Products, pipeline systems and consulting

Medical Gas Equipment - DIN MEDIUM
Medical Gas Equipment
281 C
Products, pipeline systems and consulting
New products for HTM 02-01
Devices for medical gas
Devices for medical gas
Decompression units
Decompression unit flow-rate from
20 to 200 Nm3/h for medical gas
systems in accordance with
the standards ISO 7396/1
and HTM 02-01
Centrales a inversion automatique,
dèbit de 20 à 200 Nm3/h pour
les installations en conformité avec
la norme ISO 7396/1 et HTM 02-01
Centrali di decompressione da 20
a 200 Nm3/h di portata per impianti
gas medicali conformi alle norme
ISO 7396/1 e HTM 02-01
Emergency units and pipeline pressure
control unit for medical gas
Entrée d’urgence e pour la maintenance
des réseaux gaz médicaux
Punti di alimentazione d’emergenza
e unità controllo impianto per gas medicali
Emergency units
The brochure shows the main products and services offered by Delta P,
for complete information visit the website or contact the sales office.
La brochure présente les principaux produits et services offerts par Delta P,
pour une information complète visitez le site web ou communiquez avec le bureau de vente.
Nella brochure sono rappresentati i principali prodotti e servizi offerti da Delta P,
per una completa informazione consultare il sito internet o contattare gli uffici commerciali.
Medical Gas Equipment
281 C
High pressure systems for
the connection of cylinders
and cylinder packs
Flexibles et système
de collecteur haute pression
Sistemi ad alta pressione
per il collegamento di bombole
e pacchi bombole
Special decompression units
Customized and special decompression units
Centrales de décompression spéciale
Centrali e sistemi di decompressione speciali
realizzati su specifica del cliente
Devices for medical gas
AGSS units
Centralized anaesthetic gas scavenging
systems in accordance with the standards
ISO 7396/2 and HTM 02-01
Centrales pour réseaux d’évacuation
gaz d’anesthésie en conformité
avec la norme ISO 7396/2 et HTM 02-01
Centrali per impianti di evacuazione
gas anestetici centralizzati conformi
alle norme ISO 7396/2 e HTM 02-01
Regulators for AGSS
Vacuum regulators for centralized anaesthetic gas
scavenging systems in accordance with the standards
ISO 7396/2 and HTM 02-01
Régulateurs de vide pour les systèmes centralisés
de gaz d’anesthésie en conformité avec les normes
ISO 7396/2 et HTM 02-01
Regolatori di vuoto e aspirazione per impianti
di evacuazione gas anestetici centralizzati conformi
alle norme ISO 7396/2 e HTM 02-01 Vacuum units
Vacuum stations flow-rate from
20 to 400 Nm3/h for medical
gas systems in accordance with
the standards ISO 7396/1
and HTM 02-01
Centrale de vide, dèbit de 20
à 400 Nm3/h pour
les installations en conformité
avec la norme ISO 7396/1
et HTM 02-01
Centrali vuoto da 12
a 400 Nm3/h di portata
per impianti gas medicali
conformi alle norme ISO 7396/1
e HTM 02-01
The brochure shows the main products and services offered by Delta P,
for complete information visit the website or contact the sales office.
La brochure présente les principaux produits et services offerts par Delta P,
pour une information complète visitez le site web ou communiquez avec le bureau de vente.
Nella brochure sono rappresentati i principali prodotti e servizi offerti da Delta P,
per una completa informazione consultare il sito internet o contattare gli uffici commerciali.
Medical Gas Equipment
281 C
Second stage regulators
Single and double second stage regulators
projected and realized according to the standards
for centralized systems conforming to ISO 7396/1
Poste de deuxième détente avec un ou deux
régulateurs de pression
Riduttori di secondo stadio singoli e doppi
realizzati ai sensi delle norme per impianti
centralizzati conformi alle norme ISO 7396/1
Area shut-off valves for centralized systems in accordance with the standards ISO 7396/1
and HTM 02-01. Available with or without
integrated alarm
Vannes de zone pour le reseaux de gaz
medicaux en conformité avec
les normes ISO 7396/1 et HTM 02-01
Valvole di blocco area per impianti centralizzati conformi alle norme ISO 7396/1 e HTM 02-01
disponibili con e senza allarme integrato
Area shut-off valves
Devices for medical gas
Valves for medical gases
Valves for medical gases
Vannes pour systèmes
de distribution de gaz medicaux
Valvole per gas medicali
con e senza sensore Namur
Second stage high flow-rate
reducers up to 200 Nm3/h
Régulateurs de pression
de deuxième détente à débit
élevé, jusqu’à 200 Nm3/h
Riduttori di secondo stadio
ad alta portata fino a 200 Nm3/h
Alarms and alarm systems with
BUS communication
Second stage high flow-rate reducers
Alarmes et systèmes d’alarme
Allarmi e sistemi di allarme
con comunicazione BUS
The brochure shows the main products and services offered by Delta P,
for complete information visit the website or contact the sales office.
La brochure présente les principaux produits et services offerts par Delta P,
pour une information complète visitez le site web ou communiquez avec le bureau de vente.
Nella brochure sono rappresentati i principali prodotti e servizi offerti da Delta P,
per una completa informazione consultare il sito internet o contattare gli uffici commerciali.
Medical Gas Equipment
281 C
Emergency reducers
Reducers for emergency power
of the plants from 30 to 120 Nm3/h
Détendeurs pour l’alimentation
d’urgence de réseaux, dèbit de 30
à 120 Nm3/h
Riduttori per alimentazione
in emergenza degli impianti
da 30 a 120 Nm3/h
Terminal units
Terminal units for medical gases realized in accordance
with AFNOR NFS90-116, DIN 13260-2, BS 5682,
SS 875 24 30, UNI 9507 standards
Prises médical en conformité avec la norme AFNOR NFS90-
116, DIN 13260-2, BS 5682, SS 875 24 30, UNI 9507
Unità terminali per gas medicali realizzate secondo
le norme AFNOR NFS90-116, DIN 13260-2, BS 5682,
SS 875 24 30, UNI 9507
Devices for medical gas
Probes for terminal units
realized in accordance with
AFNOR NFS90-116, DIN 13260-2,
BS 5682, SS 875 24 30, UNI 9507 standards
Embouts pur prises médicales
en conformité avec la norme
AFNOR NFS90-116, DIN 13260-2,
BS 5682, SS 875 24 30, UNI 9507
Innesti per unità terminali
realizzati secondo le norme
AFNOR NFS90-116, DIN 13260-2,
BS 5682, SS 875 24 30, UNI 9507
Agss terminal units for plants with
blower units and venturi system
Prises pour l’évacuation de gaz
Prese evacuazione per impianti
con centrale a soffiante
e con sistema venturi
Agss terminal units
The brochure shows the main products and services offered by Delta P,
for complete information visit the website or contact the sales office.
La brochure présente les principaux produits et services offerts par Delta P,
pour une information complète visitez le site web ou communiquez avec le bureau de vente.
Nella brochure sono rappresentati i principali prodotti e servizi offerti da Delta P,
per una completa informazione consultare il sito internet o contattare gli uffici commerciali.
Medical Gas Equipment
281 C
Flow-meters + humidifiers
Flow-meters + humidifiers
Rotamètres avec embouts
et humidificateurs
Flussometri a galleggiante
e con selettore di flusso
completi di innesto
Cylinder reducers
for oxygentherapy
pour oxygénothérapie
Oxygentherapy reducer
Riduttori da bombola
per ossigenoterapia
Devices for medical gas
Vacuum regulators + jars
Vacuum regulators
for endocavitary suction + probes
Régulateurs de vide
Regolatori di vuoto per aspirazione
endocavitaria completi di innesto
Pendants and bed head units
Pendants and bed head units
Gaines techniques à usage médical
Pensili e travi testaletto
Pipeline systems and consulting
Pipeline systems and consulting
Delta P designs, installs and certifies
pipeline systems for the distribution of medical
gases, vacuum, anaesthetic gases, units
to produce breathable air in accordance with
the standards ISO 7396/1 ISO 7396/2
and HTM 02-01 and systems for pure gases
(Laboratory line).
Our technical department provides a qualified
consulting service for the desing and sizing
of the installations and pipeline sytems
for medical and pure gases during the first
step (offer), inspections and controls during
construction, testing in accordance with
the current rules.
Delta P dessins, installe e certifie réseaux
pour gaz médicaux, vide et évacuazione des gaz anesthésiques, centrales pour
la production d’air médicale.
Delta P offre un service de consultation
professionel pour la conception de réseaux
de distribution de gaz medicaux e pures,
des inspections et des controles en cours
de travail, tests en conformité a les normes.
Delta P progetta, installa e certifica impianti
per la distribuzione dei gas medicinali, vuoto,
evacuazione gas anestetici, centrali
per la produzione di aria medicinale ai sensi
delle nome ISO 7396/1 ISO 7396/2 e HTM 02-01
e impianti per gas puri da laboratorio
La divisione impianti offre un servizio
di consulenza qualificato per la progettazione
e il dimensionamento di impianti di distribuzione
gas medicali e puri in fase di offerta, sopralluoghi
e verifica in corso d’opera dei lavori, esecuzione
di collaudi ai sensi delle norme vigenti.
Pure gas equipment
Pure gas equipment
First stage reducers for pure gases
Cylinder/Manifold connection
first stage reducers for pure gases
Détendeurs haute pression
pour gaz purs
Riduttori per gas puri di primo stadio
da bombola e da rampa
Reducers double expansion
for pure gases with metal bellows
Détendeurs a double étage
haute pression pour gaz purs
Riduttori a doppia espansione
per gas puri a soffietto metallico
Second stage reducers
for pure gases with metal bellows
Détendeurs basse pression
pour gaz purs
Reducers double expansion for pure gases
Second stage reducers for pure gases
Riduttori di secondo stadio
per gas puri a soffietto metallico
The brochure shows the main products and services offered by Delta P,
for complete information visit the website or contact the sales office.
La brochure présente les principaux produits et services offerts par Delta P,
pour une information complète visitez le site web ou communiquez avec le bureau de vente.
Nella brochure sono rappresentati i principali prodotti e servizi offerti da Delta P,
per una completa informazione consultare il sito internet o contattare gli uffici commerciali.
Medical Gas Equipment
281 C
Switch-over unit for pure gases
Switch-over unit for pure gases
with or without integrated high
pressure and purge valve
Centrales a inversion
automatique pour gaz purs
Centrali per gas puri
con e senza valvola alta
pressione e spurgo integrata
Manifolds for pure gases 1, 2, 3 seats complete with purge valve
Flexibles et système de collecteur
haute pression pour gaz purs
Rampe per gas puri da 1, 2 e 3
bombole complete di valvola
di spurgo
Alarms for the control
of pure gas distribution systems
Alarmes pour réseaux
de distribution gaz purs
Sistemi di allarme
per il controllo degli impianti
di distribuzione gas puri
Manifolds for pure gases
Alarms for pure gases and accessories
Quality and certifications
A top commitment
Beginning from its foundation, Delta P has been committed to
Delta P has also CE certification for several of its products
advancing the safety of its products along with the technological
that fall under the T-PED Directive for transportable pressure
developments, capitalising on its years of experience.
Aware of the importance of Quality in an increasingly competitive
The Quality and Safety Area of the company heads the Quality
market, Delta P has made this one of the key elements of its
Management System and Company Prevention and Protection
activity and has obtained many certifications over the years.
Systems. The Quality and Safety Area manages also the
processes connected with testing and certification of the plants;
The Quality Management System at Delta P is ISO 9001:2008
these processes are carried out by highly trained and qualified
certified by the IMQ Certification Body S.p.A. of Milan for the
internal personnel who are independent from the other
activities of design, production, marketing, maintenance and
functions that construct the plants. The procedures adopted
assistance of equipment, systems and plants, in particular
comply with the requirements of harmonized standards ISO
for the use of medical gases, vacuums and evacuation of
7396-1 (plants for medical gases and vacuums), ISO 7362-2
anaesthetic gases.
(plants for the evacuation of anaesthetic gases) and ISO 14971
Most of Delta P’s products and plants fall under the 93/42/CEE
(medical device risk management).
“Medical Devices” Directive and have the CE mark pursuant to
that Directive. The company’s Quality Management System is
Thus continuous monitoring of the efficiency and efficacy of
also certified in accordance with ISO 13485:2003. To date, Delta
company processes represents an indispensable element
P has certified and constructed more than 400 plants with the
that Delta P provides to its partners and clients in order to
CE mark.
maintain the quality, safety, reliability and competitiveness of
Delta P has obtained SOA certification pursuant to D.P.R.
points of reference in the field of equipment for the distribution
34/2000 for category OS3 (special works) public works of class
and use of gases, also at the international level.
its products, with the goal of becoming one of the principal
II; striving for presence in markets worldwide, Delta P has
additional certifications (for example GOST for doing business
All of the certifications can be downloaded from the website www.
in Russia).
ISO 13485:2003
ISO 9001:2008
GOST Certificate
Certification SOA
n. 35727/07/00
Distributed by
Medical Gas Equipment
Delta P S.r.l.
Via Thansau, 4 - 20088 Rosate (MI) - Italy
Tel. +39.02.900.05.313
Fax +39.02.900.05.255
[email protected][email protected]