WARWICK. RHODE ISLAND. U.S.A. /977 /sT /? GREAT SUCCESS ! THIRD ANNUAL FLAMAND REUNION BEST EVER On July 3rd, 1977 t the largest group of Flamands ever assembled gathered for its annual family reunion at the Y.M.C.A. grounds in Warwick, Rhode Island. Thanks to our site committee, headed by Ray Gibeau, the setting was magnificent: tennis courts, a large playing field, and an excellent swimming area, not to mention the gorgeous weather that greeted us on the morning of our arrival. All told, almost 250 people were in attendance. The morning was devoted basically to registration at the check- in table and visiting amongst relatives. The afternoon was reserved for many interesting events and organized games for children and adults. Perhaps the highlight of the day was the unveiling of the official FLAMAND FLAG by Jeannine Flamand, hereinafter referred to as the "Betsy Ross" of the Flamand Association. Jeannine did a superb job of sewing on this project and is to be congratulated once again. In its four corners, our colorful flag displays the gold U.S. eagle, the red Canadian maple leaf, the blue fleur-de-lis of Quebec Province and France, and the Flamand family insignia. The center is dominated by a large blue Rhode Island anchor and the Flamand name along with the date of our association's commencement. The background is white. During the speaking program, prizes were awarded for the following: Rose Giroux Oldest Flamand PresentSophie Nadeau Youngest Flamand PresentCouple Married the LongestClarence & Emma Pinkham (50 years) Flamand who Traveled the FarthestPaula Stone (Lakeland, Florida) Male (over 40) with Most HairEdwardFlamand~TNew Hampshire) Male (over *»0) with Least HairJoseph Flamand Sr. (RI) Woman with Most ChildrenAnna Flamand - 18 (Quebec) Woman with Most GrandchildrenAnna Flamand - ^5 (Quebec) A special award was also presented to Mary Gibeau for an outstanding demonstration of perserverance and courage in connection with her recent illness. Continued on page 6 REUNION- the FLAMAND ASSOCIATION MEETING SCHEDULE Greenwood Hall, Warwick September 2^ October 23 November 20 December 18 January 29 ELECTIONS! On December 18th, the Flamand Association will elect its officers for 1978. The new officers (president, vice-president, treasurer, secretary) will begin their terms in January, and they will preside at the .meeting on the 29th of that month. In order to establish a slate of officers, a nomination committee was appointed on July 2^th. Volunteers for this committee all bear the name Flamandj they are Jeannine, Richard, Robert, and Virginia. People who would like to volunteer or to suggest candidates for office should contact one of these people. It is especially important that we have good attendance at our December meeting during which voting will take place. Make an effort to be there.' LETTER FROM THE EDITOR; I am honored that the Flamand Association has entrusted me with the publication of the FLAMAND GAZETTE. My first words as editor must express my thanks to George Flamand, our first editor, who originated the idea of a family newspaper. His efforts and helpfulness will always be appreciated. The Gazette "office" has been moved to the lower level of my home at 1200 Warwick Neck Avenue, Meetings are usually on Thursday evenings, and we can always use help* It pleases me that many people have contributed to this our third edition. As a matter of fact, we did not have enough space in this issue for all items. Your contributions are a vital addition to our efforts. We welcome all sorts of letters and stories. YOUR participation can make this newspaper the best source of communication of the Flamand Family. J'espere que les Canadiens continueront a envoyer leurs cartes et lettres. Nous voulons plus de franoais dans notre journal, v The FLAMAND ASSOCIATION 2. MERCI BEAUCOUP Ce message apporte un merci bien sinc%re pour un geste si gentil lors de notre passage parmi vous tous. Nous avons apprl"ciS votre acceuil trfcs charmant. Nous espSrons voUs revoir tous trfes bientot. Maman (Ti-Marie) vous fait dire un beau bonjour a vous tous. M. & Mme. Ghislain Constantin et leurs enfants Nathalie & Marc WESTERN UNION TELEGRAM Wish nice celebration Flamand/Lots fun/ Thinking of you/ Wish nice return Canadians/Thinking of you/ LETTERS TO THE EDITOR CLARENCE TRIES AGAIN Hi:—Got home safely—tired but happy.' Again, many thanks.1 Clarence doesn't want the family to think he asked permission just to cry over the microphone. He wants me to give you his message which is: How thankful he is to have been welcomed by all members of the family with open arms and much love. He knows by now that it wasn't just a flash in the pan, for it lasted for 50 years, and he hopes for just a few more years at least. Being the oldest "in law" he wants to say in their behalf that the Flamand family knows how to pick 'emJ "It takes two to tango!" I think it was a nice message if only he had not been such a cry baby. Believe he learned that from me.' Much love to everyone• Clarence & Emma THANKS FROM N. H. Words could never express our deep appreciation for the warm reception we experienced while in Warwick. The memory of this special occasion will linger with us for years to come. We are looking forward to future reunions. Special thanks for such a well-planned outing. Mrs. Eva Lazier Mr. & Mrs. Hector Blanchette Mr. & Mrs. Henry Gilbert Mrs. Antonio St. Helaire VOYAGE EN CALIFORNIA Au cours de mes vacances, j'ai rendu visite a ma soeur Micheline en Californie, a Los Angeles. Voyages merveilleux.' Nous avons visits Hollywood, Disneyland, San Diego, Las Vegas dans le Nevada, et San Francisco. Au cours du voyage j'ai rencontre1 des Canadiens. Le monde est tres petit. Ce fut tr£s agrSable. Les Ameicains sont tr£s chaleureux. De retour le 23 aout. Bye Bye Claudette Lessard (fille de Germaine Flamand Lessard) of to Marie COLORADO VACATION The McClaren family flew out to Colorado Springs to visit with my sister Sydney, Jim, and little Russell. The flight was very good and exciting for us. As true Flamands always do, we cried upon arrival since we were so happy to be together again. While there, Rodney and I drove to Albequerque, NM, to see about work. New Mexico did not appeal to us.' My father George asked me to look up UNCLE TELESPHORE's family; sorry to say, we could not find anyone who could help us on this mission. i Two weeks with loved ones go by quicklyi Ruth (Flamand) McClaren, Rodney, iHolly&Heidi NEWS FROM COLORADO SPRINGS Jim has flown to Germany to take part in special NATO War Games. Jim's outfit is equipped with "Red Eye" missiles and will be out there about six weeks. We miss being with you folks down East and certainly missed the outing. We'd love to hear from you: 12? D Kokomo St, Security, Colorado 80911. Sydney (Flamand) Schiller & Family • AUREA FLAMAND La lampe de la vie s'est Steinte. La vision de Dieu commence. Son ame a cru. Maintenant, elle voit. M. et Mme. Raymond Flamand M. et Mme. Arthur Dumont (Adrienne) M. et Mme. Lucien Berthiaume (Gertrude) Monsieur Lionel Flamand Monsieur Noel Flamand Madame Rita Flamand vous prient d'agrger leurs plus sinceres remerciements pour la sympathie que vous leur avez tSmoignSe soit par offrande de messes, tributs floraux, visites, bouquet spirituel, telegrammes, ou assistance aux funSrailles de Madame Aurga Flamand. Elle .est morte le 15 mai.1977, & I'&ge de 8k ans, St. Flavien, Co Lotbiniere 3FLAMAND REUNION 1978 YOU HAD TO BE THERE Margot's bra strap broke during the day' It's not that far away.' We all know how after party and she was left hanging. With quickly time passes, so a committee for the no other means of support, she used our pin selection of a site for our 1978 reunion to hold things up. To quote Bob, "The has been formed already. Volunteers for Flamand pin has met the s-u-p-r-e-m-e test this most important group,are: Albert J. Flamand, Norman Flamand, Ronald Flamand, Wilof endurance." liam Flamand, Jeannette Gravelin, and RichFred Nadeau, after winning the champard LaCasse. Since this year's YMCA camp ionship at cards,"I'm happy to be the champ with Arthur,but better than that, I'm happy will no longer be available, it will be necessary to find a new location that can suit to win pete's $10.00. That pays for some all of our needs. Please direct any and all gas going home." suggestions to any of the committee members, OUR NEXT EVENT THE FLAMAND ASSOCIATION SECOND ANNUAL 1i(dlmva/ii GET YOUR THINKING CAPS ON FOLKS.' Itfetime again to start thinking about who or what you'll dress as for the HalloP.M. ween Party. It will be hard to outdo some (Monday Holiday) , _ ; of the strange creatures that attended our COVENTRY RECREATION COMMUNITY CENTER last party, but the fun is in trying. Costumes can be elaborate or plain sometimes the simpler the better! You don't have to ,fuss but you MUST be in costume. A note about where the party will be heldt the huge hall seats 3°° people with plenty of room for dancing. It has good kitchen facilities and room for a bar. We will award prizes again this year for costumes in the following categories: BEST COUPLE, BEST MALE, BEST FEMALE, and .BEST DISGUISED. We will feed the hungry goblins at 10:00 PM Luncheon DANCING 10:00. The Association hopes you'll attend PRIZES Music by GRANAHAN $5«00 per person and make this party a big success. DIRECTIONS FROM ROUTE 95: (north or south) Take EXIT #10 from Route 95 Route 117 for FIVE Miles until you reach the Coventry Recreation Community Center. THANKS AUNT BEATRICE.' The list of names that you see to the right was made as we quickly took notes during a brief conversation with Aunt Beatrice. It seems that she has these dates at her fingertips ! All we asked her was, "Aunt Beatrice, who was born during the second half of the year?" Seriously, if there are any errors or omissions, they were due to our fault in copying, not Aunt Beatrice's bionic memory. Please let us know if there should be any changes— we want all dates to be correct for a future FLAMAND CALENDAR. DELLA CELEBRATES HER ?0th For those of you who just look at headlines, you may be thinking that Delia LaCasse finally has celebrated the birlh of her 70th grandchild. Not quite! (Although number 70 may not be too far away.) On Sunday, August 7, 1977. a very large group of friends and relatives gathered at the Knights of Columbus Hall, Warwick, to wish Delia well as she reached her 70th year. The guest of honor was caught by surprise, and so were we as she entered the room wrapped in plastic. (Maybe that's how she has managed to preserve those good looksJ) There was dancing, drinking, and an excellent buffet for all. BEST WISHES to DELLA once again HIGH SCHOOL REUNION Emma Flamand Pinkham attended her 55"th year reunion for graduation from Concord High School, Concord, NH, on June 11, The highlight of the evening came as their only surviving teacher, Elizabeth Donovan, addressed the class, reminding them of their little idiosyncracies. She is 96 years old and enjoys traveling all over the world. JUILLET - JULY 9 -Guy Leger CAN 3 -Louis Flamand NH i\m Flamand NH JTOBRE - OCTOBER 2 -Raymond Gibeau RI 5 -Claudette Lessard CAN Rosario Lessard Can Steven Gordon RI 6 -Thomas Gibeau RI 6 -Virginia Flamand RI 7 -Jeannette Kilday RI 7 -Danielle Flamand CAN 1 -William Bourassa RI Pierre Rollen CAN 9 -Germaine Lessard CAN 2 -Marc Lessard CAN k -Nathalie Constantin CAN 11 -Robert Stone Sr. FLA 6 -Jean Lessard CAN 12 -Earle Coleman RI 14 -Christopher Lacasse RI 7 -Gisele Lessard CAN William Murray III RI 15 -Erin Clement RI 8 -Kevin Clement RI 16 -Philip Freo NH 0 -Sophie Nadeau CAN 17 -France Flamand CAN Emma Pinkham NH Beatrice A. Flamand RI Elaine Gibeau Griffiths 1 -Suzanne Flamand CAN Gabe Maoli CAL Annette Maoli GAL Rolland Leger CAN :2 -Brian Clement RI 23 -Robert Flamand CAN Yves Lessard CAN 25 -Monique Savoie Flamand :6 -Robert Flamand RI J? -Gedeon Flamand 26 -Laurent Laflamme CAN 29 -Denise Flamand RI 27 -Richard Lacasse RI Adjutor Flamand NH ;OVEMBRE - NOVEMBER Nina Lacasse RI 3 -Ernest Lacasse Jr. RI 28 -Lori Jean Brulotte RI k -Charles Brulotte RI Lucy Gibeau Cerbo ME Freo NH 29 -Anita Flamand Tullo RI 5 -Adella Russell Schiller COL 6 -Fran§oise Leger Paquet AOUT - AUGUST 7 -Mary Beth Kilday RI k -Andre1 Flamand CAN 5 -Nicole Flamand CAN 8' -Joan Lacasse RI Muriel Gibeau RI 10 -Jean Charles Flamand 6 -Diana Coleman RI .1 -Rosalia Flamand RI 9 -Jack Eldredge RI .3 -Constance Flamand RI k -Josephine Freo NH George Lacasse RI Edgar Roger CAN .5 -Jacqueline Flamand CAN 17 -Alma Bourassa RI 16 -Gerald Flamand CAN Alice Soucy NH Diana Menard RI 20 -Diane Nadeau CAN 22 -Michael Flamand RI 2k -Janet Eldredge RI 21 -Delvina Lacasse RI 23 -George Flamand RI Marion Flamand Gerard Flamand CAN 25 -Constance Flamand RI 2k -Joseph Menard RI 26 -RenS Flamand CAN 25 -Shirley Gibeau RI Christine Sullivan RI 26 -William Gordon Law RI Anik Lessard CAN 28 -Colette Flamand Bedard 27 -Melanie Flamand RI Yvette Leger Cloutier 28 -Lucienne Brulotte RI 30 -Robert Flamand Jr RI Norman Flamand RI Ernest Lacasse RI Debra Lacasse RI Mary Lacasse RI Angus Martineau CAN Louise Leger CAN 30 -Rhonda Flamand RI Chantale Rollen CAN Stephen Ricci RI SEPTEMBRE - SEPTEMBER DECEMBRE - DECEMBER 1 -Jeannette Gravelin RI 1 -Jacques Leger CAN 2 -Richard Flamand Jr. RI k -Christian Lessard CAN 3 -Ernest Lacasse III RI Norman Flamand Jr. RI 5 -Sandra Jane Flamand CAN Genevieve Lacasse RI 6 -Marc Constantin CAN 6 -Holly McClaren NH Corinne Ricci RI 7 -Lucien Flamand CAN 11 -Elisa Lacasse RI 9 -Simone Flamand CAN Rock Lessard CAN Sydney Flamand Schiller 12 -Claire Murray RI 15 -Steven Leger CAN 15 -Albert J. Flamand NH 16 -Telesphore Pete Flamand 16 -Suzanne Leger CAN 20 -Jacqueline Flamand RI 19 -Francine Leger CAN 22 -Richard Emo Gordon RI Michele Leger CAN 26 -Gary Ricci RI 21 -Clarence Pinkham NH 27 -John Eldredge Jr RI 2k -Mia Flamand RI Joseph Flamand Jr RI 30 -David Jordan RI 25 -Marie Anna Leger CAN 31 -Arthur Gravelin RI 26 -Carole Flamand CAN Ginette Nadeau CAN Micheline Rollen CAN NADEAUS VISIT ALASKA , Fred and Lucia Nadeau have returned from a 19-day visit to Alaska. During their stay, Fred revisited the site of his father's claim during the turn-of-the-century gold rush. (We all suspected there would be GOLD in Freddie's rootsJ) Editor's note: This column will be written about the young people of the Flamand family, therefore it's only fitting that it be written by a young person. Mary Kilday, our new young people's editor, is in the eleventh grade at Warwick Veterans Memorial High School and is president of the student senate at her school. WEDDING BELLS FOR LIZ AND ERNEST On August 2^th, Liz Maioli was married in California. Her jet-setting grandmother! Delia LaCasse, flew out to attend the event BILLY MURRAY had four wisdom teeth rewith her sister, Diana Coleman. moved. He is starting his sophomore year Back in Rhode Island, Ernest LaCasse at the University of Pittsburg in Johnston, III was married on September 3rd. Pa. Good Luck to SUE MURRAY in her 'new home on 26 Charming Street, Warwick 1952 ANDRE & MONIQUE 197? a poem from DONNA MAIOLI from California (DELLA LACASSE*s grandaughter): On September 4th, the children of Andre and Monique Flamand held a reception in hon"The Family" or of their parents' 25th wedding anniverA family so close as you sary. The party took place in Princeville, Should never be blue Canada, at the Salle Paroissiale. Several No matter how far we go Rhode Islanders attended the affair. Our love for you will show Accomodations at the Salle were deluxe. Through Mountains and Deserts Richard Flamand and his bride were a bit Forests and Highways overwhelmed by their chamber of mirrors. Great Gaps such as these (Unfortunately, due to constant fogging the Are only mere byways mirrors' powers of reflection were greatly The news we hear reduced!) There's good and there's bad 25th ANNIVERSARY There's sentiments we feel Some happy some sad Gerald and Rachel (Flamand) Gomes, of No matter how far Manchester, NH, celebrated their 25th wedWe appear to be ding anniversary on May 28, 1977. It's really quite close 'Cause we are a family NEWLYWEDS NORMAN FLAMAND's daughter CHERYL FLAMAND, Brenda North, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Everett North of East Greenwich, was mar- a student at Warwick High School) achieved a poem ried to David Flamand, son of Mr. and Mrs. honors during her junior year— Albert Flamand of Warwick, on July 30th at by LISA JOLES, dedicated to SUE MURRAY: 11 AM at the Quidnessett Baptist Church in "Birds are free, why can't I be?" North Kingstown. The reception following If I were a bird, tell you what I'd dq was held at the Potowomut Golf Club in East I'd fly and soar so high Greenwich. No one would see me, Maid of honor was Debbie Anderson and Not even you. bridesmaids were Kathy Strong, Janet White, If I were a bird, you know what I'd Donna Blair, cousin of the bride, andDenise see? Flamand, sister of the groom. Flower girls Everything from the ground to eternity. were Holly and Caroline Kenyon, cousins of If I were a bird, you know where I'd the bride. go? Best man was Raymond Murray. Ushers From Rhode Island to Florida to New were William and Paul Flamand, brothers of Mexico. the groom, Charles North, brother of the I'd soar so high that no one could see bride, and Russell Flamand, cousin of the That I'm a bird, and I'm free. groom. Everett Ford, cousin and godchild of the groom, was ring bearer. DEBRA LACASSE, daughter of MR. and MRS.. The couple is living in Warwick. Brenda GEORGE LACASSE of Evergreen Road, Chepatchet is employed by Metropolitan Property and was named to the dean's list for the last Liability Insurance Company and David works marking period at Rhode Island College, for Jennings Brothers. where she is studying for a degree in nursing. She is a Ponaganset High School gradu~ STAFF of the FLAMAND GAZETTE ate. THOMAS GOMES, son of MR. and MRS. Editor in chief George Gravelin GERALD GOMES, of Manchester, N. H., graduAssistant Editor . . . . Jeannette Kilday ated from the Coast Guard Academy in May.— Writing and typing . . . . Carol Gravelin Anyone interested in having a pen pal, Typing . . Elaine Griffiths please send your name, address, and age to News Jeannette Gravelin the Gazette. This could be a fun way to Youth editor Mary Beth Kilday get aquainted with our relatives. Articles submitted by ... Robert Flamand , Lisa LaCasse 6. HAWAIIAN CAKE yellow or white cake mix eggs 1 1/3 c milk medium size Cool Whip pkg (3k oz) instant vanilla pudding oz cream cheese, softened c milk can (16 oz) crushed pineapple, drained 1 can coconut 1 c chopped nuts 1/2 c cherries Mix cake mix as directed and pour into greased pan, cookie sheet size. Cook for 12-15 minutes at 350 . Whip softened cream cheese with a little of the 1 c milk. Add instant pudding and rest of milk and whip to heavy pudding. Fold this with Cool Whip. Spread over cooled cake. Add rest of ingredients as stated above. From: Josephine Freo, Concord, N. H. 1 2 1 1 8 1 1 12 12 12 12 12 RED PICCALILLY red peppers, chopped small green peppers, chopped small apples, peeled and chopped small cucumbers, peel, take seeds out, and chop small red tomatoes, scalded, peeled, and chopped small Put all ingredients in large pan, add 3 c white vinegar, add 3/^ of a 5 lb bag of sugar, 1/2 c brown sugar. Make 3 little cheese cloth bags and put just about 3 heaping tablespoons of mixed pickeling spices in each bag and sew together; stir every now and then. Cook all day until you test and everything is cookedf then put in hot sterile jars, put on lids and rubber seals and seal immediately, turn upside down until cool. (By turning upside down, one checks for air leaks.) Make sure it does not stick to the pan bottom, use low flame. OPEN KETTLE TOMATOES Place tomatoes in a large pan, scald them with boiling water, let them set for a few minutes, then peel and cut into quarters, add a little salt and boil for 20 minutes. (Start counting the 20 minutes as soon as_it starts to boil.) Get sterile jars, lids and covers ready as described in previous recipe. After 20 minutes of boiling, place immediately in prepared jars and add 1/2 t salt. Turn jars upside down and make sure jars do not touch each other until cool. Check for bubbles. From: Mary Gibeau. Warwick, R. I. REUNION - continued from page 1. The winners of the games were: Horseshoes 1st place- Joe Flamand Jr. & Jimmy Flamand 2nd placePete Flamand & Richard Flamand Boys' 50-Yard Dash Raoul Flamand 1st placeR Under 6 Steven LaCasse 2nd placeSt Jerry Flamand 1st placeJ Age 6-8 Dean Ricci 2nd placeSteven Gordon 1st placeS Age 9-10 Norman Flamand 2nd placeNo 1st placeCChris LaCasse Franky Eldridge 2nd placeGirls' Sack Race Holly McClaren under 6 1st placeYanera Flamand 2nd placeMia Flamand Age 6-8 1st placeColeen Clement 2nd placeRenee Flamand Age 9-10 1st placeJo-Ann Flamand 2nd placePenny LaCasse Age 11-12 1st placeMelanie Flamand 2nd place3-Legged Race Boys and Girls under 6 Kenny Flamand & Coleen Clement Age 6-8 Brian Clement & Jerry Flamand Age 9-10 Norman Flamand & Renee Flamand Age 11-12 Franky Eldridge & Penny LaCasse Egg Throwing 6 and under- Steven LaCasse & Jimmy Flamand age 7-12 Chris, LaCasse & Janet Eldridge age 12-21 Collette Flamand & Cheryl Flamand over 21 Al & Dottie Flamand Tug-0-War Men - the Flamand team decisively defeated the opponents Age 11-12 Women -The opposing team with vastly superior numbers managed to squeeze out a close decision over the undermanned Flamand team A special souvenir pin was given to all of the ladies in attendance. This gold pin, which is shaped like the Canadian maple leaf, was obtained through MONET jewelers of Rhode Island. This unique limited edition pin is sure to become a collector's item— only 130 were manufactured. The reunion committee wishes to thank all those who contributed time and effort into making this our most successful reunion ever. Plans are already underway for 1978, and we're certain that we can count on all of you for the same. But most of all, our thanks go out to all who attended. Without you people, all of our efforts would be in vain. Robert Flamand Reunion Committee Chairman 7. PROCLAMATION TANDIS QUE, les annales de 1'histoire genSalogique de la famille FLAMAND sont dat€es depuis 17^3, quand Joseph Flamand, n€ Joseph Landriere emigrant de la Belgique au Qugbec en Canada; et TANDIS QUE, depuis ce temps, d'autres membres de cette famille sont venus s'Stablir dans d'autres parties de la Province de QuSbec, aussi qu'aux Etats-Unis dans le Maine, le New Hampshire, le Massachusetts et le Rhode Island; et TANDIS QUE, rScemment les membres de la famille FLAMAND ont gtabli une affiliation de famille qu'ils appellent "1'Association Flamand",qui fourni a leurs membres un papier-journal Flamand Gazette, des reunions de families pour diff€rentes occasions, et de 1'ouvrage pour ramasser des fonds pour cette organization; et TANDIS QUE, les FLAMANDS de Warwick ont contribug beaucoup a 1*amelioration et au bienetre de cette communautS; et TANDIS QUE, 1'Association Flamand peut vraiment Stre fiere de ses. membres (presque quatre cent membres de famille); et TANDIS QUE, & peu pres ces quatre cent fieres FLAMANDS des Etats-Unis et du Canada sont unis ici aujourd'hui pour celebrer leur heritage, DONG, PAR CONSEQUENT, je, Joseph W. Walsh, maire de la ville de Warwick, proclame le k juillet, 1977, comme LA JOURNEE FLAMAND DANS LA VILLE DE WARWICK ET, E/PUIS, j1encourage les residents de cette ville de reconnaitre les efforts des membret de la FAMILLE FLAMAND comme un symbole de fierte" et de se faire gloire de nos heritages. * * * * WHEREAS, the recorded genealogical history of the FLAMAND family dates back to 17^3, when Joseph Flamtnd, nee Joseph Landriere, emigrated from Belgium to Quebec, Canada; and WHEREAS, sine9 that time other members of this family have settled in parts of the Canadian Province of Quebec and in the New England states of Maine, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, and Rhode Island; and WHEREAS, they have recently established a formal affiliation of "blood relatives" known as the'Flamand Association," which provides its membership with its own newspaper, parades, reunions, and fundraising efforts; and WHEREAS, the Flamand Association can rightly boast of a prospective membership of an estimated three hundred relatives; and WHEREAS, the Warwick Flumands have contributed to the improvement and well-being of our community; and WHEREAS, nearly four hundred people from New England and Canada have joined here today to celebrate a heritage of which they are justifiably proud; NOW, THEREFORE, I, Joseph W. Walsh, MAYOR of the CITY OF WARWICK, proclaim July k, 1977, as FLAMAND DAY IN THE CITY OF WARWICK And urge my fellow residents to recognize the efforts of the FLAMAND FAMILY as a symbol of continuing pride in our own respective heritages. ******************* JOSEPH W. WALSH * * * * * * * * * * * MAYOR ASSOCIATION MEMBERS- The following people have qualified as official members of the Flamand Association. In addition to paying their dues (over 65 do not pay), they have completed the necessary application, and they have been voted into membership. THERE IS STILL TIME TO JOIN.' SEND IN YOUR COMPLETED APPLICATION ™ ™ v i Guy Leger Shirley Gibeau Guy Flamand Colette Bedard Marie Leger Rose Giroux Alma Bourassa Jacqueline Flamand Michel Leger June Gordon James Flamand Mary Bourassa Gerard Lessard William Bourassa Jean-Charles Flamand Richard Gordon Arthur Gravelin Annette Maioli Beverly Brulotte Jeannine Flamand Angus Martineau Carol Gravelin Charles Brulotte Joseph Flamand Sr. Colette Martineau George Gravelin Joseph Flamand Jr. Lucienne Brulotte Laura Martineau Jeannette Gravelin Kenneth Flamand H§lene Campbell Rodney McClaren Elaine Griffiths Marcel Flamand Florence Clement Gary Jordan Ruth McClaren Irving Clement Monique Flamand Diana Menard Sandra Jordan Marion Flamand Diana Coleman Joseph Menard Sr. Jeannette Kilday Neree Flamand Earle Coleman Joseph Menard Jr. Thomas Kilday Norman Flamand Gene Coleman Jacqueline LaFlamme Claire Murray Paul Flamand Ghyslain Constantin William Murray Sr. Albert LaCasse Claire Constantin Richard Flamand William Murray Jr. Daniel LaCasse Lucile d'Andrieu Robert Flamand Susan Murray Debra LaCasse Ronald Flamand Jeanne Eldridge Alain Nadeau Delvina LaCasse Albert J. Flamand RI Rosalia Flamand Alfred Nadeau Elisa LaCasse Albert J. Flamand NH Russell Flamand Diane Nadeau Ernest LaCasse Telesphore Flamand Andre Flamand Lucia Nadeau George LaCasse Virginia Flamand Anna Flamand Francine Leger Paquet Loralee LaCasse Beatrice A, Flamand William Flamand Clarence Finkham Lucille LaCasse Adella Freo Beatrice I. Flamand Emma Pinkham Josephine Freo Marilyn LaCasse Constance Flamand Donald Reynolds Richard Freo Mary LaCasse David Flamand Paul LaCasse ( Margo Roger Diane Gibeau Denise Flamand Jim Schiller Richard LaCasse Donna Gibeau Edouard Flamand Richard LaCasse Jr. Sydney Rae Schiller Mary Gibeau Eileen Flamand Alice Soucy Suzanne LaCasse Muriel Gibeau George Flamand Francine Leger Raymond Gibeau Ginette Flamand (Superior (Home Jjevelopers, ^fnc. REMODELING - ADDITIONS - NEW CONSTRUCTION 739-090^ FRANK MEGL10 399 JEFFERSON BLVD. WARWICK. R. I. 02886 U.S. Lawrence M. Halperin Insurance Security, klC. ... , n, . „ ,. Financial Planning Consultants Personal and Business Insurance 335 Centerville Road Warwick, Rhode Island 02886 . , 4U '''
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