D IDGE TH R ON KENN E MP FORG ET ME NOT TWIN CREEK HOLT 3913 R FA CATLETTE Rezoning Case #14CZ19 HOWELL ± 0 200 400 600 DAVI S OLD JENK S 800 Feet Prepared by: Town of Apex Planning Department-Oct 2014 MIDDLETON PUD PD PLAN FOR PUD CZ APEX, NORTH CAROLINA Dated: September 2, 2014 Revised: October 10, 2014 November 19, 2014 PREPARED FOR: MI HOMES PREPARED BY: MORNINGSTAR LAW GROUP JASON L. BARRON, PARTNER AND THE JOHN R. MCADAMS COMPANY BOB ZUMWALT, RLA Section 1: Table of Contents – PUD Text Section 1: Table of Contents Section 2: Vicinity Map Section 3: Project Data Section 4: Purpose Statement Section 5: Permitted Uses Section 6: Proposed Design Controls Section 7: Proposed Architectural Controls Section 8: Parking and Loading Section 9: Signage Section 10: Natural Resource and Environmental Data Section 11: Stormwater Management Section 12: Parks and Recreation Section 13: Public Facilities Section 14: Phasing Plan Section 15: Consistency with Land Use Plan Section 16: Compliance with UDO Section 2: Vicinity Map Section 3: Project Data A. Name of Project: Middleton PUD B. Applicant Owner/Developer: MI Homes of Raleigh, LLC 1511 Sunday Dr Suite 100 Raleigh, NC 27607 919-233-5740 [email protected] Prepared By: The John R. McAdams Company, Inc. 2905 Meridian Parkway Durham, NC 27713 C. Current Zoning Designation: Rural Residential (RR) D. Proposed Zoning Designation: PUD-CZ D. Current 2030 Land Use Map Designation: Medium Density Residential (single-family homes and townhomes up to 6 units per acre). E. Proposed 2030 Land Use Map Designation: The proposed PUD at 2.53 units/acre is consistent with the current land use designation of medium density residential. G. Area of Tracts and Property Ownership Total Acreage within PUD: 73 Acres Property Ownership (PIN) and Acreage: Portion of: 0743413910 – 22.88 Portion of: 0743522024 – 6.75 Portion of: 0743428445 – 5.73 Portion of: 0743211569 – 10.35 0743227106 – 10.05 0743221421 – 10.05 0743217577 – 11.51 Section 4: Purpose Statement The Middleton PUD development concept intends to provide a mix of residential housing opportunities that are consistent with the Town’s stated PUD goal to provide site specific, high quality neighborhoods that exhibit natural feature preservation as well as compatibility with, and connectivity to, surrounding land uses. It is the intent of this development to comply with the PUD development parameters and design controls set forth in the Town’s UDO (Section 2.3.4 (F) (1)(a)(i)-(vi). More specifically, this plan will: Allow uses that are compatible with Section 4.2.2, Use Table of the UDO. Offer a mix of residential uses and products including single-family detached lots and semi-attached townhomes (see note 1 below). The maximum development density is provided for in this PUD Plan. Demonstrate dimensional standards that are consistent with the UDO, and where variances occur, said variances will be included herein and subject to Council approval. Provide a variety of residential products that are linked by a network of connected streets and pedestrian sidewalk and trail networks in a way that promotes connectivity, walkability and healthy lifestyles. Exhibit character and quality that is compatible with surrounding communities, which is expected to enhance the value of surrounding land uses. Note 1 – This PUD document makes references to a “semi-attached townhome” housing style due to its large footprint and very limited common wall space. While this product does not look or feel like a townhome, it would be considered a townhome as defined by the Apex UDO in section 4.2 Use Table. All site specific standards and conditions of this PD Plan shall be consistent with all Conditional Zoning (CZ) District standards set forth in the UDO Section 2.3.3, Conditional Zoning Districts. The proposed PUD, with a maximum density of 2.53 units per acre, will provide a development density that is consistent with the 2030 Land Use Plan designation, Medium Density Residential. The Peak Plan 2030 describes medium density residential use as primarily single-family and townhomes up to 6 units per acre, a density that will act as a transition between more urbanized areas of Apex to the lower density neighborhoods in the northeast corner of Apex. Not only is the proposed PUD consistent with the future land use plan, it promotes this transitional density in the northeast corner of its jurisdiction and provides housing types (semi-attached townhomes) that are not currently offered in this part of Apex. Road improvements, meeting Town of Apex standards, will allow connectivity within the development and to adjoining neighborhoods and land uses, while a trail and sidewalk network will offer pedestrian linkages as an alternative transportation modality. Section 5: Permitted Uses The development will only include residential uses and uses that support the proposed residential development. Specifically, the permitted uses include: Single-family Townhouse Townhouse, detached Greenway Recreation Facility, Private Park, Active Park, Passive Utility, minor Section 6: Proposed Design Controls A. Maximum Non-Residential Densities (SF per non-residential use) This PUD does not provide for any non-residential land uses (see Section 5, Permitted Uses). B. Residential Densities and Design Controls i. Density - The overall gross density shall not exceed 2.53 units per acre. ii. Design Controls – The below shall apply to all residential uses, and at a minimum, will comply with Section 2.3.4 (F) of the UDO. Residential Use Min Lot Size Min Lot Width Front Setback Side Setback Rear Setback Corner Side Setback Single-family 6,000 s.f. 50’ 20’ 5’ 20’ 10’ Max Bldg Heig ht 36’ Townhomes (semiattached townhomes) NA 18’ 0’ 20’; or 15’ to alleyloaded garage 16’ Bldg. Separation 45’-3 Story Townhomes (detached) NA 26’ 10’; or 18’ where there is a front loaded garage 10’; or 18’ where there is a front loaded garage 3’ 20’; or 15’ to alleyloaded garage 10’ 45’–3 story Max Density (Units / Acre) 2.53 U/A over entire project 2.53 U/A over entire project 2.53 U/A over entire project C. Landscaping, Buffering, and Screening All landscape, buffering and screening standards shall comply with Section 8.2 unless specifically provided for in this PUD as follows: In an effort to gently transition from the medium density of the PUD to the surrounding lower density residential properties, all landscape buffers shall exceed those set forth in Section 8.2.5 of the UDO. For specific buffer types and widths, see plan sheet C-2. All listed buffer types shall be consistent with Section 8.2.5 of the Town’s UDO. A four (4) foot tall undulating landscape berm will also be provided on Holt road along both sides of the development frontage. Further, to preserve the existing rural and pastoral character of the area, a decorative fence consistent with the existing fence (see image below) will be provided by the developer. The fence will extend along both sides of Holt road for the length of the development frontage, and, along both sides of the access road off of Holt Road leading into the eastern side of the development (see Sheet C-2 for approximate location). Existing wooden fence contributes to the existing rural character of the area. Developer shall provide a similar fence (location as described above) to preserve the visual character of the area. Section 7: Proposed Architectural Controls The proposed development will exhibit high quality architectural aesthetics that will create a neighbourhood theme while also allowing architectural diversity. Basic architectural controls are included to ensure a consistency of character throughout the development, while allowing for enough variety to create sense of place and avoid monotony. A. Single-family residential: 1. Vinyl siding is not permitted; however, vinyl windows, decorative elements and trim are permitted. 2. All single-family homes shall have a crawl space or have a raised foundation which at a minimum rises at least 20 inches from average grade across the front of the house to the finished floor level at the front door. 3. Garage doors must have windows, decorative details or carriage-style adornments on them. 4. The garage cannot protrude more than 1’ out from the front façade or front porch. 5. The roof shall be pitched at 5:12 or greater. B. Townhomes 1. Vinyl siding is not permitted; however, vinyl windows, decorative elements and trim are permitted. 2. All townhomes shall have a crawl space or have a raised foundation which at a minimum rises at least 12 inches from average grade across the front of the house to the finished floor level at the front door. 3. Roofline cannot be a single mass; it must be broken up horizontally and vertically between every unit. 4. Garage doors must have windows, decorative details or carriage-style adornments on them. 5. House entrances for units with front-facing single-car garages must have a prominent covered porch/stoop area leading to the front door. 6. Guest parking shall be distributed so that there is at least one guest parking space within 200’ of each townhome lot. C. Proposed Materials Proposed materials will be of a similar palette to provide consistency of character along with visual interest. Exterior material that may be incorporated into any of the residential building products include: Cementitious siding. Wood siding Stone or synthetic stone Brick Additional exterior materials that are prohibited include: Aluminium siding. Additional building materials may be included with administrative staff approval. D. Proposed Structural Elements A variety of structural streetscape elements help establish a framework, or backbone, for the residential development. These elements may include benches, trash receptacles, street lights varying in scale to match the surrounding built environment, trail markers, bollards, pole banners, and unique paving patterns. Additional feature elements that act as focal points or destinations may be located throughout the development, including gazebos, fountains, and statuary. Additional structural elements may be included with administrative staff approval. Section 8: Parking and Loading All parking standards within the PUD will comply with Section 8.3, Parking and Loading, of the Town of Apex’s UDO. Said requirements are as follows: Residential Use Single-family Townhomes (semi-attached townhomes) Required Parking Spaces 2 per dwelling unit 2 per dwelling unit plus .25 per unit for guest parking Recreation Center / Club House Schedule C* *Schedule C parking shall be provided per the following: Clubhouse: 1 space per 300 SF of building Pool: 1 space per 100 SF of water surface area Other Recreation Facilities: approved by the Town at the time of site plan submittal. These parking requirements may be met by providing garages, driveways, on-street or off-street parking spaces. Section 9: Signage All signage for this PUD shall comply with Section 8.7, Signs, of the Town of Apex UDO. A Master Sign Plan shall be submitted by the developer that shows detailed location, dimensions, and materials of all signs, in accordance with Section 8.7 referenced above, with any site plan submittal. Section 10: Natural Resource and Environmental Data A. River Basins and Watershed Protection Overlay Districts The project is located primarily in the Beaver Creek drainage basin, with portions of the eastern most part of the site located in the White Oak Creek drainage basin, both of which are within the larger Cape Fear River Basin. The project site is located within the Secondary Watershed Protection Overlay District as shown on the Town of Apex watershed map. Given this overlay district, this PUD will comply with all built upon area, vegetated conveyances, structural BMP’s and riparian stream buffer requirements of Section 6.1.7 (B)(1)-(4). B. FEMA designated 100 year floodplains The project site does not sit within a designated current or future 100 year floodplain as shown on the Town of Apex FEMA map and FIRM Map #3720074300J, Panel 0743, effective 05-02-06. C. Resource Conservation Areas (RCA) – Required and Provided This PUD will be subject to, and meet the requirements of Section 8.1.2 of the UDO, Resource Conservation Area and Section 2.3.4, Planned Development Districts, as provided for within. The PUD will preserve a minimum of 23% (including 2% required if the site is mass graded) of the gross project area as a Resource Conservation Area (RCA). Designated RCA areas will be consistent with the items listed in Section 8.1.2(B) of the Town’s UDO. Preserved streams, wetlands, and associated riparian buffers provide the primary RCA’s throughout the site. Additional RCA’s are provided as stormwater management areas, and greenway trails which necessarily contribute to a walkable community as the project intends. D. Any historic structures present As indicated by the North Carolina State Historic Preservation Office HPOWEB GIS service, there do not appear to be any historic structures present within the project boundary. Further, no area within the development appears on the Town of Apex National Register Historic District Map nor the Wake County Inventory of Historic Structures. Section 11: Stormwater Management This PUD shall meet all stormwater management requirements for quality and quantity treatment in accordance with Section 6.1.7 of the UDO, such that: Post development peak runoff shall not exceed pre-development peak runoff conditions for the 1 year, 10 year, and 24 hour storm events. Treatment for the first 1 inch of runoff will provide for 85% removal of total suspended solids. In addition, this PUD will provide enhanced stormwater treatment measures by providing Nitrogen and Phosphorus removal and detention of the 2 year storm event. These measures exceed the Town of Apex’s minimum stormwater requirements. Acceptable stormwater structures shall include detention ponds, retention ponds, bioretention areas, or other approved devices consistent with the NC DWQ Stormwater BMP Manual and the Town of Apex UDO. Section 12: Parks and Recreation The Parks, Recreation, and Cultural Resources Advisory Commission reviewed this project on 8/27/14 and recommends the proposed Holt Road Assemblage (185 units) pay a fee in lieu as noted below and the developer receive credit against those fees for constructing a public greenway trail as shown on the PRGOS Master Plan. The developer will need to submit a separate plan sheet for the proposed greenway connection along with a proposed cost estimate for approval by the Town prior to construction and the trail must be constructed prior to 50% of their approved units (93) receiving their building permits. No Units 105-115 70-80 Housing Type Fee Per Unit* Single-family $3,187.07 Single-family Attached $2,134.12 (Townhomes) Total Fees $334,642 – $366,513 $149,388 – $170,730 *The fees will be grandfathered at the above rate when the PUD is approved and shall not increase. Section 13: Public Facilities The proposed PUD shall meet all Public Facilities requirements as set forth in UDO Section 2.3.4(F)(1)(f) and be designed according to sound engineering standards. Specifically, road and utility infrastructure shall be as follows: General Roadway Infrastructure All proposed roadway infrastructure will be consistent with the Town of Apex UDO and Transportation Plan (updated in 2011), and the Traffic Impact Assessment approved by the Town of Apex and NCDOT. An internal road network will be provided in accordance with the Town’s UDO. Two direct connections to Holt road will be provided from the western side of the PUD and one connection to from the eastern side. All road networks will promote connectivity wherever possible to adjacent neighborhoods, undeveloped property, nearby points of interest, and municipal destinations. Further, cul-desacs will be avoided except where environmental features make through streets unfeasible. Off-Site Transportation Conditions The project will also provide the following off-site transportation conditions: 1) Left turn lanes shall be provided on Holt Road at all site driveways each with a minimum length of 50 feet of full width storage subject to NCDOT review and approval. 2) The 100-foot westbound right turn lane on Old Jenks Road at NC 55 currently planned by Wake County Schools shall be extended to provide a minimum of 175 feet of full width storage subject to NCDOT review and approval. All water and sanitary sewer service will be provided by the developer and conform to the Town of Apex Public Works and Utilities Department requirements. o Sanitary Sewer: The portion of the development that lies on the west of Holt road will drain to the nearest sanitary sewer outfall connection via gravity flow, requiring acquisition of off-site easements prior to final approval. A pump station is proposed in the eastern part of the development and will serve all improvements on the eastern side of Holt Road. o Water Service: A 12” water main currently exists on Holt Road, from which water services will extend to the development. o Additional Provisions: The developer will provide sanitary sewer and water line as shown on sheet C-3. Other Utilities: Electricity will be provided by Apex Electric. Phone, cable and gas will be provided by the developer and shall meet the Town of Apex standards as outlined in the UDO. Section 14: Phasing Plan This PUD will be completed in up to 4 phases, with construction anticipated to begin in 2015. Section 15: Consistency with the Land Use Plan The proposed land uses are consistent with the Peak Plan 2030, The Apex Comprehensive Plan, adopted in August of 2013. Section 16: Compliance with the UDO The development standards adopted for this PUD are generally in compliance with those set forth in the current version of the Town’s Unified Development Ordinance (UDO). Any deviations from UDO requirements have been specifically defined within this document.
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