PIL KONTRASEPSI KOMBINASI: Perkembangan terkini, terkini, Resiko dan Manfaat Moch.Anwar Division of Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility Departemnt of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Faculty of Medicine -Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta 1 The early history of the Pill + Margareth Sanger (a nurse) Introduced the term “Birth control” into language in 1914. A pioneer of the American birth control movement. Katherine Dexter McCormick (A philanthropist) Gregory Pincus ( One of the leading authorities in reproductive biology) Developing a pharmaceutical contraceptive “The pill” has been credited with changing the course of history not only for women but also the world since its introduction in 1960. ( Likis: J.Midwifery & women’s health, 2002) 2 World wide use of methods Fem. Sterilisation 29% Male Sterilisation 9% Injectables IUD 4% 21% Condoms 9% Trad. Methods 14% Pill 14% WHO 1990 3 Current Contraceptive Users Indonesia, March 2003 METHODS USERS % INJECTABLES 9,743,550 35.2 PILLs 7,796,474 28.1 IUDs 5,218,196 18.8 IMPLANTABLES 3,156,705 11.4 STERILIZATION 1,515,406 5.5 278,473 1.0 OTHERS TOTAL Source: BKKBN, 2003 27,708,804 100.0 4 The development of combined oral contraception Phase - 1 (conventional COCs) Phase – 2 (Lowering dose of COCs) COCs) Phase – 3 (Choices of progestins) Phase – 4 (Changing the regimen) 5 PHASE -1 (Conventional COC) THE ORAL CONTRACEPTIVE PILLS ESTROGEN Sodium & Water retention PROGESTOGEN Almost all synthetic progestogens are devoid of the anti meneralocorticoid (anti-MC) effect. OC Weight gain & increased blood pressure They are unable to antagonize the salt retaining effect of estrogens 6 7 The pharmacological development of oral contraceptive pills follow two significant paths To reduce the dosage of Ethynil Estradiol (EE) 150 ug To reduce the partial androgenic and mineralocorticoid effect of progestogen 30 ug First generation Second generation Progestogen only pill (POP) PHASE - 2 Third generation PHASE - 3 8 PHASE - 2 Progression of deminished hormone in oral contraception 9 Steroid hormone compound in oral contraceptive pill Estrogens • Ethynil-estradiol (EE) • Mestranol (3-methyl-eter EE) • Quinestrol (cyclopethyl-eter EE) Progestogens • 1st generation • 2nd generation Norethyndrone Norethynodrel, Norgestrel (LNG), Norethysterone, Ethynodrel diacetate, Ethynilestrenol (Lynestrenol). • 3rd generation Desogestrel, Gestoden, Norgestimate. • Cyproterone acetate (CPA)- Drosperinone (DRSP). 10 Spectrum of hormonal activities of progestogen Trends in Endocrinology and Metabolism, 2004 Progestagen AE EST AND AA GLU AM Progesterone + - - (+) - + Drosperinone + - - + - + MPA + - (+) - + - LevoLevonorgestrel Nomegestrol acetate + - + - - - + - - + - - Progestomimetik kuat Anti-estrogenik (AE) Anti-androgenik (AA) Anti -mineralokortikoid (AM) 11 Hampir semua progestogen bersifat androgenik, Drospirenon bersifat anti androgenik dan anti mineralokortikoid, menyerupai progesterone alami Progestogenic activity Androgenic Antiandrogenic AntimineraloAntimineralo- Glucocorticoid activity activity corticoid activity activity Progesterone + - (+) + - Drospirenone + - + + - Cyproterone acetate + - + - (+) Desogestrel (active metabolite 33-ketodesogestrel) + (+) - - - Dienogest + - + - - Gestodene + (+) - (+) - Levonorgestrel + (+) - - - Norgestimate (main metabolite levonorgestrel) + (+) - - - (+), negligible at therapeutic dosages; -, no effect; +, distinct effect; 12 Foldert et al. Eur J Contracept Reprod Health Care 2000; 5: 124-34 Phase - 3 CHOICES OF PROGESTOGEN IN HORMONAL CONTRACEPTION (Foran TM, J.Paediatric and Gynecol, 2005) PROGESTOGENS Older progestogens Newer progestogens Norethisterone Desogestrel and Gestodene A low potency progestogen Few problems with weight gain less acne and mood alteration. Fairly nonandrogenic Relatively oestrogenic Good cycle control CPA and Drospirenone Levonorgestrel (LNG) A more potent progestogen More androgenic Good cycle control Progestogenic Anti androgenic Antimineralocorticoid Mild diuretic effetc. 13 O Drospirenone H3C CH3 H H H O The chemical structure of Drospirenone is as close as natural progesterone of the women 14 DROSPIRENONE (Derivative of 17-α spirolactone) From a pharmacological, clinical and physiological point of view, is closely related to natural progesterone. (Oelkers, 2002) Progestogen receptor agonist No effect on : An MCR-antagonist The glucocorticoid receptor An Androgen receptor antagonist The estrogen receptor 15 ADRENAL GLAND C O R T E X 15% Zona glomerulosa Aldosterone (Mineralocorticoid activity) 75% 10% MEDULLA Zona fasciculata Cortisol and Androgen Zona reticularis Cortisol and Androgen Epinephrine 16 The regulation of body fluids and blood pressure is highly dependent upon the Renin – Angiotensin - Aldosteron System (RAAS) Raises blood pressure Mineralocorticoid activity The most important function of this system is to prevent excessive sodium loss and to keep blood pressure normal (Oelkers, 1996;Oelkers et al.,1978) 17 Estrogen will increase edema and body weight ESTROGEN OC pill Synthetic estrogen Pure estrogen Angiotensinogen RAAS Aldosterone Sodium & Water retension Increased edema Increased body weight 18 Drospirenone and antimineralocorticoid activity Estrogens New OC pill Liver Angiotensinogen Angiotensin I Angiotensin II Adrenal gland O Drospirenone H C 3 CH3 Aldosterone H H H Kidney O Aldosterone receptor antagonist Antimineralocorticoid activity Sodium and water retention Increased plasma volume Blood pressure rise Weight gain Breast tension and other water retention-related symptoms 19 EE + DRSP 20 21 SODIUM EXCRETION 22 23 DROSPIRENONE AND ANTI-- ANDROGENIZATION ANTI 24 Androgen induced acne Inflammation Skin blemishes ACNE Microbial colonization of duct Excess sebum The sebaceous glands in particular are highly androgendependent Blockage Can not leave the gland Over-stimulation of androgen receptors Increased circulating androgens 25 Drospirenone (Antiandrogenic mode of action) No Inflammation NO ACNE NO No Microbial Colonization of duct Manohara No excess sebum O H3C CH3 No over-stimulation of androgen receptors H H H Drospirenone not only enters the aldosterone receptors, it is also capable of occupying the androgen receptor without activating it as agonist Androgen receptor antagonist O Drosperinon block androgen receptor Circulating androgens (Huber,2002) 26 Relative antiandrogenic activity of progestine Four progestines with antiandrogenic properties for clinical use 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 East West CPA = Cyproterone acetate DNG= Dienogest North DSRP=Drospirenon CMA=Chlormadione acete CPA Diane-35 CPA 2mg EE 35 DNG DRSP CMA Anti-androgenic Anti-minerocorticoid Schindler AE: Antiandrogenic progestins for treatment of signs of androgenisation and hormonal contraception. Europ J Obstet Gynecol and Rep Biol, 112(2004):136-41 Yasmin YAZ 27 Premenstrual dysphoric dysorder (PMDD) 28 Etiologi PMS/PMDD Steroid seks sebagai pemicu Sistem SEROTONIN MOOD 29 Steiner M, et al. J Clin Psychiatry 2000;61:17–21 Premenstrual Symptoms Letih, lesu, lemah Nafsu makan bertambah Mudah marah (iritabilita) Gangguan tidur Kurang bergairah/Kurang motivasi Gejala fisik (misal: “breast tenderness”, “bloating”, sakit kepala) Depresi Cemas/ansietas Afektif labil Gangguan konsentrasi Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th 30 ed. American Psychiatric Association, 1994 Derajat keparahan penyakit BERAT RINGAN Premenstrual symptoms Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) Premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD) 31 Positive Effect of EE+DRSP on Premenstrual Symptoms 32 PHASE – 4 CONTRACEPTION BREAKTHROUGH MORE RECENT DEVELOPMENTS HAVE INCLUDED PHASING THE LEVEL OF HORMONAL EXPOSURE THROUGH THE TREATMENT CYCLE AND EXTENDING THE DURATION OF ACTIVE TREATMENT. Yasmin 21/7 3 mg drsp/30 mcg EE YAZ 24/4 3 mg drsp/20 mcg EE 33 A NEW REGIMEN OF 24/4 COC P P P P 34 Substantial changes of OC Clinical experience with first drspdrspcontaining combined OC, comprising drsp 3 mg/EE 30 mcg (Yasmin) in a traditional 21/7 regimen, showed it to be an effective and wellwell-tolerated contraceptive with good cycle control. ( Foidart et al, 2000, Huber et al, 2000 and Parcey et al, 2000) 35 Regimen 24/4 vs 21/7 Greater ssupression upression of ovarian activity with drosperinon-- containing oral drosperinon contraceptive in 24/4 regimen Christine Klipping, Ingrid Duijkers,Dietmar Trummer and Joachim Marr, Marr, Contraception 78(2008) 1616-25. 36 EE+DRSP memperbaiki rasio HDL/LDL J clin Endocrinol Metab 1995; 80: 1816-21 37 OVARIAN ACTIVITY Correct dose Error dose 87.8 70.0 55.1 56.0 44.8 44.0 30.0 12.2 Both regimens demonstrated reliable suppression of ovarian activity, however, it was also confirming the greater suppression with the 24/4 regimen both in cycle-2 and cycle-3 38 FOLLICLE SIZE (FLSs) CORRECT DOSE 21/7 24/4 1. The median diameter of the largest FLSs in cycle-2 was similar in 24/4 regimen compared with 21/7 regimen. 2. The median diameter of the largest FLSs in cycle-3 was smaller in 24/4 regimen compared with 21/7 regimen. 39 Summary From a pharmacological, clinical and physiological point of view, drospirenon is closely related to natural progesterone. A new low dose combined OC with DRSP 3mg/EE 20 mcg in 24/4 regimen (YAZ) has high degree of efficacy, a good safety profile and an accetable bleeding pattern. To be effective in alleviating the emotional and physical symptoms associated with PMDD (Premenstrual dysphoric disorder). This regimen was associated with greater ovarian suppression and lower and less variable serum hormone concentrations and fluctuations in general than the conventional 21/7 regimen. The shorter hormonehormone-free interval may increase the contraceptive safety margin in clinical practice compared with the conventional 21/7 regimen. 40 41 Endometrial thickness Dosing eror 1. Both treatment regimens suppressed growth compared with pretreatment. 2. The maximum endometrial thickness following intentional dosing error in 24/4 was similar to that of correct intended dosing in 21/7. 42 Serum concentration of estradiol 10 pg/l 10-33 pg/l 1. Both regimens suppressed production of E2 during the treatment cycles compared with the pretreament cycle. 2. Serum E2 (24/4) 10 pg/l ---- (21/7) 10-33 pg/l. 43 ESTRADIOL LEVEL With intentional dosing errors during cycle 3 : the longer the pill-free interval, the greater the rise in serum E2 44 concentration. Angka Kejadian (%) 30 YAZ® 25 YASMIN® 20 15 10 5 0 0 Data on file 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 BLEEDING PATTREN 45 Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) 1. FSH levels were suppressed with active treatment in both groups relative to the pretreatment cycle. 2. Progesterone was consistently suppressed compared to pretreatment and to similar extent during cycle 2 and 3 (data not shown) 46 Lutenizing Hormone (LH) Both regimens suppressed production of LH during the treatment cycles compared with the pretreament cycle. 47 Cycles (day) Patient PMDD Control Pre-Menstrual Dysphoric Disease 48 The sources of androgens in women are the following: 1.Direct biosynthesis and secretion by the ovaries (25%). 2.Direct biosynthesis and secretion by the adrenal (25%). 3.Extragrandular (peripheral) conversion from precursors (50%). 4.Androgen secreting tumours. Schindler AE: Antiandrogenic progestins for treatment of signs of androgenisation and hormonal contraception. Europ J Obstet Gynecol and Rep Biol ,112(2004):136-41 49 Factors influencing the extent of androgenisation by circulating androgens • Increase secretion of testosterone from ovaries or adrenals • Increase in the level of freely circulating androgens not bound to transport protein (SHBG). • Increased enzyme activity (5α-reductase) in target organs, I.e. increased production of biologically active dihydrotestosterone (DHT). • Increase sensitivity and androgen receptor concentration of the target organs to DHT Redmond GP: Androgens and women’s health. Int J Fertil Steril, 1998,43 : 91-97 Schindler AE: Antiandrogenic progestins for treatment of signs of androgenisation and hormonal contraception. Europ J Obstet Gynecol and Rep Biol ,112(2004):136-41 50 Prevalence of androgen-related disorders in women • Most common female endocrinopathy affecting about 1020% of women in the fertile age • Many women with androgenic skin changes have normal androgen levels: Suggesting increased target organ (receptor) sensitivity to androgen. •Treatment of symptoms associated with hyperandronism therefore plays an important role in the prevention and therapeutic measures. Redmond GP: Androgens and women’s health. Int J Fertl Steril1,998,43 : 91-97 51 Signs of androgen-related disorders in women • Related to skin and hair - Seborrhea- acne- Hirsutism- Alopecia • Manifest as PCOS - Menstrual disturbanses, amenorrhea, anovulation - Obesity - Metabolic abnormalities * Insuline resistance with increased risk of DM. * Unfavourable lipids profile * Increased risk of cardiovascular disease. * Increased risk of endometrial and breast cancer Schindler AE: Antiandrogenic progestins for treatment of signs of androgenisation and hormonal contraception. Europ J Obstet Gynecol and Rep Biol ,112(2004):136-41 About 65% to 85% of hyperandrogenic women have PCOS ( The contraception report, 2001) 52 Treatment of signs of androgenisation The therapeutic antiandrogenic effects are based on the combination of the antiandrogenic progestins with ethynilestradiol (EE) as estrogen 1. Antiandrogenic progestine compete at the androgen receptor with testosterone and 5α-DHT. 2. Increase androgen metabolic clearance at the liver level and reduced peripheral activation of 5αreductase at the skin level. 3. Reduction of LH secretion, thereby reducing the ovarian secretion of androgens. 4. Increase of SHBG by EE and thereby a decrease of free testosterone Schindler AE: Antiandrogenic progestins for treatment of signs of androgenisation and hormonal contraception. Europ J Obstet Gynecol and Rep Biol ,112(2004):136-41 53 Benefit of antiandrogenic progestins combined with EE 1. 60% reduction of dysmenorrhoea. 2. Correction of menstrual cycle disturbances. 3. Avoidance or correction of anaemia. 4. Reduction of the rate of imflammatory disease. 5. Risk reduction for fibrocystic breast disease 6. Risk reduction for endometrial and ovarian cancer. 7. Favourable effects on carbohydrate and lipid metabolism. 8. Highly effective contraception 9. Improvement of ovarian size and structure ( decrease of multifollicularity and stromal hyperplasia) 10. Post-treatment menstrual cycle improvement. Schindler AE: Antiandrogenic progestins for treatment of signs of androgenisation and hormonal contraception. Europ J Obstet Gynecol and Rep Biol ,112(2004):136-41 54 JAZ ! I CAN 55
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