PULPDENT Corporation • 8 0 Oakland Street • Watertown, MA 02472 • U.S.A www.pulpdent.com • [email protected] Porcelain Prep Kit PULPDENT ® Porcelain Prep Kit 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 mL mL mL mL Porcelain Etch Gel Kool-Dam™ Dry-Rite™ Silane Bond Enhancer ® P333+P313: If irritation or rash occurs, get medical advice/attention. P410+P411: Protect from sunlight. Store at temperature not exceeding 27°C / 80°F. 3.0Composition 3.1 Chemical characterization of the preparation Methacrylate ester monomers in a light-cured, glass-filled paste. 3.2 Hazardous ingredients CAS Number Name of the Ingredient Concentration Classification per 67/548/EEC Proprietary Uncured methacrylate 55-65% Xi (Irritant) ester monomers R36/37/38, R43 112945-52-5 Amorphous silica 5 % Xi (Irritant), R36/37/38 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 PULPDENT PULPDENT ® Porcelain Prep Kit Classification per Regulation (EC) No.1278/2008 (CLP) Eye irritation, 2, H319 STOT SE 3, H335 Skin irritation, 2, H315 Skin sensitization, 1, H317 Eye irritation, 2, H319 STOT SE 3, H335 Skin irritation, 2, H315 First Aid Measures General InformationMinimal health hazard under normal conditions of use. May be irritating to eyes, respiratory system and skin on contact. Prolonged or repeated contact with methacrylate may cause sensitization. Show this safety data sheet to medical personnel. Get medical attention in case of uncertainty. Inhalation Move to fresh air. If necessary, administer oxygen / artificial respiration; seek medical attention. Skin Contact Take off contaminated clothing. Wash skin thoroughly with soap and water for 15 minutes. Eye Contact Keep eyelids apart and flush with running water for 15+ minutes. Get medical attention. IngestionRinse mouth with water. Do not induce vomiting. Get immediate medical attention. May be irritating to mucous membranes. Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious person. Precautions for first responders Ventilate the area. Wear eye and skin protection. Information for physicians Symptoms Irritation or redness in eyes, throat or on skin. Hazards May be irritating to eyes, respiratory system and skin. May cause sensitization by skin contact. Treatment As above under First Aid. Fire Fighting Measures Suitable extinguishing mediaCarbon dioxide, dry chemical, alcohol foam, or water fog. Water spray may be used to keep fire exposed containers cool. Extinguishing media to avoid Do not use direct water stream Special exposure hazards in a fire Heat may cause polymerization with rapid release of energy. Special protective equipment A self-contained breathing apparatus should be worn by fire fighting personnel. Cool exposed for fire-fighters containers with water spray to prevent polymerization under fire conditions. 6.0Accidental Release Measures 6.1 Personal precautions Ventilate area. Wear safety glasses, gloves, and lab coat. 6.2 Environmental precautions Contain spilled material. Follow all government regulations. 6.3 Method for clean upAbsorb or wipe up spill with suitable material (paper towels or cloths). Collect for disposal in a covered container. Wash area of spill with alcohol or soap and water. 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 Handling and Storage HandlingFor use only by dental professionals. Follow good hygiene practices. Do not smoke, eat or drink while using. Remove applicator tip from syringe and cap container immediately after use. Keep light-cured materials shaded from intense light sources. StorageKeep containers tightly closed. Store product in original container at cool room temperature (<25°C) and in a dry, well ventilated area. Avoid direct, strong light, sources of ignition and extremes of temperature (>27°C/80°F, <5°C/40°F). Shelf life for unopened product is two years from date of manufacture, provided that the material has been stored properly. Specific uses Dental material 8.0 8.1 8.2 8.2.1 Exposure Controls / Personal Protection Exposure limit values PEL: Not established. TLV: Not established. Exposure controls Occupational exposure controlsNo special equipment required under normal conditions of use of this product in the quantity provided. Respiratory protectionNone required. Good general ventilation is sufficient to control any airborne vapors from uncured material. Hand protection No special requirements other than the usual surgical gloves. Eye protection No special requirements other than the usual safety glasses. Skin protectionNo special requirements. Good personal hygiene and safety practices and wearing a lab coat should protect dental staff from unnecessary exposure to uncured material. Other controls Emergency eye wash fountain should be available. Wash hands after use. 8.2.2 Environmental exposure controls Follow all government regulations. Cure material before disposing. 9.0 9.1 9.1.1 9.1.2 9.2 9.2.1 9.2.2 9.2.3 9.2.4 9.2.5 9.2.6 9.2.7 9.2.8 9.2.9 9.2.10 9.2.11 9.2.12 9.2.13 Physical and Chemical Properties Appearance / Color Color / Physical state Light blue gel Odor Faint, characteristic Important health, safety and environmental information pH Not determined Boiling point Not determined Flash point Not determined Flammability (solid, gas) Not applicable Explosive properties Not applicable Oxidizing properties Not determined Vapor pressure < 1 mm Hg / 133 Pa / Id: B Specific gravity 1.290 Solubility in water Nil Partition coefficient Not determined Viscosity Not determined Vapor density Not determined Evaporation rate Not determined 10.0 10.1 10.2 10.3 Stability and reactivity Conditions to avoid Avoid temperature extremes (>80°F / 27°C, <40°F/ 5°C), intense light, contamination. Materials to avoid Reducing and oxidizing agents, peroxides, amines. Hazardous decomposition productsUnder fire conditions and with amounts far greater than that supplied in this product, hazardous polymerization may occur with heat build- up, release of carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, oxides of nitrogen. Further information Polymerization will occur when exposed to direct light. 10.4 11.0Toxicological information 11.1 Acute toxicityNot toxic. Minimal health hazard in the quantities present in this product and under normal conditions of use. 11.2 Irritation and corrosiveness May be irritating to eyes, mucous membranes or skin on contact or with prolonged exposure. 11.3 SensitizationMay be sensitizing. Prolonged or frequent skin contact may cause allergic skin reactions in some susceptible individuals. 11.4 Sub-acute, sub-chronic and Prolonged and/or frequent skin contact may cause allergic skin reactions in susceptible prolonged toxicity individuals. Prolonged exposure to large amounts (more than in this product) of this material may cause eye and respiratory irritation. 11.5 Carcinogenicity, Mutagenicity, None known Reproductive Toxicity 11.6 Empirical data Not available 11.7 Clinical experienceKool-Dam has been sold on the domestic and international market for about 10 years. During that time there have been no reports of adverse events. 12.0 12.1 Ecological Information EcotoxicityTo the best of our knowledge, polymerized material is inert. No other information is available. Follow all government regulations. 13.0 13.1 Disposal Considerations RegulationsFollow all local and national government regulations in disposing material or contaminated packaging. 14.0Transport Information 14.1 Restrictions None. Not regulated. 15.0 15.1 15.2 15.3 Class I medical devices under MDD 93/42/EEC. Class I medical device Class III medical device Regulatory Information EU US FDA Health Canada 16.0Other information 16.1 List of relevant R phrases R36/37/38: Irritating to eyes, respiratory system and skin. R43: Sensitizing by skin contact 16.2 Hazard Statements H319: Eye irritation. Hazard category 2. H335: Specific Target Organ Toxicity - Single exposure; hazard category. 3. Respiratory tract irritation. H315: Skin irritation. Hazard category 2. H317: Skin Sensitization. Hazard category 1. 16.3 Precautionary Statements P261: Avoid breathing vapor. P280: Wear protective gloves and eye protection P305 + P351: If in eyes, rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. P337 + P313: If eye irritation persists, get medical advice/attention. P302 + P352: If on skin, wash with plenty of soap and water. P333 + P313: If irritation or rash occurs, get medical advice / attention. P410 + P411: Protect from sunlight. Store at temperature not exceeding 27°C / 80°F. 16.4 Restrictions on use Pulpdent products are to be sold to and used by dental professionals only. 16.5 Further informationThe information presented herein is believed to be factual as it has been derived from the works of persons believed to be qualified experts. However, nothing contained in this information is to be taken as a warranty or representation for which Pulpdent Corporation bears legal responsibility. The user should review any recommendations in the specific context of the intended use to determine whether they are appropriate. 16.6 Sources of key data National Institute for Occupational Safety (NIOSH) US Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Eur-Lex European Union Law: Regulation (EC) No. 1272/2008 (CLP) and Regulation (EC) No. 1907/2006 (REACH). Guidance on the compilation of safety data sheets. Version 1.1; December 2011. European Chemicals Agency 16.7 Information which has been This Safety Data Sheet has been revised to meet the requirements of the GHS SDS format, added, deleted or revised. Regulation (EC) No. 1272/2008 (CLP) and Regulation (EC) No. 1907/2006 (REACH). Specifically, Sections 2.1, 2.2, 3.2, 16.2, 16.3 have been modified. The PULPDENT PORCELAIN PREP KIT contains the necessary ingredients for preparing porcelain veneers and inlays and fractured porcelain teeth for bonding. the dangers of hydrofluoric acid, provided it is used in accordance with these instructions. For safe intra-oral use, carefully follow the Directions for Use. Caution: Porcelain Etch Gel contains 9.6% hydro-fluoric acid, a powerful and aggressive chemical that produces irritating fumes and must be handled with extreme care. Ingestion, contact with skin and eyes, and chronic inhalation of fumes are dangerous. Care must be taken to protect practitioner, assistant and patient. Pulpdent Porcelain Etch Gel has been buffered, gelled and packaged to minimize NOTE: Multi-dose syringes should either be encased in a fresh protective barrier for each patient or cleaned and disinfected between patients, as appropriate WARNING: If Porcelain Etch Gel comes in contact with skin or soft tissue, rinse exposed area with copious amounts of water for at least two minutes. Use high-speed evacuation system to remove water. INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE 1. Protective eyewear must be worn by practitioner, assistant and patient. Protective gloves must be worn by practitioner and assistant. 2. Place rubber dam to isolate operative site and protect soft tissue. 3. Securely attach a green 18-gauge applicator tip to the Kool-Dam and apply a coat of Kool-Dam 1-2 mm thick on the gingiva or tooth surfaces requiring protection, if needed. 4. Light cure for 10 seconds. Cures with all lights. 5. Assistant must stand ready at chairside and hold vacuum tip 2-3 inches from porcelain surface during the etching process to evacuate acid fumes. 6. Securely attach a 25-gauge applicator tip to the Porcelain Etch Gel syringe. Carefully start the flow of Porcelain Etch Gel on a pad and immediately dispose of this sample. Do not start flow in patient’s mouth. For maximum control of flow, do not push on plunger with thumb. It is recommended instead to hold syringe barrel between thumb and forefinger while resting plunger in palm of hand. Gently pull back with thumb and forefinger to start flow. Never force plunger. Use a new applicator tip for each patient. 7. Carefully apply Porcelain Etch Gel to porcelain surface and leave for one minute while evacuating fumes with vacuum. Cap syringe immediately after use. 8. Remove etch gel with vacuum. Rinse treated surface with copious amounts of water and dry with clean, uncontaminated, oil-free and moisture-free compressed air. 9. Securely attach red dropper tip to the Dry-Rite syringe and apply Pulpdent Dry-Rite drying agent to treated surface. To promote rapid drying, use a gentle flow of clean, oil-free air if desired. Cap Dry-Rite immediately after use. 10. Securely attach red dropper tip to Silane syringe and apply Pulpdent Silane Bond Enhancer to the etched ceramic surface and allow to dry. Apply a gentle flow of clean, oil-free and moisture-free air, if desired. Cap syringe immediately after use. 11. Proceed with repair or cementation of porcelain teeth, inlays or veneers using your preferred unfilled resin bonding agent and restorative resin or resin cement. Français KIT DE PREPARATION DE LA PORCELAINE ATTENTION : Le Gel de mordançage pour porcelaine contenant 9,6% d’acide hydrofluorique, un produit chimique puissant et agressif produit des émanations irritantes, doit être utilisé avec grand soin. L’ingestion, le contact avec la peau et les yeux et une inhalation chronique des émanations d’acide sont dangereux. PREVENTION : Si le gel de mordançage pour porcelaine est au contact de la peau, ou des tissus mous, rincer copieusement avec de l’eau au moins pendant deux minutes. Utiliser une aspiration accélérée pour évacuer l’eau. Mode d’emploi 1. L e praticien, son assistante et le patient doivent porter des lunettes de protection. Le praticien et son assistante doivent porter des gants. 2. Isoler la dent à traiter et les tissus mous environnants avec une digue. 3. A u besoin, appliquez une couche de Kool-Dam de 1 à 2 mm d’épaisseur sur la gencive ou sur les dents nécessitants une protection. 4. P olymérisez pendant 10 secondes. Kool-Dam est polymérisables avec toutes les lumières. 5. L ’assistante doit tenir l’aspiration chirurgicale à 5-6cm de la céramique en train d’être mordancée, pour aspirer les émanations d’acide. 6. Pour un contrôle maximum du flux de “Porcelain Etch Gel”, il est recommandé de ne pas pousser le piston de la seringue avec le pouce, mais plutôt de bloquer la seringue entre le pouce et l’index avec le piston libre, dans la paume de la main. Repousser doucement la seringue vers la paume avec le pouce et l’index. Utiliser un nouvel embout pour chaque patient. 7. Appliquer le “Porcelain Etch Gel” sur la surface de céramique à mordancer et laisser agir 1 minute en évacuant les émanations d’acide avec l’aspiration du fauteuil. 8. Rincer abondamment la surface mordancée pendant 2 minutes et sécher avec un air décontaminé, sans huile ni humidité résiduelle. 9. En utilisant un embout rouge, appliquer Dry-Rite sur la surface traitée. Pour accélérer le séchage, aidez-vous de la seringue à air. Refermer la seringue de Dry-Rite immédiatement après usage. 10.Appliquer le Silane avec un embout rouge et laisser sécher. Accélérer le séchage avec la seringue à air, si nécessaire. Refermer la seringue Silane immédiatement après usage. 11. R éparer votre éclat de porcelaine avec votre adhésif et composite de restauration préféré, ou, sceller l’inlay ou facette céramique avec votre ciment résine préféré. Deutsch Porcelain Prep Kit 9,6 % Fluorhydratsäure Dry-Rite Drying Agent Silane Bond Enhancer enthält die notwendigen Bestandteile um Keramik-Facetten und -Inlays zu befestigen und Keramikkronen zu reparieren VORSICHTSMASSNAHME: Porcelain-Etch Gel enthält 9,6 % Fluorhydratsäure, eine kraftvolle aggressive Substanz, welche gefährliche Dämpfe erzeugt und mit besonderer Vorsicht verarbeitet werden muß. Vermeiden Sie den Kontakt mit Haut und Augen und das dauernde Einatmen der Dämpfe. Zum Schutz des Zahnarztes, der Zahnarzthelferin und des Patienten sind sämtliche Vorsichts-maßnahmen zu treffen. Porcelain-Etch ist verstöpselt und entsprechend verpackt, um die Gefahren der Fluorhydratsäure so weit wie möglich zu verringern. Gebrauchsanweisung: 1. Zahnarzt, Zahnarzthelferin und Patient haben Schutzbrillen und Schutzhandschuhe zu tragen 2. Platzieren Sie einen Kofferdam, um das Arbeitsgebiet zu isolieren und die Weichteile zu schützen. 3. Um Gingiva oder Zahnoberflächen zu schützen, applizieren Sie einen ca. 1-2mm dicken Film von Kool-Dam. 4. 10 Sek. lichthärten (mit allen Lichthärtegeräten möglich). 5. Die Zahnarzthelferin muß bereit sein, die Säuredämpfe mit Hilfe einer Kanüle aus einer Entfernung von ca. 6 cm vom Behandlungsbereich abzusaugen. 6. Den Stöpsel der Spritze entfernen und eine Kanüle aufset-zen. Keine Anwendung im Mund des Patienten vornehmen, bevor nicht ein Versuch auf einem Wachspapier gemacht wurde, das dann sofort wegge-worfen wird. Um den Fluß des Präparates besser zu kontrollieren, sollte die Spritze zwischen Daumen und Zeigefinger gehalten werden und der Kolben in der Handfläche liegen. Daumen und Zeigefinger vorsichtig gegen die Handfläche ziehen, um den Fluß auszulösen. 7. Applizieren Sie Porcelain-Etch vorsichtig auf die Porzellanoberfläche, lassen Sie dieses 1 Minute einwirken und saugen Sie gleichzeitig mit einer Absaugkanüle die Dämpfe ab. 8. Die behandelte Oberfläche während 2 Minuten mit viel Wasser abspülen und trocknen. 9. Verwenden Sie Pulpdent Dry-Rite Drying Agent mit den roten Ansätzen um die bearbeiteten Oberflächen zu reinigen. Um die Trocknungszeit zu verkürzen können Sie diese mit sauberer, ölfreier Luft beschleunigen. 10. A pplizieren Sie Pulpdent Silane Haftvermittler mit den roten Ansätzen und lassen Sie ihn 1 Minute trocknen. Wenn der Silane nach 1 Minute nicht trocken ist verwenden Sie saubere ölfreie Luft. Verschließen Sie die Spritze sofort nach Gebrauch! 11. S etzen Sie mit der Reparatur der gebrochenen Porzellankrone fort. Verwenden Sie Ihr bevorzugtes licht- härtendes Composite für die Reparatur der Porzellankrone oder einen geeigneten Befestigungszement zum Zementieren von Porzellan-Facetten und -Inlays. Español PORCELAIN PREP KIT - Kit para adhesión a porcelana Contenido: Gel de grabado de porcelana, Agente Secante Dry Rite, KoolDam y Silano - mejorador de la adhesión El kit de Preparación de Porcelana de Pulpdent contiene los ingredientes necesarios para Preparar veneers de Porcelana, inlays y dientes de porcelana fracturados para bonding. PRECAUCIÓN: El gel de grabado de porcelana contiene ácido hidrofluorídrico al 9,6 %, un poderoso y agresivo agente químico que produce vapores irritantes y debe ser manejado con extremo cuidado. Su ingestión, contacto con la piel y con los ojos, o la inhalación continua de los vapores es peligrosa. El odontólogo, su asistente y el paciente deben ser protegidos. El Gel de grabado de Porcelana ha sido procesado para minimizar los peligros del ácido hidrofluorídrico, siempre y cuando sea utilizado de acuerdo con las instrucciones adjuntas. Para un uso intra-oral seguro, siga cuidadosamente las instrucciones de empleo. ADVERTENCIA Si el gel de grabado de Porcelana entra en contacto con la piel o la mucosa, lave el área expuesta con grandes cantidades de agua durante por lo menos 2 minutos. Utilice un sistema de evacuación de gran velocidad para retirar el agua. Recomendamos fehacientemente el uso de Etch Arrest para neutralizar el grabador antes de su remoción. Instrucciones De Uso 1. Odontólogo, asistente y paciente deben usar lentes de protección. El odontólogo y su asistente deben usar guantes protectores. 2. Coloque dique de goma para aislar el campo operativo y proteger las mucosas. 3. Aplique una capa de Kool-Dam con 1-2 mm de grosor en la gingiva o superficie del diente si es necesario. 4. Fotocura durante 10 segundos. Se cura con todo tipo de luz. 5. La asistente debe encontrarse lista y sostener la punta aspiradora a 2-3 pulgadas de la superficie de porcelana durante el proceso de grabado para evacuar los vapores del ácido. 6. Remueva la tapa del Gel de grabado de Porcelana y coloque una aguja predoblada en la jeringa. Cuidadosamente comience a dejar fluír el gel sobre una loseta e inmediatamente tire esta muestra. NO comience el flujo en boca. Para un máximo control del flujo del gel, no empuje el émbolo con el pulgar. Se recomienda en cambio sostener la jeringa entre el pulgar y el índice mientras descansa la jeringa en la palma de la mano. Tire suavemente con el índice y el pulgar para comenzar el flujo de producto. Use una aguja nueva con cada paciente. 7. Aplique cuidadosamente el Gel de grabado de Porcelana a la superficie de porcelana y déjela por uno minuto, mientras evacúa los vapores con el aspirador. 8. Lave la superficie tratada con gran cantidad de agua durante dos minutos y seque con aire comprimido limpio, no contaminado, que no contenga residuos de aceite ni humedad. 9. Utilizando una punta aplicadora roja, coloque el agente secante Dry Rite sobre la superficie tratada. Aplique aire no contaminado (limpio, sin residuos de aceite) en forma suave - si lo desea. Tape la jeringa inmediatamente después del uso. 10. Aplique el agente mejorador de la adhesión - Silano - con una punta roja y permita que seque. Puede secarse suavemente con aire no contaminado. Tape la jeringa inmediatamente después de su uso. 11. Proceda con la reparación o cementado del diente de porcelana, inlay o veneer utilizando bonding de resina fluída y resina restaurativa o cemento de resina. Italiano PORCELAIN PREP KIT Modalità d’uso 1. Operatore, assistente e paziente devono indossare occhiali protettivi. Per operatore e assistente sono previsti anche i guanti. 2. Posizionare la diga di gomma per isolare il campo di lavoro e proteggere i tessuti. 3. Applicare uno strato di Kool Dam dello spessore di 1-2mm sulle superfici gengivali o del dente da proteggere, se necessario. 4. Fotopolimerizzare per 10 secondi. Polimerizza con qualsiasi tipo di lampada. 5. Durante la mordenzatura l’assistente deve restare accanto alla poltrona e tenere l’aspiratore vicino alla superficie in porcellana, per eliminare i vapori acidi. 6. Rimuovere il tappo della siringa di Porcelain Etch Gel e montare sulla stessa un ago ricurvo. Versare il prodotto su un tampone. Non versare direttamente nella bocca del paziente. Per controllare al massimo il flusso, non premere lo stantuffo con il pollice; è consigliato, invece, tenere il corpo della siringa con pollice e indice, mentre il pistone rimane nel palmo della mano. Per avviare il flusso, tirare indietro delicatamente con pollice e indice. Utilizzare un ago nuovo per ogni paziente. 7. Applicare accuratamente il Porcelain Etch Gel sulla superficie in porcellana e lasciare in posa per 1 minuti, mentre vengono eliminati i vapori con l’aspiratore. 8. R isciacquare abbondantemente con acqua la superficie trattata per 1 minuti, quindi asciugare con aria compressa pulita, incontaminata, senza olii e umidità. 9. A pplicare l’agente essiccante Dry-Rite sulla superficie trattata utilizzando il contagocce rosso. Per accelerare l’essiccazione è possibile dirigere sulla parte trattata un leggero getto d’aria. Tappare la siringa di Dry-Rite subito dopo l’uso. 10. Applicare il Silane Bond Enhancer con il contagocce rosso e lasciare asciugare per 1 minuto. Se, entro questo tempo, il prodotto non si asciuga, è possibile utilizzare un leggero getto d’aria. Tappare la siringa subito dopo l’uso. 11. Procedere alla riparazione dei denti in porcellana fratturati, utilizzando la propria tecnica per veneers e inlays. Nederlands Porselein Prep Kit Gebruiksaanwijzing 1. Een beschermbril dient gedragen te worden door zowel de tandarts,de assistente en de patiënt. De tandarts en assistente dienen tevens handschoenen te dragen. 2. Leg cofferdamvellen aan om het werkgebied te isoleren en zacht weefsel te beschermen. 3. Breng een laag van Kool Dam met een dikte van 1-2mm aan op de Gingiva of ander tanddeel voor bescherming indien noodzakelijk. 4. Lichtuitharding 10 seconden. Uitharding met alle mogelijke lampen. 5. De assistente dient klaar te staan naast de stoel en de afzuigtip 5 tot 8cm van het porselein oppervlak te houden tijdens het etsen om de zuurdampen af te zuigen. 6. Verwijder het dopje van de Porselein Ets Gel spuit en bevestig een voorgebogen applicatietip op de spuit. Druk voorzichtig wat Porselein Ets Gel uit de spuit op een mengblok en gooi dit blaadje weg. Begin niet met spuiten in de mond van de patiënt. Voor een optimale controle over de spuitmassa, druk niet op de plunger met de duim. Aanbevolen wordt de spuit te klemmen tussen duim en wijsvinger, terwijl de plunger op de palm van de hand rust. Trek met duim en wijsvinger de spuit voorzichtig terug om te beginnen met spuiten. Gebruik een nieuwe applicatietip voor iedere patiënt. 7. Voorzichtig Porselein Ets Gel op het porselein oppervlak aanbrengen en 1 minuut laten inwerken terwiji de dampen worden afgezogen. 8. Het behandelde oppervlak met overvloedig water spoelen gedurende 1 minuten. Daarna drogen met schone, olievrije ongecontamineerde en vochtvrije perslucht. 9. Bevestig een red dropper tip op het spuitje Dry-Rite en appliceer dit op het behandelde oppervlak. Om het drogen te bevorderen Om het drogen te bevorderen, kan schone, olievrije lucht worden toegevoegd. Na gebruik het dopje weer op de Dry-Rite bevestigen. 10. Bevestig een red dropper tip op het spuitje Pulpdent Silane Bond Enhancer en appliceer dit op het behandelde oppervlak. Laat dit drogen. Indien gewenst kan schone, olievrije en vochtvrije lucht worden toegevoegd. Na gebruik het dopje weer op de Silane bevestigen. 11. Vervolg met het repareren of cementeren van porseleinen tanden, inlays of veneers met het door U gewenste adhesief of composiet. Pulpdent Corporation VORSICHT: Wenn Porcelain-Etch Gel in Kontakt mit Haut oder Weichgewebe kommt, spülen Sie während mindestens 2 Minuten mit reichlich Wasser. Porcelain Etch Gel greift Inox an. Revision Date: July 1, 2013 Safety Data Sheet 1.0 Commercial Product Name and Supplier 1.1 Commercial product name/designation 1.2 Application / Use 1.2.2 SIC 1.3 Producer 1.4 Emergency Telephone Number 1.5 Authorized European Representative Pulpdent Porcelain Etch Gel, 9.6% Hydrofluoric Acid Gel Dental material used to etch porcelain. 851 Human health activity Pulpdent Corporation 80 Oakland Street, PO Box 780 Watertown, MA 02472 USA 1-800-535-5053 (24 Hour / USA) International Business Solutions Ltd. 54 Mayfield Ridge Hatch Warren, Basingstoke, RG22 4RS UK Tel: 1 617 926-6666 Fax: 1 617 926-6262 Email: Pulpdent@pulpdent. com Tel: 07989 407479/Fax: 01256 350330 Email: [email protected] 2.0 Hazards Identification 2.1Classification 2.1.1 Classification according to Regulation Hazard Class Hazard Category (EC) No. 1272/2008 [CLP] Acute Toxicity 2 Skin Corrosion 1A Serious eye damage 1 2.1.2 Classification according to Directive 67/548/EEC T; R26/27/28 C; R35 (See SECTION 16 for full text of risk phrases) 2.2 GHS Label Elements Hazard Pictograms Signal Word: DANGER Restricted to use by dental professional only. Hazard Statements H300: Fatal if swallowed H330: Fatal if inhaled. H310: Fatal in contact with skin. H314: Causes severe skin burns and eye damage. H318: Causes serious eye damage. Precautionary Statements P261: Avoid breathing vapors. P262: Do not get in eyes, on skin or on clothing. P264: Wash hands thoroughly after handling. P280: Wear protective gloves, lab coat and eye/face protection. P301: If swallowed, immediately call a Poison Center or doctor/physician. P302+P350: If on skin, gently wash with soap and water. P304+340: If inhaled, remove victim to fresh air and keep at rest in a position comfortable for breathing. XK-PPK-IN-12 REV: 09/2013 Hazard Statement H300, H330, H310 H314 H318 3.0Composition 3.1 Chemical Characterization 9.6% Hydrofluoric Acid in a proprietary gel base 3.2 Hazardous Ingredients CAS Number Name of the ingredient Concentration Classification per 67/548/EEC 7664-39-3 Hydrofluoric acid 9.6% T; R 26 / 27 / 28 C; R 35 64-17-5 Ethyl alcohol 5.3 % Xi: R 36 / 37 / 38 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 Classification per Regulation (EC) No.1278/2008 (CLP). Acute Toxicity; 2; Skin Corrosion; 1A Serious eye damage; 1 Eye irritation, 2, STOT SE 3, Skin irritation, 2, First Aid Measures General InformationVERY CORROSIVE! Toxic! Although Porcelain Etch Gel is buffered, diluted (9.6%) hydrofluoric acid that has been incorporated into a gel, this product is still very corrosive. AVOID ALL CONTACT WITH PRODUCT. May be fatal if inhaled, swallowed or absorbed through skin. Causes severe burns. Acute effects may be delayed. Eye ContactCall for emergency medical care. Immediately (within 1 minute) flush eyes and surrounding skin with running water for 30-60 minutes, holding lids apart to ensure flushing of the entire surface. Get emergency medical attention only after the flushing is complete unless it can be continued during transport. Skin ContactCall for emergency medical care. Immediately flush skin with running water for 30-60 minutes while removing contaminated clothing and shoes. Get emergency medical attention only after the flushing is complete unless it can be continued during transport. Apply 2.5% calcium gluconate gel to the exposed area (rubbing it in well) every 15 minutes; if calcium gluconate is not available, apply benzethonium chloride or benzalkonium chloride to the exposed area. IngestionCall for emergency medical care. Do not induce vomiting. If conscious, have patient rinse mouth and drink a large amount of water to dilute. Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious person InhalationRemove patient to fresh air. Administer oxygen, artificial respiration and/or CPR as necessary. Seek immediate medical care. Have patient lie down; keep quiet, warm. Precautions for first respondersAvoid all contact with material. Wear face shield, gloves, lab coat. Awareness of burns may be delayed. Begin first aid as soon as possible. Have someone else call for emergency medical care and ventilate area. Information for physicians Symptoms Pain and redness at site of contact. Victim may not initially be aware of burn. Hazards May be fatal if inhaled, swallowed, absorbed through skin. Causes severe burns. TreatmentSame as above (4.1 to 4.4). Also, skin burns may be treated by immersing the area in iced magnesium sulfate solution (25 to 50%) or iced water, taking care to prevent frostbite by moving from iced solution every 10 to 15 minutes. 5.0 Fire Fighting Measures 5.1 Suitable extinguishing media Carbon dioxide. Dry chemical. 5.2 Extinguishing media to avoid Water. 5.3 Special exposure hazards in a fire Porcelain Etch Gel: None likely in this product. Bulk Hydrofluoric acid in closed containers: Pressure will build to dangerous levels when exposed to high temperatures. Flammable when heated. 5.4 Special protective equipmentFirefighters should wear self-contained breathing apparatus with full for firefighters facepiece operated in pressure demand or other positive pressure mode. Use extinguishing media appropriate to surrounding fire conditions, but no water. 6.0Accidental Release Measures 6.1 Personal precautionsWear face shield or goggles, chemically resistant gloves, and buttoned up lab coat. Avoid all contact with material. Ventilate the area. 6.2 Environmental precautionsNot indicated for the quantity of HF in this product and under normal conditions of use in a dental practice. Large amounts should not be flushed into sewer. 6.3 Method for clean upFor a small spill (this product): Absorb or wipe up spill with inert material, such as paper towels, and transfer to container for disposal. Wash spill site. 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 Handling and Storage HandlingFor use by dental professionals only. Keep tightly capped in original container. Do not add any other material to container. Empty container may contain explosive or flammable residue. Industrial HygieneDo not allow food or drink consumption or smoking while handling. Wear protective gloves and goggles. Do not get in eyes, on skin, or on clothing. Wash hands well after use. StorageKeep containers tightly closed. Recap immediately after use. Store product in original container at cool room temperature (<25°C) and in a dry, well-ventilated area. Avoid water, heat, sparks, flame, organic substances, direct sunlight. 8.0 8.1 8.2 8.2.1 Exposure Controls / Personal Protection Exposure limit values PEL/TLV (HF): 3 ppm; TWA (Alcohol): 1000 ppm Exposure controls Occupational exposure controlsEye protection and chemically impervious gloves are recommended for dental personnel under anticipated conditions of normal use. Respiratory protectionFor the small quantity provided in this product, no special respiratory protection is required. Local mechanical exhaust ventilation should be used to maintain exposure below 3 ppm. For large amounts of hydrofluoric acid, when threshold limits are exceeded (greater than 3 ppm), use self-contained breathing apparatus. Guard against aspiration into lungs. Hand protection Neoprene or polyethylene gloves are recommended. Eye protectionSafety glasses or face shield worn by dental staff is adequate under normal conditions of use. For large quantities, safety goggles are required. Skin ProtectionWear buttoned lab coat, long sleeves and/or apron over clothing to protect skin. Other ControlsIf used in vivo, use rubber dam around tooth to be etched and high speed evacuator tip or other protective devices for patient. Mask all surrounding tissue. Patient should wear safety glasses. Emergency eye wash fountain should be close by. Wash hands thoroughly after handling. Clean protective equipment before reuse 8.2.2 Environmental exposure controls Do not wash large amounts of any acid into sewer system. 9.0 Physical and Chemical Properties 9.1 Appearance / Color 9.1.1 Color / Physical state Transparent yellow gel 9.1.2Odor Characteristic 9.2 Important health, safety and environmental information 9.2.1 pH value pH <1.5 9.2.2 Boiling Point (Hydrofluoric acid) 108.33°C 9.2.3 Flash point Not determined 9.2.4 Flammability Not applicable for Porcelain Etch Gel. 9.2.5 Explosive propertiesNot applicable for Porcelain Etch Gel. For bulk hydrofluoric acid in closed containers: Pressure will build to dangerous levels when exposed to high temperatures. Flammable when heated. 9.2.6 Oxidizing properties Not determined 9.2.7 Vapor Pressure 10.00 mm Hg / 13.33 mbar / Id: E 9.2.8 Specific Gravity 1.18 9.2.9 Solubility in water 100% 9.2.10 Partition coefficient Not determined 9.2.11 Viscosity Not determined 9.2.12 Vapor density 0.7 9.2.13 Evaporation rate Not determined 9.2.14 Ignition temperature Not applicable 9.2.15 Further information Odor Threshold: 0.04 ppm 10.0 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 Stability and reactivity Conditions to avoidExtremes of temperature (>27°C/80°F, <5°C/40°F), sparks, open flame, all other sources of ignition, contamination Materials to avoidWater, glass, concrete, materials containing silicon, carbonates, sulfides, cyanides, alkalis, bases, reducing agents, nitric acid, organic materials, metals. Hazardous decomposition products Not available Hazardous reactionsStrong exothermic reaction when exposed to incompatible substances. Pressure will build to dangerous levels when closed containers of Hydrofluoric acid are exposed to high temperatures. Flammable when heated. 11.0Toxicological information 11.1 Acute toxicity of Hydrofluoric acid PEL/TLV: 3 ppm. Dermal LD50 mouse: 500 mg/kg. Vapor LC50 human: 50 ppm, 30 min. (as F)Causes severe burns. Destructive to tissue. Sensation may be delayed. 11.2 Irritation and corrosiveness Causes severe burns. Destructive to tissue. Sensation of burn may be delayed. 11.3 Sensitization Not a sensitizer 11.4 Sub-acute, sub-chronic and Not likely in the quantity and concentration available in this product. prolonged toxicity 11.5 Carcinogenicity, Mutagenicity, None known. Reproductive Toxicity 11.6 Empirical data None available. 11.7 Clinical experiencePulpdent Porcelain Etch Gel has been used for almost twenty years to successfully prepare porcelain surfaces for bonding. There have been no reports of serious injury during that time. Many of these preparations have taken place in a dental lab where there is less danger. Sometimes, however, it is necessary to use Porcelain Etch Gel intraorally. For these cases, it is most important to have a well-trained, experienced dentist perform the procedure and to use adequate shielding of soft tissue. 12.0 12.1 13.0 13.1 Ecological Information EcotoxicityStrong acid. Large amounts of HF may damage wildlife or aquatic ecosystems. Do not flush large amounts to sewer; do not allow large amounts to flow into bodies of water. Disposal Considerations RegulationsFollow all local and national government regulations in disposing material or contaminated packaging. 14.0Transport Information 14.1 UN Number UN 1790 14.2 Technical name Hydrofluoric Acid Preparation 14.3 IATA Class / Packing group Class 8, 6.1, Packing Group II 14.4 Transport over land US DOT/ IATA: Excepted Small Quantities. Maximum unit quantity: 0.5L 14.4.1 Transport Class Class 8, 6.1, Packing Group II 14.4.2 Label Hydrofluoric Acid Preparation. Corrosive! Toxic! 14.5 Transport at seaUS DOT/IATA: Excepted Small Quantities. On deck, under deck, passenger and cargo vessels Maximum unit quantity: 0.5L 14.5.1 Transport Class Class 8, 6.1, Packing Group II 14.5.2 Label Hydrofluoric Acid Preparation; Corrosive! Toxic! 14.6 Air transport US DOT/ IATA: Excepted Small Quantities. Maximum unit quantity: 30 ml 14.6.1 Transport Class Class 8, 6.1, Packing Group II 14.6.2 Label Hydrofluoric Acid Preparation. Corrosive! Toxic! 14.7 Further informationNo aluminum or glass containers. Packaging must be very secure to prevent leaks and breakage. 15.0 15.1 15.2 15.3 Regulatory Information EU US FDA Health Canada Class I medical device under the MDD 93/42/EEC. Class II medical device Class III medical device 16.0Other information 16.1 List of the relevant R phrases R 35: Causes severe burns R 26 / 27 / 28: Very toxic by inhalation, in contact with skin and if swallowed. 16.2 Hazard Statements H300: Fatal if swallowed H330: Fatal if inhaled. H310: Fatal in contact with skin. H314: Causes severe skin burns and eye damage. H318: Causes serious eye damage. 16.3 Precautionary Statements P261: Avoid breathing vapors. P262: Do not get in eyes, on skin or on clothing. P264: Wash hands thoroughly after handling. P280: Wear protective gloves, lab coat and eye/face protection. P301: If swallowed, immediately call Poison Center or doctor/physician. P302 + P350: If on skin, gently wash with soap and water. P304 + 340: If inhaled, remove victim to fresh air and keep at rest in a position comfortable for breathing. 16.4 Restrictions on use Porcelain Etch Gel is to be sold to and used by dental professionals only. 16.5 Further informationThe information presented herein is believed to be factual as it has been derived from the works of persons believed to be qualified experts. However, nothing contained in this information is to be taken as a warranty or representation for which Pulpdent Corporation bears legal responsibility. The user should review any recommendations in the specific context of the intended use to determine whether they are appropriate. 16.6 Sources of key data National Institute for Occupational Safety (NIOSH) Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Eur-Lex European Union Law: Regulation (EC) No. 1272/2008 (CLP) and Regulation (EC) No. 1907/2006 (REACH). Guidance on the compilation of safety data sheets. Version 1.1; December 2011. European Chemicals Agency 16.7 Information which has been This Safety Data Sheet has been revised to meet the requirements of the added, deleted or revised. GHS SDS format, Regulation (EC) No. 1272/2008 (CLP) and Regulation (EC) No. 1907/2006 (REACH). Specifically, Sections 2.1, 2.2, 3.2, 16.2, 16.3 have been modified. Pulpdent Corporation Revision Date: July 1, 2013 Safety Data Sheet 1.0 Commercial Product Name and Supplier 1.1 Commercial product name/designation 1.2 Application / Use 1.2.2 SIC 1.2.3 Use Category 1.3 Manufacturer, Importer 1.3.1 Manufacturer 1.4 Emergency Telephone Number 1.5 Authorized European Representative Dry-Rite Drying Agent Silane Bond Enhancer Dental material for use by dental professionals. 851 Human health activity 55 Pulpdent Corporation 80 Oakland Street P.O. Box 780 Watertown, MA 02472 USA 1-800-535-5053 (24 Hour / USA) International Business Solutions Ltd. 54 Mayfield Ridge, Hatch Warren Basingstoke, RG22 4RS UK 2.0 Hazards Identification 2.1Classification 2.1.1 Classification according to Regulation Hazard Class (EC) No. 1272/2008 [CLP] Flammable liquid 2 Eye irritation STOT SE Skin irritation 2.1.2 Classification according to Directive 67/548/EEC Flammable (F) R11 (See SECTION 16 for full text of risk phrases) Irritant (Xi) R36 / 37 / 38 – 66 2.2 GHS Label Elements Hazard Pictograms Signal Word: DANGER Restricted to use by dental professional only Hazard Statements: H225: Highly flammable liquid and vapor. Category 2. H319: Causes serious eye irritation. Category 2. Hazard Category H225 2 3 2 Tel: 1 617 926-6666 Fax: 1 617 926-6262 Email: [email protected] Tel: 07989 407479 Fax: 01256 350330 Email: [email protected] Hazard Statement H319 H335 H315; EUH066 H335: Specific Target Organ Toxicity (STOT), single exposure, respiratory tract, Category 3: May cause respiratory irritation. H315: Causes skin irritation. Category 2. EUH066: Repeated exposure may cause skin dryness or cracking. Precautionary Statements: P210: Keep away from heat, sparks, open flame, hot surfaces. No smoking. P403+P233: Store in a well-ventilated place. Keep container tightly closed. P261: Avoid breathing fumes. P280: Wear protective gloves/ clothing and eye protection. P304+P340: If inhaled, remove victim to fresh air and keep at rest in a position comfortable for breathing. P305+P351+P338: If in eyes, rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue rinsing. P303+P361+P353: If on skin or hair, remove contaminated clothing. Rinse skin with water. P370+P378: In case of fire, use dry chemical, alcohol foam, or carbon dioxide for extinction. 3.0Composition 3.1 Chemical characterization of the preparation: Denatured ethyl alcohol preparation. 3.2 Hazardous ingredients CAS Number Name of the Ingredient Concentration Classification per 67/548/EEC 64-17-5 Ethyl alcohol 92% Flammable (F); Irritant (Xi). R11- 36/ 37/38-66 67-64-1 Acetone (denaturant) 7% Flammable (F); Irritant (Xi). R11- 36/ 37/38-66 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 Classification per Regulation (EC) No.1278/2008 (CLP). Flammable liquid, Category 2 Eye irritation, Category 2 STOT SE, Category 3 Skin irritation Category 2. Flammable liquid, Category 2 Eye irritation, Category 2 STOT SE, Category 3 Skin irritation Category 2. First Aid Measures General InformationMay cause irritation of eyes or skin on contact. May cause irritation of respiratory tract if inhaled. Exposure to ethanol >1000 ppm may cause headache, drowsiness, lassitude, appetite loss. Show this safety data sheet to medical personnel. Get medical attention in case of uncertainty. Eye Contact Keep eyelids apart, flush with running water for 15+ minutes. Get medical attention. Skin ContactRemove contaminated clothing. Immediately wash with soap, running water. Use hand cream. Get medical attention if irritation persists. IngestionRinse mouth with water. Do not induce vomiting. Get immediate medical attention. Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious person. InhalationMove to fresh air. If necessary, administer oxygen and/or artificial respiration; seek medical attention. Precautions for first responders Ventilate the area. Wear safety glasses and gloves. Information for physicians SymptomsContact with material may cause irritation or redness in eyes or on skin. Inhalation may cause irritation of respiratory tract. HazardsExposure to ethanol >1000 ppm may cause headache, drowsiness, lassitude, appetite loss. Persons with chronic respiratory or skin disease are at increased risk with prolonged and/or repeated contact. Treatment Same as above under First Aid Fire Fighting Measures Suitable extinguishing mediaUse dry chemical, alcohol foam, or carbon dioxide. Water may be ineffective, but should be used to keep fire-exposed containers cool. Extinguishing media to avoid Water may be ineffective, but will keep fire-exposed containers cool. Special exposure hazards in a fire Carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide from incomplete combustion Special protective equipment Self-contained breathing apparatus. for fire-fighters 6.0Accidental Release Measures 6.1 Personal precautions. Wear chemical splash goggles and gloves. 6.2 Environmental precautions Avoid releasing large quantities into environment. 6.3 Method for clean upFor small quantities: Ventilate area. Wear safety glasses, lab coat, gloves. Wipe up with absorbent material (paper or cloth towels). Rinse area of spill with water. Place all material in closed container away from heat, sparks, sun and oxidizers. 7.0 7.1 Handling and Storage HandlingFor use by dental professionals only. Remove applicator tip and recap immediately after use. Keep material tightly capped in original container. Do not use in presence of ignition sources. Take same precautions when container is emptied, as residual product is hazardous. 7.2 StorageRemove applicator tip after use. Keep tightly capped in original container. Store at cool room temperature in a well-ventilated area. Avoid extreme temperatures (>27°C/80°F, <5°C/40°F), sparks, direct sunlight, oxidizing agents. Vapor may form flammable mixtures with air. 7.3 Specific uses Dry-Rite: Dental drying agent Silane: Material used to enhance bonding of porcelain to resin composites and luting agents. 8.0 8.1 8.2 8.2.1 8.2.2 Exposure Controls / Personal Protection Exposure limit values Ethanol: 1000 ppm; Acetone: 750 ppm Exposure controls Occupational exposure controlsNo special equipment or ventilation required under normal conditions of use in dental practice. For large quantities/prolonged exposure, use enclosure, local ventilation, dilution to reduce concentration below TLV. Respiratory protectionNo special requirements under normal conditions of use. Good general ventilation is sufficient to control any airborne vapors. Hand protection No special requirements other than surgical gloves. Eye protection No special requirements other than safety glasses. Skin protection No special requirements other than good hygiene and safety practices. Other controlsEmergency eye wash fountain should be close by and maintained. Wash hands after use. Do not eat, drink or smoke. Environmental exposure controls Follow all government regulations. 9.0 Physical and Chemical Properties 9.1 Appearance / Color 9.1.1 Color Dry-Rite: Pink liquid Silane: Clear liquid 9.1.2 Odor Characteristic, sweet, ethanol odor 9.2 Important health, safety and environmental information 9.2.1 pH Not applicable 9.2.2 Boiling point Boiling Point: 173°F / 78.3°C 9.2.3 Flash point 43°F / 6°C (Tag closed cup) 9.2.4 Ignition temperature 423°C 9.2.5 Explosive properties LEL: 3.3; UEL: 19 9.2.6 Odor threshold 159 ppm 9.2.7 Vapor pressure 44.6 mm Hg / 59 mbar / Id: E 9.2.8 Specific gravity 0.795 9.2.9 Solubility in water Dry-Rite: Complete Silane: Slight 9.2.10 Partition coefficient Not determined 9.2.11 Viscosity Not determined 9.2.12 Vapor density 1.59 9.2.13 Evaporation rate Not determined 10.0 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 Stability and reactivity Conditions to avoid Materials to avoid Hazardous decomposition products Further information Heat, sparks, open flame, any ignition source. Acetyl chloride and a wide range of oxidizing agents. Carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide from incomplete combustion. Stable if stored and used as directed. 11.0Toxicological information 11.1 Acute toxicity Minimal health hazard under normal conditions of use in dental practice Ethanol: LD50 in young rats: 10.6 g/kg orally; LD50 in old rats: 7.06 g/kg orally. Acetone: LD50 in rats : 10.7 ml/kg orally 11.2 Irritation and corrosivenessMay cause irritation/redness of eyes or skin on contact. May cause irritation of respiratory tract if inhaled. 11.3 Sensitization Not applicable. 11.4 Sub-acute, sub-chronic and No chronic health hazard under normal conditions of use. prolonged toxicity 11.5 Carcinogenicity, Mutagenicity, Not a carcinogen under normal conditions of use. Large quantities of ethanol, ingested over Reproductive Toxicity time, may be carcinogenic or a cause of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. IARC has reported a relationship between habitual drinking of significant quantities of alcoholic beverages and cancer of oral cavity, pharynx, esophagus, liver. 11.6 Empirical data None available 11.7 Clinical experienceDry-Rite, Silane and similar products have been used in dentistry for decades with no reported problems. 12.0 12.1 Ecological Information Ecotoxicity 13.0 13.1 Disposal Considerations RegulationsFollow all local and national government regulations in disposing material or contaminated packaging. Follow good work practices and government regulations. Avoid release into environment. 14.0Transport Information 14.1 UN Number 14.2 Technical name 14.3 Packing group 14.4 IATA class 1170 Ethyl alcohol II 3 15.0 15.1 15.2 15.3 Dry-Rite (Class I) and Silane (Class IIA) are medical devices under MDD 93/42/EEC. Dry-Rite and Silane are Class II medical devices Dry-Rite (Class I) and Silane (Class III) medical devices Regulatory Information EU US FDA Health Canada 16.0Other information 16.1 List of relevant R phrases R11: Highly flammable R36/37/38: Irritating to eyes, respiratory system and skin. R66: Repeated exposure may cause skin dryness or cracking. 16.2 Hazard Statements H225: Highly flammable liquid and vapor. Category 2. H319: Causes serious eye irritation. Category 2. H335: Specific Target Organ Toxicity (STOT), single exposure, respiratory tract, Category 3: May cause respiratory irritation. H315: Causes skin irritation. Category 2. EUH066: Repeated exposure may cause skin dryness or cracking. 16.3 Precautionary Statements P210: Keep away from heat, sparks, open flame, hot surfaces. No smoking. P403+P233: Store in a well-ventilated place. Keep container tightly closed. P261: Avoid breathing fumes. P280: Wear protective gloves/ clothing and eye protection. P304+P340: If inhaled, remove victim to fresh air and keep at rest in a position comfortable for breathing. P305+P351+P338: If in eyes, rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue rinsing. P303+P361+P353: If on skin or hair, remove contaminated clothing. Rinse skin with water. P370+P378: In case of fire, use dry chemical, alcohol foam, or carbon dioxide for extinction. 16.4 Restrictions on usePulpdent dental materials, such as Dry-Rite and Silane, are to be sold to and used by dental professionals only. 16.5 Further informationThe information presented herein is believed to be factual as it has been derived from the works of persons believed to be qualified experts. However, nothing contained in this information is to be taken as a warranty or representation for which Pulpdent Corporation bears legal responsibility. The user should review any recommendations in the specific context of the intended use to determine whether they are appropriate. 16.6 Sources of key data National Institute for Occupational Safety (NIOSH) US Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Eur-Lex European Union Law: Regulation (EC) No. 1272/2008 (CLP) and Regulation (EC) No. 1907/2006 (REACH). Guidance on the compilation of safety data sheets. Version 1.1; December 2011. European Chemicals Agency 16.7 Information which has been added, This Safety Data Sheet has been revised to meet the requirements of the GHS SDS format, deleted or revised. Regulation (EC) No. 1272/2008 (CLP) andRegulation (EC) No. 1907/2006 (REACH). Specifically, Sections 2.1, 2.2, 3.2, 16.2, 16.3 have been modified. Pulpdent Corporation Revision Date: July 1, 2013 Safety Data Sheet 1.0 Commercial Product Name and Supplier 1.1 Commercial product name/designation 1.2 Application / Use 1.2.2 SIC 1.2.3 Use Category 1.3 Manufacturer, Importer 1.3.1 Manufacturer 1.4 Emergency Telephone Number 1.5 Authorized European Representative Kool-Dam Heatless Liquid Dam & Block Out Resin Dental material for use by dental professional only. 851 Human health activity 55 Pulpdent Corporation 80 Oakland Street P.O. Box 780 Watertown, MA 02472 USA 1-800-535-5053 (24 Hour / USA) International Business Solutions Ltd. 54 Mayfield Ridge Hatch Warren, Basingstoke, RG22 4RS UK 2.0 Hazards Identification 2.1 Classification Irritant. 2.1.1 Classification according to Hazard Class Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008 [CLP] Eye irritation STOT SE Skin irritation Skin sensitization 2.1.2 Classification according to Directive 67/548/EEC Irritant; Xi; R 36/37/38 - 43 (See SECTION 16 for full text of risk phrases) 2.2 GHS Label Elements Hazard Pictograms Signal Word: WARNING Restricted to use by dental professional only. Hazard Statements H319: Eye irritation. 2. May cause eye irritation. H335: STOT SE. 3. May cause respiratory irritation. H315: Skin irritation. 2. May cause skin irritation. H317: Sensitization. 1. May cause an allergic skin reaction. Precautionary Statements P261: Avoid breathing vapor. P280: Wear protective gloves and eye protection P305+P351: If in eyes, rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. P337+P313: If eye irritation persists, get medical advice/attention. P302+P352: If on skin, wash with plenty of soap and water. Tel: 1 617 926-6666 Fax: 1 617 926-6262 Email: [email protected] Tel: 07989 407479 / Fax: 01256 350330 Email: [email protected] Hazard Category 2 3 2 1 Hazard Statement H319 H335 H315 H317
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