POINTS TABLE - EUROPEAN CHAMPIONSHIP FOR APPRENTICES 2014. 1st race 2nd race 3rt race 4rt race Total General Position points Position points Position points Position points points Position 7 6 4 9 1 19 1 19 53 1 1 19 2 14 7 6 3 11 50 2 8 5 1 19 D 1 2 14 39 3 9 4 7 6 2 14 6 7 31 4 6 7 6 7 3 11 7 6 31 5 3 11 3 11 8 5 12 1 28 6 5 8 10 3 5 8 4 9 28 7 4 9 D 1 4 9 11 2 21 8 d 1 5 8 6 7 9 4 20 9 2 14 D 1 D 1 10 3 19 10 d 1 8 5 10 3 5 8 17 11 D 1 9 4 9 4 8 5 14 12 JOERI DE LEANDER (BELGIUM) JUAN RIERA SITGES (SPAIN) MARIUS HOITOMT (NORWAY) MARTIN CORMY (FRANCE) OSCAR J. ANDERSSON (SWEDEN) ALEXANDER POPOV (RUSSIA) SOPHIA RASCHAT (GERMANY) JEPPE RASK (DENMARK) JEFFERY MIERAS (NETHERLANDS) EMMA VARE (FINLAND) VIKTORIA NEMETH (HUNGARY) DAVID DOBROVOLNÝ (CZECK REP.) Position 1er 2on 3er 4rt 5é 6é 7é 8é 9é 10é 11é 12é Distanciat Retirat Points 19 14 11 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 1 6 Federació Balear de Trot Programa Carreras Ctra. Soller Km 3.5 07009 Palma de Mallorca Tel. +34 971468508 Fax. +34 971753013 20/06/2014 C.I.F.:V07199649 Hipòdrom Son Pardo I PROVA CAMPIONAT EUROPEU D'APRENENTS 1 Tipo: Trote enganchado Posición .1 Categoria: Normal Dorsal Producto 4 TITANIC BINIATI Modalidad: Internacional 21:00 Modo: Autostart 2150 Conductor JUAN RIERA SITGES Premio 940,00 € Tiiempo 12080 Distancia 2150 .2 6 TWIGGY DU PONT EMMA VÄRE 460,00 € 12100 2150 .3 9 UP TO HEAVEN ALEXANDER POPOV 240,00 € 12110 2150 .4 11 BURINOT JEPPE RASK 120,00 € 12110 2150 .5 12 TRESO DES MOLI SOPHIA RASCHAT 100,00 € 12110 2150 .6 2 TEQUILA MIST PV OSKAR J. ANDERSSON 80,00 € 12120 2150 .7 7 VIRGUER D'ITE JOERI DE LAENDER 60,00 € 12130 2150 .8 10 UEP TURISTA MARIUS HOITOMT 12150 2150 .9 3 ALEGRIA MARTIN CORMY 12160 2150 D 8 VENTURA DE BLARY MO DAVID DOBROVOLNY 2150 D 5 VALEUNKILATE TIRETY JEFFREY MIERAS 2150 D 1 TERRA DES BOSC *TF VIKTÓRIA NEMETH 2150 II PROVA CAMPIONAT EUROPEU D'APRENENTS 2 Tipo: Trote enganchado Posición .1 Categoria: Normal Dorsal 4 SOLE MIO Producto Modalidad: Internacional 21:25 Modo: Autostart 2150 Conductor MARIUS HOITOMT Premio 940,00 € Tiiempo 11880 Distancia 2150 .2 6 VOYAGE SPIRIT HM JUAN RIERA SITGES 460,00 € 11890 2150 .3 9 TEAM OF QUEEN ALEXANDER POPOV 240,00 € 11890 2150 .4 11 SANCHO BLAI JOERI DE LAENDER 120,00 € 11890 2150 .5 2 UNA PASSADA HM JEFFREY MIERAS 100,00 € 11900 2150 .6 7 SAN PELLEGRINO MIXO OSKAR J. ANDERSSON 80,00 € 11910 2150 .7 5 TAMARA GS MARTIN CORMY 60,00 € 11930 2150 .8 12 SOBIRANA VIKTÓRIA NEMETH 11930 2150 .9 8 TOGENIA CHILL GM DAVID DOBROVOLNY 11970 2150 10 10 UFANA MISS SOPHIA RASCHAT 12250 2150 D 3 TURQUESA BIRD JEPPE RASK 2150 D 1 TIO XISCO EMMA VÄRE 2150 Premi SOFIA 3 Tipo: Trote enganchado Posición .1 Categoria: Normal Dorsal 8 BRIL DE FONT Producto Modalidad: Nacional 21:50 Modo: Autostart 1650 Conductor GABRIEL FUSTER CARBONELL Premio 480,00 € Tiiempo 11970 Distancia 1650 .2 14 BIRD JOSE VICH CARDONA 240,00 € 12020 1650 .3 12 AMATEUR DAMIAN OLIVER OLIVER 130,00 € 12110 1650 .4 11 BIG BIG STAR FRANCISCO SERVERA LLODRA 60,00 € 12160 1650 .5 7 ARC BIRD MATEO PORTELL VICH 30,00 € 12240 1650 .6 13 UNICA DE TORRELLA EMERITA ESTELRICH FUSTER 30,00 € 12260 1650 .7 3 VIRGO SES PLANES MATEO RIERA BENNASAR 30,00 € 12260 1650 .8 10 ATHENA D'ESCAFI SEBASTIAN JAUME MULET 12340 1650 D 4 BEURI SINIA JUAN ANTONIO RIERA ROSSELLO 1650 D 2 BUROT JUAN CARLOS ROTGER SERRA 1650 D 1 BRANGELINA D'ESCAFI ANTONIO FRONTERA POCOVI 1650 D 15 BERLINA DE LADIL SEBASTIANA POCOVI SALLEINS 1650 D 9 ANIMA TM BARTOLOME CALVO FORNES 1650 D 5 BRUMELLI'S GROUP CARLOS ALBERTO CRUELLAS MUNAR 1650 R 6 BELLA DE NIT ANTONIO JOSE CARRERAS SERRA 1650 Pag. :1/3 www.fbtrot.com 23-06-2014 Federació Balear de Trot Programa Carreras Ctra. Soller Km 3.5 07009 Palma de Mallorca Tel. +34 971468508 Fax. +34 971753013 20/06/2014 C.I.F.:V07199649 Hipòdrom Son Pardo III PROVA CAMPIONAT EUROPEU D'APRENENTS 4 Tipo: Trote enganchado Posición .1 Categoria: Normal Dorsal 7 VIROT CR Producto Modalidad: Internacional 22:15 Modo: Autostart 2150 Conductor JOERI DE LAENDER Premio 940,00 € Tiiempo 11770 Distancia 2150 .2 12 ULI STILIKE MARTIN CORMY 460,00 € 11770 2150 .3 4 UN QUEPRIXET MAR OSKAR J. ANDERSSON 240,00 € 11780 2150 .4 9 TIFFANYS JEPPE RASK 120,00 € 11800 2150 .5 1 RODRIGO MAGISTER (FR) SOPHIA RASCHAT 100,00 € 11800 2150 .6 2 TENOR DE KOR JEFFREY MIERAS 80,00 € 11810 2150 .7 10 SURF DU DONJON (FR) JUAN RIERA SITGES 60,00 € 11910 2150 .8 5 TIGRE D'ANJOU (FR) ALEXANDER POPOV 11930 2150 .9 6 SAM G DAVID DOBROVOLNY 11930 2150 10 3 QATAR DU CHENE (FR) VIKTÓRIA NEMETH 12020 2150 D 8 MOLL DE LLEVANT MARIUS HOITOMT 2150 D 11 SAPHIR DU CHENE (FR) EMMA VÄRE 2150 IV PROVA CAMPIONAT EUROPEU D'APRENENTS 5 Tipo: Trote enganchado Posición .1 Categoria: Normal Dorsal Producto 5 REVE DE LA SCIMA (FR) Modalidad: Internacional 22:40 Modo: Autostart 2150 Conductor JOERI DE LAENDER Premio 940,00 € Tiiempo 11730 Distancia 2150 .2 12 PAPY CLAUDE (FR) MARIUS HOITOMT 460,00 € 11730 2150 .3 1 QUAID DES CAILLONS (FR) JUAN RIERA SITGES 240,00 € 11740 2150 .4 4 QUASIMODO FACE (FR) SOPHIA RASCHAT 120,00 € 11780 2150 .5 8 RAIS DE L'ITON (FR) VIKTÓRIA NEMETH 100,00 € 11780 2150 .6 2 SONEVA GILI JET (FR) MARTIN CORMY 80,00 € 11790 2150 .7 7 QUENECET DU DROPT (FR) OSKAR J. ANDERSSON 60,00 € 11790 2150 .8 3 PERICLES (FR) DAVID DOBROVOLNY 11800 2150 .9 10 PIRATE DE VALMOR (FR) JEFFREY MIERAS 11840 2150 10 9 PANDA DE TUGERAS (FR) EMMA VÄRE 11840 2150 11 6 QUIGNON DE LOUDAT (FR) JEPPE RASK 11850 2150 12 11 OKY DE LOU (FR) ALEXANDER POPOV 11870 2150 GRAN PREMI DE PRIMAVERA 6 Tipo: Trote enganchado Posición .1 Categoria: Normal Dorsal Producto 3 ANGELINA DURAN Modalidad: Nacional 23:05 Modo: Autostart 1650 Conductor BARTOLOME MASCARO POU Premio 2.200,00 € Tiiempo 11580 Distancia 1650 .2 5 AQUILES DURAN GUILLERMO ANDREU ADROVER 1.080,00 € 11590 1650 .3 6 ARCO DE LADIL FRANCESC BENNASAR ADROVER 564,00 € 11610 1650 .4 7 AINA DE FONT JUAN ANTONIO RIERA ROSSELLO 286,00 € 11610 1650 .5 1 A QUEEN OF GLORY MIQUEL MESTRE SUÑER 236,00 € 11610 1650 .6 12 ALÇINA DES MASSOS ANTONIO FRONTERA POCOVI 190,00 € 11630 1650 .7 9 ABACO ANTONIO RIERA BENNASAR 144,00 € 11640 1650 .8 10 ANNA BLAI JUAN MANUEL JUAN PUIGSERVER 11690 1650 .9 13 ALAMBI FRANCISCO ABELLAN CARBONELL 11700 1650 10 2 ASTERIX SUND ANTONIO VALLS BARCELO 11720 1650 11 4 AIRE DE SA SINIA JAIME BASSA RIERA 11730 1650 12 11 AS TM BARTOLOME CALVO FORNES 11760 1650 D 8 ART DE BINITAREF AGUSTIN POU POU Premi SOFIA BIS 7 Tipo: Trote enganchado Posición Pag. :2/3 Dorsal Categoria: Normal Producto Modalidad: Nacional Conductor www.fbtrot.com 1650 23:30 Modo: Autostart Premio Tiiempo 1650 Distancia 23-06-2014 Federació Balear de Trot Programa Carreras Ctra. Soller Km 3.5 07009 Palma de Mallorca Tel. +34 971468508 Fax. +34 971753013 20/06/2014 C.I.F.:V07199649 Hipòdrom Son Pardo Premi SOFIA BIS 7 Tipo: Trote enganchado Posición .1 Categoria: Normal Dorsal Producto 14 BONDAD MARE Modalidad: Nacional 23:30 Modo: Autostart 1650 Conductor JOSE ANTONIO HERNANDEZ NAVARRO Premio 480,00 € Tiiempo 11820 Distancia 1650 .2 8 ALEXIA GROUP CARLOS ALBERTO CRUELLAS MUNAR 240,00 € 11900 1650 .3 7 BO DE CLISSA ANTONIO RIERA BENNASAR 130,00 € 11900 1650 .4 5 ANIMA DE LADIL SEBASTIANA POCOVI SALLEINS 60,00 € 11930 1650 .5 9 BIMBOLLA DURAN ONOFRE PUIGSERVER FERRER 30,00 € 11940 1650 .6 2 BEST GRANDCHAMP JAUME FORTEZA RIERA 30,00 € 11940 1650 .7 3 ALBOR NEULA ULRICH WIELAND 30,00 € 11950 1650 .8 4 BLACK ALONE ANTONIO VALLS BARCELO 11960 1650 A 16 VALENT DE TORRELLA JUAN B. GUAL DE TORRELLA LE-SENNE 1650 A 11 AMANDA BIRD JOSE VICH CARDONA 1650 A 13 AFRICA REAL B ANTONIO BAUZA RIGO 1650 A 10 AMERICA MIXO GUILLERMO ANDREU ADROVER 1650 A 6 BARONESA TILLY BS BARTOMEU LLOBET RIERA 1650 A 12 VOULEVAY PONCIO BALTASAR SEBASTIA ESTELRI 1650 D 1 AFRA JUAN ANTONIO RIERA ROSSELLO 1650 D 15 BALEAR MAURITIUS HERMES RIGO FLEXAS 1650 Premi JOYAU DU PUISIER 8 Tipo: Trote montado Posición .1 Categoria: Trote Montado Dorsal Producto 8 OPERA DU LYS (FR) Modalidad: Internacional 23:55 Modo: Handicap 2175 Conductor MAGDALENA AMER DUMAS Premio 480,00 € Tiiempo 11780 Distancia 2225 .2 5 QING DU VIVIER (FR) MARIA ESTHER SAEZ MADRONA 240,00 € 11980 2175 .3 2 SLIM RIDER (FR) JAUME TINO VAQUER STASCHEL 130,00 € 12000 2175 .4 1 REINE DE FOURCHES (FR) MARGARITA SERVERA DIAZ 60,00 € 12030 2175 .5 6 SILVER MIXO BERNARDO SAGRERA SEGUI 30,00 € 12050 2200 .6 4 LESTA LIS (IT) CATALINA MAS MUNTANER 30,00 € 12160 2175 .7 7 RADJAH D'HAUFOR (FR) THAIS CARBO FERRA 30,00 € 12020 2225 .8 3 QUASI CHENEVIERE (FR) SANTI ROIG MOLL 12410 2175 Premi PAMELA 9 Tipo: Trote enganchado Posición .1 Categoria: Normal Dorsal 8 VITO DURAN Producto Modalidad: Nacional 00:20 Modo: Autostart 1650 Conductor GUILLERMO ANDREU ADROVER Premio 480,00 € Tiiempo 11670 Distancia 1650 .2 4 BABY SUND ANTONIO TUR ROSELLO 240,00 € 11680 1650 .3 3 ALEGRIA LOVE BARTOLOME FUSTER CARBONELL 130,00 € 11770 1650 .4 10 ALGARROBO ANTONIO VALLS BARCELO 60,00 € 11770 1650 .5 2 TATIANA LABOU MARTI CANALS COLL 30,00 € 11910 1650 .6 11 VIRAT BIRD JOSE VICH CARDONA 30,00 € 11930 1650 .7 12 AVA GARDNER ANTONIO RIERA BENNASAR 30,00 € 12000 1650 .8 7 VELOSSIA GABRIEL PASCUAL CARRIO 12100 1650 D 9 USAIN MAGDALENA AMER DUMAS 1650 D 5 VALENT HB GUILLERMO BUSQUETS LLULL 1650 D 1 BRUIXA DE FONT JAIME FLUXA GOMILA 1650 D 13 ALASTOR HM MIQUEL MESTRE SUÑER 1650 D 6 VET AQUÍ SI VA BE GUILLERMO SUREDA SANTANDREU 1650 Pag. :3/3 www.fbtrot.com 23-06-2014 EUROPEAN CHAMPIONSHIP FOR APPRENTICES Palma de Mallorca, Spain June 20, 2014 - 21:00 4 races - 2 150 m - Autostart Joeri de Laender 23 11 29 417 David Dobrovolný years old victories 2013 victories carreer races carreer BELGIUM CZECH REP. Jeppe Rask Emma Väre 23 23 54 346 years old victories 2013 victories carreer races carreer 23 8 26 168 years old victories 2013 victories carreer races carreer 21 9 21 335 years old victories 2013 victories carreer races carreer DENMARK FINLAND Martin Cormy Sophia Raschat 17 12 18 211 FRANCE years old victories 2013 victories carreer races carreer 20 4 5 65 GERMANY years old victories 2013 victories carreer races carreer Viktória Németh 21 8 23 141 Jeffrey Mieras years old victories 2013 victories carreer races carreer 19 5 6 132 HUNGARY NETHERLANDS Marius Høitomt Alexander Popov 22 23 55 502 years old victories 2013 victories carreer races carreer 24 11 42 221 years old victories 2013 victories carreer races carreer years old victories 2013 victories carreer races carreer NORWAY RUSSIA Juan Riera Sitges Oscar J. Andersson 20 20 83 753 SPAIN years old victories 2013 victories carreer races carreer 21 34 65 632 SWEDEN years old victories 2013 victories carreer races carreer Union Europeenne du Trot (UET) 7, rue d’Astorg 75008 Paris France [email protected] www.uet-trot.eu T. 33(0)149771403 F. 33(0)149771704 Federacion Balear De Trote Ctra. Soller Km 3,5 (Hipodromo Son Pardo) 07009 Palma de Mallorca Illes Balears [email protected] www.federaciobaleardetrot.com T. 971 468 508 F. 971 753 013 EUROPEAN CHAMPIONSHIP FOR APPRENTICES RULES The European Championship for Apprentices is organized under the care of U.E.T. Each Federation appoints his representative who, if possible, should be ranked among the first five apprentices of the country (based on the number of victories of the preceding year). U.E.T appoints each year a person responsible for the classification and who - if a situation should arise which is not mentioned in the present regulation - is entitled to take the decisions in accordance with the Organizing Racetrack. The representative of a country must have the nationality of the country that he is representing. Only apprentices who are not older than 25 years during the year of the Championship, holding a licence delivered by the Trotting Authorities of their country of origin and employed by a professional trainer are admitted to take part in the Championship. They must have at least 5 victories and less than 100 victories. Each driver participating in the European Championship for Apprentices is obliged - except in case of force majeure - to participate in all races of the Championship, otherwise he will lose his right to participate. A driver, who has not participated the first day of the Championship, will be excluded from the competition. The Federation which has appointed his representative is responsible for the expenses made by the organizing Racetrack if the driver does not carry on with the Championship, except in case of force majeure. Two reserve horses per race should be available. The last performances of the reserve horses should not be superior to the horses initially nominated. The start of each race will be given by Autostart or, in case of impossibility, by «flying» start. To equalize the chances of each driver, every organizing Racetrack will divide their horses in 2 groups called A and B. Group A includes horses which are considered by the organizing Racetrack as the best and group B includes the horses of a lower category. Each participant will drive the same number of horses from group A and B. The horses will be assigned by public drawing. If necessary, a distribution table of the horses will be made by the U.E.T.Office according to the number of participants and races. The horses should be of equal quality. Horses considered as superior or very hard to handle shall be excluded by the organizing track. The classification will be made as follows: The winner receives 5 points more than the second, the second 3 points more than the third, the third 2 points more than the fourth, and from the fifth onwards, each time 1 point less, till the last competitor who receives 1 point. When a horse is stopped or disqualified, or when he passes the post in an irregular gait, his driver will receive 1 point. If a situation not mentioned U NION E UROPEENNE DU T ROT 7, rue d’Astorg – 75008 Paris – Tel. 33(0)1 49 77 14 03 – Fax. (0)1 49 77 17 04 [email protected] – www.uet-trot.eu by the present rules should arise, the National Federation of the concerned country is entitled to take a decision in accordance with the representative of U.E.T. If a driver can not participate in a race due to an insufficient number of horses available, he will received 6 points. If a driver cannot participate, the organizing Race Tracks appoints another driver for this horse entered to the programme. This horse will receive no points. The driver with the highest score after the qualification races, will be declared European Champion. In case of equality of points, the places obtained in the different races will decide. Each National Federation will assume the travel expenses of his representative from his residence to the departure of the Circuit and back to his home town. The Organizing Race Tracks will support proportionally the following expenses : The travel, hotel and restaurant expenses during the European Championship for Apprentices, as well as all costs involved by the preparations of this Championship and the honorary prize for the winner of the day. The insurance expenses for the driver during the Championship will be assumed by the Federation of his home country. The organizing Race Tracks will establish a budget for the Championship and settle the final accounts between themselves. A participant driver has no right to ask for indemnity from the owners or trainers of the horses they drive in the Championship.
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