Website : http://wwwjnvkannur.; Tel & Fax : 0490 __231 l3BA,23l 0500 E-Mail : [email protected] ffiqrfl ffiYerr fuqroa-rr erqs t-strs frstt, qq{ airm- - Qeo qqR JAWAHAR NAVODAYA VIDYALAYA KANNUR Chendayad P.0. Kannur ffi-dT; l)istrict, Kerala - 670 692. Ministry of Human Resource Development, qFrq H$rrerq' Bfl'€- rrdrcr{, FTe fr&r !F qlqrd'f frqmT,) (Dept. of School Education & Literacy) qil:mg{sR Govt of India. ffiq.: loth March 2ol4 tFtFs H: B-1 3/JNVW20L4-15 I Tender Notification (Details of rcnder notiJication published in Mathrubhumi Daily on 10-03-2014) = On behalf of Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti, sealed tenders are invited,,Sji the Pq.,pCip?i:1;",Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya Chendayad, Kannur for the supply of various ite-rars frorilsfirms and individuals " fortheacademicyear2014-2015 (iefrom t-5-L4to30-4-2015) w,i \il =,.,,,,til,,,i, ..::::: Details of Item SI.No I 2 a J 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 t2 13 t4 15 t6 l7 18 20 Bed repairing Bed sheet, pillow cover, bath towel Biscuit Bread, Bun etc Cleaning items Cleaning works Coir Mattress & Pillows Cotton for bed repair Curry Powder Electric and plumbing,items English Medicines Farm fresh chicken Fish Grocery items Hair cutting Hair Oil Hawaii Chappals LabOUr:,,..,ehorg0s:: for painting work Painting items S:hnitary Napkins Sch$,ol Ba$ Shoe prolish Soap""'0i1, phenol Socks Stationery items Steel plate & Steel glass T Shirt Tooth paste & Brush Track suit Uniform clothes uniform Shoe Black & White Uniform Stitchirrg uniforrn Tie Vegetable, Fruits and egg Vehicle hiring 1::, 2t 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 aa JJ 34 35 ,: , Cost of Tender form E.M.f) D'e,b,os,it {.50 (,300 rri...'::ttrt:rrrrttri {.50 ""<.3000 q.l..00 <.3000 <.3000 <.300 <.3000 <.300 <.300 <.3000 <.400 <.300 <.2000 <.4000 <.2000 <.20000 <.300 <.300 <.300 <.300 <.300 <.300 <.300 <.300 <.300 <.300 <.300 <.300 <.300 <.300 <.300 <.300 <.300 <.300 <.1 000 <.1 0000 <.2000 <.2000 T.1 000 <.2000 <.3000 <.2000 {.5..0 <.50 <.50 ,, tl,,ll,lllllllllll,,ll,,,,liiii"" {.50 {.2000 <'50 r:l:l::l:: <.50 {.50 <.50 <.50 <.50 {.50 <.50 <.50 T.50 <.50 <.50 <.50 <.50 <.50 <.50 {.50 <.50 <.50 <.50 <.50 <.50 {.50 <.50 <.50 ::':1.. S,ecurifi,i',.l.ll. <. 1000 {.1 000 <.2000 <.2000 {.1 000 <.2000 <.2000 <.2000 <.3000 <.3000 <.3000 <. 1000 <.1 0000 <. I 0000 I.DISTRIBUTIOIY OF TEIYDER FORMS l. Tender forms along with details can be obtained from the office of the yidyalayaon all working days from l0 am to 4 pm up to 26-04-14 by remitting <.50/- towards the cost of the form by cash 2. Those who require tender forms by post can be obtained the same from the aforesaid address on payment of t.501- towards its cost on shape of bank draft in favour of principal, Jawahar Navo daya vidyalaya payable at sBI Kuthuparamba along with self addressed stamped envelope. 3. Tenders forms can be downloaded from the vidyalaya web site w*wjrrka$rrrur.eor.i, or In such case, cost of tender form may or ffi Demand Draft (DD in favour of Principal, Jawahar Navodaya ViOyafa$fiayffiagt snr Kuthuparamba) along with EMD as per the statement at the,ltim. ol,s*ffisip_Irpilender forms. If the firm is_ exempted from paying cost of tendei,pocumenis, Eufldo ii *v, copy of the concemed Govt. order should be enclosedalong *lth teraer. .. II. SUBMISSIOIV OF TENDER FORMS ,,,t,:,;!1r. :i ,,,,,,. ,, ',: ,,,,,,,, ,,::,, .-.::,:,,, ',,,:,1.,.1..'':::,.,,.,,::l. .''' '.i,,,, . Last date for submitting tender is April 28t0.!014 ;1',,,1 600 2. Tender forms duly filled up should,,be accomparrier""""bil EMD in the form of demand draft as per the schedule at the time dfiiii$Ub*Hission. 3. Demand D1aft for EMD may_be hande&o..v"i to ihe office directly and Tender form may keep in sealed cover if teftderis handing over directly. 1 ,: ri1,.. Filled tenders wil!!e acceqfg,g onlv intfhd-io-Bsf.ssued bv the vidvalava or downloaded -trom.our rYeb site. r correction in the V!i"g "ry ,{I. formissuedbytheVidyalayawillnotu@correttioninrate,whilefi1lingthe form is required, individual thog,.,q tig*p.=-qpq$ the correction. Rates should be quoted for all the items shown in the tender form. Ratei ai.'uaiia up to 30-4-2015. ailg Tenders yl,lh. conSi.dered orly with EMD as mentioned in the schedule in the form of clemand draft"(DP,in favour of Principal, Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya Kannur payable at State . pant o.rtldia Kut6irpar@a Branch). EMD details ie. DD number and date and amount should be marl<ed onithe cover of tender if EMD is sending along with tende, Uy poJ. lf ,h; il;; cost of tender documents, EMb ana so if any, ortrr. concerned Go P.l,Iilg ",*tTqt!d,S!.3 shguld be enClosed along with the tender. "opy ,., lesffiate'for.submitting tender is 28-04-14 at 1600 hrs. Date and venue for opening the ffi{,Pt ihtimated tender opening later through our web site . Tenderers who wish to be present during the tender may do so either in person or by authorir.J"ri iu... s.,,.{pe For further details please contact the following telephone numbers. .Mr.Samuel Varghese, Office Superintendent Z.Mr.Sunilkumar A P - UDC 09446333723 1 - 0944665g42g PRII{CIP (T.KugHiklnara i,4 hy*,qA# ff iJ*y##*ffi P.S" f;r{gruFAi{4#, *r* w,ffi&ffi e#. *=o;qfg. ArreXf""&k eir s sr #f$ffiff? 'q$#trU# ?/dYrfl4 gs- srfl?s##
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