MATH 8254 ALGEBRAIC GEOMETRY WEEK 1 AND 2 ˙ CIHAN BAHRAN 4.3.1(†). Let X be a flat scheme of finite type over a Dedekind scheme S. Let s ∈ S be a closed point and x ∈ Xs . Let t denote a generator of the maximal ideal of OS,s . We suppose that X is regular at x. Show that Xs is regular at x if and only if t ∈ mx r m2x , where mx is the maximal ideal of OX,x . Let’s first observe that X is locally Noetherian: Given x ∈ X, let V be an affine open subset neighborhood of s = f (x) in Y . Now pick U to be an affine neighborhood of x contained in f −1 (V ). As S is Dedekind, OS (V ) is a Noetherian ring and since f is of finite type, OX (U ) is a finitely generated OS (V )-algebra. Thus OX (U ) is Noetherian. Now we can apply Theorem 3.12 to get dim OXs ,x = dim OX,x − dim OS,s . Because S is Dedekind, dim OS,s is either 0 or 1. Suppose dim OS,s = 1. Note that • X is regular at x, so dim OX,x = dimk(x) mx /m2x , • Since k(s) = OS,s /(t), we have OXs ,x ∼ = OX,x ⊗OS,s k(s) ∼ = OX,x /tOX,x . The residue field of OXs ,x is k(x). • As a k(x)-vector space, mx /tOX,x ∼ = mx /(m2x + tOX,x ) (mx /tOX,x )2 Therefore Ä ä dim OXs ,x = dimk(x) mx /m2x − 1 hence Xs is regular at x if and only if Ä ä Ä dimk(x) mx /m2x − 1 = dimk(x) mx /(m2x + tOX,x ) if and only if Ä ä ä dimk(x) (m2x + tOX,x )/m2x = 1 if and only id t ∈ / m2x (t is surely in mx because OS,s → OX,x is a local homomorphism). 4.3.2. Let f : X → Y be a morphism of finite type. Show that f is flat if and only if for every point y ∈ Y and for every closed point x of Xy , f is flat at x (Use Proposition 1.2.13). Remark. Let f : X → Y be a morphism of finite type with Y locally Noetherian. We can show that the set of points x ∈ X such that f is flat at x is open in X, see [41], IV.11.3.1. We first assume that the claim is true when Y is affine. Let {Vλ }λ∈Λ be an affine open covering of Y and write Uλ = f −1 (Vλ ). 1 MATH 8254 ALGEBRAIC GEOMETRY WEEK 1 AND 2 2 Assume f is affine. Then f |Uλ : Uλ → Vλ is flat for every λ ∈ Λ. Now fix (arbitrary) y in Y and a closed point x ∈ Xy . Now y belongs Vλ0 for some λ0 ∈ Λ. Let U := Uλ0 and V := Vλ0 . Uy can be identified topologically with the open subspace Xy ∩ U of Xy . And since x is closed in Xy , x is closed in Uy . So by our assumption f |U is flat at x, # # which means (f |U )# x : OV,y → OU,x is flat. But (f |U )x = fx so f is flat at x. Conversely, assume that for every point y ∈ Y and for every closed point x of Xy , f is flat at x. Fix λ ∈ Λ and let y ∈ V := Vλ . Write U := Uλ . If x is a closed point of Uy , then writing {x} for the closure of x in Xy we have {x} ∩ Uy = {x} How to use finite type?????? 4.3.3. Let f : X → Y be a morphism of locally Noetherian schemes. Show that dim X ≤ dim Y if f is injective, and dim X ≥ dim Y if f is flat and surjective. We prove an easy lemma first. Lemma 1. Let X be a scheme. Then dim X = sup{dim OX,x : x ∈ X}. Proof. Let {Uλ }λ∈Λ be an affine open covering of X. Then for every λ ∈ Λ we have OUλ ,x = OX,x so sup{dim OX,x : x ∈ X} = sup{sup{dim OUλ ,x : x ∈ Uλ } : λ ∈ Λ} and by Remark 2.5.6 we have dim X = sup{dim Uλ : λ ∈ Λ} . Thus we may reduce to the case X = Spec A is affine. And in this case we have dim X = dim A = sup{dim Ap : p ∈ Spec A} = sup{dim OX,x : x ∈ X} . Assume f : X → Y is injective. Fix x ∈ X and write y = f (x). Since f is injective, the fiber Xy is a singleton as a set and hence dim OXy ,x = 0. Thus by Theorem 3.12 we have dim OX,x ≤ dim OY,y ≤ dim Y . Taking the supremum over x ∈ X we get dim X ≤ dim Y . Now assume f : X → Y is flat and surjective. Fix y ∈ Y and let x ∈ X such that f (x) = y. Then by Theorem 3.12 we have dim OX,x − dim OY,y = dim OXy ,x ≥ 0 so dim OY,y ≤ dim OX,x ≤ dim X . Now taking the supremum over y ∈ Y we get dim Y ≤ dim X. MATH 8254 ALGEBRAIC GEOMETRY WEEK 1 AND 2 3 4.3.4(†). Let k be a field. Let A be the polynomial ring k[x, y]. Show, by computing the dimension of the fibers, that the canonical morphism Proj A[T0 , T1 ]/(yT0 − xT1 ) → Spec A is not flat. 4.3.5. Let A be a reduced ring, and let a ∈ A be a non-zero divisor. Let us consider a ring B containing A[T ] and an element s ∈ B such that sn = aT for some n ≥ 1. Show that the sub algebra A[T ][s] of B is free (and hence flat) over A[T ] (consider a linear relation between 1, · · · , sn−1 and show that the coefficients are zero in Ap [T ] for every minimal prime ideal p of A). 4.3.7. Let f : X → Y be a morphism of schemes. Let X1 , X2 be two closed subschemes of X, flat over Y . We suppose that there exists a dense open subscheme V of Y such that X1 ∩ f −1 (V ) and X2 ∩ f −1 (V ) are equal as closed subschemes of f −1 (V ). Let us suppose that Y is integral. We want to show that X1 = X2 as schemes. (a) Show that one can suppose that X = Spec B, Y = Spec A, and V are affine. (b) Let I, J be the ideals of B defining X1 and X2 . Tensoring the exact sequence 0 → A → OY (V ) by B/I, show that I = ker(B → OX (f −1 (V ))/(I)). Deduce from this that I = J. 4.3.8(†). Let f : X → Y be a morphism of locally Noetherian schemes. Let Z be a closed subscheme of X. We suppose that there exists a point y ∈ Y such that Zy = Xy as schemes. (a) Show that if Z is flat over Y at z ∈ Xy , then Z equals to X in a neighborhood of z (use Exercise 1.2.14 and Nakayama’s lemma) (b) Show that if Z is flat over Y and if f is moreover of finite type (resp. proper) over Y , then there exists an open neighborhood V 3 y such that Z ∩ f −1 (V ) → f −1 (V ) is an open immersion (resp. an isomorphism) (use Exercise 3.2.5). 4.3.9(†). Let f : X → Y be a flat morphism of finite type with X, Y Noetherian. We will show that f is open. (a) Use Exercise 3.2.17 to show that f (X) contains a non-empty open subset V of Y . (b) By considering the morphism X ×Y (Y r V ) → Y r V , show that f (X)r V contains a non-empty open subset of Y r V . (c) Show that Y r f (X) is closed in Y by using the fact that the topological space Y is Noetherian; that is, every descending chain of closed subsets in Y is stationary. If X is empty, then there is nothing to show. So we may assume X 6= ∅. (a) Pick some x ∈ X. Let V be an affine neighborhood of f (x) in Y and let U be an affine neighborhood of x in X such that f (U ) ⊆ V . Then the restriction f |U : U → V is flat of finite type with U, V Noetherian and U 6= ∅. And it suffices to show that f |U (U ) = f (U ) contains a non-empty open subset of V . Therefore we reduce to the case where X = Spec B and Y = Spec A are affine with A, B nonzero Noetherian rings. MATH 8254 ALGEBRAIC GEOMETRY WEEK 1 AND 2 4 And f = Spec ϕ where ϕ : A → B is a ring homomorphism which makes B a finitely generated and flat A-algebra. We claim that f (X) contains a generic point of Y . For the sake of contradiction, suppose not. Then let p1 , . . . , pr be the minimal primes of A (we know Noetherian rings have finitely many minimal primes) and write η1 , . . . , ηr for the corresponding generic points in Y . Then Xηj = ∅ for every j = 1, . . . , r. Now writing N for the nil-radical of A, Q we have an injective ring homomorphism A/N ,→ rj=1 A/pj . Tensoring by the flat A-algebra B, we get an injection B/N B ,→ ⊕r (B ⊗A A/pj ) ,→ ⊕r (B ⊗A k(ηj )) ∼ = ⊕r OX (Xη ) = 0 j=1 j=1 j=1 ηj j which yields B = N B hence B = 0, a contradiction. So WLOG, η1 ∈ f (X). Consider the open subset W = Y r {η2 , . . . , ηr } of Y . Since η1 is a generic point we have η1 ∈ / {ηj } for every j 6= 1 and hence η1 ∈ / r [ {ηj } = j=2 r [ {ηj } = {η2 , . . . , ηr } j=2 which means η1 ∈ W . Thus U := f −1 (W ) 6= ∅. Since W is a non-empty open subset of the irreducible component {η1 } of Y , it is irreducible. The restriction f |U : U → W is flat, so by Lemma 3.7 it is dominant. f |U is also of finite type, hence by Exercise 3,2.17 f |U (U ) = f (U ) contains a dense open subset V of W . Here • V is non-empty because W is non-empty, • V ⊆ f (U ) ⊆ f (X), as desired. (b) and (c) Suppose V ( f (X). So the collection of nonempty open subsets of Y that are strictly contained in f (X) is nonempty. Since Y is Noetherian, this collection has a maximal element, which we may assume to be V . The closed subset Y r V of Y has a unique reduced closed subscheme structure, so we can form the fiber square q T := X ×Y Y r V p X f / YrV / Y. The properties flat and finite type are stable under base change, so q is flat and of finite type. Also being a closed subscheme of a Noetherian scheme, Y r V is Noetherian. Since q is of finite type, T is locally Noetherian. Covering Y r V by finitely many affine open subschemes, since q is quasi-compact their inverse images form a finite open covering of T by quasi-compact schemes; hence T is quasi-compact. Thus T is Noetherian. Also Y r V 6= ∅ by our assumption. So by (a), q(T ) contains a non-empty open subset of Y r V . We claim that q(T ) = f (X)r V . Certainly by the commutativity of the fiber square we have f (T ) ⊆ f (X)r V . Conversely, let x ∈ X such that y = f (x) ∈ / V . By Exercise 3.1.7, the set {z ∈ T : p(z) = x, q(z) = y} is non-empty. Thus there exists z ∈ T such that q(z) ∈ f (X)r V . MATH 8254 ALGEBRAIC GEOMETRY WEEK 1 AND 2 5 So f (X)r V contains a non-empty open subset of Y r V . This open subset is necessarily of the form (Y r V ) ∩ W = W r V for some open subset W of Y . Now since ∅ 6= W r V ⊆ f (X)r V we have V ( V ∪ W ⊆ f (X). By the maximality of V , the open subset V ∪ W should be equal to f (X). So f (X) is open. In fact it follows from here that f is open because if U is an open subset of X, then U is a Noetherian scheme and f |U : U → Y is flat and of finite-type, so by above f (U ) is open. 4.3.10(†). Let k be a field of characteristic char(k) 6= 2. Let Y = Spec k[u, v]/(v 2 − u2 (u + 1)), and let f : X → Y be the normalization morphism. Show that f is unramified surjective, but not ´etale. Let A = k[u, v]/(v 2 − u2 (u + 1)). Since the polynomial v 2 − u2 (u + 1) has degree 2 when considered as an element of k[u][v] and has no roots, it is irreducible, and hence generates a prime ideal because k[u, v] is a UFD. Thus A is an integral domain. Let’s write x and y for the images of u and v in A, respectively. Clearly x 6= 0 and y/x ∈ Frac(A) r A. Yet (y/x)2 = x + 1 so y/x is integral over A. So A is not normal. Therefore f is not flat by Example 3.5. So f is not ´etale. Unramified??????????????????????? 4.3.11. Let f1 : X1 → Y, f2 : X2 → Y be morphisms of locally Noetherian schemes of finite type. Let us suppose that for every y ∈ Y , there exists i = 1 or 2 such that fi is unramified (resp. ´etale; resp. smooth) at all points of fi−1 (y). Show that X1 ×Y X2 → Y is unramified (resp. ´etale; resp. smooth). 4.3.12(†). Let f : X → Y be a flat morphism of algebraic variety. We suppose that Xy is irreducible for every closed point y ∈ Y and that Y is irreducible. Show that X is irreducible. For the sake of contradiction, suppose X is not irreducible. Then there are non-empty open subsets U, V of X such that U ∩ V = ∅. Note that being algebraic varieties, X and Y are Noetherian schemes. Also the structure morphisms X → Spec k and Y → Spec k are of finite type by definition and moreover they are quasi-compact since X, Y are Noetherian. Hence f , which is compatible with the structure morphisms is of finite type by Proposition 3.2.4. Thus f is open by Exercise 4.3.9. Hence f (U ) and f (V ) are non-empty open subsets of Y , so they must intersect since Y is irreducible. Since the set of closed points of an algebraic variety forms a dense subset, there exists a closed point y of Y such that y ∈ f (U ) ∩ f (V ). As topological spaces, we may identify Xy with f −1 (y). So the open subsets U ∩ Xy and V ∩ Xy of Xy are non-empty. But U ∩ V = ∅, this contradicts Xy being irreducible. 4.3.14. Let us keep the notation and hypotheses of Lemma 3.16. Let J = ann(b). (a) Show that bB is flat over A. MATH 8254 ALGEBRAIC GEOMETRY WEEK 1 AND 2 6 (b) Using the exact sequence 0 → J → B → B, where the last map is multiplication by b, show that J ⊗A A/mA = 0. Deduce from this that J = 0 and that b does not divide zero in B. 4.3.15(†). Let X, Y be integral schemes, separated, and of finite type over a locally Noetherian scheme S. Let f : X Y be a birational map. Let T → S be a faithfully flat morphism such that XT and YT are integral. Suppose that fT : XT YT is defined everywhere and that Y is affine. We want to show that f is also defined everywhere. See Exercise 5.2.14 for the Y arbitrary case. (a) Show that we can suppose S, T are affine (and even local). (b) Let us identify the function fields K(X) and K(Y ). Show that f is defined everywhere if and only if OY (Y ) ⊆ OX (X). (c) Let M = (OX (X) + OY (Y ))/OX (X). Show that M ⊗OS (S) OT (T ) = 0. Deduce from this that M = 0 and that f is defined everywhere. (a) Let us assume the claim is true when S is affine and deduce the general case. For the general case, let {Si } be an affine open covering of S. For each i, Yi and Ti be the inverse images of Si under the morphisms Y → S and T → S, respectively. Also let {Yij }j be an affine open covering of {Yi } for each i. By the construction of the fiber products (see pages 79-80), the schemes {Yij ×Si Ti }i,j = {Yij ×S Ti } = {(Yij )Ti }i,j glue together to give YT . Let Xij = fT−1 (Yij )????????????????? (b) Write S = Spec A and T = Spec B where A is a Noetherian local ring and B is a local ring. Also let R = OY (Y ) so we may write Y = Spec R since Y is affine. By restricting f , we may assume it maps an open subset U of X isomorphically onto a principal open set D(a) of Y . That is, we have a ring isomorphism ϕ : Ra → OX (U ). And f is defined everywhere if and only if this ring isomorphism restricts to an isomorphism R → OX (X), in other words if and only if ϕ(R) ⊆ OX (X) (note that OX (X) injects in OX (U ) since X is integral). Since identifying the function fields makes ϕ into the identity map, we are done. (c) Write C = OX (X), so together with our notation above, M = (C + R)/C. Clearly R ⊆ C iff M = 0. fT iso???? 4.3.16. Let B be a semi-local ring, that is, having only a finite number of maximal ˆ be the formal completion of B for the topology defined ideals m1 , . . . , mn . Let B ˆ ∼ ˆi , where B ˆi is the formal completion of Bm , for the ∩i mi . Show that B = ⊕i B topology defined by its maximal ideal. 4.3.17. Let A be a Noetherian local ring, and let B be a finite A-algebra with c , where ˆ denotes the formal maximal ideals m1 , . . . , mn . Show that B ⊗A Aˆ ∼ = ⊕i B mi completion for the topology defined by the maximal ideal. 4.3.18(†). Let X be a quasi-projective scheme over a locally Noetherian scheme S. Let G be a finite group acting on X. Hence the quotient Y := X/G exists (Exercise 3.3.23). (a) Let G act on an A-algebra B, and C be a flat A-algebra. Then G acts on B ⊗A C by the identity on the second component. Let us denote the A-linear MATH 8254 ALGEBRAIC GEOMETRY WEEK 1 AND 2 map g − idB : B → B by φg . Show that ker(φ ⊗ idC ) = ker(φg ) ⊗A C and that ker(φg ⊗ idC ) ∩ ker(φg0 ⊗ idC ) = (ker(φg ) ∩ ker(φg0 )) ⊗A C in B ⊗A C. Deduce from this that (B ⊗A C)G = B G ⊗A C. Show that the quotient morphism f : X → Y commutes with flat base change. (b) Let us fix a point x ∈ X. Let us set D := {g ∈ G : gx = x}. This is the decomposition group of x. Show that D acts canonically on OX,x as well as ˆX,x . Let y = f (x). Show that (O ˆX,x )D = O ˆY,y on the formal completion O D (use Exercise 3.17 and (a)). Show that OY,y = (OX,x ) if G = D. (c) Show that the morphism f : X → Y factors into X → X/D and X/D → Y . Let z be the image of x in X/D. Show that X/D → Y is ´etale at z. 4.3.19(†). 7
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