Planning Division Case Re ort Review Date: July 18, 2014 Property Owner: Ruth and Hans Mazzoleni Hechtweg 1 Pfaeffikon, Switzerland 8808 Applicant: Uwe Weiss Request: The applicant is requesting a variance of seven feet to LUDR, Section 2.7.2, Table R-3, that requires a minimum front setback of 25 feet to allow a front setback distance of 18 feet for property located in a Multi-Family Residential (R3) district. Location: 1769 SE 46th Lane Cape Coral, FL 33904 Strap number: 08-45-24-C4-00349.0460 Unit 7, Block 349, Lots 46-47 plus vacated ROW Prepared By: Mike Struve, AICP, LEED Green Associate, Planning Team Coordinator Approved By: Derek C.S. Burr, AICP, Planning Division Manager Recommendation: Denial Urban Service Area: lnfill Code Compliance Case: No Site Visit: July 18, 2014 Right of Way Access: The subject property has access to SE 46th Lane, a two-lane local street. Background: 2 The subject property has an area of 14,624 ft and is located in southeastern Cape Coral, about 1500 feet east of the intersection of Del Prado Boulevard South and SE 46th Lane. This property was enlarged over ten years ago by Resolution 18-2000 that vacated a portion of the SE 46th Lane right-of-way that abutted the subject parcel. This water-front site is located near the eastern end of SE 46th Lane and has frontage along two canals, the Mandolin and Manila Canals. The subject property supports several existing improvements that include a concrete deck, a dock with a boat lift, and a Captain's Walk. A residential dwelling occupied this property previously and was removed from this site in the early 2000s. The subject property has a future land use classification of Multi Family and is zoned Multi-Family Residential (R-3). All immediately surrounding properties share this same future land use and zoning designations except for those properties located to the east of the Mandolin Canal that feature a Single Family future land use classification and are zoned Single-Family Residential (R-18). The majority of parcels located within 500 feet of the subject parcel are developed with either single-family or multifamily dwelling although two properties located to the west of the subject site with South Cape Downtown zoning are developed with nonresidential uses. Request and Applicable Regulation: The applicant is requesting a seven-foot variance to the minimum 25-foot front setback requirement to allow a proposed single-family dwelling to have an 18-foot front setback. The City's Land Use and Development Regulations (LUDR), Section 2.7.2, Table R-3, requires a minimum front setback distance of 25 feet for buildings located in a R-3 district. Similar Variance Appeals within the Subject Area Planning staff discovered two similar variance cases involving front setback relief that was granted to two adjacent properties located within 750 feet to the north of the subject property. In 2000, the Board of Zoning Adjustment and Appeals (BZA) approved a variance of 12 feet from the minimum front setback of 30 feet to allow the construction of a single family residence 18 feet from the front property line in the R-18 district for property located at 1769 SE 46th Street. More recently, in 2008 the BZA approved a variance of 13 feet, 11 inches from the minimum front setback of 25 feet to permit the construction of a garage located 11 feet, one inch from the front property line for property in the R-18 district located at 1759 SE 46th Street. Planning staff had recommended denial of the variance approved by BZA in 2008, however, the planning staff recommendation for the variance ultimately granted by the BZA in 2000 is unclear as City records for the subject property for this time period is incomplete. Analysis: A variance is defined as a modification of the requirements of the City's ordinance when such modification will not be contrary to the public interest where, because of conditions peculiar to the property involved and not the result of the actions of the applicant which occurred after the effective date of the ordinance, a literal interpretation of the ordinance would result in unnecessary and undue hardship. The Planning Division has reviewed this application based on the five (5) standards outlined within LUDR, Section 8.10.3a-e and offers the following analysis for consideration: 1. Special Conditions: The special conditions and circumstances exist which are peculiar to the land, structure or building involved and which are not applicable to other land, structure or buildings Page 2 of 4 in the same zoning district; that the special conditions and circumstances do not result from the actions of the applicant. Staff determination and analysis: Standard NOT met by the applicant. Special conditions relate to the nature of the land, structure, or building involved in a variance proceeding. Unique circumstances can also be considered when evaluating a variance. The subject property is flat and while this parcel has the shape of a trapezoid, the geometry of this parcel is not uncommon compared to other water-front sites in the City. This particular property has an area of 14,624 ft 2 that is about 46% greater in area than the most two-lot home sites located in the City that are used for supporting a single-family dwelling. As a result, neither special conditions nor circumstances are present in this case. 2. No Special Privilege: The granting of the variance requested will not confer on the applicant any special privilege that is denied by this ordinance to other lands, buildings or structures in the same zoning district. Staff determination and analysis: Standard NOT met by the applicant. All residential and nonresidential buildings constructed within the R-3 district must meet the district's minimum front setback of 25 feet. This requirement applies to all buildings, regardless of size or architectural design, that are proposed for R-3 zoned properties. Furthermore, setback requirements within this district are fixed and do not vary based on the area or configuration of the property. Planning staff has verified that two R-1B-zoned parcels located within 750 feet to the north of the subject property received setback relief in the past. Besides involving parcels involving a different residential zoning district, each variance case is evaluated on its own merits based on applying the five variance standards to the property in question and therefore it is not a sufficient basis for awarding a variance for a parcel simply because a nearby property or properties received a similar variance in the past. In regards to this particular case, staff finds that the granting of the requested variance would confer special privileges to the applicant as other property owners with similar requests could reasonably expect to be denied similar uses of their property. 3. Hardship: That literal interpretation of the provisions of this ordinance would deprive the applicant of rights commonly enjoyed by other properties in the same zoning district under the terms of this ordinance and would work unnecessary and undue hardships on the applicant. Staff determination and analysis: Standard NOT met by the applicant. The applicant intends to utilize the subject property to support a single-family home. The 2 property is substantially larger than the minimum 10,000 ft required by the City to support such a use. While the property is somewhat irregular in shape, the configuration of this parcel is not uncommon as discussed previously. Lastly, the property lacks physical constraints like a steep slope, presence of bedrock, or wetlands that would unusually impede or greatly restrict the development of this site. Records available from the Lee County Property Appraiser indicate this parcel has previously supported a single family dwelling although this structure was removed from this site over a decade ago. Evidence that a prior single-family home existed on the subject property at a time when the subject parcel had a smaller area than it currently enjoys indicates that another single-family Page 3 of 4 dwelling could be constructed without the need of a variance. Furthermore, any hardship claimed by the applicant should be considered self-imposed as the applicant could modify the proposed design of this single family home to comply with the dimensional requirements of the R-3 district without requiring a variance. As a result of this analysis, staff finds that reasonable use of this property exists. 4. Minimum Variance: That the variance granted is the minimum variance that will make possible the reasonable use of the land, building or structure. Staff determination and analysis: Standard NOT met by the applicant. The design of the proposed single-family home could be modified to conform to the district requirements without the need of a variance. As a result, this request does not constitute the minimum variance required to enjoy the use of this property. However, this house cannot be constructed consistent with the floor plan shown in the application received by the City without a variance being granted. 5. Purpose and Intent; Public Interest: That the granting of the variance will be in harmony with the general intent and purpose of this ordinance, and that such variance will not be injurious to the area involved or otherwise detrimental to the public welfare. Staff determination and analysis: Standard NOT met by the applicant. The regulation requiring minimum front yard setbacks from property lines is intended to ensure that the use of a property does not infringe on the rights of neighboring owners to enjoy and fully utilize their property and provides for minimal separation distances between buildings and road rights-of-way (ROW). Setbacks also serve an important role in providing consistency in building placement and thereby providing a consistent line of sight for houses located along a street. For the aforementioned reasons, the City has an interest in maintaining minimum setbacks. As a result, the variance would not be in harmony with the general intent and purpose of the ordinance. The property owner located directly west of the subject property would likely be most affected by this variance if granted since the distance between the buildings on these two adjacent sites could be reduced by eight feet. Recommendation: For a variance to be granted, the Board of Zoning Adjustment and Appeals must find that all five standards outlined above can be met or are satisfied by the applicant. Since this variance request is not in harmony with the five standards outlined within LUDR, Section 8.10.3a-e discussed above, therefore staff recommends denial of this variance. Staff Contact Information Mike Struve, AICP, LEED Green Associate, Planning Team Coordinator Planning Division PH: 239-242-3255 Email: [email protected] Page 4 of 4 NOTICE OF 1035 PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that the City of Cape Coral, Florida, proposes to adopt RESOLUTION VA 8-2014; A RESOLUTION PURSUANT TO THE CITY OF CAPE CORAL LAND USE AND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS, ARTICLE VIII, ADMINISTRATION, SECTION 8.3, PUBLIC HEARINGS, AND SECTION 8.10, VARIANCES, GRANTING A DIMENSIONAL VARIANCE OF SEVEN (7) FEET FROM THE MINIMUM FRONT SETBACK REQUIREMENT OF TWENTY-FIVE (25) FEET IN ORDER TO ALLOW THE CONSTRUCTION OF A SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENCE EIGHTEEN (18) FEET FROM THE FRONT PROPERTY LINE IN A MULTI-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL (R-3) ZONE ON PROPERTY DESCRIBED AS LOTS 46 AND 47, BLOCK 349, CAPE CORAL UNIT 7, ALONG WITH A VACATED PORTION OF SE 46TH LANE; PROPERTY IS LOCATED AT 1769 SE 46TH LANE; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. FURTHER that an application has been received from Ruth and Johann Mazzoleni. FURTHER that said request will be reviewed by the Cape Coral Planning and Zoning Commission/Local Planning Agency sitting as the Board of Zoning Adjustment and Appeals on September 3rd, 2014 at 9:00 A.M. in the Council Chambers at City Hall. FURTHER any person may appear at the public hearings and be heard, subject to proper rules of conduct. Written comments filed with the Director will be entered into the record. The hearings may be continued from time to time as necessary. FURTHER any person deciding to appeal any decision made at these hearings may need to insure that a verbatim record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. FURTHER in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, persons needing special accommodations to participate in this proceeding should contact the City Clerk’s office which is located at Cape Coral City Hall, 1015 Cultural Park Boulevard, Cape Coral, Florida; telephone 1-239574-0411 for assistance; if hearing impaired, telephone the Florida Relay Service Numbers, 1-800-955-8771 (TDD) or 1-800-955-8770 (v) for assistance. FURTHER You are allowed sufficient time to write or appear at the public hearing to voice your objections or approval. Please reference the case number below within your correspondence and mail to: Department of Community Development, Planning Division, P. O. Box 150027, Cape Coral, FL 33915-0027; or email [email protected]. For further information, please contact Mike Struve at 239-242-3255 or at [email protected]. by order of Rebecca van Deutekom, MMC City Clerk REF # VA14-0010 Sunday, August 24th, 2014 VA 14-0010 08/15/14 RESOLUTION VA 8-2014 A RESOLUTION PURSUANT TO THE CITY OF CAPE CORAL LAND USE AND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS, ARTICLE VIII, ADMINISTRATION, SECTION 8.3, PUBLIC HEARINGS, AND SECTION 8.10, VARIANCES, GRANTING A DIMENSIONAL VARIANCE OF SEVEN (7) FEET FROM THE MINIMUM FRONT SETBACK REQUIREMENT OF TWENTY-FIVE (25) FEET IN ORDER TO ALLOW THE CONSTRUCTION OF A SINGLEFAMILY RESIDENCE EIGHTEEN (18) FEET FROM THE FRONT PROPERTY LINE IN A MULTI-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL (R-3) ZONE ON PROPERTY DESCRIBED AS LOTS 46 AND 47, BLOCK 349, CAPE CORAL UNIT 7, ALONG WITH A VACATED PORTION OF SE 46th LANE; PROPERTY IS LOCATED AT 1769 SE 46™ LANE; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, an application by RUTH AND JOHANN MAZZOLENI has been submitted and reviewed by the Planning and Zoning Commission, the City of Cape Coral, and has been presented to the City of Cape Coral Board of Zoning Adjustment and Appeals at a Public Hearing for Dimensional Variance. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF ZONING ADJUSTMENT AND APPEALS OF THE CITY OF CAPE CORAL, FLORIDA: Section 1. That the City of Cape Coral Board of Zoning Adjustment and Appeals has considered the recommendations of the Planning and Zoning Commission, Local Planning Agency, the Planning Division of the City of Cape Coral, and the presentation made by the Applicant before this Board at a public meeting on the request for A DIMENSIONAL VARIANCE OF SEVEN (7) FEET FROM THE MINIMUM FRONT SETBACK REQUIREMENT OF TWENTY-FIVE (25) FEET IN ORDER TO ALLOW THE CONSTRUCTION OF A SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENCE EIGHTEEN (18) FEET FROM THE FRONT PROPERTY LINE IN A MULTI-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL (R-3) ZONE on the below described property. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOTS 46 AND 47, BLOCK 349, CAPE CORAL UNIT 7, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 12, PAGE(S) 101 THROUGH 128, PUBLIC RECORDS OF LEE COUNTY, FLORIDA, LESS AND EXCEPT THE WEST 14 FEET OF SAID LOT 47, PLUS A VACATED PORTION OF SE 46™ LANE AS DESCRIBED IN RESOLUTION 18-2000 AND RECORDED IN OR BOOK 3273, PAGE 377 PROPERTY LOCATED AT: 1769 SE 46™ LANE and pursuant to City of Cape Coral Land Use and Development Regulations, Article VIII, Administration, Section 8.3, Public Hearings, and Section 8.10, Variances finds as follows: A. Special conditions and circumstances exist which are peculiar to the land, structure, or building involved and which are not applicable to other lands, structures, or buildings in the same zoning district. The special conditions and circumstances do not result from the actions of the applicant. B. The granting of the variance requested will not confer on the Applicant any special privilege denied to other lands, buildings, or structures in the same zoning district. C. Literal interpretation of the provisions of Land Use and Development Regulations would deprive the Applicant of rights commonly enjoyed by other properties in the same zoning district and wouldwork unnecessary and undue hardships on the Applicant. D. The variance granted herein is the minimum variance that will make possible the reasonable use of the Applicant's land, building, or structure. E. The granting of diis variance will be in harmony with die general intent and purpose of die Land Use and Development Regulations, and diat such variance will not be injurious to die area involved or otherwise detrimental to die public welfare. Section 2. Pursuant to City of Cape Coral Land Use and Development Regulations, Article VIII, Administration, Section 8.3, Public Hearings, and Section 8.10, Variances, the Applicant's request for Dimensional Variance is hereby granted. Section 3. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption. ADOPTED BY THE BOARD OF ZONING ADJUSTMENT AND APPEALS OF THE CUT OF CAPE CORAL AT ITS REGULAR SESSION THIS DAY OF , 2014. DANIEL READ, CHAIRMAN BOARD OF ZONING ADJUSTMENT AND APPEALS ATTESTED TO AND FILED IN MY OFFICE THIS DAY OF REBECCA VAN DEUTEKOM, CITY7 CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM: ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY VA14-Q01Q .,2014. City of Cape Coral Department of Community Development August 22, 2014 RE: RES VA 08-2014 CASE #: VA14-0010 Dear Property Owner: This notice is sent to you, as required by the City of Cape Coral Land Use and Development Regulations, to notify all property owners within 500 feet of a request for RUTH AND JOHANN MAZZOLENI. The applicant is requesting a granting a Dimensional Variance of Seven (7) feet from the minimum front setback requirement of twenty-five (25) feet in order to allow the construction of a Single-Family residence eighteen (18) feet from the front property line in a Multi-family Residential (R-3) zone on property described as Lots 46 and 47, Block 349, Cape Coral Unit 7, along with a vacated portion of Se 46th Lane. The property is located at 1769 SE 46TH Lane, Cape Coral, FL 33904. The Board of Zoning Adjustment and Appeals will hear Resolution VA 08-2014 at a Public Hearing on Wednesday, September 3rd, 2014, at 9:00 a.m. in the City of Cape Coral Council Chambers, 1015 Cultural Park Boulevard, Cape Coral, FL. Any person may appear at the public hearing and be heard, subject to proper rules of conduct. You are allowed sufficient time to write or appear at the public hearing to voice you objections or approval. Written comments filed with the Director will be entered into the record. Please reference the case number above within your correspondence and mail to: Department of Community Development, Planning Division, P. O. Box 150027, Cape Coral, FL 33915-0027. The hearings may be continued from time to time as necessary. If a person decides to appeal any decision made by the Board of Zoning of Adjustment and Appeals with respect to any matter considered at such meeting or hearing, he or she will need a record of the proceedings, and that, for such purpose, he or she may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. In accordance with the Americans With Disabilities Act, persons needing a special accommodation to participate in this proceeding should contact the Human Resources Department whose office is located at Cape Coral City Hall, 1015 Cultural Park Boulevard, Cape Coral, Florida; telephone 1-239-574-0530 for assistance; if hearing impaired, telephone the Florida Relay Service Numbers, 1-800-955-8771 (TDD) or 1-800-955-8770 (v) for assistance. For further information, please call Mike Struve at 239-242-3255 or at [email protected]. The resolution and colored maps for this application are available at the City of Cape Coral website, (Click on ‘Public hearing information’, use the case number referenced above to access the information); or, at the Planning Division counter at City Hall, between the hours of 7:30 AM and 4:30 PM. Sincerely, Derek C.S. Burr, AICP, MS, MPA Planning Division Manager Department of Community Development Post Office Box 150027 Cape Coral, Florida 33915-0027 1015 Cultural Park Blvd. Cape Coral, Florida 33990 Email: [email protected] Department of Community Development PLANNING DIVISION VARIANCE – APPLICATION CRITERIA APPLICABLE TO VARIANCES Cape Coral Land Use & Development Regulations Section 8.10 A. Definition: A modification of the requirements of this ordinance when such modification will not be contrary to the public interest where, because of conditions peculiar to the property involved and not the result of the actions of the applicant which occurred after the effective date of this ordinance, a literal interpretation of the ordinance would result in unnecessary and undue hardship. B. Generally: Before any variance may be granted, the Board must and shall find all of the following. Such findings shall be recorded, along with any imposed conditions or restrictions, in the Board’s minutes and the records and issued in written form to the applicant to constitute proof of the variance: 1. Special conditions. The special conditions and circumstances exist which are peculiar to the land, structure or building involved and which are not applicable to other lands, structures or buildings in the same zoning district; that the special conditions and circumstances do not result from the actions of the applicant. 2. No special privilege. The granting of the variance requested will not confer on the applicant any special privilege that is denied by this ordinance to other lands, buildings or structures in the same zoning district. 3. Hardship. That literal interpretation of the provisions of this ordinance would deprive the applicant of rights commonly enjoyed by other properties in the same zoning district under the terms of this ordinance and would work unnecessary and undue hardships on the applicant. 4. Minimum variance. That the variance granted is the minimum variance that will make possible the reasonable use of the land, building or structure. 5. Purpose and intent; public interest. That the grant of the variance will be in harmony with the general intent and purpose of this ordinance, and that such variance will not be injurious to the area involved or otherwise detrimental to the public welfare. C. Effect of approval: A variance applies to the property for which it is granted and not to the individual who applies for it. A variance also runs with the land and is transferable to any future owner of the land, but it cannot be transferred by the applicant to a different site. D. Recording: All variances, including any attached conditions or restrictions, approved by the Board shall be recorded in the office of the City Clerk. Department of Community Development Post Office Box 150027 Cape Coral, Florida 33915-0027 1015 Cultural Park Blvd. Cape Coral, Florida 33990 Email: [email protected] 50 26 25 27 29 28 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 CITY OF CAPE CORAL 49 48 46 MANDOLIN CANAL 47 24 9 00350 10 11 12 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 00349 05000 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 17 40 18 19 42 48 7 6 5 3 2 24 46 1 25 47 47 46 26 44 43 361A 50 TR 1 46 45 44 43 40 42 33 033A 34 35 36 37 38 µ 1 CLIPPER BASIN July 28, 2014 04400 0 04300 16 22 SE 47TH ST SE 47TH TER 20 19 18 17 23 32 TR 2 00363 Canals/Lakes 24 21 31 SE 17TH PL 51 47 SC 25 20 30 04200 49 48 41 04100 R3 26 00367 19 29 42 R1B 16 00366 40 41 500 ft boundray 15 18 28 Subject parcel 14 17 27 MANILA CANAL 45 AV E 00351 4 23 TH 8 Subject Parcel Legend 13 22 20 362A 51 50 45 12 21 SE 49 44 11 20 43 SE 46TH LN Case No. VA14-0010 BLOCK 349 LOTS 46-47 15 16 41 39 500 Proximity Boundary 14 00365 27 03400 ZONING MAP 13 MALAGA CANAL 21 Department of Community Development Planning Division 500' Proximity Boundary TR 2 00000 TR 3 60 120 180 240 Feet This map is not a survey and should not be used in place of a survey. While every effort is made to accurately depict the mapped area, errors and omissions may occur. Therefore, the City of Cape Coral cannot be held liable for incidents that may result due to the improper use of the information presented on this map. This map is not intended for construction, navigation or engineering calculations. Please contact the Department of Community Development with any questions regarding this map product. SRB 500 FT BOUNDARY PROPERTY OWNERS - VA14-0010 - Ruth Hans Mazzoleni Owner Strap Block/Lot 084524C4041004020 0352 Owner Information ALEXANDRES CAROL 4647 SE 17TH PL A CAPE CORAL 084524C4044011130 0352 FL TX Monday, July 28, 2014 MN MF 1765 CAPE CORAL PKWY E 21 R3W CP 1753 SE 46TH LN R3W MF 4630 SE 20TH AVE R1BW SF 1765 CAPE CORAL PKWY E 20 R3W CP 1728 SE 46TH ST R1BW SF 1746 SE 46TH LN R3W MF 1732 SE 46TH ST R1BW SF 4703 SE 17TH PL 304 R3W MF 33904 76092 BOLLER JAMIE + 5841 109TH ST E PRIOR LAKE R3W 33904 BEESON DAVID + DEBRA K 1344 FOREST LAN SOUTHLAKE 084524C4042003040 0352 FL 4647 SE 17TH PL 304 33904 BECK BRUCE + CINDY 1746 SE 46TH LN CAPE CORAL 084524C4003500360 0350 36 FL CP 33910 BAUER MARLA D 1728 SE 46TH ST CAPE CORAL 084524C4003510030 0351 3 FL R3W 33914 BARRINGER SHELLEY M 1765-206 CAPE CO CAPE CORAL 084524C4003500340 0350 34 FL 1755 CAPE CORAL PKWY E 11 33904 BARNETTE ANDREW A + EMILIE S PO BOX 100810 CAPE CORAL 084524C4044022060 0352 FL MF 33904 ANGELO FRANK + 5948 SW 1ST AVE CAPE CORAL 084524C4003650210 0365 18 FL R3W 54114 ANDRASIK STEPHEN W + BARBARA E 1765 CAPE CORAL CAPE CORAL 084524C4003490380 0349 38 WI 4647 SE 17TH PL 402 33904 ANDERT-SCHMIDT DARLENE M 4647 SE 17TH PL A CAPE CORAL 084524C4044022140 0352 FL ANDERSON TRACEY + W6756 ASPEN LN CRIVITZ 084524C4041003040 0352 Zoning FLU 55372 Page 1 of 14 Owner Strap Block/Lot 084524C4042001030 0352 Owner Information BOUTIN JOSEE + 7863 FOUCHER MONTREAL 084524C4044022040 0352 FL FL Monday, July 28, 2014 FL 4647 SE 17TH PL 105 R3W MF 1755 CAPE CORAL PKWY E 11 R3W CP 4637 SE 20TH AVE R1B SF 1765 CAPE CORAL PKWY E 21 R3W CP 4634 SE 20TH AVE R1BW SF 4647 SE 17TH PL R3 MF 4647 SE 17TH PL R3 MF 4647 SE 17TH PL R3W MF 4703 SE 17TH PL R3W MF 33904 33919 CLIPPER BAY CONDO PHASE II 4703 SE 17TH PL CAPE CORAL MF 33904 CLIPPER BAY CONDO PHASE I 9411 CYPRESS LA FORT MYERS 084524C404200000A 0352 FL R3W 33904 CLIPPER BAY CONDO PHASE I 4647 SE 17TH PL CAPE CORAL 084524C40410000CE 0352 TR 1 FL 1765 SE 46TH LN 19073 CLIPPER BAY CONDO PHASE I 4647 SE 17TH PL CAPE CORAL 084524C404100000A 0352 TR 1 PA CP 33904 CHATMAN LEONARD + ANDREA 4634 SE 20TH AVE CAPE CORAL 084524C404100000A 0352 TR 1 FL R3W 44024 CETON DAVID E + CAROL H 3310 SAW MILL RD NEWTOWN SQUARE 084524C4003650230 0365 23 OH 1765 CAPE CORAL PKWY E 20 33904 CAYWOOD JAY W + HOLLIS J 4637 SE 20TH AVE CAPE CORAL 084524C4044022150 0352 FL MF 24019 CARSON EDWARD E + BEVERLY M 11454 MAYFIELD R CHARDON 084524C4003670180 0367 17 VA R3W 55127 CAMPBELL DONALD 4647 SE 17TH PL A CAPE CORAL 084524C4044011140 0352 MN 4703 SE 17TH PL 103 H2R 2K8 BRAMMER ROBERT C SR + BARBARA 2386 LOCK HAVEN ROANOKE 084524C4041001050 0352 QC BRAGG JAMES A + BARBARA A 314 TIMBERLINE T VADNAIS HEIGHTS 084524C4003490440 0349 44 Zoning FLU 33904 Page 2 of 14 Owner Strap Block/Lot 084524C40420000CE 0352 5 Owner Information CLIPPER BAY CONDO PHASE II 9411 CYPRESS LA FORT MYERS 084524C404300000A 0352 FL FL FL FL 084524C404400000A 0352 OH Monday, July 28, 2014 MI CP 1755 1765 CAPE CORAL PKWY R3W CP 1755 1765 CAPE CORAL PKWY R3W CP 4647 SE 17TH PL 102 R3W MF 1740 SE 46TH ST R1BW SF 4647 SE 17TH PL 204 R3W MF 2002 SE 47TH ST R1BW SF 4719 SE 17TH PL 103 R3W MF 1744 SE 46TH ST R1BW SF 44001 DOWELL ROBERT J + MARGARET 48328 SUGARBUSH CHESTERFIELD 1755 1765 CAPE CORAL PKWY R3W 33904 DIAZ KRIS A + DEBORAH L + 212 CROCKER ST AMHERST 084524C4003500420 0350 42 FL MF 23220 DEGOULD PATRICIA A TR 2002 SE 47TH ST CAPE CORAL 084524C4043001030 0352 VA R3W 03462 DANIELS CARL R JR + MARY TR 413 STUART CIR A RICHMOND 084524C4003650300 0365 30 NH 4719 SE 17TH PL 08741 COPELAND TIMOTHY E + JENNY L + PO BOX 579 SPOFFORD 084524C4041002040 0352 NJ MF 33904 CONWAY ELIZABETH A 303 WAYNE AVE PINE BEACH 084524C4003500400 0350 40 FL R3W 33910 CLIPPER BAY VERANDAS CONDO 1755 CAPE CORAL CAPE CORAL 084524C4041001020 0352 FL 4719 SE 17TH PL 33910 084524C40440000CE CLIPPER BAY VERANDAS 0352 TR 2 PO BOX 100831 CAPE CORAL MF 33919 084524C40440000CE CLIPPER BAY VERANDAS 0352 TR 2 PO BOX 100831 CAPE CORAL R3W 33904 CLIPPER BAY CONDO PHASE III 9411 CYPRESS LA FORT MYERS 4703 SE 17th PL 33919 CLIPPER BAY CONDO PHASE III 4719 SE 17TH PL CAPE CORAL 084524C40430000CE 0352 TR 2 Zoning FLU 48047 Page 3 of 14 Owner Strap Block/Lot 084524C4044022160 0352 Owner Information EAGLE GREGORY W TR 3818 DEL PRADO B CAPE CORAL 084524C4003500470 0350 47 FL FL Monday, July 28, 2014 FL 1745 SE 46TH LN 102 R3W MF 2012 SE 47TH ST R1BW SF 1749 SE 46TH LN 203 R3W MF 1765 CAPE CORAL PKWY E 21 R3W CP 4703 SE 17TH PL 201 R3W MF 4703 SE 17TH PL 305 R3W MF 4647 SE 17TH PL 203 R3W MF 4703 SE 17TH PL 405 R3W MF 1765 CAPE CORAL PKWY E 21 R3W CP 33904 33904 FOSTER LINDA C 1765 CAPE CORAL CAPE CORAL MF 33904 FORMICA PETER J TR + 4703 SE 17TH PL A CAPE CORAL 084524C4044022100 0352 FL R3W 33904 FORMICA PETER J TR 4703 SE 17TH PL A CAPE CORAL 084524C4042004050 0352 FL 4719 SE 17TH PL 306 56071 FORMICA PETER J + 4703 SE 17TH PL A CAPE CORAL 084524C4041002030 0352 MN SF 80020 FOREST DANNY D 4703 SE 17TH PL A CAPE CORAL 084524C4042003050 0352 CO R1BW 33904 FOGELBERG JOEL + LUANN 28800 WOODLAND NEW PRAGUE 084524C4042002010 0352 FL 1769 SE 46TH ST 33904 FISCHER PHILIP J 1189 SUNSET DR BROOMFIELD 084524C4044022110 0352 FL CP 07068 FISCHER JAMES C 2012 SE 47TH ST CAPE CORAL 084524C4050002030 0349 NJ R3W 33904 FISCHER ANN M L/E 1745 SE 46TH LN # CAPE CORAL 084524C4003650340 0365 34 FL 1765 CAPE CORAL PKWY E 21 33904 ENTRUST NORTHEAST 75 LIVINGSTON AV ROSELAND 084524C4050001020 0349 FL EDMIER WILLIAM + JUNE 1769 SE 46TH ST CAPE CORAL 084524C4043003060 0352 Zoning FLU 33904 Page 4 of 14 Owner Strap Block/Lot 084524C4003490400 0349 40 Owner Information FRANCIS JOE C + SUSAN K 529 HALSEY AVE S BUFFALO 084524C4003490420 0349 42 IN OH Monday, July 28, 2014 FL 4719 SE 17TH PL 201 R3W MF 4703 SE 17TH PL 202 R3W MF 1750 SE 46TH ST R1BW SF 1765 CAPE CORAL PKWY E 20 R3W CP 1755 CAPE CORAL PKWY E 11 R3W CP 1755 CAPE CORAL PKWY E 10 R3W CP 4719 SE 17TH PL 107 R3W MF 1745 SE 46TH LN 202 R3W MF 4719 SE 17TH PL 308 R3W MF 46742 43351 GRASSO ANTHONY + LOUISE M TR 4719 SE 17TH PL # CAPE CORAL MF L8E 4Z2 GOTTFRIED WILLIAM D + LESA M 11322 COUNTY HIG UPPER SANDUSKY 084524C4043003080 0352 ON R3W 60002 GNAGY JAMES G + PO BOX 159 HAMILTON 084524C4050002020 0349 IL 4647 SE 17TH PL 306 62260 GIBSON IAN + 103 EDGEWATER D STONEY CREEK 084524C4043001070 0352 IL MF 33904 GEMPP LAWRENCE + 39216 NORTH SHO ANTIOCH 084524C4044011040 0352 FL R3W 33904 GARRETT HOLLIS + V MAE PO BOX 307 MILLSTADT 084524C4044011120 0352 FL 1761 SE 46TH LN 33904 GANTT LYNNE D 4406 SE 19TH AVE CAPE CORAL 084524C4044022080 0352 FL MF 33904 GALLAGHER BRIAN V + PATRICIA A 4703 SE 17TH PL # CAPE CORAL 084524C4003500450 0350 45 FL R3W 55313 FUSCO MARIE D 4719 SE 17TH PL # CAPE CORAL 084524C4042002020 0352 MN 1757 SE 46TH LN 55313 FRED + PAM PEARSON TRUST 4647 SE 17TH PL # CAPE CORAL 084524C4043002010 0352 MN FRANCIS JOE C + SUSAN K 529 HALSEY AVE S BUFFALO 084524C4041003060 0352 Zoning FLU 33904 Page 5 of 14 Owner Strap Block/Lot 084524C4042001020 0352 Owner Information GRASSO ANTHONY 1/3 INT + 4703 SE 17TH PL # CAPE CORAL 084524C4042003020 0352 FL FL 4703 SE 17TH PL 101 R3W MF 4647 SE 17TH PL 301 R3W MF 1741 SE 46TH LN 103 R3W MF 4719 SE 17TH PL 203 R3W MF 1765 CAPE CORAL PKWY E 21 R3W CP 2004 SE 47TH ST R1BW SF 4719 SE 17TH PL 102 R3W MF 1739 SE 46TH LN 101 R3W MF 1739 SE 46TH LN 201 R3W MF 4703 SE 17TH PL 105 R3W MF 33904 33904 HOFFMAN DALE W + MARY ANN 4719 SE 17TH PL # CAPE CORAL 084524C4034001010 0349 FL MF 33904 HICKMAN LESLIE + MARILYN 2004 SE 47TH ST CAPE CORAL 084524C4043001020 0352 FL R3W 33904 HEIN RICHARD H 1765 CAPE CORAL CAPE CORAL 084524C4003650320 0365 32 FL 4703 SE 17TH PL 302 33904 HALTIGAN KATHLEEN A 4719 SE 17TH PL # CAPE CORAL 084524C4044022130 0352 FL MF 33904 HALL JOHN B JR + JILL A 1741 SE 46TH LN # CAPE CORAL 084524C4043002030 0352 FL R3W 03901 HALABY LYNN P 4647 SE 17TH PL A CAPE CORAL 084524C4034001030 0349 ME 4703 SE 17TH PL 102 33904 GUSTAFSON CRYSTAL R + 4703 SE 17TH PL A CAPE CORAL 084524C4041003010 0352 FL GRISHMAN MICHAEL + PATRICIA 44 PINE HILL RD BERWICK 084524C4042001010 0352 Zoning FLU 33904 HOFMANN HEINZ LAUBEGGSTRASS 3006 BERN 084524C4034002010 0349 HOFMANN HEINZ LAUBEGGSTR 37 CH-3006 BERN 084524C4042001050 0352 HOUK NANCY J TR 4703 SE 17TH PL A CAPE CORAL Monday, July 28, 2014 FL 33904 Page 6 of 14 Owner Strap Block/Lot 084524C4042003010 0352 Owner Information HULFELD LAWANNA N TR 4703 SE 17TH PL A CAPE CORAL 084524C4041002060 0352 FL IL Monday, July 28, 2014 FL 4719 SE 17TH PL 101 R3W MF 4719 SE 17TH PL 307 R3W MF 4719 SE 17TH PL 206 R3W MF 4703 SE 17TH PL 203 R3W MF 4647 SE 17TH PL 106 R3W MF 2006 SE 47TH ST R1BW SF 2006 SE 47TH ST R1BW SF 1755 CAPE CORAL PKWY E 11 R3W CP 1739 SE 46TH LN 202 R3W MF 33904 61114 LAWLER BRIAN J 4410 SE 9TH AVE CAPE CORAL MF 33904 LANIGAN LLC 10927 WHISPERIN ROCKFORD 084524C4034002020 0349 FL R3W 33904 LAMOUNTAIN ELIZABETH M L/E 2006 SE 47TH ST CAPE CORAL 084524C4044011110 0352 FL 4703 SE 17TH PL 501 33904 LAMOUNTAIN ELIZABETH M L/E 2006 SE 47TH ST CAPE CORAL 084524C400365033A 0365 033A FL MF 44203 LAING LINDA H 4647 SE 17TH PL # CAPE CORAL 084524C400365033A 0365 033A OH R3W 44203 LAGATTA BARBARA 4703 SE 17TH PL A CAPE CORAL 084524C4041001060 0352 OH 4647 SE 17TH PL 206 44203 KROSNICK MARK A 571 TAFT AVE BARBERTON 084524C4042002030 0352 OH MF 80109 KROSNICK CHARLENE TR 159 9TH ST NE BARBERTON 084524C4043002060 0352 CO R3W 33904 KROSNICK CHARLENE 159 9TH ST NE BARBERTON 084524C4043003070 0352 FL 4703 SE 17TH PL 301 33904 KARCZ ROBERT TR + 2105 HENERY CT CASTLE ROCK 084524C4043001010 0352 FL JARRETT JAMES M T 4647 SE 17TH PL A CAPE CORAL 084524C4042005010 0352 Zoning FLU 33904 Page 7 of 14 Owner Strap Block/Lot 084524C4041003030 0352 Owner Information LELIEVRE CATHY 303 CAYUGA LN JACKSON 084524C4043001050 0352 FL FL Monday, July 28, 2014 IL 4629 SE 20TH AVE R1B SF 4719 SE 17TH PL 304 R3W MF 4719 SE 17TH PL 104 R3W MF 4719 SE 17TH PL 303 R3W MF 1765 CAPE CORAL PKWY E 20 R3W CP 4647 SE 17TH PL 305 R3W MF 1721 SE 46TH LN R3W MF 4703 SE 17TH PL 205 R3W MF 4647 SE 17TH PL 401 R3W MF 34669 33904 MANNINO MICHAEL A 434 W ARBORETU LOMBARD MF 33904 MANN MARY S 4703 SE 17TH PL A CAPE CORAL 084524C4041004010 0352 FL R3W 49740 MALAGA MARINA CORP 12000 US HWY 19 HUDSON 084524C4042002050 0352 MI 1745 SE 46TH LN 101 11944 MAHIGAN GRETCHEN H TR 4647 SE 17TH PL A CAPE CORAL 084524C4003490230 0349 23 NY MF 48371 MADIGAN STEPHEN H + SUSAN M E 2286 PINECREST S HARBOR SPRINGS 084524C4041003050 0352 MI R3W 48371 MACALUSO THERESE + 605 BAY SHORE R GREENPORT 084524C4044022070 0352 MI 4719 SE 17TH PL 105 33904 LUCHKOVITZ JOHN TR 842 RAMSCATE LN OXFORD 084524C4043003030 0352 FL MF 17057 LUCHKOVITA JOHN TR 842 RAMSGATE LN OXFORD 084524C4043001040 0352 PA R3W 61565 LOUKO CHARLES E + ALICE M TR 4629 SE 20TH AV CAPE CORAL 084524C4043003040 0352 IL 4647 SE 17TH PL 303 08527 LIBRANDI THOMAS C + MARLE J 1805 N UNION STR MIDDLETOWN 084524C4003670140 0367 13 NJ LENZ LOUIS III + 101 TOWER LN SPARLAND 084524C4050001010 0349 Zoning FLU 60148 Page 8 of 14 Owner Strap Block/Lot 084524C4043002050 0352 Owner Information MARKS DIANNE HANDLIN + 4719 SE 17TH PL A CAPE CORAL 084524C4034001040 0349 Zoning FLU FL 4719 SE 17TH PL 205 R3W MF 1741 SE 46TH LN 104 R3W MF 1750 SE 46TH LN R3W MF 1769 SE 46TH LN R3W MF 4647 SE 17TH PL 103 R3W MF 1755 CAPE CORAL PKWY E 10 R3W CP 4719 SE 17TH PL 207 R3W MF 4622 SE 20TH AVE R1BW SF 4638 SE 20TH AVE R1BW SF 1629 SE SEE NOTES ST SC DM 1615 1709 SE 47TH ST SC DM 1749 SE 46TH LN 103 R3W MF 33904 MAXANYA CORPORATION SEMINARSTRASSE CH-5400 BADEN 084524C4003510010 0351 1 MAYERS MICHAEL W + ELDICA T 1750 SE 46TH LN CAPE CORAL 084524C4003490460 0349 46 FL 33904 MAZZOLENI RUTH + JOHANN W/H HECHTWEG 1 8808 PFAEFFIKON 084524C4041001030 0352 MCGINNITY JEAN A 4647 SE 17TH PL A CAPE CORAL 084524C4044011080 0352 FL 33904 FL 33904 FL 33904 MINISTERIO INTERNACIONAL 1629 SE 47TH ST CAPE CORAL 084524C4050001030 0349 56244 MINISTERIO INTERNACIONAL 1629 SE 47TH ST CAPE CORAL 074524C300362A090 0362A 9 MN MINER RICHARD P 4638 SE 20TH AVE CAPE CORAL 074524C300362A090 0362A 10 33904 MILLS BEVERLY 4622 SE 20TH AVE CAPE CORAL 084524C4003650250 0365 24 FL MEIERDING KATHLEEN A + 37269 COUNTRY R HANCOCK 084524C4003650170 0365 16 33904 MEDINA ROBERTO 1755 CAPE CORAL CAPE CORAL 084524C4043002070 0352 FL FL 33904 MOCCIARO PAUL + 1562 GOLDSPIRE R TOMS RIVER Monday, July 28, 2014 NJ 08755 Page 9 of 14 Owner Strap Block/Lot 084524C4042005050 0352 Owner Information MOLNAR MICHAEL + KRISTINE 6310 HIDDEN CREE LORAIN 084524C4044022030 0352 FL NY Monday, July 28, 2014 FL 4647 SE 17TH PL 205 R3W MF 4644 SE 20TH AVE R1BW SF 4647 SE 17TH PL 201 R3W MF 1755 CAPE CORAL PKWY E 10 R3W CP 1724 SE 46TH ST R1BW SF 1741 SE 46TH LN 203 R3W MF 1745 SE 46TH LN 201 R3W MF 1749 SE 46TH LN 204 R3W MF 4703 SE 17TH PL 503 R3W MF 33904 11706 POGREBNIAK DOLORES M 4703 SE 17TH PL # CAPE CORAL MF 33904 PETTERSEN ARNOLD J + MAUREEN M 20 GARDEN PL BAY SHORE 084524C4042005030 0352 FL R3W 33904 PERRY FRANK C + VIRGINIA ANN 2278 SE 28TH ST CAPE CORAL 084524C4050002040 0349 FL 4647 SE 17TH PL 104 33904 PEEL GEOFFREY 1741 SE 46TH LN # CAPE CORAL 084524C4050002010 0349 FL CP 33904 PECINA VRATISLAV 1724 SE 46TH ST CAPE CORAL 084524C4034002030 0349 FL R3W 33904 PACE DEBORAH J TR 1755 CAPE CORAL CAPE CORAL 084524C4003500320 0350 32 FL 1765 CAPE CORAL PKWY E 20 30215 NORRIS SUSAN NAWN + 4647 SE 17TH PL A CAPE CORAL 084524C4044011060 0352 GA MF 60051 NORRIS PAMELA 4644 SE 20TH AVE CAPE CORAL 084524C4041002010 0352 IL R3W 60051 NIGHTINGALE MARY 130 WENDOLYN TR FAYETTEVILLE 084524C4003650270 0365 26 IL 4703 SE 17TH PL 505 44053 MOULIS JOHN H TR 2731 KNOB HILL R JOHNSBURG 084524C4041002050 0352 OH MOTTO DANIEL W TR 2602 KNOB HILL R JOHNSBURG 084524C4041001040 0352 Zoning FLU 33904 Page 10 of 14 Owner Strap Block/Lot 084524C4003670200 0367 19 Owner Information POWELL MARJORIE TR + 1708 BEACH PKWY CAPE CORAL 084524C4044011090 0352 TN FL Monday, July 28, 2014 OH 1765 CAPE CORAL PKWY E 20 R3W CP 1765 CAPE CORAL PKWY E 20 R3W CP 1739 1741 SE 46TH LN R3W MF 1739 SE 46TH LN R3W MF 1755 CAPE CORAL PKWY E 10 R3W CP 4719 SE 17TH PL 106 R3W MF 4719 SE 17TH PL 108 R3W MF 4703 SE 17TH PL 502 R3W MF 4719 SE 17TH PL 301 R3W MF 37320 33904 SCARPITTI JEFFREY M TR 2590 KILLIAN RD UNIONTOWN MF 33904 SAINER WILLIAM A + DONNA J TR 4703 SE 17TH PL # CAPE CORAL 084524C4043003010 0352 FL R3W 33904 RYMER BRENDA PO BOX 3111 CLEVELAND 084524C4042005020 0352 FL 4719 SE 17TH PL 202 33914 RUSSELL JOSEPH NED + 4719 SE 17TH PL # CAPE CORAL 084524C4043001080 0352 FL CP 33904 ROWE TED G + PATRICIA L TR 1755 CAPE CORAL CAPE CORAL 084524C4043001060 0352 FL R3W 33904 RIVER PLACE CONDO 615 CAPE CORAL P CAPE CORAL 084524C4044011030 0352 FL 1755 CAPE CORAL PKWY E 10 53118 RIVER PLACE CONDO 1739 SE 46TH LN CAPE CORAL 084524C40340000CE 0349 29 WI SF 43146 RICHMOND ARLENE TR 1765 CAPE CORAL CAPE CORAL 084524C403400000A 0349 OH R1B 01523 RICCOMINI LOUIS 335 STILL WATER DOUSMAN 084524C4044022010 0352 MA 4641 SE 20TH AVE 33904 REIDY JOHN + SOPHIE 11597 THRAILKILL ORIENT 084524C4044022020 0352 FL R D J REALTY TRUST 29 CHISHOLM TRL LANCASTER 084524C4043002020 0352 Zoning FLU 44685 Page 11 of 14 Owner Strap Block/Lot 084524C4003500380 0350 38 Owner Information SCELFO PETER + PATRICIA 800 MORTIMER AV FREDERICKSBURG 084524C4043003020 0352 FL FL Monday, July 28, 2014 FL 1755 CAPE CORAL PKWY E 10 R3W CP 1765 CAPE CORAL PKWY E 20 R3W CP 4719 SE 17TH PL 305 R3W MF 4703 SE 17TH PL 401 R3W MF 4703 SE 17TH PL 403 R3W MF 4703 SE 17TH PL 504 R3W MF 4703 SE 17TH PL 204 R3W MF 4703 SE 17TH PL 402 R3W MF 4647 SE 17TH PL 302 R3W MF 33904 33904 SLOAN RICHARD T + ALTA TRUST 4647 SE 17TH PL A CAPE CORAL CP 33904 SKIDELSKY SHELLY + MARILYN L 2225 SE 28TH TER CAPE CORAL 084524C4041003020 0352 FL R3W 33904 SKIDELSKY SHELLY + MARILYN L 2225 SE 28TH TER CAPE CORAL 084524C4042004020 0352 FL 1755 CAPE CORAL PKWY E 11 33904 SKIDELSKY SHELLY + MARILYN 2225 S E 28TH TER CAPE CORAL 084524C4042002040 0352 FL MF 33904 SKIDELSKY SHELLY + MARILYN 2225 SE 28TH TER CAPE CORAL 084524C4042005040 0352 FL R3W 45342 SKIDELSKY MARILYN 2225 SE 28TH TER CAPE CORAL 084524C4042004030 0352 OH 4719 SE 17TH PL 302 33904 SHARP JAMES J TR 4719 SE 17TH PL A CAPE CORAL 084524C4042004010 0352 FL SF 33904 SHARP ANNA M + 12 PIPESTONE DR MIAMISBURG 084524C4043003050 0352 FL R1BW 44012 SCHRAPPER JO NELLE 1755 CAPE CORAL CAPE CORAL 084524C4044022050 0352 OH 1736 SE 46TH ST 22401 SCHMIDT CLEMENS EDWARD + 1755 CAPE CORAL CAPE CORAL 084524C4044011010 0352 VA SCHAFER ALBERT J + EILEEN E 629 BRUST DR AVON LAKE 084524C4044011160 0352 Zoning FLU 33904 Page 12 of 14 Owner Strap Block/Lot 084524C4042003030 0352 Owner Information SMALLEY THOMAS J + JACQUELINE 4703 SE 17TH PL # CAPE CORAL 084524C4041002020 0352 NY OH Monday, July 28, 2014 FL 1718 SE 47TH ST SC DM 1718 SE 47TH ST SC DM 1755 CAPE CORAL PKWY E 10 R3W CP 4703 SE 17TH PL 104 R3W MF 1755 CAPE CORAL PKWY E 10 R3W CP 1749 SE 46TH LN 104 R3W MF 4703 SE 17TH PL 404 R3W MF 4719 SE 17TH PL 204 R3W MF 4647 SE 17TH PL 101 R3W MF 14120 44052 TATE ABBIE LYNN 4647 SE 17TH PLA CAPE CORAL DM 46970 SWARTZ DOUGLAS J TR 3737 AMHERST AV LORAIN 084524C4041001010 0352 IN SC 01824 STRZYZ BARBARA + RONALD 1102 NIAGRA FALL N TONAWANDA 084524C4043002040 0352 MA 1720 SE 47TH ST 33904 STEPHENSON GLEN GREGG TR 3789 E 450 N PERU 084524C4042004040 0352 FL MF 44050 STASIOWSKI STANLEY J TR + 27 SUMMER ST CHELMSFORD 084524C4050001040 0349 OH R3W 33914 STARNES MICHAEL + NEVA L 4703 SE 17TH PL 1 CAPE CORAL 084524C4044011070 0352 FL 4647 SE 17TH PL 202 33914 STADNIK ANDREW J JR + BONNIE L 415 FOREST ST LAGRANGE 084524C4042001040 0352 FL MF 33914 SROKA CATHERINE C 3527 SW 5TH PL CAPE CORAL 084524C4044011020 0352 FL R3W 33904 SROKA CATHERINE C 3527 SW 5TH PL CAPE CORAL 084524C400361A470 0361A 42 FL 4703 SE 17TH PL 303 33904 SROKA CATHERINE C 3527 SW 5TH PL CAPE CORAL 084524C400361A470 0361A 42 FL SOLOBY NORMA TR 4647 SE 17TH PL A CAPE CORAL 084524C400361A470 0361A 42 Zoning FLU 33904 Page 13 of 14 Owner Strap Block/Lot 084524C4044011150 0352 Owner Information TILSTRA ROSE M 1755 CAPE CORAL CAPE CORAL 084524C4043002090 0352 NJ TN FL 084524C4034002040 0349 WI Monday, July 28, 2014 FL 1739 SE 46TH LN 102 R3W MF 1755 CAPE CORAL PKWY E 11 R3W CP 4719 SE 17TH PL 208 R3W MF 1765 CAPE CORAL PKWY E 20 R3W CP 1745 1749 SE 46TH LN R3W MF 1745 SE 46TH LN R3W MF 1741 SE 46TH LN 204 R3W MF 1765 CAPE CORAL PKWY E 21 R3W CP 1755 CAPE CORAL PKWY E 10 R3W CP 33904 53158 ZAKALOWSKI NANCY L + 1755 CAPE CORAL CAPE CORAL SF 33904 WOLF ROBERT L 11321 42ND AVE PLEASANT PRAIRIE 084524C4044011050 0352 FL R1B 33904 WIDMER MAX + 1741 SE 46TH LN A CAPE CORAL 084524C4044022120 0352 FL 4633 SE 20TH AVE 38117 084524C40500000CE VILLA MARIA CONDO 0349 34 1745 SE 46TH LN CAPE CORAL MF 08088 VILLA MARIA CONDO 1745 SE 46TH LN CAPE CORAL R3W 33904 VICZOREK ROBERT E 5231 GLYNBOURN MEMPHIS 084524C405000000A 0349 FL 4719 SE 17TH PL 209 33904 VARANO JOSEPH M + MAUREEN N 585 CHATSWORTH TABERNACLE 084524C4044022090 0352 FL CP 33904 TWINING JAMES + SUSAN 1755 CAPE CORAL CAPE CORAL 084524C4043002080 0352 FL R3W 21403 TRUSCELLO PATRICIA M 1739 SE 46TH LN # CAPE CORAL 084524C4044011100 0352 MD 1755 CAPE CORAL PKWY E 11 33904 TROXELL DAVID F + KATHLEEN 4633 SE 20TH AVE CAPE CORAL 084524C4034001020 0349 FL TINSLEY NIKKI 1230 CRUMMELL A ANNAPOLIS 084524C4003670160 0367 15 Zoning FLU 33904 Page 14 of 14
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