Compliance to Emission Regulation PowerGen Cologne 3rd June 2014 Dr. Christian Poensgen MAN SVP Engineering CIMAC VP Working Groups Dr. Christian Poensgen Power-Gen Europe 03.06.2014 < 1 > Compliance to Emission Regulation Emissions Hazardous Greenhouse NOX SOX CO Particles, dust Formaldehyde NMVOC ….. CO2 CH4 (Methane) NOX … Regulatory Regulatory • little economical interest of industry to remove these substances • High economical interest of industry as reduction of CO2 and CH4 always goes along with increase of engine efficiencies • Protection of society against hazardous substances is must do • Regulatory limits should be based on greenhouse gas equivalents instead separate limits for CO2 or CH4 • Identify limits and cast this into law • Win – win position for industry and society Dr. Christian Poensgen Power-Gen Europe 03.06.2014 < 2 > Emission Compliance Side Note on CCS A question on Carbon Capture Storage Logically the problems around CCS are broadly equivalent to storage on nuclear waste. - Ensure long term sealing in the underground Eventually CO2 release through tectonic There is a substantial amount of cost and energy needed for CO2 storage needed Acceptance of people living in the vicinity of underground storages questionable. Resistance can be expected 1. CO2 pumped into disused coal fields displaces methane which can be used as fuel 2. CO2 can be pumped into and stored safely in saline aquifers 3. CO2 pumped into oil fields helps maintain pressure, making extraction easier The logical question needs to be answered : Instead of investing resources on CCS could society be better off by focusing resources into renewable energies. We need to be clear: climate change is real and demands sustainable solutions Dr. Christian Poensgen Power-Gen Europe 03.06.2014 < 3 > Emission Compliance Diesel Engines N O N O O NOx [mg/Nm³ @ 15% O2] IFC World Bank EHS-Guidelines (Bore≥400; 3-≤50MWth, >50-<300MWth non-degraded airshed) & UN-ECE Gothenburg (>20MWth, low & medium speed if SCR not viable) 1600 IFC World Bank EHS-Guidelines (Bore<400; 3-≤50MWth high efficiency) 1460 IFC World Bank EHS-Guidelines SCR 80-90% ***) EGR **) (Bore<400; 3-≤50MWth, >50-<300MWth non-degraded airshed) Possible not economical Engine internal *) 1850 1300 UN-ECE Gothenburg (>5-≤20MWth, low & medium speed if SCR not viable) 750 UN-ECE Gothenburg (>1MWth, LFO high speed if SCR not viable) 740 IFC World Bank EHS-Guidelines (≥300MWth, non degraded airshed) 400 IFC World Bank EHS-Guidelines (>50MWth, degraded airshed) 375 German TA-Luft (>1-<3MWth) 282 US-EPA 40 CFR parts 60,1039,1042 225 UN-ECE Gothenburg (>5-≤20MWth HFO) & France Arrêté 2910 & 2931 (>50MWth) 190 UN-ECE Gothenburg (>5MWth LFO; >20MWth HFO) & German TA-Luft (≥3MWth) Proven technology: *) Miller timing, 2-stage T/C **) 2-stroke Dr. Christian Poensgen ***) 4-stroke Power-Gen Europe 03.06.2014 < 4 > Emission Compliance Diesel Engines O S O S O O O DeSOX 90% LFO**) DeSOX 90% HFO *) Fuel blends, distillate,… SOx [mg/Nm³ @ 15% O2] 2950 (fuel 5% S) 1750 IFC World Bank EHS-Guidelines (fuel 3% S; 3-≤50MWth if FGD or 1.5% S is not viable) 1170 IFC World Bank EHS-Guidelines (fuel 2% S; >50-<300MWth non degraded airshed) 870 IFC World Bank EHS-Guidelines (fuel 1.5% S; 3-≤50MWth) 600 Portugal 580 IFC World Bank EHS-Guidelines Flue Gas Desulfurization (FGD) (fuel 1% S; ≥300MWth non degraded, >50-<300MWth degraded) 116 IFC World Bank EHS-Guidelines (fuel 0.2% S; ≥300MWth, degraded airshed) 58 US-EPA 40 CFR parts 60, 1039, 1042 (fuel 0.01% S) Proven technology: *) Heavy fuel oil **) Light fuel oil Dr. Christian Poensgen Power-Gen Europe 03.06.2014 < 5 > Emission Compliance Diesel Engines 100 IFC World Bank EHS-Guidelines (3-≤50MWth if ESP or low ash fuel is not viable) 50 IFC World Bank EHS-Guidelines (3-≤50MWth; >50MWth non degraded airshed) Bag Filter **) 80% ESP *) 50% Engine internal (large HC) Particles PM [mg/Nm³ @ 15% O2] (dry dust instack filtration) 30 IFC World Bank EHS-Guidelines (>50MWth degraded airshed) & France Arrêté 2910 & 2931 (>50MWth) © MDT Powerplant with electrostatic precipitator (ESP) 7.5 German TA-Luft (>1MWth) proven technology : *) electrostatic precipitator; technology in market introduction: **) Bag-filter Dr. Christian Poensgen Power-Gen Europe 03.06.2014 < 6 > Emission Compliance Gas Engines N O N O O Engine internal *) NOx [mg/Nm³ @ 15% O2] 1600 IFC World Bank EHS-Guidelines (3-≤50MWth, compression ignition) 500 Portugal (<50MWth) 200 IFC World Bank EHS-Guidelines (>3MWth, spark ignition) 190 UN-ECE Gothenburg (>1MWth) EGR SCR & German TA-Luft (>1MWth) 168 US-EPA 40 CFR part 60 JJJJ (>373 kW) 150 Portugal (≥50MWth) 95 UN-ECE Gothenburg (>1MWth enhanced lean burn) 75 IED 2010/75/EU (≥50MWth) & France Arrêté 2910 & 2931 (>50MWth) *) lean burn © MDT 20V35/44G Dr. Christian Poensgen Power-Gen Europe 03.06.2014 < 7 > Emission Compliance Gas Engines C O 450 Oxidation catalyst Engine internal CO [mg/Nm³ @ 15% O2] Portugal © Johnson Matthey 338 US-EPA 40 CFR part 60 JJJJ (>373 kW) 244 Belgium Vlarem 2 (>1MWth) 112 TA-Luft (>1MWth) 100 IED 2010/75/EU (≥50MWth) & France Arrêté 2910 & 2931 (>50MWth) Proven technology: CO Oxi-Cat & *) regenerative thermal oxidation Dr. Christian Poensgen Power-Gen Europe 03.06.2014 < 8 > Emission Compliance Gas Engines 2000 Oxidation catalyst *) Engine internal VOC/NMVOC/CH2O/HC/NMHC [mg/Nm³ @ 15% O2] • Oxicats work stable for oxidization of CO and longer non methane hydrocarbons with conversion efficiencies around 98 % • With formaldehyde (CH2O) Oxicats tend to degrade. • Using Biogas or blending LNG with Biogas will add phosphor, sulfur, potassium and other elements, which act as catalyst poison which will cause degradation of catalyst efficiency 500 Netherlands BEMS (HC* 1-50MWth) 56 Belgium Vlarem2 (VOC >1MWth) 50 Portugal (NMVOC**) 22.5 German TA-Luft (Formaldehyde >1MWth) 18.8 US-NESHAP (major source, Formaldehyde) proven technology for CO, NMHC, VOC technology less suitable for for methane & ethane oxidation Dr. Christian Poensgen Power-Gen Europe 03.06.2014 < 9 > Emission Compliance Dual Fuel Engines O N O NOx [mg/Nm³ @ 15% O2 O liquid mode IFC World Bank EHS-Guidelines 2000 (>50-<300MWth, non degraded airshed, in liquid mode) Engine internal UN-ECE Gothenburg (>1MWth, in liquid mode if SCR not viable) 500 Portugal (<50MWth) 400 IFC World Bank EHS-Guidelines (>3MWth, in gas mode, 1850 Engine internal gas mode N 400 >50MWth, degraded airshed, in liquid mode) UN-ECE Gothenburg (>1MWth, in gas mode if SCR not viable) German TA-Luft (>1-<3MWth in liquid mode SCR required) 375 US-EPA 40 CFR parts 60,1039,1042 282 UN-ECE Gothenburg (>1MWth, in liquid mode SCR required) 225 SCR 380 & France Arrêté 2910 & 2931 (>50MWth) SCR 190 UN-ECE Gothenburg (>1MWth, in gas mode) 190 & German TA-Luft (>1MWth in gas mode; >3MWth in liquid mode SCR required) 168 US-EPA 40 CFR part 60 JJJJ (>373 kW) 150 Portugal (≥50MWth) 75 IED 2010/75/EU (≥50MWth) & France Arrêté 2910 & 2931 (>50MWth) Dr. Christian Poensgen © MDT Powerplant with SCR Power-Gen Europe 03.06.2014 < 10 > S O O O SOx [mg/Nm³ @ 15% O2] liquid mode 1750 (fuel 3% S; 3-≤50MWth if FGD or 1.5% S is not viable) IFC World Bank EHS-Guidelines 1170 (fuel 2% S; >50-<300MWth non degraded airshed, in liquid mode) IFC World Bank EHS-Guidelines 580 (fuel 1% S; ≥300MWth non degraded, >50-<300MWth degraded airshed, in liquid mode) IFC World Bank EHS-Guidelines 290 (fuel 0.5% S; >50-<300MWth, degraded airshed, in liquid mode) IFC World Bank EHS-Guidelines 116 (fuel 0.2% S; ≥300MWth, degraded airshed, in liquid mode) Dr. Christian Poensgen Power-Gen Europe 03.06.2014 DeSOX 90% LFO**) Fuel (NG) practically sulpur free IFC World Bank EHS-Guidelines DeSOX 90% HFO *) gas mode S O Fuel blends, distillate,… Emission Compliance Dual Fuel Engines O < 11 > Engine internal gas mode Oxidation catalyst 450 C O CO [mg/Nm³ @ 15% O2] liquid mode Portugal non issue France Arrêté 2910 & 2931 (>50MWth, in liquid mode) 250 244 Belgium Vlarem 2 (>1MWth) in gas and liquid mode 244 112 TA-Luft (>1MWth) in gas and liquid mode 112 100 IED 2010/75/EU (≥50MWth, in gas mode) Engine internal Emission Compliance Dual Fuel Engines & France Arrêté 2910 & 2931 (>50MWth, in gas mode) Proven technology for CO: Oxi-Cat Dr. Christian Poensgen Power-Gen Europe 03.06.2014 < 12 > Emission Compliance Dual Fuel Engines PM [mg/Nm³ @ 15% O2] liquid mode Fuel (NG) practically dust-free Fuel ash gas mode © MDT Powerplant with electrostatic precipitator (ESP) IFC World Bank EHS-Guidelines 50 ESP (>50MWth non degraded airshed, in liquid mode) 30 Bag Filter IFC World Bank EHS-Guidelines (>50MWth degraded airshed, in liquid mode) & France Arrêté 2910 & 2931 (>50MWth, in liquid mode) 10 France Arrêté 2910 & 2931 (>50MWth, in gas mode) German TA-Luft (>1MWth, in liquid mode) Dr. Christian Poensgen 7.5 Power-Gen Europe 03.06.2014 < 13 > Emission Compliance Greenhouse Gas Emissions Customer Benefit of Dual Fuel Engines Use of full range of fuels from HFO to natural gas Mixed fuel operation mode Compliance to Tier II in Diesel mode Compliance to Tier III in Gas mode GWP of Gas engines depend on Gas Composition (CH4 contend) Engine utilisation (low high load) Dr. Christian Poensgen Power-Gen Europe 03.06.2014 < 14 > Emission Compliance Greenhouse Gas Emissions All low-pressure dual-fuel & gas engines with lean burn principle have some methane slip H All engines working to the ME-GI principle have no methane slip Methane slip is unburned CH4 which is not participating the combustion in gas engines C H H Methane is non-toxic H Methane is >30 (IPCC 2013) times more powerful GHG than CO2 No limitations regarding Methane slip exist in marine see for (MARPOL) Dr. Christian Poensgen Power-Gen Europe 03.06.2014 < 15 > Emission Compliance Greenhouse Gas Emissions At medium to high loads, DF-engines emit a significantly lower GHG emissions compared to liquid fueled engine For liquid fuel engines, CO2 by far to biggest contributor to GHG emissions Most Critical Area GWP Equivalent % CO2 Equivalent [%] 150 150 100 100 50 50 25 50 75 100 DF (MZ 80) Diesel (HFO) G (pure gas) Reference* Engine Load [%] 25 50 75 100 *Reference: CR (HFO) @Full Load Dr. Christian Poensgen Power-Gen Europe 03.06.2014 < 16 > Emission Compliance Greenhouse Gas Emissions Methane slip reduction for lean burn combustion • • • • • • • Ignition timing and pre chamber sizing Compression ratio (e.g. run the engine at NOx limits) Increased charge air temperature Air bypass valve opening at part load Exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) Optimisation of pilot fuel injection (timing and quantity) in DF Engines Minimize dead volumes in the combustion chamber Skip firing at part load Power management for multi engine installations Result: methane slip of lean burn modern gas engines can be reduced to 1.5% – 3.0% at 100% load point 50 Plant Efficiency % • • Engine 5 Engine 6 Engine 7 Engine 8 Engine 9 Engine 10 40 30 20 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Plant Load % Dr. Christian Poensgen Power-Gen Europe 03.06.2014 < 17 > Emission Compliance Aftertreatment System Arrangements SCR ESP or Bag filter DeSOX Diesel engine HFO SCR Heat exchanger Oxi-Cat. or RTO Boiler Boiler Gas engine Heat exchanger Oxi-Cat. or RTO SCR DF engine Boiler Gas mode Liquid mode Dr. Christian Poensgen DeSOX ESP or Bag filter Power-Gen Europe 03.06.2014 < 18 > Emission Compliance Summary 1. Hazardous Substances • • • • Solutions for emission compliance of most hazardous substances are well known and proven technologies Remaining issues are small NMVOCs ethane, ethylene, and formaldehyde Blending of biogas into LNG is detrimental to emission reduction, due to poisoning of catalysts There is significantly lower investment cost for gas engine after treatment systems, compared to liquid fuel HFO engines with DeSOx and particle filtering systems 2. Green House Gas • • Gas engines provide a 20% lower green house warming potential (GWP) compared to Diesel engines Remaining issues are centred around methane slip. There are continuous improvement programs ongoing at the labs of the engine manufactures Dr. Christian Poensgen Power-Gen Europe 03.06.2014 < 19 >
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