PRIVATE CLIENT INSIGHT VOL. 15, ISSUE 4/WINTER 2014 Market Commentary W. Moultrie Dotterer, CFA The Correction That Never Was Managing Director Equity Strategy (804) 780-3279 [email protected] Regular Features Inside Cover Snapshot: Research Platform Addition: Morningstar What Others Are Saying Chart Watch Current Buy List BB&T Capital Markets Focus List Sterling Portfolios Special Opportunities Equity Income Leaders SMID Insight 150% Indexed Price Performance Russell 2000 DJ Industrial Average Price (Indexed to 0) NASDAQ Composite Index S&P 500 125% 100% 75% 50% 25% 0% -25% -50% -75% 2005 2006 Established in 1893 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Source: FactSet Prices Member FINRA/SIPC FOR R E Q UIR E D DI SC L OS UR E S , I N CL U D I N G A NA LY S T CE R T IF ICA T IO N , P LE A S E R E FE R TO T HE IMP OR TA N T D IS CL O S U R E S SE C TIO N TH A T B E GI N S O N P A GE 1 7 O F T HI S R E POR T RESEARCH Source: Morningstar 2 | Private Client Insight PLATFORM ADDITION: MORNINGSTAR MARKET COMMENTARY The Correction That Never Was As we wrote about in last quarter’s Private Client Insight, we were worried about trajectory of the market and the potential for a correction as the pause that refreshes. Well, we got it! From the peak on 9/9/14 (2,010) to the trough on 10/16/14 (1,863), the S&P 500 pulled back 7.3%. However, the rebound has been swift. We are now hitting new highs just two weeks after the trough. It now seems like “the correction that never was.” During the selloff, a number of events combined to create the volatility that led to the selloff. Short-term events include the rallying dollar, commodity selloffs, Ukraine and Middle East tensions, Ebola pandemic fears, and European and Chinese economy slowdown worries. We are left to conclude that investors determined that these issues weren’t enough to dissuade them from continuing to purchase equities. The long-term events for which investors seem to be positioning portfolios are the end of The Fed’s quantitative easing program and the potential for the increase in the Fed fund’s rate. The ideal scenario is The Fed being able to manage monetary policy at just the right pace to allow the economy to accelerate and inflation to remain in check. As we look out to 2015, the S&P 500 is trading at 15.5x earnings—which is reasonable, in our view. Source: BLS, Credit Suisse Source: Federal Reserve, Credit Suisse Ok, it’s official. The Fed ended the quantitative easing program at the end of October. Obviously the market had priced it in. The language from the minutes of the meeting was encouraging: “The Committee judges that there has been a substantial improvement in the outlook for the labor market since the inception of its current asset purchase program. Moreover, the Committee continues to see sufficient underlying strength in the broader economy to support ongoing progress toward maximum employment in a context of price stability.” The cumulative impact of the three quantitative easing programs is the injection of $4.5 trillion of liquidity into the monetary system since November 2008. Going forward, the question is, when will The Fed will start raising interest rates. The language in the minutes still uses “considerable time” for increases to begin. Most economists expect that The Fed will start to increase interest rates sometime in mid-2015. Two trends to note are the decline in the price of oil and the strengthening of the US dollar. They are related, since the price of oil is priced in US dollars. As the dollar strengthens, those buying oil in foreign currencies see the price of oil go up. Moreover, the “buy oil on the weakening dollar” trade has been unwinding, and there may be more to go on the downside. We see a number of implications from this dynamic. First, a strong dollar negatively impacts the revenue of US-based multinational companies as their goods become more expensive to purchasers using foreign currency. There is also a negative accounting translation impact as US companies convert foreign earnings back to dollars. For the former, it is very tough to quantify the impact since you can’t determine who forgoes the purchase of products priced in dollars. For the latter, most investors look through the impact Volume 15, Issue 4 | 3 MARKET since it is an accounting convention and look at sales in local currency to determine if sales are growing. The impact of oil is bad for most oil and gas investors but good for the consumer and companies with oil as an input cost. For example, airlines benefit since fuel costs are 30%–40% of total costs. The impact on the large integrated oils is muted by the fact that most have oil refining operations (input cost) and retail gas sales where demand could improve. For the consumer, the price of gas has a positive impact since oil is anywhere from 2.5% to 12.7% of the total household budget. The economists at Credit Suisse estimate that every $10/barrel drop in the price of oil frees up $33B in household income. With the results of the much-anticipated election, we thought it might be interesting to look at the potential impacts for investors. One potential outcome would be for the Keystone Pipeline project to be approved. According to JP Morgan, the ACA will Source: FactSet 4 | Private Client Insight COMMENTARY stay mostly intact, although a Republican Congress will likely look to change pieces of it, such as “risk corridors” (providing federal money to health insurers to cover heavy claims costs) and the med tech tax (which may be repealed). The employer mandate that goes into effect at the end of the year could be overturned or modified. Both sides are pushing for immigration reform, but this may get pushed to the 2016 presidential election. Tax reform, always an unknown, could be pushed both at the individual and corporate level. Corporate tax reform seems to demand more attention given the pursuit of tax inversion deals to take advantage of lower taxes in other countries. Other issues that could be brought to the forefront would be Fannie/Freddie reforms, debt reduction plans, trade reform, and tweaks to the Dodd Frank financial reform. Beyond all that, will the market do better if Republicans control both Houses of Congress? If history is a guide, yes. According to Standard & Poor’s, equity returns were 10.1% when Republicans controlled both Houses going back to 1945. Third-quarter corporate earnings are concluding, and overall the results have been positive. As of the end of October, 73% of the companies in the S&P 500 have reported earnings. Seventy eight percent have reported earnings that exceeded analyst expectations. Not only is this percentage higher than average, but it is also the highest since Q2’10, according to FactSet. Earnings are up 7.3% over the third quarter of 2013. However, estimates for Q4 have been coming down. Thus far, 46 companies have cut guidance for the quarter while 18 have raised it. The growth forecast for the fourth quarter now stands at 5.2%. For 2015, the best growth is expected to come from the consumer discretionary and the materials sectors while the weakest growth is coming from energy and utilities. FEATURE What Others are Saying QE3 is very likely to end as planned with a final $15B taper on October 29. For its forward guidance, the Committee may choose to keep its “considerable time” language, but we wouldn’t be surprised to see new wording that would still give the Fed a great deal of latitude. Weak (but not disastrous) global growth seems an unlikely reason for the Fed to delay, in our view. US growth has been steady and not very sensitive to global shocks. Also, we expect faster wage growth by the middle of next year. Lower oil prices also help the outlook for US households. On the other hand, short-term downside risks to US inflation are re-emerging. And unquantifiable risks—such as Ebola panic and geopolitical concerns—are worth considering. This volatile mix of factors has disrupted financial markets, but a resilient US labor market, rising wages, and improving household cash flows may trump global concerns, soft inflation, and the “known unknowns.” James Sweeney, Economics Research, Credit Suisse, 10/21/14 We now expect the Federal Reserve to hike rates by 25 bps in the second quarter of next year, most likely in June, with the IOER rate and the top of the fed funds target range reaching 1.25% by year end. Furthermore, we think the words “considerable time” will disappear in the October FOMC statement, as QE ends. In forecasting a June hike, our expectation for the first hike moves closer to the market’s expectation, but we think the pace of hikes will be faster once tightening begins. Caution on early hikes has seemed warranted for several reasons. First, we have expected momentum in US growth to slow somewhat. Second, we have expected financial conditions to tighten via rising five- to ten-year interest rates. Third, core inflation data are running well below 2%. Fourth, we acknowledge that there are many more surprise events that can push the first hike out later than there are events that can make it come sooner. Economic Research Department, Credit Suisse, 10/03/14 Despite flagging the deterioration in crude market fundamentals since early August, oil prices have fallen faster and further than we have anticipated in recent weeks. We retain the view that the seasonal uptick in refinery runs ahead of the northern hemisphere winter should help tighten crude markets. However, while cash margins are positive, they are not particularly strong. Moreover, forward margins remain lackluster in both Europe and Singapore. Thus, the incentive to ramp-up runs aggressively remains capped at this point in time. Moreover, increased competition between suppliers of crude from the Middle East Gulf and West Africa in Asia, as witnessed by a sharpening of OSP (official selling price) differentials by key OPEC producers to preserve market share, has contributed to the increasingly bearish outlook for markets. David Martin, Global Commodities Research, JP Morgan, 10/17/14 Dollar cycles tend to last eight years, implying another five years to run (and bull markets have seen the dollar TWI rise by c50% on average, compared with 21% so far). We think we are in a secular bull market for the dollar owing to: a sharp improvement in the US current account; more advanced private sector deleveraging than elsewhere, implying that the US can withstand higher real rates; strong FDI inflows (due to the cheapness of the US as a manufacturing base); and, tactically, as the US is the only region where consensus GDP growth is still being revised up, with GDP 7% above previous peak (much more than Europe & Japan). Real rates and PMIs point to €/$1.20 but further out, we think the euro might have to weaken another 10% to generate the inflation the ECB needs. We see downside risk to both sterling (PPP according to the OECD is £/$1.44) and the yen (our FX team forecast $/¥118 on a 12-month view). Andrew Garthwaite, Equity Strategy, Credit Suisse, 10/14/14 Through stomach-churning swings in financial markets this week we maintain our key near-term view: that a material upturn in global growth started in September. This view rests on the large disconnect between global factory output, which stalled in the six months through August, and our proxy for global final goods demand, which appears to have expanded at a solid pace over the same period. The alignment of output to demand should by itself produce a material acceleration in the manufacturing sector, one that also realigns output with the signal being sent by our global manufacturing PMI. We expect next week’s flash October reading to move down modestly from its elevated September level but still point to output gains around a 3.5% annualized pace. Importantly, this momentum swing should be amplified by the boost to final demand from the sharp drop in commodity prices, which could see global consumer goods spending expanding near a robust 5% annualized pace through the current quarter. Bruce Kasman, Economic Research, JP Morgan, 10/17/14 Volume 15, Issue 4 | 5 FEATURE Chart Watch AVERAGE PERFORMANCE OF EQUITIES BASED ON MONTHLY INTEREST-RATE CHANGES This analysis examines how stocks performed in various interest-rate environments. Stocks were divided into four buckets based on the size of their dividend yield. For example, stocks in the Highest 30% group are stocks with dividend yields in the top 30% of the dividend companies. Monthly changes in the interest rate were tracked since July 1927, then ranked based on direction and magnitude. Periods of rising rates were defined as the top 20% of all 1,037 months. Neutral rates were defined as the middle 60%, and falling rates as the bottom 20%. 6 | Private Client Insight Returns during the different periods are calculated by averaging the monthly returns and annualizing the monthly average. For example, in the risinginterest-rate period, the returns of nodividend stocks in the top 20% of months were averaged and then annualized to get a 6.6%. This analysis is only hypothetical and is not intended to follow stocks over long performance periods. Instead, it is based on monthly changes in interest rates to show the impact of large interest-rate changes on stock prices and is not indicative of longterm trends. bonds (they pay consistent income). When interest rates go up, new bonds are issued that pay the newer, higher rates, and investors may choose to sell their dividend stocks and buy bonds, to try and preserve income while potentially assuming lower risk. On the flip side, however, high-dividend stocks posted the highest returns during periods of neutral and falling rates, as well as for the full time period analyzed. Stocks with higher dividends, while sensitive to interest rates in the short term, delivered the highest month-to-month returns among all equities over the long term. Dividend stocks were the worst performing during rising interest rates, because they tend to be more similar to —Morningstar FEATURE Current Buy List The goal of the Current Buy List is to utilize the multiple sources of research to which we have access, including our inhouse BB&T Capital Markets research, JPMorgan, Credit Suisse, Morningstar, Inc., industry conferences, the extensive information in business publications, and the information available on the Internet. Just among our three primary research sources (BB&TCM, JPMorgan, and Credit Suisse), hundreds of stocks are recommended for purchase. As independent, experienced analysts, we add value by focusing investors on stocks that look attractive on a near- to intermediate-term basis. The impetus of our stock recommendations is to give new ideas to clients to potentially add to existing portfolios. With so many names to consider, part of the process is to quantitatively screen the universe of stocks for attributes such as value, yield, capitalization, growth, etc. The next step is basic fundamental analysis using a bottom-up approach that considers industry trends, company specifics such as earnings, balance sheet, cash flow, management, valuation, and near-term catalysts. For inclusion on the list, a stock must be covered by at least one of our three primary resources (BB&TCM, JPMorgan, and Credit Suisse). Should there be a loss of coverage, the stock will be removed from the Current Buy List once a replacement is found. Stocks may be removed and replaced at the discretion of the Equity Strategy Group for reasons such as capital appreciation, weak fundamentals, or better perceived upside in other stocks. The Large-Cap/Blue Chip category will focus on valuation opportunities in stocks that are widely recognized by investors. The Yield category will focus on high current yield and/or the potential for rising dividends, and the Small/Midcap/Aggressive category will focus on valuation opportunities within the higher-risk, higher-return potential area. There will be no more than five stocks in each category. ADDITIONS TO THE LIST With the continued weak oil price outlook, we are using the market pullback to swap Chevron (CVX) with the less commodity-sensitive Williams Companies (WMB). About 70% of WMB’s earnings is from fee-based businesses. Williams Cos. is the general partner and a holding company that owns two major LP companies, Access Midstream Partners (ACMP) and Williams Partners (WPZ). Together they move about 10% of the natural gas in the US. WMB also processes and refines natural gas liquids, a major feedstock for petrochemical plants that is refined to make everything from plastic to carpet. It is an infrastructure company that moves these products up and down the Eastern Seaboard and from the Midwest to the West. In addition, WMB has oil pipelines going from the deepwater Gulf of Mexico to onshore, as well as operations in Canada and assets in LNG that will eventually be an export market. The crown jewel is its assets in the Marcellus Shale, which is the most prolific shale play in the US. WMB dominates this shale play and is building out assets to capitalize. As a general partner, there is no K-1 for investors (just 1099s). The dividend yield and dividend growth potential is attractive. The current yield is more than 4.0%. Also, management just increased the dividend by 32% based on the acquisition of a controlling interest in Access Midstream Partners, and it has laid out a timeline for dividend increases: $1.96 for 2014, $2.46 for 2015, $2.82 in 2016, and $3.25 in 2017. We take this as a sign of management’s confidence in the outlook. Doing the math, that is a 45% increase from the current $2.24 (latest quarter annualized). If an investor bought the stock today in the mid-$50s, the yield in three years would be close to 6.0%— not to mention the potential for share price appreciation. The consensus price target is $64, which is 15% upside— basically 20% total return potential over the next 12 months without taking significant risk, in our opinion. We are playing contrarian and adding REIT Plum Creek Timber (PCL) to the Current Buy List. The stock is down 25% from its high of $54 reached in mid2013, and PCL has underperformed its peers, including REITs and paper companies. So expectations are low, and we think there is more upside potential than downside risk. With sluggish housing start numbers, saw log prices have remained at recession levels in the South. In Q2 management announced the withholding of some tree harvest until pricing gets better. So the stock and earnings have come down. For dividend investors, this is an opportunity for a 4.3% yield. Management raised the dividend in 2013 for the first time since the recession and, remarkably, it did not have to cut it during the Great Recession. Owning timber lands and real estate acreage has proved to be a stable source of cash flow for PCL. PCL owns 6.8M acres of timberlands in the US with 1.1M acres held for higher and better use purposes (i.e., real estate sales), development, and conservation. In addition, PCL has a wood manufacturing division and natural resources assets (land with gravel, sand, and other aggregates). Of the five operating divisions, Southern timber is the largest, followed by manufacturing. Key investment considerations: (1) Management has ample cash flow to pay the dividend at the current level and potentially increase as log prices recover. PCL increased the dividend 5% in 2013 to the current annual rate of $1.76/sh. Last year, PCL generated $350M in free cash flow (operating cash flow less capital expenditures) and paid $290M in dividends. JP Morgan is Volume 15, Issue 4 | 7 FEATURE modeling $353M in free cash flow this year with the dividend at $312M. PCL paid $1.68/sh in 2007 and maintained it until the 2013 increase. (2) Dividends are taxed as long-term capital gains and not ordinary income. Since 2006, 100% of PCL’s dividend has been taxed at the long-term capital gains rate. Plum Creek derives substantially all of its operating income from the sale of timber under pay-as-cut contracts; income from them is treated as a long-term capital gain. So this might be a good idea for investors in high-income tax brackets. (3) The beauty of owning timber is that the sun and rain grow your assets for free! The South is the biggest region and log prices have remained low, although pulp wood has recovered. Other divisions are growing, such as manufacturing, Northern timber (prices are strong in the Pacific Northwest), and energy and natural resources. Another potential growth area is fuel pellets, which are harvested from pulp wood trees, especially with Europe moving away from coal to generate electricity. (4) Housing starts have recovered but still remain below the normalized levels since the early 1990s. A return to normalized levels will likely firm up timber pricing in the South. (5) Balance sheet and earnings. As mentioned, management guided down expectations for this year so consensus is for earnings of $1.15 (vs $1.36 in 2013) and $1.46 for 2015. Long-term debt is 64% of total capitalization and S&P has an investment-grade rating of BBB. REMOVALS FROM THE LIST We removed ABB Limited (ABB). ABB has been on the list since October 2006 and delivered a total return of 97%, which is above the S&P 500 total return of 74% during the same time period. We are moving to the sidelines on Chevron Corp (CVX), which has been on the list since December 2010. On a total return basis, the stock was up 43% versus 65% for the S&P 500 during the same time period. The price of oil has broken down with a rising dollar and worries of about slowing economic growth. Therefore, we think it is going to be tough going for the major oils. Disclosures: BB&T Corporation, parent company of BB&T Securities, owns shares of ABB; AT&T; Williams; ConocoPhillips; Health Care REIT; Intel; JP Morgan; Nucor; PepsiCo; UDR, Inc.; and Zimmer. EQUITY STRATEGY Current Buy List W. Moultrie Dotterer, CFA 804-780-3279 Return Consensus Earnings Date Price Price Since Price Ticker Added Added 10/29/14 Add. Target Large Cap/Blue Chip ConocoPhillips Intel Corp Pepsico Williams Cos Zimmer Holdings COP INTC PEP WMB ZMH 5/24/12 $52.14 $70.22 34.7% $88 $ 5.89 $ 8/30/07 $24.91 $33.74 35.4% $35 $ 2.24 $ 1/12/09 $52.66 $95.26 80.9% $100 $ 10/20/14 $52.00 $55.70 7.1% $64 8/27/10 $48.01 $108.15 125.3% Yield AT&T Inc. General Electric Health Care REIT JP Morgan Kinder Morgan MLP T GE HCN JPM KMP 1/14/13 $34.16 $34.40 2/21/12 $19.41 $25.66 4/8/14 $60.34 $69.70 9/19/11 $32.69 7/25/13 Small/Mid Cap/Aggressive Delta Air Lines DAL Freeport McMoran FCX Nucor NUE Plum Creek Timber PCL UDR, Inc. UDR Mkt 13 to 14 14 to 15 2014E 2015E P/E Ratio Ind. Cap Div. (Bil) Yield Salient Points (catalysts, fundamentals) Growth Growth 2014 2015 5.55 3% -6% 11.9x 12.7x 86.3 4.1% Oil and natural gas liquids 2.39 19% 6% 15.1x 14.1x 167.0 2.7% New chip cycle, corporate upgrades 4.61 $ 4.92 5% 7% 20.7x 19.4x 142.6 2.8% Global brands and growth $ 0.94 $ 1.42 16% 52% nmf nmf 41.6 4.0% Yield and growth $122 $ 6.06 $ 6.64 5% 10% 17.9x 16.3x 18.3 0.8% Demographics, cash flow 0.7% $36 $ 2.57 $ 2.61 3% 2% 13.4x 13.2x 178.4 5.3% Growth in data, free cash flow 32.2% $29 $ 1.68 $ 1.81 2% 8% 15.3x 14.2x 257.5 3.4% Energy exposure, dividend growth 15.5% $69 $ 4.13 $ 4.37 21% 6% 16.9x 16.0x 22.6 4.6% Aging of population $59.63 82.4% $67 $ 5.47 $ 5.96 26% 9% 10.9x 10.0x 224.3 2.7% Valuation, LT growth potential $85.82 $94.26 9.8% $100 $ 2.66 $ 2.62 10% -2% nmf nmf 30.8 6.0% Growing yield, management 5/17/13 $18.54 $39.84 114.9% $53 $ 3.25 $ 4.04 3% 25% 12.3x 9.9x 33.3 0.9% Profitability, fewer players, balance sheet 10/16/12 $40.55 $29.03 -28.4% $38 $ 2.24 $ 2.50 -20% 11% 13.0x 11.6x 30.2 4.3% China and Asia growth 3/3/11 $47.97 $53.42 11.4% $58 $ 2.23 $ 3.48 50% 56% 24.0x 15.4x 17.0 2.8% Return to cylical growth 9/8/14 $41.12 $40.03 -2.7% $43 $ 1.16 $ 1.34 -17% 16% 34.6x 29.9x 7.0 4.4% Yield, improving housing starts 1/10/14 $23.56 $29.54 25.4% $31 $ 1.54 $ 1.63 8% 6% 19.2x 18.1x 7.5 3.5% Contrarian, yield This information should not be used as the primary basis for investment decisions nor should it be construed as advice since it may not consider the individual needs of the investor, and as such should not be considered an investment recommendation by BB&T Scott & Stringfellow or BB&T Capital Markets. While the information above is from sources that we believe to be reliable, we do not guarantee their accuracy or completeness. Additional information available upon request. Price targets and estimates based on consensus data from FactSet or from our research correspondents. Securities and insurance products or annuities sold, offered or recommended by BB&T Scott & Stringfellow are not a deposit, not FDIC insured, not guaranteed by a bank, not guaranteed by any federal government agency and may lose value. 8 | Private Client Insight FEATURE BB&T Capital Markets Focus List We are initiating coverage of lululemon athletica inc. (LULU) with a Buy rating and $50 price target. After a challenging year and a half for the company, we think lulu is poised to stabilize results. We expect gradual near-term improvement due to new merchandising and design strategies, new traffic-driving initiatives, and better public sentiment toward the brand. lulu's significant long-term growth potential should also limit downside, creating a positive risk/reward. We expect lululemon's comp sales trends to gradually stabilize and improve in coming quarters due to four key factors: (1) new CEO Laurent Potdevin and CPO (chief product officer) Tara Poseley are working to deliver a better product assortment over H2'14, with an improved product mix in Q3 and better styles in Q4; (2) a successful Summer/Fall transition delivery in July bodes well for the product strategy; (3) public sentiment toward lulu has improved since last year's negative PR issues; and (4) new traffic-driving initiatives coming in Q4 should help get more customers into stores and onto lulu's website, supporting comps. Longterm growth potential is still outstanding. lulu still boasts one of the longest and most compelling growth runways in specialty retail. The company can still nearly double US store count, and it is beginning to roll out new stores in Europe and Asia, each of which should add to lulu's growth potential. A new goto-market strategy should support margins as the merchandising/design organization and supply chain become more efficient and effective. Lastly, we believe ivivva and men's present additional long-term growth opportunities. We think the bear case concerns about lululemon are overstated. Multiple measures of brand sentiment (General Sentiment scores, Google Trends, and Facebook comments) show that the public's perception of lulu bottomed in November 2013 but has been gradually improving since. Further, lulu's connection with its customers should continue to improve as the company works to improve its image directly (through grass-roots marketing and customer engagement) and indirectly (through ongoing efforts to improve quality assurance). We also view the threat of competition as overstated. We think lulu's high quality and store environment differentiate it from most of its competitors, and we estimate that the negative impact of Athleta (lulu's most direct imitator) on lulu's comps amounts to only ~1%. Our $50 price target is based on a 23.0x P/E multiple using our FY'15 EPS estimates. This reflects a premium to the specialty retail group average of 15.0x, but we think a premium is warranted given lulu's best-in-class square footage growth and long-term growth potential. We also believe that 23.0x is also undervalued relative to lulu's historic average, and versus a group of other high-growth consumer companies. While we believe lulu should trade at a discount to the high-growth peer set, as recent results have been soft, we think a stabilization in comps will result in upward earnings revisions and multiple appreciation. We have been recommending Clarcor (CLC) for a number of reasons, including the stronger recent trucking trends and compelling acquisitions, and more recently its limited international/forex exposure and its tendency to outperform bad markets (this is happening again—it remains our best performer since industrials peaked in June). The company has built a significant oil & gas franchise, however, which we still view as underappreciated by the Street, so that warrants some discussion given the carnage in energy stocks. We see little risk from sub-$80 oil as CLC's mix is ~4% oil and 96% nat gas/aviation fuel, and there appears to be a multiyear growth story here. CLC pulled back from its recent highs as industrials sold off sharply, but it continues to outperform this challenging market. In fact, the Industrial index is -8% since peaking on 6/9/14, and our coverage is -13% during that period with CLC the only gainer at +1%. We have noted that CLC has historically outperformed in challenging markets. The overriding investor concerns about international growth, forex rates, and oil are well documented at this point, so we think it makes sense to continue favoring names such as CLC and Mueller Water Products (MWA$8.76-Buy), the #2 performer in our coverage since 6/9, that have little international exposure (CLC is ~70% US with only ~9%/4% in Europe/China; MWA is essentially all NorAm with only ~4% Europe). However, CLC does have an oil & gas filtration franchise that has been growing nicely and now represents ~22% of legacy CLC FY'14E sales and 18% of total sales including the recent acquisitions. This aspect of the story is still underappreciated by the Street, in our view. So given the carnage in all things oil & gas, should investors be concerned about this piece of CLC rolling over? We don't think so. Dycom (DY) could double earnings when the 1GB cycle starts. We have analyzed potential spending from a number of providers, including AT&T, CenturyLink, Comcast, Google, and Time Warner (~55% of revenue last quarter). On an annual basis, 1GB spending from these customers could add incremental EPS of $1.25. Over the coming years, we believe that telecom and cable providers, and perhaps new industry entrants (Google), will make significant investments in wireline networks in order to provision 1GB to the home speeds. Some announcements have already been made. AT&T could potentially target 100 cities, Google 34, and CenturyLink 16. This likely represents a fraction of the total opportunity this cycle and we would expect additional announcements over the coming quarters (particularly from Comcast/Time Warner)…. Dycom is by far the largest wireline contractor in the Volume 15, Issue 4 | 9 FEATURE US. The company generates ~$1.5B annually from wireline construction. Dycom constructed ~25% of Verizon's FiOS network, but it is a larger company today. In 2012, Dycom bought the #2 player in wireline construction, ten subsidiaries of Quanta Services (PWR$33.71-Buy). We are assuming that Dycom has one-third market share this cycle…. For now, the 1GB cycle largely remains in the planning/engineering/ permitting phase. This explains why the CEOs of Dycom and MasTec (MTZ$27.48-Buy) are so bullish about the cycle even while their customers have made limited announcements…. As the cycle enters full-scale deployment, we believe that it could add ~$1.25 to annual EPS for Dycom. Currently, we forecast EPS of ~$1.25 in CY'14. Note that we forecast FY'16 EPS of $2. This could be 20% too low if our 1GB projections prove correct. As it relates to Dycom's stock, we continue to recommend that investors buy in now, while there is still some uncertainty/doubt about the coming cycle. EQUITY FOCUS LIST BB&T Capital Markets is a division of BB&T Securities, LLC, member FINRA/SIPC, a wholly owned nonbank subsidiary of BB&T Corporation. The securities sold, offered or recommended are not a deposit, not FDIC insured, not guaranteed by a bank, not guaranteed by any federal government agency and may go down in value. 10 | Private Client Insight STERLING The Sterling Equity Opportunities Group manages the CHOICE portfolios, which are designed to help clients meet their financial goals using equity investments, with an objective of maximizing returns on a risk-adjusted basis. The CHOICE offering consists of six portfolios, two of which are also provided as mutual funds, managed by a team with more than 150 years of combined investment and business experience. Sterling Capital Management now has more than $45B under management. In this publication, the Sterling Team will continue to provide a snapshot of each of the Equity Opportunities Group’s portfolio holdings and highlight at least one recent addition to the portfolios. PORTFOLIO HIGHLIGHT— STERLING SPECIAL OPPORTUNITIES PORTFOLIO PORTFOLIOS intensive care units that handled premature and sick newborns, MEDNAX has acquired many practices over the years and is now the largest practice company in the country with a 25% share (the next closest holds 2% of the market). In 2007, MEDNAX expanded into anesthesiology, another hospital-based specialty (see chart) and continues to grow by acquiring physician practices nationwide. Based on our examination of the company’s growth prospects, the prognosis is healthy. Given that MEDNAX is the market leader and controls only 5% of the potential market, the opportunity to partner with more physician groups appears to be in its early days. In fact, on the company’s last conference call with analysts regarding acquisition opportunities, management stated “the pipeline is very full” and it appears potential transactions are numerous. SunTrust Robinson Humphrey Research characterized the market as “still having plenty of running room” and we agree. The untapped potential in both physician markets should provide a long runway of growth for MEDNAX for years to come. We added the shares of MEDNAX (MD) in Q3. With healthcare costs in the US approaching 18% of GDP and growing at a faster pace than GDP, increasing focus is being directed on controlling healthcare expenditures. At the Morgan Stanley Healthcare Conference last month, experts pointed to an area where the greatest MEDNAX is benefitting from two improvements in quality and costs can be significant trends at the current time. attained—with the physicians making the First, as it relates to volume, the decisions and delivering care. MEDNAX is on the forefront of improving patient outcomes and delivering healthcare in a more efficient manner. Its operating model has proven itself over three decades and is well positioned to take advantage of secular changes occurring in healthcare, namely greater efficiency, better outcomes, and professionally managed physician practices. Conceived by CEO Roger Medel in 1979 to manage and staff hospital-based Source: MEDNAX government is broadening healthcare coverage through the Affordable Care Act. This expansion of payments through Medicaid and subsidized healthcare on insurance exchanges is increasing the pool of covered patients. Second, as it relates to price, Washington is increasing the prices MEDNAX receives on Medicaid patients. Over the past couple of years, the company has benefitted from these price increases as the federal government wants to make sure Medicaid patients are accepted by treating physicians. The net result of these actions should be more profitable coverage of more patients as additional states consider expanding coverage. Based on its unique position to affect healthcare costs and a proven record of delivering on its time-tested operating model, the company appears to be poised to deliver attractive returns by partnering with physician practices in a market where only a small fraction have joined larger, more professional operators. The expansion of healthcare coverage and increasing focus on quality of care also should play to the company’s strengths, providing it with more opportunities to differentiate. Combining these factors together, we look for MEDNAX to birth a healthy return for shareholders. There are no assurances that securities identified will be profitable investments. The securities described are neither a recommendation nor a solicitation. Any implied performance is not indicative of future results and there is no assurance that the transactions in the future will be profitable or will equal the performance of the securities detailed. Security information is being obtained from resources the firm believes to be accurate, but no warrant is made as to the accuracy or completeness of the information. Volume 15, Issue 4 | 11 STERLING PORTFOLIOS Sterling Capital Special Opportunities Portfolio Ticker Price 10/31/14 52-Week Range Mkt Cap EPS (Calendar, $) 13 14E 15E 13 P/E (times) 14E 15E EPS Growth (%) 13 14E 15E Nt Dbt/ ROE Cap (%) (%) Yield (%) (Bil) Financials Capital One Financial CBRE Group Amer Campus Comm* Ryman Hospitality* 13% of Portfolio COF CBG ACC RHP Information Technology Activision Blizzard Akamai Tech Apple Cisco Systems Citrix Systems Check Point eBay Intuit NCR Corp ATVI AKAM AAPL CSCO CTXS CHKP EBAY INTU NCR 19.95 60.30 108.00 24.47 64.23 74.25 52.50 88.01 27.67 MDLZ 35.26 HCA MD MYGN UNH 70.05 62.43 39.49 95.01 CMCSA DISCK DTV F LEN 55.35 34.99 86.79 14.09 43.08 24 64 108 26 73 74 59 88 38 - 17 44 71 20 53 58 48 70 24 39 - 32 73 64 42 95 - 44 51 21 69 57 44 88 18 44 - 47 33 63 14 33 NLSN EXPD JBHT VRSK 42.49 42.66 79.77 62.35 APA COG EOG HAL 77.20 31.10 95.05 55.14 50 46 80 68 - 39 38 70 57 14.3 10.7 633.4 124.8 10.6 14.2 65.2 25.1 4.7 0.94 2.02 5.87 2.04 3.02 3.43 2.71 3.32 2.81 59.6 1.51 - 73 28 78 48 7.62 1.69 2.37 3.78 7.72 1.93 2.49 4.47 1.32 2.42 6.75 2.10 3.23 3.70 2.96 3.07 2.63 1.42 2.77 7.84 2.21 3.68 4.06 3.28 2.99 2.96 1.67 1.87 30.3 6.3 2.9 92.3 3.41 2.78 2.10 5.50 142.6 15.7 43.6 54.6 8.8 2.47 1.52 5.17 1.62 2.20 4.51 3.15 2.15 5.64 5.03 3.47 2.04 6.13 2.95 1.87 5.64 1.12 2.73 3.31 2.22 6.33 1.62 3.27 16.2 8.3 9.3 10.3 2.02 1.68 2.87 2.21 29.5 12.8 52.0 46.7 7.92 0.71 4.11 3.15 2.51 1.85 3.12 2.40 2.77 2.08 3.72 2.71 10 18 7 1 1 14 5 18 42 48 51 63 10 20 9 32 1.4 3.9 4.5 21.2 29.9 18.4 12.0 21.3 21.6 19.4 26.5 9.8 15.1 24.9 16.0 11.6 19.9 20.1 17.8 28.7 10.5 14.1 21.8 13.8 11.1 17.4 18.3 16.0 29.4 9.3 (-20) 12 (-5) 6 5 8 15 8 13 41 20 15 3 7 8 9 (-8) (-6) 7 15 16 5 14 10 11 (-2) 13 1 7 14 59 7 12 34 14 12 19 17 26 27 1.0 1.7 3.1 1.1 - 23.4 21.1 18.9 9 11 12 39 9 1.7 20.5 22.5 18.8 17.3 15.5 19.8 18.3 16.8 13.9 18.0 19.4 15.5 (-8) 15 37 4 32 13 2 3 12 10 (-5) 9 100 6 8 8 13 24 17 1.6 22.4 23.1 16.8 8.7 19.6 18.7 18.8 15.4 12.6 15.8 16.7 15.8 13.7 8.7 13.2 28 18 13 15 (-28) 20 23 9 (-31) 25 12 19 12 45 20 43 50 100 57 47 16 19 24 29 13 1.6 3.5 0.4 21.0 25.4 27.8 28.2 16.9 23.1 25.6 26.0 15.4 20.6 21.5 23.0 8 7 11 5 24 10 9 9 10 12 19 13 51 44 42 7 17 35 59 2.4 1.5 1.0 - 9.7 43.8 23.1 17.5 12.6 31.0 17.6 13.7 14.7 28.8 17.6 11.4 (-16) 115 45 5 (-23) 41 31 28 (-14) 8 (-0) 20 20 32 21 24 5 17 16 23 1.3 0.3 0.7 1.3 20.5x 18.9x 18.2x 17.0x 16.5x 15.7x 12% 6% 12% 11% 11% 9% 31% 29% 19% 15% 1.1% 2.0% 9% of S&P 500 6.11 1.00 5.40 4.03 5.25 1.08 5.39 4.83 Utilities 0% of Portfolio 3% of S&P 500 Telecom Services 0% of Portfolio 2% of S&P 500 2018 - 1742 13 17 16 NMF 10% of S&P 500 3% of S&P 500 2,018 10.7 16.6 15.8 11.0 12% of S&P 500 0% of Portfolio SP50 10.9 18.9 16.6 13.0 14% of S&P 500 Basic Materials Portfolio Average S&P 500 11.9 22.4 17.7 13.2 10% of S&P 500 13% of Portfolio 103 42 118 74 6.96 1.43 2.22 3.74 20% of S&P 500 13% of Portfolio Energy Apache Cabot Oil & Gas EOG Resources Halliburton 46.2 10.6 4.1 2.5 16% of Portfolio Industrials Nielsen Holdings Expeditors Int'l J.B. Hunt Verisk Analytics 69 22 32 37 13% of Portfolio Consumer Discretionary Comcast Discovery Comm DirecTV** Ford Motor Co Lennar Corp - 3% of Portfolio Health Care HCA Holdings** MEDNAX Myriad Genetrics UnitedHealth Group 85 34 40 50 29% of Portfolio Consumer Staples Mondelez Intl 82.77 32.00 39.27 49.35 16% of S&P 500 51.9 37.7 106.66 118.71 128.88 *FFO (calendar) estimates listed rather than EPS **These companies have negative GAAP equity; therefore we substitute Return on Capital for Return on Equity for a more meaningful comparison. Source: FactSet Data as of date stated above Portfolio weights are estimated and exclude cash DISCLOSURES: Past performance is no guarantee of future investing success. Asset allocation or investment timing cannot eliminate the risk of fluctuating prices and uncertain returns. Diversifying DISCLOSURES: Past performance is no guarantee of future investing success. Asset allocation or investment timing cannot eliminate the risk of fluctuating prices and uncertain returns. Diversifying investments does not ensure against market loss. This information should not be used as the primary basis for investment decisions nor should it be construed as advice since it may not consider the individual needs of risk tolerances of the investor. The actual characteristics with respect to any individual client portfolio may vary, but the information shown is generally representative of a typical portfolio. The information included herein may be from outside sources that are believed to be reliable, but no verification of that information has been performed. Individual investors cannot directly purchase an index. The S&P 500 is an unmanaged, weighted index of 500 stocks providing a broad indicator of price movements. Holdings, portfolio characteristics, top sectors and current style are subject to change. Specific securities identified and described do not represent all of the securities purchased, sold or recommended to clients. There are no assurances that securities identified will be profitable investments. The securities described are neither a recommendation nor a solicitation. Any implied performance is not indicative of future results and there is no assurance that the transactions in the future will be profitable or will equal the performance of the securities detailed. Security information is being obtained from resources the firm believes to be accurate, but no warrant is made as to the accuracy or completeness of the information. Any additional supporting information is available upon request. 12 | Private Client Insight STERLING PORTFOLIOS Sterling Capital Equity Income Portfolio Price Ticker 10/31/14 52-Week Range Mkt Cap EPS (Calendar, $) 13 14E 15E 13 P/E (times) 14E 15E EPS Growth (%) 13 14E 15E Nt Dbt/ ROE Cap (%) (%) Yield (%) 5Yr Div CAGR(%) (Bil) Financials Metlife 4% of Portfolio MET Information Technology Accenture Maxim Microsoft Qualcomm ACN MXIM MSFT QCOM 81.12 29.34 46.95 78.51 GIS PEP PM UL 51.96 96.17 89.01 40.23 ABT ABBV BAX NVS PFE WLP 43.59 63.46 70.14 92.69 29.95 126.69 MAT MCD OMC PSO TWC 73 26 35 67 66.2 8.3 387.0 131.6 56 96 92 46 - 47 77 75 38 44 63 77 95 33 127 - 36 46 65 77 28 84 31.07 93.73 71.86 18.75 147.21 48 104 76 22 155 - 29 90 65 17 118 GE UPS 25.81 104.91 CVX ESV KMI OXY SE 119.95 40.59 38.70 88.93 39.13 28 - 24 105 - 94 - 109 37 31 85 33 4.31 1.69 2.61 4.71 31.4 143.9 138.3 51.4 2.77 4.37 5.40 2.20 65.5 95.7 38.0 224.2 189.9 34.2 2.01 3.14 4.86 5.06 2.22 8.52 6.06 4.62 1.51 2.66 5.39 4.97 1.61 2.92 5.67 2.90 4.61 5.08 2.06 3.07 4.92 5.20 2.23 2.26 3.24 4.90 5.26 2.25 8.83 2.35 4.09 4.78 5.78 2.23 9.38 10.5 92.0 17.8 15.2 41.3 2.58 5.55 3.84 1.16 6.61 1.97 5.04 4.21 1.04 7.64 2.17 5.63 4.59 1.22 8.30 259.0 95.8 1.64 4.57 227.8 9.5 39.8 69.3 26.3 11.09 6.09 1.15 6.95 1.64 1.68 4.96 1.80 5.70 10.08 6.01 1.24 6.44 1.53 9.75 5.27 1.15 5.78 1.57 Utilities 0% of Portfolio 3% of S&P 500 Telecom Services 4% of Portfolio 2% of S&P 500 52 - 46 7 2 6 18 10 2.6 13.6 18.8 17.3 18.0 16.7 17.5 19.4 17.6 14.6 16.3 18.2 16.1 13.8 9 1 (-3) 20 7 (-11) 2 14 7 6 10 5 - 55 15 25 19 2.5 3.8 2.6 2.1 22.2 7.0 19.9 22.9 18.8 22.0 16.5 18.3 17.9 20.9 17.5 19.5 16.9 19.6 17.1 18.1 5 7 3 5 5 5 (-6) (-6) 6 7 2 8 55 35 100 34 26 30 56 32 3.2 2.7 4.5 3.7 13.8 9.7 21.0 8.5 21.7 20.2 14.4 18.3 13.5 14.9 19.3 19.6 14.3 17.6 13.3 14.3 18.6 15.5 14.7 16.0 13.4 13.5 14 (-6) 7 (-4) 1 13 12 3 1 4 1 4 4 26 (-2) 10 (-1) 6 1 23 41 10 3 33 9 95 24 15 13 10 2.0 3.1 3.0 2.5 3.5 1.4 10.2 NA 17.9 12.4 (4.1) NA 12.0 16.9 18.7 16.2 22.3 15.8 18.6 17.1 18.0 19.3 14.3 16.7 15.7 15.4 17.7 4 4 6 (-15) 15 (-24) (-9) 10 (-10) 16 10 12 9 17 9 36 37 43 26 74 23 35 33 5 28 4.9 3.6 2.8 4.3 2.0 15.2 15.9 27.2 5.9 NA 15.7 23.0 15.4 21.1 14.3 18.4 8 1 2 9 8 15 57 42 12 79 3.4 2.6 (6.6) 8.3 10.8 6.7 33.7 12.8 23.9 11.9 6.8 31.3 13.8 25.6 12.3 7.7 33.5 15.4 24.9 (-8) 16 64 (-2) 15 (-9) (-1) 8 (-7) (-7) (-3) (-12) (-7) (-10) 3 5 28 74 9 60 14 3 9 14 12 3.6 7.4 4.5 3.2 3.4 17.7 14.4 13.1 22 23 10 82 63 4.4 9% of S&P 500 3% of S&P 500 50.25 9.0 10% of S&P 500 0% of Portfolio VZ 9.5 12% of S&P 500 Basic Materials Verizon 9.6 14% of S&P 500 18% of Portfolio 135 62 42 105 43 5.71 10% of S&P 500 7% of Portfolio Energy ChevronTexaco Ensco PLC Kinder Morgan Occidental Petroleum Spectra Energy - 18% of Portfolio Industrials General Electric United Parcel Service 85 35 48 82 5.63 20% of S&P 500 21% of Portfolio Consumer Discretionary Mattel McDonald's Omnicom Group Pearson Plc Time Warner Cable 60.7 14% of Portfolio Health Care Abbott Laboratories* AbbVie* Baxter Int'l Novartis Pfizer WellPoint 57 - 47 14% of Portfolio Consumer Staples General Mills PepsiCo Phillip Morris Int'l** Unilever 54.24 16% of S&P 500 208.5 2.84 3.50 3.83 Portfolio Average 99.3 17.5x 17.2x 16.3x 7% 1% 6% 33% 27% 3.3% S&P 500 SP50 2,018 2018 - 1742 37.7 106.66 118.71 128.88 18.9x 17.0x 15.7x 6% 11% 9% 29% 15% 2.0% *On January 2, 2013 ABT completed the tax-free separation/distribution of ABBV; combined the two positions currently represent a "full" position in the portfolio. **These companies have negative GAAP equity; therefore we substitute Return on Capital for Return on Equity for a more meaningful comparison. 11.1 100.3 NA 18.9 8.8 4.3 13.7% 11.9% Source: FactSet Data as of date stated above Portfolio weights are estimated and exclude cash DISCLOSURES: Past performance is no guarantee of future investing success. Asset allocation or investment timing cannot eliminate the risk of fluctuating prices and uncertain returns. Diversifying investments does not ensure against market loss. This information should not be used as the primary basis for investment decisions nor should it be construed as advice since it may not consider the individual needs of risk tolerances of the investor. The actual characteristics with respect to any individual client portfolio may vary, but the information shown is generally representative of a typical portfolio. The information included herein may be from outside sources that are believed to be reliable, but no verification of that information has been performed. Individual investors cannot directly purchase an index. The S&P 500 is an unmanaged, weighted index of 500 stocks providing a broad indicator of price movements. Holdings, portfolio characteristics, top sectors and current style are subject to change. Specific securities identified and described do not represent all of the securities purchased, sold or recommended to clients. There are no assurances that securities identified will be profitable investments. The securities described are neither a recommendation nor a solicitation. Any implied performance is not indicative of future results and there is no assurance that the transactions in the future will be profitable or will equal the performance of the securities detailed. Security information is being obtained from resources the firm believes to be accurate, but no warrant is made as to the accuracy or completeness of the information. Any additional supporting information is available upon request. Volume 15, Issue 4 | 13 STERLING PORTFOLIOS Sterling Capital Leaders Portfolio Ticker Price 10/31/14 52-Week Range Mkt Cap EPS (Calendar, $) 13 14E 15E 13 P/E (times) 14E 15E EPS Growth (%) 13 14E 15E Nt Dbt/ ROE Cap (%) (%) Yield (%) (Bil) Financials Citigroup Markel MetLife Och-Ziff* State Street Corp 17% of Portfolio C MKL MET OZM STT 53.53 690.89 54.24 11.02 75.46 DOX GLW GOOGL ORCL MSFT NCR V 47.54 20.43 567.87 39.05 46.95 27.67 241.43 Information Technology Amdocs Corning Google Oracle Microsoft NCR Corp Visa WMT 76.27 ABT BDX HCA PRGO UNH 43.59 128.70 70.05 161.45 95.01 TWC DIS 147.21 91.38 EMR NLSN RSG R 64.06 42.49 38.40 88.47 XOM OXY SLB 96.71 88.93 98.66 AUY 3.98 7.6 26.2 385.2 173.0 387.0 4.7 184.0 2.98 1.23 22.22 2.79 2.61 2.81 7.96 81 - 73 44 130 73 168 95 - 36 105 44 127 69 155 - 118 91 - 67 70 50 40 94 - 59 39 32 64 104 - 90 105 - 85 118 - 86 11 - 4 AES 14.07 16 - 13 2,018 2018 - 1742 5.40 23.47 6.06 1.64 5.38 12.3 36.9 9.6 5.9 16.6 11.3 36.6 9.5 10.2 15.1 9.9 29.4 9.0 6.7 14.0 13 (-21) 7 58 15 8 1 2 (-42) 10 14 24 6 51 8 64 18 100 37 5 4 10 11 10 0.1 2.6 9.0 1.6 3.23 1.47 25.91 2.97 2.66 2.63 9.40 3.47 1.58 30.54 3.18 2.92 2.96 10.81 15.9 16.6 25.6 14.0 18.0 9.8 30.3 14.7 13.9 21.9 13.2 17.6 10.5 25.7 13.7 13.0 18.6 12.3 16.1 9.3 22.3 8 (-5) 13 8 (-3) 13 21 8 19 17 6 2 (-6) 18 7 7 18 7 10 13 15 59 - 13 6 15 24 25 27 20 1.3 2.0 1.2 2.6 0.8 15.0 15.2 14.5 3 (-2) 5 36 21 2.5 21.7 21.7 20.5 26.9 17.3 19.3 20.2 15.5 23.4 16.8 18.6 18.4 13.9 20.4 15.5 (-17) 8 (-8) 13 4 12 8 32 15 3 4 10 12 15 9 1 14 100 20 34 9 19 8 12 17 2.0 1.7 0.3 1.6 22.3 25.2 19.3 20.7 17.7 18.7 15 15 16 22 9 11 74 20 28 17 2.0 0.9 17.9 21.0 19.5 18.1 16.9 16.9 19.8 15.8 15.4 15.4 18.7 13.6 4 8 9 21 6 24 (-1) 14 10 10 6 16 20 51 46 68 24 14 9 15 2.7 2.4 2.9 1.7 13.1 12.8 20.8 13.1 13.8 17.6 14.0 15.4 15.5 (-9) (-2) 14 (-0) (-7) 18 (-6) (-10) 13 8 9 12 20 14 18 2.9 3.2 1.6 11.1 27.9 15.9 (-61) (-60) 75 21 4 1.5 10.9 10.7 9.9 4 2 8 74 2 1.4 18.2x 18.9x 17.4x 15.4x 17.0x 15.7x 5% 6% 5% 11% 13% 9% 31% 29% 15% 15% 1.8% 2.0% 10% of S&P 500 245.8 5.10 65.5 24.7 30.3 21.6 92.3 2.01 5.92 3.41 6.00 5.50 5.01 5.28 14% of S&P 500 2.26 6.37 4.51 6.90 5.64 2.35 7.01 5.03 7.92 6.13 12% of S&P 500 41.3 156.9 6.61 3.62 44.7 16.2 13.7 4.7 3.58 2.02 1.97 4.88 409.6 69.3 127.0 7.37 6.95 4.75 3.5 0.36 7.64 4.41 8.30 4.89 10% of S&P 500 3.79 2.51 1.94 5.58 4.15 2.77 2.05 6.49 9% of S&P 500 7.36 6.44 5.61 6.93 5.78 6.35 3% of S&P 500 0.14 0.25 3% of S&P 500 10.2 0% of Portfolio SP50 4.72 18.85 5.71 1.08 5.00 20% of S&P 500 3% of Portfolio Telecom Services Portfolio Average S&P 500 38 16 504 33 35 24 196 3% of Portfolio Utilities AES Corp - 10% of Portfolio Basic Materials Yamana Gold 49 22 611 43 48 38 241 14% of Portfolio Energy Exxon Mobil Occidental Petroleum Schlumberger LTD 4.36 18.70 5.63 1.87 4.54 7% of Portfolio Industrials Emerson Electric Nielsen Holdings Republic Services Ryder System 162.2 9.7 60.7 5.2 31.7 17% of Portfolio Consumer Discretionary Time Warner Cable Walt Disney 46 529 47 10 63 3% of Portfolio Health Care Abbott Laboratories Becton Dickinson HCA Holdings* Perrigo Co. UnitedHealth Group - 24% of Portfolio Consumer Staples Wal-Mart 55 691 57 16 76 16% of S&P 500 1.29 1.31 1.41 2% of S&P 500 97.0 37.7 106.66 118.71 128.88 *These companies have negative GAAP equity; therefore we substitute Return on Capital for Return on Equity for a more meaningful comparison. Source: FactSet Data as of date stated above Portfolio weights are estimated and exclude cash DISCLOSURES: Past performance is no guarantee of future investing success. Asset allocation or investment timing cannot eliminate the risk of fluctuating prices and uncertain returns. Diversifying investments does not ensure against market loss. This information should not be used as the primary basis for investment decisions nor should it be construed as advice since it may not consider the individual needs of risk tolerances of the investor. The actual characteristics with respect to any individual client portfolio may vary, but the information shown is generally representative of a typical portfolio. The information included herein may be from outside sources that are believed to be reliable, but no verification of that information has been performed. Individual investors cannot directly purchase an index. The S&P 500 is an unmanaged, weighted index of 500 stocks providing a broad indicator of price movements. Holdings, portfolio characteristics, top sectors and current style are subject to change. Specific securities identified and described do not represent all of the securities purchased, sold or recommended to clients. There are no assurances that securities identified will be profitable investments. The securities described are neither a recommendation nor a solicitation. Any implied performance is not indicative of future results and there is no assurance that the transactions in the future will be profitable or will equal the performance of the securities detailed. Security information is being obtained from resources the firm believes to be accurate, but no warrant is made as to the accuracy or completeness of the information. Any additional supporting information is available upon request. 14 | Private Client Insight STERLING PORTFOLIOS Sterling Capital SMID Opportunities Portfolio Ticker Price 10/31/14 52-Week Range Mkt Cap EPS (Calendar, $) 13 14E 15E 13 P/E (times) 14E 15E EPS Growth (%) 13 14E 15E Nt Dbt/ ROE Cap (%) (%) Yield (%) (Bil) Financial Services First Cash Financial Och-Ziff* Portfolio Recovery 12% of Portfolio FCFS OZM PRAA 59.07 11.01 63.92 REITs Amer Campus Comm** Colony Financial ACC CLNY 39.32 22.17 DOX AVGO FFIV FISV GPN NCR 47.44 86.00 123.14 69.40 80.70 27.44 INGR 77.00 ABC VAR 85.71 83.93 PETM 72.59 BLT BCO HCSG R WCN 15.25 20.65 30.12 87.72 49.81 7.5 20.8 8.9 16.7 5.4 4.6 80 - 59 86 - 63 88 - 73 75 - 55 16 36 30 94 50 - 11 20 26 64 40 84.99 36.56 31.74 BLL SMG 63.89 59.46 AES Corp AES 14.00 Portfolio Average Russell 2500 R25 1,100 Materials & Processing 118 - 76 62 - 35 45 - 23 5.7 20.7 5.9 18.5 19.9 10.2 17.5 17.5 6.7 13.2 5 58 40 4 (-42) 6 14 51 33 27 100 13 21 11 20 9.0 - 2.22 1.43 2.37 1.57 2.49 1.77 17.7 15.5 16.6 14.1 15.8 12.5 16 8 7 10 5 12 51 36 9 6 3.6 6.3 2.98 3.18 4.80 2.99 3.93 2.81 3.23 4.93 5.67 3.37 4.48 2.63 3.47 6.43 6.59 3.77 5.03 2.96 15.9 27.0 25.6 23.2 20.6 9.8 14.7 17.4 21.7 20.6 18.0 10.4 13.7 13.4 18.7 18.4 16.1 9.3 8 14 8 17 9 13 8 55 18 13 14 (-6) 7 30 16 12 12 13 49 47 49 59 13 12 20 23 25 27 1.3 1.1 0.1 - 5.05 5.47 6.01 15.2 14.1 12.8 (-9) 8 10 27 15 2.2 25.6 21.0 21.0 20.3 18.7 18.5 17 5 22 4 12 10 18 - 21 24 1.1 - 18.2 16.9 15.8 15 8 7 11 37 1.1 21.3 8.7 37.7 18.0 27.8 16.0 12.7 35.8 15.7 24.8 13.8 10.9 29.7 13.5 22.0 (-18) 3 23 21 16 33 (-31) 5 14 12 16 17 20 16 13 65 26 68 46 6 (0) 18 15 11 1.9 2.3 1.7 1.0 14.7 9.4 20.3 12.9 12.3 16.3 11.3 12.2 12.9 8 40 (-31) 13 (-23) 25 14 0 27 55 48 15 9 NMF 3.2 - 19.5 20.5 16.5 17.9 15.7 16.4 7 32 18 14 5 9 71 43 44 22 0.8 3.0 12% of Russell 2500 19.0 8.7 3.35 4.00 4.09 4.14 4.58 4.54 15% of Russell 2500 7.2 3.98 0.8 1.0 2.1 4.6 6.2 0.72 2.37 0.80 4.88 1.79 4.31 4.60 15% of Russell 2500 0.95 1.63 0.84 5.58 2.01 1.10 1.90 1.01 6.49 2.27 6% of Russell 2500 9.2 2.3 4.3 5.80 3.87 1.56 8.8 3.6 3.28 2.90 16 - 13 10.1 1.29 1.31 1.41 10.9 10.7 9.9 4 2 7 74 12 1.4 1144 - 1006 6.7 3.9 54.54 58.03 64.84 18.8x 20.2x 17.1x 19.0x 15.0x 17.0x 13% 10% 8% 6% 15% 12% 38% 30% 17% 11% 1.6% 1.3% 8% of Portfolio Utilities 3.37 1.64 4.84 2% of Russell 2500 12% of Portfolio HP ROSE NFX Ball Corp Scotts Miracle-Gro 38 43 79 52 60 24 19% of Portfolio Energy Helmerich & Payne Rosetta Resources Newfield Exploration - 4% of Portfolio Producer Durables Blount International The Brink's Co Healthcare Services Gp Ryder Systems Waste Connections 49 90 128 69 81 38 2.97 1.08 3.65 12% of Russell 2500 8% of Portfolio Consumer Discretionary PetSmart 4.1 2.4 4% of Portfolio Health Care AmerisourceBergen Varian Medical 40 - 32 23 - 20 2.86 1.87 3.45 8% of Russell 2500 23% of Portfolio Consumer Staples Ingredion 1.7 5.2 3.2 8% of Portfolio Technology Amdocs Avago Technologies F5 Networks Fiserv Global Payments NCR Corp 64 - 48 16 - 10 64 - 48 16% of Russell 2500 68 - 48 63 - 53 6.58 2.98 1.95 7.51 2.99 2.46 8% of Russell 2500 4% of Portfolio 3.87 3.32 4.07 3.62 6% of Russell 2500 *These companies have negative GAAP equity; therefore we substitute Return on Capital for Return on Equity for a more meaningful comparison. **FFO (calendar) estimates listed rather than EPS Source: FactSet Data as of date stated above Portfolio weights are estimated and exclude cash DISCLOSURES: Past performance is no guarantee of future investing success. Asset allocation or investment timing cannot eliminate the risk of fluctuating prices and uncertain returns. Diversifying investments does not ensure against market loss. This information should not be used as the primary basis for investment decisions nor should it be construed as advice since it may not consider the individual needs of risk tolerances of the investor. The actual characteristics with respect to any individual client portfolio may vary, but the information shown is generally representative of a typical portfolio. The information included herein may be from outside sources that are believed to be reliable, but no verification of that information has been performed. Individual investors cannot directly purchase an index. The S&P 500 is an unmanaged, weighted index of 500 stocks providing a broad indicator of price movements. Holdings, portfolio characteristics, top sectors and current style are subject to change. Specific securities identified and described do not represent all of the securities purchased, sold or recommended to clients. There are no assurances that securities identified will be profitable investments. The securities described are neither a recommendation nor a solicitation. Any implied performance is not indicative of future results and there is no assurance that the transactions in the future will be profitable or will equal the performance of the securities detailed. Security information is being obtained from resources the firm believes to be accurate, but no warrant is made as to the accuracy or completeness of the information. Any additional supporting information is available upon request. Volume 15, Issue 4 | 15 STERLING PORTFOLIOS Sterling Capital Insight Portfolio Ticker Price 10/31/14 52-Week Range Mkt Cap EPS (Calendar, $) 13 14E 15E 13 P/E (times) 14E 15E EPS Growth (%) 13 14E 15E Nt Dbt/ ROE Cap (%) (%) Yield (%) (Bil) Financials Aon Franklin Resources GEO Group* Loews 15% of Portfolio AON BEN GEO L Information Technology Activision Blizzard Apple Cisco eBay Google Oracle Visa ATVI AAPL CSCO EBAY GOOG ORCL V 19.95 108.00 24.47 52.50 559.08 39.05 241.43 DEO 117.97 AET CFN 82.51 57.37 ALV CCL CMCSA DISCK DLTR GPC 91.74 40.15 55.35 34.99 60.57 97.08 CCK 47.93 24 108 26 59 596 43 241 - 17 71 20 48 510 33 196 133 - 110 85 - 63 58 - 38 108 42 57 44 61 97 - 86 34 47 33 50 78 51 - 40 14.3 633.4 124.8 65.2 379.2 173.0 184.0 0.94 5.87 2.04 2.71 22.22 2.79 7.96 74.6 6.41 96.71 38.70 88.93 98.66 104 42 105 118 - 90 31 85 86 5.64 3.80 2.71 2.90 6.09 3.92 2.86 3.41 1.32 6.75 2.10 2.96 25.91 2.97 9.40 1.42 7.84 2.21 3.28 30.56 3.18 10.81 6.34 6.46 29.0 11.6 5.85 2.24 6.66 2.52 7.09 2.82 8.3 32.5 142.6 15.7 12.5 14.9 5.82 1.60 2.47 1.52 2.70 4.19 6.7 2.99 5.83 1.90 2.95 1.87 3.02 4.60 6.71 2.31 3.31 2.22 3.47 5.02 3.42 3.87 409.6 39.8 69.3 127.0 7.37 1.15 6.95 4.75 7.36 1.24 6.44 5.61 6.93 1.15 5.78 6.35 4% of Portfolio 3% of S&P 500 T 34.84 37 - 32 SP50 2,018 2018 - 1742 Telecom Services AT&T Portfolio Average S&P 500 15 9 16 3 8 3 5 18 33 59 34 16 21 12 3 1.2 0.9 5.7 0.6 21.2 18.4 12.0 19.4 25.2 14.0 30.3 15.1 16.0 11.6 17.8 21.6 13.2 25.7 14.1 13.8 11.1 16.0 18.3 12.3 22.3 (-20) (-5) 6 15 13 8 21 41 15 3 9 17 6 18 7 16 5 11 18 7 15 1 7 - 7 34 14 17 15 24 20 1.0 1.7 3.1 1.2 0.8 18.4 18.6 18.3 4 (-1) 2 54 34 2.9 14.1 25.6 12.4 22.8 11.6 20.3 14 15 14 13 6 12 27 2 15 8 1.1 - 15.8 25.0 22.4 23.1 22.4 23.2 15.7 21.2 18.7 18.8 20.1 21.1 13.7 17.4 16.7 15.8 17.4 19.3 2 (-14) 28 18 9 4 0 18 20 23 12 10 15 22 12 19 15 9 25 43 50 13 15 11 6 16 19 37 21 2.4 2.5 1.6 2.4 16.0 14.0 12.4 6 14 13 89 10 - 13.1 33.7 12.8 20.8 13.1 31.3 13.8 17.6 14.0 33.5 15.4 15.5 (-9) 64 (-2) 14 (-0) 8 (-7) 18 (-6) (-7) (-10) 13 8 74 9 12 20 9 14 18 2.9 4.5 3.2 1.6 10.9 10.7 9.9 4 2 8 74 2 1.4 13.9 13.6 13.4 8 3 2 40 20 5.3 19.2x 18.9x 17.2x 17.0x 15.8x 15.7x 13% 6% 11% 11% 9% 9% 25% 29% 16% 15% 1.8% 2.0% 9% of S&P 500 Utilities 16 - 13 16 13 NA 108 10% of S&P 500 3% of S&P 500 14.07 14.1 14.2 14.0 12.8 12% of S&P 500 0% of Portfolio AES 15.3 14.6 14.7 15.0 14% of S&P 500 Basic Materials AES Corp 17.6 16.0 17.1 15.5 10% of S&P 500 15% of Portfolio XOM KMI OXY SLB 4.89 3.48 2.34 2.81 20% of S&P 500 4% of Portfolio Energy Exxon Mobil Kinder Morgan Occidental Petroleum Schlumberger 25.0 34.6 2.9 16.5 22% of Portfolio Industrials Crown Holdings** 77 50 31 40 7% of Portfolio Consumer Discretionary Autoliv Carnival Comcast Discovery Comm Dollar Tree Genuine Parts - 4% of Portfolio Health Care Aetna CareFusion 91 59 40 49 26% of Portfolio Consumer Staples Diageo 86.00 55.61 39.94 43.60 16% of S&P 500 10.2 1.29 180.6 2.50 4% of Portfolio 1.31 1.41 2% of S&P 500 2.57 2.61 105.1 37.7 106.66 118.71 128.88 *FFO (calendar) estimates listed rather than EPS **These companies have negative GAAP equity; therefore we substitute Return on Capital for Return on Equity for a more meaningful comparison. Source: FactSet Data as of date stated above Portfolio weights are estimated and exclude cash 569 DISCLOSURES: Past performance is no guarantee of future investing success. Asset allocation or investment timing cannot eliminate the risk of fluctuating prices and uncertain returns. Diversifying investments does not ensure against market loss. This information should not be used as the primary basis for investment decisions nor should it be construed as advice since it may not consider the individual needs of risk tolerances of the investor. The actual characteristics with respect to any individual client portfolio may vary, but the information shown is generally representative of a typical portfolio. The information included herein may be from outside sources that are believed to be reliable, but no verification of that information has been performed. Individual investors cannot directly purchase an index. The S&P 500 is an unmanaged, weighted index of 500 stocks providing a broad indicator of price movements. Holdings, portfolio characteristics, top sectors and current style are subject to change. Specific securities identified and described do not represent all of the securities purchased, sold or recommended to clients. There are no assurances that securities identified will be profitable investments. The securities described are neither a recommendation nor a solicitation. Any implied performance is not indicative of future results and there is no assurance that the transactions in the future will be profitable or will equal the performance of the securities detailed. Security information is being obtained from resources the firm believes to be accurate, but no warrant is made as to the accuracy or completeness of the information. Any additional supporting information is available upon request. 16 | Private Client Insight MPORTANT DISCLOSURES To receive price charts on the companies mentioned in this report, please contact BB&T Capital Markets Research at 800-552-7757 x8785. BB&T Capital Markets’ rating distribution by percentage (as of November 4, 2014): All companies All companies under coverage to which it has provided investunder coverage: ment banking services in the previous 12 months: Buy (1) 49.30% Buy (1) 24.29% Hold (2) 50.00% Hold (2) 16.90% Underweight/Sell (3) 0.70% Underweight/Sell (3) 50.00% Not Rated (NR) 0.00% Not Rated (NR) 0.00% BB&T Capital Markets Ratings System: The BB&T Capital Markets Equity Research Department Stock Rating System consists of three separate ratings. The appropriate rating is determined by a stock’s estimated 12-month total return potential, which consists of the percentage price change to the 12-month price target and the current yield on anticipated dividends. A 12-month price target is the analyst’s best estimate of the market price of the stock in 12 months. A 12-month price target is highly subjective and the result of numerous assumptions, including company, industry, and market fundamentals, both on an absolute and relative basis, as well as investor sentiment, which can be highly volatile. The definition of each rating is as follows: Buy (1): estimated total return potential greater than or equal to 10%, Hold (2): estimated total return potential greater than or equal to 0% and less than 10%, Underweight (3): estimated total return potential less than 0% B: Buy H: Hold UW: Underweight NR: Not Rated NA: Not Applicable NM: Not Meaningful SP: Suspended Stocks rated Buy (1) are required to have a published 12-month price target, while it is not required on stocks rated Hold (2) and Underweight (3). BB&T Capital Markets Equity Research Disclosures as of November 4, 2014 BB&T Capital Markets makes a market in the securities of The Andersons, Inc., Alliance Resource Partners, L.P., Belden Inc., CIRCOR International, Inc., CLARCOR Inc., Canadian Pacific Railway Ltd., Covanta Holding Corporation, Covenant Transportation Group, Inc., Dollar Tree, Inc., Dorman Products, Inc., Dycom Industries, Inc., Expeditors Int'l of Washington, Inc., Freeport-McMoRan Inc., Fidus Investment Corporation, GameStop Corp., Genuine Parts Company, Globe Specialty Metals, Inc., Ingredion Inc., J.B. Hunt Transport Services, Inc., Kirby Corporation, lululemon athletica inc., MasTec Inc., Mueller Water Products, Inc., Natural Resource Partners L.P., Quanta Services, Inc., Ryder System, Inc., Republic Services, Inc., Steelcase Inc., U.S. Silica Holdings, Inc., South State Corporation, SunCoke Energy, Terex Corporation, Trex Company, Inc., Tyson Foods, Inc., United Natural Foods, Inc., United Parcel Service, Inc., WESCO International, Inc. and Waste Connections, Inc.. BB&T Capital Markets has managed or co-managed a public offering of securities for Fidus Investment Corporation, Natural Resource Partners L.P. and Ryder System, Inc. in the last 12 months. BB&T Capital Markets has received compensation for investment banking services from Fidus Investment Corporation, Natural Resource Partners L.P. and Ryder System, Inc. in the last 12 months. BB&T Capital Markets expects to receive or intends to seek compensation for investment banking services from The Andersons, Inc., Alliance Resource Partners, L.P., Belden Inc., CIRCOR International, Inc., CLARCOR Inc., Canadian Pacific Railway Ltd., Covanta Holding Corporation, Covenant Transportation Group, Inc., Dollar Tree, Inc., Dorman Products, Inc., Dycom Industries, Inc., Expeditors Int'l of Washington, Inc., Freeport-McMoRan Inc., Fidus Investment Corporation, GameStop Corp., Genuine Parts Company, Globe Specialty Metals, Inc., Ingredion Inc., J.B. Hunt Transport Services, Inc., Kirby Corporation, lululemon athletica inc., MasTec Inc., Mueller Water Products, Inc., Natural Resource Partners L.P., Quanta Services, Inc., Ryder System, Inc., Republic Services, Inc., Steelcase Inc., U.S. Silica Holdings, Inc., South State Corporation, SunCoke Energy, Terex Corporation, Trex Company, Inc., Tyson Foods, Inc., United Natural Foods, Inc., United Parcel Service, Inc., WESCO International, Inc. and Waste Connections, Inc. in the next three months. Dorman Products, Inc., GameStop Corp., Natural Resource Partners L.P., Republic Services, Inc., Steelcase Inc. and U.S. Silica Holdings, Inc. is, or during the past 12 months was, a client of BB&T Capital Markets, which provided noninvestment banking, securities-related services to, and received compensation from Dorman Products, Inc., GameStop Corp., Natural Resource Partners L.P., Republic Services, Inc., Steelcase Inc. and U.S. Silica Holdings, Inc. for such services. The analyst or employees of BB&T Capital Markets with the ability to influence the substance of this report knows the foregoing facts. An affiliate of BB&T Capital Markets received compensation from The Andersons, Inc., Alliance Resource Partners, L.P., CIRCOR International, Inc., Covanta Holding Corporation, Dollar Tree, Inc., Dycom Industries, Inc., GameStop Corp., Genuine Parts Company, Globe Specialty Metals, Inc., Ingredion Inc., J.B. Hunt Transport Services, Inc., Kirby Corporation, MasTec Inc., Natural Resource Partners L.P., Quanta Services, Inc., Ryder System, Inc., Republic Services, Inc., Steelcase Inc., U.S. Silica Holdings, Inc., SunCoke Energy, Trex Company, Inc., Tyson Foods, Inc., United Natural Foods, Inc. and Waste Connections, Inc. for products or services other than investment banking services during the past 12 months. The analyst or employees of BB&T Capital Markets with the ability to influence the substance of this report know or have reason to know the foregoing facts. Volume 15, Issue 4 | 17 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION IS AVAILABLE ON REQUEST For valuation methodology and related risk factors on BB&T Capital Markets Buy–rated stocks, please refer to the body text of this report or to individual reports on covered companies referenced in this report. The analyst(s) principally responsible for preparation of this report received compensation that is based upon many factors, including the firm’s overall investment banking revenue. ANALYST CERTIFICATION The analyst(s) principally responsible for the preparation of this research report certify that the views expressed in this research report accurately reflect his/her (their) personal views about the subject security(ies) or issuer(s) and that his/her (their) compensation was not, is not, or will not be directly or indirectly related to the specific recommendations or views contained in this research report. OTHER DISCLOSURES The information and statistics in this report have been obtained from sources we believe are reliable but we do not warrant their accuracy or completeness. We do not undertake to advise the reader as to changes in figures or our views. This is not a solicitation of an order to buy or sell any securities. BB&T Scott & Stringfellow and BB&T Capital Markets are divisions of BB&T Securities, LLC, member FINRA/SIPC, a wholly owned nonbank subsidiary of BB&T Corporation. The securities sold, offered or recommended are not a deposit, not FDIC insured, not guaranteed by a bank, not guaranteed by any federal government agency and may go down in value. The opinions expressed are those of the analyst(s) and not those of BB&T Corporation or its executives. 18 | Private Client Insight (This page is intentionally left blank.) LF O EC AA TT U IROE N S Home Office—Richmond, VA 901 East Byrd St., Suite 500 (800) 552-7757 (804) 643-1811 Alexandria, VA 201 N. Union Street, Ste. 240 (888) 250-7212 (703) 836-9755 Greenville, NC 1440 E. Arlington Blvd., Ste. B (800) 207-3201 (252) 321-7808 Ponte Vedra Beach, FL 814 North A1a, Ste. 200 (855) 783-6333 (904) 543-6261 Asheville, NC One W. Pack Square, Ste. 405 (866) 231-7650 (828) 258-7031 Greenville, SC 40 W. 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A (888) 825-1234 (803) 748-1177 Myrtle Beach, SC 2619 N. Oak Street, 3rd Fl. (888) 728-2265 (843) 918-7600 Wilmington, NC 2512 Independence Blvd., Ste. 100 (800) 476-0405 (910) 392-7200 Culpeper, VA 1300 Sunset Lane, Ste. 3210 (800) 476-2566 (540) 825-0783 Naples, FL 5551 Ridgewood Drive, Ste. 101 (855) 537-0360 (239)249-5080 Winchester, VA 115 N. Cameron St., Ste. 210 (800) 476-9847 (540) 667-3311 Danville, VA 120 Crown Drive, Ste. A (800) 476-0587 (434) 799-1000 Newport News, VA 827 Diligence Drive, Ste. 202 (855) 461-0305 (757) 327-7454 Winston-Salem, NC 110 S. Stratford Road, Ste. 400 (800) 476-7268 (336) 722-4702 Ft. Lauderdale, FL 110 E. Broward Blvd., Ste. 105 (888) 327-3550 (954) 233-9777 Norfolk, VA 500 East Main Street, Ste. 300 (800) 515-0294 (757) 446-6800 Greensboro, NC 3318 W. Friendly Avenue, Ste. 330 (800) 476-1824 (336) 378-1824 Palm Beach, FL 125 Worth Avenue, Ste. 210 (844) 393-3832 (561) 653-5570
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