General works Bearings and oil guards Building spare parts Overhauls List of main works carried out in the years 1993-2014 ENERGY DIVISION Year Plant Customer 1993 Napoli C.le Enel S.p.a Pietrafitta Enel S.p.A Brindisi Enel S.p.A Napoli C.le 1994 Description of the job Disassembly and reassembly of shutting valves Destruction in place of cap of 90, mounting fire bars on the caps of 64 mm. Various works turbine components Ansaldo Rebushing steerers RH valves Rossano Calabro Enel S.p.A Supply turbine nuts and bolts Torre Sud Enel S.p.A S. Filippo del Mela Enel S.p.A Supply turbine spare parts Napoli C.le Ansaldo Gen. overhaul turbine Napoli C.le Ansaldo Gen. overhaul alternator Giugliano Enel S.p.A overhaul emergency diesel generator Maddaloni Ansaldo overhaul turbogas Rossano C. Ansaldo overhaul turbine Gr.2 Rossano C. Ansaldo Napoli C.le Ansaldo Maddaloni Ansaldo Overhaul turbogas Torre Sud Enel S.p.a Overhaul feed pumps and booster Gr.1-2 S. Filippo del Mela Enel S.p.A Rossano C. Enel S.p.A Supply shaft valve for 660MW turbine Addictional works for turbine Gr.2 overhaul Gen. overhaul turbine Gr.1 Various works turbine components Rebushing shutter valves Gr.2 O.N.I. Officine Navali Italiane SpA - Immacolatella Nuova - Inner Harbor 80133 NAPLES - ITALY General works Bearings and oil guards Building spare parts Overhauls List of main works carried out in the years 1993-2014 ENERGY DIVISION Year Plant Customer Description of the job Vado Ligure Enel S.p.a Reconditioning diaphragm 11° stage turbine Gr.1 Rossa C. Enel S.p.A Maint. Air conditioning system Napoli C.le Ansaldo Catanzaro Enel S.p.A. Reconditioning Mitchell bearing S. Filippo Enel S.p.A Rebabbiting CSRAT 015 bearing Rossano C. Enel S.p.A Torre Sud Enel S.p.A Supply turbine spare parts Napoli C.le Enel S.p.A Auction regulator steam seals turbine Gr.1 S. Filippo del Mela Enel S.p.A Supply spare parts for Rateau and Ansaldo turbines ENEL Supply spare parts for Ansaldo 160-320 turbine Rossano C. Enel S.p.A Supply spare parts for Ljungstroem Rossano C. Enel S.p.A Varie 1995 Supply valves nuts and bolts turbine Supply spare parts for soot blowers ISE S.r.l. Overhaul general t/a n.1 with replacement of generator hoods Torre Sud Enel S.p.A Overhaul t/a 200MW Rossano C. Enel S.p.A Part. Overhaul t/a and valves Gr.2 Napoli C.le Ansaldo Overhaul alternator Gr.3 Bari Ansaldo Overhaul turbine Gr.2 Enel S.p.A Overhaul feed pumps-booster Gr.1-3-4 ILVA Pb 1994 Rebushing shutter valves turbine Gr.3 Torre Sud O.N.I. Officine Navali Italiane SpA - Immacolatella Nuova - Inner Harbor 80133 NAPLES - ITALY General works Bearings and oil guards Building spare parts Overhauls List of main works carried out in the years 1993-2014 ENERGY DIVISION Year Plant Customer Description of the job Vado Ligure Enel S.p.a Pneumatic valves Gr.2 Napoli C.le Enel S.p.A Restore seal cover exhaust valve A.P. 10 st. Gr.1 Rossano C. Enel S.p.A. Brindisi N Enel S.p.A. Overhaul boxes nozzels turbine Gr.2 Napoli C.le Enel S.p.A Exciter rotor ovehaul Brindisi N Ansaldo Modify emergency RH valves and shutter valves Napoli C.le Ansaldo Torre Sud Ansaldo Agip Gela Ansaldo Bushing holder, bushings, studs Agip Gela Ansaldo Supply turbine nuts and bolts Termini Imerese Enel S.p.A Supply spare parts for shutting valves Termini Imerese Enel S.p.A Supply turbine nuts and bolts Bastardo Enel S.p.A Emergency shaft valve AP Piombino Enel S.p.A Supply spare parts Ansaldo 320 MW turbine S. Filippo del Mela Enel S.p.A Supply turbine spare parts Piombino Enel S.p.A Supply turbine spare parts Brindisi Nord Enel S.p.A Supply turbine spare parts Varie Enel S.p.A Supply turbine spare parts Turbine intervention Gr.3 and 4 Renewal internal thin sheets guard-oil t/a Disassembly case AP-MP O.N.I. Officine Navali Italiane SpA - Immacolatella Nuova - Inner Harbor 80133 NAPLES - ITALY General works Bearings and oil guards Building spare parts Overhauls List of main works carried out in the years 1993-2014 ENERGY DIVISION Year 1996 Plant Customer Description of the job Overhaul turbine and generator Gr.1 Napoli C.le Enel S.p.a Torre Sud Enel S.p.A Torre Sud Enel S.p.A. Rossano C. Enel S.p.A. Overhaul t/a Gr.4 Brindisi N Enel S.p.A Part. Overhaul turbine sect. 4 Porto Empedocle Enel S.p.A Overhaul t/a 320MW Gr.3 Overhaul t/a 200MW Gr.1 Part. Overhaul t/a Napoli C.le Ansaldo Napoli C.le Ansaldo Overhaul t/a Gr.2 Brindisi Nord Enel S.p.A Restore components ex sect.4 Rossano C. Enel S.p.A Overhaul princ. Piston turbine servomotor Napoli C.le Enel S.p.A Overhaulemergency oil pump turbine Gr.3 Napoli C.le Enel S.p.A Napoli C.le Ansaldo Napoli C.le Enel S.p.A Disassembly and reassembly overspeed trip Gr.1 Napoli C.le Ansaldo Removing end net valves filters em. SH Torre Sud Ansaldo Activities of disassembly and reassembly turbine Gr.2 Montefibre Acerra Ansaldo Alignment turbine alternator Enel S.p.A Rebabbiting turbine bearing ex sect.2-3 Brindisi Nord Gen. Overhaul turbine Gr.3 Overhaul seals steam regulator turbine Gr.1 Disassembly and reassembly case BP O.N.I. Officine Navali Italiane SpA - Immacolatella Nuova - Inner Harbor 80133 NAPLES - ITALY General works Bearings and oil guards Building spare parts Overhauls List of main works carried out in the years 1993-2014 ENERGY DIVISION Year Plant Customer Magisano Enel S.p.a Sulcis Enel S.p.A Description of the job Rebabbiting bearing guide drain Mitchell Rebabbiting turbine bearing Napoli C.le Ansaldo Zouk Libano Ansaldo Rebabbiting turbine bearing S. Filippo del Mela Enel S.p.A Supply turbine spare parts Napoli C.le Enel S.p.A S. Filippo del Mela Enel S.p.A Building shaft for turbine 320 MW S. Filippo del Mela Enel S.p.A Supply spare parts turbine Gr.1 Bastardo Enel S.p.A Emergency valve shaft A.P. turbine Bastardo Enel S.p.A Emergency valve shaft A.P. turbine Rossano C. Enel S.p.A Replacement 48 studs shutter valve Gr.1 Rossano C. Enel S.p.A Replacement emergency filters valves turbine Gr.1 Turbigo Enel S.p.A Shaft valve with full-arch Napoli C.le Enel S.p.A Replacement filters turbine Gr.1 Rossano C. Ansaldo Supply hot spare parts for turbine Gr.1-2-3-4 Napoli C.le Enel S.p.A Replacement shutter valve n.3 turbine Gr.1 Napoli C.le Ansaldo Rebushing shutter valve + supply cross head pin Napoli C.le Ansaldo Renewal internal thin sheets oil guard t/a Rebabbiting complete series t/a bearings Manifacturing and building particulars turbine Gr.2 O.N.I. Officine Navali Italiane SpA - Immacolatella Nuova - Inner Harbor 80133 NAPLES - ITALY General works Bearings and oil guards Building spare parts Overhauls List of main works carried out in the years 1993-2014 ENERGY DIVISION Year Plant Customer Napoli C.le Ansaldo Napoli C.le Ansaldo Piombino Enel S.p.A Monfalcone Enel S.p.A Supply turbine nuts and bolts Turbigo Enel S.p.A Supply turbine nuts and bolts S. Filippo del Mela Enel S.p.A Supply spare parts for Ansaldo and Rateau turbine Ansaldo Sealing rings, seats, etc. for turbine Tosi Piombino Enel S.p.A Shafts, seats, bushings for Ansaldo turbine Brindisi Nord Enel S.p.A Shafts, seats, bushings for Rateau turbine S. Filippo del Mela Enel S.p.A Varie Enel S.p.A Ponti Sul Mincio Napoli C.le Mercure Ansaldo Enel S.p.A Description of the job Supply rings for turbine Supply shaft valves for turbine Supply turbine spare parts Shafts, seats, bushings for Ans/Rat turbine Supply spare parts for Ans/Rat 160-320 turbine Gen. Overhaul turbine Gr.2 Partial Overhaul turbine Gr.1 Torre Sud Ansaldo Partial Overhaul turbine Gr.1 Mercure Ansaldo Partial Overhaul turbine Gr.1 Torre Sud Ansaldo Partial Overhaul turbine Gr.2 Ilva Pb ISE S.r.l. Overhaul t/a Lijugstrom n.5 cet/1 Torre Nord Ansaldo Partial Overhaul turbine Gr.2 O.N.I. Officine Navali Italiane SpA - Immacolatella Nuova - Inner Harbor 80133 NAPLES - ITALY General works Bearings and oil guards Building spare parts Overhauls List of main works carried out in the years 1993-2014 ENERGY DIVISION Year Plant 1997 RC S. Filippo del Mela Ilva Pb Customer Description of the job Ansaldo Rebushing shutter valves Enel S.p.A Rebabbiting bearing fot Turbines Rateau ISE Srl Renewal diaphragms turbine Lijungstrom Rossano C. Enel S.p.A Reconditioning cover and piston of main servomotor control shutter valves San Filippo Ansaldo Supply spare parts for Anslado 320 MW turbine RC Ansaldo Renewal internal thin shits oil guard Turbine Gr.1 Enel S.p.A Reconditioning Diaphragms 11°st + spare parts Borgo Trento Ansaldo Supply turbine spare parts Frene - Br. Ansaldo Supply TOSI turbine spare parts S. Filippo del Mela Supply ANS/RAT turbine spare parts S. Filippo del Mela Enel S.p.A Varie Enel S.p.A Brindisi N Enel S.p.A Cagliari Enel S.p.A Mid.-Overhaul turbina gr.3 Fiume Santo Power Plant Bari Enel S.p.A Partial Overhaul turbine 2 and Overhaul main bearings 1,4 and 5 turbine 3 Torre Nord Ansaldo Partial Overhaul turbogenerator Gr.4 Brindisi N Enel S.p.A Overhaul turbine Rateau Sect.2 Ilva Pb ISE S.r.l. General Overhaul t/a n.1 – 30 mW Torre Nord Ansaldo General Overhaul t/a 660 MW Gr.1 Supply ANS/RAT 160-320 turbine spare parts Partial Overhaul turbine sect.3 O.N.I. Officine Navali Italiane SpA - Immacolatella Nuova - Inner Harbor 80133 NAPLES - ITALY General works Bearings and oil guards Building spare parts Overhauls List of main works carried out in the years 1993-2014 ENERGY DIVISION Year Plant 1999 2000 Description of the job Ansaldo General Overhaul t/a 660 MW Gr.4 Fiume Santo Enel S.p.A Intervention on shutter valve part. turbine Gr.3 Rossano C. Enel S.p.A Sealing rings Ansaldo 320 turbine Varie Enel S.p.A Napoli C.le Enel S.p.A TV Sud Enel S.p.A Overhaul turbine Gr.4 components Varie Enel S.p.A Supply ANS/RAT 160-320 turbine spare parts TV Nord Enel S.p.A Overhaul turbine TN1-TN3 Napoli C.le Enel S.p.A Torre Nord 1998 Customer Ilva TA ABB Sadelmi Napoli Ansaldo Energia TV Nord Enel S.p.A Rossano Cal. Enel S.p.A Napoli Interpower Taranto ILVA Napoli Interpower Supply ANS/RAT 160-320 turbine spare parts Overhaul emergency diesel generator Overhaul emergency diesel generator Overhaul turbine n.2 CET/1 Disassembly case BP Working on valves and bearings gr1 e 3 Rebabbiting bearing 3° alternator mounting Working on turbine gr.2 components: Rebabbiting bearings N°1, 2, 3 + 1 of and reconditioning oil guard N° 1, 2 e 3 alternator mounting Rebabbiting bearing and seal bearing 1 Supply turbine spare parts O.N.I. Officine Navali Italiane SpA - Immacolatella Nuova - Inner Harbor 80133 NAPLES - ITALY General works Bearings and oil guards Building spare parts Overhauls List of main works carried out in the years 1993-2014 ENERGY DIVISION Year 2001 Plant Customer TV Sud Interpower Supply steam sealing rings Taranto Nuovo Pignone Reconditioning turbine Diaphragms TV Nord Enel S.p.A Supervisoring and Overhaul turbine 660MW gr.2 components Taranto Nuovo Pignone Working on diaphragms Napoli Interpower Rebabbiting n°2 Bearings ventilatore premente gr.2 Mucone 1° Salto Enel Prod Bari Enel Prod Rebabbiting bearings linea d'assi e pignoni lenti e veloci Piombino Enel Prod Rebabbiting n°2 bearings albero girante ventilatore "VI" Porto Empedocle Enel Prod Rebabbiting generator bearings n°4 Mucone 1° Salto Enel Prod Rebabbiting bearings gr.1 Porto Empedocle Enel Prod Rebabbiting generator bearings Agip Petroli Rebabbiting n°4 Bearings and reconditioning n° 5 oil guard Gela 2002 Description of the job Fiume Santo Elettrogen TV Nord Enel Prod Fiume Santo Elettrogen rebabbiting generator bearings gr. 1 Supply shaft valves Overhaul components turbine 660MW gr.3 e 4 Overhaul valves turbine gr.4 ACEA Roma Ansaldo Energia Maint. Turbine components ENI Power Taranto Nuovo Pignone Overhaul turbine rotor Porto Empedocle Enel Prod Rebabbiting bearings 5 gr.2 O.N.I. Officine Navali Italiane SpA - Immacolatella Nuova - Inner Harbor 80133 NAPLES - ITALY General works Bearings and oil guards Building spare parts Overhauls List of main works carried out in the years 1993-2014 ENERGY DIVISION Year Plant Customer Description of the job Torrevaldaliga General Electric Rebabbiting bearings n° 2, 3 e 4 and rebabbiting pump coax bearings Calusia Endesa Italia Napoli Interpower TV Sud General Electric Fiume Santo Interpower TarantoTaranto Alstom Power Fiume Santo Ansaldo Energia Napoli Elettrogen Repair t/a gr.3: Rebabbiting generator bearings n° 4 e 5. Reconditioning oil guards seals turning gear and bearing 4. Reconditioning Hydrogen sealing rings. Napoli Interpower Supply shaft valve turbine ACEA Roma Ansaldo Energia Assisting Overhaul Turbine Interpower Overhaul valves turbine gr.2 TV Sud Interpower Overhaul valves turbine gr.4 Napoli Interpower Overhaul valves turbine gr.3 TV Sud Interpower Overhaul aux turbine gr.4 Vado Ligure Tirreno Power Napoli Enel Distrib Rossano Cal General Electric Rebabbiting of bearing a pattini oscillanti and ellittico 20" and reconditioning oil guards Fiume Santo General Electric Rebabbiting bearings n° 3 and reconditioning oil guards Napoli 2003 Rebabbiting bearing generator guide Rebabbiting bearing ventilatore premente Rebabbiting bearings turbine Sealings GGH Repair diaphragms Supply turbine spare parts Reconditioning steam filters SH and RH gr.3 Supply and installation of borehole pumps O.N.I. Officine Navali Italiane SpA - Immacolatella Nuova - Inner Harbor 80133 NAPLES - ITALY General works Bearings and oil guards Building spare parts Overhauls List of main works carried out in the years 1993-2014 ENERGY DIVISION Year Plant Fiume Santo Customer General Electric Napoli Tirreno Power Taranto Ansaldo Energia Bari Enel Prod Napoli Tirreno Power Description of the job Rebabbiting bearings n° 3 and reconditioning oil guards Rebabbiting generator bearings n° 1, 2 and reconditioning oil guards Recover turbine diaphragms 2004 Replacing Worm Gears Supply turbine spare parts Supply turbine spare parts Fiume Santo General Electric Napoli Tirreno Power Napoli Tirreno Power Mercure Enel Prod Preparing turbine and generator gr.2 for general Overhaul Taranto Ansaldo Energia Engineers for recovery of turbine diaphragms Napoli Tirreno Power Working on valves and bearings Napoli Tirreno Power Working on turbine components gr.2 Mercure Enel Prod Rosano Cal Enel Prod Bastardo Enel Prod Change lubrication system of the guide bearings of the pumps n1-2-3 Rossano Cal Enel Prod Replacement worm wheel and worm screw Overhaul valves turbine gr.3 Overhaul shutter valves gr.2 Partial Overhaul turbine gr.2 Disassembly turbine gr.1 for restore strategic stockpile Urgent repair of diesel generator DG3 O.N.I. Officine Navali Italiane SpA - Immacolatella Nuova - Inner Harbor 80133 NAPLES - ITALY General works Bearings and oil guards Building spare parts Overhauls List of main works carried out in the years 1993-2014 ENERGY DIVISION Year Plant Mercure Mercure Rossano Cal Enel Prod AnsaldoEnergia General Electric Trino Vercellese General Electric Rossano Cal General Electric Description of the job Rebab. n°5 bearings t/a gr2 and restore n°9 oil guards Rebab. Turbine bearings + various Restoring bearings and oil guards t / gas Rebab. Bearings LOT Restoring guards oil t/gas n.4 Isola Serafini Enel Prod Rebab. n° 8 pattini reggispinta Rossano Cal Enel Prod Rebab. Bearings 3 and guard oil Taranto 2005 Customer Nuova Vetroresina Meridionale - ENI Restoring N.8 guards oil Rossano Cal Enel Prod Recond. Guard oil bearing N°2 turbine ro21 Vado Ligure Tirreno Power Recond. Steam filters SH and RH gr.3 Mercure Enel Prod Mercure Ansaldo Energia Rossano Cal Enel Prod Rossano Cal Enel Prod Supply turbine spare parts Gen. overhaul turbine gr.2 Part. overhaul turbine RO41 Working on valves and berings turbine RO11 Napoli Tirreno Power Extra works during alternator overhaul gr.2 Rossano Cal Enel Prod Restore hydrogen sealing alternator RO21 Rossano Cal Enel cusc.3 Rebab. Bearings and oil guards alternator RO11 O.N.I. Officine Navali Italiane SpA - Immacolatella Nuova - Inner Harbor 80133 NAPLES - ITALY General works Bearings and oil guards Building spare parts Overhauls List of main works carried out in the years 1993-2014 ENERGY DIVISION Year Plant Customer Rossano Cal General Electric Napoli Tirreno Power Napoli Tirreno Power Description of the job Rebab. Bearings L.O.T. Rebab. Bearings alternator gr.2 and recovery oil guards seals turning gear as part of the replacement of the rotor of the alternator Gr.2 with the rotor of the alternator Gr. 1 Partial overhaul turbine Gr.2 Rossano Cal 2006 Overh. Turbine RO21 Napoli Tirreno Power Opening and closing comand case turbine gr. 2 for eliminating oil loss Bastardo Enel Prod Maint. MAN D/G engine Napoli Tirreno Power Rossano Cal Edison Taranto Enel Prod. Ansaldo Energia Rebabbiting bearing fan Rimetallatura load bearing and recovery turbine oil guards RO21 Rebab. Bearings Priolo Gargano Ansaldo Energia Rebab. Bearings n.4 Endesa Trapani General Electric Rebab. Bearings alterantor San Filippo 2007 Enel Prod General Electric Rebab. n°4 bearings turbine gr.5 e restore seals Sulcis Enel Prod General overhaul turbine gr.3 Presenzano Enel Prod Restore rotating profiles Gr. 2 e Gr. 4 Sulcis Enel Prod Rossano Cal Enel Prod Rebab. Fan bearings RG Rossano Cal Enel Prod Renan. Bearings RG and AA Rebab. n°3 turbine bearings gr3 O.N.I. Officine Navali Italiane SpA - Immacolatella Nuova - Inner Harbor 80133 NAPLES - ITALY General works Bearings and oil guards Building spare parts Overhauls List of main works carried out in the years 1993-2014 ENERGY DIVISION Year 2008 Plant Customer Description of the job Trapani General Electric Ristoring n°4 oil guards oil sealing + 2 oil guards air sealing tenuta aria Trapani General Electric Rebab. N°2 bearings Sparanise General Construction Restoring guard oil Bastardo Enel Prod Supply nuts and bolts and linkage for VP and VRC Rossano Cal Enel Prod Supply seal rings bearings for engine feed pump Napoli Ansaldo Energia Repair cover blower Napoli Ansaldo Energia Valve 18" Moncalieri e Napoli Ansaldo Energia TVN Gallo SpA Trapani General Electric Rossano Cal Enel Prod Rossano Cal Rossano Cal Enel Prod Enel Prod Teverola Valve 18" Engineer intervention Construction accoppiatoio for gearbox shaft Restoring bearing guard oil seals n. 2 turbin gr2 Repair shaft and rebab. bearings 1RG1 rebab. Bearings Supply turbine nuts and bolts Napoli Ansaldo Energia Supply turbine seals Napoli Ansaldo Energia Pin and cover shields and guards oil regeneration Teverola Ansaldo Energia Supply turbine nuts and bolts O.N.I. Officine Navali Italiane SpA - Immacolatella Nuova - Inner Harbor 80133 NAPLES - ITALY General works Bearings and oil guards Building spare parts Overhauls List of main works carried out in the years 1993-2014 ENERGY DIVISION Year 2009 Plant Maint. components turbine CET Ostiglia General Electric Repair turbine bearings Ostiglia General Electric Repair sliding bearing for generator Teverola Ansaldo Energia N° 2 oil guards alternator Bari Enel Prod Rebab. Bearings Rossano Cal Enel Prod Repair shaft and rebab. Bearings 2RG2 S. Filippo d Mela Enel Prod Rebab. Bearings VAG LM Srl Rossano Cal Enel Prod Rossano Cal Enel Prod Rossano Cal Enel Prod Teverola 2011 Description of the job Teverola Volla 2010 Customer Sermide Ansaldo Energia EdiPower Taranto N.Vetr. Merid. Srl Rossano Cal Enel Produzione Replacement footstep bearing and rebab. Rebab. bearings 5 and 6 alternator RO31 Regeneration oil guards Rebab. Bearing fan RG and VA Working on oil guards, bearing alternator and diaphragm turbine Maint. Diesel gen. Calibration shot of overspeed Supply studs and nuts Teverola Teverola General Electric General Electric Rebab. Tilting pad bearings 20", rebab. Spheric bearing 17", rebab. Collector shoe RS Rebab. Bearinga alternator O.N.I. Officine Navali Italiane SpA - Immacolatella Nuova - Inner Harbor 80133 NAPLES - ITALY General works Bearings and oil guards Building spare parts Overhauls List of main works carried out in the years 1993-2014 ENERGY DIVISION Year 2012 Plant Customer Ostiglia General Electric Sermide EdiPower Presenzano Enel Prod. Description of the job Reastoring hydrogen seals Contract for DG maintenance: supply spare parts, maint. turbocharger, repair pump priming, maintenance injectors, maintenance/replac. water circulation pump, piping, ect. Restoring rotating profiles GR3 Acerra Cofely Italia SpA NR valve for cooling water pump machine Caivano Proteg SpA Supply spare parts for MAN 12V 32/40 engine Cassano D'Adda General Electric Rebab. Bearings Agios Nikolaos General Electric Cassano D'Adda General Electric Rebab. Tilting pad and elliptical bearings 20" Rebab. Of hydrogen seals and machining Trapani E.ON Rossano Cal Enel Rebab. Bearings Rebab. bearings 5 and 6 alternator R011 Bulding bronze bushing Teverola 2013 Ponza Napoli SET SpA A. Santamaria Srl Ansaldo Energia Working on Alternator Open order for variuos activities and turbine overhaul Bushing + Various Teverola Acerra Sermide SET SpA Cofely Italia SpA EdiPower Boroscope inspection Scheduled maintenance contract for diesel engines O.N.I. Officine Navali Italiane SpA - Immacolatella Nuova - Inner Harbor 80133 NAPLES - ITALY General works Bearings and oil guards Building spare parts Overhauls List of main works carried out in the years 1993-2014 ENERGY DIVISION Year 2014 Plant Customer Description of the job Tavazzano E.ON Scheduled and accidental maintenance contract for diesel engines and emergency groups Trapani E.ON Rebab. Bearings Caivano Proteg SpA Teverola General Electric Vitulazio RDE Group Srl "MP cylinder covers overhaul Fuel pumps: replacing fuel pipe cyl. 3A" Seals box N° 2 Turbines WEICHAI C12V200ZD engine Napoli Levante Ansaldo ENERGIA Scheduled maintenance contract for the turibine overhaul: valves, rebabbiting of bearings, restore oils seals, building spare parts. c.le Sermide EDIPOWER SpA manutenzione programmata DDGG Simeri Crichi TOSHIBA International Steam turbine reblading O.N.I. Officine Navali Italiane SpA - Immacolatella Nuova - Inner Harbor 80133 NAPLES - ITALY
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