AODA Treatment Providers of Brown County A listing of agencies that provide services for Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse (AODA) treatment in Brown County February 2014 AODA Treatment Providers of Brown County Handbook Mission Statement: This handbook is a compilation of AODA service providers’ information as provided by representatives of their prospective service. It was developed to increase the knowledge of and appropriate referral to AODA treatment services. This publication was accomplished as a collaborative effort between Family Services, Brown County Human Services, and the Aging and Disability Resource Center of Brown County. Publication printing costs provided by: Aging and Disability Resource Center of Brown County Inclusion of agencies in this handbook does not constitute endorsement nor does omission constitute disapproval. Information in this booklet is updated as needed. To find this publication on the web, go to: and click on Help Finding Services-Mental Health & AODA 2 LEVELS OF AODA SERVICES & TREATMENT The AODA services listed below are in order of the least restrictive to the most restrictive options. If you are unsure what level of service is appropriate for your situation, please contact any of the providers listed under ASSESSMENT in the index on pages 5-6. Addictions Support Group (i.e., Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous, Life Ring) Attended voluntarily, free of charge; most have a non-religious, spiritual component and follow 12 step guidelines. Assessment Meet with an AODA counselor who will ask & answer questions about your alcohol or other drug use, then give recommendations about the appropriate level of services. Individual Therapy Meet individually with a therapist; some providers refer to individual therapy as “one-on-ones.” Group Therapy Clients meet together in a group context with others who share similar issues 1-3 x per week; facilitated by a therapist. Intensive Outpatient Therapy (IOP) Meets up to 12 hours per week for group therapy (average in most programs is 9 hours, 3 hours/3 x per week). Day Treatment Meets during the day more than 12 hours weekly, allowing participants to return home in the evening. Residential Treatment 24/7 treatment in a non-medical, homelike unlocked environment. Medically Monitored/Managed Inpatient Treatment 24/7 treatment in a hospital-like setting with medical staff available to administer medications/provide medical evaluations and care. Detoxification Hospitalization 24/7 medical care to medically stabilize and assist a patient through severe and/or life threatening withdrawal symptoms. 3 INDEX OF PROVIDERS (listed alphabetically) Aging & Disability Resource Center of Brown County .............................. 9 AIDS Resource Center AODA Services………………………………………..9 Al-Anon/Alateen .................................................................................... 16 Alcoholics Anonymous ........................................................................... 16 Bellin Psychiatric Center………………………………………………………10 Bonnie M. Lee & Associates .................................................................... 10 Brown County Human Services—AODA Unit ......................................... 11 Brown County Community Treatment Center......................................... 11 Family Services of Northeast Wisconsin, Inc ............................................ 11 Gamblers Anonymous ............................................................................ 17 Independent Assessment & Counseling Services....................................... 12 Jackie Nitschke Center, Inc ...................................................................... 13 Libertas Treatment Center ....................................................................... 13 My Brother’s Keeper…………………………………………………………..14 Narcotics Anonymous ............................................................................ 17 NEW Wellness Associates........................................................................ 14 Oneida Behavioral Health ...................................................................... 14 Options Treatment Program ................................................................... 15 Recovery Works Counseling Services, Inc. ............................................... 15 Riverside Psychiatric…………………………………………………………..15 Wisconsin Council on Problem Gambling ............................................... 17 Women’s Recovery Journey of Family Services Northeast Wisconsin, Inc. ....................................................................... 12 4 INDEX BY SERVICES PROVIDED ADDICTIONS SUPPORT GROUPS Al-Anon/Alateen ............................................................................................ 16 Alcoholics Anonymous ................................................................................... 16 Gamblers Anonymous .................................................................................... 17 Narcotics Anonymous .................................................................................... 17 Wisconsin Council on Problem Gambling ....................................................... 17 ADOLESCENT SERVICES Family Services of Northeast Wisconsin, Inc..................................................... 11 Libertas Treatment Center............................................................................... 13 My Brother’s Keeper……………………………………………………………..…14 Options Treatment Program ........................................................................... 15 Riverside Psychiatric…………………………………………………………………15 AFTERCARE* *One time weekly group therapy (16 to 32 weeks) facilitated by a therapist, typically following an intensive outpatient or residential treatment Bellin Psychiatric Center ................................................................................. 10 Brown County Human Services—AODA Unit ................................................. 11 Jackie Nitschke Center, Inc ............................................................................. 13 Libertas Treatment Center…...........................................................................13 My Brother’s Keeper………………………………………………………………..14 NEW Wellness Associates.………………………………………………………….14 Oneida Behavioral Health .............................................................................. 14 Recovery Works Counseling Services, Inc. ...................................................... 15 Women’s Recovery Journey of Family Services Northeast Wisconsin, Inc. ............................................................................... 12 ASSESSMENT Bellin Psychiatric Center ................................................................................. 10 Bonnie M. Lee & Associates ............................................................................ 10 Brown County Human Services—AODA Unit ................................................. 11 Brown County Community Treatment Center ................................................. 11 Family Services of Northeast Wisconsin, Inc..................................................... 11 Independent Assessment & Counseling Services .............................................. 12 Jackie Nitschke Center, Inc ............................................................................. 13 Libertas Treatment Center............................................................................... 13 5 My Brother’s Keeper………………………………………………………………...14 NEW Wellness Associates ................................................................................ 14 Oneida Behavioral Health ............................................................................... 14 Options Treatment Center .............................................................................. 15 Recovery Works Counseling Services, Inc. ....................................................... 15 Riverside Psychiatric………………………………………………………………....15 CO-OCCURRING DISORDERS TREATMENT SERVICES* *Services that address both AODA and Mental Health Issues AIDS Resource Center AODA Services……………………………………………..9 Bellin Psychiatric Center ................................................................................. 10 Bonnie M. Lee & Associates ............................................................................ 10 Brown County Human Services—AODA Unit ................................................. 11 Brown County Community Treatment Center ................................................. 11 Family Services of Northeast Wisconsin, Inc..................................................... 11 NEW Wellness Associates ............................................................................... 14 Oneida Behavioral Health .............................................................................. 14 Options Treatment Program ........................................................................... 15 Riverside Psychiatric ....................................................................................... 15 Women’s Recovery Journey of Family Services Northeast Wisconsin, Inc. ............................................................................... 12 DAY TREATMENT AIDS Resource Center AODA Services……………………………………………..9 Bellin Psychiatric Center ................................................................................. 10 DETOXIFICATION HOSPITALIZATION (WITHDRAWAL) If you have any concerns about you or a loved one experiencing withdrawal symptoms, go to any area hospital’s emergency room to have a doctor assess the need for inpatient detoxification. Based on the assessment, the doctor will recommend appropriate services. GROUP THERAPY AIDS Resource Center AODA Services……………………………………………. 9 Brown County Human Services—AODA Unit ................................................. 11 Brown County Community Treatment Center ................................................. 11 Independent Assessment & Counseling Services .............................................. 12 Libertas Treatment Center………………………………………………………….13 6 INDIVIDUAL THERAPY AIDS Resource Center AODA Services……………………………………………..9 Bellin Psychiatric Center ................................................................................. 10 Bonnie M. Lee & Associates ............................................................................ 10 Brown County Human Services—AODA Unit ................................................. 11 Brown County Community Treatment Center ................................................. 11 Family Services of Northeast Wisconsin, Inc..................................................... 11 Independent Assessment & Counseling Services .............................................. 12 Jackie Nitschke Center, Inc……………………………………………………….…13 Libertas Treatment Center…………………………………………………………..13 NEW Wellness Associates ............................................................................... 14 Oneida Behavioral Health .............................................................................. 14 Options Treatment Program………………………………………………………. 15 Riverside Psychiatric ....................................................................................... 15 INTENSIVE OUTPATIENT PROGRAMS (IOP) Bellin Psychiatric Center ................................................................................. 10 Independent Assessment & Counseling Services .............................................. 12 Jackie Nitschke Center, Inc ............................................................................. 13 Libertas Treatment Center............................................................................... 13 My Brother’s Keeper………………………………………………………………..14 NEW Wellness Associates ............................................................................... 14 Oneida Behavioral Health .............................................................................. 14 Options Treatment Program………………………………………………………. 15 Recovery Works Counseling Services, Inc. ...................................................... 15 Women’s Recovery Journey of Family Services Northeast Wisconsin, Inc. ............................................................................... 12 MEDICALLY MONITORED OR MANAGED INPATIENT TREATMENT Bellin Psychiatric Center ................................................................................. 10 Brown County Community Treatment Center ................................................. 11 Libertas Treatment Center (for adolescents only) ............................................ 13 7 RELAPSE PREVENTION* *Typically provides group therapy for clients who have attended treatment in the past and have a relapse history. This treatment focuses on relapse triggers, warning signs, and assists clients in developing a relapse prevention plan. Independent Assessment & Counseling Services .............................................. 12 Recovery Works Counseling Services, Inc. ...................................................... 15 RESIDENTIAL TREATMENT Jackie Nitschke Center, Inc ............................................................................. 13 8 AGING & DISABILITY RESOURCE CENTER OF BROWN COUNTY 300 S. Adams Street Phone: 920-448-4300 Green Bay, WI 54301 Hours: Monday—Friday 8:00am-4:30pm Information, assistance, and referral to community services for AODA, co-occurring, and mental health issues Services are provided free of charge AIDS RESOURCE CENTER AODA SERVICES 445 S. Adams Street Green Bay, WI 54301 Phone: 920-437-7400 Hours: Monday-Friday 8:30am-4:30pm AODA and Co-occurring services for adults: One-on-one therapy; Group therapy offered Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 1:00pm-3:30pm Accepts insurance, self-pay; offers a sliding fee scale Services open to anyone; counseling based on the Harm Reduction philosophy 9 BELLIN PSYCHIATRIC CENTER 301 E. St. Joseph Street Green Bay, WI 54301 Phone: 920-433-6073 Hours: See Below AODA and co-occurring services for adults: Day Treatment, one-onone therapy, Aftercare, Medically Managed Inpatient Detoxification Hospitalization (Detox) Morning Intensive Outpatient Program: Monday, Thursday, and Friday; 8:00am-11:00am, 6 week program Evening Intensive Outpatient Program: Monday and Thursday, 5:00pm-8:00pm; Friday, 5:30pm-7:00pm Aftercare (Individual sessions as per therapist request): Wednesdays, 8:30am-10:00am; Thursdays, 3:30-5:00pm Emergency detox only and inpatient services offered 24 hours per day. Individuals must meet admission criteria before a psychiatrist will order admission. Accepts most insurances, UBH Medicaid, and self-pay at time of service BONNIE M. LEE & ASSOCIATES 2200 Dickinson Road, #4B De Pere, WI 54115 Phone: 920-347-3500 Hours: By appointment AODA and co-occurring services. One-on-one and family therapy. Accepts insurance and self-pay (no sliding fee) 10 BROWN COUNTY HUMAN SERVICES-AODA UNIT 3150 Gershwin Dr. Phone: 920-391-4720 Green Bay, WI 54311 Hours: Monday—Friday, 8:00am-3:30pm AODA and co-occurring services for Brown County residents, including: Court-ordered assessments; Individual, group & family therapy; Co-occurring group, Spanish speaking group therapy, and case management. Outpatient services are located at the Brown County Community Treatment Center Court-ordered OWI assessments: Monday through Friday. Self-pay only; payment in full due before assessment Accepts Medicaid, self-pay, and sliding fee BROWN COUNTY COMMUNITY TREATMENT CENTER 3150 Gershwin Dr. Green Bay, WI 54311 Phone: 920-391-4700 Hours: Open 24 hours, 7 days Acute Psychiatric Inpatient Unit Accepts Medicaid, Medicare, insurance, and self-pay FAMILY SERVICES OF NORTHEAST WISCONSIN, INC. 300 Crooks Street Phone: 920-436-6800 or 1-800-998-9609 Green Bay, WI 54301 Hours: Monday--Thursday 8:00am-8:00pm Friday 8:00am-4:30pm Co-occurring, outpatient individual sessions for adults and adolescents Accepts Medicaid (case by case basis), private insurance, sliding scale fee and self-pay 11 WOMEN’S RECOVERY JOURNEY OF FAMILY SERVICES NORTHEAST WISCONSIN, INC. 300 Crooks Street Green Bay, WI 54301 Phone: 920-436-4360, ext. 1279 Hours: Inquire about day/time Women’s Recovery Journey is an AODA/mental health integrated Intensive Outpatient Program for women and their families Intensive Outpatient Program (3 times/week) and continuing therapy group-transitioning from two mornings per week to one morning per week on a continuum Accept Medicaid (case by case) and private insurance. Grant funding available for those unable to pay. Pregnant women receive priority services INDEPENDENT ASSESSMENT & COUNSELING SERVICES 1345 W Mason Street Suite 201 Green Bay, WI 54303 Phone: 920-438-8141 Hours: See Below AODA services for adults. AODA Assessment, individual therapy, group therapy, Intensive Outpatient Program, Relapse Prevention, Anger Management, AWARE (OWI education) Anger Management Group: adult co-ed, Monday, 7:00pm-9:00pm; 12 session program Outpatient Group: adult co-ed, Tuesday, 9:00am-12:00pm; Weeknights, 5:00pm-8:00pm Intensive Outpatient Program: adult co-ed, Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday, 5:00pm-7:00pm; 10 week program, 8 weeks of Aftercare Relapse Prevention Group: adult co-ed, Tuesday, 5:00pm-7:00pm; 8 session program AWARE (OWI Self-awareness): Monday, 9:00am-11:00am & 7:00pm9:00pm; Wednesday, 7:00pm-9:00pm; Saturday, 9:00am-noon; 4 session program Accepts self-pay and insurance 12 JACKIE NITSCHKE CENTER, INC. 630 Cherry Street Phone: 920-435-2093 Green Bay, WI 54301 Hours: See Below AODA services for adults: Residential, Intensive Outpatient Program, and Outpatient/Aftercare. AODA assessments, individual substance abuse counseling, Operating While Intoxicated provider. Residential: 28 days; Intensive Outpatient—18 sessions in six weeks Intensive Outpatient Program: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, 5:30pm8:30pm Aftercare: Jackie Nitschke Center Intensive Outpatient Program clients only; one time/week for 16 weeks; Wednesdays, 5:30pm-7:00pm Accepts insurance, self-pay, and county contracts LIBERTAS TREATMENT CENTER 1701 Dousman Green Bay, WI 54303 Phone: 920-498-8600 Hours: see below AODA assessment, Intensive Outpatient Program, Group Therapy, Individual Therapy and Aftercare services for adolescents and adults. Inpatient treatment for adolescents Adolescent Intensive Outpatient Program: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, 3:30pm-5:30pm; Family session: Tuesday, 6:00pm-8:00pm Adult Intensive Outpatient Program: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, 9:00am-12:00pm; Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, 6:00pm-9:00pm Adult Group Therapy: Tuesday, 5:00pm-7:00pm; Adolescent Group Therapy: Wednesday, 3:30pm-5:30pm Aftercare (adolescent): 1st, 3rd, 4th Tuesdays, 3:30pm-5:30pm; 2nd Tuesday, 6:00pm-8:00pm Aftercare (adult): Thursday, 5:30pm-7:00pm; Friday, 10:00am-11:30am Accepts self-pay, private insurance and Medicaid 13 MY BROTHERS KEEPER 1039 W Mason St Green Bay, WI 54303 Phone: 920-884-1150 Hours: Monday, Tuesday, Friday: 8:00am-5:00pm Wednesday, Thursday, 8:00am-8:00pm Male mentoring program for men ages 11-65, Court ordered AODA assessment and outpatient services Sliding scale fee; can make an appointment through the website NEW WELLNESS ASSOCIATES 2733 S. Ridge Road Green Bay, WI 54304 Phone: 920-497-6200 Hours: Monday & Thursday: 9:00am-5:00pm Evening Appointments available Tuesday & Wednesday: 9:00am-6:00pm Friday: 9:00am-2:00pm AODA and dual diagnosis services for adults & adolescents. Intensive Outpatient Program, Court-Ordered Assessments, Individual therapy, Aftercare, OWI Provider, SAGE Accepts insurance, self-pay, or Medicaid (Managed Care only) ONEIDA BEHAVIORAL HEALTH (Ka?nikuhli·yo’ Family Center) 2640 West Point Road Green Bay, WI 54304 Phone: 920-490-3790 Hours: Monday-Friday: 8:00am-4:30pm Appointments 7:00am-6:00pm Group therapy: evening hours AODA and co-occurring services for eligible Native Americans: Intensive Outpatient Program, Corrective Thinking, Aftercare, and individual therapy, Accepts Medicaid, private insurance, and self- pay 14 OPTIONS TREATMENT PROGRAM 424 S. Monroe St. Ste 201 Green Bay, WI 54301 Phone: 920-445-0170 Hours: Monday-Thursday: 8:00am-5:00pm Friday by appointment AODA services for adults and adolescents, including assessment, individual therapy, family therapy, and after care treatment Accepts commercial/private insurance, Medicaid and self-pay RECOVERY WORKS COUNSELING SERVICES, INC. 635 Pine Street Green Bay, WI 54301 Phone: 920-366-7401 Hours: Call for hours Intensive Outpatient Program, Relapse Prevention and Aftercare; Couples and family therapy Accepts insurance and self-pay RIVERSIDE PSYCHIATRIC 1325 Angels Path De Pere, WI 54115 Phone: 920-338-2855 Hours: Monday-Thursday: 8:00am-5:00pm Friday: 8:00am-4:00pm AODA services for adults and adolescents. Outpatient individual and/or family sessions, co-occurring services, AODA assessment, OWI provider Accepts insurance and self-pay 15 ADDICTIONS SUPPORT GROUPS The addictions support groups listed below are volunteer-run and are not facilitated by a therapist. There is no fee to attend these groups. While they are not considered “treatment,” support groups are an important part of AODA recovery for many people. Some of the groups listed are not specific to AODA issues, but are included because people who struggle with alcohol and drug issues often experience problems with other addictions. AL-ANON/ALATEEN PO Box 12231 Green Bay, WI 54301 Hotline: 920-430-1420 Al-Anon Meetings: 920-490-7700 Support groups for relatives and friends of alcoholics. Meetings held at various locations and times throughout Brown County. Call or visit website for a list of meetings ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS 1270 Main St. Green Bay, WI 54301 Phone: 920-432-2600 Support group for people experiencing difficulties with alcohol abuse and family members affected by alcohol abuse. Meetings held at various locations and times throughout Brown County. Call or visit website for a list of meetings 16 GAMBLERS ANONYMOUS Hotline: 414-299-0901 Provides a structured meeting agenda, fellowship and support to individuals and family members who are suffering from a gambling problem. Meetings are held daily at various times and locations. Call or see website for more information NARCOTICS ANONYMOUS Phone: 866-285-7830 Substance abuse support group for people recovering from drug addiction. Meetings held daily at various locations and times in the Green Bay area. Call or visit the website for a list of meetings WISCONSIN COUNCIL ON PROBLEM GAMBLING Toll free: 800-426-2535 Statewide organization that offers problem gamblers and their family information about compulsive gambling and where to find help. Callers are referred to counselors, Gamblers Anonymous or Gam Anon meetings closest to them. Call for further information 17 The ADRC of Brown County is an equal opportunity employer and provider functioning under an affirmative action plan. Information is compiled courtesy of the Aging & Disability Resource Center of Brown County and may be reproduced so long as credit to the agencies listed is retained and distribution is for noncommercial purposes only. For additional information contact the ADRC at (920)448-4300. w:communityresources\mentalhealth&aoda\aodatreatment providersnetwork 3/2013 18
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