Revised 6/4/2014 Beaufort County Schools 2014-2015 Telephone: 252-946-6593 Area of Responsibility Contact Extension Superintendent Academically Gifted Program Accounts Payable (CS, CMS, EE, JCT, JSS, NHS, SHS, SWS, WHS, ECHS) Dr. Don Phipps Ashley Padgett Michelle Mason 6558 6575 6549 Kerry Litzsey 6550 Patsy Hudson Mark Mehlich Nicole Howard Patricia Tyson Patricia Daniels Dr. Don Phipps Mark Doane Dr. Don Phipps Ashley Padgett 6563 6603 6581 975-2179 946-4879 6558 6543 6558 6575 Audit (External) Bloodborne Pathogens Board of Education Communication Board Policy Revision Phillip Boyd Nicole Howard Joe Tkach Nicole Howard Robbie Mason Carter Burbage Michelle Mason Nicole Howard Lisa Duke Mark Doane 946-2823 6581 946-0122 6581 6605 6608 6549 6581 6559 6543 Budget Preparation and Management Building Rentals (Each School) Bus Driver Training, Bus Routes Calendar Career Development Coordinator Channel One Character Education, Elementary (K-5th grades) Michelle Mason Nikki Whitley Jerry Wynne Sarah Hodges Stacey Gerard Stacey Gerard Twanna Morales 6549 6548 6562 6544 940-1039 940-1039 6574 Accounts Payable (Bath, CPS, Ed Tech, NES, PSJ) Activity Bus Schedule Administrative Computing Affidavit/Guardian Petition for Enrollment After School Enrichment Program (John C. Tayloe) After School Enrichment Program (Eastern Elementary) Allotments/ADM Allotments/School Budgets Alternative School Arts (K-12) Asbestos At Risk Program Athletics Attendance Audio Visual Repair Character Education, Middle (6th-12th grades) Charter School Information Clinical Schools Network/Student Teachers/Interns Code of Student Conduct Computer Maintenance Credit Cards Criminal Records Checks Crisis Management Curriculum, Elementary (K-5th grades) Curriculum, Middle (6th–8th grades) Curriculum, Secondary (9th-12th grades) Curriculum Technology Custodial Services Driver Education Drop Out (All Schools) Drug Testing Drug/Alcohol Education Foundation Employee Fair Labor Laws Employee Fringe Benefits/Cafeteria Plan Employee Grievances Employee Hiring Procedures Employee Leaves Employee Transfers Employee Worker’s Compensation Equal Opportunity Program ESEA Title I and VI Even Start Exceptional Children Facility Planning Fire Drill Reports Fixed Assets Food Service Foreign Language, Elementary (K-5th grades) Foreign Language, Middle (6th-8th grades) Foreign Language, Secondary (9th –12th grades) Governor’s School Grant Writing Guidance Health/Physical Education (K-12) Homebound Services Human Resources Beginning Teacher Program Insurance: General Liability Ashley Padgett Dr. Don Phipps Mark Doane Nicole Howard Stephanie Barber Robbie Mason Carter Burbage Ben Gaskins Michelle Mason Mark Doane Mark Doane Melissa Morales Ashley Padgett Ashley Padgett Stacey Gerard Phillip Boyd Joe Tkach Nicole Howard Jerry Wynne Nicole Howard Keri Parker Kerry Litzsey Keri Parker Mark Doane Mark Doane Keri Parker Mark Doane Kerry Litzsey Mark Doane Greg Singleton Greg Singleton Renee Boyd Stan Hudson Phillip Boyd Nikki Whitley Gwyn McBride Twanna Morales Ashley Padgett Ashley Padgett Nicole Howard Michele Oros Nicole Howard Michele Oros Nicole Howard Mark Doane Mark Doane Michelle Mason 6575 6558 6543 6581 6610 6605 6608 6612 6549 6543 6543 6574 6575 6575 940-1039 946-2823 946-0122 6581 6562 6581 6542 6550 6542 6543 6543 6542 6543 6550 6543 6582 6582 6588 6614 946-2823 6548 6606 6574 6575 6575 6581 6586 6581 6586 6581 6559 6559 6549 Insurance: Property Insurance: Student Insurance Insurance: Unemployment Insurance: Vehicle Insurance: Worker’s Compensation Insurance: Employee Interschool Mail Services Job Advertisements and Applications Language Arts, Elementary (K-5th grades) Language Arts, Middle (6th-8th grades) Language Arts, Secondary (9th –12th grades) Legal Issues LEP (Limited English Proficiency) & Immigrant Students Licensure Maintenance Maintenance Agreements Math, Elementary (K-5th grades) Math, Middle (6th-8th grades) Math, Secondary (9th –12th grades) Media Services (Schools) Mentors Migrant Education National Board Certification NC Network Phillip Boyd Joe Tkach Kerry Litzsey Jerry Wynne Kerry Litzsey Keri Parker Jerry Wynne Cindy Apple Twanna Morales Ashley Padgett Ashley Padgett Dr. Don Phipps Greg Singleton Cindy Apple Danny Woolard Michelle Mason Melissa Morales Ashley Padgett Ashley Padgett Michele Oros Mark Doane Greg Singleton Mark Doane Twanna Morales 946-2823 946-0122 6550 6562 6550 6542 6562 6561 6574 6575 6575 6558 6582 6561 6607 6549 6574 6575 6575 6586 6543 6582 6543 6574 NC Partnership for Excellence Twanna Morales 6574 Mark Mehlich Sherry Hill Mark Mehlich Phillip Boyd Lisa Davis 6603 6604 6603 946-2823 6553 Tammy Lewis 6552 Cindy Apple 6561 Mark Doane Teresa Smith Renee Boyd Teresa Smith Sarah Hodges Dr. Don Phipps Nikki Whitley Nicole Howard Nicole Howard Renee Boyd 6543 6595 6588 6595 6544 6558 6548 6581 6581 6588 Power School Networking OSHA Payroll—Classified & Certified (BES, ETC, CMS, JCT, NES, NHS, PSJ, SWS Payroll—Classified & Certified (CS, ECHS, EES, CPS, , JSS, WHS, SHS) Personnel Files Personnel Issues Pre-School Pre-School Handicapped Principal of the Year Principals Prior Approvals Prior Approvals Private School/Home School Information Promotion Hearings Psychological Services PTO/PTA Council Public Relations Purchasing and Requisitions Purchasing-Administration Reading Recovery Remediation Renewal Credit Documentation Repair and Maintenance of Vehicles Retirement Retirement System—Raleigh, NC Safe Schools Salary Certification Nicole Howard Sarah Hodges Nikki Whitley Michelle Mason Greg Singleton Greg Singleton Cindy Apple Jerry Wynne Keri Parker 6581 6544 6548 6549 6582 6582 6561 6562 6542 1-877-627-3287 Nicole Howard Lisa Davis Tammy Lewis Lisa Davis Tammy Lewis Nicole Howard 6581 6553 6552 6553 6552 6581 Dr. Don Phipps Mark Doane Michele Oros Sarah Hodges Nicole Howard Sarah Hodges Sarah Hodges Twanna Morales Ashley Padgett Ashley Padgett Nicole Howard Mark Doane Twanna Morales Ashley Padgett Ashley Padgett Michele Oros Twanna Morales 6558 6543 6586 6544 6581 6544 6544 6574 6575 6575 6581 6543 6574 6575 6575 6586 6574 Staff Development Fiscal Management/Renewal Credit Mark Doane Twanna Morales 6543 6574 Staff Development Planning Student Health/Immunizations Student Records Student Transcripts/Old Records Student Transfers Structural Technology High School Credit Recovery Superintendent Reports Suspension Hearings Teacher Evaluation Mark Doane Jackie Hoell Nicole Howard Melitta Bullock Lisa Duke Mark Mehlich Stacey Gerard Dr. Don Phipps Nicole Howard Mark Doane 6543 946-1402 6581 6540 6560 6603 940-1039 6558 6581 6543 Salary Schedules—Classified & Certified Scholarships School Improvement Plans School News School Nurse School Resource Officers School/Business Partnership Science, Elementary (K-5th grades) Science, Middle (6th-8th grades) Science, Secondary (9th-12th grades) Section 504 Sexual Harassment Claims Social Studies, Elementary (K-5th grades) Social Studies, Middle (6th-8th grades) Social Studies, Secondary (9th –12th grades) Southern Association (SACS) Special Programs/New Initiatives Teacher of the Year Teacher Recruiting Teaching Fellows Tech Prep Technology Plan Testing Textbooks, Elementary (K-5th grades) Textbooks, Middle (6th-8th grades) Textbooks, Secondary (9th –12th grades) TIMS Title II Title IX Transportation Vocational Education/Workforce Dev. Volunteers Sarah Hodges Mark Doane Mark Doane Stacey Gerard Mark Mehlich Andrea Lilley Twanna Morales Ashley Padgett Ashley Padgett Jerry Wynne Greg Singleton Joe Tkach Jerry Wynne Stacey Gerard Cindy Apple 6544 6543 6543 940-1039 6603 6572 6574 6575 6575 6562 6582 946-0122 6562 940-1039 6561
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