2nd INDIAN CANCER GENETICS CONFERENCE and WORKSHOP -2014 PRE-CONFERENCE WORKSHOP on Genetic Counselling & Testing in Clinical Practice October 27-31, 2014 DAY 1: 27th Oct 2014 Time Topic Speaker 10.00AM-10.10AM **About the workshop and conference Dr. Pradnya Kowtal 10:10AM – 10:50AM **Self Introduction by participants & their expectations All participants 10:50AM – 11:30AM **Pre-Workshop written evaluation of participants to identify areas which require attention in the workshop 11.30AM-11.55AM **Overview of Genetic Counselling and special aspects in cancer Ms. Gouri Pandit 11.55AM-12.20PM **Principles and Practices of Laboratory genetic testing Dr. Pradnya Kowtal 12.20PM-1.15PM Lunch 1:15PM-1.40PM Drawing informative pedigree using standard nomenclature and methods, verbal autopsy and pedigree analysis 1.40PM-2.05PM General description of Common Hereditary Cancer Syndromes Dr. Poonam Gera 2:05PM – 2:30 PM Ethical, Legal and Social Issues in Genetic testing / Counselling Dr. Urmi Sarkar 2.30PM-3.00PM Genetic Testing for Cancer risk: Pre & Post Test counselling 3.00PM-3.30PM GROUP DISCUSSION 3.30PM-4.00PM Tea-break Ms. Vandana Kembhavi Ms. Gouri Pandit Moderator: Ms. Meera Clytone 4:00PM-4.30PM Factors and models for estimating probability of identifying a Ms. Gouri Pandit gene mutation or risk of inheriting cancer 4.30PM-5.00PM Modeling Softwares to predict probability of gene mutation in Mr. Ravindra Reddy / Ms. different syndromes: Demonstration and Hands on Practice Pallavi Pandharipande 5:00PM – 6:00PM Overview of Cancer Genetics, Summary of days presentation and GROUP DISCUSSION Moderator: Dr Rajiv Sarin / Ms. Gouri Pandit Home Assignment: Construction and analysis of pedigree and identification of Ethical, Legal and Social issues **Joint Lectures to be attended by participants of Genetic Counselling AND Lab Module DAY 2: 28th Oct 2014 Inherited predisposition to Breast Cancer, Ovarian Cancer and Endocrine Tumours (HBOC, PJS, MEN, VHL etc.) Time Topic Speaker 9.00AM-9.30AM **Breast Cancer and its multidisciplinary management Dr. Shalaka Joshi 9:30AM-10:00AM **Inherited risk of Breast or Ovarian Cancer illustrated through real pedigrees (FBC /HBOC /LFS/PJS/Cowden/HNPCC other syndrome) Dr. Rajiv Sarin 10.30AM-11.00AM Hereditary Breast Ovarian Cancer (HBOC) Syndrome: Definitions, Ms. Yoon Sook-Yee Presentations, Genetic Testing, Counselling and Risk Management 10.00AM-10.15AM Template BRCA1/2 Genetic Testing Report for HBOC Dr. Pradnya Kowtal 10.15AM-10.45AM Template Work Plan for BRCA1/2 mutation positive & untested persons Ms. Gouri Pandit 10.45AM-11.15AM Tea-break 11.15AM-11.45AM Genetic Counselling, psychosocial issues and risk management for Ms. Yoon Sook-Yee HBOC in South East Asian Context 11.45PM-12.15PM Genetic Counselling, psychosocial issues and risk management for Ms. Gouri Pandit HBOC in South Asian Context 12.15PM-1.00PM HBOC Genetic Counselling: Role play and mock session with the participants 1:00PM-2.00PM Lunch 2.00PM-2.30PM Inherited risk for Endocrine cancers and real life scenarios (MEN/VHL/Pheochromocytoma-Paraganglioma) Ms. Gouri Pandit 2.30PM-3.00PM Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia Type 1 and Type 2: Syndrome Variants and Genetic basis Ms. Meera Clytone 3.00PM-3.30PM Template RET Genetic Testing Report for Medullary Thyroid Cancer and MEN Syndrome Dr. Pradnya Kowtal 3.30PM-3.45PM Tea-break 3.45PM-4.00PM Template Work Plan for RET mutation positive and untested individuals from MEN Syndrome families Ms. Gouri Pandit 4.00PM-4.30PM Psychosocial issues in uptake of prophylactic surgery and surveillance of RET mutation carriers Ms. Gouri Pandit 4.30PM-5.00PM MEN Genetic Counselling: Role play and mock session with the participants Ms. Vandana Kembhavi/ Mr. Ravindra Reddy 5.00PM-6.00PM Group Discussion on HBOC and MEN Syndromes Moderator: Dr. Rajiv Sarin **Joint Lectures to be attended by participants of Genetic Counselling AND Lab Module Ms. Yoon Sook-Yee / Ms. Vandana Kembhavi DAY 3 : 29th Oct 2014 Colorectal & other Gastro-Intestinal cancers and endometrial cancer (HNPCC/Lynch, FAP, PJS) Syndromes Time Topic Speaker 9.00AM-9.30AM **Awareness and expectations in Hereditary Cancer Families in diverse ethnic backgrounds Ms. Yoon Sook-Yee 9.30AM-10.00AM Colorectal Cancers and its multidisciplinary management Dr. Supriya Chopra 9.30AM-10.00AM Inherited risk of colorectal cancers and real life scenarios Dr. Rajiv Sarin 10.00AM-10.30AM HNPCC/Lynch Syndrome: Syndrome Variants and Genetic basis Dr. Rajiv Sarin 10.30AM-10.45AM Template Genetic Testing Report for HNPCC syndrome Dr. Pradnya Kowtal 10.45AM-11.00AM Template Work Plan for mutation positive and untested individuals from HNPCC Syndrome families Ms. Gouri Pandit 11.00AM-11.15AM Tea-break 11.15AM-11.45AM Psychosocial issues and risk management in HNPCC Ms. Gouri Pandit 11.45PM-12.30PM HNPCC Genetic Counselling: Role play and mock session with the participants Mr. Ravindra Reddy 12.30PM-1.30PM Lunch 1.30PM-2.00PM Inherited Polyposis syndrome and real life scenarios Dr. Rajiv Sarin 1.30PM-2.30PM FAP: Syndrome Variants and Genetic basis Ms. Nikhat Khan 2.30PM-2.45PM Template APC Genetic Testing Report for FAP Syndrome Ms. Nikhat Khan 2.45PM-3.00PM Template Work Plan for APC mutation positive and untested individuals of FAP Syndrome families Ms. Gouri Pandit 3.00PM -3.30PM Psychosocial issues and risk management in FAP families Ms. Meera Clytone 3.30PM-3.45PM Tea-break 3.45PM-4.30PM FAP Genetic Counselling: Role play and mock session with the Ms. Vandana Kembhavi participants 4.30PM-5.00PM Uncommon hereditary cancer syndromes: Peutz-Jeghers Syndrome (PJS)/ Bloom’s etc. Ms. Gouri Pandit 5.00PM-6.00PM Group Discussion on HNPCC and FAP Syndrome Moderator: Dr. Rajiv Sarin **Joint Lectures to be attended by participants of Genetic Counselling AND Lab Module DAY 4 : 30th Oct 2014 Li-Fraumeni Syndrome (LFS), Von-Hippel-Lindau (VHL) and Hereditary Retinoblastoma Syndrome & Lab visits Time Topic Speaker 9.00AM-9.30AM Inherited predisposition to childhood cancers and adolescent Dr. Rajiv Sarin cancers- real life scenarios 9.30AM-10.00AM LFS: Syndrome Variants and Genetic basis Ms. Payal Manek 10.00AM-10.45AM Template TP53 Genetic Testing Report for LFS Mr. Moquitul Haque 10.45AM-11.00AM Template Work Plan for TP53 mutation positive and untested Ms. Gouri Pandit individuals of LFS families 11.00AM-11.15AM Tea-break 11.15AM-11.45AM Psychosocial issues and risk management in LFS families 11.45AM-12.30PM LFS: Genetic Counselling: Role play and mock session with the Ms. Vandana Kembhavi participants 12.30PM-1.30PM Lunch 1.30PM-2.30PM Von-Hippel-Lindau / Retinoblastoma: Syndrome Description and Genetic Basis Ms. Meera Clytone 2.30PM-2.45PM Template VHL / RB Genetic Testing Report Dr. Pradnya Kowtal 2.45PM-3.00PM Template Work Plan for VHL / RB mutation positive and untested individuals Ms. Gouri Pandit 3.00PM-3.30PM Psychosocial Issues and risk management in VHL / RB families Ms. Payal Manek 3.30PM-3.45PM Tea-break 3.45PM-4.30PM Visit to the Bio-repository Dr. Kishore Amin 4.30PM-5.30PM Visit to the Genetic testing lab & sequencing facility Dr. Pradnya Kowtal 5.30PM-6.00PM Group Discussion on HNPCC,FAP and VHL Syndrome Moderator: Dr. Rajiv Sarin Ms. Payal Manek DAY 5 : 31st Oct 2014 Neurocutaneous syndromes, Establishing Counselling Services and Proficiency testing Time Topic Speaker 9.00AM-9.30AM **Establishing Clinical significance of Variants of Unknown Significance (VUS) identified in Genetic Testing Ms. Lumbini Yadav 9.30AM-10.00AM Neurocutaneous Syndromes-XP,CS, TSC,NF Type 1/2 Dr. Rajiv Sarin 10.00AM-10.45AM Setting up Genetic Counselling services Dr. Annie Hasan 10.45AM-11.15AM Attitude of Genetic Testing and Counselling among different groups-Doctors, Patients and Commercial Testing Centers Ms. Payal Manek 11.15AM-11.30AM Tea-break 11.30AM-12.30PM Observing Real Genetic Counselling Sessions of families with various hereditary cancer syndromes 12.30PM-1.30PM Lunch 1.30PM-2.00PM Discussion on the Genetic Counselling session witnessed by the participants 2.00PM-2.45PM Communication & disclosure of Genetic Test Results Ms. Neena Bhatnagar 2.45PM-3.30PM Proficiency testing of course participants* Dr. Rajiv Sarin 3:30 PM – 4:00PM Participants feedback about the course 4.00PM-4.15PM Concluding Session & Group Photograph **Joint Lectures to be attended by participants of Genetic Counselling AND Lab Module *Certificates will be given after the 2 day conference on 2nd November
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