' aa . d1Iè 111, 1n tstr o ' -- - ... . ---.- c ' ., o . '' 4.. . lllk . e . ..- alrs . . .- Mtles trans erre to , . . .. . . l ' l . l * . j A .' 3 l ... . > k . . e pz s ï j? >= 4 1 j k. * . * , .l. lj 4< ' Sé v , pgzy . 'ï G tw u 1 . . 1 . ' iW a :CX:t' ' - .7 / )-. j. ' . t Is.x 't,. . 7-l 'k.'-me$ ':'scction/oesk/c.eIl 1s()s-of-iile !l !-1:.à;. (t. g.7'.S. 1 . 76 , 1 16 . i . i . lz. )-... ..--.. ----..y * l -(, y - . . .- ..- ' 1- 7--'. . ' ..- +..'-'. J.--..--;..----.. . . -.. 8, (';.f,.I! !. j*'i.P* -.----.-- . ----. ,,. ISC& S k J. l r'RkltJ - ..-- --- --- -.---, ..- I' i. l1L 5. .- -- - - - y.1 .-.-.. tk. . A1. tNIS IPi,lR. 6i ' . i-.1-7-j Itl!.;I -,. F --.--.- -' j.-. .-.' .u! ..C 1.819. -. . - .- .-. - ....- . .-j- . ' ... t , ) .l . 'i 1 .. '-;z-k!.--..-.,1 .i . . - - .- - ..- i 1: - 2 1I' --. -4.-.----j'! 2( ). ...- . I -- .-j--.-- 1 1 1* l 1 . . ; I 7-4 l - -. --.. --.q 3 3 9' .w ..-.. -.... ---.. - *..-j - --.-..-. -1.. I 1- . lk 4 ! -1 x.- ... ..- -.- . - - - -- .-...- ' -- -..-.... - - - - - - - - . . !1$1 & (. , ' l IS'.C. ---- . . 34 l 108 l12. l1NE.P.C-. /P.N1.A. )- --.-.w .....1 .. .. .---.-.-. 113. :. H !:$:& C . -'...'.. -. * .-' -.. -. j ' .--------. .------ - -.. ASï./AP-NE ..'' . '..4 $. 1 %.El. .. $ --- .-- . l2 8 ! : I ! i I ) Nam e ofthe records M inistry ofH om e AffairsN orth / creatingagencyi.e. Block. M inistry/ D epartm ent/o ftsce/public Undertakings etc: Nameandyarticularsofthe ShriJ.P.Sharma, recordsnfflcer: Departm entalR ecord O fficer. Nam e ofthe Branch/section IPS/UTS/U TL/D ELH I/A NL/G P.II/ U TP/SC& ST/PO LICE/A M -APN E/NE/N PC/H K & C/A RM S/PERS/ JU DICIA L/JU STICE/M & G/VC . Ycars '' 1947-1986 (33Bundles) 587 files 9 , 14,,.,rf' ,: --,s r. 1'-1'C'f r- k los, (, -! ' . ,, . ç-8p-. trNI / 4 Cseoked/cxrrectaub .... ' ' ... svk' 74,?'l;' @(jf!. ....... t$.j..tk......... ./ ':)1, 1ï1....-.-....1L . JE )- !1 t. J .. s ut 1 7414!p/rl(1rrl()............ l .33.-.. 1- . îN t 117:7111!t'(lfhi;llœ * -......, ..M '%js q$ 4 1.Azldtv . . . J ê . i I X F.NQ.1/2/201I-O1tR Govenunentoflndia/BharatSarkar M inistry ofHomeAffairs/Grih M antralaya @ (OrdinaryRecordRoom) i . North Block,New Delhi Dated the M arch,2011. To, The DirectorGeneral, . NationalArchivesoflndia, Janpath,New Delhi-110001. ' ' . Subject:TransferofrecordspertainingtoM isc.Sections,M inistryofHnme Affairsto NatienalArchivesoflndia. * . . Sir) I am directed to transfer herewith 587 tiles in 33 bundles pertaining td M isc. Sections - P S/UTSX TLD ELHI/ANL/GP.IIY TP/SC&STPOLICE/W M -NEM Y PCY K&C/AV STEM /D DICG L/D STICEN &GW C of thls > . M ( inistry relatingtotheyears1947-1986 (alongw1t1, 1fivesetsoftransferlist)to NationalArchiyes of India forpermanentreten' tion All these Gles bave been . appraised and recom mended by ateam from NAlforpermanentretention. 1- 2 11isrequestedthatthereceiptoftheseflesmaypleasebeacknowledged . along with one setoftransferlist, . Yoursfaithfully, (. J.p.s arma) . ' . J Encl:587files(33Bundles) DepartmentalRecord Oflicer Tel.23092011Exln.412 ' , . . 2 > S.NO. FileNo, Sub'ect 1. l-11013/3/86-IPS-I Remark lPS(Cadre)Assam -Meghalaya- TriennialReview ProposalsfortheJoint lPS CadreofAssam-M e halaya. ' (*' 2, I-11013/4/86-IPS-1 I . Rules4-IPS (Cadre)Rules1954- TriennialReviewoflPSCadreof E l Haryana. 3. l-11013/6/86-lPS-I UttarPradesh-Rules4-lPS(Cadre)Rules 1954-TriennialReviewof1PSCadreof J UttarPradesh, 4. 1-l1û13/10/86-lPS-l 1PS(Cadre)WestBengal-Triennial Review of1PSCadre,1986. 5. 1-14011/4/86-lPS-1 lPS(M .P.)-M isc.PetitionNo.3907/85 GeldbySh,BalChandraSepahaagainst 1 ; . Union ofIndia& Othersregarding a pointmentandconfirm ation in IPS, 6. 1-14û1l/6/86-IPS-I 7. 1-14011/7/86-P S-I t..-.ee''p 1PS(TamilNadul-CM PNo.303and304 of1986fieldbySh.D.S.Rajdevan 7699/86ûeldbySh.R.R.PrasadlPSin the SupremeCourtofregarding into C. 8. 1-14û11/8/86-IPS-1 /* 9. 1-14011/12/86-1PS-I ' ' 10. 1-14û11/14/86-1PS-1 CM p duringap ointmentinIPS. lPS(Bihar)-M .J,C.N0.133of1986-in PatnaHighCourt-Sh.RajendraNarain SinghV/sStateofBiharandOthers- . ! àgainstSelection Committeefor1PS in theSupremeCourtoflndia. UT.-W .P,N o.492/86with CM P.N o. j . regarding Seniority in StatePoliceService and inclusion in IPS. lPS AndhraPradesh- Appointmentof StatePoliceServiceOfficerstolPSonthe / Corresponding& W .P.No.10585-86/82 fieldl)ySh.G.SelvarajagainstUnionof / recomm endation ofState Government. OrdersRe ardin , T.A.Nos,246,724/86 inCAT M adras lndia& Others. ll. 1-14û11/2û/86-lPS-l 1PS(Cadre)WestBengal-Selection CommitteeMeetingfortheyear1986for l2, 1-14011/22/86-lPS-l theIPS-Proposalfrom the State Govem mentregarding. Review S.C.M .to review theCase ofSh. K. A.Bhoumick,iPSforinclusionin512 of1967-68inpursuanceofjudgment dated 1.10.85 ofHigh Coul' tof Orissain 0JC No.378 of1981. J #' u j / . t? 13. 1-14011/23/86-IPS-I IPS(Keralal-SelectionCommittee MeetingforPreparationofSelectlistof SPS Officersfortheyear 1986. j 14. 1-14011/25/86dPS-I IPS(Gujaratl-SelectionCommittee M eeting forPreparation ofSelectiistof SPS Ofticersforthe year1986. 15. 1-14011/26/86-JPS-I IPS(MadhyaPradesh)-Selection Com mitteeM eetingforPreparation of Select'listofSPSOfficersfortheyear / 1986. 16.I-14û11/27/86-lPS-1 IPS(Punjabl-CivilWritPetitionNo. 2758tield bySh.GttrdarshanSingh, againsttheUnion ofIndia& Others- in ! TheHighCourtofPunjab& Haryanaat Chandigarh. 17. 1-14011/28/86-lPS-I IPS(Orissa)-SelectionCommittee M eetingforPreparationofSelectIistof SPS Officersforthe ear1986. 1 l8. 1-14011/29/86-PS-1 lPS(A.P,)-SelectionCommitteeMeeting forPreparation ofSelectlistofSPS Om cersforthe year1986.3+ 11/86. 19. 1-14û11/30/86-1PS-l IPS (TamilNadul-SelectionCommittee t.... e M eeting fortheyear1986 forthe IPS- M proposalfrom thestateGovernment regarding. 2û. 1-14011/31/86-lPS-I lPStsikkiml-SelectionCommittee M eetingforthePreparationofSelectlist , ofSPS Ofticersfortheyear 1986. 21. 1-14011/37/86-JPS-I IPStKarnatkal-SelectionCommittee M eetingforthePreparation ofSelectlist ofSPS Ofticersfortheyear1986. 22. 1-14û11/38/86-1PS-l lPS(Punjabl-SeltctionCommittee M eetingforthe Preparation ofSelectlist / ofSPS Ofticersfortheyear1986. 23. 1-1401l/39/86-1PS-l lPS(UnionTenitoriesl-Selection Comm itteeM eeting forPreparation of SelectlistofOfticersofUnion Tenitories PoliceServiceforthe year1986, f 24. 1-14011/40/86-IPS-l IPS(Orissa)-O.A.No.146/86t. -. e'e SarangadharRajguruV/sUnionoflndia & Others-inthe CentralAdm inistzm ive Tribunal,Cuttack Bench Cuttack. 25..1-14011/41/86-1PS-I I PStAssam-Meghalayal-Selection Com mitteeM eetingforthe Preparation of l SelectlistofSPS Officersfortheyear 1986. k -- ...- w .- -. f A 26. 1-14011/43/86-1PS-l IPS (M aharashtral-SelectionCommittee M eetingforthe Preparation ofSelectlist '> ' 27, ofSPSOffkersforpromotiontolPSfor 1 the ear1986. . l-14011/44/8(-lPS-l, lPS(Gujaratl-CivilW ritNo.1339/86by Vol.I Sh.M .O.Khimani, Vs.Union ofIndia& Others- CourtofCivilJudgeBaroda, S. C.No.235/90 - Union oflndia& UPSC ) . I ! Ns.M.O.Khimani,4S,C.GujaratHigh Court. 28.1-14011/44/86-lPS-1, lPS(Gujaratl-CivilWritNo.1339/86by Vol.11 Sh.M .O.Khimani, Vs.Union ofIndia& Others- CourtofCivilJudgeBaroda,S. C.No.235/90-Unionoflndia&UPSC Vs.M.O.Khimani,4S.C.GujaratHigh Court. 2 1-14011/45/86-lPS-l 1PS(Rajasthanl-SelectionCommittee M eeting forPreparation ofSelectlistof SPSOflicersfortheyear1986 l . 3û. 1-14011/46/86-IPS-1 IPS(Orissal-O.A.N0,548/86- Sh K. . NarayanaV/sUnion oflndia & Others-in the CentralAdministrative Tribunal, HyderabadBench. J( 31.1-14011/47/8&IPS-1 1PS(Punjabl-(1)-RegistrationNo . 4459 8/86-Sukhdarshan Likhi& Others VersusUnionoflndia& Others-inthe C.A.T.ChandigarhBench,(2)-O.A. ' t3 1 - f No.53o/PB/86- Sh.Filedby Sh.Karnail Singh Kailay V/sUnion ofIndia& Others. 14013/l/86-1PS-I . IPS(Biharl-AppointmentofS.P.S ; 1 . Officersagainstpromotionquot33. 1-14013/2/86-1PS-1 Proposalfrom State Govem ment re ardin , ' IPS(Biharl-AppointmentofSP.S. Officersto P s-proposalregarding-Case of Sh LakhiRam,SPS. . l I cerstoIPS-PIO osalregarding- ? j j listOfficersto IPS - Proposalfrom State , . 34 1-14013/3/86-lPS-I 3 . 1-14û13/4/86-1PS-I t 1 PSti(Manipurl-AppointmentofS.P S. Of . IPS(Rajasthanl-AppointmentofSelect Governmentregardin - 36 I-14013/5/86-IPS-1 IPS(Haryanal-AppointmentofS P.S. . OfticerstoIPS-Proposalfrom State ) lPS(Kera1a)-A ointmentofS.P S. l Governmentregardin . l .. A 1-i4013/6/86-lPS-l . $ 4. OfticerstoIPS-Proposalfrom State .. Governmentregarding- 38. I-14013/7/86-IPS-I lPS(M adhyaPradeshl-Appointmentof S.P.S.Officersto IPS-Proposalfrom * 39. I-14013/8/86-lPS-l ! StateGovernmentregarding1PS(U.T.Cadrel-AppointmentofUnion TerritoriesPoliceServiceOfticerstoIPS- j j a ainst romotion uota, 4û. 1-14013/10/86-IPS-l IPS(Karnamkal-AppointmentofS.P.S. OfficerstoIPS-SelectList1985-Proposal 1 from Sute Govenunentregarding- 4 1-14013/11/86-lPS-I IPS(M aharashtral-AppointmentofS.P.S. Oflicersto IPS-SelectList1985- 42. 1-14013/12/86-lPS-l IPS (Orissal-AppointmentofS.P.S. OfficerstoIPS-Proposalfrom State l ) Governmentregarding- 43. 1-14013/14/86-1PS-1 IPS(Gujaratl-AppointmentofS.P.S. Officersto IPS-SelectList1985-Pr0posa1 from State Governmentregarding- 44. 1-14û13/15/86-1PS-I lPStAssam-M eghalayal-Appointmentof S.P.S.OfficerstoIPS-onthe V *' -' . l Recommendation ofState Governm ent Ordersregarding- 45, I-140l3/16/86-lPS-I lPS (TamilNadul-ApjointmentofS.P.S. ! Officersagainstpromotion quotaProposalfrom State Governm ent t regarding-selectListapprovedon 30.3.86. 46. l-14013/17/86-lPS-1 1PS(Plmjabl-AppointmentofS.P.S. Ofticersto IPS-SelectList1986-Proposa1 from StateGovermnentregarding47. 1-14013/18/86-IPS-I lPS(Sikkiml-AppointmentofS.P.S. 48. 1-15011/1/86-lPS-l 49. 1-15011/4/26-1PS-1 l OfficerstoIPS-SelectList1985-Proposal from StateGovermnentregardingHazyana-Determination ofSeniority & yearofallotmentofprom oteIPS Officers ofHaryanaCadre. Haryana-Determination ofSeniority of Sh.R,K.Mukho-padhyay,IPSunrequest i ) uponhisantedating appointmentto the lPSC.O.No.3596(w)OF 1985IN c.w. .NO.677of1981. 5 l-15016/2/86-IPS-1 IPS(Assam-M eghalayal-sh.P.N. Goswami,IPSV/sUnionOflndia& AnotherintheC.A.T.(GauhatiBench CaseNo.at1986). u . I-J j J .. 51. l-15016/2/86-1PS-I, Vol.11 IPS tAssam-Meghalaya)-Sh,P.N. Goswam ilPS V/sUnion Oflndia& AnotherintheC.A.T.(GauhatiBench $ M9 52. 1 CaseN0,at1986 . I-150l6/4/86-1PS-I IPS-(AndhraPradeshl-Representation Se H niority-D.V.SubbaReddy,A. anumanta,Sh.A.ltM urlidhar,IPS- / Assignm entofyearofallotm entwronglyre ardin , 53. I-15016/5/86-IPS-l 54. l-15016/7/86-lPS-l lPS(M anipur-Tripural-Applicationtield bySh.A.B.Bose,lPS(M.T.)inthe ( 195/86fieldbySh.G.RaghavaReddy h C.A.T,(CalcuttaBench . C.A.T.(Hyderabad Benchl-O.A.No. and Six OtherslPS Officersin C.A.T., Hyderabad Bench, 55. l-150l6/1(V86-lPS-l, lPS (HimachalPradeshl-O.A.No.479/86 Vol.l fieldby Sh.AshwaniKumar,lPS - CAT Princi alBench,New Delhi. 56, l-l5016/l0/86-IPS-l, IPS (HimacllalPradeshl-SLPtieldbySh. Vol,11 AshwaniKumar,IPS-Against ) Judgementdated24.5.93 ofCAT Princi alBench,New Delhi. . y q.. 57. I-150l6/10/86-lPS-I) lPS(HimachalPradeshl-SLP fieldby t......e- Vol,III f Un ionOfIndiaV/sSh.AshwaniKumars IPS - AgainstJudgmentdated 24.5.93 in J O.A.No.479/86fieldbySh.Ashwani Kumar. 58. 1-15016/10/86-lPS-I, IPS(HimachalPradeshl-O.A.No.479/86 t ...'-'e Vol.IV field by Sl1.AshwaniKum ar, I PS-CAT PrincipalBench,N ew Delhi. 1 59. I-15016/11/86-lPS-I IPS(MadhyaPradeshl-O.A.N0.20/86 t-.. -.. -'''q fie U ldbySh,K.D.SharmalPS-against nion oflndia& Othtrsm theCAT j JabalpurBench. 60. l-15O16/16/86-lPS-l, 1PS(AndhraPradesh)-O.A.No.395of Vol.l 1986fieldbySh,D.v.subbaReddy& 4 Othersin CAT (HyderabadBench). 61. 1-15016/16/86-1PS-I, IPS(AndhraPradesh)-O.A.No.395of Vol.11 1986 fieldby Sh.D .v. subbaReddy& i ! OthersinCAT H derabadBench). 62. I-15016/16/86-IPS-I, IPS(AndhraPradeshl-O.A.No.395of 4 > I...e. ee Vol.IlI 1986 field by Sh. D. v.subbaReddy& QX?. I-l50l6/16/86-IPS- OtllersinCAT(H derabadBench). 1PS(AndhraPradeshl-O.A.No.395of I ' ! @ u V, I,PtfileVol.IV 1986fieldbySh.D.V.SklbbaReddy& OthersinCAT (HyderabadBench . 64 V-14û11/5/86- Disciplinary ProceedingsagainstSh.Lalit NSG/IPS 11 65 V-14011/5/86- BhatiaIPS,(PB1970). DisdplinaryProceedingsagainstSh.Lalit NSGJIPSIl,Ptfile 66 V-14011/5/86- BhatiaIPS,(PB197û). DisciplinaryProceedingsagainstSh.Lalit NSG/IPSlI,Vol.l 1 1 ' BhatiaIPS,(PB1970). 67. V-14011/5/86- Disciplinary ProceedingsagainstSh.Lalit NSG/IPSlI,Vol.1ll BhatiaIPS,PB1970). 68 V-16011/3/86-IPS11 Maharashtra-CAT.WritPditionNo, 260/86,328/86,329/86 Old No.800/81, 1 ! l i tieldbySh.A.N.Bannerjee,IPS, Challengingthevalidity ofguidelines issued by Union Oflndiaregarding rom otion ofIPS Officers. Promotion ofNon-eligible Officersof lPS Cadrein theRank ofDGP & IGP - 69. 1. 601173/86-11% .11 ((thlp3( (--T'R'C'F illingofSLPagainstJudgmentof BombayBench ofCAT intheCaseof . I ( ! A N Baner'ee. 70. 17011/2/86-IPS 11 AIS (ConfidentialRolls),Rules,1970A11 <. ( Inonsde c diaSenrv c,elR le,e19 70que -Wr tinof gof tii a uu por on stii on ( Indian PoliceServicere arding CPO. ?- 71. 24011/7/86-1PS11 lssueofNoObjectionCertiticateinfavor ofSh.HardeepSingh,IPS(Prob.)on f M edicalGround forM edicalCertitk ate in U.K, 72.25011/16/86-IPSIl, ComplaintagainstSh.S.GopalReddy, Vol.l i ( IPS (J&K85)seekingdowry- Reference from DirectorN.P.A.,Hyderabad. ComplaintagainstSh.S.GopalReddy, 73. 25011/16/86-lPS lI, Vol.11 lPS(J&K85)seekingdowry-Reference f from DirectorN .P,A,,Hyderabad. 74 1-21023/17/84-1135 IV Recom mendationsofNationalPolice Com missions, 75, l-14012/1/86-1PS IV Appointm entto IPS on thebasisof1985 f - Examination. 76 l-22011/19/86-P.IIl/ IPSIV l IAS/IFS/IPS Probation Rules AmendmentRegardin . ! ; >D i I I u- . S.No. FileNo. 1. 1/3/70-DHISI-UT ' 2 3. 4 Sub'ect DecisionthatSeniorAppointmentsof Oftk erson theUnion Territoriesofthe IAS/lPS do come within the purview of theAppointmentsCommitteeofthe Cabinet. U-14016/42/82-UTS, IAS-CivilServiceExamination 1982- 1 Vol.I AllocationofCandidatestoU.T.Cadre ! An dman&NicobarIslandand AppointmentofSh.M .L.Kampaniin the l U-14020/40/82-UTS U-14016/12/83-UTS and matterconnected with theirTraining. Creation ofA PostofLT.Governor, 5. Service. U-14015/1/84-UTS 11 Fourth PayComm ission information 6. U-14012/12/85-U13 AmendmentofSchedule11to DANICS 11 Rules,19-71.(DANICS. U-14O16/17/85-UTS DAN ICS-Allocation ofCandidateson Regardin DANICS/DANIPSOfficers. -c 'L t hebasisofCivilSenriceExamination 1983- A ointm entof. 8. U-14û!6/18/85-UTS 9 ! I 1 ! DAN IPS-Allocation ofCandidateson thebasisofCivilServiceExam ination 1983-Apointmentof. '# I Said Post. IAS-CivilServiceExam ination 1981- AllocationofCandidatestoDANICivil 7. Remark ! U-14016/26/85-UTS DANICS-EncadrementofthePostsof 10. U-i4031/8/85-UTS ARCS in the CadreofDAN ICS. U.T.GovernmentEmployeesGroup InsuranceScheme1984-Requestfor l provisionofafurtheroptiontojointhe Scbeme. 11. U-14039/1/85-UTS De legationofpowertotheAdministrators oftheUT sto record sanction underAIS f (Conduct)Rules,1968andCCS (Conduct)Rules,1964. 2 -14012/7/86-U*1-5 FormationofMizoram State-questiono 13. U-14()12/9/86-UTS Se aration from U.T.Cadre. Sutehood to Union Territories- Cadre Ma C nagementofUTCadrein onse uence. l4. U-14016/19/86-UTS u f Preparation ofSelectListforProm otion toni U thoneIn dianPoliceServiceCadreof Tenitories. 15 j U-14019/2/86-UTS- DANICS-Obselvation ofSupreme Cour' t A ontheSeniorityListofDANICivil ) ! . ?o :. Service-W ritPetitionof10of1986-G.C. .. PillaiV/sUrtion Oflndia. 1 , U-14025/4/86-1773 Lt.Governors-RevisionofPayScale. ! I k, , ' ï # I ! I N > ll I S.NO. 1. FileNo. U-l1011/1/86-UTL Sub'ect Remark Review ofSalariesAllowancesof M inisters/speA ers/Executive CouncilorsandM embersofLegislative Ars P semshbl i es/Me pto l i t Coonuncilof ade Counc it lr so e c. ia nn Uni 2. 3. U-11012/2/86-UTL U-11012/3/86-UTL Territories-Re ardin . Resignation oftheCouncilofM inisters in theUnion Tenitory ofM izoram and Constitution ofA New Councilof M inistersin thatUnion Tenitory. Ceilingon charged Expenditurerelating totheOfficeoftheAdministratorof 4. U-11012/5/86-UTL ( ( 1 Pondicherry. Pondicherry-Vesting ofFinancial P owersbyLt.Governor,Pondicherry and Aid and AdviceFunction and ofthe ( CouncilofM inisters. 5. U-11013/1/86-UTL ( TShaelaMe mbersofMetropolitanCouncil, riesandAllowance)Amenzment l Order,1986. 6. U-11014/3/86-U71 t TheCcmstitution(Amendment) B il1,1g86tAmendmentofArticle315) by Sh.Shantaram Naik ,M .P. 7. U-11014/5/86-UTL P roposaltoprovi deforthedelegationof powersvested intheAdministratorof / ! theU .T.ofChandigarh. C 8. U-11015/1/86-UTL t... -''- ExtensionoftheEastPunjabUrban R entRestriction(Amendment)Act, 1985 to the Union Territory of 1 Chandigarhby A Notitication. 9. U-110l6/3/86-UTL TheCinematograph(Goa,Daman & DivAmendment)Bill,1985forassent ofthePresidentRe ardin . 10. U-l10l6/4/86-UTL ThelndustrialDisputes(Goa,Daman& DivAmendment)Bill,1986-For 1 A proval. l1. U-11016/6/86-UTL n eGoa,Dam an & Div Official LanguageBill,1986-Priorapprovalto 12. U-11016/1O/86-UTL (Mi l neralRight)TaxOrdmuce,1986ssueofInstructionsforthe Re arding. l3. .. -U-11016/12/86-UTL ) TheGoa,Daman & Div Toddy Tappers WelfareFund(Amendment)Bill,1986ForassentofthePresidentregardhlg. j. -# ! the- Regarding. Prom ulgation ofthe Goa:Daman & Div J 1' )-. ' I u 14. U-l1016/13/86-UTL TheGoa,Daman& DivPublicM oney ( RecoveryofDues)Bill,1926-For asseltofthePresidentregarding. ) 15n U-11016/15/86-UTL TheCodeofCriminalProcedure(Goa, M D Fo ar maa sn se& ntD of ivth AemPe re ns di m dee nnttr )eBgi a 1r ld s1 in 9g 86. l U-1l017/1/86-UTL l ThtM izoram HomeGuardsBil1,1985- ForassentofthePresidentregardin . 17. U-11017/2/86-UTL T' heM izoram Salaries,Allowancesa132 Pesn A se sm icmbly of(Me Ammen bd eme rsonf t) tbBeil Lleg slati e 1i 985 -v For , Le'1''8. ,,,. U-11018/l/86-UTL -. l l assentofthe Presidentregarding. The Pondicherry No.-Agricultural Kudiyiruppudars(StayofEviction ! Proceedings)(Amendment)Bill,1986. U-11018/4/86-UTL For riora roval. TheAnglo FrenchTextilesLimited (AcquisitionandTransferofTextiles Ul zdtrtaking)Bitl,1986-Forprior a roval. 2 U-11O18/7/86-UTL Blearance)(PondicherryAmendment) C ill,1986-AsstntofthePresident regardin . t . , tr' TheSlam Areas(lmprovementand U-11018/8/86-UTL 22. U-l1û23/l/86-UTL / n ePondichen.yApartm entOwnership Bill,1986-Priora roved. 1 PromulgationofA Regulationunder Article240oftheConstitution-The j Andaman andN icoharlsland Prevention ofDefacementofPropertyRegulation , 19*6. 23 U-11023/5/86-U-1-1. TheAndamanandNicobarIslandKhadi and Village IndustriesBoard Regulation,1986-Promulgation of RegulationundtrArtide 24Q ofthe Constitution- U/. e.' - U-11023/6/86-U-11 PromulgationofTheAndamanand Ni P cobarlslandReligiousBuildingsand lacesRe ulation,1986. 2 U-l1024/1/86-UTL . U-11û25/1/86-UTL / ! Regulation underArticle 240 ofthe Constitution-Codification ofthe CustomaryLawstoregulateinberitance l Stove'theU.T.ofDadraandNagar j of ro trtiesin Lakshadweep. Exemption ofSalesTax to ïNutan Haveli. N ! 11 27. ' U-1103û/2/86-UTL Delegaticm ofPowersoftheState Govermnentto the Adm inistratorof U nionTerritoryofPondicherryunder theFamil CourtAct,m 1984. 28. U-11032/2/86-177-1- J C.W .P.N o.1724/86 and CM P N0. 2342/86 in theCaseof Sh.S.S. Aggam aland OthersV/sAdm inistrator N & oO .G t hS eR rs7 C5 h6 a / le )n d g a i t n eg d2 t h8 e. 9 N. 8 o5 ti f re c g aa tr i o dn i ng ( extension ofwestBengalPrevention of 29. U-14031/4/86-UTL 30. U-16021/1/86- UTS/UTL DefacementofProperty Act,1976to the U.T,ofDelhi, Refund ofContributionsm adeunderthe CentralGovernmentEmployees j Co A mmonwea1thParliamentary ssociation(CPA)inUnionTerritories- ( lnsurance Schem e,1977. Formation ofBranchesof Regarding. 5r' ?'e l ltf . I q u. S,No. FileN0. 1. 5/3/72-UTP/G&Q . 1 Subject RaisingofanAdditionalAnnedPolice BattalioninManiur-Maniurltifles. Remark ' l tr I I l I$-' S..NO. FileNo. 1. 2. s- '' Subject aroundDelhibytheDDA. 3. . )' Pensionunderthe CentralSchem e. 7s., U-14011/35/86-De1hi Discrimination inthePay Scale of . / t., .. '-- Pha & rmacistsofUnionTenitoryofDelhi centralGovem mentcom mittee set , 8. J 1 Railwaysforerection. U-13û34/71/86-Delhi GrantofStateFrecdom Fighterpension t ao dd th it eio Fnre to edto hm eFFri e geh dt o em rsF inig Dhe te lh rs i,in '%- ! U-l3034/32/86-De1hi Unauthorized occupation ofNew Delhi Railway Station Platform by Begum WilayatMahal-RequestoftheM/o 6. à who wereeffected by riotsin November,1984. U-13021/l4/86-Delhi Conversion ofW ays& M eansadvarlce A of 1d Rs 2.0-0 Cro reque sinst GrManCD t-in.1. 978 79Re to for 5, ) U-13018/l8/86-Delhi ProposaloftheDelhiAdministration for II,Ptfile delegation ofpowersto the Com mission o fSalesTaxtowaiveoftheaboutof additionaldemand in the caseofdeals 4 Remark U-11013/4/86-De1hi Fire Prevention and Fire Safety 1,Pt.tile Act,1986-Date ofEnforcement. U-13016/10/86-Delhi Referencef'rom CabinetSecretariat aboutacquisition ofresidential buildings/land in l14 UrbanVillages u forAllU.T.Em plo ees. U-14046/l0/86-Delhi Demand ofW arderStaffworkingin the I CentralJail,Tihar,New Delhiforparity in Pay Scalewith theDelhiPolice. j I C Q S.NO. FileNo. Subject 1. 4/31/71-ANL ' t .' ' 2. 1504i/l9/75-ANL Remark Andaman & NicobarlslandEstablishment PermanentAbsorption ofDeputation's Hi W r gi h te pr et Gi t r i ad o nebC yl er S h ks -P roPapontsal ejie ed H. S. ar ga nc st t . j theirrevision to arentstates, Lakshdweep-Compensation fordam age caused to R' FhekkilaOdam''ofSh. chachadaSaye ooviryym zu(oa Pro osalregarding. Lakshdweep-Appointmentofperson from themainlanzin theLakslldweep Adm inistraticm. Andam an & Nicobarlsland Collection of l tg boo-xj )x 'W grb ai tl je aY pK a1 yO m*2 elK t)( )r / 3. 14011/8/7& AN L 4. 13û28/1/79-AN L Ei L xcu io se rDutyfromLicenseesforVending . 5. 13029/49/81-AN1, Lakshdweep-DevelopmentofTourism Suggestion attheM eeting ofConsultative C ommitteeoftlwMinistryofTourism and CivilAviation. 6. U-14012/2/81-ANL -j) ' Andaman Adm inistration-Block Developm entOfficers-Recnlitm ent Rules-Amendmentto. 7. , y. - U-14012/3/81-AN L . U-14040/l7/84-AN L 9 U-l3019/6/86-ANL 1û. 15-14026/8/86-AN1. ) ( ' ! Andaman Administration-organization of ChiefPay and AccountOfscers-Lecturer e.jkj olT(f )81!DLR ( Te r c ar i ni u t n mge I nt sR t rul ce t o sr)-Frami ngof 8 ! Lakshdweep-Judgmentin O .P.No, 4289/81by Sh.C.N .Chariyakoya,U .D. C. Lakshdweep-Perm ission fOrAirTravel byNon-ofticialM embersofH.M .A .C. Andaman & Nicobarlsland-Proposal j f / regardinggrantofUniform (Robes) ' Allowanceto the ProsecutorsofAndam an & N icobarIsland. I I J )/S.NO. FileNo. lI, 4.1. 0. 13034/1/85-GP. t,''- Vol.IV 2. 13034/2/85-GP.11 )-' Sub'ect Law and OrderSituationin Chandigarh. 4. 13034/6/85-6P.11 5. 13034/13/B5-GP.lI j Tr R ansmissionSchemes-EstimatedCostof s.716.7 Lakhs-EFC M emo. j ofUnion Territory Police. Pondicherry Administration-VlPlan Chandigarh-TransferofAdm inistrative 1 . 6, 13034/14/85-GP.11 Ch andigarh-ConstructionofTrafticPolice Linesin Sector29,Chandigarh. l lntroduction ofFiveDaysW eek System in theUTofPondicherry-Concurrenceof j. . fortheFlyingSquadoftheControlRoom Chandigarh to theChandigarh Adm inistrative, 8. 13034/21/85-GP,11 ! Non- lan osts. Chandigarh-Creation ofAdditionalStaff ControloftheB&RResearchLaboratory, 7. 13034/17/85-013.11 1 Chandigarh-Centrally Sponsored Schem e o fCha $oilndi Coga ns wa tionin ec atc hme nnt soarea of re hConve rst ih on of Pl an i t 3. 13034/5/85-0P.11 Remark h theGovernmentofIndia. DetailsofEmployeesofChandigarh A dministration-oepartmentwiseand grou wiseason 2 j StatustoPondicheny. 1 9.85. Pondicherry-RequestforConfennentof82 . 9. 13034/22/85-G13.11 K - 10. 130. 34/25/85-6P.11 11. 14014/l/$5-GP.II V.-.--'' eee 12. 14014/2/85-GP,I1 Pondicherry-Starting ofaVocational TraininglnstituteatPondicherry. Chandigarl)-Creation ofPostsforproviding Police Guardsto Banks/lnstitutions Chandigarh-Creation ofOnePostof . Dep Ch utySuperintendentofPolice(Security) andi arh Administration. l3. 14015/3/85 -GP.1I PensionersoftheUnion Territory of )'e ! Oftices/lnstitutionssituated within 8 km . From theM unici allim it01Pondicherry. Pondicherry-Applicabilit'y ofincreasein thenMi P sionit mouth mea Pmo ens ui n ot no er fs Pa end siWi ond /o Fw amily N j Pondicherry-Delegation ofPowersto Lt. Governorto sanction HouseRent- AllowancetoStaffworkingin 15. 4031/)/F5-GP.II ! Chandigarh-Up gradationofStat' usofZila Sa G inikWelfareOfticer,Chandigarhf' rom aztttedGrou B toGr etted Grou A. 14 14026/1/85-613,11 / J j ' l% â Pondichen'ygovernedbytheEx-french Pension Rules. )- 16.14046/7/85-C+. 11 Ch A n dig rh PoliceFund-waysf0rit ua me na ta tion. 17. 14046/50/85-0P.11 Pondicherry PoliceW elfareSocietyRequestforperm ission to allow the P ondicherryPolicetocreditFundsari si ng outofsaleofempty Cartridgesto tlle 18 15041/1/85-GP.II 19. 13018/1/86-GP.J1 Pt. file 22. 13034/1/86- ' L GP11Vol.l1l 23. 13034/11/86t.. ,'e''' e GP.Il,Vol,11 $r As Other sist antSecretaryV/sGovt.ofGujarat& s- Pa mentin de utation Allowance. !4û14/4/86-GP.1l w 26 l4ûl4/8/86-GP.ll %' -'-' Scale ofChandigarh Adm inistration l Com mlssion'srecomm endations. Chandigarh-Regarding revision ofPay j ProposalforRaising ofOneAdditional Com any ofPondichen' y Armed Police. Chardigarh-ProposalforCreation ofPost fortlleProposed Police StationsofNorth of / and forPurchaseofVehicles. Chandigarh-Proposalofthe Chandigarh An U dmi itonfis Ctr haa tn io dn igta orh reP oo rg li a cn eiz ae nd til P euSrc eh cu as ri e tyof 28. 140l4/11/86-GP.1l r T enitoryofChandigarh. Chandigarh-Regarding revision ofPay Sa en ct c oti ro3 n9C ,U on . T ve .y oe fd Cf hoar nC di rg eat ri ho-n(2 o) f-Posts > 27 14014/10/8& GP,TI j Iaaw and OrderReportin respectofUnion GP. ll,(PtII)Vol.I1l E Sc aleofChandigarhAdministration m loyeeson CentralPattern. 2 / Paym entin (le utation Allowance. O.A.N0.167/93 tield by Sh,M .C.Rothi, EmployeesonthepattemoftheFourthPay 24. 13034/11/86- $ for. Dadra& NagarHavcli-W .P.field by $h. M. GuC .Rothi,aFornwrEmpioyeeinthe jaratHighCourt& Unionoflndia21 13028/3/86-017.11, l AccountsofPondicherry PoliceW elfare Society. Pondicherry-contingency Fund of Pondicherry-Augm entation of. Pondicherry-Reliefto Victim sof Calamicies-Ex-post-factoSanctionsought 20. 13028/3/86-0P.11 j j Vehicles. Chandigarh-RequestforCreation ofpostof Deputy SuperintendentofPoliceforAnti- hi A j ia ckingDutiesatChandigarhCivil rport. > 1 r- 1 t5 , $ k I â 29. 140l4/12/86-GP.ll Pondicherry-CreationofaStparatePostof t Cime olleSca ctor forPondicherrryintheSenior leofIAS. 3û. 14026/1/86-G13.11 t - t Cbandigarh-ErthancementofW ashing Ad llm owinai n st cr e at ri e os n pe Ec mtol foUye .T es .ofChandigarh . l 31. 14031/2/26-GP.11 Chandigarb-Treatmentofportionof j ' 32. 14046/9/86-G13.11 AdditionalDearnessAllowanceasPay for the Pu oseofRetirementBenefits. RegardingAbsorption ofElectricity and ot C hacndi rDga eprah. rtmentsEmployeesintheU. T.of 33. 14046/15/86-6P.11 I 1 ApprovalofSchemefortheSaleof Promotion ofSolarCookerin U.'l., Chandiarh . 34. 14046/33/86-G17.11 ( Pondicherry-Requestforconferm entof Gazetted Statusto tl)e SuperintendentGr. intheGovernmentofPondicherry.(2)- I j : I ) Requestforconferm cntofGazetted Status to consdentialAssistantto L.G. - jy . , 1 . r I J I I . - I L . 3-1 u . S, N o. File No. Sub'ect Rem ark I . 1. 42/35/52-N05 (SCT) ScrutinyoftheCommunalReturnsand 2. SheetAbsorbanceofthe Communal representationsOrders-Appointm entof Controllin Authorities. GrantofFinancialassistanceto Dr. )e ' ! 2/86/56-S.N .G . I Saif-ud-dinKitchlufromtheHome M inlstersdiscretionaryGrant.(Case . I i ( sonsoredbyMinistersforWH &S , 3. 1/3/58-S, N .G. C oncsess ion , e ,age axa tion rtion. admi is on toi c om etr ie til ve Exa mf i0 na 4. 1/15/58-S.N.G. . 1/25/58-S.N.G. 6. 1/32/58-S&NG X ' i I / l ' theM inistryoflnform ation & Broadcasting forcounting ofbreak in Serdce. PoliticalSufferers-GrantofService Concessions-Case ofSh.HarSwarup G upta,PosatalClerk,DivisionalOft ice, M oradabad. y j An AppealofSh,A.D.M azum dar,a P on oli R tie cs ae la Sr u ch ffe Ore ft rk s,e ar ti p nrR ese ntDi apvipo d R. si in ot ne of 5 ! RelieftoPoliticalSufferers-Grantof ) PoliticalSufferers-GrantofService l t x ho ns ee fi a td sm tois Pso ib li l t e ict a olR SWa uffe rr S ec rr svsic me' ilarto J Candidates. 'T'- 7 1/37/58-S&NG ' PoliticalSufferers-GrantofSenice Concessions-Case of Sh.Dharam Vir S ingh,SectionOmcer,M/WHSfor GrantofService Benetitsasa Political 8. 1/42/58-S&NG Sufferersin respectofthe Senice rendered underin Ex-BilaspurState. PoiiticalSufferers-Cotmting ofbreak in ServiceforSeniority and Confirmation- CaseofSh.B.Mukherjee,Assistant, 9. 1/43/58-S&NG 1 M inistryofFoodandAgriculture(Food i De artment. ! PoliticalSuffercrs-GrantofService L CD on CceEs ssi ss-cOfas fsS N. .Dutta, to an te fe ico er ,h M. /WN HS. , 10. 1/45/58-S&NG J Reliefto PoliticalSufferers-Caseof Sh.KherSingh forassistancein rCSignationofhisServiceswi ththeEx- l l INA , . 1-** 1/57/58-S&NG PoliticalSufferers-GrantofService Concessions-caseofSh.PulineBihari 1 Dl x Gboseforre-employm entand Others benefitsetc.Referencefrom the M inistl'y ofW ork,Housing and Supply .. of). > ' 12. 1/62/58-S&N G PoliticalSufferers-service benetits- C aseofSh.K. venKenna,ex-llavildar, J Clerk IndianArmy. 13. l/71/58-S&N G Reliefto PoliticalSufferers-Caseof Shx ameshwaraRao,LDC removed ' f rominServicein1942forsabolginga ( Train. 14. 2/109/58-S&NG 15. 2/1l0/58-S&N G DetailsatConcessionsgranted to PoliticalSufferersintheOrissa State. DetailsatConcessionsgranted to Po li ticalSufferersintheAndhra radesh State. l6. 2/117/58-S&NG k ' ' ' r'' ! j RqleasingtoPoliticalSufferers-Home Mi nistersDiscretionaryFund-Casesoî 12 Person Submitted by M inistersto .. r I ! HomeM inisters, 18. 2/265/58-51NG DetailsatConcessionsgrantedto 19. 2/280/58-S&NG RelieftoPoliticalSufferers-Grantof 20. 2/401/58-S&NG k...''-' q 21. 2/402/58-S&N G PoliticalSufferersintheBombayState. j s mallloantoPoliticalSufferersin Delhi-Rulesfordisbursem entetc. y ' Reliefto PoliticalSufferers-Educational Facilities- SchemefortheUnion rri tor ofHimachalPradesh. Re Reliefto PoliticalSufferers-Educational 1 Fa T en cilt it oir eyso -fSDce hl e hmiefortheUnion l 22. 2/403/58-S&NG Reliefto PoliticalSufferers-Educational Facilities- Schem efortheUnion TenitoryofManiur. 23 2/404/58-S&NG Reliefto PolitioalSufferers-Educational ! j . / . f0rgrantoftinancialassistancetothe roposed Degree College Raobareli. 2/659/58-5&, N6 , 1 Reliefto PoliticalSufferers-Home Mi o fS nh iste rsjD s retma ionrar raonba tsRle uest An ani ic Ku oy fG Ra re i,q GTI . 1 ( Fa A dcm ili t nii estr at S io cn hemeforTripura 24. 2/625/58-5&N6 f . . . i DetilsatConcessionsgrantedto P St oal iticalSufferersintheRajasthan te. 17. 2/163/58-S&NG j Machinerytoexercisecheckson ' ' I : ' j.- J ; j : 0 u disbursem entoutoftheHom eM inisters Discretionary Grants-lnstitutions ding. re ar 26. 4/14/58-S&NG r A LokSabha StarredQuestionNo.1206 pn o ro2 p5 o. s 3 e. d 58 tore I x gaa rd sk in eg dP bo yli Sti hc. aP la Sduaf m fer D er es v 27. 4/22/58-S&NG ! f ( i ofHimachalPradesh. CutM otion in Lok SabhaNo.365/660 bySh.AurbindoGhosal/Sh.Sarjoo PandeyandS.M .Banerjeefailureto ino P tr li ot d ic u acl eSPuo ff le i t r ie cr as lo Pf eI nn sd io ia nnfF ore th ed eom j Movemcntanë(2)-Needtointroduce PoliticalPension forthePolitical SufferersofIndian Freedom M ovem ent. 28. 4/39/58-S&NG ' Lok SabhaQuestionbySh.Padain Dev referencefacilitiesto EX-m A Personnel belongingtoPoliceExaminations Starred Dy.N0.8485for j 89.58admittedasStarredQuestionNo. l ' . 29. 22/51/5#-S&NG 30, 22/62/58-5&N6 ' 'K' 1300for16.9.58. Resignaticm from Service-Procedurein respectof. Relaxationofezucationalqualifcations f 0rretentionofunqualitiedPersonsPrinciplesto observed in. 31. 22/79/58-5&N0 CentralCivilServices(Conduct)Rules, 32, 35/26/58-5&N6 GovermnentServantson the Occasion oftbeirRetirem entorTransfer. Home M inistersDiscretionaryFtmds- 1953-Acceptanceofgiftsby Re questforFinancialassistance-Case ofSh.S.G.D .CIU ar,M sore State. 33. 4/ls/59-S&NG i J / r ) UnstarredQuestionNo,1476bySh. SarjooPandeyintheLokSabha re P ngla i t r i d ci a nlgSt u hf e fes r u eg rs ge Cso tmm i onsit ot f ee th( e ls Dsu ee lho if l Certificatesto PoliticalSufferersin recognition ofServicerendered in the causeofGtNationalInde endenceM), LeM ' . --' 46/5/60-SC&ST Procedureto befollowedin framing of RecnlitmentRules,forrecruitmentto 35. 6/8/64- Adm. /SC&ST / )--* thePostsofU .D.C. AppointmentofAssistant ConunissionerforSC&STatBilaspur, TrivendramsSalern ,Banglore and ( h ' Qq > ,. Jorhat. 36. 1/5/78-BCC Appointm entofSh.B.P.M andal,M P C hairmanBackwardClasses Com mission. '- 37. 1/7/79-BCC AppointmentofSh.R.R.Bhole, 38. 1/l4/79-BCC Commission M HA. Creation ofPostfortheBackward Member,BackwardClasses ClassesCommission-Sanction 39. 1/24/79-BCC j f J regarding. Recruitmentto the Poststhrough VariousMinistriesandDepartmentfor j BCC (S&R W ing), 40. 1/42/79-BCC Recruitmentto thePostofJointDirector o ndeputationbasisintheBackward ClassesComm ission. 41. 1/46/79-BCC 42. 2/21/79-BCC . wz !. . Appointmentto thePostofJoint Director(Administration)inthe J B uBac dget Estima te feosrCbnuni 1980-81 n re-spect of kwar d Cl as ss ssi i on J Backward ClassesCom mission. Revised Estim atef0r1979-80 and DemandN 0,,52 - OtherExpenditureof theM inistryofHom eAffairsand Dem andNo.43- Loansto Governm ent servantsetc. , 'r' ( 43. 3/4/At'V)/80-CHCSC&BCD CreationofPostsf0rtheHighPowcr Panelon M inorities,ScheduleCastes, ScheduleTribesand OtherW eaker Sections-Pro osals. J 44. 3/4/A(Xl)/8O-CHC- DeclarationoftheJointSecretaryinthe SC& BCD High PowerPanelon M inorities, ScheduleCastes,ScheduleTribesand OtherW eakerSections-asHead of ) De artment. 45. 3/4/A(XIl)/80-Cl4C- Un-starredQuestionNo.10l1for SC&BCD 26.6,80intheRajyaSabhabySh.M.R. Krislmaregarding High PowerPanelfor benefitofW eakerSections. 46. 11033/22/80- PCWSC&ST / M.P.Letter-Letterfrom Sh.Prasenjit Bu T af ra mna gr l, a nM. jin PC .Roo eg ch arB din hg ar in Dcis dte ri nctsof j W estBengal. ,..4., J,.--.-/72/61-SCT(l) ReservationinServiceforMembersof ScheduleCasteandScheduleTribes 1 DraftofCfmsolidated Orders. / j.r N R9 1 48. 5/4/61-SCT (I) GrantofTravelingAllowanceto ScheduleCaste/scheduleTribes C Ra dona idat ca lle fortl nte rvsie wtsaoft en gi le Ce nt rd eon he Re ul M / Exam inatitmsheldby theUnion Public Service Comm ission. 49. 8/7/6l-SCT (I) SimplificationoftheForm ofAnnual Reportsregarding Specialrepresentation OrdersandtheQuestionofChallenging thereof. 5û. 2/9/67-SCT (1) AbsorptionofSh.C.K.Parmeshwaran, apermanentJuniorArtistin theOftice oftheCommissionerforSC&ST6/49/67-5C7-(l) 52. 2/11/68-SCT(l) . Questionregarding. ConfercnceofStateM inisters. FillingupofthePostofSecrdarytothe C ommissionerforSC&STand downgradingtheposttotheAssistant ! ) CommissionerforSC& STAppointm entofSh,O,R,Sllrinivasan thereto. 53, 4/3/68-SCT (1) DirectorGeneralBackwardClasses W elfare-ContinuanceforTemporary Y ' (' Po O ff si tcean Cre oandaof a stDe ofpar Res arch rd and Ja at mi ri np to he te men t j ofSocialW elfare, #.- 54 30/3/68-SCTlV/(l) Co untingofWar/MilitaryServicefor CivilPerson respectofSh.S.N.Gosain, U DC-OfficeoftheZonalDirector, Backwazd ClassesW elfareChandigarb. l 55. 31/38/68-5C-1-IV/(1) BiographicaldataofOfticersartd j Stafffurnishin of. 56. 34/2/68-5C-1-(l) lnspectionReportontheAccountof j , ' PersonnelFileSh.K.G,pishorody, DirectorGeneralBackward Classes W elfare and JointSecretary to the Governmentoflndia. 58. 4/4/70-SCT (l) , > J1 / J PersormelFile-Sh.A.M .Kurtlp,Deputy f Director,Backward ClassesW elfare. ( 600 , 6/10/70-SCT (1),Vol. RepoltoftheCommissicmerfor t-'e- -' PersonnelFile-Sh.K.K.Leuva,Zonal D Bi rector,BackwardClassesWelfare, aroda. 5 . 4/1W70-SCT (I) i l gras Mi ns t i -o in-aChe idsa nacti one dtoRamkrishna er un' i. 57. 4/1/70-SCT (l) k ScheduleCasteand Schedule Tribesfor j I i yf ' the52%-1969-70 Action taken on the Recommendation contained therein StateGovernment/Union Territories Adm inistration. 4k ..- *' ' 61. 8/2/70-SCT (l) j GroupingofPosts-CommonPostof , Postsbelonging to GeneralCentral Se C niceisi nione therOoffti ceof theOrganization omm s SC& ST- ) oîtheDirectorGeneralBackward ClassesW elfare. 62. 2/5/72-$C1-(l),Vo1.l Extensionofthedeputationperiodinthe grad /VS. IFeofZonalDirector,Sh.LBalarjee, J - 63. 2/5/72-SCT (l),(Pt. ) Vol.11 64. 2/9/72-SCT (1) t-.e..''el - FillingupofthePostofZonal Directortsl-AppointmentofSh.C.K.K. P anickerasZonalDirector,B. C. W., M adras. J : FillingupofthePostsoflnvestigatorin t heheBrra nchO ftktie C. W, hillo gand Ot Zona lOf c, eB s. of Ba cS kwar dn l ClassesW elfare(including HeadquaftersOflices . 65. 2/33/72-5C-1-(l) X( AppointmentofSh.Alam Lakshmayya t for th Se ch Pe odsu tl o efCAass ti est &anS tc Cho em du mle is T sr io i b nes rin l theOfficeoftheComm issionerfor : 1 1 66 . 3/1/72-SCT IV/(l) SC&ST,NewDehi. GrantinaidtotheBharatiyaDepressed C lassesLeague,NewDelhi,dming 1972-73. 67, 4/6/72-SCT (l) J PersonnelFileofM issB.Senapati, De uty Director,B,C.W -,Ahm edabad. 68. 4/8/72-SCT(l) PersonnelFileofSh.B.D.Sharma, Director,TribalDeveloment. / 69. 6/2/72-SCT (1),V01.1 ReportoftheCommissionerfor Sorchte f dnYe leC as esan dS chteion dule ribes he ar 1t 96970 Ac onT r ; j I recommendationsconcerning the VariousM inistriesr epartmentofthe GovermnentoftheGovernm entof lndia. 70. 6/4/72-SCTIV/I An H dhr PradIensshpeAcd a tiS evta Sang , yde ra abadti im onj Re por -k Zona lh ! Director,Southern ZonesM adras. (.. 7. ,,. 1.r 9/5/72-RU/SCT l # )e ' PublicitySupgortforremovalfor Untouchedablli ty. ' / # . 72. 12/4/72-SCT IV/I, Vol.I Grant-in aidto the RamkrishnaM ission Ashram ,P.O.Narendraptlryz4 P araganas,WestBengalduring197273. *<' '' J 73. l2/4/72-SCT (1),Vol, Grant-inaidtotheRamkrishnaMission 11 Ashram,P.O.Narendrapurjz4 Porara f ganas,during1972-73and1973-74 setting up ofan Ashram typeSchool q forScheduled Castesand Scheduled Tribe Children. 74. 15/7/72-SCT (9 OfficeAccommodation,Telephoneetc. fourct L k hn eoB wranchOfliceofB.C.W., . 75. 22/22/72-5C-1-(l) O rganizmionengagelintheWelfareof Backward Classes. 76. 23/2/72-5C1(1) k.--.-'-''T , 77. 76/#/72-SCT (1) k-.. ''78. ! GovernorsAnnualReportonthe Administration ofScheduled Areasin Orissafortheyear1970-71. TwentiethReportoftheCommissioner forib T Sec eodruyle Cra1s970tesa71 nd.S chedu eid sh f ea Subm isl s on to . )K ' M aterialofSupplytotheLokSabha Secreuriatgrant-in-aidto Voluntary X-* * --''' *- / 15/9/73-scT (l) k. .., -e'' -- 79. 40/14/74-SCT (l) 1 t jyojjxsjoyj t. Grantofcaretc.advancetoOfficera12 staffintheDirectorGeneralsBackward classesOrganizations-Re uestfor. / i ChildrenofCouplesonepartnerof whh t eiO chth bc er lo to nN gsot n oS ch edule ri b es nd sc hedul es dT Tr i bc sa - ) Referenccfrom GovernmentofKerala. 8 . 11021/9/75-SCT (I) HarijanSevakSangh,DelhivGrant-in AidDuring1975-76. 81. 21/14/63-SCT IlI(B) Requestfrom Sh.M ohanNayakM pfor gerantofRs.15û00/-ThakkarBapa ! I / Asbram ,Nimakhandi Orissa . 82. 14/1/65-SCTI1l(B) GrantinAidtotheRamakrishna Mi 2 4sP sia or n ag Aas nhar samW,es Ntar ennga dhalp,udur,rDingistrict Be , l . 1965-66-Audited Accountsfor1964-65Utilization Certificate, 8 . 14/3/65-SCTI1l(B) GrantinAidtotheRamakrishna M ission Sevasram ,Silchar,District Cachar,Assam during 1965-66. 84. 14/7/65-SCT 1ll(B) / GrantinAidtotheRmnakrishna MissionCherran unji,zurin 1965- 1 j &k 66 Recurring). 85. 14/13/65-SCT I1I(B) GrantinAidtotheRamakrishna M issionCherranpunji,tomeetthe Detk iton theapproved schemesduring 1964-65 aswellason the unapproved schemes,Rs.54,000 Sanctioned-U.T. issued, 'M ' 86. 15/1/65-SCT lil(B) 87 . 0/6/74-SCT lll 1 GrantinAidtotheHindSweeperp SevakSamaj?NewDelhiduring1965- ; j 66. I AllocationofFtmdforpreparationfor Sub-planforTribesAreasduringFifth i ./ ; ' FiveyearPlan. 88, 1 0/10/74-SCT1I1 Vol.l S ubPlantoTribesAreas-Receivtd from theGovem mentofM anipur. 89. 1û/10(1)/74-SCTlll lntegratedTribalDevelopmentProject 90. 10/12/74-SCT 1I1 in M ani tu.. Sub Plan forTribesAreasin Orissa. 1. Dy ,N0. 2363/74-5C1- No terelatingtoMeetingon IlI Developm entPlan forthe Backward 92. BC11029/1/75-SCT x/ Tx 1II(1) 93. BCl7û13/3/75-SCT ' IIl 94. BC17013/21/75-SCT 0 III 95. 11/i/58-SCT IV (.,96:- l1/8/52-SCT IV P hysicaîandFinancialTargetsachieved foral1the Centrally Sponsored Schem es > N N ! ' r 1 l ! fortheW elfareofSchedule Tribes. 11M eeting oftheCentralCoordination CommitteeforDevelopmentof Backward Classes. M eeting oftheConsultative Com mittee held on 6lbNovember1975. Parliament-LokSabha-Resolution p ! 1 moved regardingextension oftimelimit f0rConstitutionalsafeguard for ScheduleCastesand ScheduleTribesResolution withdrawal. CutM otion inLok Sabha,proposedby ! separate M inistryfortl:eW elfareoî SchedulezCastesan2 Scheduled Tribes. CutM otion in Lok Sabha,proposed to beamo G edvby Sh. Ba daik ma Ptr tap ngav De rega rëi ng nu tr odr uc ia on of 9 . 2/8/60-SCT IV I Classes. Review on Fourth Five yearPlan- Sh.lgnanceBeckregardinghavinga t..9 ,. 7.r- 11/20/58-SCT IV j freeeducation to theM em bersof Sclwduled Castesand Scheduled Tribes u to M atriculation Standard. RecruitmentofAssistantCommissioner j I 4% I I .3(. -- ' 99. 2/27/60-SCT IV * ' 1âû. 2/17/61-SCT IV 101, 5/25/6l-SCT IV forScheduled Castesand Scheduled Tribes-OfferofA ointmentetc. Recruitm entRulesforthePostof Research Officerin theOfficeofthe CommissionerforScheduled Castesand Scheduled Tribes-Framingof. RequestofSh.L.N .Rao forgrantof transferT.A .and Joiningtime Qn j AppointmentinthegradeofAssistant ( Comm issienerforSC& ST. ReportoftheScheduled Areasand ) . # ' j Sabha, : 103. 12/9/66-SCT IV RevisionofListsofScheduledCastes I 1û4. 41/9/68-8C7-IV and Scheduled Tribes- Bihar. PersonnelfileofSh.K.C.Johorey, Zoel W na lDirector,BackwardClasses fare. j 105 41/11/68-SCTJV 106.41/15/68-SC1IV Ce P or mmi sozme ssl ifileofSh.N. Das,Assistant onerforSC&STMadras. P Ce orm somni nse sl io fi n lerofoS rh S. CN. /S DTas K,a A1sa si n si tant j j 107. 6/1/72-SCT IV GrantinAidtotheBharatiyaAdimjati 1 108 1324/72-5C3-IV Sevak Sangh,New Delhifortheyear 1972-73. Grantin Aid to theAndhraPradesh Ad imjatiScvakSanghfortheyear 1971-72. ! . . ; Nom ination ofrepresentativesQfthe Anglo-lndianCommunitytotheLok 1 . ! Su ch be mzi usl s ei d on Tt ro ibP ea srC lio ame mni tssion102. 18/2l/62-SCT IV i . I l I i i # < jè# -''W ' S.NO i. 2, FILENO 85/47-POLlCE 28/l5/48-POLlCE SUBJECT REM ARKS KingsPoliceM edals- cabinetdecisiontbat alItherecommendationsf0rtllegrantof KingsPoliceandtheSevaM edalofIndian Police M edalaûer15-8-1947 should bedealt with initiallybytheM inistry ofHom e Affairs. ProtectionofthePersonsorM inistersof Pak Mi nista en rsGoo fv Pta .k ai ns d tao nfPGrt owve in rc ne os rs wah nedn visiting 3. 26/55/49-170L1CE 4. 28/4/49-POL1CE l or assingthrough India. lnstitutionsofNew awardsi n placeofthe Kni I dci g as nPolicea Mnd edFai l fe ai S terv th ic eein Mau ed ga ul rat nio dntboef ' h j the Re ublic. Proposalfortherevision of- rulesand o ln fs th ru ctionsfortheprotectionofthepersons ePrimeM inisterand Deput)?Prime J M inisteroftheGovt. ofIndiawhileon tour and inTraveland otherM inistersand Depnty M inisterswhilein residencein Delhiandon ;' $. *' 5 . 28/l3/49-POLICE 6 ' VOotDK Pr ectionofthePersonsofM inist C ommonwealtbCountriesanllothersofthe distinguisbed Foreignvisitors visiting ) , l9/2/58-POLlCE 6/4/(6-POLICE . 7 lndian Dom icion. Related to President/P.M .securit . I Conversion ofIndianRestrvtinto tbe CentralReservePolictBattalions. 6/4/6& POL1CE -PF lndian reserveBattalions. . 8 . - 9. tFolder) 1 !/51/68-POLICE l M aintenanceofCentralRecordsof ForB CF eignersintheIBandtheTransferofthc I0 . l1 . - 9/5/70-P0LICE 9/9/70-POL1CE to theadministrativecontrolofthe I.B. Recommendationsfrom theGovtOfM P for ( . theAwardofPolicemedalofGallantryto h fo s ervti bceeAw rdltoofP re sid ent policeandFire M ea da La te Sb S.Rathiand j Sh.SatishChandraand Sh. AkbarSin h. Recommendationsfrom theM anipurGovt. . Slhetlagan Bbadurand PoliceM edaltoSh. W .M omin and Sh.JitBhazhurand Sh. 12. / % . 9/1l/70-P0LICE 16/2/70-POLlCE T.J.Quinn P. Ame M. PoticeMedalForLifeSaving ndmentt)fRulesRe ardin ArmsActandRules- Exem . tionto j 3s Q MembersofFamilyofRulers-BANSDAI Gu'arat). 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 9/3/72-FINANCE Schemeforkeepingthumband fsnger POLICE-I in l mfp il r t e ra ss ni t o snandphotographofPakistani 1/7/74-FlNANCE Railway W arrantfacility- Extension tothe POLICE-I GazettedstaffofBSF,CRPFetc. 2/1/74-F1NANCE ReimbarsementofExpenditurein respectof POLICE-I Aro P mcedu pro elf ic oe r. BattaliondeputedExstate 6/2/74-FINANCE Deputation of0nestateAnnedPolice POLICE-I B P r a o t pa o l i s o an lR to eg Aa n rd oi t hg n er in f o cre s a hs o e rt i n DD ur ai t l y i onAllowances. 8/9/74-F1NANCE ReorganizationofPAC . POLICE-I 19. '( 20. j- Enquiry whetherGovtservantswho are POLICE-I e c n otm i tl p ec dnt s o at r i e onti F nre Leie Auct c hoem rem of oa dr a eti e ol n igo ib rleto continuetogettheconcession during l 7 / - 22, ( De utation trainin abroad, GrantofAdditionalLTC FOL P INAIC NC EE I 21. j ( 17/8/74-FINANCE E-24022/4/74- / 5/2/75-FlNANCE Third IlayCommission Review ofspecial POLICE-I pa o fy thae tt N ac ah ti e odnt ao lP vo ar lio us Cl ssmy -ll,lll,&lvposts ce Ac aa de 6/2/75-FlNANCE Standard termsofDeputation Proposal POLICE-I Re A ar di ngis l eotf tiowhe ninnRDe esp eoy cteodfS tat rg me d Pol cc ea Ba taR lia on pl ex -e j j State. 23 0.. ,, . 8/2/75-FiNANCE DepartmentofAdministrativeReforms u'' POLICE-I Re viewStudyofPol iceI livisionDecision e ardin . 24. 8/9/75-F1NANCE ArunachalPradesh Pglice- TamilNadu POLICE-I o Sn pe 2c9 ia4, lP ic Bapatt al oLos n-eOOfut breatkofFire 7o 4l a te Th pa -i Gov . ) ' / PrQ erties. 25'''.- 8/I3/75-FINANCE POLICE-I Delegation ofEnhanced powersto the P Iicecommunication, Df o i r C eo co trdin o ati onandPol i cewi rel e D ss i r . ect orat e ?- 26 P 5/ O1L 09 IC /7E 6-I FmANCE d Fe in le ana ct ia ol nat nodl A Gdm in ist rat vOt eP erts CI SF an di ho ew rof icers, V N i j ( B! x. . 27. ' 11-27011/13/77- lssueofConsolidated lnstructions. SardarVallabhbhaiPatelBirth Anniversary- FO P INLAIC NE CE I S olarnisationofoccasioninstallationof StatueofLateSardarPatelattheAcademy 11-27011/18/77FIN ANCE EstablishmentOfUnitsconnectedwith CISF atTheM T. - 28. POLICEI - 29. 30. / . ABU 11-27011/12/78FINANCE NoteHighlightingthework done by the variousCPOssinceM arch 1977 kn POLICE-I ch t oe nn Mec in tio st n ry wai th c tiv co itt mspf i o l a rtD ioi nsc ou fsa si r o en po ar tta on 11-27012/4/79- meetin ofJanta Parliamentary Part . Up gradationofCertain Postsin theCPOs. l / P FO INLAIC NE C-E I 31. 11-11017/1/84- CISF Fourth AmendmentRules 1983 Laying F POL INAIC NE CE I Do wnofCopiesontheTableofEachHouse ofParliament 270l1/6/84FINANCE KendriyaVidhalaya-Admission ofChildren ofCISF personnel. 27012/3/85- Raising ofA demonstrationContingent P FOL INAIC NE CE I C omp si ntgrai Tni w0 at oho ssatr enegt hf lmpa rr tii ng ngP tl o t en Tr ine of tio cr ersat - -t 32. i' POLICE-I 33. - 34. j 27012/10/85FINANCE . 36. NPA Permission forthtuseofstaffcarsfor Fl po thepersonaluse. 27011/24/86FINANCE Delegation ofFinancialPowersto CPOs. 33/55/5IFINANCE EstablishmentoftheCentralFingerPrint Bureau PurchaseofEquipments. POLICE-II ). * . ) I / I j ! i / POLICE-I 37. ' lnsuranceofGovtVehiclesSVPNPAHyderabad. 27012/30/85- lttN ty, C-E j ' theSVNPAH derabad POLICE-I 35. 1 ' / i 1 j ! ( > 38. u. ' 39. 40. 27012/1/79FINANCE ParaM ilitafy ForoesUnderM HA - P O L I C E I I 27012/5/83- J Setting up ofan Anti-TerroristW ing under FO P I NLAIC NE CE II ITBP. 27012/42/85- Review ofAircraû RulesOfBSF. / FO P I NLAIC NE C-E II 41. nv . j 27012/45/85- Rationalisation ofstaff structureatlG/D1G FO INLAIC NE C-E II HorsinBSF-creationofAddi tionalPosts. 42. 27012/1/86FIN ANCE POLICE-II PaymentofJourneyExpensesofGuests Accommodation totheRecipientsof PresidentM edal. 43. 27012/4/86- DeclarationofDirectorsNCRB asHeadof FO P INLAIC NE CE II d ep acrt tandRedesignationofthepostof Di re tm ore .n ) CWPinHighCourt. j ! . - /- 44. 27012/14/86- F PO I NLAIC NC EE iI 27012/29/86- Strengthening ofEnggsetup in BSF t.,.''--'-- F INANCE POLICE-II l 1 ' 46. 27012/33/86- Provision fortheadditionalfundsfor .v PI O NLAIC NE CEII Fl p aa bs r t icap ti e ol n ldos fb ry i ot Cg EuNnWO sand ST gO rodBSF. ucti onof 27012/37/86- ReportofC&AG for1985-86 47. , FO P INLAIC NECE II # j* ' 49, 27012/42/86- j J - 48. j j - 45. I FixationofAmenity ratesforuseofGovt. F INANCE POLICE-II v ehi clesfornondutypurposesincentral policeorganizations 27012/52/86FIN AN CE Dday ln sanctionofrewardsto BSF S . ersonnelbytheCustomsDeartment. ' S ! 3% J POLICE-II 1 , 50, 36/12/69FINANCE CreationofpostoflnspectorGeneralCentral lndustrialSecurity Force. POLICE-III 51. 52. 53. 2/19/75-FINANCE ReimbursementofExpenditureincurred by POLICE-III Govt.onbehalfoftheGovtofIndia. 8/15/75-FINAN CE Creation ofaPostofAccountofficerin POLICE-III UPSPF,Moradabad. 11-1601l/l8/83- ReimbursementofExptmditureincurred by FINANCE PunjabGovtOfIndiaduringtheYear1967- 11-16030/3/83- Deputationofone StatePoliceBattalionto Fo P INA tlNC E cE-lll a notherState-QuestionRegardingIssueof Deputation termsbytheBorrowing state POLICE-III 54. l - 68 1 1 b 1 Government -11' 55. 1 1-16030/4/83FINANCE / POLICE-III 56. 11-17030/1/83- . . FINANCE De putationofonestatePoliceBattalionto anotherStateex stateclarificationRegarding. ) Clarifcati onRegardingDisposalofExtra IssueofClothing issuedto IR battalions. POLICE-III 57. y 11-16û11/6/84- SharingoftheExpenditureonProductionof FINANCE Cryptographicmaterial(M in.ofDefence). POLICE-III 58 . 59. 11-160!1/16/85FINANCE GrantofSpecialDuty Allowanceand special CompensatoryallowancetothePersonnelof POLICE-III the8RacBattalionsdeputedinTripura. 11-16011/25/85- SharingofExptnditureonyroductionof r.e.''-' e* F INANCE POLICE-III Cryptographicmaterial(Mln.ofDefence). 60, 27011/2/85- ProgressofAction on NationalPolice FO P INA LIC NC EE III CommissionReports. - # X ' / 61. 270l1/2/85-(1) FINANCE ProgressofActiononNationalPoiice Comm issionRe orts. t I ) ) ) lh J POLICE-III 62. 27011/9/85FINANCE ProposalforGranting pay to shRS Kulkarni 1PS M aharashtra.Speciallnvestigation Team POLICE-III 63. 27012/38/85FINANCE ) Creationoftlle PostofDirectorinNational Crime RecordsBureau. POLICE-II! 64. l2017/21/86FINANCE h AmendmenttoruiesforthePostofLanguage Instructorin theNationalPoliceAcadem y. POLICE-III 65. 66. 1 13/10/66FINANCE ServiceIncrementand goocservicepayto thecipherPersonnelofAssam Ritles POLICE-IV QuestiontoGrantof. ! 19/2/70-FINANCE Armsand Actand Rules-Licence granted in POLICE-IV thePrivateSectorf0rManufactureofArms. ( 67 1l()11/1/82- ShiftingofParadeOroundsOccupiedbythe 1 ! ' FOL P INAIC NC EE IV AssamRit les. 1l011/1/82-(1) ConstructionofAhernateAccommodation FINANCE AtZokhaswangforshiftingoflARBattalion 1l011/1/82-(11) ConstructionofAlternateAccommodation FOL P I NAIC NC EE IV A tZokhaswangfOrshi ftingoflARBattalion from Aizwalto Zokhaswang - / 62 . . POLICE-IV 69. - 70.-e 11â11/1/82-(111) t. ,.-'- 11011/l/82-(IV) ConstructionofAlternateAccommodation FINANCE POLICE-IV AtZokhaswangforsàiftingofIAR Battalion from AizwaltoZokhaswang 72. 11011/1/82-(V) ConstructionofAlternateAccommodation V FINANCE AtZokhaswang forshiftingofIAR Battalion POLICE-IV fromAizwaltoZokhaswang 11011/1/82- ConstructionofAlternatcAccom modation k''''''- '''''''M ;-*'> 3 . ! ! ' Atzokhaswang forshiftingofIAR Batulion fwm Aizwaltozokhaswang . j ConstructionofAlternateAccommodation pol-lcE-lv 71 X- FINANCE from Aizwalto Zokhaswang 1 ) I I ! j I 1 ! 31 74. (VIIFINANCE AtZokhaswangforshiftingoflAR Battalion POLICE-IV from Aizwalto Zoklmswang 1l01l/l/*2-(Vll) ConstrudionofAlternattAccommodation FI P O NLAIC NE CE IN A ZoAi khzawa swlan forha shi tinng gofIARBattalion frt om tog Zok sf wa 11011/l/82-(VlII) ConstructionofAlternateAccommodation FIN ANCE POLICE-IV AtZokhaswangforshiftingoflAR Battalion from AizwaltoZokhaswang - 75. 76. 13011/2/83FINANCE Authorisation ofaLiaison Cellin Assam RifiesatNew Dclhi. POLICE-IV 77. 78. 1 79. j ) Fixation ofPay Selection Gradeupper DivisionAssistant POLICE-IV . 27012/29/83FINANCE Assam ritlesGroup lnsurance Scheme Depumtion Allowance. ; ' h - j 27012/55/83- Comm itteeconstitutedtodecidethe M atter ' FINANCE ofAcquisi tionoflandandAlliedMatters. ! POLICE-IV . 1 20012/5/83FINANCE POLICE-IV ! i 80. 27012/68/83FINANCE Up gradationofonePostofStenographerof ChiefengifleerAssam Riflts. POLICE-IV 81. / 27012/27/84- TreatmentofthePeriodofHospitalizationin FINANCE respectAssam QitlesPersonnel. POLICE-IV 22. 27012/28/84FINANCE I E h FirstdayPostalcoverandspecialPostage Stamp- lssueof POLICE-IV ! i 1 . 83. 11-13011/1/85FINANCE 84, -' . # r xz Continuanceoftemporarypostsincentral POLICE-IV AssamRifles 27012/3/85- RaisingoftenAdditionalBattalionsofthe HNANCE POLICE IV Assam RitlesandotherAncillary Organisations. - ! Records& unitpay Acoountsofticesof ( / j E 'M . 85. , 27012/7/85- Reimbursementofcostjourneyexpenses jrlxAxcE POLICE-IV 86. l 27012/11/85FINANCE SupplyofDay rationsto Assam unitsnot underoperationalcontrolofArmy POLICE-IV 87. I 27012/14/85FINANCE Contractforsupply ofFreshrationsunder ScheduleNo.62&81fortheyear1985-1986. POLICE-IV 88. h 27012/15/85FINANCE TenderforthesupplyofM ilk Powderto the Assam ritles. POI-ICE-IV 89. 1 j 27012/16/85FINANCE POLICE-IV 90 270!2/17/85 - IrfsAxcE j Admissiblityof25% and 50% duty allowancesto JCOsm COs/OrsofAssam ditlesforthePeriodofHaltattheTemporary R tetS a i onsup . ply Advisory Board-Assam Mu e int gt of Rifles pol-lcE-lv 91. J ! 27012/21/85- WriteoffLoses (Assam rifles) FINANCE POLICE-IV 92. 27012/23/85- RequisitionforProvisionofHelicopterfor F INANCE POLICE-IV MoveofDirectorGeneral,Assam rifles 1 Ma Revi rrsie dAofcccoemmo dationsArmyOfficersion ilings $ 93. F 27 INA 012NC /35E /85k'-'''' - POLICE-IV 94. 27012/36/85- AppointmentofEstateOfficerin Assam F PO INLAIC NE CE IV Rifies 27012/37/85- ApplicationofLiberalized pension formula F INANCE POLICE-IV t oPre-3!march1979Pensioners ImplementationofJudgementofSupreme - 95. # ,- r* ' ) 27012/40/85 - / 1 court LossofGovzrnmentstofes 17,Assam Rifles h i %+ J FINANCE POLICE-IV 97. 9 8. 27012/43/85FIN ANCE ProposalforCreationof3New SectorlGs, Six DlGsand form new group centresin POLICE-IV CRPF 27012/44/85- EnhancementofCeilingLimitofSecret FINANCE ServiceExpenditureafAssam Ritles l POLICE-IV 99 . 27012/49/85- ScaleofPay fOrthepostofDY.Assistant FINANCE Director(LegaI)intheGeneralofAssam POLICE-IV Riiles 100. 27012/56/85u.,. '' e FIN ANCE POLICE-IV t0l. 27012/61/85- -( / 7. F I NANCE POLICE-IV R aisedBatt alionsofAssamRigesSanction forAuthorisation 27012/74/85FIN ANCE F' P O I NLAIC NE CE IV - ; I ) ) j MedicalTreatmentCentralGovt. Employees I-lospitalsRecognized forthePurposeof MedicalAttendanceAssam RitlesPersonnel I ' . I j p and theirFamiiies. LocalPurchaseofM edicalEquipmentforthe HospitalsofAssam Ritlesbattalions. POLICE-IV i05. 270)2/%3/85- l W riteoffBuiëding in Resptc, tof18Assam lssueofM edicineand EguipmenttoNewly - 104. P ersonnelDeployedunderoperational controland non () erationalccmtrol. 27012/62/85- POLICE IV ! Authorisation ofM onetary Allowancesin Lieu ofRum and Càgaretttsto Assam Rifles Rit les. 103. 27012/67/85FINANCE I j Fo p INA uc NC EE lv - 102. . I j j I : E ) Up gradation ofPayofSh SllivM ohanSingh IGP,CRPF. i ) i l 106. 20012/1/86FINANCE POLICE-IV 107, -22013/1/86- ' #. .. F INANCE pol lcE-lv - ProposalforGivingExecutiveScalesofPay To Combatised M inisterialStaffin CRPF andBSF j SecurîtyAllowancesto IB & RAW . ) 38 < + 108. 27012/77/86FINANCE FunctioningofFinancialAdvisorNorth, Eastern Councilon BehalfOflntegrated POLICE-IV F inanceDi vi sion,Mini stl' yofHomeAffairs in Res ectOfTbeAssam Ritles, 109. 27/1/60-FINANCE l10. de B putationsofarmedofarmedPoli ce attalionsfrom cmeStateto Another. 1/147/68- Transferofwork relatingto External POLICE-V l j ' ) i Standardisationoftermsandconditionsof POLICE-V FINANCE j Intelligencefrom lntellijenceBureau (MinistryofHomeAffalrstotheCabinet ' Sectt.DepartmentofCabinetAffairs, 111. 11-13014/1/77FINANCE E-V BureauofIm migration- Creationand continuationofPostsetc l12. 11011/1/82-(11) ShiftingofAssam RifflesAiz-awalto FINANCE POLICE-V ZokhaswangorKhatla. ( . TakingoverofFRROnewDelhibythe POLIC ; 1 i 1 ! -( Il3. F lI 1N 0A 11N /1 C /8 E2-(lV) Z Sh oi k fh ti a ns g w0 af nA go ss raK l nhR at i fa l tlesAizawalto . POLICE-V / 114, F 1I l N 01 l/1/82-(V) ANCE 1 ShiftingofAssamRift lesAizawalto ZokhaswangorKhatla. ! i POLICE-V 115. l1011/l/82-(VII) F PO INLAN ICE CE V ZokhaswangorKhatla. 13015/4/82FINANCE OperationofA postofJointDirectorat ImphalandotherSupportingStaff. 13011/3/84- M anningofITBP seasonalPostsin W inter. - lI6. TOLICE-V 117. ShiftingofAssam RifflesAizawalto F PO INA LIC NE CE V #' - ll9. 13011/3/84-1 FINANCE RecheckingofDeploymentof6 battalions sanctioned fordeploymentin JK takingOver POLICE-V of!8BOPs 13011/3/84-11 FINANCE 1 l - ll2. ! Proposalfrom ITBP forRaising3 additional BattalionsforJK sectorand BnsforUP / 1 r qq 120. . l21. 122. 123. POLICE-V sector. 13011/3/84-111 FINANCE Proposalfrom ITBP forRaising 3additional BattalionsforJK sectorand BnsforUP POLICE-V stclor. 13011/3/84-IV FINANCE RecheckingofDeploymentof6 battalions sanctionedfordeploymentinJK taking Over POLICE-V of18BOPs 13011/3/84-V FINANCE Proposalfrom ITBP forRaising 3additional BatalionsforJK sectorand 5 BnsforUP POLICE-V sector. 13011/6/84FINANCE Raising 5moreCRPF BNS 1 ! j POLICE-V x ( ) 124. 22013/4/85- EnhancementofRatesofDeputation 1. , e. ---F INACENCE POLI V a llo wta o h ePCBI oiice ff iceRAW rson De pu an tc ioe nt tot tLe ,IO B, & 125, 27013/1/85t.-. e'' e-' FINANCE ImmediateimrrovementofService conditionsinthe IB k' . . poulcsv j 7 ; 126. 27013/1/85-1 lm mediateImprovementofService F POL INAIC NC EE V conditionsintheIB 27013/2/85- CadreReview ofIB - 127. F INANCE POLICE-V 128. 27013/9/85- Creation ofAdditionalpostatSeniorLevelin 27012/13/86- Assam RiflesM ountaineering Expeditionto FI P ONLAIC NE CE V Kanchenjunga. j PaymentofResidualValueofBuilding excluded 20% depreciatedvalueperYear. 1 130 27012/76/86., %. .. k. ''- FINANCE POLICE-V I 1 l IB - # ) FO P INA LIC NE CE V - 129. ' ( : l t Ho > + S.NO l FILE NO Vl-1l29/75-HK& C SUBJECT Retrievalofo1d tilesand p apersfromvarioussections Ofthe olice win . 2 l/25/76-HK&C 3 VI-l223/76-HK&C REM ARKS ) ConstitutionofSubordinate ServiceCommission ConstitutionoftheReview Team to go intotheworking ou q fa Dli eta st o iv ff eic ae nr dsQ ys u ta en mti ta ntive ! terms. T -' ; (r ) ),' '/ .. # q? # * S.NO 1 2 3 ..'. 1 ! ( 4 ) , .,,, 7 # FILE NO V-ll026/37/85- SUBJECT lmpositionofban onthe dispatch ARMS ou P fn A'a rm bs de aa nl der asmbmu Rnaii t l i w nn aoP ft ah re cel . V-11015/11/86- ' ImportofTelescopicsights ARM S detachableorotherwisealong with iirearm-Review ofPolicy Re arding. v-l1û18/6/86ArmsAc1& Rules. lssueof ARM S duplicateLicenses. REM ARKS j 1 9n > S.NO 1. FILE NO 11022/14/83NPC SUBJECT REM ARKS Institution of25lndependence Anniversary M edalforthe MembersoftheJailStaffof 1 TamilnaduRe uested. 2. . 3. , 11013/4+ 86- Lok SabhaNo day yetN amed NPC ' 1c-- MotionRegardingNational '11013/20/86NPC Policecommission. Assurancegiven during TheV session 1986 ofthe8thLok Sabha- GeneralDiscussion r Dee gm ara dn in ds gf Goe rn Geran lt B sufo dr ge th te (RG. D Ps. C.commentsinvitedsf rom /IGsofaIIstates/u-f' . 5. a ndri P tor ol i cemse al r me i ous ed rvi cf eo awarded on )' -1 . ' ) recommendatitmrecei vedfrom t hestateOovtetcfortheaward ) ofPresidentPolicemedalfor distinguishedserviceand Policemedatformeritorious serviceawarded on Inde endence Day 1986. 11û19/8/86-NPC Consideration of - ll 1 . r t h ee cos m t . am teeG nd oa vtio et ncrf eo cr et iv bedaw fra or md p ofPrtsidtntPolicemtdalfor distinguished serviceand Policemedalformeritorious serviceawarded on Inde endence Da 1986. . 11019/8/86-NPC Consideration of 111 recommzndation receivtdfrom tilestateGovtetcfortbeaward ofPresidentPolicemedalfor distinguishedserviceand Policemedalformeritorious serviceawardedon - .h. j Re ublicDa 1986. 11019/8/86-NPC Considerationof 6. ..., j 11019/1/M -NPC Preparation ofPresidentPolice medalfordistinguished service 1 * 8. - M inistr'ofHomeAffairs. 110!8/7/86-NPC NPC recommendations regarding amendmentof 4. 7. 1 i 9: T 9. ' lnde endenceDa 1986. 11019/8/86-NPC Consideration of -1 V recommendation received from thestate Govtctcfortheaward ofPresidentPolicemedalfor do P i sl tic ne gu mi s eh de ad lf s o erv mic ee rit ao nr d ious 10. t serviceawardedon lcde endenceDa 1986. 11019/8/86-NPC Consideration of V recommendation received from 4 .. 11. thestateGovtetcfortheaward 1 OfPresidentPolicemedalfor . distinguished serviceand Policemedalformeritorious serviceawarded on Inde endenceDa 1986. 11019/9/86-NPC Preparation ofPresidentPolice medalfordistinguished service and Policemedalfor I '( m er toer o unc sseer vi ce1a98wa rdedon Ind ei ni de Day 6. . 12, l1019/11/86NPC / PreparationofPresidentPolice medalfordistinguishedservice andPolicemedalfor 13. 11019/11/86NPC-I meeri R toriousservi ceawarlkdon ublic Da 1987. ) Recommendationforthe awardofPresidentPolice medalfordistinguished service j a ndPolicemedalfor meritoriousserviceawardedon 14. 11019/11/86NPC-II l1ûl9/l1/86NPC-VII ' X X meritoriousserviceawarded on Re ublic Day. 16 11019/11/86- ) l j meritoriousserviceawarded on Re ublicDa . Recommendation forthe awardOfPresidentPolice mne a dtP al of li oc redm ise ti d na gl uf i o sr hedservice - / RepublicDay. Recommendation forthe award ofPresidentPolice me dalfordi stinguishedservice andPolicemedalfor 15. j . j . Recommendationforthe j I I - k T NPC-VIII I7. 18. 11019/16/86NPC-I 1l019/16/86NPC-II awardofPresidentPolice medalfordistinguishedservice and Policemedalfor meritoriousserviceawarded on Re ublicDa . Considerationof recommendation fortheaward ofPresidentPolicemedalfor distinguished serviceand Policemedalformeritorious serviceawarded on Republic Day.1987 Considerationof recommendationreceived from t fh or et s h ta ete aw Gao rv dt, o UfT Ps r, e CsP idO en st ,etc . / Policemedalfordistinguished serviceand Policemedalfor meritoriousservice awarded on Re ublicDa . (' . 19. NPCl10l9I/ /86- C siderat ion onfreceived from I1 I6 reo cn ommen da tio thestateGovt,UTs,CPOs,etc fortheaward ofPresident - / P olicemedalfordistinguished serviceandPolicemedalfor . 2û. 11019/16/86NPC-IV meritoriousserviceawardedon RepublicDay,Andhra Pradesh to HimachalPradesh. Considerationof recommendationreceived from thestate G0vt,UTs,CPOs,etc f P o rt emeawdal ardfo fP re dent ol ih ce or di ss ti ingu ished i I J serviceand Policemedalfor 21. é . 11019/16/86NPC-V meritoriousserviceawardedon ; Re ublicDa .J&K to Pun'ab. Consideration of i I recommendationreceived from thestateGovt,UTs,CPOs,etc fortheaward ofPresident Policemedalfordistinguished serviceand Policemedalfor meritoriousservice awarded on RepublicDay.RajasthanTo oelhiAdmn. ! HF . > 22. + 11019/16/86- consideration of xpc-vl recommendationreceivedfrom tlw stateoovqtlTs,cpos,etc fortheawardofPresident B ltit i ' c llldllo f0 ji r cd ei m Sto in jg au ji j s o hr ed se 23. meritoriousserviceagardedon Re ublicDa . ' l1020/l/86-NPC Recommendatitm from Govtof Biharfortheaward ofpolice medalforgallantryto Sh. KumarAmarSingh,Sub24. ! 1 lnspectorofPolice,District Patna, 11020/2/86-NPC Recommendationfrom Govtof Karnatakafortlleaward of po S hlic eB, mAs eda !for gallarn,tr yto B. h0k Kuma Sub. j InspectorofPolicetfraffic), BangaloreCit k -' 25. 1l020/5/86-NPC We Recs o tmBm en eg na dl af to io rn til fe roa mwa Grd ovotfof jo jylic eme alPrfoasrg l anstr yt Gobi nd da aa dl Bi wa so , . )' j Su K hb -lnspectorofPol ice, ara ur. . 26. 11020/6/86-NPC Recommendation from Govtof W estBengalfortheaward of policem edalforgallantryto Sh.Mrityunjoy,Sub-lnspector 27. ofPolice,Hira ur. ll020/7/86-NPC Recommendationfrom Govtof ' UttarPradesh fortheaward of p So hli c eamhleaddal fo rgaSu llan r Pr Si ngh, bt Iy nst po . 28. . - .- / & . j Bareill . 11020/8/86-NPC Recommendation froln Govtof UttarPradesh f0rtheaward of po S hli c moeNan dalf or al ntry to Se he da ng Si na gh, Sub 29. . 11020/9/86-NPC Ins Bandana. Recommendation from Govtof W estBengalf0rtheawardof poIic t s j m y s e r y t a r l a j o j j r a j u a y l j a n s t u r t . t 0 1nsectorofPolice q ''''j ''j '* j ''''''''' *n'''*''''''** , '' ''=*' **''v'''+> , And ) j I >i > GourangaChandraPodlhr + Sub-lnspectorofPolice, ' 30. ll020/10/86PC okna.ur. Recommendation from Govtof UttarPradeslfortheaward of P So hli c emedalforgallantryto Hakim Rai,Sub Ins A ra. l . 31. 11020/11/86NPC Recommendation from Govtof UttarPradeshfortheaward of polic, emedalforgallantryto Sh ub .S lu sBi hC'nhour and.Pundhir, nr se 32. ll020/12/86NPC j Recommendationfrom Govtof UttarPradesh fortheawarzof policemedalforgallantry to Sa J hi .s Khak nkanra Rnad mL ,a Sl u la bnlY nsa pd,aS vh j Constable. 33. !1020/!3/86NPC ' ( Recommendationfrom Govtof Biharfortheaward ofpolice medalforgallantryto Sh. t syjaujusugj ;jstsjt.oj Policeand Sh.R.K.-l-iwary, J 34 . 11020/14/86NPC . xajanda. Recommendation from Govtof Biharfortheawardofpolice meda!forgallantrytoSh. DaulatSingh,Sutslnspectorof P olice,LanceNai kSubhash Chand OfB coy ftl , 35. 11020/15/86N PC . 23 BN, , 36. 11020/17/86NPC ofPolicej,DistrictPatna. Recommendationfrom Govtof Biharfortheawardofpolice medalforgallantryto Sh. DayaShankerrsp,Bhageshwar 37. i . 1 CRPF, Recommendation from Govtof Biharfortheaward ofpolice medalforgallantryto Sh. Va D i jd oa yn ,Sh in .g Sb agh irA hnsmpaec d,tor Sut sl & . j Dy.Stl/dt.0fPolice,District w L9. - 11020/18/86- Jha,Dy.SP,Nand Kishore Sin h,DY.S.P.and 8Others.. Recommendationfrom Govtof NPC Maharashtrafortheawardof ' : d I / I ' . I j ( 1 >+ J policemedalforgallantry to + Sl1.E.S.Amo1ik,Sublnsp 38. ll020/21/86NPC GreaterBomba Pojkx j-orce.. Recommendation from Govtof M adhyaPradesh fortheaward o 8f hpHa olic màeedca r g alhl an triy re ma dl ef ro Si ng Bi tat so . . j I t Sub Ins GRP,PS Bho al. 39. 11020/23/86- Recommendation from Govtof NPC DelhiAdministration forthe awardofpolicemedalfor . ga S llantrytoSl1.SatishKadyan, ub 1ns , 40. 11020/24/86NPC I . . j ' ' Recommendation from Govtof DG CRPF fortheaward of policemedalforgallantryto Sh ar .w Na anraSyi a nngh Si H ng ea hd ,S Cuobns ln ta sb pl .e , 41. ( 11020/25/86- And Bachan Lal,Constable. Recommendation from Govtof NPC Do p Gli c CeRmPe Fdf ao lrfo th regaw llan rd try of to Sh.DayaRam,constahleantl k 42. 43. l1020/26/86N PC 11020/27/86NPC 45. t. .,.e'-' - 1l020/28/86NPC l1020/29/86NPC j g ! ofpolicemedalforgallantryto ) ofpolicemedalforgallantryto / Sh.NathilalSharma,In ector ' l S.s.Ahluwalia,Sh.Hesto Sema. Recommendation from Govtof M adhya Pradesh fortheaward Sh.O.p.ltathore,SP,Gwalior. Recommenzation from Govtof MadhyaPradesh forthe award ' l Recommendation from Govtof Nagaland fortheaward of . 44. I Sin h,AssttSublns . ph S olic erme l fng orh, gaSh llantryto Sa wad na Si - l Sh.Nath Singh,Naikand ChandraPal,Constable.. Recommendation from Govtof DelhiAdministration forthe a wardofpoiicemedalfor gallantry to Sh.ChanderPa1 X ' So P hl S ich eiv Mt Rd am al ,fC or cmGsa ta il b al n etar nydto ' ; ( 99 J 2* 46. 11020/30/86NPC j h y t ajW j y a ll ' YsP uB b1' j U Ss l' Jt( ; K rP os f Police. ) . 47. 48. ofPolice,Bhind. Recommendationfrom Govtof M adbyaPradesh fortheaward ofpolicemedalforgallantry to 11020/32/86NPC 11020/33/86N PC j Recommendationfrom Govtof DG CRPF f0rtheawardof pelicemedalf0rgallantryto Sh.K.SBisht,DY.S.Pand 1 S C h o. nM st ab hl enJ da rl au Sn i na g n h d ,Ram Narain singh constaille,25tlà j DharambirSingh,Constable. Recommendation from GovtOf UttarPradesh fortbeaward of policemedalforgallantry to , 49. ( l1020/34/86- I)n.,PAC,Allahabad,UP Recommendation from Govtof NPc A ndlraPradeshfortheaward ofpolicemedalforgallantryto Sh.P.venkataReddy,Head N constable.Karim Nagar . J 50. NP 1l0C20/35/86- 1 R Meacnoimm tndationfromGovtof purfortheaward of i ' policemedalforgallantry to Sha.niLa M xmanPradhan,Nai k, purRiflesandDambar 51. Bahadhur,Ritlesman,M anipur Ritles. ' 11020/36/86- Recommendationfrom Govtof t N PC Billarfortheawardofpolice ' mi B e dalforgallantrytoSh. nod KumarSinha,Sub52. * 2 yr . 53. ( / lnspectorofPolice,M ainatand PoliceStation:and W est Cham aran Dlstrict. ' J1020/37/86- Recommendation from Govtof i NPC D p oGlic CeRmPe Fda folrfo th regaw ll an rt dry of to Sh.B.la.Nanaihya,NaikSher 11020/38/86- NPc Singh and constableJaldeep Sin h of7thBn. CRPF. Recommendation forSh.Uma shankerBa'ai,SPin I l 1 J connection witilacase pertaining to encounterin Villa e,Guloli. H 54. l1020/39/86NPC Recommendation from Govtof DG CRPF fortileaward of policemedalforgallantry to Sh,PatiRam,lnspector,llead ConstableUdllo Dass, ConstabieBiranchiChaudhary and ConstableVisànuKumar, hBn.CRPF Of7î Recommendation from Govtof Assam fortheaward ofpolice medalforgallantryto Sh. PhatikDuttGoswami, ' . 55. I1020/40/86NPC . 56. 11020/41/86NPC ( DY.supdtofPolice, Guwahati. Recommendation from Govtof TamilNadu forthe award of policemedalforgallantry to Sh. W .l,ilawaram,IPS C o m m r o f P o l i c e a n d A.Adaikkaiam ,Reserve ! l Ins ectorofPolice,M adras. / 57. 11020/42/86NPC .. 58. 11020/44/86NPC RecommendationfromGovtof Biharftlrtheawardofpolice medalforgaltantryto Sh.Ram Bilash Pandey,Havildar,PS Kha'ekala,PatnaDistrict. Recommendation from Govtof DG BSF fortheaward of policemedalforgallantryto S h.ConstableMukeshKnmar 43Batlalion BSF. 59. 60. 11020/45/86NPC llû20 46/86- Recommendation from Govtof M aharashtrafortheaward of policemedalfûrgallantryto Sh.Anand Ganpatrao Bhilare and Dilip Pandurang Spryawansili,PoliceSublnspector,Detection ofCrime Branch ,C1D Recommendationfrom Govtof NPC Uo p tt l ac i rePm rae ddea sl hf0fr or ga th ll e an at wry ar td oof W sh.v.p.chakraborty,SP .-. rA*' l l l k y ; / : / 1 ( ' ' 1 TV' -o > l 61. Surendra Sharma,Dy.SP and AmarChand ,Constable DistrictGhaziabad,UP Recommendation from Govtof ll022/47/86- PC . Punjabfortheawardofpolice medalforgallantry to Sh. JaskiratSingh,Sub-Inspeotor a js t1 ? C aja y j n yj ch sa yl ,S si a njh y, gS ur tl sb k y j gj, jf SunnderSingh Both Head Constable,Pun'abPolice. Recommendationfrom Govtof 62. ' 11020/48/86- NôC j Biharfortheawardofpolice ' medalforgallantryto Sh. Ao P x. lics ein haMjln pectororf sho .s lcKuma , ( Sinyh,D.lt,Ambastha,PS Khaekala,PatnaDistrict. 63. lI010/51/86- Recommendationfrom Govtof NP Biharfortheawardofpolice ( Na mer de asl hfP 0r gall antrytoSh. rasd Singh,DY,S.P.,Arun Itumarssol,And Constable J' 5- MaruaSicjàof BM lN agdlshpur,District njm.ur. . 64. l)02û 52/86- Recommendation from Govtof NPC MadhyaPradeshfortheaward ofpollcemedalforgallantryto S Dhis.tV ikashUpadhaya,S. l rictShiv uri. 65. 11020/5 /86NPC j Recommendation from Govtof Biharfortheaward ofpolice medalforgailantq toSb. Su D i s rt et nd erK marSl nghS.I, Nal anu da. . 66. l1020/56$86- Recommendation from Govtof NPC MadhyaPradesbfortheaward of S h. pM ole lc wea mLea dl al Dfu or be gy a, llantryto 67. J i l1020/58/86- M andsaur. Recommendation from Govtof NPC Punjabfortheawardofpolice m ena daha lfo a lla tryto Shha.m Ka iyr ag La l,n HC, Res zr f f l 1 ! 1 ' ' 4 ç'j k f > A Singh,NK ,M D.Bashir, GirdhariLal,KaliRam & JS PillaiConstables. , 68. 11020/60/86Recommendationfrom Govtof NPC W estBengalfortheaward of policemeda!forgallantryto Sh..M anabendraKr M a'umdar,Sl,Burdwan. 69. ' 11021/1/86-NPC SupplyofPrimeM inisters Police Medalf0rLifeSaving- 70. 1l021/2/86-NPC ' 1 ProcurementofMedalsfrom ! Pn o ol t i h ceO Mc ec dasl i s on foo rf LA ifI elI Sn ad via ng j Govt.OflndiaM int,Calcutta. Recommendationf0rthe AwardofPrimeM inister,s Police Duty meetduring 1986 . 7l. l l1022/3/86-N1:C ApplicationOfSMT.Lurindi ' DeviW /O LateSh.Bishambar ( N Gr aa th nt ,A Os fsM ist e ad na tlSAIl r l e og waa rd nc in eg attached to lndianPolice M edal. I k 72, '11022/8/86-NPC A En ll h ancementofMonetary owancesAttached tothe 73. Pre-IndependenceGallantry Awards. l1023/l/86-NPC PaymentOfBills- Ma P ol n ic uefa Me ctud ra in lg Et Ccl mRe ngeas Of rdi ng . 74. I026/4/86-NPC PoliceAwardj-Reconstitution ofTheCentralPoliceAwards Committee. jk . . zr ) ' 4 l 1 . 1 ) ( I ' JW .+J S.NO 1. FILE NO . 4/9/82-AM m E SUBJECT Declaration (ifA 20 Km Belt in Tripura- ki zoram border * REM ARKS areaasDistupbedareaunder 1 theArmedFlrces(special l c . PowerAct 1 58 2. 2/13/84-AM/NE ' CodeOfCriyinalProcedure (ManipurAm' rndment) A mendmentBill,1983AssentofTh1President. . 2/38/84-AM/NE TheManipurkiflesPolice ForceBiIl198k-Prior 4, 5. 6. u....-- 4/5/85-AM/NE . V ) TheTripuraSjateRifles (Amendment1. )ilI-1984- l l/1/85-APm E 5/4/85-APm E Pradesh. Enhancement fthe Autilorized ca italOf t j. . a tyo A ru rn( a jy ca hy aj o lj P yr j a(e nrorest j.s Investi gationtjCBIonSh. . 7 *N A rovaloft1) 'ecentralGovt. AssentofThePresident. Statehood for runachal .( t.., .--' -r 8 I4/54/85-AP/NE TadarTangtFkrmerMinister ofSu l andirans 0rt) . 14/62/25-APm E k. ,..--''e I I j ! ! 1 i M inisterOffic Reg. Compl aintLe ll edbyMajor 9 (J ., ..---' 6/5/86-AP/NE Mfont j hlyrecor from Embassy 10. Alleged Encro chmentsin . ) ' l O ndia. 6/6/8& AP/NE ï k., ..... -m Ke N anc al hanpur.DstrictOf . 7/I4/86-APm E j DraftRecruitmtntRulesfor t Mle an Aas gs ei r staAnPtGstt alansport kn te er Tr , . j D e tt. 12, 8/3/86-APm E Statehood forArunachal l3. 8/4/86-APm E StatehoodforAiunachal .w,,. ,-'- Pradcsh. 55Amk ndment I 1 S I rl uo bd-Dei d vi d sis ot n ri c It nloAFull j ' Bill,1986, . 14. . ReferencefronsPrime Genl.A.S.Gur a. 11. I 14/5/86-APm E Up gradation ofChallenged (i . . $ ! ! l ç: > 1 ' J* I5. 14/7/86-AP/NE 16. Cec S rea ti onofPostOfPrivate retar to CS. 14/9/86-APm E Subsidiary Intelligence x.e . , . ' - j B ur poss a gin gles int we se ta su iaOu ngt Di tt ri ct tJ -or Re qt j handedover1) CM . l7. 17/2/86-APm E WritPetition(Artidt32oftht 18s .w Constitution) 17/2/86-AP/NE(P1' W ritPetition(Article32oftl' le . 't.-'-- FILE) Ccmstitution) 19. W ritPetition(Allicle32ofthe l7/2/86-AP/NE-I constitution (' Y. ) I ) 20. l7/2/%6-AP/NE-Ilj ' Wri tPetition(Article32ofthe I Constitution 1 21. l7/2/86-AP/NE-Ili WritPetition(Article32ofthe l Constitution) 1 22. 17/2/86-AP/NE-lV ! 23. 20/85/86-A13+ E ' Clearance forconducting ' t. , .. , .'e . ! WritPetition(Article32ofthe j constitution ecologicalresearchinTirap 24. ) DistrictofArunachalPradesh. 22/3/86-A13+ E IB reportson ChristianAffairs ' inrad P Ti rapDistrictofArunachal esh. N J iz 1 j : i ; ! ' s-tq ; / ' 2*- S. NO l. t, . --2. 1.... -* . 3. FILE NO 1/586-NE SUBJECT PM References-Regarding REM ARKS Cri t o bn actrr e nt i0 onoo ft f kNto rs rt p haE st a esd ti nthe j 1/5/86-NE -PT File PM Referencrs-Regarding. Concern to officerspost tribalre ion ofNorth Eaesd i nthe t 1/20/d6-NE ! Referencesreceivedfrom c .hief M inistersofTripura a ndAssamonregistraMa ni p ur tion of j , 4. t. -.---' -' -' Coo trative rou . PM offke Referencesregarding incentivesand Allo I/22/86-NE wances to c entralGovt.Employees workin intheNorth East 5 1 . 2/16/86-:E ConstructionofRail-cum road . Br B idgeoverriverBrahamputraat o ieel. ( 6. 2/20/86- E 7. 2/34/86-N onthecabi netnote s . 2/42/86-N2 Constructionofnew MG RoaAilwaarytaL t inefromKumarghat la inTri ura. 9. I Road SohemesintheNEC Seventh YearPlan. VayudootSenicesœ om ment t.. , ..--- . 8. j 2/50/86-N6 j ProposalTo setup athird unitof GA B sTurbinesd65MW at aramurain TripuraunderNEC j Ian. l0. 3/1/86-N E ' Tenth M eetingoftheCommittee o fMi n i smen terstfo rE conthom ic De vel op of Nor Ea stern ll. ) ( I Region. M eetingûfNE Regiona! 3/3/86-NE I ' 12. 3/7/86-N E Mt C dicalColltgeManagement om m ittee. M eetingofBoard on Shiûing cF E uC ltiv ation:considerationof m em o. 13.:. t.--'.. 3/12/86-NE V U 6/2/86-NE I 1 1 $ M eeting OfOfticialLevel Comm itteeto Serviceand Mi Sup np is o tr et rs thf e oC ommi ttee f rEco nomi co (... -1. 4r ) . , 1 5 Develo mentofNE. RecruitmentRulesforthe M postof edicalOfficerin NEPA . l - -. . - .- ! . > 15. . A- 16. . ' 6/3/86-NE Creation OfPostofVeterinary l doctor 1 . 6/9/86-NE Deltgation ofPowerstotlw Director,NEPA to in our Expenditureon Entertainment Pet' t works. , r--' 6/l%/%6-NE l8. 7/4/$6-NE NEPA -Revised Scheme. Up gradationofthepostOf 19. FinancialAdvisor-NEC Recruitmentf0rthepostof e 7/10 . 86-NE Res NE CearchofficerPlanninginthe l ) . 20. 7/l1/26-NE 21 7/19/à6-NE . Recruitmentf0rthejostof ExecutiveEn ineerlntheNEC. RecruitmentforthepostDirector l of R lnformationandPublic elationsin theNEC j . 22. 7/l9/8$-NE-Il RecruitmentforthepostDirector. of R ela nt f i or n msai t ni otb neaN nd EP Cub lic SH . ( ' V. ) 23 7/23/8/NE Mp lula afi . Rec. r itz me nk taf orthepostof 24. 7/25/86- E S tatisticiani ntheNEC. AppointmentOfsecretary North 1 Tj ak sk tt rnCouncilSectt-Sh.RK u J . E J 25. 26. 10/12/26- E DisposalofSurplusAssetson 12030/24/ 6-NE Ccohmep S leti onofaParticular meProject. ! OrdersoftheSikkim Cabinet RestrictingtheFunctioningof t C àommi eState t)ublicServi ce sslons. 1 ' I F ar - 1 - - - ' ' . , tx ' l t .v: l : S.NO 1. *- 1LE NO . 10/13/75-PERS . SUBJECT REM ARKS Permanentabsorptionof ' I nspectorsin theFacultyofLawAmendmenttotheRecruitment rui D l r es ct for( th Le ApWostofAssistant 2. 3 . , 4. 5 . 6 . ' ( . 7 H Pa yi d ne te fa rb ca u d m.-Art i sti nN' PA- PERj ' 1 l984hel dbyUPSC. ) - ;/ g- 4 1-1401 I/8j-PERS- Appointmentto IPS on theBasis o fCivilservicesExaminati on 1984held b UPSC . 1-210l6/5/85-PERS Promotion ofSh. AArjunan,1PS and V.BalchandranIPS, Dtputy Doir J n tt cD toi rs e, cR toArs Winto Rt AhW ePo sts onfet Ca bi , 1-45920/51 85PERS : 1 ) . ) sx reuriat. FacilityupofthePo stofAssistant l Dnit i rh ee ctS oV r( P Tr aining h do logy) NPAHMe det rao ba d. j atthecentreofthe ear1986. ) - I ' . thepostofpeonintheSVP 11 d NPA- erabad. I l-140l2/1/85-PERS- Appointmentto IPs on the Basis ofCivilservicesExamination Y 9. j l-120l7/9/25-PERS ReunionofRtcruitmentrulesfor thePostofHospitalorderliesin theSUP-NPA-Hyderabad 1-!2017/13/85RevisionofRecruitmentrulesfor J 8. 1 l-1Q017/2/85-PERS RecruitmentRute sforthePostof 11 ' t 1-2s015/1/8.-PERS Empanelment- IPS Empanelm ent ofIPS offcersforthepostofJS ' ! f SX O 1. A yu FILEN0. SUBJECT 7/33/76-51G Govt.ofOrissaProposalfor thechangein thenameof REMARKS dih K st rictç sBoudbondmals''asttphulbani'' 2. /3/82-M G GovernorofTamilNaduOfticialresidencesunder1 schetlnleofthestates . Reorganisation(Governors AllowancesandPrivileges ) 1 order)1957Amount Admissibleto Sh. S.lw.lfhurana,Governorof TamilNadu -Re arding. , 7-. ,. --*-- 11/13/82-MG RegulationsOfairJourney. 4. GovernorofNagaland ' 7/ /86-M G ( AllowancesandPrivileges) Order1981Amendmentof . 5. ' ( 7/I.7/86-M G VisitofGovernorofSikkim t PoGhanaandUSAon 1 rivateAffairs. Mi P ri zo v i l r eames ( ) AOll r o dw er al w9e 1 8s 6and j 6 ' 7/23/86516 7. 10/1/86-M G M inistersAppointment/ re istrations/Portfolios. 8. 10/4/86-MG-I M inistersAppointment/ Issueofthe Governorof - . t 9. reistrations/Portfolios. l1/8/86-MG 1l. X' 4.. 1. 2.. :--- l1/9/36-M G 11/25/ 6-M G 1l/3!/86-MG r ! 1 tchamharwadito Chandan ur'' Proposalfrom theGovt. of HaryanafortheChange in - ' ! ProposalFrom theGovt.of Ma i har ash traof for thle Cehange n the Na me Vi lag 10. h t heNamesofSatrod railway stationto Hisar I Cant. Proposa)forthechangein thenameofVillage t&Dakhla''asRSurgitSingh wala''afterthtName of LateOlympian hockey Ca tainS.sur-itSin h. J Proposalfrom theGovt.of BiharfortheChaneinthe / I i ! f l '' J Y j nameofVillage(,Chondihayy j asChandrana ar'' ' $ ( % J i I + I V t) S.NO 7M' 1. FtLENO. SUBJECT 2/)/86-JUDL ThecodeofCriminal CELL REMARKS Procedure,1973-Section 327Non-ComplianceofStatutory provision inregardto in Cameratrialin rapeand other SexualOffences-lssueof lnstructions. 2. 2/5/j6-JUDL ThecodeofCriminal CEBL Procedure,1973-Castingan OblijationOnthePoliceto Ft a ut r b ne lss htagc eoo pf yre to mt a hn edAucnc duersed à section l67-Amendmentof. 3. 2/l0/@6-JUDL PublicationofCompilationof CELZ SutmrdinateLegislationisstled un P derthecodeofcriminal rocedure,l973 2of1974) 4. 2/12/8 UUDL CELL ThecodeofCrim inal Procedure,1973-section 167- ( . 5. ( r 6. l A mendment-Referencefrom thePrimeM inisttrOffice. . 2/14/86QUDL ThecodeofCriminal CELL Procedure, Suggcstedi ln g7 th 3e -Atmerdments ' d f r o m t h ewo Add ni o ti to es recelve nal / j Secretar M HA NationalPolicecom mission ThirdReportRecommendationin Para 2/l8/86-)UDL CELL 2 2. 28RelatingtoIssueof GuidelinesforM aking Arrest- 1 Follow u Action. 7. 8. 10/8/8&Jt)DL W ritPetitioncriminalno562 CELL l of1986 ) p reviousinstructi onsunderthe provisotoclause(1)ofArticle J 13/1/86-3tJ' DL CELL UttarPradesh Gangstersand AntisocialActivities ordinance,:986-Prtsident 213ofthcConstitution, m 13/2/8&JUDL StateLegislation- Thecodeof CELL CriminalProcedure(Rajasthan è ' . t, . l3/3/86-JUDL Am A endmentlBillI986mtndmentofStction 357. J StateLegislation-Thecodeof l e z $1 1 .... . .... .. .. î......... . .. . . .. .... ... ... . .. . Co I > l CELL #' < CriminalProcedure(Assam Amendment)Act1983Repealed oftheActb , AssamRepealingBill y -1t 9 b8 e6 - 11. l3/6/86-JUDL CELL t AssenttotbePresident. StateLegislation- Thecodeof CriminalProcedure(Rajasthan AmendmentlBill1986- ' Amendmentofsection438 relatingtoAnticipatoryBailAssentofthePresident. 1 ( I I I # MN t! ! j ' l i > S.NO 1. r . FILE NO. SUBJECT 1293/J5/75 Indian Delegationtotbe 5: 2. 58/1/86-JUS at u nG ite dnationalcongressheld eneva. Ma drasHighCourt A ointmentof3ud es. 3. MadrasHigllCourt-Proposal , . REMARKS 58/2/d6-JUS u... ,.. -, r 4. forAppointmentofSmt.. Mari aTheresaPadmi ni Jesuduraiasajudge. AppointmentofSh Lingraj 59/1/8 -JUS j 1 ! . Rath,Advocateasa ' pe H i r m ha C no eu nr tt J . udgeofOri ssa j > d-> - 1 i I 1 ; i * # , l ! l ! j ' t ' L Q- ! 1 * S.NO r - # FILE N0. SUBJECT REMARKS l. $ drneass I l30l9/l/8l-VC Re Ordi na cl eOf s Publio 1 . 2. ' 15014/2/84-VC 3. l3014/1/85-VC h 4. ' agH M ai A nstSl 1.R.D.Sharma, l5012/1/85-VC t 5. M emorialfrom Sh. D.s.Kanwar,Section OfficerM HA againstthe Penalty ofReduction in the timeScaleofPay. DisciplinaryProceedings 1 DispleasureoftheGovt: Representationsfrom Sh. Narayanswamy,Additional Secy,H.v.Goswami,Joint Sec.and M M Sharma,DS M HA . j17011/1/85-VC Subm issionofAnnual Retulmsby Grcmp A and Group B officers Regarding Immovable propertyunderRule18(1) 11oftheCCS(Conduc1) Rules,1964. 6. 20013/3/85-V0 PE 3/84-ClU(F)against l 7. DPschauhan. 1 12020/4/86-VC ComplaintAgainstSh.RC I Sabharwal,ArchitectFor ' t Ale All egedCorrupt ctivities. 8. 13014/4/86-VC j ! : j DisciplinaryProceedings ' agai MH A nstSh.DalipKumar, l xwhe*medz v)s /cofo df , l ''' l:'t?/isktlr1*1k-'--*'--.-- 11' > . q / .-xy llL ' I l2'' 11 j 7** 1---*-** -** ' D3tO--'*---. ' ,.;k sjj yjj /yj (jrj(j.........$/ .. ez ejJ t, @ j.tw. . z j., ; jjj;r g jt 1 f. $t. ' j t/11(16.111T:Ctt'CI*'****' * I j
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