DuBlin’s finEst café Bar & rEstaurant 39-40 Dawson strEEt, DuBlin 2, irElanD sErving lunch from noon to 16.00 - monDay to saturDay DéjEunEr cassE-croûtE - €7.00 salaDEs - €8.00 pullED pork wrap warm chorizo BEEf chEEk on floury flaguEttE BEEtroot & mozzarElla roast chickEn, stuffing & Bacon classic caEsar with bbq sauce & sweetcorn slaw with poached egg, croutons, parmesan, mixed leaves & vinaigrette with horseradish mayo & dressed rocket leaves with rocket leaves, walnut pesto & balsamic dressing with crispy lardons, croutons, parmesan shavings, & caesar dressing add grilled chicken - €4.00 on toasted foccacia BriE, frEsh spinach & caramElisED onion voDka curED gravlax on fresh granary bread craB & crayfish mayo - add €1.50 with honey dew melon, goats cheese, toasted hazelnuts & lemon dressing aDD soup or fritEs to your sanDwich for €3.00 €10.00 café BurgEr - €14.00 Irish ground beef with blue cheese, fried onions, chunky chips & aioli BriochE Du poulEt - €13.00 with cajun spices, crunchy slaw, chunky chips & aioli Daily light lunch €8.00 Daily lunch spEcial on home-made brown bread EntréEs - €14.00 pan-friED chickEn suprêmE with basil polenta, greens, slow roasted cherry tomato sauce toulousE sausagE with puy lentil stew, braised savoy cabbage & melted onion poisson Du jour hors D'oEuvrEs - €6.50 soup Du jour with homemade brown bread atlantiquE sEafooD chowDEr with celery biscuits please ask your server craft BEEr BattEr fish & chips with mushy peas & tartare sauce tormEy’s 10oz sirloin stEak - €21.50 with tobacco onions, chunky chips & pepper sauce chickEn livEr pâté with apple jelly, port syrup & toast corn BEEf & potato croquEttEs with smoked tomato chutney salmon fishcakEs with mango salsa, rocket leaves hot’n’spicy Buffalo wings with cucumber, blue cheese mayo caramElisED onion & fEta tart with spinach, slow roasted cherry tomatoes lEs végétariEns - €13 thai grEEn curry with Basmati rice add grilled chicken - €2.00 potato gnocchi with roast butternut squash, spinach & parmesan Enjoy a coca cola soft Drink for just €1.50 with any fooD orDEr. lEs DEssErts - €6.00 BriochE & ButtEr puDDing with vanilla custard chocolatE cakE cupcakE carrot cakE applE piE BrowniE Blanc tartE au chocolat sauvignon Blanc orangE crèmE BrûléE pinot grigio BanoffEE & caramElisED Banana charDonnay with caramel ice cream lEs gatEaûx €3.50 vErrE á vin - €6.50 with almond cookies with dark rum syrup, chocolate shavings sElEction of murphy’s icE crEam ( 3 scoops) France Italy Australia Rouge mErlot France shiraz tEa & homEmaDE sconEs for two - €10.00 Chile caBErnEt sauvignon Australia cocktails - €9.00 frEnch 75 moussEux - €8.00 cosmopolitan cava Brut lavEnDEr Elyx prosEcco Gin / Lemon Juice / Simple Syrup / Champagne Top Vodka / Cointreau / Cranberry Juice / Lime Juice Absolut Elyx / Elderflower Liqueur / Lavender Syrup / Lime Juice Spain Italy nEctar Bourbon Whiskey / Frangelico / Nectar / Lemon Juice / Earl Grey Tea BlooDy mary Vodka / Tomato Juice / Worcestershire Sauce / Tobasco golDEn agE Scotch Whisky / Cherry Brandy / Yellow Chartreuse / Aperol thymE travEllEr Thyme Infused Tequila / Green Apple Liqueur / Vanilla Syrup A Drop of White Wine Vinegar BEvEragEs - €3.00 hErBal tEas Breakfast / Camomile / Green / Earl Grey Roobios / Peppermint / Berry amEricano lattE cappuccino craft BEErs flat whitE affligEm .....................................................................................€6.20 macchiato o'hara's rED alE ......................................................................€5.70 galway hookEr .......................................................................€5.70 mocha hot chocolatE Bishops fingEr ..........................................................................€6.20 trouBlE BrEwing or alE ........................................................€5.70 trouBlE BrEwing portEr ......................................................€5.70 liquEur coffEE - €6.00 Irish / Baileys / French / Calypso / Italian Coffee 1408308 | www.cloud9graphicsolutions.ie o'hara's palE alE .....................................................................€5.70 DouBlE EsprEsso DuBLIn’S fInEST CAfé BAR & RESTAuRAnT 39-40 DAwSon STREET, DuBLIn 2, IRELAnD SERvInG DInnER fRom 16.00 - 21.00 - monDAy To SATuRDAy SoIRéE hoRS D'oEuvRES AmuSE-GuEuLES EnTRéES SouP Du JouR - €6.50 SALT & PEPPER CALAmARI STRIPS - €8.00 CRAfT BEER BATTER fISh & ChIPS - €16.00 with homemade brown bread ATLAnTIquE SEAfooD ChowDER - €6.50 with celery biscuits hERBED GoATS ChEESE PARfAIT - €7.50 with beetroot gel, rocket leaves, toasted walnuts, Manzanilla sherry & honey dressing ChICkEn LIvER PâTé - €6.50 with apple jelly, port syrup & toast CoRn BEEf & PoTATo CRoquETTES - €6.50 with homemade tomato & chilli jam ShRImP CoCkTAIL - €7.00 with spicy cocktail sauce homEmADE BATCh LoAf - €5.50 with tapenade, basil pesto & hummus dips fALAfEL BALLS - €5.50 with tzatziki dip muSSEL ALEGRETE - €6.00 with sourdough toast & mayo with smoked tomato chutney SALmon fIShCAkES - €7.50 with mango salsa, rocket leaves hoT’n’SPICy BuffALo wInGS - €6.50 / €10.00 with cucumber, blue cheese mayo CARAmELISED onIon & fETA TART - €7.50 with spinach, slow roasted cherry tomatoes AnTIPASTI (To ShARE) mEDITERRAnEAn - €15.00 with chorizo, serrano ham, salami, smoked feta, olives, cheddar, homemade apple chutney & crusty breads PESCATARIAn - €16.00 with smoked salmon, mussels, crisp calamari, shrimp cocktail, lemon & homemade brown bread with olives, sundried tomatoes, roasted red peppers, basil pesto, smoked feta & crusty breads €8.00 PAn fRIED ChICkEn SuPRêmE - €14.50 with basil polenta, asparagus, slow roasted cherry tomato sauce ToRmEy’S 10oz SIRLoIn STEAk - €21.50 with tobacco onions, chunky chips & pepper sauce GRILLED PoRk ChoP - €15.00 with potato croquette, crispy leek, caramelised apple & blue cheese sauce GuInnESS BRAISED BEEf ChEEk - €18.00 vEGETARIAn - €14.00 STARTER SPECIAL with mushy peas & tartare sauce PLATEAu fRomAGES - €14.00 cashel blue, french brie, oak smoked knockanore, apple relish, grapes & homemade bread sticks with smoked garlic mash, red wine jus CAfé BuRGER - €15.00 Irish ground beef with smoked cheese, fried onions, chunky chips & aioli BRIoChE Du PouLET - €14.00 with cajun spices, crunchy slaw, chunky chips & aioli BAkED CoD fILLET - €15.00 White bean, chorizo and spinach cassoulet BARBECuED DuCk BREAST - €16.00 with white slaw & soy dipping sauce TouLouSE SAuSAGE - €14.00 with puy lentil stew braised savoy cabbage & melted onion LES véGéTARIEnS ThAI GREEn CuRRy - €14.00 with Basmati rice PoISSon Du JouR SALADES €18.00 wARm ChoRIzo - €8.50 with poached egg, croutons, parmesan, mixed leaves & vinaigrette BEETRooT & mozzARELLA - €8.50 with rocket leaves, walnut pesto & balsamic dressing CLASSIC CAESAR - €8.50 with crispy lardons, croutons, parmesan shavings, & caesar dressing add grilled chicken - €4.00 GREEk PEPPERED IRISh LAmB - €10.00 with cucumber, tomato, feta &olives voDkA CuRED GRAvLAx - €8.50 with honey dew melon, goats cheese, toasted hazelnuts & lemon dressing A CôTé LEGumES DE SAISon - €3.50 PommES fRITES wITh TAPEnADE - €3.50 Chunky ChIPS wITh AIoLI - €3.50 SwEET PoTATo wEDGES wITh GuACAmoLE - €3.50 LyonnAISE PoTAToES - €3.50 add grilled chicken - €2.00 PoTATo GnoCChI - €14.00 with roast butternut squash, spinach & parmesan PAnko CRumBED RISoTTo BALLS - €12.50 with mushroom & goats cheese, roast red pepper salsa, rocket leaves LES DESSERTS BRIoChE & BuTTER PuDDInG - €6.00 with vanilla custard TARTE Au ChoCoLAT - €6.00 with caramel ice cream oRAnGE CRèmE BRûLéE - €6.00 with almond cookies BAnoffEE & CARAmELISED BAnAnA - €6.00 with dark rum syrup, chocolate shavings SELECTIon of muRPhy’S ICE CREAm - €6.00 3 scoops GIn mEnu G’vInE - €7.20 BomBAy oRIGInAL DRy - €6.80 Distilled in pot stills infused with ten botanicals including juniper, green cardamom & ginger root. G’Vine is made from the noble & smooth grape spirit producing a smooth, rounded & vibrantly floral taste. A delicate infusion of 8 botanicals, removing liquorice & grains of paradise for a lighter, crisp taste. Served with cassia bark. Served with fresh ginger & strawberries. oPIhR - €7.60 BEEfEATER - €5.60 A blend of 9 botanicals; juniper, almond, angelica root & seed, coriander seed, lemon peel, liquorice, orris root & orange peel, steeped for 24 hours in copper pot stills prior to distillation, selecting only the heart for the cut. Served with a slice of lemon & orange. ThymE TRAvELLER - €13.00 Thyme Infused Tequila / Green Apple Liqueur / Vanilla Syrup / A Drop of White Wine Vinegar BRAnDy BRAmBLE - €10.00 Cognac / Crème de Casis / Lemon Juice / Simple Syrup GoRDon’S - €5.60 BEEfEATER 24 - €7.50 The addition of flavour molecules in Chinese green tea and Japanese Sencha tea fuse uniquely with the botanical mix for a distinctive taste. Gin / Cointreau / Lemon Juice / Lillet Blanc / Absinthe Mist GoLDEn AGE - €13.00 Scotch Whisky / Cherry Brandy / Yellow Chartreuse / Aperol GILBEy’S GIn - €6.20 Hand crafted in the original copper-pot stills at England’s oldest Gin distillery, Black Friars Distillery. Infused with juniper, coriander, orange, cardamom, angelica and orris, offers an elegant oral flavour of luscious marshmallow, and hints of sage & eucalyptus. Served with strawberries. Absolut Elyx / Elderflower Liqueur / Lavender Syrup / Lime Juice fREnCh 75 - €11.00 Gin / Lemon Juice / Simple Syrup / Champagne Top CAfé CoffEE - €10.00 Butterscotch Liqueur / Crème de Banana / Crème de Cacao / Baileys / Davidoff Espresso Shot hERBAL fLowER - €11.00 Gin / Elderflower Liqueur / Chopped Chilli / Cucumber Syrup / Soda JunGLE JuICE - €10.00 Distilled in pot stills with a range of Co. Kerry botanicals including rowan berry, fuscia, bog myrtle, hawthorn and myrtle which give it a fabulously fresh, floral character. SouTh SIDER - €12.00 Bourbon Whisky / Frangelico / Nectar / Lemon Juice / Earl Grey Tea fREnCh PEARL - €13.00 A peculiar blend of yarrow, elderflower, juniper, angelica root, orange peel, caraway, coriander, chamomile, cubeb berry, orris root & lemon, a distillation marriage of two stills to create a smooth balance of flavour. Triple distilled in copper pot stills using 50% malt wine and natural grain infused with juniper berries, spice and citrus. Brewed in Holland, the home of gin and ‘Dutch Courage’. Served with a wedge of cucumber, cracked black pepper & rosewater lime mist. Served with orange zest & shaved lemon peel. mARTIn mILLER’S - €7.60 monkEy 47 - €12.80 A botanical mix of Juniper, coriander, angelica, liquorice root, cassia bark, flourtine iris & orange, lemon & lime peel, cut with pure Icelandic water. Using a vapour infusion process, separating their 10 precious botanicals; juniper, lemon peel, grains of paradise, coriander, cubeb berries, orris root, almonds, cassia bark, liquorice and angelica root, from spirit in perforated copper baskets to achieve a distinct flavour. Served with shaved lemon rind. Gin / Absinthe / Mint / Lime Juice / Sugar Served with a slice of lemon & a sprig of coriander. BoLS GEnEvER - €7.40 BomBAy SAPPhIRE - €5.80 nECTAR - €12.00 A classic combination of juniper, lemon, lime, coriander and CDG’s mystery ingredient. hEnDRICk’S - €6.00 Served with lemongrass & fresh lime juice. Whiskey / Lychee Liqueur / Lime Juice / Orange Peel / Basil / Angostura Bitters Served with shaved orange & coriander seeds. Served with a slice of lemon & lime. A total of 47 handpicked botanicals including juniper, grains of paradise, coriander, marshmallow plant & scarlet beebalm to name but a few. Matured in small batches in traditional earthenware containers. Rum / Aperol / Pineapple Juice / Lime Juice A delicate blend of 12 natural ingredients which is a family secret recipe including juniper, coriander seeds & orange peel, distilled in copper pot stills generating a dry citrus taste. CoRk DRy GIn - €5.60 DInGLE GIn - €6.20 LAvEnDER ELyx - €12.00 Famed as being the ‘ginniest’ of gins, with a secret recipe for 250 years. The botanical ingredients include juniper, coriander seeds, angelica root, liquorice, orris root, orange & lemon peel. Served with a slice of lemon & lime. Served with a slice of grapefruit & orange. PLymouTh - €6.50 CoRPSE REvIvER - €11.00 Served with a sprig of coriander & black peppercorns. Served with strawberries & cracked black pepper. TAnquERAy - €6.00 A closely guarded secret recipe distilled four times with four botanicals, juniper, coriander, angelica root & liquorice on the second distillation. Served with a slice of lime & a sprig of coriander. TAnquERAy no. TEn - €8.20 Crafted in the small No. 10 still with the addition of fresh citrus botanicals, grapefruit, orange, lime & chamomile. Served with lime zest & a slice of grapefruit. CLASSICS vIn BLAnC vIn RouGE vIn RoSé AmARETTo SouR - €7.50 BELLInI - €8.00 BLACk RuSSIAn - €9.00 BLooDy mARy - €10.00 CoSmoPoLITAn - €9.00 CAIPIRInhA - €9.00 CAIPIRoSkA - €9.00 CuBAn moJITo - €8.00 CuBA LIBRE - €8.00 ExPRESSo mARTInI - €10.00 fLAvouRED fRozEn DAIquIRI - €8.00 GIn mARTInI - €10.00 hARvEy wALLBAnGER - €7.50 JAmESon SouR - €7.50 LonG ISLAnD ICED TEA - €9.00 mARGARITA - €9.00 mAnhATTAn - €10.00 nEGRonI - €10.00 oLD fAShIonED - €10.00 SInGAPoRE SLInG - €9.00 SuPERSPLIT - €9.00 Tom CoLLInS - €9.00 voDkA mARTInI - €10.00 whITE RuSSIAn - €9.00 SAuvIGnon BLAnC - €6.70 / €28.00 mERLoT - €6.70 / €28.00 PInoT GRIGIo BLuSh - €6.70 / €28.00 PInoT GRIGIo - €6.70 / €28.00 ShIRAz - €6.70 / €28.00 ChARDonnAy - €6.70 / €28.00 CABERnET SAuvIGnon - €6.70 / €28.00 French Italy Australia French Italy Australia wILD CoAST - €30.00 mAn vInTnERS - €30.00 BLACkfERn - €30.00 ASTICA - €30.00 mACon LuGny - €35.00 STRACCALI - €30.00 ChABLIS - €40.00 STonELEIGh - €35.00 SAnCERRE - €40.00 vEGA DEL RAyo - €36.00 REISLInG 'huGEL' - €40.00 fLEuRIE - €40.00 Semillon/Chardonnay – Australia Sauvignon Blanc – New Zealand Mommessin – France Domaine Long Depaquit – France Collines Blanches – France Alsace, France Pinotage – South Africa Malbec – Argentina Chianti – Italy Pinot Noir – New Zealand Rioja – Spain Domaine de la Presle – France Italy mouSSEux PRoSECCo - €8.00 / €36.00 Il Cortigiano – Italy CAvA - €8.00 / €40.00 Castillo Perelada – Spain ChAmPAGnE By ThE GLASS - €12.00 PERRIER JouET - €70.00 moET ET ChAnDon - €80.00 vEuvE CLIquoT - €90.00 Dom PERIGnon - €200.00 CRySTAL - €400.00 1410007 | www.cloud9graphicsolutions.ie CoCkTAILS & ConCoCTIonS Made using the traditional London Dry Gin method with carefully selected botanicals from around the globe, Malaysian cubeb peppers, Indian black pepper, Turkish cumin seeds, Venice juniper, Moroccan coriander & Spanish oranges for a fresh, yet soft taste.
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