GOVERNMENT OF NATIONAL CAPITAL TERRITORY OF DELHI DIRECTORATE OF EDUCATION, SPORTSBRANCH CHHATRASAL STADIUM, MODEL TOWN, OELHI-ll0009 No. OE/41/2014/Sports/ q 6" U- C\'.fq Dated,-14.11.2014 CIRCULAR Sub> Schedule / Fixture for different games for Inter Zonal Sports Tournament - 2014-15. Sir / Madam, Please find enclosed herewith Tournament for the year 2014-15. schedule / fixture in respect of the following games for Inter Zonal 1. Table Tennis Championship for Boys & Girls (U-19, 17 & 14 years). 2. Net Ball U-19 & UI7 years (Boys & Girls) 3. Kabaddi (U-19 Girls) 4 Yours faithf r f-c;/Additional Copy forwarded to the :- 1. All ROE's 2. All District DOEs 3. All AOEs 4. All EOs 5. All SPEs 6. All HoSs 7. PS to Director of Education 8. )Alard File 0.5. (IT) with the request to place the circular on website. .s-: ~~t~L)I"II~ Director of Education (Sports) , DIRECTORATE OF EDUCATION: INTER ZONAL TABLE-TENNIS SPORTS BRANCH CHHATRASAl TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP STADIUM MODEl TOWN, NEW DElHI 2014-15 FIXTURES - UNDER- 19 BOYS! 21ST NOV - 2014 AT 9.30AM VENUE:- 5 NO. THVAGRAJ STADIUM, NEAR LN.A. METRO STATION, NEW DElHI. ZONE 1 28 2 BYE 3 07 4 09 5 2: 6 29 7 8 10 26 \1--- 9 10 11 19 01 13 1-- 12 24 13 14 12 25 15 08 16 17 18 18 11 BYE 19 04 20 17 21 03 22 23 05 27 24 20 25 26 27 28 23 14 21 16 29 30 02 06 f-c031o---_f-~BYc;E'-_-- __ 32 15 I. f- ( 1-- I~- "\ I 1 j- 1-- -1 JI--I__ ,-'--]f--- 1- 1- ;su±tr fJ ASSISTANT DIRECTOR OF EDU. (SPORTS) DIRECTORATE OF EDUCATION: SPORTS BRANCH CHHATRASAL STADIUM INTER ZONAL TABLE-TENNIS TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP FIXTURESVENUE:SNO. 1 2 3 •5 6 7 8 s 10 11 12 13 ,. 15 16 17 18 ,. 20 21 22 23 2. 25 26 27 28 2. 30 31 32 MODEl TOWN, NEW DElHI 2014-15 UNDER- 17 BOVS! 23RD NOV-2014AT9.30AM THVAGRAJ STADIUM, NEAR I.N.A. METRO STATION, NEW DElHI. ZONE 15 f- BYE 01 06 DB 20 12 13 28 05 27 16 23 02 2. 21 18 f I ~ BYE 04 22 25 26 17 - I I ,. I I 11 09 10 07 2. 03 ,. f -:.J J j BYE I i j I ASSISTANT DIRECTOR OF EDU. (SPORTS) DIRECTORATE OF EDUCATION; SPORTS BRANCH CHHATRASAL STADIUM INTER ZONAL TABLE-TENNIS TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP fiXTURES - UNDER- 14 BOYS. 26TH NOVVENUE :- THYAGRAJ STADIUM, SNO. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 ~, 32 MODEL TOWN. NEW DElHI 2014-15 2014 AT 9.30AM NEAR I.N.A. METRO STATION, NEW DElHI. ZONE 15 BYE 04 07 23 13 25 26 20 03 12 09 24 01 17 18 11 BYE 27 19 10 29 02 22 14 05 16 21 06 08' 8YE 28 1I - I·~' - I I I '\ I I I .I I '1 . - I, -- I ASSISTANT DIRECTOR Of EDU. (SPORTS) GOVERNMENT OF NCT OF DELHI, DIRECTORATE OF EDUCATION (SPORTS BRANCH) CHHATRASAL STADIUM, MODEL TOWN. DELID I GIRLS U-19 YEARS INTER WNAL NETBALL CHAMPIONSHIP·2014-15 VENUE: DAV.PUBLIC SCHOOL SECTOR·7 ROHINI DELHI-85(NEAR FIXTURE: NETBALL(GIRLS U-19 YEARS) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 ROHINI EAST METRO STATION) DATE: 2811112014 TO 03/1212014 Zooe06 BYE 29-11-14 Zone12 Zooe20 Zooe23 01-12-2014 28-11-14 Zooe02 ZonE''27 Zone26 Zone25 ZoneH Zooe07 Zone15 Zonel0 2R·1H4 02-12-14 28·11.14 29-11-14 11..11·14 01-12-2014 11Mh14 I 29-11-14 BYE Zooe16 Zooe19 I I 29-11-14 Zooe04 Zooe22 Zon.21 I ZR.n.t4 I 03-12-14 zs-n-i I 29-11-14 I 2R·l'.14 Zooe03 Zooe17 Zone09 Zooe14 Zone28 Zooe29 lone05 Zone08 ZonelS ZoneD 1 01-12-2014 aa-u. 14 I 29-11-14 I '''-1'-t4 02-12-14 2IM1·1. 29-11-14 'R-ll-U 01-12-2014 'R-11 14 Zone24 I 29-11-14 BYE Zone13 Note: (1) Reporting trnefor all zonal teams IS 9:00AM sharp at venue. (2) Teams shall report at the field at least 20 min. before starting of the match. (3) All teams must bring tl'leir i-Card with duly signed by H.O.S with their eligibitity counter signed by Zonal Convenerl Secretary and Performa :::: Coo~Ff I~ Sanjeev ~~ (9911221227) of 12 players and 2 officials shall be SUbmitt1 to ;rrge ~ Pawan V~314 Basant Rana : 9811180311 ~- ~Ioumamenl '/ before starting of their "Y P~~'01 Mrs Asha Aggarwal Padma Shree Satpal A.D.E Sports Addi.Diredor of Edu.(sports) - GOVERNMENT OF NCT OF DELHI. DIRECTORATE OF EDUCATION (SPORTS BRANCHI I BOYS U-19 YEARS CHHATRASAL STADIUM, MODEL TOWN, DELm INTER ZONAL NETBALL CILUIPIONSHIP-2014-15 VENUE: O.A.V.PUBLIC SCHOOL SECTOR -7 ROHINI DElHI~5(NEAR FIXTURE: NETBALL (BOYS U-19 YEARS) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 n 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Zon.06 BYE Zone2 Zon.15 Zon.21 Zon.05 'lIcl'.14 Zone14 ZoneD7 JA-l'.14 Zone29 Zone04 Zone25 Zon.26 Zone23 Zone02 29-11-14 ROHINI EAST METRO STATION) DATE: 28/1112014 TO 0311212014 I 01-12-2014 111-11-14 29-11-14 I I 02-12-14 '11.11.14 29-11-14 1_IM1.14 I 01-12-2014 'R.ll.14 29-11-14 BYE I I Zone13 03-12-14 Zono27 Zon.OB ;%11-14 Zone17 Zone19 211_11_14 Zon.10 Zone03 ZaDeH Zon.12 Zone28 Zanet8 Zone16 ZoneDl Zone14 Zone09 29-11-14 I I 01-12-2014 2A.11-1A 29-11-14 I I 'A.l'.14 02-12-14 2R-11-14 29-11-14 'B-11-14 I I 01-12-2014 2R.11-14 29-11-14 BYE I Zonon Note: (1) Reportlng lime for all zonal teams IS 9:00 A-M sharp at venue. (2) Teams shall report at the field at east zn min. before starting of the match. rr: (3) A" learns must bring their i-card with duly signed by H.D.S with their eligibirrty counter signed by Zonal Convenerl !::;;;'~"1 anc cerrorrna G'7,Qifi of" players and 2 offiQ'" ,h,II be ,"bmmj conveners ~LO Sanjeev shla--- Pawan Rani ~99661314 (9911221227) Basant Rana : 9611160311 10 I"~",e ~~I~' of 'I before starnnq of the" <Xg P~."I Mrs Asha Aggarwal Padma Shree Satpal A.D.E Sports Addi.Diredor of Edu.(sports) - GOVERNMENT OF NCT OF DELHI, DIRECTORATE (SPORTS BRANCH) CHHATRASAL STADIUM, OF EDUCATION I BOYS U-17 YEARS MODEL TOWN, DELm INTER ZONAL NETBALL CHAMPIONSHIP-2014-15 VENUE: D.A.V.PUBLIC SCHOOL SECTOR -7 ROHINI OELHI-85(NEAR ROHINI EAST METRO STATION) FIXTURE: NETBALL (BOYS U-17 YEARS) DATE: 28/1112014 TO 0311212014 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Zone22 BYE Zone12 Zone1S Zone07 Zone25 Zone23 Zone03 Zone20 Zone04 Zone09 Zone17 Zone21 29-11-14 2~11·14 01-12-2014 2&-11.14 29-11-14 ~g..1l·14 02-12-14 211-11-14 29-11-14 2&-11·14 01-12-2014 '.11-11_14 Zone19 29·11·14 BYE Zone06 Zone10 ZoneOt Zone28 Zonell Zon.1s Zone26 Zone24 Zone29 Zone27 Zone16 Zone14 Zone02 ZoneOB 03·12·14 ]11.11.14 29·11-14 ZR-U-14 01-12·2014 '&-11·14 , 29·11-14 2","11.14 02-12-14 28-11.'4 29-11-14 nt.11·'4 01-12-2014 'R.11·,4 ZaneOS BYE 29-11-14 Zone13 Nole: (1) Reporting time for all zonalleams IS 9:00 A.M sharp at venue. (2) Teams shall report at the field et least 20 min. before starting of the match. :p"m'~", (3) An teams must bring their i-cCIrdwith duly signed by H_O.Swith their eligibility counter signed by Zonal Coovenerl ~~:;I''Y anc Perfcrma of 12 playersand 2 offic,,' ,h.II be ,"bm~ Ground In~ Sameevfh'~ (9911221227) Convene!/A~ ~ P_," ;fC;....t':14 Basant Rana : 9811180311 t;e Org of ~ta~/~ betcrestartmg of the" Org Presidant M~ AshaAg,.~1 P"m. SbreeSafpat A.D.E Sports Addi.Direcior of Edu.(sports) - GOVERNMENT OF NCT OF DELHI, DIRECTORATE OF EDUCATION (SPORTS BRANCHI I GIRLS U-17 YEARS CHHATRASAL STADIUM, MODEL TOWN, DELW INTER ZONAL NETBALL CHAMPIONSHIP-2014-15 VENUE: D.A.V.PUBLIC SCHOOL SECTOR·7 ROHINI DELHI-85(NEAR FIXTURE: NETBALL (GIRLS U-17 YEARS) 1 2 3 Zane10 4 Zonc21 5 6 7 Zone03 BYE 2Hl-14 Zone23 Zone16 Zone18 Zonc2S Zone26 B 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 20ne19 Zone09 Zone20 Zone01 '~11.t4 01-12-2014 :?II-ll lot 29-11-14 111-11-14 02-12-14 21\.11-14 29-11-14 ZA-ll·14 01-12-2014 28·1114 Zone17 29-11-14 BYE Zonc22 Zone06 Zone14 Zone27 Zone28 Zone08 Zone24 Zone07 24 Zone04 25 Zone15 26 ROHINI EAST METRO STATION) DATE: 28/11/2014 TO 0311212014 Zone12 27 Zone11 28 Zone29 29 Zone05 30 Zone02 31 BYE 32 Zone13 03-12-14 ~ 2Jt.l1·14 29·11-14 2$1_11_14 01-12-2014 '11-11·14 29-11-14 '11-11.14 02-12-14 111.11·14 29-11-14 211-11.14 01-12-2014 211-11-14 29-11-14 Note: (1) Reporting time fOl all zonal teams IS 9:00 AM sharp at venue. (2) Teams shall report at the field atleast 20 min. before starting of the match. (3) All teams must bring their i-card with duly signed by H.O.S with their eligibility counter signed by Zonal Convener' Secretat1nd match pertcnna g, Ground I seojeev harm (9911221227) r ---J..J.:; _ of 12 players and 2 officials shall be submitted to the~n Conveners 0 .11 ~~ arge Of:ptoumament Org Secreta before starting of theIr Org Presidant Pawan Raf«s~ Mrs Asha Aggarwal Padma Shree Satpal Basant Rana . 9811180311 A.D.E Sports Addi.Direclor or Edu.(sports) ." DIRECTORATE OF EDUCATION: SPORTS BRANCH CHATRASALSTADIUM INTER ZONAL TABLE-TENNIS TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP FIXTURES - UNDER- 19 GIRLS/20TH VENUE:- THYAGRAJ STADIUM, 5NO. ZONE 1 2 3 19 BYE 04 12 ' 21 09 07 20 26 13 10 08 02 16 18 2. 28 BYE 06 01 23 • 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 I. 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2. 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 MODEL TOWN: DElHI-ll0009 2014-15 NOV - 2014 AT 9.30AM NEAR I.N.A. METRO STATION, NEW DElHI. I . 1 J'-- ~ . ~ /-- . . I. 25 22 11 17 05 29 03 27 BYE 15 j- I J I -- I ! ASSISTANT DIRECTOR OF EDU. (SPORTS) - -.. '-- DIRECTORATE OF EDUCATION: SPORTS BRANCH CHHATRASAl INTER ZONAL TABLE-TENNIS TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP FIXTURESVENUE:SNO. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 • UNDER-17 GIRLS. 22ND NOV -2014 THYAGRAJ STADIUM, 28 BYE 16 05 07 10 27 12 2014-15 AT 9.30AM I I I• " 21 2. 09 26 " I 2' 30 31 32 NEW DelHI j I 20 21 22 23 2. 25 26 27 28 TOWN. ZONE 02 17 20 ,. MODel NEAR !.N.A. METRO STATION, NEW DELHI. 10 11 12 13 15 16 17 18 STADIUM BYE I J-- I 23 25 13 --18 06 15 01 08 22 2. 04 03 ) BYE ) 11 ~ J I I j I J- 1-- )-- ~~r-r ASSISTANT DIRECTOR OF £DU. (SPORTS) I f'l r- DIRECTORATE OF EDUCATION: INTER ZONAL TABLE-TENNIS SPORTS BRANCH CHHATRASAl TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP STADIUM MODEl TOWN. NEW DElHI 2014-15 FIXTURES - UNDER- 14 GIRLS. 25TH NOV - 2014 AT 9.30AM VENUE:- THYAGRAJ STADIUM, NEAR I.N.A. METRO STATION, NEW DELHI. SNO. ZONE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 24 BYE 17 03 23 07 10 04 s 10 11 12 13 1. 15 16 17 18 ,. 20 21 22 23 2' 25 26 27 2B 2. 30 31 32 ,." OS 2. 15 08 18 26 28 BYE 21 16 02 ---09 22 11 13 06 27 25 01 12 BYE ______ 20 ASSISTANT DIRECTOR OF EDU. (SPORTS) GOVERNMENT OF NCT OF DELHI, DIRCT. OF EDU. (SPORTS BRANCH) CHHATRASAL INTER ZONAL Venue: Chhatrasal stadium, STADIUM, MODEL TOWN, DELHI KABADDI TOURNAMENT 2013-14 Model Town, Delhi - 110009 FIXTURE: KABADDI (GIRLS U-/9) I Zone 10 2 Bye , 18.11.2014 4 Zone 70 Zone 76 5 Zone 01 6 Zone ?3 17.11.14 7 Zone 15 Zone 09 17.11.14 Zone 07 Zone ?7 17.11.14 Zone 18 Zone 19 17.1 1.14 14 Zone 03 Zone 28 17.11.14 15 Bye 16 Zone 17 Zone 13 18 Zone 79 17.11.14 19 20 Zone 05 Zone 02 17.11.14 21 Zone 04 J 8 9 10 II 12 13 Date: 17-11-20/4 to 21-11-20/4 19.11.2014 17.11.14 20.11.2014 18.11.1014 18.11.7014 19.11.2014 18.1 I.? 0 14 ?? 71.11 .2014 19.11.2014 17.11 .14 24 ., Zone 17.11. 14 0- Zone 17 26 Zone 08 27 Zone 74 28 Zone 06 29 Zone 14 30 Zone 31 Bye J 6 20. I 1.2014 22 Zone 11 23 Zone 25 j? Fil lal 18.11.1014 17.11.14 I 18.117014 I 18.11.2014 19.11.2014 17.11.14 17.11.14 I 18.11.2014 I 32 Zone 21 N01C . (i) Reporting rime 1'01'nil Zonal team, ill '):00 A.J\'l. ut vcnuc Oil dmcd (ii) All teams must bring their I-CHl'd with duly signed by l'rincipalwith Matches will start :11O')JO AM S,No. arc given in tile fixture their eligibility pcrfonuu uud counter sigllalurc by Zonal 17·11"2014. Convener/Secretary . (iii) All team coming in prop c r kit. f\1I lcam In-charge compulsory. Kabaddi Coaches Shiv Kumar Mann Mukesh Oabas Ram Kumar Gulia J ~ ~~---ASHAAGGARWAL Assn DIrector of Education (Sports) Govt of N.C T Deihl Org. S Dalbi Singh 0986 300457
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