PREIMPLANTATION DIAGNOSIS OF INCONTINENTIA PIGMENTI Raskova D.1, Eliasova I.1, Putzova M. 1, Feldmar P.1, Mika J.1, Stejskal D.1, Hejtmankova M.1, Malikova M.2 Centre for Medical Genetics and Reproductive Medicine GENNET, Kostelní 9, Prague 7, Czech Republic 2 Institute of Biology and Medical Genetics, 2nd Medical Faculty, Charles University, Prague 5, Czech Republic 1 Introduction In our centre we have been providing preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) since 2007. We have accomplished 117 IVF cycles followed by PGD in 43 monogenic diagnoses of all inheritance types up to now. On average 5-6 embryos have been biopsied per IVF cycle. The success rate of PGD procedures (the pregnancy confirmed by the fetal heart beat) is approximately 43%. PGD list of diagnoses is being continually updated. THE NAME OF DISEASE DISEASE ABBREVIATION GENE CHROMOZOME FIRST INVESTIGATED CMT 1A PMP22 17p12 8/2007 CF CFTR 7q31.2 6/2007 FBN1 15q21.1 3/2008 Charcot - Marie - Tooth1A Cystic fibrosis Marfan syndrome Huntington disease HCH IT15 4p16.3 1/2008 RhD aloimunisation RhD RHD chr. 1 7/2008 Myotonic dystrofy MD1 DMPK 19q13.32 5/2008 Fragile X FRAXA FMR1 Xq27.3 4/2008 XL SCID SCID IL2RG Xq13.1 5/2008 Factor VIII Xq28 1/2008 PKHD1 6p12.2 5/2008 GJB2 (Connexin26) 13q12.11 9/2008 SPTLC1 9q22.31 1/2009 FGFR2 10q26.13 11/2008 BRCA1 BRCA1 17q21.31 4/2009 Duchenne muscular dystrophy DMD dystrofin Xp21.1 4/2009 Neurofibromatosis 1 NF1 NF1 17q11.2 4/2009 Spinal muscular atrophy SMA SMN1 5q12.2-13.3 7/2009 HLXB9 7q36.3 7/2009 Hemophylia A Polycystic kidney disease – autosomal recesive ARPKD Deafness autosomal recesive Hereditay sensory neuropathy1 HSN1 Crouzon syndrome BRCA1 The Case Report The case report shows PGD in a 34 year old woman with incontinentia pigmenti (IP2), verified by the mutation in the NEMO gene, which maps to Xq28 (MIM ID 308300). IP is genodermatosis that segregates as an X-linked dominant disorder and is usually lethal prenatally in males. In affected females it causes highly variable abnormalities of the skin, hair, nails, teeth, eyes and central nervous system. The risk of recurrence is 50% for daughters and it is lethal for 50% of sons. Currarino syndrome Treacher Collins syndrome TCS TCOF1 5q33.1 9/2009 Protoporphyria erythropoietic EPP FECH 18q21.3 9/2009 IPEX syndrome IPEX FOXP3 Xp11.23 9/2009 Propionic acidemia PA PCCB 3q21-3q22.3 11/2009 Alagille syndrome AS JAG-1 20p12 11/2009 Epidermolysis bullosa EB keratin 14 (KRT14) 17q21.2 12/2009 HNPCC MLH1 3p22.2 1/2010 PMD PLP1 Xq22.2 1/2010 CMTX1 GJB1,Cx32 Xq13.1 2/2010 Leiden mutation FV Factor V 1q24.2 4/2010 Fabry disease FD GLA Xq22.1 4/2010 ADPKD PKD1 16p13.3 5/2010 Factor IX Xq27.1 7/2010 JEB LAMB3 1q32.2 7/2010 BRCA2 BRCA2 13q13.1 7/2010 LCHAD HADHA 2p23.3 8/2010 COL4A5 Xq22.3 8/2010 ADSL 22q13.1-q13.2 8/2010 VHL 3p25-p26 8/2010 ADA 20q13.12 9/2010 Lynch syndrome Pelizaeus - Merzbacher syndrome Charcot - Marie - Tooth – XL Polycystic kidney disease -autosomal dominant Hemophylia B Our patient developed erythema, blisters and hyperpigmentation in infancy, but all of these symptoms later completely disappeared. She had 3 miscarriages and gave birth to one healthy daughter. In 1 of the miscarriages a karyotype 45, X with intragene deletion in the NEMO gene was confirmed. Methods Genetic pre-case haplotyping (PGH) is an initial and important constituent for determination of disease-associated haplotype by comparison with the haplotype of other members of the family. During the IVF cycle, we use a genetic haplotyping technique by multiplex PCR on products of MDA (multiple displacement amplification) from 1 blastomere biopsied from the cleavage-stage embryo. In case of ambiguous results from the blastomere, analysis of the trofoectoderm can be repeated and the embryo can still be transferred on day 5. Results PGH was concluded in terms of healthy haplotype mother-daughter because we did not keep at disposition DNA of other family member with disease - associated haplotype. Epidermolysis bullosa junctionalis BRCA2 Long chain 3 - hydroxyacyl CoA dehydrogenace deficiency (LCHAD) Alport syndome Adenylosukcinatlyasis deficienty Von Hippel - Lindau syndrome VHL Adenosindeaminasis deficiency Mukopolysacharidosis I MPS1 IDUA 4p16.3 9/2010 Incontinentia pigmenti IP NEMO Xq28 11/2010 MYH9 22q12.3 01/2011 MYH9 related disorders (e.g. Epstain syndrome) Facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy FSHD FRG1 4q35 02/2011 Adrenal hyperplasia congenital CAH CYP21 6p2.1-3 4/2011 Pre-case haplotyping Inconentia pigmenti (GD) mother DXS8086 DXS8069 DXS7423 DXS8011 DXS8103 DXS1684 DXS8061 DXS8087 NEMO(IKBKG) DXS1073 KI I I R 20xAT 26xAC 21xAT 22xGT DXS1108 24xGT 23xGT DXYS154 AMXY SRY marker DXS8086 DXS8069 DXS7423 DXS8011 DXS8103 DXS1684 DXS8061 DXS8087 NEMO(IKBKG) DXS1073 KI I I R 20xAT 26xAC 21xAT 22xGT DXS1108 24xGT 23xGT DXYS154 AMXY SRY i nf. a l e l a 273 277 331 241 323 192 243 296 109 111 293 270 158 268 154 XX-OK 273 209 331 182 241 294 198 275 271 209 327 182 247 294 198 283 224 144 109 239 171 293 270 158 253 186 108 / 236 147 133 237 171 286 259 156 253 180 108 / 277 209 323 192 243 296 198 275 273 209 331 182 241 294 198 275 224 144 111 239 171 286 268 154 253 186 108 / 224 144 109 239 171 293 270 158 253 186 108 / XY-OK 273 209 331 182 241 294 198 275 224 144 109 239 171 293 270 158 253 186 108 / father 271 209 327 182 247 294 198 283 236 147 133 237 171 286 259 156 253 180 108 / Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 192 114 108 mater.patol Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 192 114 108 XX affected embryo 277 209 323 192 243 296 198 275 271 209 327 182 247 294 198 283 224 144 111 239 171 286 268 154 253 186 108 / 236 147 133 237 171 286 259 156 253 180 108 / ma te r. OK pa te r. OK XY affected embryo 277 209 323 192 243 296 198 275 224 144 111 239 171 286 268 154 253 186 108 / Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 192 114 108 Figure II: Methodical overview At the first IVF cycle, we analyzed nine embryos of which four were affected. Monosomy of chromosome X was determined in one embryo. In the next embryo, the outcome could not be unambiguously established due to proof of the crossing-over in the NEMO gene area. Selection of healthy embryos for transfer was recommended in two cases. One male embryo was transferred and the resulting pregnancy was confirmed by an ultrasound investigation. Conclusion Preimplantation haplotyping (PGH) as a clinical method within PGD represents a successful alternative in the reproductive choices of families at risk of transmitting genetic disorders. References 1.Renwick P. J. et al.: Proof of principle and first cases using preimplantation genetic haplotyping–a paradigm shift for embryo diagnosis. 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