The New IRF-PAI: Updates to eRehabData for FY2015 September 9, 2014 Melissa Berkoff Kristen Smith Objectives • Review upcoming IRF-PAI changes effective October 1, 2014 • Provide clinical considerations of the new wound and influenza vaccination requirements • Demonstrate eRehabData screens and functionality pertaining to the new IRF-PAI and CMS QRP requirements IRF-PAI: Identification Information 15A. Admit From (New) 15. Admit From (Previous) 01- Home 02- Board & Care 03- Transitional Living 04- Intermediate Care 05- Skilled Nursing Facility 06- Acute Unit of Own Facility 07- Acute Unit of Another Facility 08- Chronic Hospital 09- Rehabilitation Facility 10- Other 12- Alternative Level of Care 13- Subacute Setting 14- Assisted Living Residence 01- Home 02- Short-term General Hospital 03- Skilled Nursing Facility 04- Intermediate Care 06- Home under care of organized home health service organization 50- Hospice (home) 51- Hospice (institutional facility) 61- Swing bed 62- Another Inpatient Rehabilitation Facility 63- Long-Term Care Hospital (LTCH) 64- Medicaid Nursing Facility 65- Inpatient Psychiatric Facility 66- Critical Access Hospital 99- Not Listed IRF-PAI: Identification Information 16. Pre-hospital Living Setting (Previous) 01- Home 02- Board & Care 03- Transitional Living 04- Intermediate Care 05- Skilled Nursing Facility 06- Acute Unit of Own Facility 07- Acute Unit of Another Facility 08- Chronic Hospital 09- Rehabilitation Facility 10- Other 12- Alternative Level of Care 13- Subacute Setting 14- Assisted Living Residence 16A. Pre-hospital Living Setting (New) 01- Home 02- Short-term General Hospital 03- Skilled Nursing Facility 04- Intermediate Care 06- Home under care of organized home health service organization 50- Hospice (home) 51- Hospice (institutional facility) 61- Swing bed 62- Another Inpatient Rehabilitation Facility 63- Long-Term Care Hospital (LTCH) 64- Medicaid Nursing Facility 65- Inpatient Psychiatric Facility 66- Critical Access Hospital 99- Not Listed IRF-PAI: Identification Information Deleted Items: 18. Pre-Hospital Vocational Category 19. Pre-Hospital Vocational Effort IRF-PAI: Payer Information 20. Payment Source (Previous) 20. Payment Source (New) 01- Blue Cross 02- Medicare, non-MCO 03- Medicaid non-MCO 04- Commercial Insurance 05- MCO HMO 06- Worker’s Compensation 07- Crippled Children’s Services 08- Developmental Disabilities Services 09- State Vocation Rehabilitation 10- Private Pay 11- Employee Courtesy 12- Unreimbursed 13- CHAMPUS 14- Other 15- None 16- No-Fault Auto Insurance 51- Medicare MCO 52- Medicaid MCO 02- Medicare Fee For Service 51- Medicare-Medicare Advantage 99- Not Listed IRF-PAI: Medical Information 24. Comorbid Conditions 10 ICD codes to 25 ICD codes 25. Is patient comatose at admission- DELETED 26. Is patient delirious at admission- DELETED 25A. Height on admission (in inches) – ADDED 26A. Weight on admission (in pounds)- ADDED 28. Clinical signs of dehydration- DELETED IRF-PAI: Discharge Information 44A. Discharge to Living Setting (Previous) 44D. Discharge to Living Setting (New) 01- Home 02- Board & Care 03- Transitional Living 04- Intermediate Care 05- Skilled Nursing Facility 06- Acute Unit of Own Facility 07- Acute Unit of Another Facility 08- Chronic Hospital 09- Rehabilitation Facility 10- Other 12- Alternative Level of Care 13- Subacute Setting 14- Assisted Living Residence 01- Home 02- Short-term General Hospital 03- Skilled Nursing Facility 04- Intermediate Care 06- Home under care of organized home health service organization 50- Hospice (home) 51- Hospice (institutional facility) 61- Swing bed 62- Another Inpatient Rehabilitation Facility 63- Long-Term Care Hospital (LTCH) 64- Medicaid Nursing Facility 65- Inpatient Psychiatric Facility 66- Critical Access Hospital 99- Not Listed IRF-PAI: Discharge Information 44B. Was patient discharged with Home Health Services?- DELETED Replaced with discharge living setting 06 – Home under care of organized home health service organization 44C. Was the patient discharged alive?- ADDED Quality Indicators- Admission Assessment Unhealed Pressure Ulcer(s) - Admission *M0210. Does this patient have one or more unhealed pressure ulcer(s) stage I or higher at admission? No, skip to question I0900 on admission assessment Yes, continue to question M0300A on admission assessment M0300. A-G: Current number of unhealed pressure ulcer(s) at each stage-Admission: M0300A1. Stage I *M0300B1. Stage II *M0300C1. Stage III *M0300D1. Stage IV M0300E1. Unstageable due to non-removable dressing/device M0300F1. Unstageable due to slough and/or eschar M0300G1. Unstageable with suspected deep tissue injury * Mandatory reporting items Quality Indicators- Admission Assessment I0900.- Pressure Ulcer Risk Conditions - Admission Indicate below if the patient has any of the following pressure ulcer risk conditions: *I0900A. Peripheral Vascular Disease (PVD) *I0900B. Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD) *I2900A. Diabetes Mellitus (DM) If I2900A.= No, skip I2900B-D I2900B. Diabetic Retinopathy I2900C. Diabetic Nephropathy I2900D. Diabetic Neuropathy * Mandatory reporting items Quality Indicators- Discharge Assessment Unhealed Pressure Ulcer(s) - Discharge *M0210. Does this patient have one or more unhealed pressure ulcer(s) stage I or higher at discharge? No, skip to question M0900A on discharge assessment Yes, continue to question M0300A on discharge assessment M0300. A-G: Current number of unhealed pressure ulcer(s) at each stage- Discharge: M0300A1. Stage I Mo300A2. Stage I present on admission and remained Stage I M0300A3. Stage I NOT present on admission *M0300B1. Stage II M0300B2. Stage II present on admission and remained Stage II Mo300B3. Stage II present on admission as unstageable, staged as a Stage II, remained Stage II at discharge *M0300B4. Stage II NOT present on admission or were at a lesser stage at admission and worsened to a Stage II * Mandatory reporting items Quality Indicators- Discharge Assessment M0300. A-G (Cont.): Current number of unhealed pressure ulcer(s) at each stage- Discharge: *M0300C1. Stage III Mo300C2. Stage III present on admission and remained Stage III M0300C3. Stage III present on admission as unstageable, staged as a Stage III, remained Stage III at discharge *M0300C4. Stage III NOT present on admission or were at a lesser stage at admission and worsened to a Stage III or were unstageable at admission and initially staged at a lesser stage and progressed to a Stage III by the time of discharge * Mandatory reporting items Quality Indicators- Discharge Assessment M0300. A-G (Cont.): Current number of unhealed pressure ulcer(s) at each stage- Discharge: *M0300D1. Stage IV M0300D2. Stage IV present on admission and remained stage IV Mo300D3. Stage IV present on admission as unstageable, staged as a Stage IV, remained Stage IV at discharge *M0300D4. Stage IV NOT present on admission or were at a lesser stage at admission and worsened to a Stage IV or were unstageable at admission and initially staged at a lesser stage and progressed to a Stage IV by the time of discharge * Mandatory reporting items Quality Indicators- Discharge Assessment M0300. A-G (Cont.): Current number of unhealed pressure ulcer(s) at each stage- Discharge: M0300E1. Unstageable due to non-removable dressing or device Mo300E2. Present on admission as unstageable due to non-removable dressing or device and remained unstageable due to non-removable dressing or device M0300E3. Present on admission as a stageable pressure ulcer and then became unstageable due to a non-removable dressing or device and remained unstageable due to non-removable dressing or device at time of discharge Quality Indicators- Discharge Assessment M0300. A-G (Cont.): Current number of unhealed pressure ulcer(s) at each stage- Discharge: M0300F1. Unstageable due to slough and/or eschar M0300F2. Present on admission as unstageable due to slough and/or eschar and remained unstageable due to slough and/or eschar M0300F3. Present on admission as a stageable pressure ulcer and then became unstageable due to slough and/or eschar and remained unstageable due to slough and/or eschar at time of discharge Quality Indicators- Discharge Assessment M0300. A-G (Cont.): Current number of unhealed pressure ulcer(s) at each stage- Discharge: M0300G1. Unstageable with suspected deep tissue injury Mo300G2. Present on admission as unstageable with suspected deep tissue injury and remained unstageable with suspected deep tissue injury M0900. Healed pressure ulcer(s)- Discharge Indicate the number of pressure ulcers present on admission and have completely closed (resurfaced with epithelium) upon discharge M0900A. Stage I M0900B. Stage II M0900C. Stage III M0900D. Stage IV Quality Indicators- Influenza Vaccination O0250. Influenza Vaccine- Discharge *O0250A. Did the patient receive the influenza vaccine in this facility for this year's influenza vaccination season? No- skip to O0250C Yes-continue to O0250B *B. Date influenza vaccine received • MM/DD/YYYY *C. If influenza vaccine not received, state reason: • • • • • • • Patient not in facility during flu season Received outside of this facility Not eligible - medical contraindication Offered and declined Not offered Inability to obtain influenza vaccine due to a declared shortage None of the above * Mandatory reporting items IRF-PAI: Signature Page Z0400A. Signature of Persons Completing the Assessment Signature Title Date Information is Provided Time eRehabdata demo of IRF-PAI Revisions Considerations: Identification/Payer Information • Data Entry Education on definitions of revised data elements • Reporting Pre-post FY 15 data collection and reporting • Admissions analysis • Discharge disposition analysis Pressure Ulcers: Clinical Considerations • Identification Rule out other types of wounds • Staging Unstageable on admission Healed at discharge • Timing Assessment reference periods • Voluntary Reporting Pressure Ulcers: Identification CMS Pressure Ulcer Definition A pressure ulcer is a localized injury to the skin and/or underlying tissue usually over a bony prominence, as a result of pressure, or pressure in combination with shear and/or friction. Adapted from the NPUAP 2007 definition of a pressure ulcer Pressure Ulcers: Clinical Processes • Identification (present on admission) Skin assessments Timing Roles/Responsibilities Supporting documentation • Prevention Risk assessment (Braden; predictive modeling) Interventions • • • • • Surfaces Nutrition Turning teams Mobility Patient/Family education • Intervention Wound Healing Clinical Applications: Influenza Vaccination • Data Collection Process • Clinical liaisons during pre-admission assessment • Nurse report upon admission Documentation • Location of information • Structure of the questions Mirror the IRF-PAI questions • Clinical Standards of Care: Acute care admissions Clinical decision making • Availability of information • Standards of clinical practice Competencies Reporting: Pressure Ulcers • Documentation- Risk Factors Consistent with co-morbidity section • Documentation- Skin Source and location of information Structure of the questions • Mirror the IRF-PAI questions • Validation IRF-PAI and medical record Reporting: Influenza Vaccination • Data entry/reporting Timelines • Flu vaccination season Accuracy Validation • Supporting documentation Considerations: Signature Page • Includes all individuals completing the IRF-PAI Identification/Payer Medical Quality FIM • Maintained in the medical record along with the IRFPAI IRF coverage requirements CMS conditions of participation Looking Ahead: IRF-PAI FY 16 • FY 15 Final Rule IRF-PAI Changes for Next Year Arthritis conditions meeting requirements for IRF classification criteria (60% rule) Therapy information section • Minutes and mode (individual, concurrent, group, co-treatment) • Two week duration of data collection Questions? [email protected] Next call: IRF-PPS Updates for FY2015 October 7, 1:00 PM
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