PROF. DR. DIANE A. DESIERTO Assistant Professor of Law and Co-Director, ASEAN Law & Integration Center (ALIC), University of Hawaii William S. Richardson School of Law, Rm. 210, 2515 Dole Street Honolulu Hawaii 96822-2350 USA Adjunct Fellow East-West Center Rm. 3078, East-West Center, Burns Hall, 1601 East-West Center Road, Honolulu, Hawaii USA [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] +1 808 285 5779 (US mobile), +1 808 956 0417 (office landline), +63 917 8012113 (intl mobile) EDUCATION Yale Law School September 2009-June 2011 JSD (Doctor of the Science of Law) (advance of 2014 deadline) Dissertation: “Necessity and National Emergency Clauses: A Study of Sovereignty in Modern Treaty Interpretation” (Supervisor: Prof. W. Michael Reisman, Dissertation Readers: Prof. Susan Rose-Ackerman, Prof. Roberta Brilmayer) Awarded Yale Law School’s 2010-2011 Ambrose Gherini Prize in International Law for most outstanding work in international law, public or private Honors and positions: Howard M. Holtzmann Fellowship in International Arbitration and Dispute Resolution; Lillian Goldman Perpetual Scholarship; 20102011 YLS Public Interest Fellowship for clerkship at the International Court of Justice, Peace Palace, the Hague, Netherlands (Chambers of H.E. Judge Bruno Simma and H.E. Judge Bernardo Sepulveda-Amor); Editor, Yale Journal of International Law; Coordinator, Yale Forum on International Law Yale Law School September 2008-June 2009 LLM (Master of Laws) Conferred “Honours” marks in all international law and comparative law courses Honors and positions: Lillian Goldman Scholarship; Executive Board Member, Yale Multidisciplinary Research Forum; Coordinator, Yale Forum on International Law University of the Philippines June 2000-April 2004 LLB (Bachelor of Laws/degree renamed to Juris Doctor) Cum Laude, Class Salutatorian, Phi Kappa Phi International Honor Society University Scholar and College Scholar 2004 Justice Irene P. Cortes Prize for Best Constitutional Law Paper (“Enemies of the State: A Constitutional Decoding of the National Security Justification for Civil Liberties Infringements in the Philippines”) Chairman of the Editorial Board, Philippine Law Journal; Prime Minister of the UP Law Debate Union; Chairman of the UP Law Student Government Academic Reforms Committee; Outstanding Law Intern, Office of Legal Aid University of the Philippines June 1996-April 2000 BSc Economics (Bachelor of Science in Economics) Summa Cum Laude, Class Valedictorian, University Scholar for all 8 semesters 1st place, Gerardo P. Sicat Award for Best Thesis (“The Myth of Legislation: Determining the Real Barriers to Equity Investment in the Philippines”) 2000 Most Outstanding Social Science Student, Pi Gamma Mu International Social Science Honor Society 1 President, University of the Philippines Debate Society; Head Delegate, Harvard Project for Asian and International Relations (HPAIR); News and Opinion Editor, SIDHI (Official Publication of the UP School of Economics) Awarded International Law Fellowships Research Fellowship (2008 and 2013), Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law, Heidelberg, Germany Grotius Fellowship (2012), University of Michigan Law School, Center for Comparative and International Law, Ann Arbor, Michigan Visiting Scholar (June-July 2013), Yale Law School Specialized International Law Courses International Academy for Arbitration Law/Academie du droit de l’arbitrage, Paris, France (July 2011) – awarded the Runner Up Laureate of the Academy Prize and the Shearman & Sterling Scholarship, (essay “Is Arbitration a Form of International Justice?” Xiamen Academy of International Law, Xiamen, China (July 2007) – awarded Scholarship International Moot and Debate Experience Champion and Gilbert Apollis Finalist for Best Oralist, English Session, 2004 Jean Pictet International Humanitarian Law Competition, ICRC, Mejannes-le-Clap, France Champion, Grand Finals Best Speaker, 7th Overall Best Speaker, 2001 All-Asian Intervarsity Debate Championships Champion and Team Captain, 2000 Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Intervarsity Debate Championships, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Overall National Best Debater and Best Public Speaker, 1999 Philippine National Debate Championships CLERKSHIP EXPERIENCE Clerk, International Court of Justice, the Hague, Netherlands 2010-2011 Yale Fellow to H.E. Judge Bruno Simma and H.E. Judge Bernardo Sepulveda-Amor • Official Court Performance Appraisal: “Excellent”, perfect marks in all criteria (professional competence, teamwork, ability to meet deadlines, initiative, responsibility, punctuality), with specific comments from H.E. Judge Simma: (“Diane’s legal writing and research skills are simply superb. All memos and other products were of the finest quality. Diane is already an accomplished author in public international law. I have invited her to copublish with me a substantive article for an international law journal. I hope this indicates how I evaluate her respective skills.”) 2 TEACHING EXPERIENCE University of Hawaii Richardson School of Law Aug 2013 to present Assistant Professor of Law • Teaching courses on International Law, International Economic Law, Business Associations, International Arbitration and Dispute Settlement, Philippine Law Seminar, ASEAN Law seminar • Research interests in public international law, international economic law, international human rights and international humanitarian law, ASEAN Law • Co-Director, ASEAN Law & Integration Center (ALIC) • Faculty Adviser, UH Richardson Jessup Team (2014 No. 1 overall team, Best Memorials, Best Oralist awards), and Supporting Faculty, UH Richardson International Environmental Moot Team (2014 Regional Finalists, qualified for Stetson International Rounds) Peking University School of Transnational Law July 2012- Aug 2013 Assistant Professor of Law • Taught JD (Juris Doctor) law students International Dispute Settlement, Foreign Investment Dispute Resolution, International Human Rights Law, International Humanitarian Law • Supervised JD Graduate Theses on international investment law, international human rights law, comparative constitutional law, and international criminal law • Member, PKUSTL Global Partnerships Committee • Faculty Supervisor: PKUSTL Law Review (the first English language student-edited law review in China); PKUSTL Jessup International Law Moot Team (2012/2013 Chinese National Champions); PKUSTL VIS International Commercial Arbitration Moot Team (Hong Kong 2012) and PKUSTL International Criminal Court Moot Teams; the first mainland Chinese team to compete in the Jean Pictet World International Humanitarian Law Competition organized by the International Committee of the Red Cross; the first mainland Chinese team to reach the world finals of the Frankfurt International Investment Law Moot Championships University of the Philippines College of Law 2007-2011 Professorial Lecturer and Law Reform Specialist (Institute of International Legal Studies) • Taught JD (Juris Doctor) law students (first to fourth year students) courses on Public International Law, International Law Methodology (Lecture Series), Legal History, Agency & Partnership Law. Supervised around 200 independent student research papers on topics of international law, legal theory, and administrative law. Participated in advising UP Law Jessup moot teams to world semi-finals/quarterfinals, Alona Evans awards etc. Participated in supervising Philippine Law Journal Editorial Board. • Managed Institute staff and publications, organized local and international regional conferences and roundtable discussions, spearheaded research areas in public international law, international trade law, international investment arbitration, international human rights and the laws of armed conflict 3 • Trained government counsels from the Office of the President, Office of the Solicitor General, Department of Justice, Department of Trade and Industry, Department of Foreign Affairs in international dispute settlement (ICJ, ICSID, WTO) and international economic law Lyceum of the Philippines College of Law 2006-2007 Professorial Lecturer • Taught second and third year JD students courses on Public International Law and Administrative Law. Supervised over 80 independent student research papers in these courses. Foreign Service Institute, Philippine Department of Foreign Affairs 2006 Lecturer for Public International Law • Taught Philippine consular officials with a specialized focus on international immunities and privileges, jurisdictional assessment, international responsibility ADVISORY EXPERIENCE Legal Adviser 2010-2012 Office of Senator Edgardo J. Angara, Vice-Chairman of the Philippine Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, former Senate President of the Republic of the Philippines, former Executive Secretary to the President of the Philippines Legal Consultant Office of the Chief Economist, Asian Development Bank 2010-2012 Legal Consultant Philippine Constitutional Commission on Elections 2013-2014 Extended advisory opinions for the Office of the Solicitor-General of the Republic of the Philippines; Office of the Presidential Legal Counsel; Philippine Department of Foreign Affairs; Philippine Supreme Court; ASEAN Law Association; Singapore Academy of Law. Expert Resource Person 2012 American Bar Association Rule of Law Initiative – Experts’ Note on the ASEAN Human Rights Declaration ert_note_asean_human_rights_declaration_05121.authcheckdam.pdf Legal Expert and Rapporteur 2013 ASEAN-European High Level Dialogue on Maritime Security, Investment and Development, Jakarta, Indonesia 4 ACADEMIC APPOINTMENTS Member (2013-2016), Scientific Advisory Board, European Journal of International Law and Contributing Editor, EJIL:Talk! Director of Studies for Public International Law (Summer 2017), English session, Hague Academy of International Law Associate Editor (2013 to present), Asian Yearbook of International Law Member, International Jury, 2013 edition of the Jean Pictet International Humanitarian Law Moot Competition/Concours Jean Pictet Member, Selection Committee, Rechtskulturen 2013/2014 Global Postdoctoral Fellowships, Berlin, Germany Philippine Rapporteur, NUS Centre for International Law ASEAN Integration through Law Project (2010 to 2013). Rapporteur, Oxford International Law in Domestic Courts Content Editor (2012 to 2013), International Board, Journal of Dispute Prevention and Resolution (headed by Prof. Eric Bergsten, Editor-in-Chief) Correspondent, Journal of East Asia and International Law Fellowships Director (2012), Angara Centre for Law and Economics. Manila, Philippines Consultant, Office of the Chief Economist, Asian Development Bank Peer Reviewer for the following journals: Asian Journal of International Law, Asian Journal of Political Science, Journal of Politics and Governance (Basel, Switzerland), Asian Journal of International Law, Asian Yearbook of International Law, European Journal of International Law PUBLICATIONS A. Books and monographs 1. DIANE A. DESIERTO, PUBLIC POLICY IN INTERNATIONAL ECONOMIC TREATIES: THE ICESCR IN TRADE, FINANCE, AND INVESTMENT (Oxford University Press, 2014) 2. DIANE A. DESIERTO, NECESSITY AND NATIONAL EMERGENCY CLAUSES: SOVEREIGNTY IN MODERN TREATY INTERPRETATION (International Litigation in Practice Series, Vol. 3, Martinus Nijhoff USA,/Brill Publishers, January 2012) 5 3. DIANE A. DESIERTO, ASEAN INTEGRATION THROUGH LAW: TREATIES IN THE PHILIPPINE CONSTITUTIONAL SYSTEM (forthcoming monograph, Cambridge University Press, 2014) 4. DIANE A. DESIERTO (ED.), INTERNATIONAL COMMERCIAL ARBITRATION AND PHILIPPINE LAW, VOL. I ON JURISDICTION AND ADMISSIBILITY (University of the Philippines, Institute of International Legal Studies, forthcoming) 5. MYRNA FELICIANO, DIANE A. DESIERTO, VICTORIA LOANZON, & CONCEPCION JARDALEZA, COMMENTARY ON THE CODE OF PROFESSIONAL RESPONSIBILITY (USAID –ABA, 2007) B. Forthcoming/Recently Published 1. Diane A. Desierto, Rawlsian Fairness and International Arbitration, International Council for Commercial Arbitration (ICCA) Congress 2014, Miami Florida, for publication in ICCA Proceedings 2014 (Kluwer Law International). 2. Diane A. Desierto, Sovereign Wealth Financing Paradigms in Natural Resources: Regulatory Transparency Issues in the Norwegian Oil and Swensen Endowment Models, 2013 Workshop on International Law, Natural Resources, and Development, University of Warwick, United Kingdom, forthcoming with International Journal of Law in Context (2014). 3. Diane A. Desierto, Introduction: Investment as Development: Economic, Social and Cultural Rights at the Foundations of Investment Law, forthcoming book chapter in CHRISTIAN TAMS AND STEPHAN SCHILL (EDS.), INVESTMENT AND DEVELOPMENT – FRIENDS OR FOES? (forthcoming, Oxford University Press 2014). 4. Diane A. Desierto, Beyond Siege Mentality and Rejection of Inequality: Lessons from ASEAN, book chapter in LUIS ESLAVA, MICHAEL FAKHRI, VASUKI NESIAH (EDS.), BANDUNG AND THE GLOBAL SOUTH: 60 YEARS OF TRANSFORMATIVE INTERNATIONAL LAW (forthcoming). 5. Diane A. Desierto, Regulatory Freedom and Control in the New ASEAN Investment Treaties, Journal of World Investment and Trade (special issue forthcoming Spring 2014). 6. Diane A. Desierto, Austerity Measures and Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, book chapter for the American Society of International Law (ASIL) 2014 proceedings volume, EVAN CRIDDLE (ED.), HUMAN RIGHTS IN EMERGENCIES (forthcoming). 7. Diane A. Desierto, Separation of Powers in Global Investment and Trade Law Rule-Making, for University of Amsterdam Faculty of Law and Amsterdam Center for International Law March 2014 Workshop on Postnational RuleMaking, forthcoming chapter in book volume. 6 8. Diane A. Desierto, Public Policy in International Trade and Investment Law: Community Expectations and Functional Decision-Making, 27 Florida Journal of International Law (April 2014 issue). 9. Diane A. Desierto and Colin E. Gillespie, Evolutionary Interpretation and Subsequent Practice in Treaty Application: New Interpretive Communities and Processes in the Optional Protocol to the ICESCR, 73 Heidelberg Journal of International Law (Fall 2013), pp. 1-42. 10. Diane A. Desierto and Colin E. Gillespie, A Modern Integrated Paradigm for International Responsibility Arising from Violations of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, 3 Cambridge Journal of International and Comparative Law 1 (April 2014). 11. Diane A. Desierto and Desiree A. Desierto, Investment Pricing and Social Protection: A Proposal for an ICESCR-Adjusted Capital Asset Pricing Model, 28 ICSID Review 2 (Fall 2013), at pp. 405-419. 12. Diane A. Desierto, Calibrating Human Rights and Investment during Economic Emergencies: Prospects of Treaty and Valuation Defenses, 9 Manchester Journal of International Economic Law (MJIEL) 2 (2012), pp. 162-183. 13. Diane A. Desierto, Conflict of Treaties, Interpretation, and Decision-Making on Human Rights and Investment during Economic Crises, 10 Transnational Dispute Management 1 (January 2013), special issue on Aligning Human Rights and Investment Protection at 14. Diane A. Desierto, ICESCR Minimum Core Obligations and Investment: Recasting the Non-Expropriation Model during Financial Crises, 44 George Washington International Law Review 3 (Fall 2012) pp. 473-520. 15. Diane A. Desierto, Sovereign Policy Flexibility for Social Protection: Managing Uncertainty Risks in International Investment Agreements, December 2012 Mauritius International Arbitration Conference, Report forthcoming in book volume of the 2012 MIAC PROCEEDINGS (PERMANENT COURT OF ARBITRATION, THE HAGUE, NETHERLANDS). 16. Diane A. Desierto, Targeted Killings Policies: Justifications under the Bush and Obama Administrations, 7 Journal of East Asia and International Law 2 (forthcoming Spring 2014) C. Book Chapters 1. Bruno Simma and Diane A. Desierto, Bridging the Public Interest Divide: Committee assistance for investor-host State Compliance with the ICESCR, pp. 49-65 in DIRK HANSCHEL, SEBASTIAN GRAF KIELMANSEGG, UWE KISCHEL, CHRISTIAN KOENIG, AND RALPH ALEXANDER LORZ (EDS.), MENSCH UND RECHT, FESTSCHRIFT FUR EIBE RIEDEL (Duncker & Humblot Berlin, 2013). Also 7 published in 10 Transnational Dispute Management 1 (January 2013), 2. Diane A. Desierto, Deciding international investment agreement applicability: The Development Argument in Investment, Chapter 11 in FREYA BAETENS (ED.), INVESTMENT LAW WITHIN INTERNATIONAL LAW: AN INTEGRATIONIST PERSPECTIVE (Cambridge University Press, 2013). 3. Diane A. Desierto, Investment Treaty Regulation under the new ASEAN Charter Regime, Chapter 7 in ASIA RISING: GROWTH AND RESILIENCE IN AN UNCERTAIN GLOBAL ECONOMY (Edward Elgar Publishers, 2012). 4. Diane A. Desierto, Privacy Expectations in Passive RFID Tagging of Motor Vehicles: Bayan Muna et al. v. Mendoza et al. in the Philippine Supreme Court, in CHRISTINA AKRIVOPOULOU AND ATHANASIOS PSYGKAS (EDS.), PERSONAL DATA PRIVACY AND PROTECTION IN A SURVEILLANCE ERA: TECHNOLOGIES AND PRACTICES (Hersey, PA: Information Science Reference, 2010), also available at 5. Diane A. Desierto, chapter on Overview of Jurisdictional Theories, in DIANE A. DESIERTO (ED.), INTERNATIONAL COMMERCIAL ARBITRATION FOR THE PHILIPPINE LEGAL PROFESSION (University of the Philippines Press, Institute of International Legal Studies, forthcoming) 6. Diane A. Desierto, chapter on Arbitrability in European Systems, in DIANE A. DESIERTO (ED.), INTERNATIONAL COMMERCIAL ARBITRATION FOR THE PHILIPPINE LEGAL PROFESSION (University of the Philippines Press, Institute for International Legal Studies, forthcoming) D. International Journal Articles, Book Reviews, Law Commentaries 1. Diane A. Desierto, Rewriting the New Great Game: China, the United States, and their International Public Lawyers, Peking University School of Transnational Law (PKUSTL) Law Review, Issue 2 (2013), pp. 351-374, at 2. Diane A. Desierto, The International Court of Justice in the Settlement of Foreign Investment Disputes, International Journal of Dispute Prevention and Resolution (inaugural issue, 2013) 3. Diane A. Desierto, The Right to Regulate for Public Morals Upheld (Somewhat): The WTO Panel Report in EC-Seal Products, 27 January 2014, EJIL:Talk! at 4. Diane A. Desierto, Ripples in the East and South East China Seas: Aid, ADIZs, Aircraft Carriers, and Arbitration, 1 December 2013, EJIL:Talk! at 8 5. Diane A. Desierto, Corruption, Climate and Congress: Preying on Philippine Resilience and Faith, 9 November 2013, GMA News Online, at 6. Diane A. Desierto, The ‘other’ dialogue at the G20 Summit: International Responsibilities of Institutional Investors, 2 September 2013, EJIL:Talk! 7. Diane A. Desierto, Joint Decisions by States Parties: Fair Control of Tribunal Interpretations?, Kluwer Arbitration, 8 June 2012, at 8. Diane A. Desierto, Our 1987 ‘Accountability’ Constitution, GMA News Online, 1 June 2012, 9. Diane A. Desierto, ‘For Greater Certainty’: Balancing Economic Integration and Investment Protection in the New ASEAN Investment Agreements, Transnational Dispute Management, vol. 5 (2011), special issue on Resolving International Business Disputes by ADR in Asia, accessible at 10. Diane A. Desierto, Development as an International Right: Investment in the New Trade-Based IIAs, 3 Trade Law & Development 2 (November/December 2011) at .%20L%20%26%20DEV.%20296%20(2011) 11. Diane A. Desierto, ASEAN’s Constitutionalization of International Law: Challenges to Evolution under the new ASEAN Charter, 49 Columbia Journal of Transnational Law 2 (2010) at 12. Diane A. Desierto, Leveraging International Economic Tools to Confront Child Soldiering, 43 NYU Journal of International Law & Politics 2 (2010) at _journal_of_international_law_and_politics/documents/documents/ecm_pro_0697 28.pdf 13. Susan Rose-Ackerman, Diane A. Desierto, and Natalia Volosin, HyperPresidentialism: Separation of Powers without Checks and Balances in Argentina and the Philippines, 29 Berkeley Journal of International Law 1 (2010), at 101, available at 9 14. Diane A. Desierto, (Book Review), Self-Enforcing Trade by Chad Bown, 36 Yale Journal of International Law (2010), available at 15. Diane A. Desierto, Necessity and Supplementary Means of Interpretation of NonPrecluded Measures in Bilateral Investment Treaties, 31 University of Pennsylvania Journal of International Law 3, 827 (2010), available at Int'lL.827(2010).pdf 16. Diane A. Desierto, International Law: Regional Developments in South and South East Asia, keyword article contribution to the Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law, available at,%20institutions%20and%2 0developments 17. Diane A. Desierto, The Presidential Veil of ‘Administrative Authority’ over Foreign-Financed Public Contracts in the Philippines, 27 UCLA Pacific Basin Law Journal 71 (2009), at ype=cite&docid=27+UCLA+PAC.+BASIN+L.J.+71&srctype=smi&srcid=3B15 &key=644dc0ac57f773da730c9acd1ae81af6 18. Diane A. Desierto, Justiciability of Socio-Economic Rights: Comparative Powers, Roles, and Practices in the Philippines and South Africa, 11 Asia-Pacific Law & Policy Journal 114 (2009), available at 19. Diane A. Desierto, A Universalist History of the 1987 Philippine Constitution (II), 11 Historia Constitucional/Electronic Journal of Constitutional History (2010), at 427, available at icle/viewArticle/277 20. Diane A. Desierto, A Universalist History of the 1987 Philippine Constitution (I), 10 Historia Constitucional/Electronic Journal of Constitutional History (2009), at 384, at wArticle/236 21. Diane A. Desierto, Restriction and Rhetoric: A Critique of the Constitutional Prohibition Against Foreign Ownership in Philippine Mass Media, 2 Journal of Applied Economy 77 (2010), available at 22. Diane A. Desierto, Postcolonial International Law Discourses on Regional Developments in South and Southeast Asia, 36 International Journal of Legal 10 Information 3 (2009), at 387, available at 23. Diane A. Desierto, Universalizing Core Human Rights in the ‘New’ ASEAN: A Reassessment of Culture and Development Justifications against the Global Rejection of Impunity, 1 Goettingen Journal of International Law 1 (2009) 77-114 at 24. Diane A. Desierto, Universalist Constitutionalism in the Philippines: Restricting Executive Particularism in the Form of Executive Privilege, Verfassung und Recht in in Übersee/Journal of Law and Politics in Africa, Asia and Latin America, vol. 42, no.1, 2009, at pp. 80-105. 25. Harry L. Roque and Diane A. Desierto, Redress for Victims of War Crimes: The Filipino Comfort Women’s Continuing Search for Legal Remedies, 19 Journal of International Law of Peace and Armed Conflict 3 (2006), pp. 241-249, at 26. Diane A. Desierto, New Surveillance Technologies and Interpretive Nuances in Contemporary Jus Ad Bellum and Jus in Bello, 3 Asia-Pacific Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law (2009). 27. Diane A. Desierto, The Contours of Command Responsibility: Philippine Incorporation and Customary Evolution, 2 Asia-Pacific Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law (2006/2007), at,5 This article has been repeatedly cited in the Human Rights Watch Reports (“No Justice Adds to the Pain: Killings, Disappearances, and Impunity in the Philippines” and “They Own the People: The Ampatuans, State-Backed Militias, and Killings in the Philippines” ). 28. Diane A. Desierto, When Equality is NOT Equity: A Comparative Legal and Economic Perspective for Judicial Review of the Status of Secured Creditors in Philippine Corporate Rehabilitation Proceedings, 82 Philippine Law Journal 1 (2007), available at 82%20number%202%20-05-%20Diane%20A.%20Desierto%20%20When%20EQUALITY%20is%20not%20Equity...pdf 29. Diane A. Desierto, Ubi Jus Non Remedium: How Insufficient Secondary Rules Diminish the Coercive Force of International Human Rights’ Primary Rules, 78 Philippine Law Journal 3 (2004) available at 78%20number%203%20-03-%20Diane%20A.%20Desierto%20%20How%20Insufficient%20Secondary%20Rules%20Diminish...pdf 11 30. Victor P. Lazatin, Teodoro D. Regala Sr., Diane A. Desierto, Ethical Aspects of China Walls, 33 Journal of the Integrated Bar of the Philippines 1 (2007) 31. Diane A. Desierto, Internationalizing Philippine Legal Education: Research, and Advocacy, Ateneo Law Journal 2012 Practice, 32. Diane A. Desierto, Economic Activism: Constitutional Text and the Judicial Review of Administrative Actions in the Philippines, Ateneo Journal of International Law, inaugural issue 33. Diane A. Desierto, Growth versus Austerity: Protecting, Respecting, and Fulfilling International Economic and Social Rights during Economic Crises, 57 Ateneo Law Journal (2012), available at cec59.pdf PUBLIC LECTURES AND CONFERENCE PRESENTATIONS 1. Speaker, Investment Law at the Crossroads of Public and Private International Law, European Society of International Law Conference, Vienna, Austria, September 4-6, 2014. 2. Speaker, Bandung Principles in the Charter-Based ASEAN, IGLP Conference, Harvard Law School, June 5-6, 2014. 3. Speaker, Austerity Measures and Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, American Society of International Law, Symposium on Human Rights and Emergencies, Tillar House, Washington DC, May 16, 2014. 4. Lecture, Global Crises, Responses, and International Law, Harvard Club Luncheon, 15 April 2014, Makai Tower, Honolulu. 5. Lecture, AEC Integration through Philippine Administrative Compliance, ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) Roundtable, University of the Philippines School of Economics, 25 March 2014. 6. Speaker, Investment Implications of the Bangsamoro Agreement and its Annexes, UP Institute for Maritime Affairs and Law of the Sea (UP-IMLOS) Symposium on Legal Implications of the New Bangsamoro Waters and Zones of Cooperation, University of the Philippines, 18 March 2014. 7. Featured Speaker, Runnymede Lecture Series on International Law, Amsterdam Centre for International Law, (rescheduled to Fall 2014), Amsterdam, the Netherlands. 8. Speaker, Separation of Powers and Postnational Rulemaking in International Trade and Investment Law, University of Amsterdam Faculty of Law, March 20-21, 2014, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. 12 9. Lecture, ASEAN Integration and Implications for US Geopolitics, University of Oregon Law School, 24 February 2014. 10. Creating Asia’s Single Market: Legal, Institutional, and Policy Discourses on ASEAN Integration in 2015, (with Professor David Cohen), Faculty Professional Development Series, 19 February 2014. 11. Dialogue on Trade, Investment, and Environment with former WTO Member and Chair Yasuhei Taniguchi, Asia Law Talk, University of Hawaii William S. Richardson School of Law, 21 February 2014. 12. Featured Speaker, Restoring Separation of Powers and Constitutional Accountability: Dismantling the Pork Barrel System through the Philippine Supreme Court, Center for Philippine Studies Spring Colloquium, University of Hawaii, 5 February 2014. 13. Speaker, Regulatory Freedom and Control in the New ASEAN Investment Treaties, Fourth Biennial Conference of the Asian Society of International Law, Panel on International Investment Law in Asia, 14-16 November 2014, India Habitat Centre, New Delhi, India. 14. Expert Speaker (for the German Foreign Office and the EU External Action Service), ASEAN-EU High Level Dialogue on Maritime Cooperation, 18-19 November 2014, Le Meridien Hotel, Jakarta, Indonesia, at 15. Lecture, The US and International Human Rights Law: Contribution, Engagement, Justification, Lecture for the Graduate Program, University of Hawaii Richardson School of Law, 31 October 2013. 16. Speaker, Evolutionary Interpretation and Subsequent Practice in Treaty Application: New Interpretive Communities and Processes in the Optional Protocol to the ICESCR, Cambridge Conference on International Law Interpretation, 27 August 2013, United Kingdom. 17. Speaker, Intellectual Property Rights in Chinese BITs, 8th Annual LexisNexis IP and Arbitration Conference, Sheraton Four Points, Shenzhen, China, 30 May 2013. 18. Main Speaker for Investment and Trade Law Panel, Public Policy Design in International Trade and Investment Law: Community Expectations and Functional Decision-Making, 2013 New York Law School Conference on the New Haven School, 13 April 2013. 19. Speaker/Rapporteur, Sovereign Policy Flexibility for Social Protection: Managing Uncertainty Risks in International Investment Agreements, 2012 Mauritius International Arbitration Conference, sponsored by ICSID/PCA/LCIA/SCC/ICC, 9-11 December 2012, Mauritius. 13 20. Chair, Transnational Law and Human Rights, 9th International Workshop for Young Scholars (WISH), 29 November to 1 December, 2012, Peking University School of Transnational Law, China. 21. Lecture, International Commercial Arbitration and International Investment Arbitration: Substance, Procedure, Institutions, International Conference on Alternative Dispute Resolution, November 8-9, 2012, Makati City, Philippines, also delivered as Mandatory Continuing Legal Education (MCLE) Lecture at the ACCRA Law Firm, Philippines, on 1 September 2012. 22. Speaker, Human Rights and Investment during Economic Emergencies: Conflict of Treaties, Interpretation, Valuation Decisions, International Investment Law Network session, Global Conference of the Society of International Economic Law, 12-14 July 2012. 23. Speaker, Formal Treaties, Executive Agreements, and ‘Generally Accepted Principles of International Law’ in Philippine Constitutional Law and Jurisprudence, NUS CIL Panel on International Treaty Practices in Southeast Asia, Asian Law Institute, May 31-June 2, 2012, Singapore. 24. Commentator, Conference on Law and Development in Middle-Income Countries, University of Chicago Law School, April 20-21, 2012. 25. Lecture, Human Rights and Investment in Economic Emergencies: Conflict of Treaties, Interpretation, and Valuation Decisions, University of Michigan Law School, April 9, 2012; also delivered at the University of Chicago Law School, April 23-24, 2012; and the Investment Law Network Session, Society for International Economic Law Global Conference, Singapore, July 12-14, 2012. 26. Speaker, Philippine Treaty Practices and Implementation of ASEAN Law, NYU Jean Monnet Center for International Law, April 4-7, 2012. 27. Lecture, Human Rights, Trade, and Investment Governance in the ASEAN Charter System, Center for Southeast Asian Studies (CSEAS), University of Michigan 22 March 2012. 28. Lecture, Vinuya and International Human Rights Remedies for Comfort Women, University of Michigan Law School, course on Law and Development, 7 March 2012. 29. Lecture, Development in International Investment Law, Peking University School of Transnational Law, 11 February 2012. 30. Panelist/Speaker on the Rule of Law in ASEAN, 2012 Rule of Law Symposium, Singapore Supreme Court, 14-15 February 2012. 31. Resource person, Workshop on Strengthening ASEAN Human Rights Mechanisms, American Bar Association Rule of Law Initiative, ASEAN Intergovernmental Commission on Human Rights, Bali, Indonesia, 4-5 December 2011. 14 32. Resource person on Law and Religion, Federalism, International Law and Use of Foreign Sources by Courts, Roundtable on Comparative Constitutional Law in Asia, University of Chicago Law School and Hong Kong University Law School, Hong Kong, 17-20 December 2011. 33. Lecture, Salient Provisions of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, LAWASIA Regional Forum on the Rome Statute of the ICC, 1 December 2011, Hotel Intercontinental Ballroom, Makati City, Philippines. 34. Program Director and Lecturer, Workshop Training Series (Representing States in International Disputes: Substantive Law and Procedural Rules at the ICJ, WTO, and ICSID) for all Philippine government lawyers from the Office of the President, the Office of the Solicitor General, the Department of Justice, the Department of Foreign Affairs, the Department of Trade and Industry, the Department of Transportation and Communications. Conducted lectures and workshops on Identification and Assessment of International Legal Claims: The Role of Administrative Agency Review, 10 October 2011; Necessity and National Emergency Clauses in International Investment Law and International Trade Law, 11 October 2011; Provisional Measures at the International Court of Justice, 12 October 2011; International Legal Ethics: Conflicts of Interest in International Arbitration, 14 October 2011. 35. Featured Lecture, For Greater Certainty: Balancing Economic Integration and Investor Protection in the New ASEAN Investment Agreements, Peking University School of Transnational Law, China, 26-27 September 2011. 36. Lecture, Victim Protection under International Law, International Committee of the Red Cross/Crescent (ICRC) Seminar, Philippine National Police Academy, 3 September 2011 37. Lecture, Internationalizing Philippine Legal Education: Practice, Research, and Advocacy, National Convocation on Legal Education, 5 August 2011, Philippine Supreme Court and Ateneo Law School, Philippines 38. Lecture, Joint Marine Seismic Undertakings: Pragmatic Solutions or a Sell-out of Sovereignty?, National Summit on the Kalayaan Island Group (KIG) and the West Philippine Sea, 1 August 2011, Malcolm Theater, UP College of Law, Philippines 39. Discussant Presentation, “Approaching BIT Applicability: Treaty Design or Arbitral Discretion?”, Panel on International Investment Law and Sustainable Development, Conference on The Interaction of Investment Law with Other Fields of Public International Law, Grotius Centre for Legal Studies, Leiden University, 8-9 April 2011 40. Featured Lecturer, “Interim Measures in International Commercial Arbitration”, 7 July 2009 at the Philippine Dispute Resolution Centre Inc. (PDRCI) General Membership Meeting, Security Bank Building, Ayala Avenue, Makati City 15 41. Featured Lecturer, Dispute Resolution Mechanisms in Cross-Border Transactions, Hongyik University’s and Soomkyung University’s International Conference on “Globalization and Law”, September 24-26, 2009, Seoul, Korea. 42. Speaker, “Postcolonial International Law Discourses on Regional Developments in South and Southeast Asia”, paper presented in the Agora session (A3) of the Asian Society of International Law, 2nd conference, University of Tokyo, August 1-2, 2009, Tokyo, Japan. 43. Speaker, “South East Asia Under the New ASEAN Charter: Towards a Model of Regional Coordinative Sovereignty”, International Boundaries Research Unit (IBRU), Durham University, United Kingdom, 20th Anniversary Conference, “The State of Sovereignty”, 1-3 April 2009 44. Speaker, “Freedom and Constraint: Universalism in the Philippine Constitutional System and the Limits to Executive Particularist Power”, presented on 12 August 2008 at the Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law, Heidelberg, Germany. Also presented at the ‘Progressive Constitutionalism’ seminar of the Second Annual Graduate Student Conference of the Toronto Group for the Study of International, Comparative, and Transnational Law, January 9-11, 2009, University of Toronto, Canada; and at the ‘Asia, Constitutionalism, and Public Policy’ panel of the ‘Aspiring Scholars Symposium’, Yale Law School, April 18, 2009 45. Speaker, “ASEAN Charter: Prospects in Formal Integration”, presented during the 2 June 2008 English-session seminar/meeting at the Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law 46. Lecture, “International Law Research and Methodology”, Institute of International Legal Studies (IILS), University of the Philippines, 2009 47. Lecture, “The Presidential Veil of Administrative Authority over ForeignFinanced Public Contracts in the Philippines”, 10 August 2009 at the New Institutional Economics series of the University of the Philippines School of Economics 48. Featured Speaker, “Emergency Rule and Charter Change”, televised interview at “Strictly Politics”, a political news commentary program at ANC News Channel 27, July 2009 49. Country Representative and Speaker, “Arbitration in the Philippines”, ASEAN Law Association General Assembly Meeting, Bangkok, Thailand, November 2006 50. Rapporteur, “Cross-Border Disputes and Money Laundering”, ASEAN Law Association Assembly workshop, Manila, 2005 51. Delegate, Asia-Pacific Dispute Resolution Summit, Singapore, June 2006 16 52. Lecturer, “Enforcement Mechanisms for Individual Human Rights Victims, and Universal Jurisdiction over Human Rights Violators”, 15 November 2007 at the “Training on International Humanitarian Law for Mindanao Lawyers”, Grand Regal Hotel, Davao City, Philippines 53. Featured Speaker/Guest of Honor, “Security Legislation and Judicial Remedies: An Analysis of the 2007 Human Security Act and the SC Rules on the Writs of Amparo and Habeas Data”, 15 February 2008 Lyceum Legal Studies Congress, Lyceum of the Philippines, Intramuros, Manila 54. Lecturer, “Philippine International Environmental Legal Obligations: An Overview of Conventional and Customary Principles”, Roundtable Discussion on Environmental Management and the Kyoto Protocol, sponsored by Center for Integrative and Development Studies (CIDS) and the Institute of International Legal Studies, University of the Philippines, 20 November 2007 OTHER PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE AND PROFICIENCIES Professional Memberships: 1. Integrated Bar of the Philippines (since 2005) 2. Asian Society of International Law 3. European Society of International Law 4. ASEAN Law Association 5. American Society of International Law 6. Society of International Economic Law 7. Development of International Law in Asia (DILA) Foundation Litigation Experience: 1. Partner and Regional Consultant, DAPD Law (Desierto Ammuyutan Purisima & Desierto Law) 2008- present, Ortigas, Metro Manila, Philippines A full-service law firm established in 2002. The firm provides legal services in the areas of labor, corporate, tax, banking, intellectual property, civil, criminal, and administrative law. I engage in appellate litigation on commercial law (disputes involving intra-corporate controversies, corporate rehabilitations, insolvency proceedings, banking and securities regulation); public law (administrative, constitutional, or international law disputes); and arbitration (international commercial arbitration and domestic arbitration). I issue legal opinions, usually upon the request of foreign-based businesses and non-profit entities, on regulatory requirements in the Philippines and ASEAN. Suite 2505, 25th Flr, The Orient Square Building F.Ortigas Jr. Rd., Ortigas Center, Pasig City Philippines 1605 +6324702974 (telefax); +6324702036 2. Associate, ACCRA Law (Angara Abello Concepcion Regala & Cruz Law) 2005-2007, Makati City, Philippines Civic/Public Interest Memberships: 1. UP Women in Law 2. Philippine Constitution Association (PHILCONSA) 17 Languages and other proficiencies: English (first language proficiency), Tagalog (first language proficiency), Cebuano (first language proficiency), Espanol (basic reading proficiency), Francaise (basic reading proficiency). Also proficient in applied econometrics, mathematical and statistical programs, and all Mac OS/PC applications Other activities: tennis, badminton, table tennis, running, hiking, swimming, football, history, philosophy, world literature, modern art REFERENCES Academic References Professional References Professor W. Michael Reisman Yale Law School P.O. Box 208215 New Haven, CT 06520 203-432-4962 [email protected] Professor (former ICJ Judge) Bruno Simma University of Michigan Law School 437 Hutchins Hall 734 763 3806 [email protected] Professor Susan Rose-Ackerman Yale Law School P.O. Box 208215 New Haven, CT 06520 203-432-4891 [email protected] H.E. Judge Bernardo Sepulveda-Amor Office of the Vice-President International Court of Justice Peace Palace Carnegieplein 2 2517 KJ The Hague Netherlands +31 70 302 23 23 [email protected] Professor Lea Brilmayer Yale Law School P.O. Box 208215 New Haven, CT 06520 203-432-0194 [email protected] Professor Joseph H.H. Weiler New York University Law School 40 Washington Square South, 109 New York, NY 10012 212-992-8912 [email protected] Professor Guillermo Aguilar-Alvarez Visiting Lecturer in Law, Yale Law School Partner, King and Spalding 1185 Avenue of the Americas 10036 New York 212 556 2145 [email protected] [email protected] Professor Armin von Bogdandy Managing Director Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law Im Neueunheimer Feld 535 D-69120, Heidelberg, Germany +49 6221 482 1 [email protected] Professor Tom Ginsburg University of Chicago Law School 1111 East 60th Street, Chicago, IL 60637 773 702 9494 217 776 65864 [email protected] Chairman Teresita J. Herbosa Securities and Exchange Commission Republic of the Philippines + 63 917 8113736 [email protected] 18
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