FORTRAN REVIEW ¡ 4 Data types: INTEGER, REAL, CHARACTER, LOGICAL ¡ Arithmetic Operators: + = / * ** // .AND. .OR. .NOT. ¡ Relational Operators: < > <= >= == /= .EQV. .NEQV. ¡ Format Specifiers: A , I, F, E, EN, ES, L ¡ SUBROUTINES, FUNCTIONS ¡ INTENT(IN), INTENT(OUT), INTENT(INOUT) ¡ DO start, stop, increment ¡ DO WHILE (logical expression) ¡ DO ... EXIT ¡ IF (logical expression) THEN ... ELSE ... END IF ¡ SELECT CASE(var) ... CASE(1:4) ... CASE(5:8) ... END SELECT ¡ RECURSIVE SUBROUTINES & FUNCTIONS ¡ Implied DO Loops: (expr, i=start, stop, incr) § WRITE(*,*) (i**2, i=1,10) ARRAY REVIEW ¡ Fortran arrays can be up to 7 dimensional INTEGER, DIMENSION(4, 5, 6, 7) :: my_array ¡ Arrays can have arbitrar y lower and upper bounds INTEGER, DIMENSION(-1:4,2:5) :: my_array ¡ Arrays can be sectioned using start:stop:incr notation my_array(-1:4:2,:) ¡ Arrays can also be sectioned using another array of indices though this creates a temporar y copy in memor y which cannot be written to. my_array((/-1 ,2,4/),:) ¡ Pointers can point to arrays, or scalars, and can be reassigned. When a pointer to an array is passed to a subroutine, the lower bounds are preser verd. ¡ /public/jcarrol5/ex7.f90 MODULES ¡ Derived Data Types § Create your own data type built up from combinations of existing data types. Similar to 'classes' in c. ¡ Modules § Convenient way to organize code into logical units – usually centered around a particular data type – or function type. § Similar to Programs, though there is no execution section. Just variable declarations and subroutines/functions. § /public/jcarrol5/fortran/ex8.f90 § /public/jcarrol5/fortran/planets.f90 TIC-TAC-TOE ¡ We are going to build a tic tac toe game. X O X O X X O X O ¡ If there's time we'll build an AI player using the minimax algorithm. MINIMAX ALGORITHM ¡ Basically looks ahead at all of the possible outcomes and tries to make the best choice assuming that the opponent will always make there best choice. MINIMAX PSEUDOCODE function minimax(node, depth, maximizingPlayer) if depth = 0 or node is a terminal node return the heuristic value of node if maximizingPlayer bestValue := -∞ for each child of node val := minimax(child, depth - 1, FALSE) bestValue := max(bestValue, val) return bestValue else bestValue := +∞ for each child of node val := minimax(child, depth - 1, TRUE) bestValue := min(bestValue, val) return bestValue (* Initial call for maximizing player *) minimax(origin, depth, TRUE)
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