Early Childhood (Preschool) Transition Information

If you have a special concern about a child’s
development in any of the following areas,
please contact Susan Burress, Southgate
Director of Special Education and Preschool
Programs. (859) 441-1395x5
Learning New Information
Remembering Information
Communicating his/her needs
Motor Development
Social/Emotional Development
Self-Help Skills
Following are some tips from
Building a Strong Foundation
for School Success
The Kentucky Early Childhood Standards to
assist in your child’s growth:
Have conversations with your child
Use single words to label and describe
Creative Expression
Play music for your child
Physical/Motor Development
Give your toddler playthings that help with
small muscle coordination
Social Emotional
Encourage your child to express feelings
For more information, contact:
Susan C. Burress
Director of Special Education, Preschool &
Southgate Independent School District
6 William F. Blatt Avenue
Southgate, KY 41071
(859) 441-1395 x5
Fax: (859) 441-6735
Southgate Transition Team
Vision/Scope for Southgate
Early Childhood Transition
The Southgate Transition Team, a
standing sub-committee of the
Northern Kentucky Community Early
Childhood Council, is a group of
together as a team to improve
(prenatal to six years) and their
families in our community.
We believe that every child and
family is unique. We will collaborate
in an organized effort to meet
individual needs, while providing a
smooth transition process with
ongoing programs/services for all
families and children pre-natal to six
years of age.
Every child unique…
Collaborating to meet their needs
Southgate Services
Intake Requirements
Preschool- classrooms actively engage children
so they will gain the skills and knowledge they
need to enter primary school ready to achieve
and excel at learning. Kentucky Preschool
classrooms focus on the cognitive, language,
physical, social, and emotional development of
each child.
Medicaid, Food Stamps, K-Tap, KCHIP, Adult
Medicaid/Vendor Payment For Nursing Facility
and Home & community Based Services
Screening/Assessment for Income
and/or Special Needs Eligibility
• 3 and 4 year olds with disabilities
or developmental delays
• 4 year olds whose family income
is no more than 150% of poverty
Free Public Education for those meeting
income or disability criteria
Age 3 only by disability
Age 4 by income or by disability
Susan Burress
Director of Special Education, Preschool & 504 Coor.
Southgate Independent School District
6 Wm. Blatt Avenue
Southgate, KY 41071
Anyone can apply, Appointments
Available, But Not Required.
Some Programs Require POA or
Special Permission Form
All Ages/No Cost
Family Support (Food stamps, medical, welfare, etc.)
Watertower Square, 4th Floor
601 Washington Avenue
Newport, KY 41071
Southgate Family
Resource Center
Linking families with services to help children
succeed in school.
School supplies, tutoring, attendance, etc.
FRYSC Services K-8th grade families
Birth through 8th grade
No cost
King’s Kids Day
Newport, KY
Northern Kentucky
Services children from 6 weeks to age 5. The
after school program goes to age 13.
6 weeks and shot record up to date
6 weeks to age 5, this varies depending on age
Shiloh Schweitzer
6 Wm. Blatt Ave.
Southgate, KY 41071
2110 Alexandria Pike, Newport, KY 41071
Professional Development opportunities, Needs
Assessment, dissemination of information,
technical assistance, consultation, leadership
training, parent training
Ages: Birth-21
Children with disabilities – primary focus
First Steps
Screening, Primary Level Evaluation
Coordination of Services
Speech, PT, OT, ST, DI, other
Any child 0-3 that possibly has a
developmental delay
From Birth up to age 3, Participation Fees,
private insurance, Medicaid, services will not
be denied due to income
HANDS Program
N. Kentucky
District Health
All families will receive information and learn
about community resources for new parents.
Some families will receive support through
home visitation. Families will engage in fun
activities to learn more about:
Having a healthy pregnancy, Caring for their
baby, How to bond with their child, How to
provide their child with enriching learning
experiences, Creating a safe and healthy home,
Community Resources, Child Development
First time, new and expectant
moms and/or dads can participate.
HANDS serves families prenatally (as early as
a positive pregnancy test) until the child
reaches age 2.
Head Start
Education, Medical & Dental Assistance,
Parenting Classes
Healthy Meals & Snacks
Building Family Partnerships
Head Start Application
Income Eligibility
Head Start = 3 & 4 year olds
Community Care
Early Childhood
Mental Health
Consultation and education services to early
childhood professionals and families with
children under 5
Outpatient therapy services to all children and
their families
Childcare consultation by
For outpatient services call the
ACCESS line 859.331.3292
Children (0-18) and their families.
Medicaid accepted, some private insurance
accepted, and self pay based on sliding scale
School District
Cabinet For Health
& Family
Services/Dept. For
Community Based
Ages & Cost
Some families can receive services until the
child reaches age 3.
Linda Alford
Regional Director, NKCES
859-442-8600 EXT 32
5516 E. Alexandria Pike, Cold Spring, KY 41073
Karen Judy or Mary Heidrich
No. KY POE, 401 East 20th Street
Covington KY 41014
859.655.1195 or 888.300.8866
Northern Kentucky Independent District
Health Department
610 Medical Village Dr.
Edgewood, KY 41017
859.341.4264 | fax 859.578.3689
No cost to families!
NKCAC Head Start
Laurie Wolsing, Director
717 Madison Ave.
Covington, KY 41071
(859) 581-6607
April Jones
J. E. Willett Center
7459 Burlington Pike
Florence, KY 41042