COMPANY Y CAPAB BILITY LIST UNCONTRO OLLED CO OPY PRINTED FROM M NETWO ORK ME EGG GITT T AVIO A ONICS S CO OMPA ANY C CAPA ABILIITY L LIST E EASA1 145/FA AR 145 5 REPAIR STATIO ON CIV VIL AIRCRAFT EQUIPMEN NT MAIINTEN NANCE E APABIL LITY CA A APPROVA AL REFE ERENCES S: FAA UXGY82 21X EASA A UK.14 5.00078 NO: ......................... COPY N TITCHFIE ELD PARK K BARNES WALLIS ROAD R FAREHAM M HANTS PO15 5TT T TEL: +44 4 (0) 1489 9 483300 FAX: +44 4 (0) 1489 9 483249 COPYRIGH HT © 2014 All rights resserved. No part of this publication p m may be reproduced, sorte ed in a retrievval system or transmitted d in any form or by any means, electro onic, mechan nical, photoc copied or otherwise, withoout prior perm mission of Meggitt Avio onics Issue 5 Am mdt 4 DOCUM MENT NO. APP/09 P Page i COM MPANY C CAPABIL LITY LIST T CONTROLLED COPY Y PRINTE ED FROM NETWORK N K UNC GENERAL G UCTION INTRODU This docu ument conttains a list of all those e products which are installed iin civil registered aircraft, e engines or o propelle ers, for w which Meg ggitt Avion nics has a mainte enance capability. This docu ument is an assoc ciate docu ument to the Megg gitt Avioniccs Mainte enance Organisattion Exposition, APP//02, within which this s document is referennced. The proce edures for the contro ol and mai ntenance of o this doc cument aree promulga ated in Section 1 of the Ma aintenance Organisattion Expos sition. Any y changes to this cap pability list shall b be recorde ed on the Capability C List Amendment App plication, F Form CAS 1362, see Annexx A, and fo orwarded for f approva al to the ap pplicable re egulatory aauthorities. Maintenan nce Instrucctions are routinely C Componen nt Maintena ance Manuuals and Service S Bulletins p produced by b Meggitt Avionics a as the Des sign Authorrity. Instru ctions may y be in the form of Production Data a as prod duced for the 21G manufactuuring operrations priate for ca arrying outt maintena ance operations. assessed as approp 06 Fe ebruary 2013 Issue 5 DOCUM MENT NO. APP/09 P Page ii COM MPANY C CAPABIL LITY LIST T UNC CONTROLLED COPY Y PRINTE ED FROM NETWORK N K EA ASA145/FA AR 145 CO OMPANY CAPABILITY LIST REC CORD OF DOCUMEN D NT REVIEW WS AND RE-ISSUES R S Date of Review Issue 5 Details of o Review w, Changes s & Re-iss sue Revviewed by y uly 03 Ju Initial Issue May 11 Complete e Re-write P.. Higham Ju uly 12 Amended d to reflectt the requirrements of UG.CAO O.00024-00 01 P.. Higham Au ug 12 Amended d to reflectt the requirrements of UG.CAO O.00024-00 01 P.. Higham eb 13 Fe Addition of TSO/ET TSO P.. Higham DOCUM MENT NO. APP/09 _ P Page iii COMPAN NY CAPA ABILITY LIST UNCONTR ROLLED C COPY PRIINTED FROM NETW WORK EASA145/FAR 14 45 COMPA ANY CAPA ABILITY L LIST DISTRIBU UTION Copy No.. Holde er *Master C Copy 1 Qualityy Managerr CAA All 145 5 Release Inspectors s Repairr Managerr NOTE Document is availab ble on the Intranet. * Indicatess hard cop py holders. Those peo ople above e will be infformed by email for changes c to o this docuument. Issue 5 DOCUM MENT NO. APP/09 P Page iv COMPANY CAPABILITY LIS ST UNC CONTROL LLED COP PY PRINTE ED FROM NETWOR RK EASA145/F FAR 145 C COMPANY Y CAPABIL LITY LIST AMENDM MENT RECORD Am mendment numbers w will be refe erenced on n affected ppages Iss sue Am mendment No 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 1 4 5 1 6 1 7 1 8 1 9 1 10 1 11 2 3 0 0 4 0 5 5 0 1 5 5 2 3 Issue 5 Am mdt 3 Date Details of Changes Orig ginator 15/07/03 3 Re-arra ange Capa ability headings and update pages 1-6 6, 1-7 & 1-8 8. 28/07/03 3 Add Pre essure Tra ansducer 10224- 1 to page 1-5. 26/08/03 3 Add FA AA approva al reference e on front sheet a and attache ed at Anne ex A Capabi lity List Am mendment Applicationn, CAS 1362. Form C 29/08/03 3 Addition n of distribution shee et. 09/12/04 4 Update e documentt generally y. Add Differen ntial Pressure Switch h to page 1 8 04/03/05 5 Addition n of Part No. N 39216-0 00-02 – SFD Mkk 2 to page e 1-2 08/03/05 5 Update e Part No’s to incorpo orate wholee range o of each Part No. 10/01/07 7 Update e Company y Logo on all a pages. Addition n of Mk29C C Altimeterr. 01/08/08 8 Update e FAA Certificated Fo oreign Repair Station Ca apability Lis st 14/08/08 8 Add SF FD Mk 2 Pa art Numbers to Pagee 1-2 16/08/10 0 Add new w column called Limited Ratinggs on the ccapability listing Update e Annex A 05/11 Comple ete Re-writte 17/07/12 2 Amende ed to reflect the requ uirements oof UG.CA O.00024-0 001 10/08/12 2 Amende ed to reflect the requ uirements oof UG.CA O.00024-0 001 06/02/13 3 Addition n of TSO/E ETSO 26/09/13 3 Addition n of GP720 00 VMS Module Assemb bly Part No o. 087-102379 13/03/14 4 Addition n to existin ng SCR500 0 Part No’ss. 29/05/14 4 Addition n of GP720 00 VMS Module Assemb bly Part No o. 5CX087-102379 DOCUM MENT NO. APP/09 R F Bo olton R F Bo olton R F Bo olton R F Bo olton P C Higham P C Higham P C Higham P C Higham P C Higham P C Higham P C Higham P C Higham P C Higham P C Higham P C Higham T. Tow wnsend P. Bro ooker P. Bro ooker P Page v COMPAN C NY CAPA ABILITY LIST L U UNCONTR ROLLED CO OPY PRIN NTED FRO OM NETWO ORK Issue Amendm ment No 5 4 Issue e 5 Amdt 4 Date D De etails of Changes 02//07/14 Ad ddition of Cabin C Pres ssure Indiccator Pa art No. 102 274 DO OCUMENT T NO. APP//09 Originattor P. P Brooker Page vi v COMPAN C NY CAPA ABILITY LIST L U UNCONTR ROLLED CO OPY PRIN NTED FRO OM NETWO ORK LIST OF F EFFECTIIVE PAGES The issue state e will be as indicated d on the do ocument tittle page, P Page i. Alll pages will b be at the same s issue e. The ame endment state s of eac ch page is as shown (where none e shown, no n amendm ment effectted). Page Am mendment State Page Am mendment State P Page Ame endment State S Pa age Amend dment Staate Pag ge 1-1 i 4 1-2 ii 1-3 iii 1-4 iv 1-5 4 v 1-6 vi 4 vii 4 1-7 1-8 2 1-9 3 1-10 3 1-11 2 1-12 2 Issue e 5 Amdt 4 DO OCUMENT T NO. APP//09 Page vii v Amendm ment State e COM MPANY CAPA ABILITY LIS ST U UNCONTROLL LED COPY PR RINTED FROM NETWORK MANU UFACTURER (MEGG GITT AVIONICS UNLES SS OTHERWISE S SHOWN) Issue 5 R RATING ATA A DESCR RIPTION T TYPE OR V VARIANT ART No. PA CMM REFERENCE TS SO/ ET TSO C13 C13 31 31 Secondary F Flight Display Secondary F Flight Display Mk1 Mk1 260 000-XX-XX 260 005-XX-XX 34-20-22 3 3 34-20-25 Yes Y Y Yes C13 31 Secondary F Flight Display Mk1 325 500-XX-XX 3 34-20-29 C13 C13 C13 C13 C13 31 31 31 31 31 Secondary F Flight Display Secondary F Flight Display Secondary F Flight Display Secondary F Flight Display Secondary F Flight Display Mk1 Mk1 Mk1 Mk1 Mk1 330 001-XX-XX 335 506-XX-XX 335 507-XX-XX 335 508-XX-XX 335 509-XX-XX 34-20-42 3 3 34-20-44 3 34-20-40 3 34-20-33 3 34-20-28 DOC CUMENT NO. APP/09 Yes Y Y Yes Y Yes Y Yes Y Yes Page 1 - 1 EL OF LEVE MAINTE ENANCE (Maintena ance and Alteration n unless otherwise e stated) WOR RKSHOP (unles ss otherw wise stated d Titchffield Park) COM MPANY CAPA ABILITY LIS ST U UNCONTROLL LED COPY PR RINTED FROM NETWORK MANU UFACTURER (MEGG GITT AVIONICS UNLES SS OTHERWISE S SHOWN) Issue 5 R RATING ATA A DESCR RIPTION T TYPE OR V VARIANT ART No. PA CMM REFERENCE TS SO/ ET TSO C13 C13 C13 C13 31 31 31 31 Secondary F Flight Display Secondary F Flight Display Secondary F Flight Display Secondary F Flight Display Mk2 Mk2 Mk2 Mk2 38100-XX-XX 38102-XX-XX 38104-XX-XX 38106-XX-XX 34-20-65 3 3 34-20-50 3 34-20-54 3 34-20-58 Yes Y Y Yes Y Yes Y Yes C13 31 Secondary F Flight Display Mk2 392 200-XX-XX 3 34-20-65 Y Yes C13 C13 C13 C13 31 31 31 31 Secondary F Flight Display Secondary F Flight Display Secondary F Flight Display Secondary F Flight Display Mk2 Mk2 Mk2 Mk2 392 203-XX-XX 392 204-XX-XX 392 205-XX-XX 392 207-XX-XX 34-20-70 3 3 34-21-08 3 34-20-56 3 34-20-60 Yes Y Y Yes Y Yes C13 C13 C13 C13 31 31 31 31 Secondary F Flight Display Secondary F Flight Display Secondary F Flight Display Secondary F Flight Display Mk2 Mk2 Mk2 Mk2 392 211-XX-XX 392 213-XX-XX 392 214-XX-XX 392 216-XX-XX 34-20-64 3 3 34-20-72 3 34-20-74 3 34-20-80 Yes Y Y Yes Y Yes Y Yes C13 31 Secondary F Flight Display Mk2 392 218-XX-XX 3 34-20-83 Y Yes C13 31 Secondary F Flight Display Mk2 392 221-XX-XX 3 34-20-89 Y Yes DOC CUMENT NO. APP/09 Page 1 - 2 EL OF LEVE MAINTE ENANCE (Maintena ance and Alteration n unless otherwise e stated) WOR RKSHOP (unles ss otherw wise stated d Titchffield Park) COM MPANY CAPA ABILITY LIS ST U UNCONTROLL LED COPY PR RINTED FROM NETWORK MANU UFACTURER (MEGG GITT AVIONICS UNLES SS OTHERWISE S SHOWN) Issue 5 R RATING ATA A DESCR RIPTION T TYPE OR V VARIANT ART No. PA CMM REFERENCE SO/ TS ET TSO C13 C13 C13 C13 31 31 31 31 Air Data Unit Air Data Unit Air Data Unit Air Data Unit Mk1 Mk1 Mk1 Mk1 270 000-XX-XX 270 005-XX-XX 270 016-XX-XX 270 050-XX-XX 34-10-49 3 3 34-10-53 3 34-10-92 3 34-10-69 Yes Y Y Yes C13 C13 C13 C13 C13 C13 C13 C13 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 Air Data Unit Air Data Unit Air Data Unit Air Data Unit Air Data Unit Air Data Unit Air Data Unit Air Data Unit Mk2 Mk2 Mk2 Mk2 Mk2 Mk2 Mk2 Mk2 27100-XX-XX 27101-XX-XX 27102-XX-XX 27103-XX-XX 27104-XX-XX 273 300-XX-XX 273 301-XX-XX 273 304-XX-XX 34-10-64 3 3 34-10-65 3 34-10-66 3 34-10-67 3 34-10-68 3 34-10-82 3 34-10-82 3 34-10-82 Yes Y Y Yes Y Yes Y Yes Y Yes Y Yes Y Yes Y Yes C13 31 Altim meter 280 004-XX-XX 3 34-20-14 Y Yes C13 C13 31 31 Altim meter Altim meter 280 007-XX-XX 280 010-XX-XX 34-20-30 3 3 34-20-66 Y Yes DOC CUMENT NO. APP/09 Y Yes Page 1 - 3 EL OF LEVE MAINTE ENANCE (Maintena ance and Alteration n unless otherwise e stated) WOR RKSHOP (unles ss otherw wise stated d Titchffield Park) COM MPANY CAPA ABILITY LIS ST U UNCONTROLL LED COPY PR RINTED FROM NETWORK MANU UFACTURER (MEGG GITT AVIONICS UNLES SS OTHERWISE S SHOWN) Issue 5 ART No. PA CMM REFERENCE SO/ TS ET TSO Magnettometer 190 004-XX-XX 3 34-40-03 Y Yes 31 Altitude e Alerter 103 379-XX-XX 3 34-10-58 C13 31 310 007-XX-XX 3 34-20-20 Y Yes C13 31 Secondary Navigation Disp play Secondary Navigation Disp play 310 009-XX-XX 3 34-20-48 Y Yes C13 31 Electron nic Clock 350 000-XX-XX 3 31-25-01 R RATING ATA A DESCR RIPTION C13 31 C13 T TYPE OR V VARIANT DOC CUMENT NO. APP/09 Page 1 - 4 EL OF LEVE MAINTE ENANCE (Maintena ance and Alteration n unless otherwise e stated) WOR RKSHOP (unles ss otherw wise stated d Titchffield Park) COM MPANY CAPA ABILITY LIS ST U UNCONTROLL LED COPY PR RINTED FROM NETWORK MANU UFACTURER (MEGG GITT AVIONICS UNLES SS OTHERWISE S SHOWN) Issue 5 Amdt 4 RT No. PAR CMM REFERENCE TS SO/ ET TSO ADAHRS 37002 2-XX-XX 3 34-00-01 Y Yes 31 Stall Dettector 10201-1 3 34-10-34 C6 71 Pressure Tra ansducer 10224-1 2 29-30-05 C6 36 Cabin Pre essure Indica ator 10274 3 36-20-12 C13 31 Data Acquisition & Processing g Unit PA A3521 SE ERIES 47531-XXX 612-1-4 31-30-77 3 3 31-30-90 C13 31 Data Acquisition & Processing g Unit PA A3701 SE ERIES 3 31-30-73 C13 31 Data Acquisition & Processing g Unit PA A3702 SE ERIES 3 31-30-95 R RATING ATA A DESCRIP PTION C13 31 C13 PE OR TYP VAR RIANT DOC CUMENT NO. APP/09 Page 1 - 5 LEVE EL OF MAINTE ENANCE (Maintena ance and Alteration n unless otherwise e stated) WOR RKSHOP (unles ss otherw wise stated d Titchffield Park)) COM MPANY CAPA ABILITY LIS ST U UNCONTROLL LED COPY PR RINTED FROM NETWORK MANU UFACTURER (MEGG GITT AVIONICS UNLES SS OTHERWISE S SHOWN) Issue 5 TYP PE OR VAR RIANT RT No. PAR CMM REFERENCE Flight Data A Acquisition Unitt 3810XX PA3 612-1-4 49780-XXX 3 31-30-82 31 Data Acquisition & Recorde er Unit PV1584XX 650-1-1 14040-XXX 3 31-30-71 C13 31 Flight Data A Acquisition Unitt PV1585XX 650-1-1 14017-XXX 31-30-81 3 3 31-30-83 C13 31 PA1954XX 612-1-4 43530-XXX C13 31 Flight Data A Acquisition Unitt Flight Data A Acquisition Unitt PV1954XX 612-1-4 43530-XXX 31-30-73 3 3 31-30-75 3 31-30-76 R RATING ATA A DESCRIP PTION C13 31 C13 DOC CUMENT NO. APP/09 TS SO/ ET TSO Page 1 - 6 LEVE EL OF MAINTE ENANCE (Maintena ance and Alteration n unless otherwise e stated) WOR RKSHOP (unles ss otherw wise stated d Titchffield Park)) COM MPANY CAPA ABILITY LIS ST U UNCONTROLL LED COPY PR RINTED FROM NETWORK MANU UFACTURER (MEGG GITT AVIONICS UNLES SS OTHERWISE S SHOWN) Issue 5 TYPE OR VARIA ANT PART No. Data Manage ement & Entry Pan nel 87X PV158 650-1-1434 45-XXX 31 Flight Data Entry Panel PV159 91X 612-1-XX XXXX 71 Thermocouple Amplifie er 96X PV159 650-1-XX XXXX R RATING ATA DESCRIPT TION C13 31 C13 C6 DOC CUMENT NO. APP/09 CM MM REFER RENCE TSO O/ ETSO O 30-62 31-3 31-3 30-41 31-3 30-78 31-3 30-48 Page 1 - 7 LEVEL L OF MAINTEN NANCE (Maintenance and Alteration n unless otherwise stated) WOR RKSHOP (unles ss otherw wise stated d Titchffield Park)) COM MPANY CAPA ABILITY LIS ST U UNCONTROLL LED COPY PR RINTED FROM NETWORK MANU UFACTURER (MEGG GITT AVIONICS UNLES SS OTHERWISE S SHOWN) R RATING ATA DESCRIPTIO ON C13 31 Digital Flight D Data Recorderr TYPE OR VARIAN NT o. PART No SCR500 0 CMM REF FERENCE TSO O/ ETS SO 299402-XX XXX 31-30 0-10 Ye es 299450-XX XX 299453-XX XX 299470-XX XX 299471-XX XX 299473-XX XX SD52937 SD612-S Iss s1 SCR500 0 299405-XX XXX 31-30 0-10 Ye es CVR/DFD DR Series 299412-XX XXX 23-70 0-10 Ye es CVFDR R Series Control Pan nel Issue 5 Amdt 2 C13 31 C13 31 Digital Flight D Data Recorderr SCR500 0 CVFDR R DOC CUMENT NO. APP/09 Page 1 - 8 LEVEL OF MAINTENANCE (Maintenan nce and Alteration unless otherwise stated) s WORK KSHOP (unless s otherw wise stated Titchfie eld Park) COM MPANY CAPA ABILITY LIS ST U UNCONTROLL LED COPY PR RINTED FROM NETWORK MANU UFACTURER (MEGG GITT AVIONICS UNLES SS OTHERWISE S SHOWN) R RATING ATA DESCRIPTIO ON Control Pan nel Issue 5 Amdt 3 TYPE OR VARIAN NT PART No. SCR500 0 CVR XX 299460-XX 299461-XX XX 299463-XX XX 299480-XX XX 299483-XX XX CVR AVR RO 299469-XX XX CMM REFE ERENCE D52937 SD612-SD Iss 1 C6 73 Differentia al Pressure Switch A1-05407 7 A1-054 407 Producttion Documen ntation C13 31 Composite Fattigue Meter M1946 31-10--01 C13 31 Accelerometerr Unit 11060 31-30--49 C13 31 Recorder Unit 11061 31-30--50 DOC CUMENT NO. APP/09 TSO O/ ETSO O Page 1 - 9 LEVEL OF MAINTENANCE (Maintenan nce and Alteration unless otherwise stated) s WORK KSHOP (unless s otherw wise stated Titchfie eld Park) COM MPANY CAPA ABILITY LIS ST U UNCONTROLL LED COPY PR RINTED FROM NETWORK MANU UFACTURER (MEGG GITT AVIONICS UNLES SS OTHERWISE S SHOWN) Issue 5 Amdt 3 TYPE O OR VARIAN NT o. PART No CMM M REFERE ENCE EH101 Floatation Bottle 7034704 4 36 EH101 Floatation Bottle 7034714 4 70347 704 Produc ction Documen ntation 70347 714 Produc ction Documen ntation C13 31 Air Data Com mputer EH101 50-089-04 34-11-01 C13 31 40004-XX-XX 34-21-19 Yes s C13 31 Integrated Secondary F Flight Display Integrated Secondary F Flight Display 40005-XX-XX 40005-X XX-XX Produc ction Documen ntation s Yes C6 77 GP7200 VM MS Module Asse embly 087-10237 79 0-11 77-30 C6 77 GP7200 VM MS Module Asse embly 5CX087-102 2379 77-30 0-12 R RATING ATA DESCRIPTIION C6 36 C6 DOC CUMENT NO. APP/09 TSO O/ ETSO O Page 1 - 10 LEVEL OF MAINTENANCE nce and (Maintenan Alteration unless otherwise stated) s WORK KSHOP (unless s otherw wise stated Titchfie eld Park) CO OMPANY Y CAPAB BILITY LIST UN NCONTRO OLLED CO OPY PRINT TED FROM M NETWOR RK ANNEX A Issu ue 5 Amdt 2 DOC CUMENT NO. N APP/0 09 Page 1 - 11 COMPAN NY CAPA ABILITY LIST UNCONTR ROLLED C COPY PRIINTED FROM NETW WORK Issue 5 Am mdt 2 DOCUMEN NT NO. AP PP/09 Pagge 1 - 12
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