C T NT EN ME TM RT AR PA EP DE ED CE LIIC OL PO RP ER VE RV AR CA 112 B Main Street P.O. Box 985 Carver, MA 02330 Telephone 508-866-2000 Cranberry Land USA Marc Duphily Chief of Police Arrest Log September 22, 2014 To September 29, 2014 On September 25, 2014 Mr. Duane Cannata, age 35, of 19 Agawam Beach Rd. Wareham, MA was arrested on an outstanding warrant. Mr. Cannata was arrested by Officer Glen Gillen at 1 Main St. Carver, MA at 8:12 AM. On September 25, 2014 Mr. Brandon Corless, age 21, of 129 Plymouth St. Carver, MA was arrested on an outstanding warrant and charged with Resisting Arrest and Carrying A Dangerous Weapon. Mr. Corless was arrested by Officer Bryan Berriault at 129 Plymouth St. Carver, MA at 9:30 AM. On September 27, 2014 Mr. Michael Davidson, age 21, of 27 Doreen Way Carver, MA was arrested and charged with Motor Vehicle Homicide & Reckless, OUI Liquor, Operating A Motor Vehicle So As To Endanger, Marked Lanes Violation, OUI Liquor & Serious Injury & Reckless, Speeding In Violation Of Special Regulation. Mr. Davidson was arrested by Sergeant Michael O’Donnell at Wenham Road and Center St. Carver, MA at 6:27 AM. On September 27, 2014 Mr. Daniel Germano, age 27, of 71 Circuit Rd. Dedham, MA was arrested and charged with OUI Liquor and Negligent Operation Of Motor Vehicle So As To Endanger. Mr. Germano was arrested by Officer Dennis Rizzuto at Main St. Carver, MA at 6:47 PM.
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