SANQUH BEMO BANOUE BEMO SAL RCB: 17837; BSE N": 1111; LIST OF BANKS: N" S3 UNAUDITEO CONSOLIDATEO STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION AS AT JUNE 30,2014 IN ACCORDANCE WITH INTERNATIONAL FINANCIAL BEPORTING STANDARDS Hcad Ottie: Elias Sarkis Ave., Bemo Bldg., Ashrafieh, Beirut - Lebanon I Tel: 01-200505 i:::a:a:ia:ii:ffiI .Jele,H:i tpfl Cash, compulsory reserves and Central Banks 413457,18 Deposits with banks and financial instiRttions 191,272,18 Loans to banks and Financial lnstittrtions #7,632,614 26,512471 31fi2,281 20,226,lW N,W1,il7 44,1il,U9 g!2,u1,241 918,365,819 Financial asses held atfair value through Profit or loss Net Loans and advances to customers at amortized cost Net Loans and advances to related parties at amortized cost Financial assets held at amortized cost 765,169 2,195386 539,790,432 564,556,559 Oebtors byacceptances v$78,n9 15,1v,2W lnvestments in associates 20812354 14,78,1m .20,819288 575,556 677,316 Property and equipment lntangible assets 14,800,m7 2,259,705 Assots acquired in setdement of debt 2,831,019 Other assets Total Ass€ts lnterest income lnterest expense Net interest income Fee and commission income Fee and commission expense Net fee and commission income Net interest & other gain (loss) on FWPL portfolio -Of which net interest on FVTPL portfolio Gain on exchange Other operating income Net financial rovenues 132,131,2281 44,159,152 (30,971.140) 17,995,181 3,399,769 13,188,012 3,800,953 1237,1281 3,162,il1 {668,057) 3,132,896 4,475,a58 1,504005 3,031,585 50,126,409 5,798,073 985,646 2,093,657 899,897 1,256,477 24,275,355 28J12982 Allowance for impairment of loans I Write-back of irnpairment loss on loans (251,8041 {842,856} 545,256 23,977:155 (9.599,998) (5,955,845) (1,063,687) (43,968) (16,653.498) (1,170,8/7], 296,835 2A,758.013 (10,934,348) (8,083,623) Net opetating income Staff costs Administrative expenses Depreciation and amortization Provision for contingencies Total expenses Profit from participations (Equity method) P/L on disposal of financial and non-financial assets Prolit belore income tax lncome tax expense Piofit for the period i u37,705\ (42,4961 l'19:198,1721 71 5,990 1,019,712 10.595,543 6,143r10 ,677,2811 (1,477,383) 9,018,262 4,656,027 13,407 4,665,991 36 11 Attfibutable to: Equity holders of the Group Minority interests BoAaD oF DiREcrofis OBEGI OBEGI SAADEH Share capital - Preferred shares lssue premium - Preferred shares i i earnings i i Foreign currencytranslation reserve | Equity attributable to equity holders i j ofthecroup Non-controlling interests | Retained Netresultsofthefinancialperiod-Profit totiiliaE,iiiiiei iiiii s#;ii ;id;i;Scuity 52,290,454 200,000 29,950,000 zz,sal,qoe i zo,olqlrc s50,000 g,11g,407i l'21,024,2601 i g,Sgg,Sto l'20,271,9591 i 184,300,923t 2'10295250 298,114 i qaz,zag i" 9,1 145) , Honorary Chairman chairman - General Manager Vice Chairman - General Manager sal HRECHDAKIAN HAJJAR WAKIM KABBANI OBEGI ABILLAMA sq!$ff8,q!$l4euaarrul*' OBEGI SAADEH Member Member Membor Member Member Member Msmber {Representod byDr. Biad 0BEGI} ,#:. ,,; Assistant Grnaral Managers: MATLOUB RAFFOUL FRANGIEH Mr, Georges Y. Mr. Joseph H. Mr, Gaby S, Corporate Banking Banking Abroad Finance, Capital I Systems Management , lHtlilldM & ERAftle+#3 lssued To Customers Received from Customers 1,289,236,838 Forwald contracts 1,607,924,557 Foreign currencies to receive 804,225,#6 Foreign currencies to deliver 803,699,071 14,990,973 Fiduoiary assets Assets under management Bad Debts fully provided lor 683,976.819 2,692,559 i ,jffi - sff#" ;}ss"-##ir :':r' .!*Ts fu; HcadOffle Elias Sarkis Ave., Bemo Bldg., Ashrafieh Tel: 01-200505 Riad El Solh Square - Esseily Bldg. Tel: 01-992500 Private an{ Corporate Banking Ashrafieh, Medawar distric! Pasteur 96 Bldg. Tel: 01-568250 cflml Managment Received from Financial intermediaries ,,i,.F#ffi,i DFK Fiduciaire du Moyen Orienl DELOTTTE E TOUCHE lssued To Finarrcial intermediaries "4+ Chairman - General Manager Vice Chairman - General Manager Dr, Riad B. Mr. Samih H. AuDrqryi:,ijs(' . Engagements by sighature r{.', "#ffi -J"ffi" Mr. Henry Y. Dr. Riad B. Mr. Samih H. Sharikat Al lstismarat Al Oropia Lil Sharek Al Aousat (Holding) Dr. Ara Ohannes Mr. Jean V. Mr. Antoins Y. MANSOUB Sheikh Hassan lsam M. Mr. Georges B. Emir Karim S. Ashralieh Biad El Solh Dora Katrtarl Sin El Fil zouk Verdur Chtaura Rabieh $ Cyprus Elias Sarkis Ave., Bemo Bldg,, Ashrafieh Tel: 01-200505 Riad El Solh Square, Esseily Bldg. Tel: 01- 992600 Dora Hwy, Tachdjian Banking Center Tel: 01-257771 Fakhreddine St. Tager Bldg. Tel: 01-373314 Charles De Gaulle Ave., Debahy Cenler Tel: 01-513990 Zouk Mekayel Hwy, Vega Center Tel: 09-21 1 182 Saeb Salam Blvd., Al lwan Bldg. Tel: 01-793420 Jdita main road, Khalil Akl Center, Tsl: 08-544725/8 Rabieh main road, Lahlouh Center Tel: 04-408910 Hs liilillF.\\\lll{1/z tl\iit,li,ii{fl#iii:!+l.iri!.;.'.2 iri,ir .,1} Doma Court, 227, Makarios lll Ave, Limassol Swift: EUMOCY2I. Tel: +357 25 587M0 Fax: +357 25 587064
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