jason & Nancy Corbett Kaelan Marshall Ontario Provincial Police Association Branch 12 South Shelly Batenchuk John & Rose Mary Gagnon Michael & Mary Marrs Peter Leckie Arclin Canada Ltd. Peter & Willa O’Hare Franco-Nord Greg Rodgers Betty Hurley Shannon Berriault Gold Fleet Subaru Larry & Judy Sharpe Nipissing-Parry Sound Catholic District School Board Brian & Danielle Barry Trinity United Church Grant Thornton Snowball Artison Craft Show Paul & Mary Lou Rainville Ernest Loukidelis William & Doris-Rae Brownlee Linda Hughes Nancy Kilgour & Keith Pacey Guido & Helen Verrillo Friendship Force of Greater Denver Atlas Copco Exploration Products Summer Lynn Morison G. Anne Martyn Donna Yetman North Bay Indian Friendship Centre Mattawa Lions Club James Oattes Near North Quilters Guild James & Phyllis Erickson Kevin & Tania Carson Nipissing Rifle & Revolver Club Conseil Scolaire Catholique Nasittuq Zedd Customer Solutions Social Committee $100 - $999.99 North Shore Convenience $1,000 - $2,499 Assante Wealth Management Services Inc. Manitou Chapter IODE TD Bank Financial Group Dr. Jim Vigars Bonfield Lion’s Club J. S. Redpath Ltd. Vortex Aerospace Service Ltd. Township of Machar Canadore College employees Kennedy Insurance McDonald’s Restaurants North Bay & Sturgeon Falls Kinsmen Club of Parry Sound BDO Dunwoody LLP Cecil’s Eatery & Beer Society King Sportswear North Bay Real Estate Board Coldwell Banker - Peter Minogue Real Estate Brokerage Lafarge Canada Inc. Positive Promotions Municipal Insurance Services Ltd. Corporation of the Township of Chisholm Living Fit - Inside/Out Rivet Insurance Knox Insurance Brokers Ian & Carolyn Kilgour Lucenti, Orlando & Ellies Rotacan Michael & Joanne Clair Township of Papineau-Cameron M. Lemay Dentistry Professional Corp. Scotiabank Group YES Employment Services Direct Accountability Program VS Group Colin & Joan Vickers Comsatec Inc. Investors Group Financial Scott & Cindy Carr $2,500 - $9,999.00 $10,000 + Honeywell Rotary Club of Nipissing Peter Gregory Promotions The Fazzari Family In memory of Rocco & Angela D’Agostino Jean Jamieson & Trevor Thomas, Century 21 Blue Sky Realty Inc. Canadian Tire North Bay Rebuilt Resources Skills Development Inc. Michael D. Armstrong Colleen M. Gavan Velma Priest Jacqueline M. BeauchesneWhite Fred Haskins Lillian Richardson Margaret E. Hogan Phyllis Sykes Peter Bottoms Marguerite Martel Carole Taylor Lucille Brisson Sabastien McCord Romona Walters Jack Burrows Benjamin Medley Wendy Walton Elizabeth Butler John Monaghan Hazel E. Whalley Muriel Chapman Mona Moore Tanya Whitford Dustin Dagenais Beatrice Morland Violet Wilson Bernard Filiatrault Irene M. Perrin Frank Kelley Griffin Lamarche Jean McNabb South Shore Education Centre OKP Golf Tournament Chancey & Kathleen Armstrong Twiggs Coffee Roasters GIFTS HAVE BEEN MADE IN MEMORY OF THE FOLLOWING INDIVIDUALS Joshua Carson Corporation of the Town of Mattawa Municipality of Powassan Estate of Ms Helen Wilson GIFTS HAVE BEEN MADE IN HONOUR OF THE FOLLOWING INDIVIDUALS North Bay Battalion Hockey Club H Our Children’s Treatment Centre... a model of accessibility and partnership. 400 McKeown Avenue, North Bay, ON P1B 0B2 • 100 Frank Miller Drive, Unit 2, Box 7, Huntsville, ON P1H 1H7 70 Joseph Street, Unit 304, Parry Sound, ON P2A 2G5 • Second Street, Unit 213, Kirkland Lake, ON P2N 1R1 213 Whitewood Avenue West, New Liskeard, ON P0J 1P0 F O R M O R E I N F O R M AT I O N O R I F YO U H AV E A N Y Q U E S T I O N S, P L E A S E V I S I T O N E K I D S P L AC E . C A O R C A L L : 1-866-626-9100
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