Bilanz per / Balance Sheet as at / Resume du bilan au 31.12. 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 5,007 8,541 8,038 8,348 14,026 8,229 12,162 8,024 9,289 12,993 6,158 3,726 21,385 12,381 74 93 74 103 75 55 51 13,105 17,923 21,105 14,609 17,827 29,669 24,594 2,625 3,375 263 8,877 2,625 3,375 263 17,919 in Euro 000' / expressed in Euro 000' / en Euro 000' AKTIVA / ASSETS / ACTIF Anlagevermögen / Fixed assets / Immobilisé Umlaufvermögen/ Current assets / Actif circulant Rechnungsabgrenzungsposten / Prepaid expenses / Comptes de régularisation TOTAL PASSIVA / LIABILITIES / PASSIF Gesellschaftskapital/ Share capital / Capital Agio Kapitalerhöhung/Prime Augmentation Capital Gesetzliche Rücklage/ Legal reserve / Rés.leg. Gewinnvortrag / Retained earnings/Bénéf.rep. Gewinn des Geschäftsjahres/ Profit for the year/Bénéfice de lʹannée 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 200 4,851 200 5,382 200 6,899 200 8,347 2,625 3,375 200 8,786 1,032 2,516 2,948 1,189 153 11,027 ‐3,876 Eigenmittel/ Net equity / Fonds propre 8,083 10,098 12,047 11,736 15,139 26,167 20,306 Rückstellungen / Accrued expenses /Provisions Verbindlichkeiten/ Creditors / Dettes Rechnungsabgrenzungsposten/ Accruals and deferred income/Cptes de régul. 3,753 1,269 6,865 960 8,083 975 2,046 827 2,275 413 2,790 712 3,978 310 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 13,105 17,923 21,105 14,609 17,827 29,669 24,594 500 94 1,000 94 1,500 89 750 86 0 78 2,000 70 0 61 TOTAL Dividende/Dividend/Dividende Angestellte / Staff / Personnel Working under licence nr. 38/11 issued by the Luxembourg treasury Carl Kliem S.A., PO Box 492 L-2014 Luxembourg
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