25 – 26 November 2014 St. Georges Hotel, Centurion, Gauteng DAY 1 Public Health & Food Safety: Chairman: Prof. David Katere (Tshwane University of Technology) 0900 - 0930: Opening Remarks: Dr. Boitshoko Nchabaleng, Directorate, Food Safety, DAFF. The Role of Codex in Food Safety: Participation in Codex Committees of residues on veterinary drugs and pesticide residues. 0930 - 0950: Dr. M. Moroe-Rulashe (Veterinary Public Health Directorate - DAFF) Risk-based monitoring, and control of residues – The South African residue programme and international regulations – 0950 - 1010: Prof. Vinny Naidoo (University of Pretoria) Off-label use of veterinary medicines (food safety perspective). 1010 - 1030: COFFEE/TEA & EXHIBITIONS Recent Advances in Drug Residue Analysis Chairman: Dr. Evelyn Madoroba (Bacteriology, ARC-OVI) 1030 - 1050: Prof. David Katerere, (Tshwane University of Technology) Multi-mycotoxin analysis of maize from rural smallholder farmers in Northern South Africa. 1050 - 1110: Dr. John Foord (Sustainable Aquaculture Management, DAFF). South African molluscan shellfish monitoring and control programme. 1110 - 1130 Onalenna Nteta (Tshwane University of Technology). Exposure to heavy metal toxicity in communal diets - Case study on Mopani worms. 1130 - 1200 Itumeleng Mosethle (ARC-OVI) Detection and quantification of 14 sulphonamides in different tissue matrices by LC-MS/MS. 1200 - 1330 LUNCH & EXHIBITIONS 1330 - 1350 Dr. Shaun Reeksting (ARC-OVI) Practical aspects of sample processing - effect on turnaround time. 1350 - 1430 SPOTLIGHT ORESENTATION: Lisa Hughes (Randox Food Diagnostics, UK) Rapid Multi-drug screening and quantification using a multiplexed immunological assay. 1430 - 1500 COFFEE/TEA & EXHIBITIONS 1500 - 1600 Round Table Discussion 1600 - 1610 Summary and Close 1800 – 2100 CONFERENCE DINNER DAY 2 Industry Specific Highlights Chairman: Dr. M. Moroe-Rulashe (Veterinary Public Health Directorate – DAFF). 0900 - 0930 Dr. Charlotte Nkuna (SAPA) Poultry - MRL regulation application in quality control -. 0930 - 0950 Red meat - MRL regulation application in quality control (TBA). 0930 – 0950 Dr. Tertius Bergh, WRS. A perspective on the risk control of veterinary drugs on game farms producing meat. 0950 - 1010 Dr. Maretha Van de Merwe (WRS). Addressing residue in game meat – A WRSA perspective. 1010 - 1040 COFFEE/TEA & EXHIBITIONS Veterinary Medicine Regulations Chairman: Prof. Vinny Naidoo (Faculty of Veterinary Science, University of Pretoria) 1040 - 1110 Dr. Alice Sigobodhla (Department of Health/MCC). Game – emerging antibiotic usage and implications for South African Game meat business. 1110 - 1140 Kirsten Willis, (Microsep Ltd). Drug Residue and Toxin sample preparation products. 1140 - 1200 Discussions: Industry Requirements, needs and Expectations. 1200 - 1330 LUNCH AND EXHIBITIONS Animal Production – the Bigger Picture Chairman: Dr. Liberty Sibanda (Residue Laboratory, ARC-OVI) 1330 - 1400 Dr Evelyn Madoroba (Bacteriology – ARC-OVI). Multi-drug resistance – how to handle this problem. 1400 – 1415 Dr. Tsombeng Mkolo, (University of Limpopo Medunsa Campus). Repellency and toxicity of essential oils of Mentha piperita and Mentha spicata on larvae and adult of Amblyomma hebraeum (Acari: Ixodidae). 1415 - 1500 ROUNDTABLE DISCUSSION Veterinary medicines registration, application, and withdrawal periods for food safety. 1500 - 1530 COFFEE/TEA & EXHIBITION 1530 - 1600 Future perspectives and way forward. CLOSE
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