Contact details - Biobased Performance Materials

Biobased Performance Materials Symposium
12 June 2014, Wageningen, The Netherlands
Presentation 9
14.00 – 14.30 hrs
Bioplastic processing: Improved properties of PLA by stretching
Sicco de Vos, Gerald Schennink & Pim Lohmeijer
Contact details:
Sicco de Vos
Principal Specialist Polymer Technology
Corbion Purac - Purac Biochem bv
Arkelsedijk 46
4206 AC Gorinchem
The Netherlands
T +31 (0) 183 695 210
F +31 (0) 183 695 607
M +31(0) 6 11589125
E [email protected]
Contact details:
Gerald Schennink
Senior Scientist Biopolymers
Wageningen UR Food & Biobased Research
P.O. Box 17
6700 AA Wageningen
The Netherlands
T +31 (0) 317 480 235
F +31 (0) 317 483 011
E [email protected]
Contact details:
Pim Lohmeijer
Eindhoven University of Technology
Department of Chemical Engineering and Chemistry
Laboratory of PolymerMaterials (SPM)
Den Dolech 2
P.O. Box 513
5600 MB Eindhoven
The Netherlands
T +31 (0) 40 247 4930
E [email protected]
The BPM 130 – PLA St IC – project aims for the production of heat stable, transparent PLA
products (in particular bottles). In this lecture an overview of the results will be presented by
industrial partner Corbion Purac in cooperation with research organisations Technical
University of Eindhoven (TU/e) and Wageningen UR – Food and Biobased Research (WUR-FBR).
Research of TU/e was focussed on the modelling/analysis of crystallisation behaviour of PLA
due to a specific thermal and stretching history, while main point of attention of WUR-FBR’s
research was on effect of crystallinity on final product properties like heat stability and
mechanical properties. Practical relevance of this project/results will be presented by
Corbion Purac.