Bwydlen y Bar Bar Menu Nibyls a Phrydau Ysgafn Nibbles & Light Bites Bowlen o olifau; cnau; creision tortilla neu cracers reis £2.00 Bowl of olives; nuts; tortilla chips or rice crackers £2.00 Caws pob Cymreig gyda cheddar Collier £5.50 Welsh rarebit and Collier’s cheddar £5.50 Caws pob Cymreig gyda cheddar Collier â chig moch a bara lawr £6.95 Welsh rarebit with Collier’s cheddar with bacon and laver bread £6.95 Sglodion trwchus £2.50 Chunky chips £2.50 Cylchoedd nionod mewn cytew cwrw Cymreig £2.50 Welsh beer-battered onion rings £2.50 Cawl y dydd gan y cogydd, gyda bara a menyn o Gymru £4.95 Homemade soup of the day served with bread and Welsh butter £4.95 Brechdan BLT £7.50 BLT £7.50 Silod mân gyda darn o lemwn a saws tartar cartref £4.50 White bait with a wedge of lemon and homemade tartare sauce £4.50 Basged fara gyda finegr balsamig ac olew olewydd £2.50 Bread basket with balsamic vinegar and olive oil £2.50 Byrddau Boards Bwrdd charcuterie o gig o Gymru wedi’i halltu, gyda phiclau a siytni cartref £7.50 Charcuterie board of cured meat with homemade pickles and chutney £7.50 Llechen bysgod, gydag amrywiaeth o bysgod mwg wedi’u halltu gyda siytni a phiclau cartref £7.50 Fish slate with a variety of smoked and cured fish with pickles £7.50 Plât meze – olifau, artisiogau, garlleg melys, pupurau wedi’u stwffio â houmous a grissini £7.50 Meze platter – olives, artichokes, sweet garlic, stuffed peppers with houmous and grissini £7.50 Saladau Salads Salad Cesar cyw iâr gyda siafins parmesan, ffiledi ansiofi a chrwtons crisb £7.50 Chicken Caesar salad with parmesan shavings, anchovy fillets and crispy croutons £7.50 Salad Groegaidd £5.50 Greek salad £5.50 Pitsas Mae pob sail pitsa wedi’u gwneud â llaw gyda blawd organig heb ei gannu o feini melin Bacheldre Pizza All pizza bases are hand made with Bacheldre organic stone-ground unbleached flour and Collier’s cheddar Caws a thomato clasurol - Wedi’i wneud â cheddar Cymreig Collier a saws tomato cyfoethog £7.50 Classic cheese and tomato - made with Collier’s Welsh cheddar and rich tomato sauce £7.50 Peperoni sbeislyd - Wedi’i wneud â pheperoni Gorno, cheddar Cymreig Collier a saws tomato cyfoethog £8.50 Spicy pepperoni - made with Gorno’s pepperoni, Collier’s Welsh cheddar and rich tomato sauce £8.50 Caws gafr - Caws gafr, nionod coch, pesto a cheddar Cymreig Collier £9.50 Goats’ cheese - made with goats’ cheese, red onion, pesto and Collier’s Welsh cheddar £9.50 Byrgyrs Mae pob byrgyr yn dod gyda winwns, tomato mawr, letys a phicl dil mewn rôl focaccia rhosmari a sglodion trwchus Burgers All of our burgers come with onions, beef tomato, lettuce and dill pickle in a rosemary focaccia bun with chunky chips Byrgyr cartref cig eidion o Gymru gyda chaws glas a mayonnaise mwstard £9.50 Homemade 100% Welsh beef burger with blue cheese and mustard mayo £9.50 Bys pysgod hadog moeth gyda chiwcymbr wedi’i biclo a saws tartar cartref £9.50 Luxury haddock fish finger with pickled cucumber and homemade tartare sauce £9.50 Brest cyw iâr gyda relish tomato cartref £9.50 Chicken breast with homemade tomato relish £9.50 Byrgyr pum ffeuen gyda halloumi a phesto ar ei ben £9.50 Five bean burger with halloumi and topped with pesto £9.50 Coffi a The Mae ein coffi’n organig ac yn fasnach deg Coffee and Tea Our coffee is certified organic and fair trade Latte £2.20 Latte £2.20 Cappuccino £2.10 Cappuccino £2.10 Americano £1.90 Americano £1.90 Espresso £1.90 Espresso £1.90 Siocled poeth £2.20 Hot chocolate £2.20 Te organig Suki o ddail ffres £1.90 Suki organic leaf tea £1.90 Dewis o de perlysieuol ar gael Selection of herbal teas available Rhowch wybod i ni os oes gennych unrhyw anghenion dietegol arbennig. If you have any special dietary requirements, please let us know
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