Request for Contracting m-token for Business Entities FOR ACCOUNT-IBAN H R 2360 0 0 0 1 Name of the business entity1 1 From the Decision on Entry into the Register of Companies or other relevant document PIN Company Registration No. M AUXILIARY FOR NOT TO BE FILLED-IN - AUTHORIZED PERSON DATA Name and surname Citizen ID No. PIN Mobile phone number Mobile phone brand Mobile phone model Identity document type Valid until Identity document number Identity document issued by Issuing country ADDRESS (PLACE OF RESIDENCE) Street and number Postcode and place ALTERNATIVE ADDRESS OF THE AUTHORIZED PERSON2 Street and number Postcode and place 2 Activation key receipt By mail3 The Bank shall also send statements of account and other notifications pertaining to private citizens’ account to the address indicated; to be filled in by authorised persons who would like their activation key to be delivered to an alternative address. Via SMS4 Receipt of identification key via e-mail Delivery to the permanent residence address/alternative address Sent to mobile phone numbers operated by both, domestic mobile phone operators and foreign mobile phone operators 3 4 Signature of the representative Date of receipt Bank stamp and signature Signature of the representative Stamp May 2014 Place and date The English translation of the original Form is provided for information purposes only. Croatian original of the Form needs to be signed. Welcome Zahtjev za ugovaranje m-tokena za poslovne subjekte za račun _ iban H R 2360 0 0 0 1 Naziv poslovnog subjekta1 1 iz Rješenja o upisu ili odgovarajućeg akta Matični broj OIB - PODACI O OVLAŠTENIKU Ime i prezime MBG OIB Broj mobilnog uređaja Tip mobilnog uređaja Vrsta mobilnog uređaja Vrsta identifikacijske isprave Vrijedi do Broj identifikacijske isprave Izdavatelj identifikacijske isprave Zemlja izdavanja ADRESA PREBIVALIŠTA Ulica i kućni broj Broj pošte i mjesto ALTERNATIVNA ADRESA OVLAŠTENIKA2 Ulica i kućni broj Broj pošte i mjesto Na upisanu adresu Banka će dostavljati i izvatke i ostalu pisanu komunikaciju po računima građana. Upisuju ovlaštenici koji žele dostavu aktivacijskog ključa na adresu različitu od adrese prebivališta. 2 Primanje aktivacijskog ključa Poštom3 SMS-om4 Primanje identifikacijskog ključa na e-mail 4 Mjesto i datum Datum zaprimanja Potpis zastupnika Ovjera Banke Dostava na adresu prebivališta/alternativnu adresu Šalje se na brojeve mobilnih operatera u zemlji i inozemstvu Potpis zastupnika M.P. svibanj 2014. 3
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