SmartX Automation Center for OF@TEIN Multi-point International OpenFlow Islands 2014 HPC Summer School 2014. 07. 15 [email protected] Taeheum Na Networked Computing System Laboratory School of Information & Mechatronics Gwangju Institute of Science & Technology (GIST) DevOps? Agile Development Feedback DevOps Agile Operation Release Zero-touch Configuration Instant Visibility Flexible Control (forwarding, …) OF@TEIN: OF-based SDN Testing Infrastructure (2012~2013, GIST Consortium & KOREN/TEIN) • SmartX Racks (Type A/B/C) in 5 domestic and 7 international sites • Providing software-driven virtual playground for agile and economic service realization OF@TEIN Infrastructure (2012~2014) OF@KOREN SmartX Rack (Box) EU (SmartFIRE) OF@TEIN SDN Tools OF@TEIN Portal Exp. Node (with HD camera) Exp. Node (traffic generator) Exp. Node OpenFlow FlowVisor OpenFlow Controller OpenFlow Production Switch Japan or USA NIA(Seoul) OpenFlow Switch OF@TEIN Jeju (Jeju) GIST (Gwangju) SmartX Box (Type C) Philippines Vietnam Postech (Pohang) Networked Tiled Display Pakistan Indonesia SmartX Box (Type B+) Malaysia (MYREN) VoD Thailand Korea U (Seoul) Malaysia (UM) Last Update: 2014-05-01 3 Problem? SmartX Box (Type B+) 5 Virtual bridges 20 Physical/Virtual ports 2 NVGRE Tunnels X 9 sites >= 450!! ETC VM VM = VM Int-Bridge More than 50 commands OVSOF Switch SmartX Box (Type B+) OVS OF Switch OVS Capsulator Solution Automation Center SmartX Box (Type B+) REST API OVSDB BASH Django Webserver Python Cron tab VM VM Can be Automated!! VM Int-Bridge OVSOF Switch OVS OF Switch OVS Capsulator SmartX Automation Center Ops Dev Visualize Experiment Design Experiment Configuring Box/Function/Topology Configuration Control Visibility REST API or Common Gateway Interface Single Box (server) Bare-metal installation Assign Chef recipe Triggering Chef Script Automation Center BASH Script (OVSDB, Chef, MaaS, Juju) Making Network Graph Triggering User Script (Experiment) Making Network Graph Triggering Admin Script Automating Tunneling-based Interconnections (Operator view) Automation Center for TypeB+ Information Put Shape of vSW Controller list DPID list Site-Capsulator list (IP, PORT) Allowed flows-tunnel mapping list Interconnection Info. Port name FlowVisor Info. Set fail-mode Add_bridge() Set_FlowVisor() Patch_port() V V M M OVS Set_DPID() Set_controller() V M OVS V M V M OF_Switch V M V M V M OVS-Bridge information Capsulator Flow table GRE Tunnel information Tunnel list Add_gre_tunnel() Add_flow_table() Clear_site() Current Bridge state Current Tunnel state V M V M V M V M Management Automation Tools for Inter-connection Tunnel Status Visualization Site to Site TCP Throughput VM to VM TCP Throughput Site Overlay vNetworking: NVGRE Tunneling & Tagging/Steering/Mapping Flow VLAN-ID Tagging for Hypervisor VMs Flow Steering Flow Mapping with User SDN Controllers with Admin SDN Controller VM VM WAN VM OVS OF Switch OVSOF Switch VM VM VM OVS Capsulator OVS OF Switch HP OF Switch An OpenFlow Network Island Gateway Router Narinet Capsulator NVGRE Tunnels * Inter-Connection SmartX Racks (Type B+) User #1 FlowSpace-UI SDN Controller (Closed, NOX under FlowVisor) User #2 User #n User SDN Controllers (OpenFlow + OVSDB, Any under FlowVisor) Admin SDN Controller (Overlay Networking via OpenFlow + OVSDB, Closed, Floodlight) FlowVisor VM SmartX Rack (Type B+) Site VM VM OpenFlow Network VM VM OVS OVS OVS OVS OVS Gateway Router WAN OVS VM SmartX Rack (Type B+) Site VM VM NVGRE tunnels* (L2/L3 Network) OVS Capsulator OpenFlow Switch Last Update: 2013-10-31 OVS OVS VM Virtual Switch SmartX Rack (Type B+) Site Supporting Multiple SDN Users with their own Controllers via FlowVisor OF Switch OF@TEIN Networking & FlowSpace Resources OF Switch OF Switch DPIDPortRanges VLAN-based FlowRange Floodlight Controller VLAN-based FlowRange Floodlight Controller VLAN-based FlowRange VLAN-based FlowRange Floodlight Controller FlowRanges FlowVisor (v1.4) OF@TEIN Admin Script NOX Controller VLAN ID FlowSpace Management Verification over OF@TEIN Testbed 1st Developer utilizes Networking resources through NOX controller 2nd Developer utilizes Networking resources through OpenDaylight controller Each developer can do their own experiment!! OF@TEIN Virtual Playground Creation: Autonomic Installation & Configuration with Templates Configuration Box Role Control Visibility Topology A Virtual Playground Traffic generator Web Server CCNX Default Coordinator Computing L2 VM Images L3 Node Graphs L2 VM VM VM VM Box Template A NOVA Neutron Glance VM V M V M Cinder SSD/ HDDs Open vSwitch Open vSwitch Open vSwitch KVM KVM KVM Glance Box Template B Swift Software VM Hardware NOVA Neutron Swift Cinder Open vSwitch Open vSwitch CPUs/ GPUs V M VM CPUs/ GPUs SSD/ HDDs Overlay Tunnels SmartX Box (Type C) VM Narinet Open vSwitch Topology for CCN Experiment (Openstack Icehouse) Virtual) Network (APP Topo.: CCN) Virtual)Network (User Topo.) or Layer 2 Network Br-int Full mesh GRE Tunnel VM Physical)Network (Admin Topo.) Application Topology of CCNX CCNX Topology 200 CCNX Nodes Openstack Network Topology Dev Ops Br-int Full mesh GRE Tunnel VM vUnderlay Network Actual Network DEMO -CCNX Experiment on SmartX Box TypeC Q&A [email protected]
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