SUPERANNUATION OnePath Custodians Pty Limited Executive Officer Remuneration 1. Basis of preparation Remuneration disclosures for Executive Officers1 of OnePath Custodians Pty Limited (OnePath Custodians) for the year ended 30 September 2014 have been prepared in accordance with Section 29QB (1) (a) of the Superannuation Industry Supervision Act 1993 and Regulations 2.37 of the Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Regulations 1994. OnePath Custodians Executive Officers include non-executive directors (NEDs), directors who are also employees of Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Limited (ANZBGL) and senior managers that take part in the management of the entity (Management). All Executive Officer remuneration disclosures include the relevant portion of remuneration which relates to their OnePath Custodians role. The Executive Officers disclosed in this year’s (1 October 2013 to 30 September 2014) report are detailed in Table A: 27 January 2015 Table A: OnePath Custodians 2014 Executive Officers Name Position Held Date appointed and concluded Term as an Executive Officer in 2014 Current Non-Executive Directors Victoria Weekes Non-Executive Director, Chairman Appointed 1 August 2011 Full year Stephen Chapman Non-Executive Director Appointed 1 August 2011 Full year Charles Clark Non-Executive Director Appointed 1 March 2013 Full year Director Appointed 5 May 2011 Full year Current Management Craig Brackenrig2 Therese McGrath Director Appointed 1 March 2013 Full year Stewart Brentnall Chief Investments Officer, Global Wealth Appointed 22 October 2010 Full year John Frechtling Chief Financial Officer, Global Wealth Appointed 4 July 2011 Full year Graeme Hosking Chief Operating Officer, Global Wealth Appointed 18 July 2012 Full year Jaimie Sach Chief Actuary, Global Wealth Appointed 16 April 2014 Part year Kylie Rixon Chief Risk Officer, Global Wealth Appointed 31 March 2012 Part year Gavin Pearce Deputy Managing Director, Global Wealth Appointed 22 October 2010 Full year Paul Barrett Managing Director Advice and Distribution Appointed 16 February 2012, Retired 17 September 20136 Part year Catherine McDowell Director Appointed 15 February 2012, Retired 1 February 20136 Part year Nick Kulikov4 Chief Actuary, Global Wealth Appointed 2 May 2011 Part year Chief Risk Officer, Global Wealth Appointed 13 August 2012 Retired 31 March 20146 Part year 3 4 5 Former Management Alison Larsson 5 Any executive officers who commenced their role in the most recent financial year were contracted on standard terms and conditions. 1 For the purposes of this disclosure Executive Officers includes non-executive, or executive, directors or senior managers as defined in paragraphs 16 (a), 16 (b) or 16 (c) of APRA Prudential Standard SPS 520 Fit and Proper dated July 2013. 2 Craig Brackenrig was full year for 2014 however retired post the end of the financial year on 25 November 2014 from the role of Managing Director Pensions and Investments. Peter Mullin was appointed the new Managing Director Pensions and Investments effective 25 November 2014. 3 John Frechtling was full year for 2014 however retired post the end of the financial year on 25 November 2014. Craig Brackenrig was appointed as the new Chief Financial Officer, Global Wealth on 25 November 2014. 4 Nick Kulikov was full year for 2013, however retired post the end of the financial year on 16 April 2014. Jaimie Sach was appointed as the new Chief Actuary, Global Wealth on 16 April 2014. 5 Alison Larsson was full year for 2013, however retired post the end of the financial year on 31 March 2014. Kylie Rixon was appointed as the new Chief Risk Officer, Global Wealth on 31 March 2014. 6 Retired refers to the date of cessation in relation to the role that relates to OnePath Custodians. 2. Executive Officer Remuneration • differentiating rewards in line with ANZBGL’s culture of 2.1 Non-Executive Directors • providing a competitive reward proposition to attract, ANZBGL, or its Governance Committee, has responsibility for approving the proposed appointments of NEDs of OnePath Custodians. Any appointment of directors is then approved by the Board of OnePath Custodians subject to the process as prescribed by the OnePath Custodians’ constitution. NEDs are remunerated by ANZBGL in relation to their responsibilities as Directors of OnePath Custodians. NED fees are reviewed regularly against market practice and set by reference to a number of relevant considerations including: • general industry practice and best principles of corporate governance; • the responsibilities and risks attached to the role of NEDs; • the time commitment expected of the NEDs on OnePath Custodians matters; and • reference to fees paid to NEDs of other comparable ANZBGL entities and external trustees. 2.2 Management The OnePath Custodians remuneration practices are set out in the ANZBGL Remuneration Policy which is approved by the ANZBGL Board. The ANZBGL Remuneration Policy applies to all controlled entities within ANZBGL and ANZBGL Registrable Superannuation Entity (RSE) licensees. The following principles underpin ANZBGL’s Remuneration Policy, which is applied globally across ANZBGL: • creating and enhancing value for all ANZBGL stakeholders; • emphasising the ‘at risk’ components of total rewards rewarding for outperformance and demonstration of values led behaviours; and motivate and retain the highest quality individuals in order to deliver ANZBGL’s business and growth strategies. In addition to the requirements outlined in the ANZBGL Remuneration Policy, for ANZBGL RSE Licensees, additional policy requirements exist to: • ensure performance based components of remuneration are designed to encourage behaviour that supports protecting the interests and meeting the reasonable expectations, of beneficiaries; and • support the long term financial soundness of the RSE Licensee and any of its RSEs. Individual STI Targets are set with reference to the individual’s role and external market data. Actual STI payments may vary each year according to the individual’s performance against their balanced scorecard objectives and the ANZBGL values, and ANZBGL performance overall. The individual balanced scorecard contains a range of metrics for each of financial, customer, risk/process and people measures. Mandatory deferral applies to all ANZBGL STI payments and is one of a number of elements implemented to ensure prudent risk management. The threshold at which mandatory deferral is applied, and the quantum and the time period over which STI deferral occurs are regularly reviewed. ANZ’s current STI deferral policy has a mandatory deferral threshold of $100,000 (subject to a minimum deferral amount of $25,000) with: The remuneration structure for OnePath Custodians’ Management who fulfil the definition of Executive Officer is detailed below. • The first $100,000 of STI paid in cash; 2.2.1 Fixed remuneration • 25% of STI above $100,000 deferred in ANZBGL equity for The fixed remuneration amount is expressed as a total dollar amount which can be taken as cash salary, superannuation contributions and other nominated benefits. ANZBGL reviews fixed remuneration for OnePath Custodians’ Management annually and takes into consideration role responsibilities, performance, qualifications, experience and location. 2.2.2 Variable remuneration Variable remuneration awards are ‘at risk’ remuneration and provide individuals with discretionary payment opportunities that are designed to drive performance in the short, medium and longer term. The term ‘variable remuneration’ covers short term incentive (STI) arrangements and long term incentive (LTI) arrangements. to increase alignment with shareholders and encourage behaviour that supports both the long term financial soundness and the risk management framework of ANZBGL, and to deliver superior long term total shareholder returns; 7 Short term incentive Equity is delivered as ANZBGL deferred shares or deferred share rights. 8 Performance Rights granted during the period are divided into two equal tranches with Tranche 1 subject to TSR relative to a select financial services comparator group and Tranche 2 subject to TSR relative to a comparator group comprising companies making up the S&P/ASX50 index as at 22 November 2013. • 50% of STI above $100,000 paid in cash; one year; and • 25% of STI above $100,000 deferred in ANZBGL equity7 for two years. All STI deferred amounts remain at risk and are subject to clawback until the vesting date. Long term incentive LTI that was granted in the year ended 30 September 2014 is deferred for three years and delivered as either 50% Performance Rights (subject to Relative TSR Performance Hurdle8) and 50% Deferred Equity (shares or share rights) or as 100% Deferred Equity (shares or share rights) subject to a time based hurdle only. If the hurdles are not met the awards lapse. If allocated, the value of an LTI award is determined by reference to market practice and reflects an individual’s performance, potential and position. Eligible participants are advised of the dollar value of their LTI, which is then converted into a number of shares, based on the one week volume weighted average price (VWAP) as at the date of grant, or for performance rights and share rights, based on an independent valuation. 2 3. Statutory Remuneration Disclosures for Executive Officers Table B: Statutory Remuneration Disclosure The table below has been prepared in accordance with Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Regulations 1994, Division 2.6 – Regulation 2.37 for financial years ending 30 September 2014 and 30 September 2014. Statutory Remuneration for OnePath Custodians Pty Ltd for full years ending 30 September 2014 and 30 September 2014 Short-Term Employee Benefits Post-Employment Long-Term Employee Benefits Share-Based Payments7 Total amortisation value of STI Financial Year Cash salary1 $ Non monetary benefits2 $ Total cash incentive3,4 $ Super Retirement contri- benefit accrued 5 butions during year6 $ $ Victoria Weekes Non Executive Director, Chairman 2014 2013 49,515 44,551 - - 4,644 4,065 Stephen Chapman10 Non Executive Director 2014 2013 52,500 49,000 - - Charles “Sandy” Clark11 Non Executive Director 2014 2013 42,264 24,654 - Former Executive Director 2013 26,157 LTI 4 Other equity allocations8,9 Long service leave accrued during the year $ Shares Rights Shares Rights Shares Rights $ $ $ $ $ $ Termination benefits $ Grand total remuneration $ - - - - - - - - - 54,159 48,616 4,922 4,471 - - - - - - - - - 57,422 53,471 - 3,962 2,280 - - - - - - - - - 46,226 26,934 1,684 12,000 2,393 - 436 6,453 - 8,855 - 8,245 - 21,734 87,957 Non Executive Directors Management Paul Barrett12 Craig Brackenrig 2014 67,238 - 40,245 6,262 - 1,107 21,147 - 18,042 3,209 2,047 - - 159,297 Executive Director 2013 67,393 - 37,500 6,107 - 1,112 13,928 - 13,960 - 2,502 - - 142,502 Therese McGrath13 2014 19,164 1,333 12,130 1,810 - 394 4,602 - 4,770 927 3 - - 45,133 Executive Director 2013 10,939 1,017 4,858 964 175 1,440 - 2,319 - - - 21,712 2013 8,295 290 - 712 128 231 723 2,061 551 - - 12,991 Catherine McDowell14, 15 Former Executive Director - - 3 Statutory Remuneration for OnePath Custodians Pty Ltd for full years ending 30 September 2014 and 30 September 2014 Short-Term Employee Benefits Post-Employment Long-Term Employee Benefits Share-Based Payments7 Total amortisation value of STI Financial Year Cash salary1 $ Non monetary benefits2 $ Total cash incentive3,4 $ Retirement Super contri- benefit accrued 5 butions during year6 $ $ Stewart Brentnall Chief Investments Officer, Global Wealth 2014 2013 19,782 19,839 982 - 10,575 10,000 1,917 1,870 John Frechtling Chief Financial Officer, Global Wealth 2014 2013 8,297 8,290 533 702 4,000 3,600 Graeme Hosking Chief Operating Officer, Global Wealth 2014 2013 14,981 15,015 328 305 Nick Kulikov16 Former Chief Actuary, Global Wealth 2014 2013 7,324 13,066 Alison Larsson17 Former Chief Risk Officer, Global Wealth 2014 2013 Gavin Pearce Deputy Managing Director, Global Wealth LTI 4 Other equity allocations8,9 Long service leave accrued during the year $ Shares Rights Shares Rights Shares Rights $ $ $ $ $ $ Termination benefits $ Grand total remuneration $ - 338 340 4,925 3,598 - 3,546 2,355 1,105 - 17 - - - 43,188 38,002 784 764 - 139 139 1,932 1,722 - 2,493 1,657 713 - - - - 18,890 16,874 7,800 7,800 1,406 1,371 - 246 247 4,667 4,383 - 5,438 7,531 642 - - - - 35,508 36,652 - 6,500 677 1,184 - 215 254 - - 726 - 43 - - 1,943 - 10,203 21,730 5,854 11,438 199 355 3,179 6,000 548 1,047 97 65 242 181 1,505 2,541 - 2,032 4,528 427 - - - - 14,082 26,155 2014 2013 10,420 10,829 881 877 7,016 6,875 1,065 1,039 - 187 188 4,592 4,495 - 3,226 3,419 571 - 1,301 - - 27,958 29,023 Kylie Rixon18 Chief Risk Officer, Global Wealth 2014 4,263 1,152 2,363 400 - 345 643 - 465 - - - 9,631 Jaimie Sach19 Chief Actuary, Global Wealth 2014 2,719 - 883 255 - 1,289 - - - - - - 5,146 Total 2014 304,321 5,408 88,191 28,652 97 4,503 44,013 - 40,011 7,594 2,110 1,943 526,842 2013 5,230 95,133 28,267 65 3,200 38,791 723 47,411 551 12,048 21,734 562,619 Management 309,466 - 4 1 For NEDs, cash salary includes the sum of Board fees and Committee fees. For all other disclosed individuals, cash salary includes any reductions made in relation to the utilisation of ANZBGL’s Lifestyle Leave Policy, where applicable. 2 Non monetary benefits generally consist of company-funded benefits such as subsidised car parking. The fringe benefits tax payable on any benefits is also included in this item. 3 The total cash incentive amount relates to the STI cash component only, with the STI deferred equity component to be amortised. The relevant amortisation of the 2013 and 2014 STI deferred components are included in share-based payments. The STI cash incentive component for 2013 was paid on 28 November 2013 and the STI cash incentive component for 2014 was paid on 26 November 2014. 100% of the cash incentive awarded for the 2013 and 2014 years vested to the disclosed individual in the applicable year. 4 The typical range of total STI is between 0 and 2.5 times target STI. The actual total STI received is dependent on ANZBGL and individual performance. The 2014 total STI awarded (cash and equity component) as a percentage of target STI was: P Barrett n/a (2013: 83%); C Brackenrig 111% (2013: 102%); T McGrath 151% (2013: 98%); C McDowell n/a (2013: n/a); S Brentnall 90% (2013: 83%); J Frechtling 109% (2013: 94%); G Hosking 95% (2013: 95%); N Kulikov n/a (2013: 114%); A Larsson 90% (2013: 89%); G Pearce 115% (2013: 113%); K Rixon 93% (2013: n/a); J Sach 74% (2013: n/a). Anyone who received less than 100% of target forfeited the rest of their STI entitlement opportunity. The minimum value is nil and the maximum value is what was actually paid. There were no alterations to the terms or conditions of STI grants made during 2013 or 2014. 5 For all disclosed individuals, the superannuation contribution reflects the Superannuation Guarantee Contribution. Voluntary contributions are included in cash salary. 6 Accrual relates to Retirement Allowance. As a result of commencing employment with ANZBGL prior to November 1992, A Larsson is eligible to receive a Retirement Allowance on retirement, retrenchment, death, or resignation for illness, incapacity or domestic reasons. The Retirement Allowance is calculated as follows: three months of preserved notional salary (which is 65% of Fixed Remuneration) plus an additional 3% of notional salary for each year of fulltime service above 10 years, less the total accrual value of long service leave (including taken and untaken long service leave). 7 In accordance with the requirements of AASB 2 Share-based payments, the amortisation value includes a proportion of the fair value (taking into account market-related vesting conditions) of all equity that had not yet fully vested as at the commencement of the financial year. The fair value is determined at grant date and is allocated on a straight-line basis over the relevant vesting period. The amount included as remuneration is not related to nor indicative of the benefit (if any) that may ultimately be realised should the equity become exercisable. 8 Amortisation of other equity allocations for P Barrett relates to equity granted in May 2011 as part of his employment arrangement upon commencement at ANZBGL, which included an amount for equity forgone. Amortisation of other equity allocations for C Brackenrig relates to the equity granted in July 2011, also as part of his employment arrangement on commencement with ANZBGL. Amortisation of other equity allocations for G Pearce relates to equity granted in June 2012 for retention purposes. 9 Most permanent employees who have had continuous service for three years are eligible to participate in the Employee Share Offer (ESO) plan. This enables the grant of up to $1000 of ANZ Shares in a financial year subject to approval by the ANZBGL Board at a date determined by the ANZBGL Board. The shares will be granted to eligible employees using the one week weighted average price of ANZ shares traded on the ASX in the week leading up to and including the date of grant. During the 2014 year shares were granted with an issue price of $31.85 under the ESO plan to employees on the 4th of December 2013. 10 S Chapman is on a legacy fee arrangement. 11 C Clark commenced in role on 1 March 2013 so amounts reflect the partial service for the 2013 year. 12 P Barrett was a Director from 5 May 2011 to 15 February 2012. From 16 February 2012 until he ceased employment with ANZBGL on 17 September 2013 he was Managing Director Global Advice and Distribution, a role which is deemed an Executive Officer. Amounts presented for P Barrett therefore reflect amounts for both roles, taking into account the proportions of time he spent in each role during both 2012 and 2013. Amount presented for P Barrett’s termination payment includes statutory leave entitlements. 13 T McGrath commenced in role on 1 March 2013 so amounts reflect the partial service for the 2013 year. 14 C McDowell ceased to be a Director from 1 February 2013 so amounts reflect partial service for 2013. 15 C McDowell 2013 published disclosures referenced an incorrect time in role . Statutory remuneration figures have been restated. 16 N Kulikov ceased to be the Chief Actuary, Global Wealth on 16 April 2014 so amounts reflect partial service for 2014. Amount presented for N Kulikov’s termination payment includes statutory leave entitlements. 17 A Larsson ceased to be the Chief Risk Officer, Global Wealth on 31 March 2014 so amounts reflect partial service for 2014. 18 K Rixon commenced in role on 31 March 2014 so amounts reflect the partial service for the 2014 year. 19 J Sach commenced in role on 17 April 2014 so amounts reflect the partial service for the 2014 year. 5 4. Equity All shares underpinning equity awards may be purchased on market, or be newly issued shares or a combination of both. Details of deferred equity granted to Management during 2014 and in prior years which vested, were exercised/sold or which lapsed/were forfeited during the 2014 year are set out in Table C below: Table C: Equity Granted, Vested, Exercised/ Sold and Lapsed/ Forfeited Vested Name1 Craig Brackenrig Therese McGrath Stewart Brentnall Lapsed/Forfeited Number % - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 352 100 11,849 - - - - - - 14-Nov-13 - 23 100 733 - - - - - - 12-Nov-12 12-Nov-13 - 50 100 1,604 - - - - - - 53 22-Nov-13 22-Nov-14 - - - - - - - - STI deferred shares 53 22-Nov-13 22-Nov-15 - - - - - - - - LTI deferred shares 56 12-Nov-10 12-Nov-13 - 56 100 1,797 - - - - LTI deferred shares 102 22-Nov-13 22-Nov-16 - - - - - - - - LTI performance rights 117 22-Nov-13 22-Nov-16 21-Nov-18 - - - - - - - LTI performance rights 106 22-Nov-13 22-Nov-16 21-Nov-18 - - - - - - - ESO deferred shares 2 06-Dec-10 06-Dec-13 - 2 100 62 - - - - - - STI deferred shares 84 12-Nov-12 12-Nov-13 - 84 100 2,695 - - - (84) 100 2,656 STI deferred shares 78 22-Nov-13 22-Nov-14 - - - - - - - - - - STI deferred shares 78 22-Nov-13 22-Nov-15 - - - - - - - - - - LTI deferred shares 162 03-Aug-10 13-Nov-12 - - - - - - - (162) 100 5,123 LTI deferred shares 122 22-Nov-13 22-Nov-16 - - - - - - - - - - LTI performance rights 139 22-Nov-13 22-Nov-16 21-Nov-18 - - - - - - - - - LTI performance rights 127 22-Nov-13 22-Nov-16 21-Nov-18 - - - - - - - - - Type of equity Number granted2 Grant date STI deferred shares 264 STI deferred shares Number % Value3 Number % Exercise / sold First date exercisable Date of expiry 12-Nov-12 12-Nov-13 - 264 100 8,470 - - 354 22-Nov-13 22-Nov-14 - - - - - STI deferred shares 354 22-Nov-13 22-Nov-15 - - - - LTI deferred shares 354 22-Nov-13 22-Nov-16 - - - LTI performance rights 405 22-Nov-13 22-Nov-16 21-Nov-18 - LTI performance rights 370 22-Nov-13 22-Nov-16 21-Nov-18 Other deferred shares 352 25-Jul-11 25-Jul-14 STI deferred shares 23 14-Nov-11 STI deferred shares 50 STI deferred shares $ Value3 $ Value3 $ 6 Vested Name1 John Frechtling Graeme Hosking Nick Kulikov Type of equity Number granted2 Grant date STI deferred shares 56 STI deferred shares Number Lapsed/Forfeited % Value3 Number % Exercise / sold Value3 Number % Value3 First date exercisable Date of expiry 12-Nov-12 12-Nov-13 - 56 100 1,797 - - - (56) 100 1,772 25 22-Nov-13 22-Nov-14 - - - - - - - - - - STI deferred shares 25 22-Nov-13 22-Nov-15 - - - - - - - LTI deferred shares 78 22-Nov-13 22-Nov-16 - - - - - - - LTI performance rights 90 22-Nov-13 22-Nov-16 21-Nov-18 - - - - - - LTI performance rights 82 22-Nov-13 22-Nov-16 21-Nov-18 - - - - - - - - - STI deferred shares 83 14-Nov-11 14-Nov-13 - 83 100 2,644 - - - (83) 100 2,665 STI deferred shares 90 12-Nov-12 12-Nov-13 - 90 100 2,888 - - - (90) 100 2,890 STI deferred shares 75 22-Nov-13 22-Nov-14 - - - - - - - - - - STI deferred shares 75 22-Nov-13 22-Nov-15 - - - - - - - - - - LTI deferred shares 379 12-Nov-10 12-Nov-13 - 379 100 12,160 - - - (379) 100 12,169 LTI deferred shares 70 22-Nov-13 22-Nov-16 - - - - - - - - - - LTI performance rights 81 22-Nov-13 22-Nov-16 21-Nov-18 - - - - - - - - - LTI performance rights 74 22-Nov-13 22-Nov-16 21-Nov-18 - - - - - - - - - LTI deferred shares 70 22-Nov-13 22-Nov-16 24-Apr-14 - - - (70) 100 2,426 - - - ESO deferred shares 2 06-Dec-10 06-Dec-13 - 2 100 62 - - - (2) 100 67 ESO deferred shares 2 05-Dec-11 11-Apr-14 - 2 100 68 - - - (2) 100 67 ESO deferred shares 2 06-Dec-12 11-Apr-14 - 2 100 68 - - - (2) 100 67 ESO deferred shares 1 04-Dec-13 11-Apr-14 - 1 100 34 - - - (1) 100 33 $ $ $ 7 Vested Name1 Alison Larsson Gavin Pearce Type of equity Number granted2 Grant date STI deferred shares 39 STI deferred shares Number Lapsed/Forfeited % Value3 Number % Exercise / sold Value3 Number % Value3 First date exercisable Date of expiry 14-Nov-11 14-Nov-13 - 39 100 1,243 - - - - - - 52 12-Nov-12 12-Nov-13 - 52 100 1,668 - - - - - - STI deferred shares 47 22-Nov-13 22-Nov-14 - - - - - - - - - - STI deferred shares 47 22-Nov-13 22-Nov-15 - - - - - - - - - - LTI deferred shares 221 12-Nov-10 12-Nov-13 - 221 100 7,091 - - - - - - LTI deferred shares 94 22-Nov-13 22-Nov-16 - - - - - - - - - - LTI performance rights 108 22-Nov-13 22-Nov-16 21-Nov-18 - - - - - - - - - LTI performance rights 98 22-Nov-13 22-Nov-16 21-Nov-18 - - - - - - - - - STI deferred shares 74 14-Nov-11 14-Nov-12 - - - - - - - (74) 100 2,381 STI deferred shares 74 14-Nov-11 14-Nov-13 - 74 100 2,358 - - - (74) 100 2,380 STI deferred shares 113 12-Nov-12 12-Nov-13 - 113 100 3,625 - - - (113) 100 3,634 STI deferred shares 68 22-Nov-13 22-Nov-14 - - - - - - - - - - STI deferred shares 68 22-Nov-13 22-Nov-15 - - - - - - - - - - LTI deferred shares 133 03-Aug-10 13-Nov-12 - - - - - - - (133) 100 4,300 LTI deferred shares 110 12-Nov-10 12-Nov-13 - 110 100 3,529 - - - (110) 100 3,537 LTI deferred shares 132 28-Feb-11 31-Mar-12 - - - - - - - (132) 100 4,276 LTI deferred shares 62 22-Nov-13 22-Nov-16 - - - - - - - - - - LTI performance rights 72 22-Nov-13 22-Nov-16 21-Nov-18 - - - - - - - - - LTI performance rights 65 22-Nov-13 22-Nov-16 21-Nov-18 - - - - - - - - Other deferred shares 86 14-Jun-12 14-Jun-13 - - - - - - (86) 100 2,790 $ $ - $ 1 No equity was granted, vested, lapsed/forfeited or was exercised/sold in relation to equity granted as remuneration for all other Management. No alteration or modifications to the terms upon which equity has been granted have been applied in the most recent financial years. 2 The maximum value at the time of the grant is determined by multiplying the number granted by the fair value of the equity instruments. (Refer to Table D: Equity Valuations – Deferred Shares for the fair value of shares at grant and Table E: Equity Valuations – Deferred Share Rights for the fair value of rights at grant). The minimum value of the grants, if the applicable conditions are not met at vesting date, is nil. 3 The value of shares and/or share rights is based on the one day VWAP of the Company’s shares traded on the ASX on the date of vesting, lapsing or exercising, multiplied by the number of shares and/or share rights. 8 4.1 Equity Valuations The following tables provide details of the valuations of the equity instruments issued during the year and in prior years for shares and rights where vesting, lapse/forfeiture or exercise/sale has occurred during the year: Table D: Equity Valuations – Deferred Shares Recipients Type of equity Grant date Equity fair value 1 $ Share closing price at grant $ Vesting period (years) Management STI deferred shares 14-Nov-11 20.89 20.66 1.00 Management STI deferred shares 14-Nov-11 20.89 20.66 2.00 Management STI deferred shares 12-Nov-12 24.57 24.45 1.00 Management STI deferred shares 22-Nov-13 31.66 31.68 1.00 Management STI deferred shares 22-Nov-13 31.66 31.68 2.00 Management LTI deferred shares 03-Aug-10 23.40 23.37 2.28 Management LTI deferred shares 12-Nov-10 23.32 23.22 3.00 Management LTI deferred shares 28-Feb-11 24.17 24.13 1.09 Management LTI deferred shares 22-Nov-13 31.66 31.68 3.00 Management Other deferred shares 25-Jul-11 21.40 21.31 3.00 Management Other deferred shares 14-Jun-12 21.39 21.36 1.00 1 The volume weighted average share price of all ANZBGL shares sold on the ASX on the date of grant is used to calculate the fair value of shares. No dividends are incorporated into the measurement of the fair value of shares. Table E: Equity Valuations – Deferred Share Rights Type of Equity Grant date Exercise price $ Equity fair value $ Share closing price at grant $ ANZ expected volatility % Equity term (years) Vesting Expected life period (years) (years) Management LTI performance rights 22-Nov-13 - 13.87 31.68 20.0 5 3 Management LTI performance rights 22-Nov-13 - 15.19 31.68 20.0 5 3 Expected dividend yield % Risk free interest rate % 3 5.25 3.13 3 5.25 3.13 M5188_0115 Recipients
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