The Cathedral Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Lincoln Services and Music for March 2014 23 SUNDAY 0745 0800 0930 Litany Holy Communion [Order Two] THIRD SUNDAY SUNG EUCHARIST [Order One] NEH 439 (t.ii), Ps 95, OF LENT Mozart: Missa brevis in B flat 75, 235 Alain: O salutaris hostia Prayer C; Lent Prose Preacher: The Dean 1115 MATTINS Responses: Tomkins Sumsion: Benedicite in B flat Ps 46 Lassus: Improperium NEH 434 1230 Holy Communion [Order One: Traditional Language] Canon-in-Residence 1545 EVENSONG Responses: Radcliffe THE DEAN Rubbra in A flat NEH 59, 336 The Very Revd. Handel: Behold the lamb of God; And with his stripes Ps 40 P.J.W. Buckler, M.A. Preacher: Canon Mike Burson-Thomas, Prebendary of Saint Martin _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 24 MONDAY 0730 Mattins [St Hugh's Shrine] Walter Hilton, 0800 Holy Communion [Order One: Guilds' Chantry] mystic, 1396 1230 Holy Communion [Order One: St Hugh's Shrine] Paul Couturier, priest, 1730 EVENSONG Responses: Summerfield ecumenist, 1953 Bairstow in E flat NEH 59, 69 Oscar Romero, Pergolesi: Cuius animam gementem Ps 139 archbishop, martyr, 1980 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 25 TUESDAY ANNUNCIATION OF OUR LORD TO THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY 0730 0800 1030 1230 1730 Mattins [St Hugh's Shrine] Holy Communion [Order One: Morning Chapel] Holy Communion [Order Two: Fleming Chantry] Holy Communion [Order One: St Hugh's Shrine] SOLEMN EVENSONG Responses: Morley Ave Regina caelorum NEH 181, 14 Edward in C sharp minor Pss 131, 141 Parsons: Ave Maria _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 26 WEDNESDAY 0730 Mattins [St Hugh's Shrine] Harriet Monsell, 0800 Holy Communion [Order One: St Anne's Chapel] founder of the 1200 Litany [Longland Chantry] Community of 1230 Holy Communion [Order One: St Hugh's Shrine] St John the Baptist, 1883 1730 Evening Prayer [St Hugh's Shrine] _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 27 THURSDAY 0730 0800 1030 1230 1730 Mattins [St Hugh's Shrine] Holy Communion [Order One: Ringers' Chapel] Holy Communion [Order Two: Airmen's Chapel] Holy Communion [Order One: St Hugh's Shrine] EVENSONG Responses: Plainsong Lay: Modal Service NEH 59, 70 Tallis: Lamentations of Jeremiah Pss 143, 144 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 28 FRIDAY 0730 0800 1200 1230 1730 29 SATURDAY Thomas Kendall and his companions Mattins [St Hugh's Shrine] Holy Communion [Order Two: St Blaize Chapel] Litany [Longland Chantry] Holy Communion [Order One: St Hugh's Shrine] EVENSONG Responses: Morley Purcell in C NEH 59, 71 Wesley: Wash me throughly Pss 145, 146 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 0730 Mattins [St Hugh's Shrine] 0800 Holy Communion [Order One: Sailors' Chapel] 1230 Holy Communion [Order One: St Hugh's Shrine] 1730 Evening Prayer [St Hugh's Shrine] 1930 PASSIONTIDE CONCERT: St John Passion sung by the Cathedral Choir _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ARIC PRENTICE, Director of Music CHARLES HARRISON, Assistant Director of Music GAVIN KIRK, Precentor The Cathedral Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Lincoln Services and Music for March - April 2014 30 SUNDAY 0745 0800 0930 Litany Holy Communion [Order Two] FOURTH SUNDAY SUNG EUCHARIST [Order One] CP 362, 238, 383, HON 87 OF LENT Ireland in C Prayer Elgar: Ave verum corpus Ps 34: 11-20 Laetare Preacher: The Revd. Sal McDougall, Bishop's Chaplain Lent Prose 1115 MATTINS Responses: Radcliffe Mothering Sunday Stanford: Benedictus in C Ps 19 J.S. Bach: Ruht wohl AMNS 211 (t.113) Preacher: Canon Jane Freebairn-Smith Canon-in-Residence 1230 Holy Communion [Order One: Traditional Language] THE DEAN 1545 EVENSONG Responses: Morley The Very Revd. Blow in F NEH 60, 468, 408 P.J.W. Buckler, M.A. Allegri: Miserere mei Ps 31: 1-8 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 31 MONDAY John Donne, priest, poet, 1631 0730 0800 1230 1730 Mattins [St Hugh's Shrine] Holy Communion [Order One: Works' Chantry] Holy Communion [Order One: St Hugh's Shrine] EVENSONG Responses: Plainsong Prentice: Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis NEH 60, 357 Humfrey: A hymne to God the Father Pss 100, 101 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1 TUESDAY 0730 Mattins [St Hugh's Shrine] Frederick Denison Maurice, 0800 Holy Communion [Order One: Morning Chapel] priest, teacher of the 1030 Holy Communion [Order Two: Fleming Chantry] faith, 1872 1230 Holy Communion [Order One: St Hugh's Shrine] Canon-in-Residence 1730 EVENSONG Responses: Prentice THE PRECENTOR Ireland in A NEH 60, 73 The Revd. Canon S.S. Wesley: Love one another Pss 1, 2 G.J. Kirk, B.Th., M.A. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2 WEDNESDAY 0730 Mattins [St Hugh's Shrine] 0800 Holy Communion [Order One: Guilds' Chantry] 1200 Litany [Longland Chantry] 1230 Holy Communion [Order One: St Hugh's Shrine] 1430 Lincoln Minster School end-of-term service 1730 Evening Prayer [St Hugh's Shrine] _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3 THURSDAY 4 FRIDAY 0730 0800 1200 1230 1730 5 SATURDAY 0730 0800 1230 1730 0730 Mattins [St Hugh's Shrine] 0800 Holy Communion [Order One: Ringers' Chapel] 1030 Holy Communion [Order Two: Airmen's Chapel] 1230 Holy Communion [Order One: St Hugh's Shrine] 1730 Evening Prayer [St Hugh's Shrine] _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Mattins [St Hugh's Shrine] Holy Communion [Order Two: St Blaize Chapel] Litany [Longland Chantry] Holy Communion [Order One: St Hugh's Shrine] EVENSONG sung by Strathclyde University Chamber Choir Responses: Rose Sumsion in A NEH 60, 75 Tallis: O nata lux Pss 7, 8 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Mattins [St Hugh's Shrine] Holy Communion [Order One: Airmen's Chapel] Holy Communion [Order One: St Hugh's Shrine] EVENSONG sung by Strathclyde University Chamber Choir Responses: Rose Gerald Near: Evening Service NEH 79, 86 (om*) Ivo Antognini: O nata lux Ps 9 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ARIC PRENTICE, Director of Music CHARLES HARRISON, Assistant Director of Music GAVIN KIRK, Precentor
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