·: :. <> r, : f 7 1 : • ACT Nature Reserves ~~. ~" Jervis Bay Nature Reserve Bird Checklist . ~· · ·- ···-".: .. ·:: ;-':.: DEPARTMENTOFTHECAPITAL TERRIToRY . ;.~:: ..'.'f\Z-.'. t~~~~!~CQ~~rvation and Agriculture Section. · _,, · ·: ~-:· ~ -·· · •,·~"'"J N IR B h '.: . :. . ·- '· .'-v,;.-:-:.:·!!, t- .•~.~tura esources ranc : .._ . . .-, ,, . ·.. · This check list has been compiled from observations by staff in the Jervis Bay Nature Reserve. Bird names are those used in the Complete Book of Australian Birds, Reader's Digest, 1976. Because the checklist is constantly being revised, your reports of additional sightings or other information may be useful. Details can be forwarded to: The Manager Jervis Bay Nature Reserve Jervis Bay Territory 2540 Key Column 1: c u v Column 2: B R N Sept Feb Column 3: c H F s B 0 Bl G L Abundance Very common Uncom mon Rare Unknown Residence status Has been known to breed in the Reserve Resident all year Nomadic, occasional or rare visitor . Migratory bird: most likely time to be found in the Reserve. Unknown Habitat/location* Cleared or open area Heath Forest, rainforest, woodland, coastal scrub Swamp Beach Ocean, cliffs, rocky headlands Bowen Island St Georges Basin Lake McKenzie, Lake Windermere * For more detailed information on vegetation refer to Vegetat10n of the Jervis Bay Territory, F. Ingwersen , Department of the Capital Territory Conservation Series Number 3 , 19 76 . This informative publication is available for reference at the Jervis Bay Reserve Headquarters. Information and Public Re lations Section Department of the Capita l Territory C. J. Thompson , Government Printer, Canberra Nonpasserines 2 3 u u v v v u u u BR BR BR R BR BR BR BR FB FBO HFO F SL CB Cockatoo, Parrot, Rosella Callocephalon fimbriatum Cockatoo, gang-gang Calyptorhynchus latham1 glossy-black C. funereus yellow-tailed black Gal ah Cacatua roseicapilla Lorikeet, little Glossopsitta pusilla u v u u u F HF F rainbow Parrot, king Rosella, crimson eastern u c c N N BR N SeptNov N N BR BR Common name Scientific name Birds of prey Eagle, wedge-tailed white-breasted sea Falcon, peregrine Goshawk, grey Harrier, swamp Kestrel , nankeen Kite, black-shouldered whistling Aquila audax Haliaeetus leucogaster Falco peregrinus Accipiter fasciatus Circus aeruginosus Falco cenchroides Elanus notatus Haliastur sphenurus Trichoglossus haematodus Alisterus scapularis Platycercus elegans P. eximius c CB c F F F F CF Cuckoo Cuckoo. fan-tailed golden bronze Cuculus pyrrhophanus Horsefield ' s bronze Chrysococcyx lucidus plagosus C. basalis pallid Cuculus pallidus u u u u SeptJan SeptJan SeptJan SeptJan OctJan R BR BR s s F F F F Kingfisher, Dollarbird Dollarbird Eurystomus onentalis Kingfisher, azure sacred Kookaburra, laughing Ceyx azureus Halcyon sancta Dace/a gigas u v v c Owl, Frogmouth Frogmouth, tawny Owl, barn boo book powerful Podargus strigoides Tytoalba Ninox novaeseelandiae N. strenua u v c v BR N BR BR F CF F F Pigeon, Dove Bronzewing , brush common Dove, emerald peaceful Phaps elegans P. chalcoptera Chalcophaps indica Geopelia striata u u BR BR BR HF F F N 0 0 0 0 F F c Waterbirds SEABIRDS Albatross Albatross, black- browed shy sooty wandering Diomedea melanophrys 0. cauta Phoebetria fusca Diomedea exulans v Common name Scientific name 1 2 3 Cormorant Cormorant, black little black little pied pied Phalacrocorax carbo P. sulcirostris P. melanoleucos P. varius c c c c R R R R OGL OGL OGL OGL Gannet Gannet, Australasian Marus serrator u N 0 Gull, Tern Gull , silver Tern , Caspian crested little sooty white-fronted Larus novaehollandiae Hydroprogne caspia Sterna bergii S . albifrons S . fuscata S. striata c BR N R R N Jun Aug BO BOG BO BO BO 0 Penguin Penguin , little Eudyptula minor u BR OBI N N N N N FebJul N DecFeb N Jun Aug Sep Dec N Sep Dec 0 Petrel. Prion, Shearwater Fulmarus glacialoides Fulmer, Antarctic Petrel , cape Daption capense Gould Pterodroma leucoptera P. neglecta Kermadec mottled P. inexpectata P. solandri provid ence P. lessonii white - headed - c c v - short - tailed P. tenuirostris sooty wedge - tailed P. griseus P. pacificus v v v v v v v u v u u v u Storm petrel Storm petrel , white-faced Pelagodroma marina v N 0 Skua Skua , Arctic Pomerine Stercorarius parasiticus S. pomarinus v v N N 0 0 Anas superciliosa Biziura Jobata Cygnus atratus Anas castanea A. gibberifrons c R R R N N SL SL SGL SL SL Prion , Antarcti c fairy Pachyptila desolata P. turtur medium - billed Shearwater, fluttering P. salvini Puffinus gavia 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 BO 0 0 BO 0 BO OTHER WATERBIRDS Duck, Swan Duck, black musk Swan, black Tea l, chestnut grey u c u c Common name Dotterel and Allies Curlew, eastern Dotterel, black-fronted Numenius madagascariensis Charadrius melanops double-banded C. bicinctus hooded red - capped C. rubricollis C. ruficapillus Greenshank Tringa nebularia Knot Calidris canutus Oystercatcher, pied Plover, spur-winged Snipe , Japanese Haematopus ostralegus Vanellus miles novaehollandiae Gallinago hardwickii Turnston e, ruddy Arenaria interpres Egret, Heron, Spoonbill lxobrychus minutus Bittern , little Egret, large little plumed Heron , reef white - faced white - necked Ibis, white Spoonbill , yellow - billed Grebe, Pelican Grebe, Australasian little hoary-headed I Passerines 2 Scientific name Egretta alba E. garzetta E. intermedia E. sacra Ardea novaehollandiae A. pacifica Threskiornis molucca Plata/ea flavipes v u u v 3 Dec- B Feb Sept- B Feb Mar- CBG Jan B Sept- B Feb Dec- 13 Feb Oct- G Jan R BG u v BN c Dec- B Feb Sept - B Apr v u v v v u v v v JunAug R N N N R N N N s s s s s s s s s R s s Pe lican. Australian Poliocepha/us poliocephalus U Tachybaptus novaehollandiae Pelecanus conspicillatus c Rail Coot Moorhen, dusky Swamp hen Fulicaatra Gallinula tenebrosa Porphyrio porphyrio c c c BR BR BR s s s Bowerbird Bow erbird, sa tin Ptilonorhyn chus violaceus c BR F C uck oo-s hri ke Cu ckoo-shri ke, blackfaced whi te- bellied Coracina n ovaehollandiae C. papuensis c v BR R F F u R N G Common name Scientific name Fantail, Flycatcher, Robin Fantail, grey Rhipidura fuliginosa R. rufifrons rufous Myiagra rubecula Flycatcher. leaden M. inquieta restless Jacky winter Microeca leucophaea Eopsaltria australis Robin, eastern yellow Petroica phoenicea flame scarlet P. multicolor 1 c c 2 3 F F F CF F F CF CF c Shrike-thrush, grey Shrike-tit, crested Whistler, golden rufous Colluricincla harmonica Falcunculus frontatus Pachycephala pectoralis P. rufiventris v c c c c u c c Willie wagtail Rhipidura leucophrys u BR BR BR BR BR BR DecFeb BR BR BR SeptDec BR Finch Firetail. red-browed Emblema temporalis c BR F Flowerpecker Mistletoe bird Pardalote, spotted striated Silvereye Dicaeum hirundinaceum Parda lotus punctatus P. striatus Zosterops lateralis c c c u N BR BR BR F F F F Honeyeater Friarbird, noisy Philemon corniculatus c Sept- HF Feb - - HF F c scarlet tawny-crowned white-eared white-naped Melithreptus brevirostris Meliphaga lewinii Ph ylidon yris novaehollandiae Myzomela sanguinolenta Phylidonyris melanops Lichenostomus leucotis Melithreptus lunatus HF F H HF F yellow-faced Lichenostomus chrysops BR N BR BR SeptNov MarAug Spine bill, eastern Acanthorhynchus tenuirostris Anthochaera chrysoptera A. carunculata BR N BR HF HF HF u u c c BR BR BR BR F F FC CF c Honeyeater, brown -headed Lewin New Holland Wattlebird, little red Magpie, Currawong, Butcherbird Cracticus torquatus Butcherbird, grey Strepera versicolor Currawong, grey S. graculina pied Gymnorhina tibicen Magpie, Australian u u - u u - c u c F F F F HF Mud-nest builder Magpie lark, Australian Grallina cyanoleuca u BR Oriole Oriole, olive-backed Orio/us sagittatus u Dec- F Feb Pipit Pipit, Richard's An thus novaeseelandiae c BR c Common name Scientific name 3 Quail-thrush, Whipbird Cinclosoma punctatum Quail-thrush, spotted Psophodes olivaceus Whipbird, eastern u u BR BR F F Raven Raven, Australian Corvus coronoides c BR CFS Acrocephalus stentoreus u BR SL Cisticola exilis v BR s Daphoenositta chrysoptera u BR F Climacteris erythrops C. leucophaea c c BR BR F F R Reed warbler Reed warbler, clamorous Cisticola, goldenheaded Sitella, treecreeper Sitel la, orange-winged Treecreeper, red-browed white-throated Swallow, Martin, Swift Cecropis ariel Martin, fairy C. nigricans tree Hirundo neoxena Swallow, welcome Hirundapus caudacutus Swih, spine-tailed <I 2 v u BR N F CF F All Thornbill, Bristlebird, Warbler Dasyornis brachypterus Bristle bird, eastern Hylacola, chestnutSericornis pyrrhopygius rumped Scrub-wren, white S. frontalis browed Acanthiza pusilla Thornbill, brown A. reguloides buff-rumped A. lineata st riated A. nana yellow A. chrysorrhoa ye llow-rumped Gerygone mouki W arbler, brown Smicrornis brevirostris W ee bill u BR H v c c c c u c c R H BR BR BR BR BR BR BR BR F F F F F CF F F Wood sw allow W oodswa llow, dusky Artamus cyanopterus u BR HF Wren Em u w ren, southern Wren , superb blue v ari egate d Stipiturus malachurus Malurus cyaneus M. lamberti v c BR BR BR H HF F Dove , spotted turt le Streptopelia ch inensis u Sept- C Feb Goldfinch , Europea n Pheasant, ring - necked Sparrow, house Starling , common Ca rduelis carduelis Phasianus colchicus Passer domesticus Sturnus vulgaris v c c Introduced birds Total 168 u u c BR BR BR Bl c c LOCATION MAP Jervis Bay Nature Reserve ACT Sca le 0 5 10 20 30 Km 40 50
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