NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF HEALnl WADSWOR"FH -CENTER Exp-ires f2:01 AM April 01, 2015 Issued Aprit 01,2014 Revtsed December 02,-2014 Is~ued CERTIFrCATE OF APPROVAL FOR LABORATORY SERVICE in accord~nce with ahd pursuant to section 502 PI,iQ]jc_Health Caw of New York State DR. MICHAEL H. LEFTIN INTEGRA TED ANAL YTICA,L I;AfjS 273"FRANKLIN ROAD RANDOLPH, NJ 07869 NY Lab Id No: i14D2 is hereby APPROVED as an Environm~ntaf Laboral-ory in conformance with the National Environmental Laboratol'Y Accreditation Conference StaRt/aras r2003) fer the category ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSES POTABf1E WATER All approved analytes are listed below.: Drinking Water BJlctetiology Coliform, Tota.11 E. coli (Quantative) DriiikingJ/l,{ater Miscellaneous SM 18-22 9222A,B,C (-97)/40. CFR 1~l . 0 ,!or SM 18-22 2150.9(-97) SM 18-22 9223B (-97) (Colilert) Surfactant (MBAS) SM 18-22 554QC (-0.0.) E. coli (Enumeration) SM 18-22 9223B (-97) (Colilert) Turbidity SM 18-22 2130. B(-Q1) Standard Plate Count SM 18-22 9215B (-0.0.) Drinking Water Non-Metals Drinking Water Metals I Arsenic, Total Barium , Total Alkalinity SM 18-22 232o.B ("97) EPA 20.0. .8 Rev. 5.4 Chloride SM 18-22 45QQ-CI- B (-97), EPA 20.0..8 Rev. 5.4 Color SM 18-22 212QB (-0.1) Cyanide EPA 335.4 Rev. 1.0. ·· BiiA 20.0..8 Rev. 5.4 Cadmium, Total C (-97) Chromium, Total EPA 20.0..8 Rev. 5.4 Fluoride, Total SM 18-22 45o.Q-F Copper, Total EPA 20.0..8 Rev. 5.4 Nitrate (as N) Srvt18-22 45Qo.-NOa F ( ~QO) lead, Total ERA 20Q.8-Rcev. 5.4 Nitrite (as N) SM 18-22 45QQ-N03F (-0.0.) Manganese, Total EPA 20.0..8 Rev.5A Solids, Total Dissolved SM 18-22 254QC (-97) Mercury, Tqtal EPA-245.1 Rev. 3~Q Specific Condw:t~llce SM 18."22 251QB (-97) Selenium, Te1al EPA.ZQQ.8 Rew. ~:4 Sulfate (as 504) ASTM 0516-90, 0.2, 0.7& 11 Silver, Total EPA 200.:8 Rev. 5.4 ljnc,ToJ~1 EPA 2QO.8 Rev. 5.4 Drinking Water Metals Drinking-Water Trih'alomethanes n Aluminum, Total EPA 200..8 Rev, 5.4 Antimony, Total E'RA2QQ.8 Rev. 5.4 Beryllium, Total EPA 20.0..8 Rev. 5.4 Nickel, TQJal EPA 20.0..8 Rev. 5.4 Thallium~ EPA 20.0..8 Rev. 5.4 Total Drinking Water Miscellaneo_us Methyl iodide - - BromodichloromethaAe EPA 524.2 Bromoform EPA 524.2 Chlor6form_ ~PA524.2 OjbL.omQ.chloromEtthane ~PA524.2 Fuel ~ddi!!N~s_ ~ .Methy( tert-butyl-eo,er EI"A524.2 Naphthalene EPA 524.2 M icroextra.Cctibles~~ ERA 524.2 1~ a.:Dibromo-3-cbrorQf3ro ~ane Serial No.: 51726 Property of the New York State Depiilrtment of Healttl. Certificate-s are vali>l ollly atlhe address showfl, must be conspicuously posted, and are printed on secure paper. Continuea' accreditation depends on successful ongoing participation in the Program.. Consumers are urged-to call (518) 485-5570 to _ verify the laboratorYs aeereQltation status. Page 1 of 3 EPA 50.4.1 NEWXORK STATE DEPARtMENT OF HEALTH WADSWORTH CENTER EXf>ires 12:01 AM April 01, 2015 Issued April 01, 2014 ReviSed becemb~r 02, 2014 CERTIFIOATE OF APPROVAL FOR LABORATORY SER\lICE Issued in accordance with and pursuant to section 5112 Pwblic Health DR. MICHAEL H. LEFTIN INT6GRA TED ANAL YTICAL 273 FRANKLIN ROAD RANDOLPH, NJ 078~69 Law of New York State NY Lab Id Np: 11402 LABS is herebyAP'PROVED as an Ettvitonmental Laboratory in coijformanee with 'the National Environmental Laboratory Accreditalion Conference StW'ldards (20()3) fer the category ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSES POTABLE WATER All approvedanalytes gre listed below: 0: M icroextractib,e$ 1,2-Dibromoethane Volatile I:talocarbons EPA 504.1 1,1,1-Trichloroethane Volatile Aromatics 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene EPA 524.2 1 ,2,4-Tric~lor6b~nzen~e EPA 524.2 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene EPA 524.2 1,2-Dichlorobenzene EPA 524.2 1,3,5-TriQ1,ethylbenzene EPA 524.2 1 ,3-Dichlorob~nzene EPA 524.2 1,4:.Dichlorobenzene EPA 524.2 2-€ h lorotoluene EPA 524.2 4-Chlorotoluen~ Benzene - . EPA-524;-2 EPA 524.2 - Bromobenzene EPA 524.2 Ghlorobenzene EPA 524.2 Ethyl benzene EPA 524 :2 Hexachlorobutadiene El?A524.2 Isopropylbenzilne EPA 524.2 n-ButYlbemzene EPA 524.2 n-Propylb.elT~ene EPA 524.2 p-lsopropyllOluene (P-Cymene) EPA 524.2 sec-B ut~lI;)enzene EPA 524.2 Styrene ~ ,tel'!-Butyl.l;l.emfene 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane EPA 524.2 EPA 524.2 Toluene EPA 524.2 Total Xylenes EPA§24.2 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane EPA 524.2 "EPA§24.2 1,1,2-Trichloroethane EPA 524.2 1,1-Dichloroethane EPA.524.2 1,1-Dichloroethene EPA 524.2 1,1-Dichloropropene EPA 5-24.2 . 1,2,3-Trichloropropane EPA 524.2 1,2-Dichloroethane EPN52~.2 1,2-Dichloropropane EPA 524.2 1,3-Dichloropropane EPA 524.2 2,2-Dichloropropane EPA524.~ Bromochlorometl'lal'le EPA 524.2 EPA 524.2 Bromomethane Carbon tet[~chlorida -EPA 524;-2 EPA 524.2 ChloroethaRe . E8.1>,524.2 Chloromethane dS-1 ,2-Dj chloroethene - cis-1 ,3-Dichloropro~.Ell1e EPA 524.2 ~PA524.2 EP}I.-o24.2 Dichlorodlfluoromethane EPA52~;Q Methylene chtorige EPA 524.2 Tetrachloroethene EPA5-24.L trans-1,2-Dichlofoett!.el1e EPA.524..2 tranS'-1,3-Dichtoropropene EPA 524:2 Triehl0roethene EPA 524.2 Serial No.: 51726 Property of the New·York State Department of Health: Certlficates are valid only at th~ address shown. must be conspicuollsly posted. and are printed on secure paper. Contlnuecf accreditation oElpel'lds on successful ongoing participation in the Prqgram , Consumers are urged to call (518) 485-5570 to verify the laboratory's accreditation status. - Page 2 of 3 EPA 524.2 NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH WADSWORTH CENTER Ex~ire"B 12:01 AM 6PrH 01, 20'15 Issued April 01,2014 Revised December 0:2,2014 CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL FOR LABORATORY SERVIGE Issued if! accordance with and pursuant to section 502 Put5jic Health Law of New York State o DR-: MtGHAEL H. LEFTIN INT~GRA TED ANAL YTICA~ LABS 273-FRANKLIN ROAD RANDOLPH, NJ 07869 NY Lab Id No: 114Q.2 is herebyAPPROVED as an Ervir-onmental Laboratory in conformance with the National Environmental Labor:atory'editat;0n Conference Standards (2003) for the category -- ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSES POTABLEWATER All approvedanalytes are listed-helow: Volatile Kalocarbons Trichlorofluoromethane EPA 524.2 Vinyl chloride EPA 524.2 Serial No.: 51726 - Prol<.erty of lt1e New York Stale Department of Health. G-ertificales are valid only at,the adgress shown, mtlst be conspicuously posted, and are printed on secure paper. Continued-accreditation dep.ends on successful ongoing participation in the Program. COl1sumers are urged to call (518) 485-5570 to verify the laboratoEf~ a£credltatlon status. ~ Page-3;of-3 NEW YORK STATE DE~RTMENT OF HEALTH WADSWORTH-CENTER Expir,es 12:01 AM April 01, 2015 Is~sued April 01, 2014 ReviSed December 02,2014 CERTrFIOATE QFAPPROVAL FOR LABORATORY SERVICE - Issued in accordance with and pursuant to section 502 PuQlic Health L~w of New York State DR. MICHAEL H. LEFTIN II'~JTEGRA TED ANAL YTJCAL LAgs 273 FRANKLIN ROAD RANDOLPH, NJ (;)7869 NYtab Id No: 114Q2 is hereby A PPR'OVED as an Environmental Laboratory in 2GJ]1formance with the National environmental L--aboratery Accredita.uOn Confe[Mc-e StanCiartis (~003r-for the category -ENVLRONMENTALANALYSES NON POTABLE WATER All approved analytes are listed below: Acrylates Benzldlnes Acrolein (Prop-enal) EPA 8260C 3,3'-Dichlorob-enzleir;)e EPA 82VOD EPA 624 Acrylonitrile EPA 625 EPA 8260C 3,3'-Dimethylbenzldine EPAS270D EPA 624 Benzidine EPA 625 Ef='A !l2'70D Amines 1,2-Diphenylhydrazine ~ EPA8270D 2-Nitro.ani!lne EPA 8270D 3-Nitroanillne EPA 8270D 4-€hloreanliine EPA 8270D 4-Nitroaniline Chlorinated Hydrocarbon Pesticides 4,4'-DDD EPA a:o~1B EPA..608 4,4'-DDE _EPA 8270D EPA 80818 EPA 608 - Anilil'le EPA-625 4-,4'-DDT EPA 8270D EPA~625 Carbazole EPA 608 _ ~PA8(,)818 Aldrin EPA608 EPA 8270D Diphenylamine I?yridine EPA 8270D =e_ Bacteriology Coliform, Fecal E. coli (~numeration) Enterooocci EAA608 alftRa-Chlordane EPA 80818 beta-8HC EPA 80818 EPA6-08 Chlordane Total delta-8HC Dieldrin - Standard Plate Count SM'1'8-21 92158 Ser1al No.: 51727 Property ef the New YorkState Department of I-fe-a-Ilh_ Certificates are valid only at the address shoWn, must be COriSpicuously posted, and are printed on secure paper. ConUntJed accreditation depends on successful ongoing participation in the Program. c:;pnsumers are urgeu to call (518) 485-5570 te .. verify the laboratory'~acc[edjtation status. P~ge '1 of 10 EPA8QS18 EPA 608 EPf. W)3 .1 ASTM D6503-99 EPA 80818 8PA608 SM 92218-06 SM 92228-97 - EPA 80818 - SM-9221 C,E-06 SM;9-222ID-97 Coliform, Tatal a~ha"B±te - EPA6Z5 EPA 8270D - EPMIO~18 EPA B0818 EPA 608 NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH WADSWORTH CENTER Expires. 12:01 AM /Xpril 01, 2015 1, 2014 Issued April OC Revi$~d- E5ecemb~r 02,2014 CERTIFlCATE OF .APPROYALEOR LABORATORY SERVICE Issued in accordance with and pursuant to sectipn 5Q4 PU/fJjc HealthLaw of New York State DR. MICHAEL H. LEFTIN INTEGRA TED ANAL YTICAL LABS 273 FRANKLIN ROAD RANDOLPH, NJ 07869 N,(Lgb Id No: 11402 is he-rebyAPPROVED as an E;nvironm~ntIiI Laborator:y in conformance with .the National Environmental LaporatoryAccreditC1tiop Confer.emie Stpndards (-?0(J3)Yor the category ENVIRONMENTALANAl,.YSES rv07't pOTAEiLE WATER All approved a~~YJPs al} listed-below: - Chlorinat~d Hydrocarbon ChlorInated Hydrocarbons P~sticides Endosulfan I EPA-8081B 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzeoe EPA 608 ~ndosulfan EPA 8270D 2-Chloronaphthalene EPA8081B II EPA 608 ~ - Endrin --EPA 608 Hexachlorobutadiene HexachlorocycioPentadiene Hexachloroethane ';;£1?1_8Q81 B EPA8081B~ Ghlorophenoxy Acid Pesticides EPA8~QafB 2A 5-T EPA8151A 2,4,5-TP (Silvex) EPA8151A SM 66408-01 EPeAJO~ EPA 808113 EPA6qB Toxaphene EPA.8081B EPA 8151 K ~M 2,4-0B Dal~o_n EPA 8151A Chlo.rinatedHydrocarbons 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene EPA 8260C 1,2,4,5-Tetrachlorobenzene EPA 82700 Property Qf the;Jllew~York_Sfate)3,epartment of Healtn: G-eftlficate s are valid only at the address shewn,must be conspicuouslyp osted, and are printed on secure paper. COntinued accrejj itatlon-dep~nds on successful ongoing participation In the Program. Consumers are urge -d to call (518) 485-5570 to verify the laboratory's accreditation status. ~ Page 2 ono EPA 8151A EPA8151A . -s:e..rial No.: 51727 -0 6640B-0.1 EPA 8151A EPA 608 ~ - SM 6640B-01 EPA 608 EPA §9!!.j~ -- ~PA625 EPA 8270l) EI?A8081B -EPK608 -- -""'Undane EPA 625 EPA 82ioD EPA 608 g amma-Ghlordane EPA 625 EPA 8270D EPA 8081B - __[l~plachlor EPA 625 EPA 827{)D EPA 8081 B -~E 8A608 Endrin Ketone· EPA 625 EPA 8270D Hexachlorobenzene EPA8081B Eride sulfan sulfate EPA 625 SM 5210B-0t,-t'I NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH WADSWORiH -e-ENTER E)(pires~ 12:01 AM April,01 f 2015 Iss\;led April 01, 2014 Revised Decem ber 02: 20~ 4 CERTIFICATE OF APPROXlAL f;OR LABORATORY SERVICE Issued in accor(jance with and pursuant to section 502 PublJcHealth Law of New York State DR. MICHAEL H. LEFTIN INTEGRA TED ANAL Y:I1CAL L4BS 273 cFRANKLlN ROAD ~ RANDOLPH, NJ 0786B NY Lab Id No: 11402 is hereby jfPPROVED as an Environmental Laboratory in conformance with the National Environmental ",aboratory Afcreditation Conference Standards (4.V03) fer the category ENVTRONMENTAL ANALYSES NON POTABLE WATER All approvecfaf/alytes are listed below: Demand Low Level Polynuclear Aromatics Carbonac~U$ BOD - Chemical Oxygen Demand SM,5210B-01,-11 HACH 8000 DissolVed Gases Ethane RSK-175 ~ Ethene (Ethylene) RSK-175 - Methane RSK-175 PrQ~arie RSK-175 - EPA 8260C Ethanol EPA 80150 Metbyl ter"t-biityl ether EPA 8260C tert-Dutyl alcohol ~PA8260C ~ jialoethers -4-Bromophenylphenyl eth"er Bi!;(2-chloroisc:)propyl) et.her Benzo(k)fluoranthene Low Level EPA 82700 SIM Oibenzo(a,h)anthraceneL,ow Level - EPA 827QO SIM " Indeno(1 ,2,3-cd)pyrene Low Level EPA 82700 SIM Mineral SM 2310B-97,-11 Alkalinity SM 2320B-97,-11 Chloride SM 4500-CI~ E-97,-11 -_ Sulfate (as S04) ASTM 0516-07 Nitroaromatics andJsophorone .2,iI? einitrot9lu~me EPA 625 2,6.0Tnitrotoluene EPA 625 EPA 8279D EBA82700 '. EPA 625 IsopBorone EPA 82700 ~EPA625 Nitrobenzene EPA 82-79D EPA 625 EPA 82700 - EPA 82700 SIM EPA (l25 EPA 82700 Bis(2-chIOJ;Oethyl)ether EPA 82700 SIM EPA 625 EPA 82700 j3is(2-9hloroetho~)m~thal'1e Benzo(a)pyrene Low Level Benzo(b)fluoranthene Low Level EPA 625 EPAff2700 4-Chlorophenylphenyl ether EPA 82700 SIM Acidity F=uel Oxygenl!tes OI':fSopropyl ether Benzo(a)anthracene Low La-llel EPA 625 Nitrosoamines EPA 625 N-Nitrosodimethylamine EPA 8270D EPA!)2700 N-NitrosOdi"n-propylamin~ Serial No.: 51727 Property of the 'New-York State Department of Health, Certificates are valid only at the address shown, -must be 'coA'splcuously posted, and are printed on secure paper. Conttnoed accreditation 'depends . on successful ongoing participation in the Program, Consumers are urged to call (518) 485-5570 to ~~ verify the laboratory's accreditation status, ~ Page 3 of 10 _ EPA 625 NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH WADSWORTH CENTER Expires 12:01 AM ){pril Q1, 2015 ,Issue_d April 01, 2014 Revised-December 02,2014 CERTIFfCAT-EOF APPROVA~ FOR LABORATORY SERVJCE Issued in accordance with and pursuant to section §D2-Pt1b.!ic~Health Law of New y()(J~ State DR. MIGHAEL H. LEFTIN INTEGRA TED ANAL Y:TJCAL LABS 273 FRANKLIN ROAD RANDOLPH, NJ (J78.69 NY Lab Id No: 11402 is hereby APPROVED as an Eicnvironmental LaborfItory in conlormance with the National -Environmenta1 LaboratoryfJ,ccreditatlon Conference Standards (~003) for the category ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSES NON POTABLE WATER All approved-analytes are listed below: Nitrosoamlfles Phthalate Esters N-Nitroso<:li-n-propylamine EPA 8270D N-Nitrosodiphenylamine EPA 625 Dimethyl phthaLate EPA 8270D EPA 8270D Di-n-butyl phthalate EPA 625 Di-n-octyl phthalate EP-A625 EPA 8270D Nutrient Ammonia (as N) SM 4500-NH3 G-97,-11 Kjeldahl Nitrogen , Total EPA 8270D - SM 4500-NH3 C-97,-11 EPA 351 .2 Rev. 2.0 8M 4500-NH3 D or E-97,-11 Nitrate (as N) SM 4500-N03 F-00,-11 Nitrite (as N) USGS 1-4540-85 Orth(jphosph~t§! EPA 62;5 (as P) Polychlorinated Biphenyls PC8-1016 EPA 008 PC8-1221 SM 4509 -P- E-99,-11 Phosphorus , T{)tal SM 4500-P E -99, ~11 EPAS082A EPA8082A - E8MitlB PC8-1232 EPA8082A . : ~ ':-- HW608 OrganophosptH!te Hestici.d es Atrazine PC8-1242 EPA 827QD -'" E PA8082A EPA 608 Petr;Qle,lJm Hydrocarbons PC8-1248 Diesel Range Organics EPA8015D Gasollrte Range Organics EPA 8260C EPA 608 PCH-1251t Benzyl butyl phthalate EPA 625 PC!;F126.o Bis(2-ethylhexyl} phthalate EPA 625 EPA 8270D Dieth91 phthalate EPA 625 EPA8270D PCB-1262 EPA8082A -- PCB-1268 EPA8082A PolynoCI!!t" Aromatics, Acencmhthene .; Property of the New. York State Department of Health. Certificates are va lie! only at the address shQwn, must be conspicuously posted, and are printed on secure paper. C entintJed -accredltation-depEmds on successful ongoing participation In the Program . CoO,sumers are urgea te call (518) 485-5570 te vjlrify the laboratory's aecl editation status. 4 of 10 EPA8082A EPA 608 EPA 8270D ~ ~ge EPA8082A EPA 608 Pllthalate 'Es"ters Serial No.: 51727 EPA-8@82A ~ EPA 625 1- NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH WADSWORrH C-ENTER Expires 12:01 AM April Q1, 2015 Issued April 01, 2014 Revl-sed Decemb~r 02,2014 CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL FOR LABORATORY SERVLGE Issued in accordpnce with and pursuant to section fW2~PlJlWccHealth Law of New York State DR. MiCHAEL H. LEFTIN INTeGRA TED ANA,"- YrlCAL LABS 273 FRANKLIN ROAD RANDOLPH, NJ 07869 NY Lab Id filo:_11402 is hereby APPROVED as an Environmental Laborator-y in conformance with the National Environmenta.l LafJoratory Accreditatton Confer-efTee Standards (2Q03) for the category ENViRONMENTAL ANALYSES NOF.{PQTABLE WATER All approved--anal'Yt2s are Iis>ted-below: Polynuclear Aromatics AcenaphtI;Jene EPA8270D Acenaphtl1ylene EPA 625 PolynucJear Aromatics -- Naphthalene Phenanthrene EPA 8270D Aothracene EPA 625 EPA 625 EPA 8270D B'enzo( a )pyrene EI"A625 Pyrene EPA 625 EPA 82700 Priority Pollutant Phenols 2,3,4,6 TetrachlorophenOl EPA 82700 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol EPA 625 2,4,6-T richlorophenol EPA 625 EPA 8270D EPA 625 Benzo{b )f1uoranthene : . EPA 827.0J) EPk8~70D -Ben-zo(ghi)perylene EPA 625 - - EPA~270O EPA1l25 - Chnysene EPA 625 2,4-Oimethylphenol EPA 625 EPA 820700 ERA-8270D EPA 625_ EPA 82700 2,4-Oinitrophenol EPA 8270D Oibenzo{€I,h)anthra<::ene EPA 625 EAA82Wri~ FluorantheQe E'P;t>;62'5 EPA 625 EPA 625 _ EPA 8270D Naphthalene EPA 625 EPA 82700 2-Methyl-4,6-dinitrophenQ~ ~ 0". 2 -Methylphenor EPA 82700 Indeno(1 ,2,3"cd)pyrene - £PMl25 EPA 82700 2-ChlofOphenok- - _ EPMl27()O Fluorene 2,4-Oichlorophenol E!;,A8270D Benzo(k) EPA 625 EPA 82700 EPA 8270D _ Benzo(a)anthracene EPA 82700 EPA 625 EPA 82700 EPA 625 EPA 82700 2"Nitrol'lhenol EPA 625. EPA 82700 EPA 625 :::=f: Serial No.: 51727 Propert~-of the i\I~w York Slate Department of Health. Certlflcafes are valid only attbe address shoWn, mOst be conspicuously posted, and are printed on secure paper. c-ConlintJed-.llccreditatlon·depends on s·uccessful ongoing participation in the Program . Consumers are urged to tall (518) 485-5570 to verify the laborat0rYs acsred.ltation status. Page 5 ono - NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH WADSWORTH CENTER Expires 12:01. AM April~ 01 , 2015 Issued April 01,2014 Revi'sedDecemb~ r 02, 2014 CERTIFICATE OF APPROX'Ab FOR LABORATORY SERVICE , Issued in ac.cordance with and pursuant to section 5()2 Pupllc Health Law of New York $tate DR~ MICHAEL H. LEFTIN INTEGRA TED ANALYTlCAL LABS , 273FRANKLIN RoAD -RANDOLPH, NJ 07&69 . is hereby APPROVED as an ~fIVironmental Laboratory in conformance Withfhe National Environmentaj 4aporstory Accreditation Conference Stf;mdards (2003) for the category ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSES NGN POTABLE WATER All approved"'analytes are listed below: Priority-Rollutant Phenols Semi-Volatile Organics 3-Methylphenol EPA 82700 Benzaldehyde 4-Chloro-3-methylphenol EPA 625 Benzoic Acid EPA 8270D Benzyl alcohol EPA 82700 EPA 625 Caprolactam EPA 8270D EPA 8270D Dibenzofuran EPA 8270D 4-MethyJphenol 4-Nitrophenol EPA 625 _ EPA82700 Volatile Aromatics EPA 8270D Cresols, Total I; "'A 8270D PentachlQ.fQphenol EPA 625 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene, 'ioFatiTe EPA8:260C 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene EPA 8260C 1,2-Dichlorobenzene EPA 8270D ehenol EPA 82700 E8A 6.25 EPA 82700 EPA 826€JC EPA 624 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene_- _ EPA 8260C 1,3-Dichlorobenzene EPA 8260C Resfdue EPA 624 Settleable Solias SM_2549-F-91,-11 Solids , Total SM 254-0 B-97,-11 S.olids, Total Dissolved SM 2540 C-~97,-11 2-Chlorotoluene ERA 8260C Solid,s, Total Suspended SM 2540 D-9~? 11 4-Chlorotoluene EPA 8260C Benzene EPA 8260e Semi-Volatile Organics 1,1 '-Bi phenyl EPA 8270D 1,2-DichlorobE}nzene, Semi-volatile EPA 827(JO 1,3-DichloJobenzene, Semi-volatile EPA 82700 1,4-DfcliloroQenzene, Semi-volatile EPA 82700 2-Methy~ naphthalenEl_ EPA 82700 Acetophenone EPA625 EPA 8270D 1,4-Dichlorobenzene . EPA 624 Btorn obenzene EPA 8260C Chlorobenzene EPA 8260C EPA 624 EPA 8260C EP-A624 Lsopropylbenzene Serial No.: 51727 Property of the New York State Department of Health. -Certificates are valLd only at4he address shown. mUsf be coifspicudusly posted. and are printed on secure paper. ConJinlLe<J accreditation depends· on successful ongoing participation in the Pr.Qgram. Consumers are urged to cail (518) 485·5570 to verify the laboratory's <lccreQit<ltiqn s.tatus. Page 60ff10 EPA 826QC EPA 624 EPA 8260C NEW ynRK STATE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH WADSWORTH CENTER ~- Expires 12:01 AM AiprilOi" 2015 Is.sued April 01,2014 Rev~sedE>ecembeI'02, 2014 * ~ . ' . , I' ~' ; c· . .. . ( ~.~": ..r CERTIF'I CArEOF APPROVAL FOR LABORATORY SERVI,GE Issued in accoreance with and pursuant to section 502·Pul5ljc Health Lay.' of New York State DR. MICHAEL H. LEFTIN INTEGRA TED ANAL VCFICAL LABS 273 FRANKLIN ROAD RANDOLPH, NJ 07869 NY Lab Id No: 11402 is hereby APPROVED as an Environmental Laboratory in c()nformancll with the Nationah environmental Lab@ratoroy Acoreditation Conference Standards (20(j3)~ fQr the category ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSES NON POTABLE WATER All approved analytes are listed below: Volatile Aromatl~s m/p-Xylen~.s Volatile HaJo(;arbons EPA 8260C EPA 8260C 1,1-Dichloroelhane EPA 624 EPA 624 EPA 8260C 1,1-Dichloroethene Naphtbalen.e, Volatile EPA 8260C n-ButylbegzE!.ne EPA 8260C n; Propylbenzene EPA 8260C 1,1-Dichloropropene EPA 8260C EPA 8260C 1,2,3-Trichloropropane EPA 8260C EPA 624 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane EPA 8260.c o-Xylene p-Isopropyltoluene (p"Cymene) EPA 8260C sec-Butyl benzene EPA 8260C Styrene EPA 8260C EPAq24 lert-Butylbenz~me EPA 8260C TQl.uene EPA 8260C Total Xylenes EPA 8260C EPA 624 EPA 8011 1,2-Dibromoethane EPA82~OC 1,2-Dichloroethane EPA 8260C EPA 8011 EPA 624 ...! ,2-Dichloroprop.ane EPA 624 EPA 624 .:---;;.. 1,3-Dl ehlorgpropane ~, EPA 624 VolatiLe Halocarbons 1,1 ,1 ,2-"Tetrachloroethane 1,1,1-l'richloroethane EPA 624 1,1,2,2-Tetracl]Joroethan'e 1,1 ,2-Trichloro-1 ,2,2-Trifi],loroethane 1,1,2-Trichloroethane EPA 8260C EPA 8260C BromochloE.ometharis c EPA 8260C BromGdl&11lorollMlthane EPA 8260C EPA 624 EPM,24 Bromoform EPA 8260C Bromomethane EPA 8260C EPA6~4 E8A8260C EPA8t6QC EE'A8260C 2-Chloroethylvinyl ether EPA 8260C EPA 624 - T.2-Dicl1lo[(fprop~ne EPA 8260C EPAlt260C 5PA8260C -~PA624 EPA 624 earbon tetrachloride Serial No.: 51727 Property of the New York -St~te Department of Health. Cerjificates are valid only at the addJess shown, must be conspicuously posted, and are printed on secure paper. Continued; accreditatlotl depends on successful ongoing participation in the Program . C.onsumers are urged to call (518) 485·557Q to v.erify the laboratory's ac(;[eqitation status. Page 7 of 10 EPA 821>OC NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF WADSWORTH CENTER HEALT~ = Ex¢lres 12:01 AM April 0.1, 20.15 Issued April 0.1,20.14 ReV'ised December 0.2, 20.-14 0 CERT1FICATEJ)£ APPROVAL fOR LABORATORY SERVICE - Isspedj n a~cord§lnce with and pursuant to section 502 PiJbJic Health Law of New York State DR. MICHAEL H. LEFTIN INTEGRA TED ANAL YTIC/fL LAcBS 273 FRANKLIN ROAD RANDOLPH, NJ 07~Q9 - NY Lab IdNo: 11402 - is herebyJ{PPROVED as an Environmental Laboratory in conformance with the National Environmental L~b(¥atQ[y,A(jcreditatlon Conferen(Je Standards (2003) for the category EryVIRO-fIJMENTAL ANALYSES NffN POTABLE WATER All approved analyt~s are listed below: Volatile Halocarbons Volatile tialocarboO$ - CarDon tetrachloride EPA 624 Trichloroethene EPA 624 Chloroethane EPA 8260C Trichlorofluoromethane EPA 8260C -,!;:PA624 EPA 624 Chlorofqrm EPA 8260C Vinyl chloride EPA 8260C - EPA 624 EPA 624 ~hloromethane EPA 8260C EPA 624 EPA 8260C EPA 624 cis,1-,3-Dichloropropene- EPA 8260C - EPJldL24 Dibromochlor9methane EPA 8260C ERA 624 Qibromom§tnane EPN8260C Dichlorodifluoromethane ERA82~OC ERA 624 Hexachlorobutadiene, Vol~Jile Methxlen~ ctllgrloe EPA8Z60C EPA 8260C Volatiles Organics - 1A-Dioxane 2-Hexanone 4-Methyl-2-Pentanone EP)\8g60C jO:PA 8260C Acetone Carbon Disulfide Cyciohexane Ethylene Glycol Isobutyl, alcOhof Methyl acetate Metl:lyl cyclohexane Vinyl acetate EPA 624 _ -= J,:PAa260C 2-Butanone (Methylethyl ketone) EPA 8260C ~PA624 ~ Tetraell!orG~Ii§lne EPA 82§O:C EPA 8260C Wastewater Metals I BarfOm ,3'otal trans-_t,2cDichloroethene EP~624 - trans-1,3-Djchloropropene EPA 602DA EPA 2_00.8~Rev. 5A eadmium, Total EPA 602--OA EPA 200, 8 Rev. 5A Trichloroethene e alclum, Total ~- Serian';[o.: 51727 Property of the ,New York-Stat~ Department of Health. Certlficat~s are valid only at the address shown, must be conspicuously posted, and are printed on secure paper. Conlihwed -accreditation depends on successful ongoing participation in the Program, Consumers are urged to call (518) 485-5570 to verify the laboratory's aGGredltation status. Page 8 of 10 EPA6020A NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH WADSWORTH C·ENTER Expires' ~2:01AM April 01,2015 Issued April 01, 2014 " Revi·sed December 02, 2014 CERTIFICATE ,OF APPROVAL FOR LABORATORY SERVIOE Issued in accordjJnce with and pursuant to section 502 Pl,lIJiic Health Law of New York-State DR. MIGHAEL H. LEFTIN INTEGRA TED ANAL YTiCAL EABS 273-FRANKLIN ROAD RANDOLPH, NJ 07869 is hereby APPROVED as an Environmental Laboratory in conformance with~fhe National ~nvironmental Laborat{)ryAccreditation Conference Stai1iIards (2003),for the category ENVIRONMeNTAL ANALYSES NON POTABLE WATER All approved analytes are listed below: WastewiUerMetals II Wastewctter MetaJs , - Calcium, Total Chromium, Total EPA 200.8 R~v.,5.4 TotaJ ~ EPA lOO.8 Rev. 5.4 Antimony, EPA6020A Arsenic, Total EPA6020A EPA 200.8 Rev. 5, 4 EPA 200.8 Rev. 5.4 Copper, ToJa.1 EPA6020A Beryllium, Total EPA6020A ~RA EPA 200.8 Rev. 5.4 Iron, Total EPA 7196A Chromium \/1 E8A6020A SM 3500-Cr B-09,-11 EPA 200.8 Rev. 5.4 Lead, Total EPA 245.1 Rev. 3.0 Mercury, Total EPA6020A EPA 7470A EPA 200.8 Rev. 5.4 Magnesium, Total EPA6020A Selenium, Total EPA6020A _I;.PA 200.8 Rev. 5.4 · EPA 290.8 Rev. 5.4 Manganese, Total Vanadium, Total EPA6020A EPA6020A' EI?A 200.8 Bey..5.4 . Nickel, Total EI"A200.8 Rev. 5.4 EPA6020A ZiO§. TotaL EPA6020A --' EPA 200.8 Rev. 5.4 EPA 2.00.8 Rev. 5.4 Po.tassium, Total EPA6020A Wastewater Metals III EPA 200.8 Rev. 5A Silver, T0tal' EPA6020A C09alt, Total EPA6020A EPA 200.8 Rev. 5;4 EPA 200.8 Rev. 5.4 Sodium, Tolal - 200.8 Rev. 5.4 EPA€1020A EP~602QA EPA 200.8 Rev. 5.4 EPA 200.8 Rev. 5.4 ThaUium._Tkltal - EPA6020A Wastewater Metals II Aluminum , Total EPA6020A Antimony, Total EPA6020A Tin, Total EPA-200.8 Rev. 5.4 EPA 200.8B-ev. 5.4 ~= Titanium , Total Serial No.: 51727 Property of the New York State IJepartment of Health. Certificates are valid onLyaUhe address shown. must be conspicuously posted. and are printed on secure paper. .contlnueO ;accreditation dePll.J1ds on successful ongoing participation in the Program . Consumers are urged to call (518) 485-5570 to ::-v.erlfy the laboratory's as;cceditatlon status. -.-=:=- -= Page9' of10 EPA6020G>. - NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH WADSWORr-tf CENTER ~ - . ~: ~ " , . I. ' ~, . . . ,,f Expires _12:01 AXM April 01, 2015 J ssued April 01, 2014 --- Revfsed Decemb~r O~, 2014 ~ VL,,;r .r CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL ,FOR LABORATORY SERVICE - -= = - ". Is~ued in accordance with and pursuant to section 502 PUQUC Health OR. MIOHAEL H. LEFflN fMTEGRA TED ANAL Y;T/CAj.. LABS 273 FRANKLIN RoAD RANDOLPH, NJ 078.69 LaW of New York State NY Lab Id No:=c11402 is hereby APPROVED as an ~nvironmentqJ Laboratory in c.onformance with the Nationaj Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Conference Standards (~003) for the category ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSES NON POTABLE WATER All approved analytes are listed,below: Sampte~r.eparation Methods Wastewater Metals -U1 Titanium , Iotal" EPA 2"00.8 Rev. 5.4 SM 4500-F 8-97,-11 Wastewater Misc.e llimeous 80ron.- Total - EPA6020A Color SM 21208-01,-11 Cyanide, Total EPA 335.4 Rev. 1.0 EPA 90128 Formaldehyde EPA 8315A oiTand Gre9-se Tota~ReGoveratjle (~EM) EPA 1664A Orgamc Carbon, Total SM 5310C-00,-11 EPA9060A Pherml$ EPA4:20A Rev. 1.0 EPA 9066 Specific Coo~ductance EPA .120.1 Rev. 1982 SM 251 ®E!-97,-1 t Sulfide (as S) _ ~urfactant (M8AS) SM 4500-NH3 .8-.97,-11 SM 4500-S2~ F-0=O,-11 SM 554UC700,-11 Total Organic Halides EPA9020B '!'urbidily SM 21308-01 ,-11 Sample Preparation.. Methods SM 450Q-P 8(5)-99,-11 SM 4500-CN 8 or C-99,-f1 EPA3010A EI?A 30.05A EPA 3510C EPA 3520C --Serial No.: 5-1727 Property. of the New York Sl ate ITep-artment of Health: Certjfica~s are valid onLy at the address shown, must"be conspicuously posted, and are printed on secure paper. Continued accrealtatlorr'depends on successful ongoing participation in the Program. Cons.umers are urged to call (518) 485-5570 ta verify the laboratory's accreqltaUon status. NEW VbRK STATE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTK WADSWORTH CENTER Expires 1'2:01 AM April 01",' 2015 Issued April 01, 2014 Revised December 02, 2014 CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAl FOR LABORATORY SERYI:OE Issued in accordance with and pursuant to section 5~2 Pu/:ijic Health Lcrw of New York State DR. MIOHAEL H. LEFTIN INTPoGBA TED ANAL.YTICAL LABS 273 FRANKLlN"lwAD RANOOLPH, NJ 07869 NY Lab Id No: 114Q2 is hereby APPROVED as an Environmentql Laboratory in conformance with the . National Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Conference Standards (2003) for the category ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSES_SOLIOAND HAZARDOUS WASTE All approvecf af'lalytes are listed below: Acrylates Chlorinated Hydrocarbon Pesticides Acrolein (fJropenal) EPAS260C Aldrin EPASQS18 Acrylonitrile EPAS260C alpha-8HC EPAS0518 alpha-Chlordane EPAS0818 Amip.e s 1,2-Dlphenylhy,drazirre EPAS270D 2-Nitroaniline EPAS270D 3-Nitroaniline EPAS270D 4-Chloroaniline EPAS270D ·4-Nitroaniline EPA 8270D Aniline EPAS270D Carbazole EPAS270D Dipherlylamine EPA:S270[;) Benzidines Atrazine EPA 8270D beta-8HC EPA 80818 Chlordane Total EPA 80818 delta-8HC EPA80S18 Dieldrin EPA80S18 Endosulfan I EPA8€lS18 Endosulfan " EPA80S18 Endosulfan sulfate EPA8Q!:l18 Endrin EPA8081B Endrin aldehyde EP~80818 ·3,3'-DichloFobeAzidine EPA 8270D Endiin Ketone EPA 80818 3,3'-Dimethylbenzidine EPA 827QD gamma-Chlordane EPA 80S1 B Benzidine EPAS270D Heptachlor EPA 80818 Heptachlor epoxide EPASOl318 Lindane EPASOS18 Characteristic Testing. Corrosivify EPA9040C Ignitability EPA 1030 Methoxychlor IiPA80S18 Synthetic Precipitation l~aching Proc. EPA 1312 Toxaphene EPA 80818 TClP EPA 1311 Chlonnated Chlorinated Hydrocarbon Pesticides Hy~trocarbons 1,2,3-Trichlorob"enzene EF"AS2,60C 1,2,4,5-Telrachlorobenzene EPA 8270D 4,4'-DDD EPA80S18 4,4'-QDE EPA 80S1 B 1,2,4-Tricnlorobenzene EPA8270D EPA 80818 2-Chloronaphthatene EPA 8270D 4,4'-DDT Serial No.: 51728 Property of the New York State Deliartment of Health. Certificates are valid only aLthe address shown, must:be conspicuously posted, and are printed on secure paper. Contlnued aecreditatioo depends on successful ongoing participation in the Program. COAsllmers are urgedAo call (518) 485-5570 to verify the laboratory's accreditation status. Page 1 of 6 NEW 'fORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH WADSWORTH CENTER Expires 12:01 AM April 01,2015 Issued April 01, 2014 Revised Decem ber 02, 2014 CERTlFICA,]:E OF APPROVAl;; FOR LABORATORY SERVICE Issueddn aecordance with and pursuant to sectlon Ji02-P-uI5lJc-Health Law of New York State NY Lab Id No: .11402 DR. MICHAEL H. LEFTIN -1NTEGRA TED A.NAL YT=ICAL LAB-S 273'FRANKLlN'ROAD RANDOLPH, NJ 07869 is hereby APPROVED as an Envkonment~! LaboratoT=-y in conformance withJhe National Environmental Laboratory ACcreditatiQn Confere.n-ce Stgndards (020"08) fOr the category ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSES SOLID-AND HAzARDOUS WASTE All approved'analyt~s are listed;below: - Chlori,!ated Hydrocarbons Metals to Hexachlorobenzene EPA 8270D Iron, Tolal EPA6020A Hexachlorobuladiene EPA 8270D Lead, Tolal EPA6020A Hexachlorocyclopenladiene EPA 8270D Magnesium, Tolal EPA6020A Hexachloroelhane EPA 8270D Chlorophenoxy Acid Pesticides 2,4,5-T EPA8151A 2,4,5-TP (Silvex) EPA8151A 2,4-D EPA8151A Manganese, Tolal EPA6020A Nickel, Tolal E~A6020A Polassium, Tolal EPA60i OA Silver, Tolal EPA6,020A -;.. Sodium, Tolal "EPA6020A Metals II 2,4-DB EPA8151A Dalapon EPA8151A Aluminum, Tolal I=PA6020A DicaJTrba EPA8151A Anlimony, Total c8A,602QA Dinoseb EPA8151A Arsenic, Tolal EPA6020A Be~lIium~ Ef>A6020A Haloethers A-Bromophenylphenylelher EPA 82?OD 4-Qhloropbenylphenyl elher EPA 82700 Bis(2-chlbroelhoxy)m~Jhane EPA8270D Bis(2-cl::lloro'elhyt1elher EPA 8270D Bis(2-chloroisopropyl) ether EPA 8270P' Chromium VI -'" M~c!fry, Total - EPA 74718 Barium , Total EPA6020A Cadmium , Total EPA6020A EPA6020A Chromium , Total EPA6020A Copper, Total EPA6020A Selenium ,-Tolal -ERA ,6D20A Vanadium , Total EPA6020A Zinc, Total", EPA6020A c- Cobalt, Total EPA6020A Molyba.fWum, Total EPA602DA Thallium, Total EPA6!)20A T:l.n,Iptal EPA6020A ntaniliffl. ,~Tot~ EPA6020A Serial No.: 51728 Property of the New York ·Stale Department of Health. Certificates are valid only,at-j he address shown , m-usl be conspicuously posted, and are printed on secure paper. Continue(haccreaitatlon depends on successful ongoing participation in the Program, Consumers are urged to crail (518) 485-5570 tp , verify the laboratory's accred \tatlQn status. Pag~ 2 of~6 EPA719~A - Mel al_s III Metals I Calcium , Total Tolal NEW VORK STATE D.EPARTMENT OF HEALTH WADSWORnrCENTER ExpireS,12:0t AM ~prWO,1, 2015 Issued April 01, 2014 ReV'ised December 02,2014 CERTIFICATE OF ,APPROVAL FOR LABORATORV SERVICE_ ISl$..ued in accofdfJnce with and pursuant to section 502 Pal5llc HealthLaw of New York State DR. MICHAEL H. LEFTIN INTEGRA TED ANN. YTICAL. EABS 273 FRANKLIN ROAD RANDOLPH, NJ .07869 NY L.ab Id No: 11402 is hereby APPROVED as an Environmental Laboratory in conformance with fhe National Enyi(onmenta~ LabQrator.y Accreditat/~n Confe~ence Standards (~(J03) for the category . ENVIRQNMENTAL ANALYSES SOLID AND HAZARDOUS WASTE All approved~ aflalytes are listed below: Minerals Petroletim Hydrocarbons Ch,loride EPA 9251 Sulfate (asS04) EPA 9038 Mt~eltaiieous Oil and Grease Tool Becoverable (HEM) EPA 90:71 B (SoJventHexane) Phthalate Esters Benzyl butyl phthalate EPA 8270D EPA 8270D EPA6020A Bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate Cyanide, Total EPA 9012B Diethyl phthalate EPA 8270D Extractable Organic Halid~s EPA 9023 Dimethyl phthalate EPA 8270D Bor9n, Total Formaldehyde EPA 8315A Di-n-butyl phthalate EPA 8270D Organic Carbon, Total Lloyd Kahn Method Di-n-octyl phthalate EPA 8270D Phenols EPA 9066 Sulfit;le (as S) EPA 9034 EPA9060A Nitroaromatics and Isophorone Polychlorinated Biphenyls PCB-1016 EPA 8082A PCB-1221 EP'A8082A PCB-1232 EPA 8082A 2,4-Dinitrotoluene EPA 8270D PCB~124Q EPA 8082A 2,6-Dinitrotoluene EPA 8210D PCB-1248 EPA8082A Isoph9rone EPA 8270D PCB-12S4 EPA8082A Nitrobenzene E8A8£70D PCB-1260 Ef!A8082A Pyridine EPA 8270D PGB-1262 EPA8082A PCB-1268 EPA8082A Nilrosoamin~s Polynuclear Aromatic MydrQC'arb'o n-s N-NitrosodimethylaIfline EPA 8270D N-Nitros~di-rr-J:lropylamine. EPA 8270D Acenaphthene EPA 8210D N-Nitrose'€Ilphenylamine EPA 8270D Acenaphthylene EPA 8270D B.-etroleum -Hy<.trocarbo.ns DieselCRange OrgaFlics Gasoline Range Organics -EPA!)015D EPA 8260C Anthracene EPA 8270D Benzo(a)anthracene EPA 82-'T0D Benzo( a )pyrene EP1..-8270D - - -SeriarNo.: 51728 Property of the New York.State Department of Health. -Oertificates are valid on,Ly at the address • - - shewm, must be conspicuously posted ; and are printed on secure paper. Continued accre(jitatioQdepenGts on successful ongoing participation in the Program. Consumers are urged to call (518) 485-5570 to _ verify the laboratory's accreditation status. NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH WADSWORTH CENTER Exp'i~es 12:01 AM April 01, Z015 Issued April 01,2014 Revi:sed .Decernber 02,2014 CERTIFIC,ATE OF APPROVAL FOR LABORATORY SERVICE Issued in accorqance with and pursuant to sec(Lon 502 P/;ltfJii:; Health Law of New York State DR. MICHAEL H. LEFTIN INTEGRA TED ANAL YTICAL LABS 273 FRANKLIN ROAD RAtlDOLPH, NJ 07869 NY L<;lb Id No: 11402 is hereby APP~OVED as an EnvilOnmental Laboratory in conformance with the National Environmental LaborCltory Accreditation Conference Standards (2003) 'for the category ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSE~_ SOLID AND HAZARDOUS WASTE All approvedanalytes are listed below: Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons Benzo(b)fluofanthene Benzo(ghi~perylene Benzo(k)fluoranth-ene Priority Pcallutant Phenols EPA8270D 4~Nitrophenol EPA 82700 :EPA8270D Pentachlorophenol EPA 82700 EPA 82700 Phenol EPA 82700 Chrysene EPA 82700 Dfbenzo(a,h)anthracene EPA 82700 Fluoranthene E~A8270D Fluorene EPA 82700 Indeno(1 ,2,3-cd)pyrene EPA 82700 Naphttfalene EPA 82700 Phenanthrene EPA 82700 P~rene EP-A'J\~70D Priority Pollutant Phenols Semi-Volatile Organics 1,1'-Biphenyl EPA 8270D 1,2-Dichlorobenzene, Semi-volatile ~PA8270D 1,3-Dichlorobenzene, Semi-volatile EPA 82700 1,4-Dichlorobenzene, Semi-volatile EPA 82700 2-Methylnaphthalene EPA 82700 Acetophenone EPA 82700 Benzaldehyde EPA 82700 Benzoic Acid EPA 82700 2,3,4,6 Tetrachlorophenol EP.A(-8270D Benzyl alGohol EPA 8270D 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol EPA-821-{)D Caprolactam EPA 8270D 2,4,6-Trichlorophenoh · EPA 82700 Qibel'lzoJuran EPA 8270D 2 ,4~ Dichlorophenol ~f>A827QD 2,4-Dimethylphenol EPA 82700 2,4-Dinitroplllenol EPA 82700 2-Chlaropbenol EPA 8.:2700 2-Mett'lyl-4,6-diilitrophenol EPA 82700 2-Methylpt;Jenol EPA 82700 2-Nitr,ophenol EPA 82700 3-MethylRhenol EPA 82700 4-Chloro-3"m ethylphenol EPA 82700 4-Methylphenol ER-A 82700 Volatile Aromatics 1 r2,4- Trichlorobenzene, Volatile EPA 8260C 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene EPA 8260C 1,2-l:>ichlorobenzene 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene EPA 8260C - 1,3-Dichlorohellz§l1e EPA 826UC 1,4-Dichlorobenzene EPA 82'60C 2" Chl0fotoluene EPA_8260C 4-Chrix9toluene ePA 8l60C Benzene EPAe260C Serial No.: 51728 Property of the New York State DepartmeAt of Health. Certificates are vali!;! only at the adgress shown, mu~rbe conspicuously posted, and are printed on secure paper. ContintJedaccredltation depends on successful ongoing participation in the Program. Cp1)sumers are urged to call (518) 485-5570 to verify the laboratory's accreditation status. Page 4;of 6 - EPA 8260C -NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH WADSWORTH CENTER Expire's 1-2:01 AM Aprin l1, 2015 Isslled April 01, 2014 = Rev ised Oecemb.e r 02, 2014 CERTIFICATEl:>FAPPROVAL FOR LABORATORY SERVI0E Issued in accordance with ana pursuant to section 502'Pufi/Jc Health Law of New York State DR. MICHAEL H. LEFTIN . INTEGRA TED ANAL 'KTICAL LABS 273 FRANKLIN ROAD RANDOLPH, "IJ 07869 NY Lab Id N()~11402 is hfJreby APPROVED as an Environmental Laboratory in conformance with the NatiGmaFGnyironmental L.aboratoryAccreditation Conference ~taJ'ldards (2003) for the category ENVIROMMENTAL ANALYSES SOLIDAND HAZ4RbOUS -WASTE All approved analytes are listed below: :: , VolatileAromati~s Volatil.e I-Ialo~arbons Bromobenzene EPA 8260C Chlorobenzene EPA 8260C 1,2-Dibromoethane EPA 8260C Ethyl benzene EPA 8260C 1,2-Dichloroethane EPA 8260C 1.2-Dibromo: 3-chlmoprQflane EPA 82flOC Isopropylbeozene EM 8260C 1,2-Dichloropropane EPA 8260C m/poXylenes EPA 8260C 1,3-Dichloropropane EPA 8260C _Naphthalene, Volatile ERA 8260C 2,2-Dichloropropane EPA 8260C n-Butylbenzene EPA 8260C 2-Chloroethylvinyl ether EPA 8260C n-Pr(1Mlbenzene EPA 8260C Bromochloromethane EPA 8260C o-Xylene EPA 8260C Bromodichloromethane EPA 8260C - p-lsopropyltoluene (P-Cymeoe) EPA 8260C Bromoform EPA 8~t60C sec-Butyl benzene EPA8260C Bromomethane EPA8260C Styrene EPA 8260C Carbon tetrachloride EPA 8260C tert-Butylbenzene EPA 8260C Toluene EPA'8260C Total Xylenes EPA 8200C Vol·atile· Halocarbons 1,1.1,2-Tetrachloroethane 1,1,1-Tricl1loroetbane _,:1,1,2.2-Te!rachloroetl1ane EPA 8260C EPA 8260C EPA. 8~60C 1,1 ,2-Trichloro-1 ,2,2-Trifl40roethane EPA 8200C 1,1,2-Trichloro-ethane EPA 8260C 1,1-Dicliloroethane EPA 8260C .. EPA 8260C 1, 1-Dichloroprop.en,e~ . EPA8260C t ,g,3-Trichloropropane, EPA 8260C ..Chloroethane EPA 8260C -Chloroform EPA 826QC - ChlorQn:!ethane EPA 8260C . cis-1,3-Dichloropropene EPA 8260C Dibromochloromethane EPA 8260C Dibromometllane ERA 8260C Qicfilorodif]uorom ethane EPA8260C Hexachlorobutadiene.- Volatile EiPA.826€lC Methylene. GhloriQ~ EPA 8260C Tetrachloroethene EPA8Z60C trans-1 ,2-DichI0I'oetl}.ene ~ EPA 82-60C trans-1,3-Dtchloropropene EPk8260C Trichloroethene EPA 8213'OC -Ser:i·al No.: 51728 Property of the New York State Deiiartment of Health. Certificates are valid only at the address shewl'1, must be conspicuously posted, and are printed on secure paper. ConUnueq accredltation,depends on successful ongoing participation in the Program. Consl'lmers are urged to call (518) 485-5570 to verify the laborato1¥'s aGGredltation status. Page 5 of 6 EPA 8260C crs-1,2-0 ichloroethene NEW YORK STATE OEPARTMENT OF HEALTH WADSWORl=WCENTER Expires 12:01 AM ~pril 01, 2015 Issued April 01, 2014 Revised ElecembE1r 02, 2014 CERTIFICATE 0f APPROVAL j;:OR LABORATORY SERVIOE Issued In qccofd§Jnce with ana pursuant to section 502 Pf)tffjc Health Law of New York S(ate DR:.. MICHAEL H. LEFTIN INTEGRA TED ANAL Y-TlCAl~_ LABS 273 FRANKLIN ROAD RANDOLPH, NJ. eZB...69 NY Lab Id NO:",11...402 is herei:Jy APPROVED as an Environmentf/1 Laboratory in c...onformance with the National Environmental Labora-tory Accreditation Conference Standards (20. 0 . 3) for the category ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSES SOLID AND HAZARDOUS WASTE All approved analytes are fisted:below,' Volatile HalQcar~ons Trichlorofluoromethane EPA 8260C Vinyl chloride EPA 8260C Volatile Organics 1.4: Oioxane EPA 8260C 2-Hexanone EPA 8260C 4-Methylo2-Pentanone EPA 8260C Acetone EPA 8260C Car~on DIsulfide Cyclohexane EPA 8260C EPA 8260C EthY!ene,GLy.col EPA 80150 IsQhlliyl alcohol EPA 80150 JV1etHyl acetaJe EPA 8260C . Methyl cyclohexane ~ EPA 8260C 2-Butanone (Methylethyl ketone) EPA 8260C Methyl tert-butyl ether EPA 8260C tert-bUtyl EPA 8260C cilcohol Vinyl acetate EPA 8260C Sample Preparation Methods EPA 5tl35A-L EPA 5bJ...5A-H EPA 3580A EPA3050B EPA 35.5 0C E;PA~540C EPA3060A - . Serial No.: 51728 PropertYc0.f the New York State Department of Health. Certificates are valid only at the address - ... shewr:I. must be conspicuously posted. and are printed on secure paper. Continoed accreditation depends on successful ongoing participation in the Program. Consumers are urged,to call (518) 485-5570 to. verify the laboratory's accredita~on status. NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH WADSWORTH CENTER EX!,>ires 12:01 AM April Of; 2015 -Isslled April 01, 2014 Revrsed December 02,2014 CERTIFICATE OF APPROYAtFOR LABORATORY SER\lICE Issued in .a ccordance with and pursuant to section 502-PubJic-Health Law of New York State DR. MICHAEL H. LEFTIN INT"EGRA TED ANAL. YTiCAL LA8S 273 FRAWKLINROA'D RAbiDOLPH, NJ 07869 NY Lab Id Nb: 11402 is hereby APPROVED as an Environmental Laboratory in conformance with -the National Environmental Laboratory Aacreditation Conference Standards (~003) fer the category ENVIRONMENTAL fJ,NAL YSES AIR AND EMISSIONS All approved analytes are listed below: Acrylates Methyl methaGrylate -'" EPA"TO-15 Chlorinated Hyd[ocarbons 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ERA TO-15 Hexachlprobufaqiene EPA TO-15 Miscellaneous Air ~ Forma!qehyde EPA TO-11A PolynuclearAromati~s Naphthalene EPA TO-15 Purgeable-Halocarbons 1,1,1-Trichlomethane EPA TO-15 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane EPA TO-15 1,1,2-Trichloro-1 ,2,2-Trlfluoroethane ~EATO-15 1,1,2-Trichloroethane EPATO-15 1 ,1-Dichloroethane EPAJO-15 1,1-Dichloroethene e;:PA TO-15 1,2-Dibromoethane E-PA TO-15 1,2-Dichloroethane EPATO-15 1,2-Dichloropropane EPATO'-15_ 3-Chloropropene (Allyl chloride) Purgeable Aromatics Bromodichloromethane '1,2,4-Tfimethylbenzene EPA TO-15 1,2-0ichlorobenzene EPATO-15 1 ,3,5-Trim~tllYtbel')zene EPATO-15 1,3-Dichlorobenzene EPATQ-15 1,4-DJcnlorobenzene EPATO-=-1§ 2-Chlorot{)luene ~AT@-15 Benzene EPATO-15 ChlorobenzEme EPA TO-1li - Ethyl benzene .. EPATO: 15 Isopropylbenzene Ef'ATO-t6 m/p-Xylerres EPATO-15 o-Xylene EPATO-15 StYrene EPATO-15 TolueR'e EPA TO-15. Total Xylenes EPATO-15 Serial No.: 51729 - EPATO-15 Bromomethane 6-PATO-15 Cll!oroethane Chloreform ~ EPATO-15 "'- _ EPA-TO-15 - EPATO-15 Chloromethane EPATO o15 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene EPATO-15 cis-1,3-Dicbloropropene ERATO-15 Djbromochloromefhane EPA TO-15 Dlchloroc:jjfluoromethane EPATO~ 5 MetllyleAe cl;}loride Tetrachloroethene EPA TO-15 E'PA 1:0=15 tran~-1 ,2-Dichlo.Joetl:!.ene EPATO~15 trans-1,s-DicQloropropen-e EPATO"15 Trichloroethene EPATO~15 Property of the New~ork Slate DepartmerH of Health; Ce-rtiflCa!6s are valli! ol))y atJhe address shGWn, must~be conspicuously posted, and are printed on secure paper. Continued accreditation depeflds on successful ongoing participation in the Program, Con.sumers are urged to Gall (5-1 8) 485-5570 to v_erify the laboratory's accreditation status. " Page 1 of.2 EPATO-15 --,E I'll\.10-15 Bromoform Carbon tetracHloride - . - NEW Y.ORK STATE IlEPAR,.MENT OF HEALTH WADSW(JRTH CENTER Expfres 12:~n AM April 01, 2015 Issued April 01, 2014 Revised December--02, 2014 CERTIFICATEOFAPPROVAl FOR LABORATORY SERVtCE Issued in _accoraance with and pursuant to sect/on 502Pubf/c Health Law of New York State - DR. MICHAEL H. LEFTIN INTEGRA TED ANAL YTiCAL LABS 27sPRANKLIN ROAD :RANDOLPH, N,{ 07869 NY Lab Id No:",,,,11402 is hereby APPROVED as an Environmental Laboratory in conformanoe with the National-Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Conferenee Standards (2003) for the category ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSES AIR AND EMISSIONS All approved analytes are listed below: Purgea.ble Halocarbons Volatile Organics Trichlorofluoromethane EPA TO-15 m-Tolualdehyde - EPATQ-11A Vinyl bromide EPA TO-15 n-Heptane EPA TO-15 Vinyl chloride EPATO-15 0-Tolualdehyde Ef'A TO-11A Volatile £hlorinated Ol'ga-nics Benzyl chloride EPA TO-15 ·Volatile Organics 1;2-DichlorotetFafluoroethane EPA TO-14A 1.3-Butaalene EPA TO-15 1.~-DiOxane EPA TO-15 2.2,4- Trimethylp~nta!le EPA TO-15 2-BuJan<fne (Methyh~lh~1 Reto£le) EPATO-15 4"Methyl-2-Pentanone EPA TO-15 Acetaldehyde EPA TO-11A Acetone Propionaldehyde EPATO-11A p-Tolualdehyde EPA TO-11A tert-butyl alcohol EPA TO-15 Valeraldehyde EPA 10-11A Vinyl acetate EPA TO-15 EPA 1'0-1'1 A EPAT0-15 Acrolein (Propenal) 5PAT@-15 Benzald_ehy"de EPATO-11A Carbon Disulfide EPATO-15 -Crotoflaldehyde ERA TO-11A Cyclohexane ePA TO-15 Hexanaldehyde EPA TO-11A Hexane EPA TO-15 IsoproPfln01 EfYA TO-15 t~ova'leraIClehyde EPA TO-11A Methyl tert-butyl ether -== EPA TO-15 R" Serial No.: 51729 Property of the !\lew YorKS!ate Qepartment of Health. Cettificate.5 are valid only at Ihe address shQwn. mast be conspicuously posted. and are printed on secure paper. Continued accreditation deR-engs on successful ongoing participation in the Program. CO(lsumers are urged to call (518) 485-5570 t~ verify the laboratory's accreditation status. - Page 20f2
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